Downfall of Heroines Ch. 05


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She stared down her body, upon which many of those tiny worms still crawled about, and was barely able to make out the shape of his vile organ within the murky slime.

"Yes...I am yours." She moaned. "Please, claim me."

Looking up, her eyes fixated on the hypnotic purple glow that came from the things large, glossy black eyes. Staring blankly at them, her body relaxed, ready to be forever deflowered by this undead monstrosity.

Its hands tugged on her butt, pulling her hips towards his member, the creature slowly inching its way into her tight elven form. Her lips parted and she moaned sensually, her belly quivering as the sensation of the bulbous head against her hymen felt so wonderful, Lina happy in the knowledge she was going to have her virginity taken by suck a vile, unnatural being.

And claim it the creature did, Lina gasping softly as the thing eased himself through her maidenhood, taking it from her. She found herself able to look away from its gaze, her senses coming back as she panted deeply, cooing playfully.

"" She said breathlessly, her ample bosom rising and falling delightfully.

Its grip held her body still, and Lina felt its cock push deep into her with a long, slow motion, burying the organ inside her fertile body, ready to breed with her.

The water began splashing rhythmically within the spawning pool. Lina's tiny form rocked back and forth while between her open thighs, the undead lobster thing's body thrust steadily, driving its organ into her again and again. It felt so amazing to the inexperienced princess, the thick plates covering the thing juxtaposed with the pulsating rotted flesh between them. Her mouth hung open, high pitched moans of pleasure flowing from her lovely mouth as she happily participated in this with the creature, eagerly awaiting each long thrust into her tight body.

Meanwhile, Helena was not even aware that Lina was no longer in the cottage. The conquered warrior still lay on her back in the bed, the fish like creature thrusting eagerly into her delicious body. Helena's hips sank into the mattress as her rotting lover sank his cock into her firm, athletic body. Her shoulders were pressed down firmly by the tentacle like arms that now rest atop them. The entire bed shook, creaking loudly as she happily endured a rather energetic fucking by this hideous creature.

Her body succumbed once more, the warrior crying out in pleasure as she tensed up, her belly sucking in, her hips trembling in pleasure. The creature gurgled in delight as it watched Helena orgasm again, enjoying the fact that she found pleasure in the vile coupling with it. Its thrusts continued, assaulting her senses and pleasure coursed through her, the slimy cock pumping in and out of her while the peak of her pleasure continued to roll through her, sapping her of strength.

"Yes...yes..." She gasped. "Keep going."

The thing did not disappoint, pumping and pumping while her body writhed in pleasure for another minute or so as Helena enjoyed her second orgasm of the evening.

"Wonderful." She gasped, relaxing some, but her breath still taken away by the sensations she continued to feel as the creature plunged himself into over and over.

Almost mercifully the thing slowed down, then ceased for a moment, its throbbing organ resting inside a very happy Helena. The thing cocked its head to the side while staring at her belly. One of its tentacle arms slid down between her plump breasts and began to caress her tummy. Helena moaned sensually, her body squirming erotically as the thing cave her tummy so much attention.

"Hmm, you plan on breeding with me don't you?" She said, a sultry, inviting tone to her lovely voice. "My body is yours for anything you desire...including that."

Helena smiled and playfully bit her lower lip. Giving in to this creature so completely made her body quiver. The delight of knowing its seed had impregnated her, causing her to give birth to this vile thing's young nearly made Helena cum yet again.

The thing responded by leaning forward, bringing its mouth to Helena's neck. The warrior tilted her head back, moaning as she bared her neck to the creature in an act of submission. Its rotted lips found her flesh, sucking loudly on her while its tongue began to slather itself against her, tasting Helena. She moaned softly, enjoying this immensely, eager to give this creature all it desired, hoping it would ravish her hours into the evening.

Helena then yelped in surprise as she felt its teeth pierce her flesh, just as it had done to her belly when she first encountered it. Relaxing, a soft sigh flowed from her lips as venom was once again pumped into her, the strange spider web of the venom visible in her neck as it flowed into her body.

Remaining latched to her neck, the creature began to move its hips once more, slowly pumping its cock in and out of the woman's body, allowing her to feel every bulbous orb along its length and the squishy rancid flesh that pulsated from the missing chunks of flesh along the thing's surface. Soon, disgusting squirming sensations accompanied those from its cock as maggots found their way free from the rancid organ and slithered about within her tight pussy.

