Dan's Story Pt. 01


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She snuggles up to him again and whispers, "Oh Dan, we could make such beautiful music together." Dan feels his face getting hot, as she swivels her hips and rubs against him. He feels a fire growing in his loins and a lump growing in his pants. She giggles and presses herself to him, only causing the bulge to increase. Dan cannot push her away now or someone may notice. He thanks his lucky stars they are on the far side of the floor when the music ends. She remains entwined with him waiting for the beat to start again. Dan's in misery.

Music wafts out over the dancers and they start moving again. He eases her away from him and she glances down at the front of his pants. Quickly he pulls her to him again. "Why are you doing this to me? I can't go back to the table like this!"

Ginger: "I'll go with you to the wall and you'll slip away to the bar, get some beer and come back to the table. Its simple, isn't it? But one favor deserves another. You will come swimming with me tomorrow night at Brown's Beach after dark. Is it a deal?"

Dan: "No. I will ditch you right here and I will go to the wall and to the bar. Ha!"

Ginger: "Dan, if you do, I'll make a scene and everyone will be looking at you. Want to try me?"

Dan groans and dances on, but now he feels so threatened he's lost his erection, so as they pass the table he guides her to her chair and goes around the table to sit down.

She gazes at him across the table and says, "I envy you, Marie, and he's such a divine dancer." She smiles sweetly. Dan drinks a long draft of beer. He speaks quietly to Marie.

Dan: "Honey, Why don't we stay home and make love all weekend. Next Monday I have to start work again."

Marie: "Now who's horny? What did that Ginger do to you, my little man? Did she turn you on?" She mocks him.

Dan turns to Clay and says, "Would you mind if we opted out on tomorrow?"

Clay: "Well I guess not, but I was sort of looking forward to us all having a good time at the beach. What's wrong, Marie? That time of the month?"

Theresa: "Clay! That's a little personal, isn't it?"

Clay just grins at her and says, "Marie, Dan and I go back a long ways, don't we?"

Marie: "Well, I for one, would like to go but if Dan has some reason..." Ginger smiles across the table in triumph.

Dan: "If you have your heart set on it, why not?"

Clay: "All right. I'll take them out and pick you guys up about noon. How's that?"

Ginger: "Oh Clay, I have some things I have to do in the morning and I was hoping Theresa might help me. Besides it's so hot at noon. Why don't we go out about three in the afternoon? We can start a fire on the beach and cook supper out there. Maybe Betty and Gord would like to join us and we can bring lots of beer." Gord perks up at the last suggestion.

Clay shrugs his shoulders and looks at Marie and Dan. "Does that suit you folks?"

Marie: "Sure, it makes sense to me." Dan nods his agreement. Ginger is looking calculatingly at him and she licks her lips.

After the dance Marie and Dan walk home with Gord and Betty. Dan helps support Gord, who is pretty drunk but he's not unmanageable. Then Dan walks Marie home. He is pretty quiet. They are preparing for bed when Marie says, "Dan, what's wrong with you tonight? Did I do something wrong at the dance that you didn't like? Don't you want to take me to the beach tomorrow? What is it?"

Dan: "No honey, everything's all right."

Marie: "Everything is not all right! What did I do?"

Dan: "It isn't you. If you must know, it's Ginger. She come on to me on the dance floor and I would rather not go out to the beach if she's going to be there."

Marie: (teasing) "What did that bad girl do to my big strong husband?"

Dan: "She come on to me! I would rather not discuss it!"

Marie: "She sure has you upset! Did she try to seduce you or something? I saw her making eyes at you all evening. What'd she do?"

Dan: "She clung to me and wiggled her bottom against me and got me aroused. Then she teased me cause I couldn't come back to the table like that! Now you know! It embarrassed me! I don't like her!"

Marie: "That doesn't make sense! I know she has a bad reputation and you are pretty...handsome...but she was only there an hour? She was teasing you like that? After only just meeting you? Come on, Dan, what's going on here?"

Dan: "Nothing! You were there! Did I do anything wrong?"

Marie: "Hmmm, I didn't see anything, but it still looks fishy. Maybe in her crowd that's the way they operate. I'm sorry I said we would go tomorrow." Then coquettishly, "Come to bed and I'll show you how sorry I am."

Dan crawls into bed beside her but feels miserable. She cuddles against him, softly blows in his ear as her hand seeks his member, and then she kisses him. Dan's response is wooden because his mind is elsewhere. He suddenly feels a great need for her and takes her violently.

