Dr. Grey Ch. 04


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"Ok Karen, now slowly fall to your knees in front of him and unzip his trousers. Expose his cock and then push him firmly back into his chair, taking an aggressive sexual lead. As soon as he is sitting, you are to take his erection into your mouth and lock his startled eyes with your own." Simon was beginning to warm to his task, partly in excitement at the memory and partly in relief that he could finally unburden his guilty conscious.

Karen obeyed and soon a panting Grey was sitting in the chair, feeling her warm mouth welcome his pleasure almost as much as her smouldering eyes. It was time to enhance this by setting a new guideline for Simon.

Grey activated his mouthpiece.

"Sorry to interrupt but this is mainly for Simon. Simon, you cannot see Karen as she mimes sexual actions and of course she was not there in your office. I want Karen to make a firm tap on the chair every time she simulates a motion, with you indicating faster or slower as your memory recollects. In short, I want her to mime the actual sexual acts as closely as possible to the historical ones. Ok, proceed again please."

Simon resumed.

"Karen, suck on him slowly whilst stroking his balls."

Grey made the tapping, to allow Karen to concentrate all her energy on pleasuring him. He saw Simon listening in the viewer and waited.

"Suck him a little faster Karen but every now and again slow to that speed. You are teasing him on this occasion for he did not cum the first time. You are simply stating that you are claiming his cock from his wife."

It took a minute to get the rhythm correct but eventually Simon told Karen that she was perfectly recreating the blowjob. The secretary clearly knew her stuff, thought Grey as Karen worked, because this felt amazing without ever giving him the fear he was going to climax.

Karen imagined the penis in her mouth to be Simon's, giving into that bitch and moaning softly like Doctor Grey was now. Jealousy mixed with revenge as she repaid Simon exactly, not a suck more and not a suck less.

Grey decided to have a little more added to the experience. He activated his microphone again, skilfully keeping his voice professional despite his arousal.

"Simon, linking into the exhibitionism and also into making this into a positive sexual experience for you both, I want you to masturbate to the rhythm of the oral sex. Close your eyes and try to imagine Karen in place of your secretary, as if she were sucking your penis right now in this office."

Grey watched with satisfaction on the viewer as he saw Simon make himself erect, acting out in fantasy every suck that his wife was giving to her therapist just a few feet away. Grey allowed them to continue in silence for a few minutes, knowing that Simon would end this before anyone came, and just savoured the moment.

As in the historical infidelity, Simon ended the blowjob just before climax. He was unsure as to what to do next, so he asked for guidance.

"Doctor Grey, should I move onto the next blow that caused me to climax?"

Grey stoked Karen's face as he replied.

"No Simon, this is about revealing secrets, not repetition. Move onto any other sexual experience you had with your secretary, with the exception of that sexual area you are yet to admit to Karen. That comes in the next section."

Simon thought about his phrasing for a moment, then began.

"He decided he was going to have her and told her to arrange a double-room for them on his next business trip. Karen, imagine you are in the room and strip for him. He will strip himself and prepare the bed as you do."

Grey watched Karen remove her clothes as he removed his own. He turned the chair into the flat couch once more and they waited for further instructions from Simon, each clothed in little more than lust and a silly smile.

"He decided to lay her down first and eat her pussy. Karen, lie down and spread your legs for him," Simon began.

Grey activated his microphone as Karen obeyed.

"For acts you performed on your secretary, Simon, Karen will have to masturbate and imagine. Describe in detail as usual, allowing her to make her finger into your tongue or penis as appropriate. For cunnilingus you are not to masturbate yourself, Simon, as you did not at the time. Please proceed."

Grey listened to every description and simulated them to perfection within Karen's pussy. He closed his eyes, combining Simon's description with the married pussy he was eating to taste the secretary in his imagination. This was the way to explore a patient's sexual history indeed.

