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And Rey was wishing she hadn't said, but she'd been so excited about the idea and really wanted to tell someone. Baz was her closest friend, even if she was vanilla. Of that, Rey had no doubt. Rey wasn't convinced that Baz enjoyed sex at all.

"All right," Rey sighed. "It's a class on impact play."

"Impact play?" Baz's voice rang out through the cafe. Her mouth literally dropped open.

"Do you mind?" Rey said. "This is not the place to shout about kink. You already yelled at me about talking about fetish clothing."

Baz clapped a hand over her mouth and mumbled an apology.

There was a short silence before Baz broke it with a low whistle. "Does impact mean what I think it means?"

"Yes," Rey stated shortly. "It means using a hand or an implement to strike someone."

"Okay, then." Baz leaned back and slapped the table. "Sign me up! Where do I go to have somebody beat me with a stick?" She wrinkled her nose. "And why does someone have to take lessons in that?"

"Because..." Rey pursed her lips. "It takes a great deal of practice for a Dom to provide appropriate sensations to their submissive."

"What the hell are appropriate sensations? How does being beaten with implements give any sensation other than pain?" Baz shot Rey an incredulous look.

Rey wondered for a moment whether she should keep going. Looking at the disbelief on Baz's face made her want to try explaining. "For subs, it's not being beaten. It's being touched in ways that make them feel good. Some people register sensation differently than others."

Baz opened her mouth to say something else.

Rey interrupted as she stood up. "Look, if you want to know more, look it up. I can't explain the entirety of the Lifestyle in an afternoon." She looked at her phone. "I need to get ready for the class tonight."

"Okay," Baz said. "I understand. Well, I don't, but I'm trying to learn."

Rey softened. She leaned down to give Baz a quick hug. "Look it up. Or come to a Munch with questions. See you later." She escaped from the uncomfortable discussion-like a big old coward.


Back at home, Rey surveyed her slinky outfit and blinked her mascara'd eyes at her own reflection.

"For dealing with Baz, I want a silver tiara," she said out loud to her reflection. "I'm the goddamn queen of middle-aged kink."


The Black Spire was crowded with people in all kinds of fetish outfits, mostly tight, mostly black, mostly see-through. Rey had made her way down the hall to the main dungeon, which was large enough to hold everyone. It was painted a warm rust and had red and black leather furnishings, black metal crosses, cages, chairs, swings, and various racks for tying people up. At the end of the dungeon stood a big St. Andrew's cross, a straight-back chair with no arms, a side table, and one big man. Kylo.

Rey said hello to those she'd seen at the Munch, including Moff and Ezra, as she eyed the presenter. Kylo wore black slacks and a loose button-down that stretched across his big chest. He wasn't as buff as some of the younger guys who stood around in skin-tight leathers. His shoulders slumped a little with age and his tummy was slightly rounded, but he held himself with an air of authority and confidence that was unmistakable. Rey would bet all the money in her Roth IRA that he was a public speaker of some kind.

He cleared his throat and crooked a finger. A tall woman with a brown bob haircut and a sleek black skirt and bra came forward. Rey recognized Bo, the woman behind the desk who checked her in at the Munch.

Kylo began to speak into a mic clipped to his collar. At first, Rey just soaked in this man's rich voice. It poured over her like rain on the desert before she focused on what he was saying. He was talking about impact play and how to do it without injuring a submissive.

"Please turn around," he murmured to Bo.

She whirled around gracefully, showing her almost-bare back above the tiny black swing skirt.

Kylo pointed out areas on Bo's body. "Best to start low and slow with impact play. Shoulders, upper back, buttocks, thighs, backs of calves."

Bo turned again. Her black bra shone dully in the light. Her flat, muscular belly was bare. Rey lightly touched her own round tummy, remembering she'd been firm two kids and thirty years ago.

"Breasts or chest, inner thighs, and, carefully, very carefully, genitals." He gazed at the crowd. "Not for amateurs. You can hurt someone badly with a misplaced hit on their privates."

Bo wiggled slightly, moving one foot in front of the other.

Kylo's lips tightened. He swatted her ass lightly. "Be still." His voice snapped with authority.

Bo's breath hitched. "Yes, sir." She stared at the floor.

Rey thought she would melt into a puddle. She wanted him to smack her next.

Kylo addressed the crowd. "You see, even a light swat can achieve the desired effect. Tops, you don't have to be ham-fisted." His lips twitched. "Unless your sub likes ham."

