Don't Judge Me Ch. 09


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I turned quickly to throw her a manufactured look of incredulity and shock, as though mortally offended. Of course, I didn't actually move from that position, so my bottom remained vulnerable.

Because I hadn't moved, which she interpreted correctly as an invitation, she belied a sense of wickedly cheeky playfulness in her smirk, and adjusted the position of her chair, the better to be able to spank me again, but harder.

I squeaked loudly in response, and still with feigned indignation, but of course, still not moving an inch, I protested in a girlish squeal, "What was that for?"

"Since you asked," she started adjusting the hologram, pointing, swiping, and gesturing at it. It zoomed suddenly into a familiar scene. It was the wall at the park where I had been innocently (I know, I know), sitting when we met just hours earlier. My face was very close to the holographic wall as I lay on the table, and as she made another gesture, a woman sat immediately in front of my face! Lying prone on the table, I had little scope to move aside, so I was stuck looking more or less right up her skirt at...


Those were my green knickers!

I was looking up... my own skirt!

Smack! Miss Havisham landed another one, "That's for your cheeky display!"

She waved again, and there was me, in miniature, standing immediately to the left of my head, stripping my knickers off for all to see, and handing them to an equally Lilliputian Miss Havisham.


"Such a naughty thing".

My senses were swirling. I had become a voyeur of a virtual 3d image of myself, and I couldn't get my thoughts straight, between whether I was the watcher or the watched, since I was both. Meanwhile, while Miss Havisham kept peppering my bottom with the spanking, and firing my erotic triggers with her carefully crafted remarks about my temerity and depravity.

She paused, "This is how we will conduct your training session, my dear." It was a pronouncement, not an invitation.

"But what about..." Smack! My objection was overruled, and I slid further down my path of arousal with the sense of an approaching precipice, after which there could be no return.

"We will begin with you creating a shield for your mind, and keeping your perverse lasciviousness to yourself. Do it now." She demanded, and smacked me once again.

Now I was in real trouble. My journey into erotic fulfillment was significantly wired into being seen, being watched. For me to erect a barrier as she was instructing would be like... well, like putting on a full outfit of clothing!

But on the other hand, she was being commanding. She was being authoritative. I yearned to obey. Indeed, I could scarcely muster any will to resist. So I made the attempt.

The hologram changed. There I was, standing on a wooden bridge in the same park, over the river. This was weeks ago. The holographic mini-me was above my head, and racing kayaks were zooming through my shoulder and out of my neck towards the bridge. I had stood up there in a light dress - a floral print which buttoned up the front, and some really cute Sandra-Dee runners and little pink cardigan. The dress was fairly short, and from this angle I was hiding absolutely nothing. I had purchased that lacy white thong for the occasion, and I was waving excitedly at the racers, enjoying their various reactions at winning a brief glimpse up into a forbidden realm as they swished underneath.

Smack! Ok, shields up! I needed to do as I was told, despite so eagerly desiring my tormentor to witness my fall into depraved lust, I must conceal it. It was a brutal contradiction.

"Hmm. Not bad." Miss Havisham's sparing praise was like a salve to my inner strain, maintaining a shield was something I had never attempted consciously before, and right now it ran against my deepest desire toward being exposed, if not for all, at least for Miss Havisham to survey and pass judgement on my scandalous turpitude.

The next image appeared. A grassy slope with several people spaced generously apart, sitting and enjoying the warm afternoon. It was another spot at the same park. And there's me, also sitting on the grass, playing the "knees up a little high but I'm reading my book and have no idea anyone can see my ooops!" game.


"Hey!" I objected. I had maintained the shield that whole time. Well, until she smacked me, and then it wobbled.

"Keep it up at all times, you prurient little miscreant!" she battered my shield with the weapon of her delectable phrases. It held.

Another image. Oh, no! She has the one where I arranged to snag my dress on a railing, leaving me in a fatally torn and raggedy garment, visibly struggling to protect my dignity among the shreds, in the crowded area just in front of the crowded beer garden.


Shields strong.

In her determination to train me, I started to detect a weakness the Miss Havisham was exposing. She was so intent on applying maximal pressure on me to cave, that she left open a vulnerability that I just might be able to manipulate. Her intent is to increase the pressure on me, so if I exert my will on her in the same direction and in sympathy with her goal, I just might be able to achieve a sort of harmonic, or camouflage, to gain further access behind her shield.

