David and Becky's Risky Game Ch. 01


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As we stood facing each other beside the bed, she lifted the T-shirt over my head and dropped it on the floor. She looked up at me with her deep brown eyes and grinned as she moved even closer. She ran her hands over my bare chest, her finger tips brushing my nipples. She lowered herself to a kneeling position, her face close to my clothed, but erect penis, and began undoing my trousers. She pulled them down and grinned again as she saw the bulge pushing into my shorts.

"I really missed you, David," she said.

I was almost shaking with lust, the first time I'd had such intense feelings for weeks, it was better than I'd remembered. She slipped her fingers into my shorts and pulled them down, allowing my penis to stand rock solid, inches from her face. I ached for her to touch me, but she knew it, and she was going to make me wait, it was exactly what I was expecting. She stood and slipped her dress from her shoulders letting it drop to the floor. She was completely naked, and it was only then that I realised she had picked me up from prison wearing only that dress and absolutely nothing else.

Her body was sensational, perfectly proportioned with firm breasts, slim waist, smooth tanned skin, a sight that I'd been starved of for so long. She was a beautiful woman, a sexy woman, with such strikingly attractive looks, dark hair resting on her shoulders, dark brown eyes, a seductive mouth and a wicked smile. I was so desperate for her. She climbed onto the bed and lay on her back moving her legs apart.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked.

I climbed between her legs and knelt, my penis erect and throbbing.

"I've missed your tongue more than you can imagine." Her hands pulled her thighs wide to expose the inner folds of her pussy.

I leaned forward and put my face close to her sex. Her scent drifted into my nostrils and my lust levels rose to another level. She closed her eyes in expectation of what I was about to do. As desperate as I was, I wanted to please her above all. I gently ran my tongue along her wet pussy and revelled in her moan of pleasure.

I licked along the soft, delicate folds of her sex knowing how pleasurable it was for her. She moved on the bed, positioning herself to gain as much from my tongue as she could get, and I moved with her. I knew what she wanted, what she liked, the speed I moved at; I was an expert in what I did for her, just as she was for me.

Listening to the sounds that came from her delicate lips, and the movement of her hips, I increased the pressure from my tongue to make it as enjoyable as I could for her. She whispered encouragement as my licking became quicker and with more pressure, now giving attention to her clitoris. It was as though I could feel the pleasure she felt transmitting into me, and my penis throbbed with her lust.

It was clear she had missed my attention as she writhed about on the bed, her pleasure growing as she approached a climax. I could always tell when she was getting close, I always could, and I knew it was very near, so I pushed my face against her pussy and inserted a finger deep inside her while my tongue concentrated on her clitoris. She almost screamed with pleasure as My finger stroked and my tongue licked. Her orgasm struck within seconds.

She rubbed herself into me, grinding hard against my face while her orgasm wracked through her body in waves of ecstasy. It lasted for many seconds as she used my head and face for her pleasure, using me as she floated on a wave of utter delight. As she slowly returned to sanity, still holding my head tightly, rubbing her pussy more gently on me, I was almost gasping for breath, my tongue and jaw aching from lack of practice.

"Oh, David, that was so good ... so good," she said dreamily.

I was expecting her to pull me onto her, but she closed her legs and rolled onto her side with her eyes closed. I waited for her to open them again, hoping it would then be my turn, but, after a couple of minutes of relaxing, she breathed out long and hard, then sat up. I was confused. She looked at me and smiled, her hair was dishevelled and she looked as though she'd just run a marathon.

"I know you were probably expecting something from me, David, but do you remember anything else I said to you just before they took you away?"

I knew there was something else, but I genuinely thought she'd said it as a playful tease, something she wouldn't carry out given the circumstances. She was amused by my hesitancy because she knew I had remembered.

"You don't want to say it, do you, poor frustrated David." She looked at my expectant hard penis as I knelt on the bed.

"Just in case I got it wrong, remind me," I said, knowing I wasn't going to get to come, even on the day I got out of prison.

"I said I would make you wait one or two days more."