Karen, on the other hand, could see nothing but Grey in her mind. Her anger at how Simon had pleasured that bitch was being mixed with the sensations of internal singing emanating from her pussy. She was feeling the joys of both infidelity and revenge combine in a delicious manner and she felt incredibly alive. She let her orgasmic screaming ring out with true abandon, thrilling Grey, shocking Simon and liberating her soul all at once.

Simon finished his tale as Karen came with an almighty shudder, her scream of release ringing around the office walls. Simon felt pleased that he had managed to turn this negative, guilty memory into a positive moment to share with his wife. He was truly grateful to Doctor Grey for his expertise, almost as much as Karen was behind the screen.

Simon continued with his recollection.

"As you lay there Karen I want you to pull him onto the bed, then guide his cock into your glistening pussy. Your legs are being held high by him, allowing for deeper penetration, whilst your hands grab his arse in preparation to regulate his thrusting."

As Grey entered Karen she smelled his cologne again, making her so high she almost came as soon as she felt his cock between her legs. Grey held her legs back and pushed deep inside Karen, an inch deeper than Simon ever could, and the extra depth added to her intense arousal.

Grey activated his microphone. He had a new idea.

"Ok Simon, for intercourse it is going to be a little different. Karen needs to concentrate fully on her re-creation and you will not feel sexual union with her through words alone. I want you to take your headset off and place the microphone next to your penis, allowing Karen to hear you as you pump. Each pump should correspond to each thrust of the sexual intercourse that you and your secretary engaged in, meaning that your climax must come at the same time in here as it did in that hotel room. The pumping will act as a guide for Karen's recreating. Once orgasm is achieved, replace your headset. Begin please."

Grey adjusted Karen's headset so that the microphone would pick up every sound. It was the thrill of his need for silence that was going to make this sweeter than anything else, coupled with the sight and sounds of Simon. There was something delightful in turning a loving husband into a mere wanker, especially as each pump of his abandoned cock would lead to his wife being fucked deeper by her new lover. Grey had turned Simon from master of his bedroom into a mere sex-toy and soon, with the fifth experiment, he was going to lose mastery of not only his wife but also his entire family.

Simon began to masturbate very, very slowly. It was a pace which suited Grey for, like Simon had with his secretary, he wanted to savour his illicit conquest. Karen held onto Grey's ass and listened as her husband dictated the speed of each, wonderful thrust. This was sex of a kind that neither Grey not Karen had ever experienced, with the duration and point of climax completely at the hands of another. Karen hoped that Simon has screwed that bitch secretary for at least half an hour, the longest he had ever screwed Karen, for otherwise she would feel cheated as well as cheated on.

In fact the sex lasted nearly an hour. All that broke the silence of the room was the ever-building moaning of Karen and the heavy breathing of Simon as he thrilled at sharing this encounter in the open. Maybe he did have an exhibitionist streak after all, he thought with a small smile.

Karen had never been screwed for so long or with such an overwhelming combination of the gel, the cologne, Grey's body and the sheer pleasure of illicit revenge. She cheated Simon of several of her orgasms, silently dedicating the gasping to the wonderful man inside her as he felt them tighten her pussy around him. Finally she heard Simon climax and she allowed the pent-up sexual energy to flow through her and out of her mouth in a breath-taking series of orgasmic screams, which Grey used as cover for his own, deep orgasm. His sperm began their journey into her womb, claiming every inch of her vagina as explorers and conquering heroes. Her citadel had not only been breached again but this time her king had been overthrown as well, soon to taste the life of a war-trophy slave.

Grey gave them all time to recover their breath as he withdrew from Karen. Eventually he assumed his professional manner again as he addressed them both.

"That was a positive experience, I am sure you will both agree, and one which has helped to strengthen your sexual union. I think, therefore, that it will now withstand the revelation of a part of Simon's sexuality that he has been afraid to reveal. First of all I will ask you to get dressed and then close your eyes in meditation for a few minutes. Then I am going to enter the room and supervise another role-play. Ok?"

They both agreed as they dressed. Grey stood and waited until he could see Simon had closed his eyes in the chair. He silently moved to the door before unlocking it, opening and closing it and then standing by his desk.