It was then I saw the ruler, presumably the same one used on mahogany earlier, lying neatly along the far edge of the table. I focused my thoughts on encouraging Miss Havisham to notice it, and to make the connection that using it on me would serve her ends by increasing the difficulty of my assignment.

The hologram changed again. What? She had surveillance on the double-decker bus that I had ridden that day, just so that I could play on the stairs? Of course she did. There I was in a pleated skirt, just innocently climbing the stairs in front of several older men. Of course, my underwear was completely available to them in that situation, as I had planned. How embarrassing.

Just as she was about to spank me once again, I nudged very hard into her mind with my carefully formed suggestion. It worked! She reached for the ruler, saying, "You've done well so far. Let's take this up a notch."

She was pleased with her "discovery" of the ruler, and I allowed her to think it was her idea. My plan had worked. While she was inwardly congratulating herself, I found myself able to slip quietly behind her shield.


Wow! That stung! I gasped. My shield came dangerously close to dropping before I caught it and reinforced it. My bottom was on fire, but it was worth it, because I had gained access inside Miss Havisham's usually sealed mind.

The hologram switched to another scene. Oh, that wasn't fair. Sure, I had purposely been posing naked in front of a plate-glass window, but doesn't everyone do that in hotel rooms? Besides, you can tell just looking at this one how powerful the telephoto lens needed to be, even to see me there.


Ooh, this was interesting (fucking ouch!), on another level, she wasn't just trying to teach me these skills, she was enjoying herself. Well, well. I wonder what happens if we dial that one up a little!

The hologram changed. Back in the park, I was wearing a very fine, white cotton dress, tastefully with a plain white bra and high-cut white g-string knickers. I had been watching how the groundsman arranged and timed the sprinkler system, and managed perfectly to time getting caught right in the middle of a bunch of them as they activated, so that I was completely soaked, and in that state, near enough naked. This was one of my favorites.

My shield was strong. Behind it, I steeled myself. This was gonna hurt, but here goes. I dramatically drove up her excitement at punishing me, just as she was swinging the ruler. In the half a second of arm movement I pushed as hard as I could on her sense of relish at harshly whipping a soft, pretty little flirtatious woman. I drove into her mind's eye images of beautiful, busty women being flogged by muscular male tormentors. I switched on her saliva glands (did not know I could do that!). I opened the floodgates of blood flow to her lips and cheeks, her ears, her genitals, to amplify the sense of arousal. For good measure, where's the adrenaline? Aha! Found it. And, bombs away.


"Aaiiiieeeee", I involuntarily squealed. My bottom exploded in pain. I saw bright colors inside my closed eyelids. My flesh was screaming. But I held that shield in place.

Presently, after several agonizing moments, I managed to open my eyes. I wondered what the next hologram might be, but it was gone. Gradually unclenching my shoulders and arms and fists and jaw, as the sharp pain transformed into strong throbbing, I turned to see what Miss Havisham was doing.

She was sitting back in her office chair, white as a ghost, with both hands over her mouth, the ruler discarded, presumably on the floor, because I couldn't see it.

"What happened?" she mumbled behind her hands, her voice uncharacteristically uncertain. "What just happened?"

I slid back off the desk and stood, with difficulty, as my bottom continued screeching its pain. I kneeled beside her and reassured her, "It was me. I was just playing, just... sparring. I got you to really go for it with that last one, just... I dunno, to show that I could?"

I hoped that would make her feel better. We were friends! It was all harmless fun. But she was horrified. What had I done wrong?

"My dear, how did you do it? My shield was up, but you were... you were inside it? How?" She sounded frightened.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Havisham! I didn't mean to frighten you. I was just playing, honest! It won't happen again. Please forgive me." I was starting to cry. Had I ruined our friendship?

"Oh, my precious, sweet child" Miss Havisham swept me into her arms. "You don't need to apologize. I didn't mean to alarm you. It's just... I had no idea that was possible. Your ability with the Sight is beyond anything. Anything! I've never heard of it."

We enjoyed our second warm embrace of friendship, and I felt like all was well with the world. Except for one thing. The absolutely searing pain coming from my bottom. I selectively opened my shield to share the information with Miss Havisham, and she tutted, "You did bring that on yourself, my dear!"

"Oh, I know," I replied with some cheek. "I just thought you might like to admire your handiwork."

