Downfall of Heroines Ch. 05


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It was inevitable now, and soon the thing began to spread her womanly folds open, Shereena gasping at the sensation as the eyes within the skulls around her waist began to glow, ready to make her property of the undead. Her back arched, her plump breasts pushing proudly up into the air. Stopping, the creature then pushed hard against Shereena, the woman gasping, all of a sudden it slipped in with a loud slurp. The chain began to glow brightly, the foul purple light bathing the girls flesh. A simple weak gasp flowed from Shereena's soft lips, her soul no longer hers. Her body then relaxed, laying limply beneath her undead lover, allowing the disgusting egg to flow deep into her.

As the egg joined the others this creature had implanted into her womb yesterday, Shereena was now and forever a slave to the death god. She smiled warmly at Vira, the girls both knowing what had transpired. Colleen grinned widely, so happy to have Shereena join her in this fate, watching as another egg prepared itself to enter the beautiful friend.

Beneath the girls, on the floor below, things did not look normal for this place. A pair of girls who resided here lay on their back, robes opened while a pair of undead figures pumped away, gleeful to have finally conquered this place and eager to defile the lovely women who reside here.

Across the room rest another friend, her head laying off the edge of the bed while another deathly monstrosity fed its cock past her soft lips. It was a glorious day indeed, The Sanctuary had been breached, and the undead were enjoying the fruits of victory.


High Priestess Breena was not oblivious to what had transpired here this evening. Not only could she feel the evil that had infested this place, but the sounds of those she was to protect being ravished could be heard off in the distance. If she were to look out her window and down into the courtyard, every now and then she could spot some vile undead monstrosity moving about. The Sanctuary had been broken under her watch.

Breena knew what lie in store for the girls, after all, it was how they came to end up here in the first place. She felt awful that she was unable to protect them, and knew that at this very moment, the undead were performing vile acts upon many, if not most of those that lived here. They were fortunate to have been pulled away from such evil once, Breena doubted this would happen again.

What would become of them? She had no idea what the end goal of these undead things was. Whatever it was, such dark things were best not brought to the front of one's mind.

There was nothing else she could do here, in fact Breena was rather surprised the magical protections she had placed on her chambers lasted this long. She felt guilty as could be, leaving the girls behind to be enjoyed by the undead, but she had to escape while she still could. Opening the hidden door in her chambers, Breena began to descend down the dusty, cobweb filled staircase, a candle lighting her way.

Breena moved slower than she would have liked, as a high priestess her garb was a bit more fanciful than the others here and only got in the way of her clandestine escape. She was quite tall, her lithe form rather graceful and beautiful to behold, her supple flesh nicely tanned due to the warm climate of this region. While older than most of the girls here at The Sanctuary, it was only by a couple years and she was young, well within the acceptable range to be married; something she did hope to do some day. Despite her thin frame, her body was well endowed with a plump pair of breasts, the fleshy mounds unusually firm for their large size. Her sandy brown hair was cut into a cute bob cut; giving her a fun, feminine appearance but continuously getting caught up in her fancy garments. Her smile was cute and inviting, showing off her innocence wile displaying just enough her playful side that could come out should she lose her inhibitions. She wore a fancy gown, the garment hugging her upper body tightly, and while sleeveless and baring her shoulders, it rose up to her neck, ending with a fabric collar. Around her slim waist was a wide belt, the golden piece of fabric wrapped tightly around her form. The crimson red dress flowed loosely down her legs, covering them, but unable to hide the shape of her tight, bubble butt. A pair of delicate shoes adorned her feet. While Breena may have looked quite lovely, she was not well equipped for delving down into an escape passage!

All seemed quiet down here, and the cobwebs cluttering the place, while annoying, let her know that nothing undead had come this way recently. Perhaps she would make it out of here in one piece.

Just as her nerves began to calm down, Breena thinking she made it out safely, her foot landed in a large puddle of goop. The stuff flowed around her foot and up over her ankle, thick and sticky. Despite the warm, soothing sensation of the stuff, she instinctively yanked her foot out as she squealed, unsure of what it had landed in. While her foot came free with a loud *schloooorrp*, her shoe remained submerged, hidden beneath whatever it was that coated the floor up ahead.

