Devil in a Dark Storm

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A devil falls for a mortal woman.
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(This is an entry for the Halloween Story Contest 2022. Please vote! Thank you!)

Lightning cracked, lighting up the windswept prairie as torrential rains fell in the late autumn weather. The exhausted driver switched gears in an attempt to make it go faster. It was in vain, his ancient car was already going at full speed. He was praying to the Heavens that the engine would give out. But, prayers did little good for him. Still he drove on, the driver knew he had no other option. If he wanted to survive.

He took a sharp right, off the main highway and headed past half-harvest fields of barley and rye towards the dim distant lights. The freezing night wind and his pursues were hot on his heels. Still, he had hope. There was always hope? That thought, not even a thought--- but more of a pointless wish still persisted in his black heart but beating heart.

After all the heinous deeds he had done through the many millennia he knew for sure had a black heart. The malevolent deeds were something he regretted though. He didn't deserve a heart of any kind. It brought him nothing but pain.

At long last, he arrived at the dim lights. It was a disheveled and out of the way motel. The car had barely stopped before he threw open the door. Soaking wet, he hurried in.

To his surprise, the driver found himself in the tavern of an old hotel. "Sleep Eazy" said the neon sign outside. Or at least it had said that once. Now it read "Slp Ez".The barmaid looked at him strangely. It was a hotel and tavern. The driver wondered why she wasn't expecting customers.

Surely, this hotel got some business. Tourists perhaps or people on a holiday. The hotel was old but it wasn't THAT bad. Still, what did he know, he wasn't a mortal. As she looked him up and down, the maiden spoke sternly.

"We have bad weather tonight. You looked soaked. Why don't you go sit by the radiator and dry yourself. That way I don't have to clean up a huge mess. I'm Aldea by the way." She went around the bar and continued drying glasses. She tossed small and nervous glances at him. The driver could sense she was afraid.

Mortals often could tell something was off about him. He knew she was frightened. She had the right to be. He was also terrified. She was in greater danger than she knew, yet it wasn't her fault. He had brought this peril upon her. He'd defend her, against his enemies, who would harm her for the simple reason that he'd spoken to her. They would think he had revealed dark secrets to her.

"I'm Kieran. If you have room, I'd like to stay for the night." Kieran stated to Aldea. Aldea looked down in frustration at the dishes. They were already clean but she continued scrubbing so she didn't have to make conversation with this peculiar stranger. She wanted customers at her hotel but she hated entertaining guests.

The hotel was only a way for Aldea to make a living. Right now, it wasn't much of a living. If things kept going this way, Aldea would have to leave her hotel. Where she would go and what she would do, she didn't know nor did she want to think about it. She just studied the peculiar stranger, something was different about him.

"I can get you something to eat or drink but I'm afraid that our boarding house is least for now. Perhaps, if you returned another night, you could stay. But, my hotel is shut for now. Is there anything I can get you to drink?" questioned Aldea.

She continued looking down at the sudsy dishes. Kieran could tell that she was purposely avoiding him. Mortals often did even though he longed to be friends with them. It was what he'd sacrificed so much for after all.

"Please Aldea let me stay, I really don't need much. Let me take my boots and coat off, this fall weather is terrible. and I could even sleep here in front of the radiator. I just need shelter from the storm...and maybe a garage to put my car in incase it starts to hail. There's a fierce gale outside. I can't go any further tonight. I'll hardly be a bother at all. Let me stay here in front of the radiator, please?" begged Kieran.

He hoped he wouldn't have to use his magic on the woman. He hated using his magic on mortals. It seemed unfair. He wanted to be equal to them, not superior. This luckless woman was already so despondent.

"I wouldn't mind so much Kieran but the thing is since my father died and the new highway with its posh hotels that have air conditioning and swimming pools appeared a couple miles up the road. We haven't been doing so well. Several of the rooms have broken windows. When I was a small child I had polio. It makes it hard to get around with my leg and everything. I've been too tired to change the sheets and the smell of mold has gotten in. My motel's really not fit for customers. It's my own fault. I've been lazy. Now that I'm older the doctors say that it's post-polio-syndrome. I just get these periods of weakness especially during bad weather like this. Anyway, I shouldn't complain or tell you about my troubles. It could have been alot worse. That's the story Kieran..I really don't want to say anything else." stated Aldea.