"Oh, Becky," I pleaded.

She gasped with shock, putting her hand over her mouth dramatically. "David, are you protesting? You know I punish dissent."

She was correct; it was strictly forbidden for me to protest or ask for an early release from an enforced period of time without orgasm. Punishment for this offence was harsh, and she loved to inflict it on me.

"I'm sorry, Becky, it was just ..." I stopped talking when I saw her raise her eyebrows in surprise, waiting for me to 'make her day'.

"Thank you," she said, satisfied there was to be no further outburst. She climbed back on the bed and knelt in front of me so we faced each other. "I am going to be extremely lenient with you on this one occasion because I know how hard the last few weeks were for you, so there will be no further punishment."

I sighed with relief, which amused her.

"But we do need to put this little contraption back on, don't we?"

She reached under her pillow and pulled out my cock cage.

The only, tiny bit of comfort over my time in prison was not having to wear my cock cage which restricted the size of my penis to little more than its size when flaccid. It was excruciatingly frustrating to wear, naturally at its worst when I was sexually aroused, and it ruthlessly prevented an erection. I had been in it for over two weeks before my imprisonment, being forced to suffer acute sexual frustration while pleasuring Becky and her friend, Gina. And being forced to watch them both pleasure Liam.

"There's no way that is going to fit in this," she said. "I'll go and set the shower temperature to cool your passion."

She jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom leaving me wallowing on the bed, my brain whirling in disbelief at my wife's delicious cruelty. As I listened to the shower running, my penis was already going down, I wanted to please Becky all the time, and although I hated being locked in the cage, I did it for the benefit of the wonderfully cruel games we enjoyed. She had said I'd have to wait one or two days for my release, but I really didn't expect her to enforce it, especially not after seeing how hard a time I'd had. At least I only had a couple of days to wait for it to come off again.

"Ready, David!" she called.

The shower wasn't freezing cold, it wasn't warm either; she'd found a perfect temperature of it being uncomfortably cool, but not unbearable. It was enough to shrink my penis down to a manageable flaccid state. As soon as I was out the shower, I dried my crotch area first of all and let her quickly fit the hard plastic ring under my testicles, followed by the cage around my penis. It all snapped together efficiently and secured with a tiny padlock to hold it all tight and tamper proof. Only then was I allowed to dry the rest of myself before getting dressed.

"Come on, David, let's go onto the balcony and watch the sun go down. We'll have a drink and I'll tell you all about my holiday."

Once dressed and settled on a couple of loungers with our drinks, I looked across at Becky, wearing a fluffy night robe, her hair still not dried after having her shower, a nice hot one. "Go on, tell me how your trip went," I said.

"The villa is absolutely beautiful, it's on a hill overlooking the deep blue sea with only a short walk down a steep path to the beach. Oh, David, the sand is soft and golden, and secluded, it's almost private; in fact, nobody else went on it all the time we were there. You saw my all over tan, all of us got one. We were totally naked on the beach every day with the sea just a few feet away to cool us down when the heat got to us. It was so tranquil, so relaxing, and in the evening, we sat drinking wine watching the sun set."

For the first time locked away, I felt my penis starting to twitch. I was sure Becky was a mind reader, she knew me so well and she knew I was just feeling the first discomfort in my cage.

"You want to hear about what we all got up to, don't you?"

My mouth was dry, and when I answered: "Yes," it almost caught in my throat.

"After showering every night, we would always start by talking about you, wondering what you were doing and how hard a time you were having."

"That's cruel," I said, thinking out loud.

"But it got me and Gina so worked up and ready for sex. You know she's a colossal bitch, don't you?" Becky said this with amusement.

"Of course, I do, especially after what she did."

"I know exactly what she did to you, David, she knows herself how mean she was."

"Mean?" I said, shaking my head, she angered me so much did that girl. "It was a disgusting thing to do to someone, telling the police about the accident. It wasn't as if we'd hit the car and we'd left the driver for dead." My anger at how Becky had taken her side and gone away with her began to stir within me, but I managed to hold back on saying anything else.