"Eww eww eww." She clamored, shaking her foot, trying her best to get whatever this was off her, of course, this did not work, the slimy stuff remained firmly upon her.

Stepping back a foot or so, she planted the balls of her toes on the gound, not wanting to press her whole foot down, wanting to avoid planting her foot into any more of this. After Breena took a moment to get over the shock, she began to worry. What was this stuff? Could it be related to the vile undead things that had infested The Sanctuary? If so, was something waiting for her up ahead, eager for her to continue down the passage?

Of course, she couldn't go back. At not unless she wanted to head back into the nest of undead. No doubt those vile things would enjoy that. The place was a den of vile pleasures as undead things took their time enjoying the lovely women that now belonged to them. She imagined Shereena, the young girl on her back, stripped of her clothes while a horrid rotting figure lay atop her. Its hips rose and fell, sinking its rancid cock into her, feeling her quiver in pleasure while listening to her soft moans of approval. Breena found herself wondering how long they could last, Shereena enduring as her body was used, enjoyed by the creature for hours until it completed the deep, spewing deathly seed into her, impregnating her body with something vile.

Unseen in the darkness, her candle not revealing it, a trail of black tendrils flowed up Breena's calf, the black slime that coated her foot seeping into her veins, flowing through her blood and tainting her thoughts.

She imagined the creatures grinning in pleasure as she returned, knowing that such a prize as a high priestess would get plenty of attention from. Her vision drifted, she was laying on an altar, her gown removed as a rotted figure approached, gazing at her beauty. Willingly, her legs parted for him, the creature climbing atop her. Then he was in her, she found herself moaning softly, the sensation quite pleasurable, relaxing. For hours he mated with her, enjoying her, taking her. And then she too was treated to the act of her womb being filled with undead seed, the figure growling in satisfaction as it impregnated a high priestess to the life goddess, claiming her for his dark god.

Breena panted softly, her moist lips parted while she imagined herself joining the rest of the doomed girls of The Sanctuary and giving in to the carnal pleasures the undead monstrosities inflicted upon her.

"Hmm...why is this so arousing?" She whispered to herself while she envisioned her body be entered by her second lover, happy to please as many of things as she could.

Breena glanced back the way she came, staring down the dark, empty hallway and smirking for a moment. She knew her body would be treated to much undead cock should she return. Smiling delightfully, she tossed off her other show, and began to saunter her way back the way she just came, the lure of carnal pleasures as she gave herself to these creatures now too much to resist.

Above the old tunnel Helena and Lina still resided in the spawning pool, their bodies half submerged in the muck while a pair of large, rotting salamander like things eagerly plunged their cocks into the girls. The black sludge that coated their bodies seeping into the ground beneath them, and dripping down messily onto the stone floor of the tunnel Breena had attempted to use.

The wall within Breena's private chambers shifted, the hidden door revealing itself as the high priestess peeked her head through, smiling playfully, yet showing a hint of nervousness as well. The room was quiet, no one was here. But, down the hall she could make out the faint sound of a woman moaning, pleasure obvious in her voice. This time, the sounds of one of the women she had to protect being defiled made her belly quiver with desire.

Nervously she bit her lower lip, all while the corners of her mouth had turned up into a playful smile, her face looking so cute, as if she were an innocent virgin eager to explore the pleasures of the flesh. Moving down the hall, Breena passed several closed doors, though she was able to easily hear sounds from inside, more of the vile debauchery that now took place throughout the building.

Something about the room ahead seemed to draw her, Breena staring down the hall, now panting deeply, inhaling slowly while her feet carried her closer, closer. Reaching the doorway, she turned and stared into what she knew as a private chapel for herself and other visiting priests, though the room did not look remotely the same as she remembered it.