As they lay side-by-side Dan feels remorse and tries to apologize.

Dan: "That woman got me so worked up tonight and I'm afraid I was too rough with you. I'm sorry, dear."

Marie: "Were you thinking about her while we were making love, Dan?"

Dan: "No! I was so angry at her that the anger carried over into our love making, that's all!"

Marie: "Why, Dan? That's what I don't understand. Why can she upset you so easy? She only touched you for ten minutes on the dance floor and, except for making eyes at you, hardly spoke to you all night. You're not that vulnerable?"

Dan: "God, Marie, leave it alone! I want to go to sleep."

Marie: "Daniel Miller, don't you speak to me in that tone of voice! What did I do? You just made love to me and now you try to shut me out! What's going on, Dan?"

Dan's caught. He explains the whole story to Marie.

Marie: "You lied to me! You let on you didn't know her! What else have you deceived me over? And Clay knew all about her and said nothing! Everybody knew except me, didn't they? They say the wife is the last to know."

Dan: (trying to put his arms around her) "No one knew except Ginger, Theresa and Clay...and Sam. Hell, I didn't even know her name until tonight! She was always 'that waitress at Fran's' or 'Theresa's aunt'."

Marie: (pushing Dan away) "Sam knows too? I won't be able to look at anyone tomorrow."

Dan: "Honey, we'll just stay home tomorrow. She'll get interested in some pilot and we'll never see her again."

Marie: "Oh, you think so! You lead her on! You flirted with her at the restaurant, you said so yourself! She probably thinks you'd enjoy her company on the side! Would you like to screw her, Dan? Tell me, honestly! Maybe you already have! Is she a good FUCK, Dan?"

Dan: (shocked) "Marie, I've never heard you use such language!"

Marie: (mockingly) "All right! Was she a good LAY, is that better? I don't hear you denying it."

Dan: (quickly) "No! I've never touched her till tonight on the dance floor! You MUST believe me! I love, I want, Hell, I NEED only you!"

Marie: (getting off the bed) "That's what you say! Good night, Dan."

She leaves the bedroom with a blanket draped around her and a pillow. Dan stares open mouthed at the door. He gets up quietly and moves to the door. Marie is curled up on the couch crying. He stands there for a while. He goes back and sits on the edge of the bed. After about ten minutes he gets up again and goes out to the couch. She is turned away from him and he can still hear infrequent sobs.

Dan: (softly) "Marie, you'll catch cold out here. Please take the bed and I'll get my sleeping bag and sleep out here." He gently touches her shoulder. She pushes his hand away, but suddenly twists on the couch and clutches him to her. "Oh Dan!" She pulls him down on top of her, "I love you and I'm so sorry I said those awful things. Please forgive me." She kisses him.

Dan: "There's nothing to forgive. I deserved a good tongue lashing so we're even. I love only you and I think you know that."

Marie: (grinning) "Well, get off me then, you big oaf!" and Dan tumbles to the floor. They laugh and return to the bedroom, hand in hand. "You just wait until tomorrow," says Marie just before they fall asleep.


When Dan woke up that morning, Marie was already up and in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He had joined her and again marveled at the size meal she consumed. Without comment he had gotten dressed and went out to look over the car. No one had touched it so he sat in the seat and puzzled over what he was going to do this evening to keep Ginger at bay. The funny thing was that he sort of enjoyed the lusty actions of the 'other woman' but he knew that she had to be eliminated before he would have any peace at home. He certainly did not want to jeopardize his relationship with Marie, who he loved with all his heart.

Puzzle though he might, he had not come up with any answers. He gave up and returned to the apartment. Both of them seemed distracted this morning and had not said much to each other. Dan had gone into his study. Marie had started putting things together for lunch. It was a quiet light lunch and they're enjoying coffee when the phone rings.

Marie "Hi! ...Oh, hello Mother. ...No, I thought it might be my girlfriend, Betty ...Yes, her husband works with Dan ...she's a treasure and has made me feel so welcome ...no, she doesn't work. ...He's right here. ...I will, Mom ...I haven't had a chance yet. It's only been a week and Dan has been off so it's been like another honeymoon ...I know Mom. Dan starts work again next Monday. I'll get a paper and see what jobs are being offered. Something will turn up ...Oh, I didn't know her that well ...At least it happened in her sleep, poor soul ...I'm very happy, Mom! ...He took me dancing last night. ...It's a nice apartment and it feels just like home. ...Give my love to Daddy ...Ta ta."

