Domination Ch. 07


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"First rule, everything out of your mouth will begin and end with Mistress, am I understood?" she growled, taking hold of my face, her lips just inches from mine.

"How about instead, you take your kinky ass and go shove it up his ass. I have no intention of submitting to anyone and I'll never, and I mean ever, call you, Mistress," I replied, winking at her.

I could see her anger rising as her eyes narrowed. But instead of taking it out further on me, she turned to Myra and Allie, "So these two belong to you, huh?" I nodded. "You have no idea how long I've been trying to get this one under my boot. Seems your sister is just as stubborn as you are," she replied, looking back to me, "and this one," she said motioning to Allie as she crouched down, "she's fun to play with, though I'm surprised she submitted to a boy like you."

"You may see me as a boy, but I'm more of a man than either of these two fucking idiots you have with you," I replied.

Mistress White smacked her lips, "Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way." She paused for a second, getting back to her feet before moving over to where I was. "Did you know, all sorts of men come to me, looking for one thing or another. But no matter what they come here looking for, they all become my slaves, willing to do whatever I want."

"Must be a bunch of little bitches and not men, if you ask me," I replied, with a cocky grin.

Mistress White then removed her full-body mesh stocking. Then, she slowly removed her top, letting it flutter down as it hit the floor with a soft kiss. "How about you leave those flat chested kids and come have a real woman, one that knows how to please a man," she said, groping her own breasts before bringing each nipple, one by one, up to her lips and giving them a little suck.

I smiled, "Nah. I'm good with the flat chested kids. Besides, didn't you call me a boy in the first place?" I asked, seeing that tick in her cheek get even more profound.

"What? Are you fucking gay or something? Who turns down a hot woman like me for... whatever those are?" she asked furious that I would deny her.

"Sorry, but I like my women with..." I said giving her body a once over before meeting her eyes again, "a little less meat on their bodies."

"So, you think I'm fat? Is that it?"

"I was more thinking pleasantly plump, but to each his own," I shrugged with a smile.

Mistress White screamed, clenching her fists as she turned to her two male slaves, "Prepare him, NOW!"

The two men moved behind me and I could not see what they were doing until I heard a rip and my shirt was torn off. Next came my pants followed by my boxers so I was now just standing in my shoes, strapped to this device.

"Hmmm. You can easily see how hot I am, yet not even a semi. Having issues getting it up?" she asked, flicking my cock back and forth.

"Nah, I have no issues, but only when I have a hot woman in front of me, and not some old hag," I replied.

"We shall see," she replied, turning to my slaves. "So what made you two submit to a boy like this when you could have a real Mistress that would have you two as some of the most powerful in the game?"

When my slaves refused to say anything, Mistress White looked like she was going to slap one of them and I yelled, "WAIT!" She stopped and turned my way. "Answer her questions, unless I tell you otherwise."

Both Allie and Myra nodded, "We submitted to him as he is a kind and generous Master. One that looks out for us and loves us. One that would never take our submission to him for granted or hurt us," Myra stated.

"And you, little slut, what about you? Surely you didn't give your virginity to this boy?" Mistress White asked, while looking down at Allie.

Allie nodded, "I did and have also offered my anal virginity to my Master. He is the only one I'll ever love, and my life and body is his to do with as he sees fit."

"I bet you get off on hearing that don't you?" Mistress White asked, coming back over and touching my dick, to which it didn't respond.

"Not exactly. I could care less if they submitted to me," I replied hearing gasps from both my slaves. "In fact, I'm only doing this for them, I'd even be happy with a more vanilla life, if that's what they wanted. But don't think I don't care for each one of them. I love them both with all my heart."

"HORSESHIT!" Mistress White sneered, "People like you are only looking for power and since you're too FUCKING weak to get that power on your own, you need to degrade women to make yourself feel better."

"You think I care about power over them?" I laughed, hearing her scream in anger. Then, all of a sudden I heard a crackle through the air and immense pain hit my back, "JESUS FUCK!" I screamed out. It felt like my back was on fire. Like someone just ripped the skin off my back.

"Submit to me and I'll turn all this pain into pleasure," Mistress White stated directly in my ear, rubbing my dick with her hand.

"FUCK YOU, WHORE!" I screamed back, spittle flying from my mouth.

"CAGE HIM!" was all she said, and I saw a device being attached to my cock. It was painful as the device was smaller than my cock was, but not nearly as painful as what happened to my back. "Now little boy, if you think about getting that little pecker of yours hard, you'll experience the spikes stabbing your little willy." She paused for a second looking for a reaction, but I didn't give her one. Then, she continued, "Now to continue your punishment for not addressing your Mistress correctly."

