David and Becky - Casavana Prison Ch. 04


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I wasn't going to say anything at the end of her emphatic answer, because if I did, I think I'd have been on the bed getting more strokes of the strap.

"Anything else?" she challenged.

"No, Madam Izabela."

"I am not satisfied with that question," she said, sternly, staring at me for a moment, no doubt thinking what to do to me.

Please don't whack me with that strap, I was hoping.

She looked down at my lunch and kicked the carton of tea at the sandwich on the plate. The tea splashed onto the bread and soaked right through it onto the paper plate.

"Look at my boot, it is wet now. Get down and lick the tea off." She pointed down at her foot, her leather strap held firmly in her hand, she was itching to use it.

I did as she told me, getting down on my knees and licking her leather boots as she put her foot forward. This was something I'd never done before and I wasn't going to refuse as much as I disliked the idea. The tea was cold, of course, and tasted horrible, but I licked every drop I could see until her boot was dry. Staying on my knees, I looked up at her.

"Think before you ask another stupid question, or next time you will get my strap again. Thank me for bringing lunch."

"Thank you, Madam Izabela, for bringing my lunch."

She looked at me with disgust as she walked out. "Stay on your knees until I knock two times on the door," she said pushing the cell door shut.

Suffice it to say, lunch was disgusting. Two rounds of soggy bread with a single tomato chopped into four slices between them. I didn't even have any tea to wash it down with. I had the litre bottle of water, so I took a sip from it, not too much because I wanted to make it last. It took me thirty seconds to eat everything, and it did nothing to quench my appetite.

She must have arrived at twelve noon, lunch time, and by the time I'd finished, it could have been only twelve fifteen at the latest, so I had almost six hours to sit and do absolutely nothing until tea time at six. Oh, what hell had I got myself into. Becky, why have you done this to me? And so, the train of thought from the morning returned, the frustration, the humiliation, the sense of betrayal, the arousal at my mistreatment and injustice of it all. When I lay back down on the bed, my buttocks were still tingling from the strapping I'd had, but it was actually aiding my arousal. My penis was recognising the pleasant feeling as my mind played back the beating I'd received from the sexy young woman.

Why did Becky have to fly back so quickly! That thought sprung into my mind. Had she arranged to meet someone? A woman, her sister, that would be ok, but what would she tell people about me. Would she tell them I was back in proper prison back home still? What if it was a man she was meeting? Jealousy flared up, but I knew all about Liam, Gina's boyfriend who Becky had used to humiliated and frustrate me. It was strange, the thought of her with Liam while I was here, seemed ok. I knew him, and although I'd watched Becky give him many blow jobs and have sex with him while locked in my cock cage, that seemed right. I was meant to suffer at their hands that way.

But a different man, that would be a lot worse not knowing who he was. Surely, she would have told me if she was meeting up with a different man for sex, she would have told me just so it would make all this even worse. But not knowing made it bad enough, just like not knowing how long I was in here for. Help! My mind was going out of control again. I needed to know who Becky was meeting, I needed to know - now.

"Madam Izabela!" I yelled. "Madam Gabriela!" I was shouting as loud as I could looking at the camera. They must have been able to see and hear me. I shouted again and again, continuing until my throat hurt, but no-one responded. "Are any of you bastards listening to me. I want to speak to my wife. I need to speak to her now. Madam Izabela, Madam Gabriela!" I yelled over and over.

After several minutes, I became exhausted, the frustration and anger having temporarily left my system, or at least bottled up somewhere else. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes, there was nothing else I could do but wait for my next interaction with a real person at tea time. There's not much more I can say about that first afternoon, it's difficult to get across the boredom of being in a practically empty, colourless room, with absolutely nothing to do. The five hours I waited felt like an eternity. Time crawled along slower than anything I'd experienced before. Was I going to have this every day for the next three months - minimum? If so, it was going to drive me insane.

Eventually, three bangs sounded loudly on my cell door, I was already prepared as I'd heard another door opening outside, and I jumped to the floor and got into position. The afternoon had gone on so long, I was sure this must be my evening meal being brought. I was absolutely starving and intended behaving perfectly so as not to give any reason to receive punishment or lose whatever food they were bringing me.