Dan: "How is everyone?"

Marie: "An old lady that lives just across the street died. I didn't know her that well, but I guess Mom did and she thought I might be interested. She was old and died in her sleep. I'm sorry to hear Mom has lost a friend, but I guess it was only a matter of time."

Dan: "She still thinks I have you living in a damp dirty basement, doesn't she? I heard you reassuring her."

Marie: "She's just worried because I'm so far from home."

Dan: "She doesn't trust me, Marie!"

Marie: "Let's not start on that again."

Dan goes back and sits down at the table again with his coffee. Marie comes and slides her arms around his neck. She kisses his left ear and as he turns his head that way her right hand flashes down and picks up his coffee. She takes a quick slurp and puts it down again. Dan's head comes around with a grin and she plants a kiss on his mouth that is watery with coffee. They giggle and wrestle a bit then with Marie on his lap they share what's left of Dan's coffee between them.

Marie wiggles in his lap and turning towards Dan she stretches both arms behind his head and nibbles at his chin. "You haven't shaved this morning! I'll chew your whiskers off!" Dan lowers his head under her chin and kisses the side of her neck. He kisses a line up to her ear and mildly bites at it. She brings her chin down and her head around to kiss him full on the mouth and her tongue pushes deep into his mouth. Dan responds by cupping a breast and working his hand slowly around her nipple. This love play continues for fifteen minutes or more before they decide to head for the bedroom. Clothes leave a trail from the kitchen to the bed and they proceed to satisfy their lusts when they hear the phone ring.

Dan: "Oh, no! Not now! Let it ring!"

Marie: "It might be mother ringing back. She might have forgot something. Let me up, Dan!"

But Dan just starts moving again.

Marie: (laughing) "Dan! Please. It will only take a minute." she wiggles free of him. "Hold my place. I'll be right back." and she giggles as she heads for the phone.

Marie: "Hello ...Betty? ...Busy (she laughs) Yep, the same thing..." She glances up and bursts into laughter.

Dan is standing in the bedroom door beckoning to her. He is naked and has a long stiff erection pointed in her direction. He arches his eyebrows in query.

Marie: "Its Dan ...Never mind, I'll tell you later." Dan gets a pained expression on his face and she breaks up again. "What'd you want? ...Right now? Give us half an hour, please...please...I though we weren't going till three. ...Oh ...No you can't watch! We'll be ready. See ya." She hangs up and swoops towards Dan, all in one motion, and has a hold on his erection. She guides him back to the bed and says in a throaty, sexy voice, "Let's go!"

They climb into bathing suits right out of the shower and are dressed when Betty comes running up to the door. "Damn, I'm too late!" says Betty as they open the door.

Marie: (grinning) "Not by much!" and they laugh together.

With five in the Volks and their contributions to supper, as well as blankets and towels, it's quite a squeeze. Clay gives her the gas and away they go out of town to the crossroads. They swing right and down the dirt road about a mile then pull into the drive to the beach. Up over the hump almost scraping bottom and there is the shore and the island ahead of them. Clay pulls to the right and they go up to where Jack and Lorena had parked the last time. The girls are nowhere to be seen as everyone piles out of the car.

Clay calls, "Theresa! Ginger! Where are you?" All they hear are the sounds of the surf. Dan and Marie strip down to bathing suits and Betty hurries to join them. Gord helps Clay unload the car and gets a beer. Betty laughs and says she will race them to the water and the three of them go splashing in. The water is cold, but not too bad when you get wet and they splash around together. Marie looks out across the water suddenly and says, "Oh look, Dan! Your playmate wants you to come and play with her!" She points to the island where they can see Theresa and Ginger jumping up and down in the sand and waving at them. Betty sniggers and looks quizzically at Marie. Marie says quietly, "Later." and she waves back. Dan glares at Marie and wades in to shore. He heads up the beach to where Gord and Clay are and gets a beer. Marie and Betty have their heads together and Betty glances Dan's way occasionally. Theresa and Ginger are in the water and swimming for shore.

The women all come up to the car together and towel themselves off. Theresa singles out Clay and takes him off for a stroll. Ginger gets a beer and spreads a towel on the sand. She drops down on her knees and eyes Dan, smiles and puts her beer by the towel so she can lower herself onto her stomach. Reaching behind her she tries to find the tie that holds the bikini top on, but before she finds it, Marie steps forward and gives it a tug. "Can I help you? There, I have it." and the top falls away from her breasts and lays a few inches below her on the blanket. She lowers herself till her head is resting on her hands, turns her head to Marie and says, "Thanks." She rolls her eyes towards Dan, who is suddenly very busy with driftwood for a fire.