Gone were the rich orange and gold décor that was once displayed here. What she remembered as a shrine or a pew had all been twisted into something horrific. Furniture was now black, misshapen into all manor of evil shapes, depicting skulls, undead or possibly the maggoty vermin that resided within the foul abominations. The walls themselves seemed to leak a vile putrid black goo from the mortar joints. The center of the chamber was the most bizarre however. The floor appeared to have disappeared, in its place was a large, slowly swirling pit of maggots, easily 15' or so across, a pulsating purple light shining through from beneath. Jutting up just a foot or so from the grotesque mass of writhing vermin were a trio of altars, the glistening black surface adorned with ornate, almost lifelike carvings of dead things, and foul acts performed upon mortal women. The altars or course were occupied, the three women were quite familiar to Breena...Lady Colleen, Vira, and Shereena. Their hands had been bound above their head, securing them to the thing as they were being sacrificed, in a most sexual manner. With thighs parted, the girls freely gave themselves to the truly horrific things that were in the midst of fucking them.

Breena could tell they were quite obviously undead, but beyond that, they were not like anything she was familiar with. Standing knee deep in the maggot pool, it was like they had emerged from emerged from the realm of death itself, as Breena had no doubt that was there this pool lead, the creatures possibly still attached to it. The rotting figures were nearly pitch black in color, with patches of putrid brown or a sickly diseased pus green. The ruined flesh of the things was quite slimy, the thick, black goo dripping from them every few moments. The skull like visage of the creatures seemed to merge with the rotted flesh as if they were one and the same. Inside the empty eye sockets a faint purple light could be seen, pure essence of evil. Their teeth were discolored and stained, each with a pair of fangs. The creatures casually pumped their vile manhoods into the trio of seemingly very willing women, if their pleasurable moans were anything to go by, the thick shafts throbbing visibly as they leaked maggots, the vermin pumped into the beautiful women as well.

Dangling above this bizarre scene were several chains, each containing a hook at the end. However, it did not seem as if they were to be used to pierce flesh. Instead, each held what looked like a belly chain, ornately crafted from silver and adorned with gems carved into the shapes of skulls. Breena wondered what they might be used for, as no one currently in the room was wearing them.

It took Breena a moment to realize the room was occupied by others, as she had to tear her eyes away from the spectacle taking place in its center. A dark elf, a drow was here; the woman's massive bosom quite magnificent. It seemed her lover thought so too, as what once looked to be an imp but was now quite undead eagerly sucked upon one of her glorious mounds, slurping loudly while she watched, moaning pleasantly. Her discarded clothes rest nearby, Breena realizing rather quickly that this dark elf was a worshipper of death.

Vivian was here too, Breena still wondering what the mysterious woman was all about. Her slim form writhed as she lay on a pew, her eyes closed and her mouth open to moan lustfully. Between her slender thighs was a truly disgusting creature, Breena not even sure how to describe the small thing. It fucked the lovely brunette rather vigorously, causing her body to shudder in pleasure.

"Hmm, we have company." Said the dark elf, turning and giving Breena a sultry stare. "Do you like what you see?"

Breena did not realize how aroused she appeared, her lips parted sensually, her thick breasts pushing against her gown as she breathed deeply, her eyes were fixated on the three women upon the altars, their bodies given to these vile creatures. She whimpered for a moment as she pondered this woman's question. The disgusting undead imp, raised its mouth from the drow's plump breast, grinning as it watched the high priestess of the life goddess stare at the horrid scene before and pant softly in pleasure, unable to resist.

"Very much so." She finally answered, breaking her gaze to look over at the drow and her unusual partner.

"I wasn't really asking." The drow replied with a chuckle. "I could see the desire in your eyes. And coming from experience, I cannot blame you."

The undead imp chuckled as Nishala teased the high priestess, the creature laying on its side, its rotted, maggoty cock still quite erect as the creature was obvious going to be enjoying the lovely black skinned elf.

"I hate to say it, but you are going to have to wait your turn." Nishala said, propping herself up on her elbows. "That lovely warrior, the one with the copper colored hair. I believe her name is Vira, if I am not mistaken, the creature with her will be finishing inside her soon enough. So, take a seat, and enjoy the show."

Not far from Breena was an empty bench, most likely once a small pew but now twisted into a bizarre reflection of the death god.