The cell was perfectly tidy, not that it took me much time to get it straight, and I was in perfect position on my knees with my back straight, hands behind my back and head pointing to the floor. I heard the footsteps approach, possibly Madam Gabriela, and waited for instructions. Her booted feet were right in front of me, her bare thighs so close to my head, and in the silence that followed I assumed she was looking around the cell checking for the slightest thing to pull me up over.

"Get up, prisoner." It was Madam Gabriela.

I got to my feet quickly and stood still and straight willing my penis not to increase in size from its semi erect state. I looked ahead, not directly into her eyes, more the top of her head which was level with my own eyes. She was standing close enough that I could smell the scent she wore; it was intoxicating.

I flinched when she got hold of my penis, oh, it felt so good. "You are not so pleased to see me this evening," she said. Was it a question I should answer or was it merely a statement that I had no right to answer?

She let go of my penis and pinched my left nipple, hard. Then she twisted and I let out an agonised moan. "I asked you a question; you are not so pleased to see me? No hard penis; do you not find me attractive?"

"Yes, yes," I stammered, she still had my nipple twisted between her finger and thumb. "I do find you attractive, Madam Gabriela, but I didn't want to show disrespect."

As I finished the sentence, she gave an extra twist before letting go. "Good, prisoner, you are learning quickly, but before you get the nice meal I have brought for you, I will test you to see if you still find me attractive."

She took a step back and I was better able to see what she was wearing. She wore a short, black leather skirt and a short, zipped up, black jacket. "I give you permission to look at me while you touch your cock. I want to see it hard to prove you still like me. Do it!" She shouted.

I gripped hold of my penis and looked at Gabriela's delicious form; it took seconds to bring it to full erection while she looked at me. I was expecting her to let me stroke it for her, it would have been humiliating, standing naked in front her while I masturbated. That wasn't going to happen though because as soon as she was satisfied it was fully erect, she told me to stop.

"Ok, I am satisfied. Unfortunately, I have seen nothing to award you a punishment, so I will go and get the meal I brought for you."

She turned away and I watched her perfect buttocks, tight and shapely with her long, smooth bare legs stretching down to her ankle boots. Her bare flesh looked so enticing and I imagined her completely nude under that skirt; my penis throbbed with frustration, a trickle of pre-cum oozed out.

She came back in with the tray and stood before me. "You are lucky tonight; you have hot food."

There were three fat sausages, half a dozen small boiled potatoes and some carrots on the plate. I stood still, saying nothing and doing nothing. I was determined not to slip up and lose my meal.

"Take everything off the tray and put on the floor," she ordered.

I did as I was told, all the time feeling her eyes following every move I made. I made no mistakes as far as I could tell. I stood up and awaited her next instruction.

"I will leave you now, so wait until the door closes and I give two knocks before you eat. Understand?"

"Yes, Madam Gabriela."

She turned away and walked out of the cell door. "Light goes out at midnight. No wanking or you get the cane." She closed the cell door and gave it two firm knocks.

My stomach was aching to eat the meal she'd brought and I sat down on my mattress and put the plate on my knees. The food wasn't hot, but it was certainly the warmest meal I'd had since arriving and I ate it with relish trying not to go to fast. Even the coffee was moderately warm, although I did drink it down in one gulp. Despite pacing myself, the whole meal was gone in the space of two minutes leaving me, once again, at a loss for something to do.

I was told the evening meals were served at six, so that meant there were almost another six hours to go before the lights went out at midnight. Normally during the evening I'd have been going out for a drink with friends, or a stroll along the beach with Becky, or curled up on the couch watching a movie on TV having a glass of wine, or having sex with the most gorgeous wife anyone could wish for. I might have been getting a sadistic tease from her too, with my penis locked inside the cage, but how I longed for any of those scenarios. It had been only two days and I was desperate to be home.