She was astonished as the words spilled out of her mouth. She didn't know why she'd told her troubles to this peculiar man. Aldea never told anyone her life story. She was very private that way but here she was telling a complete stranger her story. Still, it had been so very long since she'd had anyone to talk to.

Kirean watched as Aldea came from around the bar. Keiran saw that she had an emaciated leg and was supporting herself with a crutch. But, Aldea's disability did nothing to hide her beauty. Aldea noticed Keiran staring and blushed a deep red. She wasn't used to people looking at her like that. But, she liked it.


"To warm you up. You're soaked to the bone." Aldea stated as she passed him a shot of whiskey. Kieran sipped it slowly looking at the woman. It had been too long...eons perhaps since he'd seen a human woman. Kieran always lost track of mortal time. It wasn't important to him.

While Kieran was looking at her, Aldea looked right back at him. A stranger with wild hair and broad shoulders. He was strong. A wild man, a a highway man of old.

"You look starving, you probably haven't eaten all day. I'll get started on's really the least I can do for you, since I have no room for you." stated Aldea as she made her way back to her small kitchen, wincing as she leaned on her crutch. Stormy October weather always made her leg pain act up. The wind and rain didn't help either.

By now, between his magic and with the help of the radiator Kieran had dried off. He heard Aldea fumbling in the kitchen. Kieran went to help her. He knew she was in both emotional and physical pain. Aldea was struggling for tea cups on the top shelf.

"Let me get those for you. It's the least I can do for you." stated Kieran. He easily reached up and got the cups.

"I could have done that myself, I can do things. I'm not a baby." Aldea yelled at him. He watched her eyes flash with anger.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing things by myself. I run this hotel. Sure things have gotten away from me lately. But, it's still MINE! I run it. I manage it. NO one will take it away from me.Not YOU, not the BANK, not ANYONE! It's mine!" shouted Aldea lividly. Keiran almost dropped the cups in surprise from the rage in her voice. He wondered what was going on in her life that had prompted such an outburst from her.

Aldea came to her senses and realized that she was confronting a customer. She blushed a deep crimson. Kieran noticed it and thought it was tempting.

"I just thought it would be nice, for both you and me, if we could do something a bit fancy before I cast you out..uhmm back into that terrible autumn weather. So I was getting out the good china..." Aldea trailed off. As usual, she'd fucked things up again. Her customer, the first customer, the first person she'd spoken to in weeks, would leave now. And she wouldn't blame him.

Still, Aldea had her pride. Yes, she had a disability. But, she was an independent woman. She ran this hotel. Sure it had gotten away from her lately but it was still hers! She managed it. She kept it afloat as it were.

Keiran sensed Aldea's frustration and sorrow. He wanted to make friends with her. It was late. There was a raging storm. He couldn't get any further tonight with his pursuers on his coat tails.Besides, he liked Aldea. She was shrewd and full of determination.

"I know it's late. I'm getting hungry. You probably are too. How about you start on dinner and I go make tea?" he stated. He didn't give Aldea a chance to answer. Keiran just took the cups and headed towards the main room.

Aldea looked at him as he left. He's got such a nice ass and broad shoulders. I bet he's a great ride. She thought to herself. But, in her head, she quickly corrected herself. A handsome man like Keiran would never want an ugly woman like her. He deserved a beautiful princess...or at least some smart woman who wasn't ridden with debt. At the very least, he deserved a woman who didn't have an emaciated leg.

Aldea started cooking dinner. From the living room, Keiran heard bacon frying. It smelled wonderful. Soon the bacon and grilled cheese sandwiches were made. Aldea came out with a platter of sandwiches. Aldea sat them down in front of Keiran. It was mortal food but it smelled wonderful to Kerian.

"Tea?" question Aldea.

"Sure." stated Kieran. The couple both reached for the pot at the same time. Their hands met and neither wanted to break their embrace.

"I'll pour," said Aldea. No matter how attractive her customer might be. It would be wrong to take advantage of him. She poured Kieran a cup of the strong black tea. The couple had some tea together. The steaming hot tea was nice in the fall weather. It warmed their bones.