I stood up. All it took was to swing my arm around a little, and boop! The dress lifted itself up and revealed my now expansively red bottom. I couldn't see the mark from that last ruler strike myself, but I joined Miss Havisham's experience and used her eyes to see (Ooh, this was fun. Must try this out some more later). It was angry and red, with welts along one side. It was bruising along the edges, and the skin under where the ruler had landed was pocking and speckling.

" Are... you ok?" Miss Havisham gently inquired, suddenly feeling pangs of guilt, despite her relative innocence in the injury.

I grinned. It helped me not to grimace. "Oh, I'll manage." and I smiled, opening my senses to share that I was actually amused, and despite everything, a little aroused by the whole situation.

"You'll have trouble sitting down at dinner!" she tutted, lifting the dress to make another, unnecessarily intrusive inspection.

"Serves me right," I quipped, matching her cheekiness. "But... what is all this tech? How much does all this cost? What's going on?"

Miss Havisham, with a visible effort, returned to her dignified demeanor. "That's a long story in itself. Let's just say that we are extremely well resourced, connected, and... informed. This is information that nobody else in this building is aware of, and I need you to understand that it is life-and-death important." She maintained no hint of humor, and revealed her inner sense of gravity and caution for emphasis. I indicated understanding and acceptance.

"So... is this part of the government, then?" I was even more curious now.

She paused, carefully selecting words, "The government... are aware of us. We... perform work for them. Sometimes. But, no. We are not part of the government."

"So... who is this Mrs Reed? Is she a spy? Like from an enemy country or something?" I had to keep probing.

"Well, as far as geopolitics is concerned, my dear, you need to understand that, in the end, we have few 'enemies', but many 'competitors'... some of whom would like to destroy us, but are unable, and therefore engage economically, and profit from our existence, but still seek to undermine or attack us in clandestine ways while posing as our friends. We have, you might say, 'frenemies'. It's just how the world works." she described the contours of her explanation, but accompanied it with reasonably clear additional nuance in her mind, that she opened for me to survey.

"Sounds like a group of 14 year-old girls," I only half jokingly observed.

"A more succinct appraisal of geopolitical intrigue than you could possibly know, my dear," she affirmed. "But Mrs Reed is not, as far as we can tell, a spy working on behalf of a foreign government. She has her own operation, as have we, but there's every indication she has significant backing from somewhere, and that could include any one of a myriad of our frenemies or their proxies.

"Come," she bustled to her feet, guiding me towards the door. "Time to prepare for dinner. Why don't you take your shopping and find the girls. They can help you get ready. The blue will be suitable."

She handed me the shopping bag. Fortuitous, I sarcastically surmised, that of the dresses she had purchased for me earlier today, one should be suitable for dinner tonight. I wondered if there were ever coincidences with this most enigmatic of women.

"That one really should have a bra," I objected. Not that I minded my breasts being seen to be inappropriate, but the dress really wasn't able to provide the (admittedly minimal) support I needed, and my bust would just look much better with the right bra. Otherwise I might look like I was in a hungover, last-night's-dress walk of shame or something.

"The girls can help you with that. Down the other end of the balcony, round to the left. Last door on the right. Off you go," she gave me a playful smack on the bottom, which instantly flared in searing pain, still raw and thrumming as it was from the whipping she had given me. I wasn't able completely to stifle a squeal of genuine pain, but I wanted to. I didn't want to discourage she playful pats, but fuck me, it was sore right now!

"Oh no! I am so sorry, my dear girl. That was thoughtless. I do apologize!" her hands fussed around in front of her tummy as she spoke, genuinely regretting her misstep, "See the girls for some balm to use on that bottom."

"Don't be sorry, Miss Havisham, like I said, it serves me right. I deserved that spanking." I leaned toward her and mimicked her scrupulous tone with exaggeration, "and I have a feeling it will take more sessions than just this one, to curb my perfidious disobedience."

"Quite," she quavered, not completely concealing the thrill she accidentally experienced in response to my playfulness. I had been inside her mind, so I now knew some of the nuanced triggers smouldering there, which could be inflamed with just the right provocation.

We both knew I had won that little round, and I made sure to strut victoriously, with exaggerated hip movements, as I proceeded down the hall. I knew she was standing, watching me flaunt my small win as I went, allowing my dress to flick sideways at each step to ever-so-slightly reveal the now throbbing, burning naked bottom beneath it.

You might judge me now, but hold off, ok? There's... more. Much more.

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zooliciouszoolicious9 months ago

A virtual world turned right side up. Delicious.

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