Rey was certain she liked ham.

"Fuck me," Moff breathed.

"Me, too," Rey said.

Moff cackled.

The rest of the demo involved Kylo showing an over-the-knee technique and then tying Bo to the St. Andrew's cross to use a few implements. He gave her a couple of strokes with each type of implement, while Rey bit her lip.

Moff's soft running commentary about Kylo's hands, shoulders, thighs, and voice didn't help. Rey was a mass of jelly by the time Kylo helped Bo off the cross and handed her over to someone else for aftercare.

"For the record, I'm not shirking my aftercare duties," he stated. "Never do that, unless your sub prefers no aftercare. Bo and I negotiated ahead of time, so I can continue my demo." He gazed out at the crowd. "Low and slow, people. That's the ticket for impact play. A deep dive into different implements is beyond the scope of this demo, but I'd be glad to come back another time."

Another tall, dark-haired Dom stepped forward. "Let's give Kylo a round of applause."

The crowd clapped, until the Dom quieted everyone down. "If you have questions, feel free to speak to me or Kylo. You are dismissed."

"Thank you, Daddy," Moff called out.

Rey snuck a look at him and he gave her a naughty wink.

"Hey," Moff said, "Come on. I'll introduce you. You and he are prolly the same age."

"What?" Rey was a little horrified. She wanted to meet Kylo but not with Moff towing her along.

"Sure, you two prolly have lots to chat about. Come on." He sailed through the crowd calling Kylo's name, adding Master, Daddy, and Sir to his hoots.

Rey stood still.

"Fuck me, where'd she go? Never mind." Moff walked back with Kylo. "This is Kira, Master. She's new here."

He was even more incredible up close. Handsome didn't begin to cover how attractive he was. His face lit up when he smiled. His eyes crinkled behind the glasses and he had soft, full lips under his mustache.

"Little Kira," he said. "May I shake your hand?"

At five foot seven, Rey wasn't even close to being little, but she felt dwarfed by this big man. She found her voice. "Sure. Absolutely." She stuck her hand out, only for it to be swallowed in his huge warm paw. She tried not to think about how much of her plump butt he could cover if he swatted her. She rocked slightly on her silver shoes and dug deep to find her poise. She was a professional, intelligent, mature woman with a wealth of knowledge and ability. Yes, she was.

"I enjoyed your presentation," she stated.

He inclined his head. "Thank you."

Moff cleared his throat. "Excuse me, elders. Must be off."

After Moff swanned away, Kylo asked Rey if there was a particular part of the program that interested her.

"When I was younger, the standard over-the-lap position was my favorite. These days, though, I'm not sure I could get back up once I got down there." She smiled at him.

He laughed. "True of all of us, what did Moff call us? Elders?"

"I like to think of myself as matured, like fine wine." Rey cringed at her use of that cliche. It popped out of her nervous mouth.

"Aged, like good cheese." He paused for a moment. "Listen, I don't know how long you've been a member here and I don't want to poach on Fett. However, there's a club designed for an older crowd with more comfortable kink furniture, restraints, etc."

"Really? I'm new to this club. I didn't know there were others."

He tilted his head. "It's not as well known. The owner likes to keep it small and intimate for security and other considerations."

"What's it called?"

He grinned. "Dinosauria."

Rey burst out laughing. "No way."

"Yes, way," he answered. "Absolutely way."


Rey sat with Kylo in the bar area, sipping on water with lime. She was fascinated by the idea of a kink club for older folks.

"What's the median age?" she asked, after they got settled into chairs.

"I'd say it's around 55. Age range between 40 and 70. Membership is based on a sliding fee scale. If you're retired or on a fixed income, you get a break in dues. Those of us still working pay a little more." He shrugged. "Seems fair to me."

Rey played with her lime, digging her tiny straw into its flesh. "I love the idea. Only thing is I signed up for a monthly membership here."

"Minimum six? That's Fett's rate, right?"


Kylo tapped his fingers on the table. "I might be able to work a deal, if you were interested." He seemed to debate something. "May I ask a few questions of you, Little Kira? I'm not trying to be nosy. Just..." He let the statement float.

"Sure, you can ask anything you like." Rey gave him a steady gaze as she shoved down her submissive reaction to this man. She was a professional; she had clients; she could do this.

He eyed her for a moment. "But you reserve the right not to answer."


"I like a person who knows her mind." He raised his glass to toast her.

She nodded once.

"How long have you been in the Lifestyle?"