"Ok, open your eyes please and remove your headsets. We can talk normally from now on. Karen, please come and join myself and Simon in the middle of the room."

Karen moved from behind the screen and joined them. Simon looked into her eyes and could see clearly that this therapy session had been a great success so far, for she looked much more sexually charged than she had for years.

"Simon, tell Karen what you used to do with your secretary when she had made mistakes," Grey said in a matter-of-fact tone that concealed his malice perfectly.

Simon looked squarely at Karen as he spoke.

"I used to spank her naked ass across my knee."

Grey took an educated guess now. It was logical, given that Simon seemed to be the possessive type, that he would have had a problem with his secretary having sex with anyone else during his affair with her.

"Were those mistakes just office based or did she also get punished for having sex with her boyfriend?" Grey asked.

Grey knew he had struck gold as he saw the look flash across Simon's face.

"Once, when I knew she had broken our agreement to stay loyal, I spanked her until she admitted what she and her boyfriend had done when I arranged for them to visit me once whilst Karen and the kids were out. I was hoping to cop a feel of her whilst he was out but instead she left me watching TV whilst they went upstairs for 20 minutes. She claimed they were talking but I could see the look on their faces," Simon revealed.

Karen looked scared at how this conversation was turning out but knowing that this was all part of the therapy she needed, she did not object. She merely looked at Simon with cold eyes.

Grey just needed to hit the play button now. He wasted no time.

"Linking into the exhibitionism, as well as your need to express this side of your sexuality to your wife, Simon, I want you and Karen to recreate the spanking you gave to your secretary on that occasion. I will, of course, be forced to observe Karen's naked buttocks but at least her genitalia will remain covered. In that manner I think we will have secured her privacy."

Simon became excited, despite his best efforts to conceal it. He'd always ached to spank Karen and even the cost of this opportunity now, having to allow another man to see her arse, was small. Doctor Grey, after all, was a man of integrity and Simon was sure he would gain no sexual thrill out of the sight at all.

Grey knew that Simon was placing the last nail in the coffin of his marriage as he called Karen over. The humiliation he was about to inflict on his wife, linked to his own infidelity, was going to make Karen hate Simon with all the intensity she had once loved him. He just wanted to ensure it became personalised to the maximum level possible.

"For this role-play, Simon, it's important that you and Karen bond as a couple. It may, after all, become part of your regular sexual routine in the future. Call Karen by name and refer to yourself as the injured party at all times."

Simon began the re-enactment as Grey sat on his desk to admire the spectacle.

"Come here Karen and bend over my knee."

Karen did as she was told and began to enter the role-play herself.

"What have I done, Simon?" she asked

Simon did not answer but merely pushed her waistband and panties down to just about her pussy. Grey could see that Simon was awed at the site of his wife in such a vulnerable position, her buttocks naked and her body under his complete control. Grey knew that, albeit to a much lesser extent, Simon was a sadist at heart and Grey thrilled to have beaten a kindred-spirit at his own game.

Simon became domineering as his voice became low and full of venom.

"You had sex with him upstairs didn't you? Whilst I was downstairs you dropped your panties for him."

Karen presumed she was meant to deny this and she did, with equal venom. She whimpered as Simon's hand crashed onto her naked ass, stinging worse than even her childhood days when her father had disciplined her. Her father had done it through love and Simon was doing it for the thrill of power. It was a distinction not lost on her and she boiled with silent rage at her husband.

Simon crashed his hand down again and again, causing Karen to decide on a swift revenge. This may be his re-creation of what he did to his bitch secretary but it also gave her the chance to gloat in his face.

"Yes, ok" she screamed "We were in your bedroom to talk but he persuaded me to strip for him, whilst he took photographs."

Simon was delighted that Karen had decided to embellish the role-play. Perhaps she was secretly enjoying it after all and did not want it to end too quickly? It did not matter to him, as long as he played along he could go on spanking her.

"Did you suck on him?" Simon demanded. "Did you desecrate the bedroom of me and my wife by taking his cock into your mouth?"

