Dragon Tales 05: Quetzacoatl


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To end our almost perfect day, we retired back to the huts where Mae and Mary had prepared the left-overs and some fresh items into another wonderful feast. After heartedly enjoying feeding our faces, we all decided another bath was in order. Clothing was discarded and 12 adults and a child were soon rubbing up against each other in pleasurable ways. As the night before, the offers of help abounded, soon leading to more personal wandering of hands, caressing and then full-blown sex.

My wives and I had adjourned as this was starting and pleasured ourselves with each other as we watched our guests relax and get to know each other in a manner they might not have earlier contemplated. Again, I worked to pleasure Mae, Mary and Jane. Their moans soon got the attention of our visitors who also watched us as they continued to pleasure each other.

Eventually we all retired for the evening. During the night, Mae and I were woken by first Lily, and then Debbie, from Sam's village. They had seen me pleasure my women and noticed my size and stamina. They asked Mae if she would be willing to share the "god" so that they might be bred by him and enjoy his obvious girth and expertise. I was surprised when Mae considered their request only fleetingly before agreeing to share my body and sperm. Okay, I was thinking. Mae directed me to take each woman, blink them to someplace pleasant and pleasure them, then blink them back. Understanding her, I grabbed a mat and a gourd of water, took Lily by the hand and led her toward the jungle.

When we got away from the huts, our hands linked, I blinked us to the beach on Cozumel where I had vacationed with Mae. I spread the mat, gently disrobed Lily and laid her down. I then proceeded to explore her body and pleasure her. I caressed her all over, even turning her to massage her back, legs and butt. I kissed her all over too (and she kissed me back). I played with, and teased, her breasts, causing her nipples to grow rigid and change color from a light brown to a deep red. By this time she was moaning, groaning, and writhing all over the mat, having a hard time holding still.

I then went in for her sex. I caressed her groin and inner thighs. I teased, licked, kissed and sucked on her labia. I fingered her vagina and found her g-spot. As I did this, I worked her clit lightly, and then with more focus and pressure. To my great pleasure, she exploded, arching off the mat and spraying her feminine juices all over her body. I kept caressing her gently, bringing her down to the mat where I entered her smoothly.

Once inside her vagina, I slid gently back and forth thoroughly enjoying the warmth and the moist pressure of her sheath. I made a point of rubbing against her clit with my pubic bone with each deep thrust. As she warmed up again, she began bucking up against me, fucking back strongly. At this point in the proceedings, I started pounding harder. I also increased the length and girth of my erection so I was hitting deeper within her and rubbing her vaginal sheath even more than before. Every stroke would rub her g-spot, hit her cervix and pound against her clit. She was screaming with pleasure (and I felt pretty good myself). It wasn't long before I felt her vagina wall pulsing and grabbing my shaft. As she climaxed and screamed again, I thrust as deeply as I could and emptied myself deep inside her.

Lily and I spent 3 days on Cozumel, coupling several times a day and at night time too. I then returned her to our camp, about 10-20 minutes after we left, sure that she was well bred and carrying my child. After taking a few minutes in the pool to clean off (and really taking another day to rest), I returned to the hut for Debbie.

Taking her by the hand, I repeated the process, spending 3 more days on Cozumel having sex, playing in the surf, and ensuring that Debbie was well bred before I brought her back to my home 10-20 minutes after we had left.

The next day, after eating and bathing, Sam's group headed out on their trek to their village, the women walking gingerly. I promised that I would visit in a few days to meet with them and Sam. I then sat down with my family and our friends.

We discussed how the meeting had gone, what everyone had learned, and our thoughts on Sam's villagers. Everyone agreed that the water system and bathing pool was a huge hit (and a new favorite place to play). Our friends also were looking forward to moving their village closer to ours and building water systems and gardens like ours. After hugs all around, I transported our friends back to their village and returned home.

I was immediately pounced upon by all three women with demands to tell them all of the details of my time with Lily and Debbie. I told them in great detail what I had done with the two women over six days, and in fact, to their immense pleasure, acted out several parts with my women. As we lay about after telling the tale, all well sated, both Mary and Jane expressed their jealousy and desire to be taken to Cozumel and be taken by me in every way while there. Mae just smiled and said she wouldn't mind returning there herself.

_ _ _ _ _

During the next week, Mae's village decided to make their move. It did not take long for them to gather their belongings and start their trek into the jungle. To my surprise (though after some thought I understood completely), they just left their huts in place to be reclaimed by the jungle -- it just wasn't worth it to try and carry large posts through 20 miles of jungle when there would be new posts available when they arrived.

I looked over the area where they were headed (about 5 miles downstream of my home) and picked out a couple of likely locations for an encampment, but left the decision to the villagers -- hey, they were the ones who would have to live there, not I. When they arrived, they chose a spot near where our stream and another joined. They then got right to it, clearing the jungle for their village. It was slow going initially with their obsidian blades cutting slowly into the large and small trees. Asking what they intended, I gave them some help, clearing a large area in a fraction of the time it would have taken them. I also stacked the trees I cut and piled the smaller trees (for firewood and other purposes).