Rey explained her situation, watching the man's expression carefully. He stroked his short silvered goatee, lips pursed.

"Are you looking for a particular kind of experience?" he asked after she wound down. "The paperwork will have all these questions, too, but I can tell you if Dinosauria might be a good match. I've been there a while."

Now or never. It was one thing to put it down on paper and hand it in. It was quite another to look into hazel brown eyes and say the same things.

"I'd like to try a few things."

"That narrows it down." His grin was wicked.

Rey's mouth went dry. "Yeah, I know. Stupid answer."

Kylo reached out and almost touched Rey's arm. He stopped short. She sucked in a breath at the frown and narrowed eyes of a pissed-off Dom. "You, Miss, will not put yourself down in my presence. Got it?"

Rey gulped and nodded, eyes widening at his demanding energy. She was melting into her seat.

He tapped the table with a long finger. "Your answer was not stupid. It was honest and it showed your openness. Understand me?"

"I-" Rey had no words. Her professional mask slipped and crashed right on the floor. "I-"

"The answer you're looking for is 'Yes, Sir.'" His voice was crisp.

Rey swallowed hard. "Yes, Sir."

He tapped the back of her hand lightly. She looked up into his approving gaze. "Good. Would you like to revise or add to your answer?"

"Yes, please." Rey straightened her shoulders. Now or never. She wanted this man more than anything in the world. "I'm looking for a Daddy Dom to play with."

He leaned forward, expression alert, eyes alight with some amusement. "You don't say. You're just a sweet Little, aren't you?"

"I don't know." Rey frowned. "Thing is, full-on age play doesn't really excite me. That's why I added Dom to the Daddy. I'm a sub who wants cuddles." She blinked and scrunched her nose. This was drilling into a well of emotional sludge. "Dammit. I don't cry. Ever." She swiped at her eyes. "I want someone else to be in charge for a while."

"You can cry all you like." His expression was serious.

"No, no. I'm a grown-ass woman. It's stu-" She cut herself off.

Kylo paused. He said nothing, just pushed his glasses up further on his nose.

Rey squirmed. Shit. She'd almost done exactly what he'd told her not to-call herself stupid again. She was a mess.

He shook his head. "Little Kira. What do you need from a Daddy right this second?"

Rey bit her lip, sliding further into a more childlike mindset. Her brain swirled past possibilities, but the only one that made sense was... "A spanking," she whispered, keeping her eyes lowered.

"Yes, that would be it. And I know someone who might be interested in being your Daddy."

That snapped Rey out of her mini-Little space. She looked directly into the Dom's eyes.

"Look here. I'm not into a full-time Dom/sub relationship-or any relationship at all. I don't do laundry, dishes, windows, or children. I will play exclusively at the Club, nowhere else. No dinners, no dates, nothing like that."

Kylo inclined his head. He didn't blink at the unexpected shift in dynamic. "Indeed. I understand. Let me talk to the owner here and see what we can do to get you out of your membership."

"Wait," Rey stumbled over what she just heard. "You want me to leave the Black Spire?"

"Yes, so you can join Dinosauria. Unless you'd like a membership in both clubs."

That made no financial sense to Rey. The fee at the Spire was no joke. Moff had told her that many members worked onsite to defray costs. Theoretically, her salary could cover two sets of dues, but that wasn't the point. It was ridiculous to pay for two memberships. Also, there weren't enough hours in the weekend to maintain worthwhile membership in two clubs. She'd be exhausted from trying to scene, attend parties, go to demos, etc. Though the thought of telling Baz about two memberships made Rey smile to herself. Her friend might go up in smoke.

"Hm, a tiny smile from a sub. Just what I like to see," Kylo murmured, breaking into Rey's thoughts. "Is that a yes, please, Sir, I'll be in two clubs or I'm ready to follow you to Dinosauria?"

Rey hesitated. "I don't know yet." She locked eyes with Kylo. "I'll have to think about it."

His gimlet gaze told her he didn't like her answer. However, when she raised a sardonic brow at him, his smile grew more feral. Rey thought they might be well matched.

Chapter 3

Ben Solo, also known as Kylo, watched the pretty woman seated in front of him. He thought she wanted to say yes to joining Dinosauria, but something was holding her back. Loyalty? Fear? Finances?

"I'm not much for breaking contracts." Kira straightened her shoulders.