Karen had calmed now and her soul was ice-cold fury. She had a mocking tone to her voice as she softly responded to the question.

"Yes, I sucked him on your bed and I sucked his seed into my mouth just inches from where you rest your head. He tasted so much better than you did, he is longer than you are and when he ate my pussy I came much deeper than you could ever manage for me. He's twice the man and twice the lover you could ever be."

Simon was delighted at the stubbornness of will that Karen was showing. She was putting in a really good performance for him and he appreciated it, for she was allowing him to break her in the same way his secretary had once done. He inflicted a series of blows on Karen's ass and Grey watched on, enjoying this very intense event in ways that neither participant could ever know.

Karen began to cry as the pain and humiliation overwhelmed her. She was hurt almost as much by the sadistic joy she sensed from Simon, contrasting sharply with the fatherly concern she knew was emanating from Doctor Grey. She decided to have one last emotional fight back.

"I'll tell you something else Simon. He screwed me and made your marital bed squeak. If you were not so impotent you would have gone into the next room and heard us, but instead you just sat there and gave us the time to do it whilst thinking we were just talking. He is a far better lover than you and I'm glad it was him in your bed with me as opposed to you."

Simon eventually broke Karen with a series of stinging blows. Grey stopped the session as soon as Karen had lost all resistance, for the point had been proved to her and he did not want to give Simon any more pleasure than necessary.

Grey gave Karen time to recover and dress. He spoke with the cool and intoxicating authority of the psychopath.

"Ok, both of you. I know it was a mixed session but I really think we have made progress overall. The last stage is to move to intense therapy, by which I mean 24 hours. I need to see you interact at home and to be able to feedback as events occur. With your permission I would like to be a guest in your house from tonight and for a period of one week. By the end of that time I am sure we will have resolved Karen's obsession and your marriage will be stronger than ever."

They agreed, for by now it was clear to both that Doctor Grey had the answers they sought. Grey asked to speak to Karen alone for a moment and, when Simon stood outside, he whispered to her.

"That spanking was, to say the least, a little sadistic. I am worried that Simon might have a side to him that is hidden. I am also worried that it may affect his relationship with his daughters especially with Mary, your youngest. It may be sub-consciously causing her to associate sadism with sex and maybe that is why she is having problems with climaxing. During this week it is imperative that you get Mary to see me alone, for I think I have a therapy that will help her."

Karen was reassured as always by his manner and his scent.

"Ok Doctor Grey."

As Grey locked up the office he allowed himself a moment of reflection. There had only been four times in his career when he had found subjects worthy of the great experiment, and never so quickly after a move. He'd have no use for this office again, for after Karen had provided entry for the fifth, he'd end up changing both identity and city.

Grey smiled, something he never did unless it was at the thought of hurting someone, as he looked into the abyss that beat within his chest. It was time for the group therapy to begin.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This was one of the best series I have ever read. It was well-written. Great storyline and visuals!

CitadelCitadelabout 19 years ago
Final Part OF This Story

To assist in finding the fifth and final part of this story I have included the hyperlink for it below. This will redirect you to the "Erotic Horror" section where it was classified upon acceptance.

You will need to edit it to remove the space between shows and tory.php (This is how the site tries to prevent ad hyperlinks). Alternatively please go to the erotic horror section and select "Dr Grey Ch.05" from the list.

The final part has the sub-heading of "Saigon"

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Incredibly imaginative and well-written. A nice change

from the same 'ol same 'ol.

CitadelCitadelabout 20 years ago
Final Part

Part 5, the final part of this story, has been classified as "erotic horror". It is therefore in that section within Literotica.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

very good story.

StryWrter7StryWrter7about 20 years ago

your story is NEW -- not the same old sexual story in hypnotism that appear on this site and others. I have enjoyed the first 3 parts as well as this one -- and look forward to learning just how good Dr Grey is at turning her husband into his slave. I know he can use the same gel and aroma to seduce the 18 & 20 year old daughters --- but want to return to the story to see how he makes the husband totally ineffective.

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