I could feel my earlier frustrations coming on again and I fought to control them. There was no point getting so wound up about my predicament; I was going to be here for three months, so I was going to have come up with a way of coping. I lay back on the bed, my penis semi erect, looking at the camera high on the wall near the door. I knew the female guards could see me and there was nothing I could do to hide my nakedness from them. The humiliation of it drove my lustful thoughts and my penis began to grow again. It was so frustrating that I couldn't control it, but it felt so good when it was aroused, even though I wasn't going to touch it. The angry frustration was growing again so I turned onto my side and closed my eyes trying to think of anything but sex, beautiful girls, cock cages, Becky, female domination; it was a struggle.

I managed to hold myself together that evening hoping that if I relaxed and didn't think about the months ahead, I could somehow switch off, as if going into hibernation. I must have drifted off to sleep a couple of times and fallen fully asleep at some point because when a full bladder prompted me to wake up, I was in darkness. The second day had passed, leaving me with two months and twenty eight days to go... at least.

Coming next in chapter 5: Madam Popescu comes to my prison cell.

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jamieanne63jamieanne63about 2 years ago

I enjoyed this chapter...the corporal punishment scenes were especially nice. He has certainly realized the seriousness of his situation and that he is undergoing a very real punishment...as he was bluntly reminded when he asked for a book...Thank you for a good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, "I could not trust Becky any longer." was a line I have been waiting for. What happened at last night's dinner? Did he get dinner? Did he get any water yesterday? I am surprised that he had to go to use the toilet. So far he has only received 1 liter of water this morning, he is supposed to get at least 2 liters a day. I guess they are putting him in a starvation mode now or at least a dehydration one. He forgot, already, about the midnight light shutoff. He would have remembered that from his first night. He was only beaten 9 times today. Being locked up without anything to do would drive someone insane and I guess it could happen. David, please keep your anger to focus on surviving. I am not sure about reading through 16 chapters of him being in this prison. It is well written but would like a couple of chapters at a time be combined for keeping our readers interested.

Al_AnonAl_Anonover 2 years ago

I agree with others that this has been a bit of a boring set of chapters, but I feel like things are about to pick up with the Madam. And since Becky claimed that she and her are a lot alike, I expect some mind-fuckery and unfair games over the next dozen chapters. At least I hope thats what happens. Not sure how many chapters of 'David was bored today' I can tolerate.

As for those wishing for divorce? I personally hate such stories. I don't read erotica to see the main character experience personal growth and fulfillment. Thats what non-jackoff material is for. I'd rather see her divorce him than the other way around. I want to see him get mistreated & screwed over. Thats the fun part. If he ever 'wins' it's a letdown.

killerwhale420killerwhale420over 2 years ago

Fourteen more chapters please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

But David's daughter? money for living ... bills taxes?

MaxxafterDarkMaxxafterDarkover 2 years ago

Love it so far. Im really eager to what is coming next. And i really hope they make him somehow jealouse about what he is missing at home. In this chapter he got so envy by his thought alone, i think if he only gets a small information from Becky he will suffer so much :). Great story .

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulayover 2 years ago

I am pretty much in accordance with the rest of the people here. I actually want him to grow a backbone. Submissives can still have backbones. He could still grow one. And doing that I think means actually divorcing from Becky once he's out.

I don't know what you have planned, but I honestly wish the punishments were bad enough that it started morphing into torture. Not to be cruel for cruelty's sake, but to harden him. He needs it badly. Even now he just has no self control. He needs to learn that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

16 chapters of this ... ugh. Overall, this story is a masterpiece. However, maybe I'll tune back in once Casavana is done. Nothing erotic (for me) here. Reading about how boring David's cell is? LOL! Discover the magic of the summary sentence. You are a wonderful writer, but there does not appear to be anything interesting on the horizon. Get him out of prison (after a week or a year, I don't care), just do it in one or two chapters. Above all, bring Becky back!

AssshAssshover 2 years ago

Don't tell me you're gonna rant about this for next 8 chapters!!!😅

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Only a few swats with a strap? Come on! Beat him into a pulp. Tattoo Becky on his penis. Hang him on the wall. Give that candyass what he deserves for being such a pussy. Make him cry all day for the next three months. He basically asked for this. No sympathy for the loser.

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