Though she was barely able to move, Helena felt her herself cum again, a sharp, but breathless gasp coming from her mouth. The creature felt her tense up, quivering around his organ, much to its delight. It moving, slowly gliding in and out, a loud sloshing noise created by the motion as slime coated Helena's inner thighs and lower belly. Again and again she came, her weakened body succumbing to the pleasures of this creature, unable to resist and giving in to the vile pleasure.

This continued, Helena finding her body growing weaker and weaker while the intense pleasure dominated her statuesque body. Eventually all strength was sapped from her and she lay still, completely helpless as this treatment continued. Venom flowing into her while her pussy welcomed his disgusting, rotted cock into her body with each deep thrust.

Raising its face from Helena's neck, the creature's eye stalks stared down at her, watching her moan in pleasure as she lay helpless before him. A disgusting gurgle came from its mouth, Helena guessing it was a chuckle or a laugh; she smiled softly in response, happy to hear this creature express its satisfaction with her.

"I want to feel you cum in me." Helena whispered, an inviting look on her lovely face. "Please, impregnate me."

A long deep gurgle came from the creature, the thing obviously pleased with her desire to be bred by it. One of its tentacles wrapped around Helena's left tit, encircling the thick, firm mound and squeezing gently as its suckers clung to her. Its other slipped beneath her, to the small of her back and lifted her slightly, Helena moaning as her body shifted.

The thing began to pump into her, its hips rocking back and forth between her legs, freely plunging into the lovely warrior while she moaned lustfully, eager to feel this creature complete its domination of her. Her smooth, warm flesh glistened from the rancid slime that now coated it while her body rocked back and forth from the force of her undead lover's thrusts. She felt helpless, vulnerable...and loved it; Helena looking forward to the moment she felt this creature spill its pleasure into her fertile body.

From within the creature's body came a deep, disgusting *glug* noise, then another, as if something were moving around within it...Helena realizing it was approaching its orgasn.

"Yes...yes...yes." She began to chant softly, staring up at the creature, wanting it to satisfy itself with her body.

After several more thrusts, the creature then slowly pushed itself into the exhausted warrior, burying his organ fully into her as his crotch pressed up against hers with a loud slurping noise. Helena groaned deeply as she felt the first bulbous section of his cock swell, stretching her pussy lips tight around his organ, whatever it was going to inject into her now flowing down its foul cock. Her hips quivered as the thing slowly moved forward, Helena feeling each section of his cock expand and recede as the thing was pushed closer and closer to her womb. Her belly yielded to the large payload, the thing visible from outside her body.

Helena's lips released a quivering moan as thing reached the end of the creature's cock, Helena feeling it stretch the entrance to her vulnerable womb. Her belly quivered as it stretched, then with a loud, wet *schlorp*, the thing shot into her, pushing against her belly as the creature released something vile into her, following by a flow of hot, sticky slime.

Helena ran her tongue along her lips, taking pleasure in the act, and knowing that her body would now be used to birth whatever vile offspring this creature had implanted into her. She could feel the thing moving inside her, latching itself to her, causing her belly to tense up for just a moment.

"Hmm...amazing." Helena cooed, smiling warmly.

As Helena basked in the culmination of her deed with the hideous undead creature, her charge Lina was happily entertaining the vile thing that took her virginity not long ago. Her arms remained tied to the tree behind her, turning Lina into a prisoner of this creature, not that this bothered her. Her luscious lips were parted, slightly upturned into a playful smile while soft moans of pleasure flowed through them, Lina happy to engage in this vile act of breeding with the horrific undead creature standing between her open thighs.

The creature's bizarre mouth gargled and gulped, no doubt delighted as it enjoyed Lina's lovely elven form. Its thrusts into her tight canal caused her body to rock up and down; the motions of their bodies causing the black murky slime of the pool to ripple and splash. The stuff clung to her flesh, flung up onto her tummy and thick breasts by the motions of their fucking. The creature stared at her massive mounds, watching them jiggle and sway as her body moved before him.

"Yes, keep going." Lina squealed, her voice high pitched and eager, her mind and body enjoying this vile act.