As Aldea looked across at him, she realized she didn't want him to least not yet. For now she wanted a friend. "Do you want to play a game or something? The hotel doesn't have internet and the TV reception is terrible since we're in the middle of nowhere...but I have checkers, Monopoly and cards. You pick." stated Aldea as she laid the games in front of Kieran.

Kieran sat and played Blackjack with this frail mortal. Although they weren't playing for anything, he grew angry when she won! He knew he could have easily used his powers to make himself win but when Aldea's eyes lit up with joy. He smiled too.

Kieran couldn't remember the last time he'd genuinely smiled. Most of his smiles were fake, to pacify colleagues or to assuage difficult family relations. His smile at Aldea's joy, was his first real smile in eons.. Aldea was warming his cold and black heart. She was bringing out emotions that he tried to keep suppressed. Ones that he thought he no longer posed.

That night, in his room, Kieran used his demon senses in case his pursuers finally tracked him down. It was about two am when the radiator loudly started up again. He heard it banging. Then he heard another sound, perhaps it was the wind or so Kieran tried to tell himself. A deep howling sound echoed in the halls. It clawed at his very insides.

Gods, Kieran hoped it was the wind. He had so much to do. He couldn't handle mortal troubles now. Still, the weeping continued unrelenting. Kieran tried to tell himself it wasn't his problem. He shouldn't get involved. He should leave. Aldea didn't want him here anyway. Even as he was thinking these things he knew it was too late.




"She's not my responsibility. I'll only break her heart, when she finds out the truth. This has nothing to do with me. FUCK!." Kieran tried to convince himself and the Cosmos. But, the Fates had already weaved his destiny. There was no escaping.

Knowing he had no other option, Kieran went and knocked on her door.

"Aldea, is everything alright?" he questioned. Even though he already knew the answer. He heard her getting up and stumbling about. He heard her pause at her night table and come to the door. She opened it, part of the way.

"Everything is alright Kieran. Everything is fine." stated Aldea. She was disheveled. She wore an old tattered nightgown. It was to big for her and hung poorly on her small frame.

Kieran could tell she was freezing. Aldea's long black hair swung haphazardly across her face. Aldea's eyes were red from crying. Kieran thought she was a terrible liar. But, she was being kind and that was a trait he admired in mortals. It was a virtue he had little experience with.

"Can I get you anything? More blankets? A fan...the radiator makes it super hot in there sometimes. What do you need, Kieran? What can I do for you?" questioned Aldea. Aldea tried to tell herself she was the proprietor of this hotel. She had responsibilities to her guests. That for better or worse, included Kieran.

She had taken pity on him and let him stay because of the October storm. Trying to look better, she moved a stray piece of hair behind her ear and wiped the tears from her eyes. Looking at Aldea's disorderly appearance evoked feelings of tenderness in Keiran.

He wanted to touch her, embrace and comfort her like she was a tiny kitten afraid of a thunderstorm. He wanted to give her solace from the hell that was her life. This mortal woman cast some unknown spell over him. He wanted to take care of her. She suffered so.

The fierce autumn storm outside had not abated. The lightning flashed across the sky, followed by an extremely loud clap of thunder.

Aldea stared at him. Kieran was illuminated. There he was with his bare muscular chest in an old pair of jeans.

Fuck, she wanted him more than anything and he was a customer.


The lightning flashed. It was wrong. But, she needed him. She had been alone for too long. An island unto herself.

The lightning lit up the entire sky. Aldea took refuge in his arms from the loud noises and storm outside. She gave a yelp and ran into his arms.

As he held her in a tight protective embrace,they were young and ancient at the same time.

They were frail and rugged at the same time.

They were alive and together.

They were in love. Both knew what was going to happen and nothing in Heaven or Hell could stop them.

Kieran swept her up and carried to her bed. Kieran's warm demonic hands slid across Aldea's cold skin and goosebumps broke out along her tender flesh. She wondered whenever... no...if ever she'd been taken like this. She'd only had a few lovers and they're been...less than satisfactory.

Kieran leaned in to her and closed his eyes. Her tiny hands were on his broad shoulders and he pulled her body against his own. He reveled in the warmth of her humanity. Kieran stroked down her back wanting the mortal part of himself to savor her: if only for tonight. He wanted to have some peace. His fingers danced over the goose bumps as Aldea shivered.