"I know, and what makes it worse, we spoke about it almost every night we were there. Gina loved the fact you got jail time for what she'd done, and she got so turned on by it. I have to be honest, we all got turned on, I'm so sorry, David, but I did too."

Despite the anger and frustration I felt, discomfort developed in my groin as my attempt at growing an erection pressed against the hard plastic bars of the cage.

"And she caned you for accusing her of stealing from you, which she obviously did, at the same time knowing she'd shopped you to the police."

I clearly remembered the anger I'd felt that night, Becky spelling it out wasn't making it any easier.

"I don't know where to start talking about all the sexy fun things we got up to," Becky continued. "Suffice it to say, in the four weeks I was there, you managed three selfies which probably weren't very satisfying, and I probably had about forty which were stunning. Gina would have had the same." Her grin became very mischievous. "If you want to know how many orgasms Liam had, we kept a list, me and Gina, just so we could tell you what you missed."

My penis was at its peak frustration now, and I would have to say, in all honesty, I'd missed it while in prison. I hated it, but I loved it also as my anticipation grew, needing to know these weird figures Becky and Gina had recorded. "Go on, tell me."

"Including the night we arrived, I was there twenty seven nights. He came in my mouth seven times, Gina's mouth five times. Inside me eight times, inside Gina ten times and by hand from me twice and Gina three. Altogether, thirty five orgasms."

"Oh Becky, that is just so sick." I was weak with frustration, jealously and utter helplessness. "Making a list? Does Liam know about it?"

Becky thought it was funny. "Of course not. It was just a little jokey thing me and Gina did. It started as a competition between us and then we thought it would be good to tell you when we got home how much you missed out on. I'd love to go into more detail of exactly what we did, but I'd be up all night telling you, and ..." She paused and looked away.


She looked back at me; guilt written all over her face. "I might be catching a plane in the morning."

"A plane? In the morning? Where to?"

Becky smiled innocently at me. "I know, I should have told you earlier, but you know I always come up with something different and even more cruel things to frustrate you."

"I've only just got out of prison and you're flying off somewhere and leaving me?" I felt more shocked than angry. "You're going back to Crete to be with them again, aren't you?"

"Well, it was partly your fault for getting out of prison early. We decided to stay at the villa for six weeks just in case they wouldn't let you out until the end of your sentence."

"The judge said she was recommending four weeks with good behaviour," I protested.

"I know, but there was always the chance that didn't work out, so we planned to make full use of the six weeks just in case."

"But you're home now, and I'm home, why would you go back?"

"I came back to meet you from prison, I flew over as soon as I got the message you were being released. I promised I'd pick you up, and I did. But I told the others I might return to finish the holiday. You could have come to the villa with me, just like you were going to anyway, but the terms of your release are you can't leave the country without special permission until the original six weeks are up."

I was thoroughly deflated and angry that Becky was planning on leaving me to go back to Crete. I didn't know what to say.

She laughed. "Oh, David, you look so glum. I said I have a flight booked, but I also said I only might get on it. I'll only go back if you say you want me to."

"I don't understand."

"Look at the big picture here. This is an opportunity we probably won't ever get again. I know it'd be cruel, really cruel, you being locked in that cage while I go away with them again."

"You wouldn't even let me out before you went?"

"No, not if I go. But it's up to you whether or not I catch that plane."

I wasn't totally sure what she was saying.

"To put it simply, I'm asking you to choose one of two options. Option A is: I will stay here with you, tease you for two days like I said, then I'll let you out of the cock cage, give you the relief you're so desperate for ... and deserve, and then we get back to normal. I promise, absolutely no tricks. Option B is: I fly out to meet up with Gina and Liam and stay with them until a week on Thursday. If I go, you must stay locked in that cage until I get back."

"And I get to choose?"

"You get to choose."

I knew what she was doing and I loved it and hated it, but I also thought, putting me on the spot like this was wrong. We needed to get some sort of normality back as soon as possible, and her going away leaving me here on my own after spending four weeks in prison wasn't the way to go.