Closing her eyes, Lina concentrated on the sensations she felt inside her body as the chitin covered cock pumped eagerly into her, gliding along her tight canal, stretching it tightly while dead flesh throbbed disgustingly between the knobby plates, maggots beginning to crawl free from the rotted mass to be forced up and down her insides while the creature fucked her.

The dead lobster like creature was quite happy to continue to give this young, impressionable elven woman what she wanted. Its clawed hands remained splayed out over her firm tush, gripping while its hips rocked back and forth; burying its foul cock into her over and over. Her body hugged his cock tightly, wet and warm around him as she quivered in pleasure, eager to participate in this vile deed with him. She was going to enjoy her new life once his kind had finished their dark plans at the nearby sanctuary.

While this creature knew it had the entire evening to enjoy this lovely little elf, it saw no reason to delay her impregnation. Turning her into a breeder for their kind was an idea that delighted this creature. Not ceasing, the creature continued to pump away at Lina, enjoying her body as she gasped pleasurably before him, happy to give him what he wanted.

Lina continued to enjoy what this creature was doing to her, relaxing as she let it continue to fuck her. Its rancid cock felt glorious as it thrust in and out of her freshly deflowered body, filling her as it sank deep into her, forcing her to wrap tightly around it. The squirming of the maggots now inside her along with the dead flesh and hard carapace stimulated her youthful body as she gave herself to the creature. Her eyes fluttered back open as she felt a change, the fleshy parts of its organ swelling, thickening up inside her.

"Are you going to release yourself inside me?" She asked, a wide smile forming on her lovely lips. "Oh, please do!"

Staring down between her bouncing breasts, she gazed at the barely visible cock just beneath the surface of the swampy goo, the thing pumping away at her, conquering her fertile body. The gurgling noise from the creature's mouth grew louder, pleasure mounting within the vile undead thing she was mating with, it was close! Biting her lip, she awaited it, wanting this, hungry for it.

Lina squealed as she felt a powerful gush of liquid inside her, the creature's cock spraying its seed into her, the stuff infested with writhing maggots. It kept thrusting, pushing the stuff up into her womb, all while filling her with more and more, the sticky, hot cum flowing freely into her.

"Yes, so good." She moaned, her belly undulating as her hips swayed, putting on a show for the creature as she allowed her body to be seeded by this thing.

The horrid creature began to slow down, casually pushing its organ into her now, Lina feeling the thing leisurely slide up into her, pushing the rancid, maggoty seed into her womb where she could feel the disgusting slithering and wriggling of the stuff now inside her, soon to make her a mother.

"Hmm, that was nice." Lina sighed, feeling relaxed, but eager for the fun to continue.

It was obvious that the creature had finished spilling its seed into her, but it seemed it was not done. As she rest helpless, it never ceased its thrusts, moving slower now, but still looking to draw more pleasure from her body. Sighing softly, she relaxed, ready to enjoy more of this.

"Ohh...yeah...more...Hmm? Oh my!" Lina's relaxed demeanor broken as she noticed something approaching.

Exiting the small cottage was a horrid fish like monster, quite undead, just like the lobster creature that inside her now. Within its tentacle arms was the limp form of Helena, the woman covered in glistening slime. Lina smirked. It looked like they both fell prey to something foul tonight. She hoped Helena had enjoyed her encounter just as much as she did.

She felt the cock inside her stop, and glancing to her undead lover, she found it turning to look at the newcomers to the spawning pool. As the fish thing began to step into the pool, Lina realized they were going to joined by these two!

"Hmm, naughty." She said with a giggle. "Are you going to let him have me now?"

The lobster thing looked to Lina and slowly shook its head up and down, letting her know that this other creature was going to know her. She smiled playfully and blushed, liking the idea of being passed around like this. She moaned as the thing slowly withdrew from her lovely body, leaving her feeling a bit empty, and releasing her butt, allowing her to come to rest against the slimy eggs once more. She moaned softly as her wrists were freed, Lina realizing just how numb and weak her arms felt as she lowered them back down, relaxing as Helena's limp form had come to rest next to her.

Lina stared up at the creatures, finding them staring down at the girls, not making a move for the time being. Were they going to let her and Helena give them a show? She only knew of one way to find out.

"Hmm...Helena?" She cooed, sliding up to her protector and running a hand along Helena's firm belly. "Did you already have chance to enjoy yourself?"

