Debts to Pay Pt. 03

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Serrin’s ordeal ends.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/13/2022
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"Help me turn her over, Kano. Just to give her a stretch." She heard, the words breaching the fuzzy sort of delirium she had found after the long day. "Whatcha think, Serrin. For a few hours?"

"Wanna choke her fulla muck while you're at it?" Kano snapped.

"We can cover it," Jenkins argued, waving at her before ducking closer. "Serrin?"

"Please," she shivered uncontrollably, her body locked up in needling pain. "It hurts."

"Men're more likely to fill that back hole if you're on your belly," she was warned, though she could hear him starting to relent.

"Bet'her pussy's about on fire anyhow."

Jenkins wasn't wrong. It burned like hellfire and her belly felt so swollen full. She swore she could feel all the mingling loads of cum in her womb, stretching at her insides, clawing up into her to try and catch.

They were careful as they undid the rope lines and bracers that held her in place, loosening them only from the posts to turn her and switch the lines. She cried out as they rolled her over, Kano holding her steady as Jenkins re-tied her. They had kindly put a rag down where her face would fall, keeping her from eating dirt and mud. She whimpered, crying as her muscles woke to the feeling of fire, burning and hot.

Kano's hip was pressed to her shoulder, one large palm spread on her back while he clutched her head against his crotch. He rubbed against her cheek gently, thrusting his half erection against her as hands suddenly smoothed up the backs of her thighs.

"Look real pretty from behind, Serrin," Jenkins told her softly, voice almost honeyed sweet. She knew what that meant. She wasn't stupid. "Real pretty. Like one o'them expensive ladies up on Highcourt."

The well paid and high class whores. They wouldn't even consider employing her after checking the Mound registry and finding her name, bold as day. They didn't like stray sloppy cocks polluting their wares.

"Last one tonight, angel" Kano promised. "I'll wait til mornin', alright?"

Serrin responded only by turning her face into his crotch and nuzzling back her appreciation, whimpering as Jenkins fingered her. His middle finger stroked in and out of her cunt while he used the other hand to tease at her anus. She heard him spit and groaned as Kano brushed her hair from her face, rubbing his fabric covered cock against her nose and mouth. Kano started slowly dry humping her face, groaning as he grabbed into her hair. She could feel saliva in her crack, a thumb rubbing against her already abused asshole.

Her cunt gaped happily, sloppy wet as he pulled his finger out, all attention now on her other hole.

"Lemme just work you open a bit first, huh?"

Just one more in her ass for the night, maybe Kano in her mouth, then she could sleep awhile.


Amon came upon her again in early morning, far before it was light, his gloved hand clamping down on her mouth and nose to wake her.

She squirmed and yelped but he smothered the sound well and chuckled, having straddled her at the same instant he'd covered her mouth. Her usual guards had left only her left wrist and ankle tied, letting her roll off the Mound to her side for the few hours of sleep she was allowed. She had no idea where her replacements were, though. The night guards were gone.

"Shhhh," he encouraged as she writhed underneath him. "Hush now, relax. Breathe."

He still didn't move his hand but she stopped fighting. She glared up at him in moonlight, feeling her stomach twist at the feel of him on top of her. He made her sick, him specifically. He scared her, what he could do. What he was capable of scared her more than a hundred nameless cocks stabbing between her thighs, especially when they were alone.

"Good girl," he gentled, grinning feral as he obviously saw her fear. "Bribed the night boys to let me lay with you awhile. Wouldja like that?"

Serrin shook her head hard and tried to scramble away again only for him to clamp down tighter. "Keep tryin'. I'll tell the Magistrate how you've attempted to escape."

She stilled instantly, swallowing hard as he stretched out over her. If he did that then it all would have been a waste. Her virginity lost, pussy stretched and battered, all for nothing.

He really did rest down beside her, oddly, surprising her. His clothed legs stretched out, one hooking over her calves as he scooched down lower than her and took in her breasts.