Loyalty. Ben could respect that. Clearly, she was a professional woman, a lawyer perhaps, manager, CFO? Something similar. Fett, the owner of the Spire, wouldn't be thrilled with poaching, but Ben had been in the Lifestyle for a long time and was an expert negotiator. He believed he could find a satisfactory compromise. Plus, Dinosauria always needed members. They tended to run in the red, which, as manager Poe Dameron noted, couldn't go on forever. Corners were being cut, which irked Ben no end. He wasn't interested in going back to the old days of seedy, underground rooms that smelled like shame.

"I understand." Ben yanked himself back into the moment. "Loyalty is important."

Kira looked relieved. He sucked in a breath. She wanted to please. As a Dom, he liked that; as a Daddy, he wanted her to maintain good boundaries and not try to please people who didn't deserve it. He also wanted her to stop calling herself stupid. Obviously, she was far from it.

Ben leaned forward. "Listen, what if I could negotiate some kind of reciprocity? You're new to the local scene, whereas I've been around this block a couple times."

She smiled faintly.

"Do I have your consent to speak to Fett?" Ben looked Kira directly in the eye. He wanted her willing agreement to anything and everything he'd like to do for her, with her, to her.

When he'd spotted her in the crowd tonight with that goofball sub Moff, he'd wished she was up there with him. Bo was a lovely person and a sweet girl, but Ben found her too young for his taste, and a little on the thin side. She didn't have much of a bottom to spank.

Kira, in contrast, wore that silver dress like a goddess, all soft curves, with a nice rounded ass. That was more his speed. He also didn't feel like he would be playing with a kid who should have been in one of his literature classes.

Ben waited patiently for Kira to take a sip of her water, look around the room, and come to a decision. She stabbed at that goddamn lime again like it was her enemy-or his eyeball.

"Thank you," she said firmly. "I appreciate the offer. I'd like to visit your club first before making a decision. Do you have a visitor's night or a Munch?"

"Good girl." Fuck. It slipped out. Ben swept past the accidental Daddy moment. He had already Topped her enough for one evening. "We're invitation only. You can be my guest."

Kira blanched a little. "Sounds a bit creepy."

It did. Like he was inviting her to her own kidnapping. It rubs its lotion on its skin.... Shit. He was losing it.

"You're right. Hang on." He leaned down and opened the side of his duffle bag, pulling out a pad of sticky notes and a pen. "Here's the website for the club and a pin number. You can access our group chat. Talk to Am, Gwen, or Rose. They're all members. If you'd like to meet up with them in person, they'll find a neutral site. We're not going to lure you into anything." He slid the note toward her. "Our club is like this one, only smaller, and badly advertised."

His statement elicited a smile and a tiny giggle. He ignored the stirring of his cock. Her big, open smile did things to him-things that no one had done in a while.

Ben spotted Fett and called him over. "Fett. This is Kira."

Fett widened his eyes at Ben. "Taking someone from us again?"

"Maybe." Ben looked the younger man in the eye. "We'll see what's a good fit for Kira." Lifestyle over personal gain.

Fett snorted and shook his head. "All right." He turned his attention to Kira. "I'd like to ask you to come to my club on a regular night and see what you think before you jump ship."

"I was planning to do that anyway. I like to keep my options open." Kira's tone was crisp, which made Ben smile. Perhaps she perceived Fett as the cub he was. He was definitely on the young side. Fett eyed her for a moment, while she raised a brow. He broke eye contact first.

Damn, Ben was impressed. This woman was a mother and an authority figure in real life. He'd bet his career on it. He made a mental note to text Rose. Kira would like the feisty little sub and vice versa. If they got together, they'd have Ben and Rose's Dom Hux on the hop.

Odd that he was already thinking of Kira as his own submissive. He left the demo whistling, feeling some kind of way. Something he almost couldn't identify. Excitement? Anticipation? Yes, and hunger. If Ben had his way, Kira would be a member of Dinosauria by next weekend, where he could scene with her in peace.


Rey decided to hold off on Dinosauria until after she'd given the Black Spire a proper chance. She didn't want to be influenced by big, sexy Daddy Doms-one in particular sprang to mind. She'd been a financial advisor far too long to simply go with the flow. It was better to gather data before making a decision.


With that in mind, Rey told Bazine the plan. She would return to the Spire the following weekend with the intention of at least watching a scene, if not participating in one.

Baz sipped her coffee at their usual Saturday morning breakfast. "I think it's an excellent plan."

Rey inclined her head. "Thank you."

"Yeah, a better plan is to give up this crazy idea altogether, but I suppose you're not planning to do that."