Her breath was coming in heavy waves and her little hands had fisted in against his muscular back. When he looked at her face again her eyes were closed and her head had lulled back across her shoulder.

Everything in existence, besides Aldea momentarily melted away. Kieran leaned down and kissed her neck, tasting her sweet skin and taking in the scent of her arousal. Mortal women could smell so wonderful...floral like. He'd forgotten that. Kieran heard Aldea's heart. It had a soft seductive beating which beckoned like a siren's song to him.

Still, he knew as much as he wanted her, he couldn't have her. Not here, not now. Hell was still hot on his heels. He pushed her away, down to the bed. Kieran rose off of her. He couldn't have her! He knew he'd only hurt her!That was his nature! He knew no other way to be, than the demon that he was.

Not wanting to leave her alone in the cold and dingy room just yet, Kieran paced across the room. Aldea's look of disappointment was not lost on him. He tossed his head back and laughed fanatically. Of course, it figured that he would find her, here at the ends of the Earth was where his true mate would be.

Aldea was also so much more than Kieran's true mate. She was his salvation from the forces of darkness that pursued him, but he knew that Aldea would also be his doom. Kieran knew that after all the pain he'd caused over his many millennia he deserved whatever tortuous destiny the Fates had in store for him.

Clutching the worn sheets to her bare breasts, "Did I do something wrong," Aldea questioned timidly. She knew alot of men were put off by her emaciated leg. There was only one explanation. This was HER fault. She couldn't blame anyone, apart from herself, that he was revulsed by her. Her hope that a handsome man like Kieran could want her had been in vain. Aldea knew she should never dream, desire or hope for dreams, hopes and desires--never came true.

"No," Kieran growled angrily but mostly at himself as he tried to rid himself of his troubled memories.

Kieran didn't even look at Aldea as he left the room. He knew full well that his red eyes would frighten her. Kieran quickly fled to his own room and laid down on the safety of his rickety bed. He was about to lose the fight with his hunger. Kieran was about to give into his demonic nature.

He had almost harmed her--- the mysterious woman who had been so kind to him. There in the safety of his room, Kieran's eyes filled with bitter tears . This one deserves better than me. Aldea deserves the world. He thought to himself. It was then that Kieran knew his black heart still beat. It was breaking as Aldea's loud heart-wrenching sobs came from across the hall.

For the first time, in all his long years, Kieran regretted that he'd chosen to have emotions. He couldn't stand to hear Aldea crying from across the hall. She'd actually wanted him to make love to her. When had a mortal ever wanted that from him?

Kieran wanted so badly to look into her eyes, he wanted to comfort and soothe her. But he couldn't allow himself to frighten her any more than he already had. Dam, these mortal feelings that he had fought so hard for. They were a blessing and a curse.

Of dual mind as always, Kieran's demonic side delighted in her sobs...the beast in him was pleased with her tears and out-right misery. The demon craved the suffering of mortals. There was something sweeter about mortals when they were filled with terror.

For the first time in a long time, Kieran's grandmother drifted back into his mind. That sweet mortal woman who had been snatched by his demonic domineering grandfather and dragged to Hell. She'd always had time to bake him cookies, she never mocked or reprimanded him for being different than other demons.

Kieran's parents constantly drove him to be a better demon. But, his Grandma was always there for him. She'd been so...mortal.. kind. He took in a deep breath full of anguish and slowly let it out, staring up at the old hotel's sagging ceiling. His grandmother had been very different though.

His grandmother had lost her mind almost the instant his demonic grandfather had kidnapped her. Most of her mannerisms were almost easy enough to ignore for those around her..for those who cared for her which really didn't include his grandfather or his parents. It was mostly Kieran who adored her. His grandmother wasn't crazy in most ways. Her mind simply chose not to acknowledge that she was in Hell or "wed" to his diabolical grandfather.

She behaved as if everything was perfectly normal---as if she lived on Earth instead of the fiery depths of Hell. When he was little it didn't bother him but as Kirean grew he could see that his grandmother was miserable. She suffered so much. It was one of the reasons he'd chosen to have human emotions to the amazement of his parents and classmates.