Mistress White backed off and I heard the crackle again as the same excruciating pain wrecked my back, making me scream again. "Submit to me boy, and I'll allow you to be pleasured by me personally, something I never let happen with any of my slaves," Mistress White yelled. I could hear the happiness in her voice, most likely thinking she was breaking me and winning.


A frustrated scream came from Mistress White as two crackles of the whip were heard, and two times I felt the excruciating pain shoot through my back. I screamed out in pain again, my nails digging into my hands as tears of pain ran down my face. Spittle was flying out of my mouth as I tried but failed to control my breathing.

"Enough!" Allie yelled, "You want me so bad? I... I'll leave him right..." she started to say only for me to cut her off.

"Do... not... speak... slaves... You're... still... mine... until... I... release," I stated, trying to speak normally, though it was difficult given the pain I was feeling. As I looked at them, I saw the fear in their eyes and it was heartbreaking as they must have thought this was their fault. Something inside of me told me a lot of this had to do with Allie, but I could not be sure and wasn't about to make her feel any worse than she already felt.

After a few seconds, I was able to control my breathing enough to speak clearly, "I'm fine my loves. I can endure, but I need you two to be strong for me." They both nodded, though their eyes were red and tears were falling from their faces. I hated seeing them cry but could not do anything about it at the moment.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY PROPERTY!" Mistress White screamed in my ear, her hand gripping one of my balls and squeezed it. The pain was immense but nothing close to the fire that was burning through my back.

When she stepped away, three more crackles sounded through the air as twice the whip hit my back, followed by once on my ass. Again, I screamed out in pain, as black spots started to appear in my eyes. I needed to find some way to keep myself from passing out and endure the pain.

"Do you still refuse to submit?" Mistress White asked, her fingers running through the cuts in my back, making it sting even more than it did before. I nodded, unable to speak as I was trying to make the pain subside.

"Perhaps there is another way to get you to submit," she said, coming into view, tapping her chin with her long red fingernail. "Since you say you 'love' your slaves," she said, using air quotes to emphasize the word 'love', "how about we see how much they can endure or if they break right away like I expected you to."

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH THEM YOU WITCH!" I screamed, trying to get to her but was still restrained and unable to move.

Mistress White laughed, "You're in no position to make demands. However, if you submit to me, I promise not to lay a finger on them, today that is."

I felt a newly found strength surging through me as I pulled against my restraints. I remembered watching Dragon Ball Z with one of my friends and watching the main protagonist, Goku, doing his powerup and imagined I looked like something similar, just without the colors flying around and not being able make rocks and other things fly in the air.

My body started to shake as I pulled against the restraints, growling and screaming as my teeth ground against each other. Mistress White continued to laugh, giving her cohort permission to whip my slaves, but suddenly, one of the leather straps broke and my left arm was freed, followed by my right arm.

As quick as possible, I reached down and freed my legs, moving to the empty space between the device that was holding me and where my slaves sat on the Sybians, watching my torture.

With my body being weak, I fell to one knee as I felt the endorphins of adrenaline rushing through my body. Like a scene from a movie, I rose up, my eyes narrowed and focused on Mistress White as my cheek twitched. Part of me wanted to lash out at her, take that whip and beat her until she bled to death, but that just wasn't me. It wasn't what I could do no matter how pissed I was at her. She'd not touched my slaves yet, only me.

Instead, I smiled at her, seeing the fear of God, or the Devil, in her eyes as I turned around, my arms out as I faced away from her. "You do not touch my women. If punishment is needed, I will handle it, but they haven't done anything that requires them to be punished. So, if you need to whip someone to get your rocks off, have at it."

I looked down and saw both Allie's and Myra's jaws were hanging agape, as they stared up at me, wondering what was going through my head.

Mistress White yelled at her slave, as I looked over my shoulder and saw her snatching the whip. She unleashed it with anger, hitting me four times as I stood there, taking each hit. Though I will say she was a lot weaker than her slave had been and each hit was only about a third as powerful as I got before.

When she was finished, she screamed out, before rushing through the door, slamming it behind her with a loud thud. I dropped my arms down and turned around, the two male slaves looking at each other and then back to me, as they started shaking. Obviously, they were terrified of what I was going to do, but I merely pointed to Allie and Myra and said, "Release them, now!"

