Deviant Empire Pt. 08


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And only he could prove that title to hold, to endure as he walked into a storm without flinching.


Will felt like he had been babysitting a very excited child. Despite her initial resistance to the idea, he did indeed need to get one good round of sex with his sister to help her fall asleep. And he could understand... the man was no better, just keeping a far better lid on it.

She was even harder to keep down as the hours ticked by, all over the place... his sister sure could be a bundle of passion. It wore him down, but he still loved her. A light breakfast and equally light lunch in case this might turn into a food party. Still remembering that fine food... the two were enjoying it a bit less than usual, but they assured Eve it was not her fault.

Finally... 4 PM. She was practically staring at the clock for the seconds to pass by until she dragged Will by the hand out and started counting the doors.

"Oooh... I can barely take it! This is gonna be big. Like... a piece of home that I can fit here. Mmmhhh... I now realize there were a lot of things back home that I might want to have. Well... stuff... just a few memorable things. Rest of it all can go fuck itself."

"Maybe James can take us for a bit to grab that stuff."

"Ugh, at this point I'd be disgusted to even be on that planet. But... not a bad idea. Maybe the Hendersons forgot something too... or mom and dad. THIS ONE!"

The rooms were soundproofed so no one could hear the excited child reaching the eight door... and not the ninth. Doorbell rang and the two planted themselves before the door. The dragging seconds as the person beyond it was still not used to not needing to go to it to open it... were like the calm before a storm.

Door open... and beyond it was not Jessica... but Sylvie.

Stunned silence and wide eyes as all took a step back, eyes darting to get the full picture of the other person... a moment of gigantic fear. The kids thought it would go to hell... then there was confusion as they looked down to see their mother's fantastic and exposed tits... if they sagged a little. There was a mental curse sent towards James as they both realized that he played them and knew all along... And then there was inarticulate babbling as so unprepared they had no idea what to even say.

Sylvie had heard that sound, which their guide said it meant someone was at the door. She could open it from anywhere in the house, check on the link to see who it was from the camera before their door... though they were so well hidden you could not even tell... but old habits die hard and she did not think on her almost-nudity. At best she could assume it was Jess who came to drag them over to next door. She was wrong.

Her eyes snapped open as the faces of her children met her as the barrier was removed... shocked, afraid... view darted down to see those parts she had not seen... and if she was not so open minded she might be tempted to scold them for exposing them... no time to marvel at how much those things grew... clearly they were in some distress... and no matter what... decisive action was needed.

The woman surged forward... arms aside... just before the two could back away... and to their great confusion... wrapped her arms around them... one for each as the woman just pulled both to her chest. No concern for anyone touching exposed breasts... no... she needed to push that away... just hold them... something she had not done so eagerly for long. And it did feel... so good.

Will and his sister just had their eyes snap open again as this was... not expected at all. But how could they say no? Arms coming around as heads leaned over on a shoulder each... Miriam wasn't shit compared to this and they were just getting started. Will was feeling his mother's bare breast on his chest... but this was not the time to focus on that. He needed this hug... Win needed this hug as well. Tensions would slip out.

For a while, the woman did not want to let go... but this was not THAT hug... this was just something to break the situation. And so she gently invited letting go... while a pair of embarrassed siblings stood before her.

"I... expected something else." Win was the first to talk. She realized James had played them good. And if they were here... there was something more.

"You expected us to be like before. Don't worry. Come in."

Will still could not take his mind off those breasts. There was extra value to them that just made them more, even if they were not as nice. The woman slipped aside to let them move in front of her, one hand coming on their shoulders... and just a bit of her breasts touching them. Both were so acutely aware of this.

"Harry... look who came to visit."

The man was just about to look up ideas how to locate people until he rose his head to have his eyes also shoot open. It was a day of great surprise and a god laughing at it all. The father had no words as he could see... everything. He did not know if to look or not, but he was aware that in his peripheral vision were the bare tits of his daughter, and that hole down there to suggest the presence of another... as there was Will with his dick out... just like his father. And he saw his children... looking embarrassed. And also looking like they were in trouble. No, he would determine that later.