Dan: "I guess I'll go gather a bit more driftwood. Marie, would you come and give me a hand?" He holds out his hand and she takes it as they wander away down the beach.

Marie: "Did you enjoy the view of her creamy tits, Dan? She did it for you, you know."

Dan: "I know! I don't know how I'm going to do it but I have to put her in her place once and for all!"

Marie: (venomously) "Don't you dare! You let me take care of this!" She grits her teeth together.

Dan: (chauvinistically) "Honey, I started this thing and I should see it through."

Marie: "Have you ever heard of a woman scorned? You end it and she'll get you! I end it and its just another battle lost, no big deal. So smarten up and stay out of it! Got it?"

Dan: "I guess so." He sounds doubtful.

They gather up two armfuls of driftwood and bring it back to the car. Dan starts laying out a fire close by. He sites it so the high tide will just catch it and take away any hot embers after they leave. Gord is plunked down in a lawn lounger he's found up the beach. It was broken but he has fixed it with driftwood and wire. Somehow it's managing to handle his two hundred and a quarter plus pounds. Betty and Marie are lying on a blanket with cold pop and playing cards. Dan joins Clay and Theresa who are sorting out the food. Clay draws him aside and says, "I warned Ginger to back off. I asked Theresa to speak to her too and I'm sure she did. After all, enough is enough, right?" Dan looks a little relieved.

Dan: "Did Theresa say her aunt would stop this nonsense? It's certainly got out of hand. The bitch worked me up good on the dance floor last night and I couldn't come back to the table with a tent in my pants. She did it on purpose!"

Clay: "Sooo, that's what happened! I wondered what was going on. Theresa said she is not going to do anything else. She assured me it's over."

Dan: "Thanks, Clay. That's a real relief."

They step back to join Theresa and take some pans to the fire area. Dan says to Theresa that she should check Ginger who has fallen asleep, so she doesn't get too much sun. Clay and Dan go over to the blanket where Marie is with Betty and urges them to come for another dip. Meanwhile Ginger is up and entering the water again. She goes quite a ways out to swim and the others splash and swim together just off shore. Suddenly Theresa comes running down the beach calling, "Ginger, Aunt Ginger, she's in the tidal bore!" She frantically waves at them and points to sea. Far out is flailing arms being swept around the island. Clay calls to her, "Swim for the island!"

Clay looks at Dan and says, "She can't hear me, Dan. I'm not a strong swimmer. I know you are. Can you go out a ways and call to her to swim for the island. Don't get caught in the current!" Dan looks confused but Marie says, "Hurry!" so he sets out with a strong stroke to intercept her. He gets within hailing distance and calls, "The island! Swim for the island!" He feels the tidal current pulling him her way. He treads water and backstrokes to hold position and calls again, "Ginger!" She raises her hand but it drops back. "Swim for the island!"

She calls weakly, "I can't! Too tired!" and she sinks below the water.

Dan works his muscles and drives ahead. She bobs up not far away and he renews his efforts. As they round the tip of the island and seem to be heading for the sea they are swept into a backwater and near to a small secluded beach. Dan puts his feet down and finds the water only chest deep, so holding the limp form of Ginger he carries her aground and lays her in the sand. He presses his ear to her chest and can hear nothing so quickly checks her pulse. It's weak and fluttery so he rolls her on her side and opens her mouth. Out gushes water so he quickly lays her back and tries mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Applying his lips to hers he blows and feels arm encircling his neck. Her tongue pushes into his mouth and she shakes with mirth as she kisses him passionately. Dan pulls away with a start and stares at her.

Ginger: "Well hero, don't you think you deserve a kiss for saving my life?" He just sputters as he tries to stop panting. His muscles ache from the hard swim and he can't believe she was faking. He starts walking back into the water. "Stop! Unless you want to kill yourself! That current will carry you right out into the Atlantic. We can't leave here until the tide goes out." She smiles. "That'll be in about two hours."

Dan comes back and sits down on the sand. "You planned this! You bitch! You knew the bore would bring you around to this beach all the time, didn't you."

Ginger: "Of course. Theresa and I have ridden the bore to this spot many times. Oh Dan, you might as well give in and make yourself comfortable. I am." She slides out of her bikini top. "Mmmm Dan, I'm cold. Come warm me up!" She holds her arms out to him.