My authority was not to be challenged at that moment and they scurried over, untying the ropes from both my slaves before handing them their clothes. Both men then left the room as my ladies started to dress. Then, as the adrenaline slowed and the pain came back, one of the women came in, fear blazing in her eyes as she handed me a white robe. I took the robe and thanked her, seeing something she was not expecting. She half-smiled and dashed back through the door.

Once Myra and Allie were dressed, they each took an arm, and we left the room. As we were walking down the hallway, we heard someone yelling out, "Allie! Allie, wait!"

"What the Hell do you want now?" Allie spat, seeing her angry for the first time. It was interesting to see the little blonde woman who was always kind, would never hurt a soul and was submissive to a fault get angry. Part of me was terrified as I hoped to never see that again from her.

"I'm sorry, she went a little too far today," the man said, as he got close enough for me to see it was the one with the mesh covering over his eyes and the cock cage still intact. I was glad my girls removed the one that was placed on me, although I wasn't about to get an erection in my current state, still, the thought of the spikes going into my cock was not something I wanted to even think about.

"A little too far? Are you fucking serious!" Allie yelled at him, slapping his chest as he dropped his head.

Then, he took his mask off and revealed he was an older gentleman, partially starting to bald. He was most likely in his forties or fifties but was still in good shape overall. "Anyway," he said, trying not to look at Allie, "this will help with your injuries," he said handing me a jar of something that looked like a cream of sorts. "Please know that this is not how we play most times, but we had to obey her, else things would get much worse around here." I could hear the sadness in his voice from what happened to me or was it disappointment in how his Mistress treated me.

Either way, I did not care for what he said, but anything that could help with my back, I would gladly accept, "Thanks. Just keep your bitch away from me and my women and we'll have no further trouble."

"Gladly, sir. Again, my sincerest apologies," he replied as he looked to Allie again, seeing her sneer at him before turning on his heel he ran back down the dark hallway.

Allie and Myra helped me to the car and as we were passing the woman at the entrance, she spoke up, "Would you like a membership setup so you can return?"

However, the look that Allie and Myra gave her turned her white as a ghost. Allie then growled at her as Myra spoke up, "Does this look like we want to FUCKING return to this Hell hole?" she screamed, pulling down the robe I was wearing, showing off the cuts on my back.

The woman gasped and as I looked back, I could see tears in her eyes as she was visibly shaking. Guess she never saw someone take punishment like I did before.

As we approached the car, Myra stated, "I'll drive. You take care of him in the back."

Allie nodded, helping me in the backseat. "Maybe we should stop and get something to eat," I stated, half-awake now. With the adrenaline gone, I was starting to fade and fast. The pain in my back getting worse and worse.

"Sssh, Master. We need to get you home so you can rest and heal," Allie whispered in my ear. I laid down in the back seat before Allie ran around to the other side, letting my head rest in her lap. My fingers traced under her dress, touching her outer lips before I don't remember much.

Next thing I knew, my arm was dangling between her legs as she was humming some song as she ran her fingers through my hair. We'd pulled up to my parents' house and I was helped out. I don't even remember walking up to the house or seeing Mom or Dad, but Mom suddenly screamed, asking what happened. Allie tried to explain but Mom ran to the other room and I could hear her talking to someone.

When my eyes closed again and re-opened, I was laying on my stomach in my parents' room, a gorgeous African American woman next to me; she was doing something to my back. I felt sharp pains in my back as I could see her arm moving out of sight over my back. "It's going to take a couple days for him to heal, but this should help to minimize the scars. That cream you have, should help as well. Make sure he stays hydrated and fed and keep the bag full and flowing." I then noticed my arm was connected to an IV bag.

"Thank you so much for coming over and helping him. I know this is not how we should do this, but I could not take him to the hospital as they would ask too many questions right now," I heard Joslyn say.

"I don't know what kinky things you are into, but just make sure to be careful next time as you could have seriously hurt him if you hit the wrong spot," the woman replied, her voice soft and sweet.

"This was not me, but I wish I was there as I would have stopped it from getting..." Joslyn started to say, only for me to cut her off.

"This... was... my... doing," I said weakly, though I did not realize I was that weak. I mean, damn my strength was gone as I don't even remember what was said afterward.

The next thing I knew, Allie was sitting next to me, clearly nude as per my rule. She was applying something cool to my back, though it was not stinging as much, though it still hurt like a bitch. As my eye met hers, she smiled, "Please rest, Master. All of us are praying for your safe recovery." I nodded and was out again.

When I came to once again, I was alone and felt some of my strength come back to my muscles. I groaned as I lifted myself up and off the bed. My body was sore and stiff, and I wondered how long I'd been laying there, as I pulled the IV from my arm with a sharp pain. As I made my way to the hallway and down the stairs, I could hear somebody talking downstairs. I had to use the rail to keep from falling as my body was still weak and I felt like I could fall down the stairs, tumbling to the bottom, if I didn't.