"Not allowed to fuck you till it's my time, so relax," he murmured, lowering his hand finally to pluck at a nipple. "Just wanna suck on these tits awhile, be close to ya."

Serrin gasped when he leaned forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth, tongue pressing it up. She flinched when he sucked hard, her tender nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. She gasped when he finally loosened it.

"You a mammy? A wet nurse?" His voice had become a hopeful whisper and it was eerie in the moonlight. "You got tits for suckling."

"No, I've never nursed."

"Shame. Was hoping to get a taste. Maybe I try long enough your milk'll come? Think?"

She understood that her answer didn't matter, especially when he ducked his head and suckled at one of her breasts, groping and fiddling at the other with his left hand, seeming strangely content. Serrin shut her eyes, feeling tears leak out from beneath her lashes as he hummed happiness and kept sucking.


He was gone when she woke, another hand slapping at her cheek to rouse her.

"C'mon now, darlin'." Kano encouraged. "Want my turn before you get too awful sloppy."

"Amon came," she muttered as she blinked, feeling crust in her eyes but unable to wipe it away. "In the middle of the night."

"The boys said nothing happened all night."

"They lied," she implored.

"Or you're havin' me on because you don't want him gettin' back between your legs. He's got a right, Serrin. Same as every other person passes by and waits their turn for the next seven hours."

Only seven more hours.

Seven hours and she and her brother were free. No servitude, no slavers, no debts. It would be a fresh start for both of them.

She debated if she even wanted to stay with Ekko. He'd likely just run their debts right up again. And who would pay them a second time?

"Kano," Jenkins shot over the both of them, voice worrisome. "Magistrate's comin'."

"Sir," Kano stuttered and stumbled slightly, stuffing his cock back into his pants as the older man came closer. "How can we serve you, Honour?"

"Clean her," the Magistrate demanded of Jenkins, nodding as the younger man did as told. Cold water splashed up between her thighs and made her gasp, made her entrance burn. Jenkins used the damp cloth to scrub her, as he often did throughout the day. "I've heard she's got quite a warm welcome between her thighs. That true, Kano?"

"Tight as a fist, too," he agreed amiably. "Been quite popular with all sorts, sir. Got a deep wet well of liquid gold there in her nethers."

"Girl? Girl, can you hear me?" A flat palm slapped her ass so hard she yelped out an inhuman sound, sobbing as the palm went flat to the other cheek as well.

"Yes, sir," she whimpered, the slaps ending after just two. Then fingers were exploring her cunt, jabbing at it, searching out her hole and utterly ignoring her clit. It was a repetitive movement by now.

"When you've finished today you come along to my office," he told her, sidling up against her hot flushed ass cheeks. "I'll sign off on your brother's release. Understood?"

"Yes, thank you, Magistrate," Serrin murmured, groaning as he throbbed two fingers in and out of her.

The next thing she heard was his long drawn groan as he slowly sank his dick inside her.


To her surprise, thankfully, Amon never came back.

She was kept busy, though, despite it. The crowd was full, the line long and impatient. Men were rougher when they were trying to be quicker, especially when she was already so worn sore and swollen. They all felt massive no matter their size and by the time the sun was directly above her she was keening and moaning rhythmically, head down and face pressed into the rag that covered the soil. The sun was tingling hot on her back when there wasn't a body giving her shade.

Kano lifted water to her lips as Jenkins waved the crowd back for a short break. She broke into a soft sob, crying out in exhaustion and aching pain. "How much longer?"

"Few hours is all. Two and a half. Soon."

"Done a good job," the younger of the two assured her. "Kano wants to leave the very last load in ya so I'm gonna give you a final jab now, darlin'."

"Gonna miss this sweet little ass," he told her, hands groping at her, squeezing, "this tight little pussy."

