Diaries of a Dark Princess Pt. 07


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"This man is at the heart of it," murmured Sinistoria. "For you see, he possesses a rather unusual trait. One that explains all."

"Show me, then." Terra's eyes narrowed and she glanced at our hidden spot. "But first we should sweep this place for spies. One never knows-"

Sinistoria had already moved, her hands tearing away Samuel's codpiece. "Behold!" She smiled wickedly at Terra as the barrier between my lover's phallus and my sister's eyes dropped to the floor.

Terra's eyes narrowed. "Really? This is all that you wanted-" And then she stopped, her eyes narrowing. "Wait. What in all creation..."

"You see- your sister has become besotted with this man. Enraptured, possessed...dominated by what you see in front of you."

"That is the key to this mystery? That my sister has taken a lover? For this, she risks her own destruction?"

"No ordinary lover," said Sinistoria. She picked up the candle and brought it closer. "Come and see."

Terra sighed as though disappointed- and then her eyes widened in shock. "What is this?"

Sinistoria spoke. "A fragment of something very old and very powerful. A shard of divinity, expressed in the form of a man. And not just a man. The most virile, the most fertile, the most satisfying man in all creation."

Terra half-laughed, but her eyes did not stray from Samuel's girthy phallus. "What is that..."

Terra's hand moved to lightly touch the strange birthmark atop Samuel's todger. "You see? This old rune. A symbol of fertility, fecundity, of growth." His phallus jumped, flesh swelling underneath her light touch. "See how it seems to burn into your eyes, the more that you stare at it. See how it seems to affix itself inside your mind."

"Some sort of entrancement..." Terra blinked, shaking her head slightly. "How..."

Sinistoria continued to speak. "But that is only a part of the danger. Oh, the symbol, when seen... it will draw in someone's attention. Keep them focused. But that can be managed. Resisted. No, the greater danger lies not in some treacherous trick, but in the simple truth."

"Truth?" I noticed how Terra's lips were parted, how one of her hands had moved to touch her breasts, finger idly running along the hem of her robes.

"The truth. You see, despite being cloaked in mortal flesh... the essence of this green god, it shines through. Anyone who talks to this man, anyone spends time with him... they are affected. Compromised. Seduced." Sinistoria's voice was a hot, throaty whisper. "Not because of some spell, but because of what he represents. Even if he seems to be a mere witless peasant boy- why, his very ignorance is itself a cunning shield. And so, deep within their hearts, every woman who meets him feels a stirring. An intense desire."

"Desire..." Terra murmured. Her pupils were dilated; she licked her lips as she spoke. As I watched my hated sister fall deeper and deeper under the erotic spell that Sinistoria and Samuel wove over her, I felt its tendrils seem to stretch invisibly towards me, until my own body heated up in erotic sympathy. As though answering some unspoken order, Shadra's hands slid underneath my gown to cup my aching breasts and pointed, needy nipples. I bit back a moan as her body pressed against mine, her other hand exploring underneath the hem of my gown, seeking out my hot and wet quim.

Sinistoria kept on talking in that soft, gentle voice of hers, as though calming a skittish animal "And it is so much the worse when they see him unclothed. When they see his mighty phallus in all its glory." Her hands were now slowly moving up and down Samuel's length as his flesh swelled and stiffened. "Why else did you think your sister fell so quickly? So utterly?"

"My sister?" Terra's brows creased with confusion as her own hands clenched in sympathetic need. "What about..."

"Haven't you guessed? Your sister is utterly corrupted. You should see her now. Your prim and icy sister, reborn as a creature of lust and desire. She spreads her legs at the slightest suggestion; has seduced other women to bring to him, so better to feed his growing influence. She's so utterly changed that she doesn't see it; doesn't notice the way her schemes and plans are changing to suit his wants and desires. If they are not stopped, if they are not halted, they will turn this entire palace- maybe this entire Empire- into a glorious realm of orgasmic, fertile pleasure."

"S-surely not..."

Terra was on her knees now. Her words were slurred and uncertain, and her head inched ever closer to Samuel's massive erect tool.

"She was lost- lost as soon as she saw his beautiful fount of fertility. As soon as she laid eyes on his beautiful erection, his divine phallus." Sinistoria was whispering in my sister's ear. "But it was even worse when she touched it. Like this."

And slowly- gently- she replaced the hand she had rubbing Samuel's erection with Terra's own. "See? You can feel the divine flesh, can't you? Feel it pulse, feel it brim with energy and life. And your womanly body responds. Aches. Screams for you to worship it. Pleasure it. Give it your attention and love."

"Mmmm..." I bit back another moan as I watched my sister slowly and clumsily masturbate Samuel, her small hands gliding back and forth over his length. Shadra's hands found my own aching quim and one clawed finger gently slid inside me. "Yes..."