"At least we don't have to look for you now."

"You came here to look for us? Wait, does that mean you... suspect something?" Will did not know if this was a good or bad thing.

"Yes, but... we are ready to listen. How about you tell us... after you give your father a hug... come on..."

Harry would be greeted with the approaching figures of his grown-up kids. And his new clarity showed him what he was actually seeing. Embarrassment, hesitation... they were afraid of their own father to disapprove. Heck yeah they were doing it, but if it was done well... Those two were taking every step like it stung. No... he should not tolerate such fear.

He stood up to walk towards that nudity, to not be afraid of it... to not value this breaking of social norms above his children's happiness... and arms came to mirror his wife's motion... heartfelt hug, don't care about Win having her tits out and pushing into him. Strong grip to show he's here for them. Heart says that is the right thing. And a few pats on the back.

Once again would tension drain and they could become more comfortable. He let them stay in that embrace as much as needed while his wife watched. Later they might do a bigger hug. Only slowly would they retreat, moment still being awkward, but the two got the idea it was not... as bad.

"Okay, I don't know what to think... how about you start?"

Will might indeed require some context. Other than it being obvious that James directed them here on purpose. And LIED. But he tended to have good intentions, especially for them... so he knew something more. Possibly that their parents would not be mad. The Carter family slowly stepped towards the couch to assume positions with the siblings in the middle. Sylvie could not keep her hands off her son, but it was merely on his shoulder... a silent sign that she was there.

"To skip over a lot... " The mother started... since she spearheaded this. "We had a lot of conversations about the subject of how these people do things. We're not quite there yet, but if you two have something to say... we'll listen. If all is well, we don't care how it is. And I do mean that... if you two are doing some... things we might have objected to before."

"And no need to really say, it's written all over your faces... but we wanna hear if it went well or if... we need to see where this goes." Harry was at least considering the possibility it could go well. So far... he could still recognize his children. Almost. They had not done something yet to look like things went too far.

"Yeah, but... it went very well!" Will felt like he was in trouble. But he did not see angry faces.

"We've been actually better!" Neither was his sister too confident today.

"You two need to relax. You're not in trouble. We want to hear how it went."

"I can't relax! Feels like I'm on stage at school and I have no lines. God damn that guy... must be laughing his ass up there."

"Who?" This was new for the mother.

"A big fat liar who told us that the Hendersons live here!"

"You were hoping to find them to... talk about this. But... we had a talk with them. We know what they do and we've accepted it. They seem to be good people even with it. So... we want to see if you're still good."

"You mean you're not mad that me and Win are doing it?" Relief started to wash over them.

"Even if you two have turned into something else... we'll see if it's good or bad."

"Uhm, no... I mean, we thought it at first, even looked closer to see if it was, but... no, not for us. But it's not. Just... same old. Ish. Win's been really sweet for a while."

"Only because you were so damn needy. And I didn't think you could be like that."

"Right, who's the one who would not want to let go of hugs?"

"And who can't sleep at night if he ain't holding something... you wouldn't last a day without me."

"Lasted already when you got into a catfight. And bet you back that you're just gonna sneak over in the night to cuddle like a needy little girl."

"Oh yeah?!"

"KIDS!" Sylvie raised her voice a bit more. "Settle down... fight later."

But she laughed. And Harry could almost find tears. Here were their children... grown up, hugging each other, naked with each other, screwing each other... and he could just slide that off and still see the same two. But Win had confusion on her face.

"Why didn't we fight until now?"

"I.. don't know."

But their parents knew. Here, far from home, among strange people, true aliens... they had only each other. And they stood with each other. Were sweet with each other. Supportive. Only now, when they are safe again, with someone that would stand with them would they return to how they were at home. And she found a final piece to put on the wall of impenetrable logic that was the way of these people... a final steel slab to slam down as if a determined lawyer was presenting damning evidence...