"David, you know I love you and all these things I do is for you and me. I love teasing you like this, and I know you love suffering for me. But I promise I will never do anything you don't want me to do. You know that."

She got out of her chair and undid her robe showing herself to be naked underneath. She climbed across my legs, straddling me, making sure her robe was fully open. She leaned forward and gently kissed my lips. "I love you David, and I promise I'll be as mean as I can to you to make our sex life as fulfilling as I can for us both."

My penis was throbbing in my cock cage, my frustration quickly returning to its peak. It was at these times I was most willing to succumb to Becky's evil plans. And yet, this time, it felt so different. She says she loves me. I love tease and denial. I love what she does. But going away and leaving me after doing time in prison when she doesn't have to? Maybe I needed free time on my own, well away from her, to think.

"Ok," I whispered.

"Ok, what?" she kept pecking my lips. "A ... or B?"

"I'll give you a lift to the airport tomorrow?"

Coming next in Chapter 2: A trip to the casino opens up new possibilities.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, that "I promise that I will never do anything you don't want me to do. You know that." saying is getting so old. David is so trusting and likes what Becky is doing to him that he deserves all of what they are doing to him. His loving wife is so sadistic and cruel to him, and he likes it even though he says he doesn't. I thought that Becky was going to come out and say that she was pregnant, based on the description in the story chapter. Throwing out that she was going back and leaving him caged for another week and a half was different but not unique to the cruelty that David just loves. Poor David, he will not get out of the cage even after Becky gets back even with all of the promises Becky says she will give him relief. So sad. I will keep reading just to find out how deep David gets with the vain hope that he wakes up from his nightmare.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic! Waiting for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. Keep going and erase the moronic comments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

YESSSS I'm so glad this being continued! But hopefully he meets up with all of them again, I want him under Gina's thumb (or foot?) too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Awesome, glad there are new parts!

minoas69minoas69over 2 years ago

Oh my God !!!!

Crete??? Really??

I live in Crete and i wish i could join all the fun you are describing !!

Please send me a message to minoas1969@hotmail.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yawn. Just the first story all over again. Becky will repeatedly find bogus ass excuses to keep him caged. Dumbass won’t fight her on it at all. She and the others (there may or may not be new characters) will abuse Dumbass in new and appalling ways. Dumbass will still be caged at the end of story 2. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Yawn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

great story, I can not wait for the next part

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

why are you reading it if you don't like it?

beagriusbeagriusover 2 years ago

alway fun to read about how little backbone the husband has and about how much the wife like to say she love him and all when the truth is that she only care about herself. I Will rate it as a 2 as nothing really stand out for me I feel like it just another random cuckold story on this site.

I feel like 98% of the cuckold story on this site follow the exact same story line where the husband has no backbone and the wife spend her time telling him about how much she love him when we all know it's a lies.

Next we will have every characters in the story telling David about how lucky he is to have such a great wife that love him so much.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulayover 2 years ago

Boy, I gotta be honest here, he’s just lost himself. He is literally a drug addicted man. He gets off on pain like few people have written. And normally I don’t want this, but seriously if you were to some how castrate him I almost think it would be appropriate. He’s a slave to himself, and not in a good way.

I guess I’m going to keep reading in hopes that he recognizes that he’s an addict, but I think that’s a pipe dream. It’s hot, but it’s also really sad. And more sad than hot, I guess you’re a good enough writer to make that happen, but I can’t tell if you’re doing that on purpose, or if I’m just not your intended audience because I think his wife took it too far 3 stories ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another author in desperate need of mental help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"You almost make me feel guilty for all the things the three of us did over the time you were in prison."

What? LoL. I can see the writer's desperation to make us think Becky still cares about David's feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The real tease and denial is the constant hints that David might grow a spine but never does.

ThorlolThorlolover 2 years ago

Alright this guy is just sick and his wife more so. "I love you David, and I promise I'll be as mean as I can to you to make our sex life as fulfilling as I can for us both." That sentence, wow. I dont see any love or sex life there.

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