"Can you imagine what it must feel like, to have this inside of you? To feel it throbbing and pulsing as it prepares to fill your womb with its ichorous seed? Can you imagine it rubbing against your inner walls, filling you up with each mighty thrust..."

Terra whimpered and shook. Sinistoria drifted like a shadow behind her until her body pressed against her mistress's like a red-maned shadow. Her hands moved until she was a mirror of Shadra, pleasuring Terra, slowly whipping her desires into a desperate frenzy. Terra managed to whisper, "Why are you...?"

"Because," Sinistoria murmured, "It's already too late for me. Your sister found out about me. She lured me into a trap and exposed me to Samuel here. This man, your sister, her assassin... they spent hours converting me. Turning me. Showing me unimaginable pleasures until I broke and became every bit as slutty, every bit as corrupted as them. And now it's your turn." She began to pull Terra's robes off. My sister weakly struggled against the effort.


"But this shouldn't be affecting a powerful priestess like you? It shouldn't be corrupting you so quickly? Well, there may be a couple of reasons for that. Maybe his power is growing the more women he seduces. Maybe you've secretly been wanting a man to claim you for a while now. Maybe... maybe your naughty priestess placed runes in this room in advance that amplify his divine power." My sister's shoulders and breasts were bared, and her traitorous minion wasted no time in peppering them with slow, sinuous kisses. Shadra made a soft mewling sound as she watched and her own ministrations on my body sped up.

"We should... we should stop this..."

"We should. But we won't, will we? Still undecided? Hmmm. I think you need a taste." And Sinistoria gently touched the tip of Samuel's erection, where a pale drip of seed had begun to form. She brought it underneath Terra's nose. My sister shuddered and closed her eyes, swaying. "Smell it. Have you ever smelled anything to rich?"


"You want to taste it, don't you?"

"Shouldn't... should go..."

"But then you wouldn't taste it. And is that what you really want?"


There was a boom from Sameul's snarling demon mask. "If she don't want no loving, then I ain't going to force-"

It might have been a disaster, had Terra not chosen that exact moment to slowly lick Sam's seed off Sinistoria's finger. With a choked sobbing sound she dove forward, enveloping his hardness in her mouth.

"Well alright then," said Sam, as she suckled his length as though starving, "I suppose that decides that."

I stepped out of the hidden alcove as Sinistoria eased the last of Terra's robes off her body. I spoke quietly, "That went quite well. You played your part brilliantly."

"To be honest," said Sinistoria, "I was planning to lure you in here and betray you all, exposing your plot to Terra and allowing her to stop you all. But I kind of got... um... well, I got caught up in it, and..."

"We understand completely," said Shadra, pulling off her leathers.

"I was quite impressed by the web of lies that you wove," I said. "All that talk about Samuel being some sort of arch-corruptor and me being some silly brainless slattern! Nonsense of course, but wonderfully effective at causing my sister to drop her guard."

"That wasn't a lie," said Sinistoria. "You don't seem to quite understand the sheer scope of the threat that this man represents, or the way he's already changed your very soul-"

"However," I continued over her twittering nonsense, "as it contained unflattering references to me I must administer the appropriate punishment for your insolence."

"Punishment?" said Sinistoria.

"Don't worry," said Shadra. "You'll love it."

My sister took that moment to stop her desperate attempts to inhale my boyfriend's erection, lying back onto the floor and spreading her legs. "I need it! I need it inside of me, now!" She moaned desperately. Sam obligingly knelt down, his erection pointing straight at her needy quim. A moment later he impaled my sister on his length and she shrieked in mingled pleasure and relief, her blonde hair whipping around her.

I watched my boyfriend claim my sister with a strange sense of pride. And hot, desperate lust, of course. A moment later I remembered my father's words, and I felt an ache of despair in my breast-

Then Shadra and Sinistoria pulled me into a voyeuristic mutual masturbatory session, which distracted me wonderfully.


It was later. Sam had exhausted Terra and had then been kind enough to relieve myself and the others. Terra had recovered and we watched while Shadra and Sinistoria lovingly cleaned his phallus with their mouths. She spoke to me softly. "I had no idea that this is what has been... distracting you."

"Sam is quite distracting."


I coughed. "I mean Samuel, who I have seduced to my side."

"You... you've seduced him."

"Of course." I snuggled closer to my sister, buoyed by the rather intense afterglow. We were both naked and I felt a strange sense of- well, some sort of kinship. "Do you doubt my astounding erotic power?"

My sister stared at me and then stared at Sam, who had effortlessly picked up Sinistoria and was now positioning her naked body over his erection. "Someone is definitely claiming someone."

"At any rate, I feel that I have sufficiently answered your questions concerning my current plots to your satisfaction. And as such, I feel manganous enough to offer you... a truce."

"A truce?"

"My terms, oh seed-splattered sibling, are as follows- you abandon your investigations into myself and Samuel. You make no more efforts to thwart my cunnings plans. You end your feeble attempts to spy upon me and assassinate me, etc. etc. etc..."