Their confusion of this relationship came only when they were abandoned, alone... with only each other there for comfort. It was a broken family before unpleasant incest might begin. And so it might be with so many others. One does not cause the other... but the reverse. And so could this family love occur as a result of closeness. They would not run from it. Sylvie took the initiative with her children.

"Sounds like you two were there for each other. Good."

"Eh, I was... a bitch at the start."

"And now you seem to get along. But, to not dance around the issue... and stop fearing the words. You can say them." It took strength for even her to say them. This was like breaking through a last wall set up from before. "You two been fucking?"

That made both of them embarrassed, but their mother was right... time to stop dancing and stand up.

"I would not say like bunnies, but we've done it plenty. Heck, it started with us basically trying to just fuck each other to death."

"Gods, I was SO sore after that! But it got better. And a bit weirder. Will did a guy in the ass yesterday!"

Well, this was certainly something they did not expect and made a record scratch in the parents' head.

"Just to make a point, not gay, women still interest me plenty, just..."

"Bisexual, I guess. Hey, I do girls and still like dick. And you don't do them the same. We ARE going back to that whorehouse." Beat. "The madam suggested we bring you guys two... uh... if you are... actually, how... okay you are with stuff? I mean, to know where we stand and such."

"I still don't know if you're okay with us looking despite.... Being exposed."

If there ever was a time for their kids to drop surprises. They went to a brothel and Will had sex with a guy. And all of them were invited to go there. But the older adults started to see them... to be basically like the Hendersons.

"Well... we didn't really do anything yet. Still odd to be here exposed, but... I guess this is how we'll see each other. So... think we can look. Though we seem to be so behind you two."

"We had a head start. And trust me. It's not bad at all. Like... only bad if you do it for the wrong reasons, but if we can trust each other we can get past it."

"Yeah, the awkward moment... gotta just power through!" Deep breath. "Yes, dad, you can look at my tits. And more. I guess you sorta saw me before like this anyway."

Harry got caught off guard. But the incentive was not without reason. He had to gather strength as well for them all to push through this together. No inching down, unlock his neck and look with confidence and... yes, that is a fine pair of boobs. But they were also his daughter's. She had grown well. Bet some man will love them. Preferably one he would love to meet. And when his heart was content with what he saw... eyes up. Passed again.

For his son, it was of bigger magnitude. That was a fine pair of tits... but it was his mother's and he felt a hunger for them... to hold them, to squeeze a bit. He missed them even if he did not consciously remember. To fall asleep on them. One could confuse this for more. Harry did not comment on the extended look... his gut instinct told him that his son could stare at those tits a good deal longer. They were there for him and Win. For Harry they were favored toys, but for his children they were old friends and once sources of food... no, it was like they were just looking fondly at their mother. And looking he was. The mother actually got a bit shy.

"Really getting an eyeful, aren't you?"

"Ah... sorry, shouldn't stare, but..."

"You used to love them. It's okay. I know you have no bad intentions."

"None at all. Just..."

Even his sister was tempted... and peeked over. She had to agree.

"Yeah, I mean... I'm not a guy, just... tits... but, it's you. Kinda just wanna lay my face down between them and sleep."

"Do you... want to touch them?"

"Uhm... if it's okay. Like... more than touch. Wait, I have an idea. Will, gonna need you too."

"What... OH!"

As they got up, there was extra notice that their asses were also exposed... the parents forgot about that part. Day of surprises. But before they could get in position... she had to open her legs... wide. It was hard to do, but the two had grown a bit too much for her legs to tolerate their weight.

Sylvie watched in both shock and growing fondness as the two seemed to be in sync, but not as lovers. She did not see lovers. Will was not lusting for his sister and neither did she get butterflies for him. They almost intertwined their legs as they got seated right in front of her... and when she expected them to start squeezing a breast each... instead they just leaned over to rest against her bosom... so easily touching her exposed tits, one arm of theirs around her and one around each other. They actually squeezed tighter as they were almost glued... and she could barely resist wrapping arms against each... no over the shoulder half-ass hug, but going for their waist, holding them to her chest and... she was home.