Once I reached the bottom, I saw Myra and Joslyn chatting away as they glanced over, hearing me, "Can't a guy get something to eat around here?" I asked, smiling at them.

Myra dashed over to where I was standing, and Joslyn was right behind her. "Oh, my god, Master, why are you up?" Myra asked, grabbing onto me and trying to support my weight.

I smiled but groaned as the pain shot through me from my back, "Like I said. I'm hungry. Besides, how long have I been out?" I asked, wondering just how long it had been.

"It's Tuesday, Master. I called your school telling them you were injured and needed to recover. They asked what happened and I said you fell down the stairs, but would not go into anything further," Joslyn replied, "I do hope that is fine, Master."

I nodded, "Yeah, that works since I was not in the right mind to let you know how to proceed." As I glanced around the living room and saw some bags and other things, I asked, "Someone moving in?"

Myra smiled, "Allie wanted to be here with you no matter what, so she brought most of her stuff over. She left to go to class but should be back within an hour or so."

I nodded, knowing now we would really be like a married couple. Then again, I would marry her or Myra, Hell even Joslyn if she let me know that's what she wanted as I would do anything for my women. I loved them more than life itself and the scars on my back and pain shooting through me was evident of my devotion to them.

To be continued ....

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I enjoy the overall story, but this chapter was a bit far. I'm assuming the story us yet to resolve itself. I hope, although it's been 3 years at this point. Would be cool if you would finish it.

SmellerSmeller11 months ago

As much as I liked the story up until this chapter it went a bit downhill here. This chapter reads like someone wrote it who heard BDSM involves pain and that's it. No real dominatrix would touch other master's slaves like that and they certainly would not restrain another master to whip them into submission.

Bamm2797Bamm279711 months ago

Can’t wait for more of this story!!!

Craigt1971Craigt1971about 1 year ago

Can't wait to see what happens

MasterReapercumMasterReapercumabout 1 year ago

Please anymore of the story really good

AnoniemousAnoniemousabout 1 year ago

Wonder why Ava didn't demand the card with $250k back after Myra released her? Mistress White's bdsm club was over the top causing actual bodily harm! Got a feeling that Mistress White is Allie's mom?

Now the bad bit - sorry to see that you appear to have stopped posting here. From your bio I'm guessing that things have continued to get in the way and if so I hope you can overcome them as you've got some good stories going here.

01Timber6701Timber67over 1 year ago

OMFG ,,, good series and story line ,,, and like normal it just ENDS ,,, no more chapter’s for almost a year,,, especially when miss white was Allie mom ,,, and he overpowering caused her to run

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My guess is the Mistress White was Allie's mom, and the guy was her dad. That would explain the reaction and over-reaction.

Now, please wrap up this story line! I enjoyed it!

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 2 years ago

Oh dam last chapter and dam thing isn't done and what way to end the chapter. Hope you get back to writing can't wait for more.

AZkingdomAZkingdomabout 2 years ago

Hey could you update us on the next chapter of the story been waiting a while look forward to seeing what comes next

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You must continue with this story as I am enjoying the hell out of it. Aspects of it are bit over the top but still it has captured my interest. I need to read how these relationships all play out!

DomSaulDomSaulover 2 years ago

Well your other wrtting have been awesome up until this chapter. It leave me scratching my head, and I was disappointed in how you handle the Domme character a bit, I see her as experienced but over confident. I do not see how a professional Dominatrix could just jump in and try to dominate some one with out informed concent. She would read him better and take it slower so it will be interesting to see how you play this out because if she was in our community she would have been put in jail or ostracized for not following Rackit or SSC. As for your main Character I can see he is inexperienced and would have made those mistakes but Ally and Mrya would have been severly punished for not warning me if I was in his shoes as they have had experience with both Mistress White and Ava.

Daikkenn74Daikkenn74over 2 years ago

When do you have more coming for this? Hell this is one of the top 5 stories on this site as far as I’m concerned!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I would like to know more about the connections between Myra and Ava and between Allie and Mistress White.

I would like to read Myra's "origin" story, explaining how she started collecting pets to protect Master, how she trained them, and how they served her. I could see that being an entire series.

Barber_o_SavilleBarber_o_Savilleover 2 years ago

Enjoy the series. Looking for more.. want to if Freddy and crew go back to confront the hurtful witch Mistress White - if you should call her that..

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