"And in return?"

I gestured to Sam- and, by association, Sinistoria, who was now vigorously bouncing atop his length while Shadra licked at where they were joined. "I allow you access to my boyfriend."

"Did you... did you just call him-"

"It is a slip of the tongue!" I said. "Nothing more than a colloquialism! A useful term to describe..."

"I understand," my sister murmured in a way that was far too smug. "Very well. I suppose I have no reason but to allow the Hero of Prophecy- he is the Hero of Prophecy, is he not?"

"Well, yes. Entirely enslaved to my will, of course."

"Slaved to... yes. That is obvious for all to see." Her expression became serious. "Be wary. You are cunning, my sister- but not as cunning as our father. The Dark Emperor has already scented his trail. You have stopped me from revealing him- but others will continue to pursue him. In the end..."

"I know." I rose from my bed and reached for my gown.

"What will you do?" Terra asked.

I opened my mouth to tell her that of course, as the smarter, prettier and more cunning sister, that of course I had a plan to thwart my father's investigations. But something stopped me. Instead I said, "I don't know." My lustful appetites had dimmed, at had my mood. I left the developing orgy with a lowered head and a heavy heart.


I walked through the great, cavernous hallways of the Imperial palace. My wandering feet took me past great barracks, halls and trophy rooms and elaborate gardens, until at last I reached a set of old stairs. I climbed to the top of an ancient watchtower, now no longer used for much other than the occasional batch of light plotting. I walked in on a pair of guardsmen talking in soft, urgent tones. One look sent them packing and I had the space to myself.

It was a long while before I heard footsteps behind me. Sam walked into the tower room, removing his demonic helm as he did. "Hello there, Feera."

"Not Miss Feera?"

"I feel like we're a little past that- unless you think-"

"No. It's fine." I sighed and took him in. He had that same gentle smile on his face as always.

"So why don't you tell me what's on your mind? You were all sad-faced back there, and you usually enjoy a bit o' loving."

"Sam.... Tell me, did it ever cross your mind to... to disobey your father?"


"No? You had met him but the once. He gave you this destiny to pursue without any encouragement or thought for your well-being. Did you ever wish that you... you might be able to stay in your village? That you might have the choice of ignoring your destiny?"

He frowned and sucked at his teeth. And then he took a long, long breath. "No."

"Please give me just a little more to work with here-"

"Feera, if I didn't leave my village I might have been happy. But then I'd never have been to all of those pretty places and been with all those pretty girls. And most importantly, I wouldn't have gotten to meet you. You're a right wonderful girl, even if you think you need to act all mean from time to time."

"What if... what if you needed to leave here? What if your father told you that you had to... defeat me?"


"That quickly?"

"I don't know much about my da. But I know that my mum ain't the sort of woman that would put up with me being mean to girls." He scratched his neck. "I suppose I get what you're saying. But it's like my mum always says: Sometimes, Sam, You've Got to do What You Think is Best."

"That may not be an option for me. My father... my father is not the sort of person who says things like that to me."

He crossed the space between us and wrapped me up in his big, strong arms. "Now I don't want to get between you and your da. What would he do? It's like my mum always says, "It's Good to Carry on the Family Traditions."

I buried my head into his chest. "Samuel, the thing about my family traditions, they consist of... they consist of..."

I blinked. I remembered precisely what my family traditions consisted of. I stepped away from Samuel as my mind raced.

And then it came to me.

A plan.

A very cunning plan.

The most gloriously cunning and clever of schemes that a woman ever scheme.

"Bwahahaha..." I felt something great and wonderous and free and utterly me bubble up inside.


"Hahahaha..." All the elements were already in place, as though chosen by fate. All I had to do was assemble them and make them work.

"Erm, do you need some time alone?"

"HAHAHAHAHA!" I roared in triumph at the tower sky, staring down at the sprawling city and rolling lands below; I laughed the laugh of a Dark Princess with a scheme in her mind and treachery in her heart.

Tomorrow I will plot. Tomorrow I will plan. Tomorrow I will begin to test my fates in the ultimate game of my people and my family. Tomorrow... tomorrow it really all begins, diary.

Until then, I believe I shall reward my boyfriend for his rather clever advice.

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champspronchampspronabout 2 months ago

I have been tearing through this story the past few days, and it really is a marvel. I’ve read silly parodies (Everyone Loves My Ass jumps to mind). I’ve read over-the-top genre riffs (The Defiled Temple). I’ve read earnest melodramas (anything by Xarth). But the way you balance the hilarious, parodic elements with a substantive story with real heart is inspiring. I can’t think of anything else like it. I can’t wait to keep reading, and in fact I think I won’t. Wait that is.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is fantastic and I have no clue why it is not rated higher. Though all your stories are very good!

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