Her husband looked towards her side of the couch to see... something that would start to bring tears to his eyes. The two looked so content. So in peace. Their mother lowered her head to give each a kiss on the top of the head... and he felt like this was a sight he could stare at for hours... but not out of a desire for flesh, but with pride, satisfaction... a great feeling of accomplishment. This was an image he wanted to print out into a lifesize painting and just hang above his desk... and in the bedroom... and living room... and dining room ...and his phone wallpaper. Heck, every wallpaper. Cover the walls in it. So everywhere he went he could have this reminder that he had a happy family. Stick a fork in him... he was done.

Jess was right. Even if it had something extra... this was a hold she just did not want to let go of. Her arms shook as feelings flowed through her. Peace, content and in joy of her children being happy and cared for. She could stay like this for hours. This was something you just could not even suggest to someone else. It was possible only from their relationship. Though she would try and see if there is something more to holding just Will.

"Harry... look at them." Her voice was so low... as if saying anything could break the moment.

"I'm looking. It's..." Voice full of emotion for him.

"It's alright. All going to be alright."

Her hands were tempted to reach up and pet those heads... which were not resisted. They squirmed a bit, but more to get an even closer position... a closed mouth laugh left her. And she could just sigh for hours.

Their worker had noticed the developing family moment and decided to make herself scarce... after having a sweet smile at the scene. Eventually would that hold loosen, but they were still with arms around each other.

"Mmmmh... that is something I am getting so much more of." Winnie could indeed share such hugs.

"Thought you were gonna suggest the other thing we did with Miri."

"What other thing? Come on... if we're gonna be comfy, we gotta hear about your little sexual escapades."

"I would not say it was really... sexual. But before we got to this part, we sucked on her boobs for a good bit."

"Oh..." The older woman got shy again. No, fight that shyness, Sylvie... they did it before. "Well... I guess we could try."

"Think we're gonna try a lot of stuff. Me and Win found a good rule that... we should not be afraid to try, but if it feels not right, not doing it."

"Yeah, we got to... some stuff. Kissed a bit hard. Not us. Nah."

The parents were worried for a second, but that brought relief. But it made sense.

"Trust each other to be safe to do this with, but step back when it doesn't feel good."

"I learned something similar. So... I agree. Let's just... try everything. If it doesn't feel good, we don't do it again. If it does..." Harry might need to show John some appreciation later. "That how you got up to doing men, Will?"

"Took me a lot of trying because... you know. Kinda a lot of pressure against that. But there are ways to do it and it's just... two guys hanging out. That one takes a bit. You gotta take it step by step."

"Not looking forward to it... but if there's value, we can try. But... yeah, take it slow. We're old and slow people."

"Pfeh... you're not that old. Maybe you and Will can watch some porn together."

"Sounds awkward, but I guess we can."

"I believe you two wanted to suck on some breasts?" She was actually inviting them.

"Oh, right! Sorry... getting to it."

A bit more confidence to raise those breasts to show the volume now that it was not stretched over a bigger distance. Sylvie felt the continued awkward moment up to the moment of her two kids clamped mouth on her nipples again. They would not find milk this time, but it certainly was... comfortable. Even if her tips were giving pleased sensations back, she was more pleased to get that hold back and practically pull them in, hands soon coming to rest atop their heads, ruffling hair... looking down with a smile. She was barely getting started on this path... but already could see there was so much she had missed.

"Feels like we could have went like the Hendersons and did this a long time ago."

Win pulled off with a pop... she just had to interject.

"I know! Cheated out of so much I don't even know I could get... and they're here?!"

"Next door. Having a little celebration."

"Having a big family orgy probably... we should go!"


Sylvie actually pulled her back down for the girl to automatically just open her mouth to suck. Parents could swear they could always see their kids as they used to be and now... it was no lie. Grown up... but still the same as ever. Still so eager to clamp onto there... She gave a short laugh as it all seemed so easy to see.