She felt the touch go from teasing to desperate, his hands getting tougher and bolder. His fingernails were scraping skin and then he was positioning her, pulling her ass back against his groin as he slid his cock up and down her slit. She was so sloppy wet with other men's cum that he had no issue dipping into her every few strokes. Then his hands grasped at her hips and he plunged in deep and Serrin cried out, dropping her head forward. She coughed against the pain and dust from the rag, crying as he started hammering into her, his movements fast and rough.

"Mmmm, it really does suck tight, sweetheart," he told her, voice elevated so everyone would hear. "Gods, girl, you're so small. So delicate."

"She's not bound to ya, Jenkins. Just fuck her and be done already." She appreciated that Kano cut off the other man's commentary, her tears already flowing freely without the help of the dirty talk that came up her back.

Gods, so many men had splashed their cum up her back. She was slick wet with it. And Jenkins seemed to be prepared to do the same, his groans deepening at the same rate as his thrusts. She felt his grip tighten on her hips, his speed ramping up. His silence was matched by the sudden coolness of shade that Kano provided her as he stood over her head. She didn't want to lift her head from the Mound, but the tug at her hair forced it up despite her, pain tingling across her scalp as a thick cock brushed her cheek. He used both hands in her hair to keep her mouth close as he twitched his hips, his bobbing length slapping and running around her mouth.

"Open up, my love," Kano murmured. "C'mon now."

She did as told, the head of his cock sliding between her lips near instantly.

"Think I'll leave this load in, Serrin," Jenkins told her conversationally. "Just to keep you feelin' full and happy."

Happy was not a word she seemed to recognize anymore.


Everyone she was familiar with had been long dismissed and the Magistrate had left her with the release order in hand, her fingers wrapped around it tightly. He'd had a strange and silent woman make a perfunctory pass at cleaning her with a wet cloth and a bucket. Then they had given her a thin robe and a pair of obviously used shoes, no undergarments or stockings.


She jumped in the seat, head turning sharply toward the door in the abandoned office. That voice would forever be familiar to her, especially considering he'd made sure he was the last man inside her while she was strapped to the Mound.

"Still here?" Kano asked with confusion, the palm of his hand resting on his rifle. "You're free to leave, love."

"Just resting," she whispered, watching Kano step slowly into the darkening room, sunset angling across the shadowed windows. "Don't have anywhere to go. Nobody will take me in now. Nobody's gonna give me work."

"You come with me and we'll drop this at the debtor's gate, have your brother released," he assured her, voice warmer than she had ever heard it before. "Then I've a bed for you. Not much of one but it's yours if you want it. Just have to share it."

"What do I have to do?"

"Me," he answered, as though it was obvious. It should have been, really. "I can make it good, Serrin. Better than it was."

She gave him a thin eyed glare, made mostly of disbelief. "Just you?"

"Just me, for long as you stay."

Her cunt throbbed in protest, pain radiating outward from her pelvis. "Tonight even? I'm raw."

"I'll take what I'm owed, yes," he told her, voice even and not even a little apologetic, not a bit of shame showing. She wasn't sure why she had expected any different, though. Not from him. "Fair? For dinner and a warm bed? You can decide all over again tomorrow?"

"You've no one else at home?" she asked.

"Just a mongrel pup." A smile, genuine and affectionate, came over his face. She was a little taken in by it, despite everything he had done to her the three days before. "You comin'?"

He offered her his hand gently, slowly.

She stood, handed him the scrolled up document, and let him pull her in closer by the robe. His cock was already half hard and pressing her thigh, his mouth on hers rough and quick. She whimpered under the assault of his tongue in her mouth but slacked still, fingers clinging to his biceps. It was strange to kiss him while standing, upright and pressing her weight into him. He was taller than she had expected, but gentle on her. Big hands held her close.

Kano nodded once and tucked her to his side, drawing her closest arm upward to rest over his shoulder. "Dog's gonna love you."

"What's his name?" she asked, wincing at the jostle of movement.

"Dog," he shrugged.

She leaned onto his shoulder, letting her weight press against him. "I shoulda known."

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