"Sadly, we cannot entertain you while you wait." The imp said, its voice grating and full of glee. "You see, Nishala and I, we shall be completing our wedding ceremony soon enough."

"Wedding?" Breena asked, unaware that the death god cared for such things.

Nishala laughed and looked at the foul creature she would soon be bound to, grinning invitingly at it.

"Well, its not quite the same." Nishala said with a grin, looking up at Breena. "You see, I am going to quite willingly give my soul to him. We shall be bonded together, and I shall eternally be his. And I intend to be quite the obedient wife."

The imp's rotted, oozing tongue licked its lips hungrily, the creature staring at Nishala's lucious form, quite eager to have her be his literal willing slave for all time.

"It would rather rude of me to step out on my bethrothed." The imp said, flashing her a cruel smile. "Especially when she has everything I desire in a woman...and mother.

Nishala closed her eyes, her lips quivering as she moaned, reacting to the lovely sensation of this creature's hand gently caressing her belly, her body already having provided him with several offspring, the creatures used to infest the village and conquer the women that resided there.

"So, sit and watch the display before you." Said the vile creature. "And be sure to pay special attention to Vira."

Leaning in to Nishala, the thing's chest pushing up against one of her glorious breasts, mashing up against the jet black flesh while its sloppy lips found hers, the dark elf quite happy to accept his tongue into her lovely mouth.

She watched the two lovers for a few moments, Nishala relaxing, stretching her shapely form out on the floor for the imp like creature she would soon be bound too, its hand sliding up from her belly and squeezing into the flesh of one of her magnificent breasts.

Breena also allowed her gaze to wander to Vivian, the graceful woman writhing sensually as that foul slug like creature pushed its slimy organ into her, its snout like mouth latched on to one of her pert breasts, sucking hungrily. The pair seemed so lost in their pleasures, she doubted they even realized Breena had entered the room. One thing is for sure, Breena knew Vivian would have something to say about it! No doubt she would revel in knowing that the mighty high priestess would soon be giving herself to this vile creatures.

Breena did blush, she figured at some point, Vivian would be gloating over her decision to give in and let herself be conquered by these creatures. But, she felt a bit odd, just standing here while everyone else was in the midst of exploring carnal pleasures. So, moving slowly as not to attract attention, Breena took a seat at the empty pew, her view of the main attraction in the center of the room quite unobstructed.

Her gaze did shift to Vira as was suggested to her. The shapely warrior was very much enjoying what was being done to her body. Her legs lay wide open to give access to the almost indescribably foul undead thing that was enjoying the charms of her lovely form. Her back was arched sharply, pushing her thick breasts up into the air, the creature staring at them while it fucked her. Vira's lips were parted, gasping sharply in pleasure while she stared intently up at the skeletal face of the creature, lust present in her eyes.

Breena stared between Vira's thighs, watching the thick, maggoty organ slide into her, the high priestess guessing the thing had to be pushing a whole foot into the woman's tight body, stretching her tightly around the thick shaft. No wonder she could not contain her pleasure! The obscene pulsating of the shaft no doubt just added to the incredible sensation, Breena whimpering in envy as she watched it sink into the woman, maggots and all disappearing into her body.

The creature's hands roamed Vira's form, one atop a breast, gently squeezing while the other moved about her belly, feeling her motions as her undulated deliciously for the thing. Breen ran a hand along her neck, her lips parting to moan softly as she enjoyed the display before her, allowing it to arouse her virginal body; knowing she was going to be quite the prize when it came time for her to be initiated into this.

The pairings continued, Breena smiling as she watched all three of them women, their bodies being taken by the truly hideous creatures. Breena's gown was a bit disheveled now, the dress hiked up to reveal her thighs as she gently caressed them as she stared intently, so eager to take the place of one of the poor girls on those altars.

As her attention drifted back to Vira, she noticed her undead lover was moving a bit more eagerly now, the creature hissing in pleasure as its thrusts caused her body to vigorously slide back and forth along the black stone of the deathly altar. Her cries of passion were louder now, heard over the other girls in the room. Gripping her waist tightly, the creature held her still, pumping furiously, conquering her with his inhuman organ.