Lina's question was not answered by the woman, but rather by something squirming inside Helena's body, Lina able to feel it through her touch on the warrior's flat tummy. She sighed playfully, the idea Helena being conquered like she was, hmm, so delicious, Turning her attention to Helena's face, she found the woman's eyes opened, looking up at her while smiling softly.

"Looks like I failed to keep you safe." Helena said with a small chuckle. " looks like you don't mind."

"Hmm, no...I don't Helena." Replied the young princess, smiling as she brought her lips to Helena's.

The two girls kiss, softly, slowly, while the creatures watched, knowing they would be enjoying the girls again soon enough.

"Then...I suppose...there is no letting...them have us again." Helena informed her charge, speaking between their soft kisses. "...and again...and again."

"I think that is a lovely idea." Lina said with a soft sigh as she raised her mouth from Helena's and looked up at the hideous creatures with a smirk. "Spread your legs, and I will guide one of them into you."

"Hmm, you do like this Lina." Helena chuckled, feeling a bit of strength returning to her firm, athletic form.

Helena sighed pleasantly as Lina's hand flowed down her belly and between her shapely thighs, the warrior spreading them wide apart beneath the murky slime to offer her body up once more. The warrior watched as this bizarre lobster like creature stepped forward, not yet having the pleasure of Helena and looking to change that. She stared at the thing's bizarre cock, the mere sight of it causing her to whimper.

"If you give in that easily Helena, what hope do I have of resisting?" Lina giggled, gazing lovingly at the creature she had just mated with as it lowered its body down between Helena's splayed thighs.

"None." Helena whispered, staring up at the creature she was going to let inside her while she felt Lina reach out to take its cock within her gentle grasp.

The elf let her hands explore the vile shaft, slowly gliding up and down as she felt the rotted flesh throbbing between the ridged plates. She knew how it felt to have this thing inside her, Helena was going to enjoy being taken by this creature, there was not a doubt in her mind. Smiling up at the creature's large, black eyes, she guided the organ to Helena, pressing the thick head of the thing against the woman's moist lips, feeling Helena quiver beneath her touch.

Laying back, Lina displayed her body while waiting for this monstrosity to push himself into the conquered warrior. The creature reached forward with one of its hands, sliding it around Helena's waist and gripping tightly, the woman gasping as its digits sank into her flesh. Holding her in place, its hips began to move forward, its cock entering the warrior.

Helena's lips parted and she gasped in pleasure upon feeling herself spread open for this vile creature, then the sensation of his organ stimulating her body as it pushed inch by inch into her, penetrating deep into her belly. Laying next to Helena, Lina smiled as she watched the gorgeous warrior woman react to this creature's cock slipping into her tight body, both obviously enjoying the experience.

"So deep, yes..." Helena cooed, one of her hands sliding up to her tummy, caressing herself as the creature pulled back, then pushed into her once more, feeling her quiver in pleasure as it did so.

Helena stared up at the creature, a dreamy look on her lovely face. While she enjoyed being deflowered and impregnated earlier tonight, she was starting to feel an even stronger connection to this now. As if everything else were washing away, and a desire to pleasure these things filled the void. To be nothing more than a toy to be used for pleasure and breeding, Helena found herself wanting that, needing that.

The pool began to ripple again, washing its slimy contents over the girls as the creature began to fuck Helena, staring down at the submissive warrior while her body welcomed his cock into her. Lina expected to watch the show for a bit, delighting in Helena's submission to the creature, but that was not to be the case.

The fish like thing that had deflowered the warrior, moved to Lina. She glanced up in surprise, broken away from the trance she was in as she watched Helena submit. She let out a playful squeal, then smiled up at the creature, happy to provide her body for entertainment. The creature reached out and wrapped its thick tentacle arms around her forearms and tugged, guiding her to her feet, Lina finding her legs to be a bit wobbly. The thick goo from the pool slowly dripped from her smooth flesh as she stood before the creature, its eyes moving to gaze up and down, drinking in the beauty of the girl it was about to have. Lina found the creature guiding her back, sitting her down on the eggs at the edge of the pool, feeling the things give slightly beneath her weight. Her arms were released, the tentacles moving to her shoulders, and laying her back, draping Lina's body over the eggs that ringed the spawning pool she and Helena were now a part of.