The layout for this new village site was a bit different from the old one as they wanted to incorporate a water system and a very large pool in the center of the village (more people, bigger pool required). In fact, they ended up putting in two pools, one being shallow for the kids.

I helped them construct the water system and erect new huts (a lot easier for me to move dirt for the post holes and for the ditches, as well as gathering rocks to line the pools and ditches). While some of the hunters explored their new area and brought back fresh meat, some of the women explored and gathered the plants they needed. With many hands helping, the village quickly took form -- a circle of huts with a central plaza containing cooking and work areas, as well as a fresh water pool and two bathing pools, all covered by nice shade structures (ramadas).

The villagers were very pleased with their new home and couldn't wait to start their own garden areas as we had done. I left them to it and returned to my home and family (although I had spent much of each day, and each night with them).

I had also taken the time to drift over Sam's village, seeing our 4 visitors return and several meetings in the village center over the next week. I was not surprised when during one of my overflights Sam asked me to join them.

Although the pressures on the natural resources were greater from the larger village, they were well situated near a larger river, and they had a well-established system of trade routes to other large villages in the area of southern Mexico / Guatemala. They had just called me in to toss out a few of their ideas.

Obviously the water system was a big deal to them -- both for drinking and for bathing (the foursome had really enjoyed their little orgy and told their friends). In fact, that was causing much of their concern -- the size of their plans -- they wanted a larger community pool, but also smaller pools for each part of the village. I was impressed with their planning, although it would mean some major reconstruction to accommodate the planned pools.

I blinked back to find some of my dragon friends and laid out the situation to them. They promised to take a look at the plans and get back to me, which they quickly did. They were impressed and had a couple of suggested tweaks (mostly dealing with slope and water flow), and offered to help if the village wanted it.

I blinked back to Sam, telling him that some of my friends (he got an "oh shit -- there are more gods" expression on his face) liked his plans and would be willing to help. He was not too sure of this, after all, why would someone (especially gods) help them. What would they want in return?

The villagers as a whole were receptive to the idea (especially the women, as Lily and Debbie had quite proudly told of their experiences with me and there was some hope among the other women that they might be the recipient of some similar loving).

I explained the new developments (the women's desires) to my friends and they were quite taken with the idea (they had met my women and thought a similar situation to mine might make for a pleasant diversion -- we dragons do get bored at times with the relative ease of our lifestyles and our longevity -- almost anything new and challenging is welcomed -- and if it might involve sex, even better).

The next day four gods, in the guise of large, muscular Mayan hunters, walked into Sam's village. I introduced the other three to Sam. As they didn't have names, we came up with names on the spot -- Doug, Dan and Dave -- hey, it was easy and I like alliteration. Sam and the other villagers were impressed with their appearance as all four of us towered several inches over each of them, as well as outweighing them by quite a bit.

After a quick mental conference, I asked Sam if he had any preferences about how we should proceed. This surprised poor Sam as he had never spoken to a god before he met me, and while I had been rather nice to him and his people in his understanding of how gods acted, he had never thought that gods would ask him his opinion. He just answered that they would be happy with whatever the gods wanted. I indicated that Doug would take the village, Dan would start work on the water system, and Dave would work on the leach field / garden to be.

Doug was fun to watch. He shifted into a large raptor (different from my eagle form) and floated over the village several times, looking back and forth. He then went to each of the separate village groupings, with me in tow to interpret his questions and requests. Pretty much I was there to tell the people what he was going to do so they had time to grab children, dogs and birds (some pretty parrots in the village) before he uprooted entire huts and moved them. While the villagers did not really see what was happening, I quickly saw Doug's design and planned layout. Rather than the previously almost random arrangement, he had a very organized structure in mind, moving the groupings away from the village center and arranging them in small enclaves each with a central plaza and room for their own work area, cooking area and pool.

Also, to the amazement of the villagers, rather than physically taking things apart and rebuilding them, he mentally moved each hut and resituated it intact. (I was pretty amazed myself -- I had seen a lot of things done with the power of the ley lines, but this surpassed anything I had ever seen -- I wondered just what some dragons might be capable of doing.) And Doug didn't even seem to be straining (although I noticed him blink out a few times and then return, knowing he had taken several breaks where he could eat, rest and recover from what had to be some serious mental work).

While he rearranged the huts, he also excavated the large pool areas within each enclave's plaza area, and set the poles for new ramadas over those areas. In the course of only 2 days, he totally rearranged the entire village layout. I also noticed (not sure in the confusion of reconstruction how many others noticed) that he built three new huts in separate parts of the village. Doug was obviously planning ahead for his, Dan's and Dave's new homes.

While Doug was doing his thing, the other two were also busy. Dan had blinked himself upriver and started work on the water system. He had constructed a more elaborate structure on the edge of the river to divert the water -- all of it rock lined, but also cemented together with a substance I'd never seen before (we'll just call it cement, as it was made in the same way and of the same materials, and leave it at that). He excavated the ditch to their plan, again larger than my ditches. When he lined the ditch, he cemented those rocks together too. He brought the new ditch to the upper end of the village where he connected ditches to each of the enclaves' pools and completed the stone work for each structure. Through all of this, I could see him continually checking the slope to ensure good flow.

As with Doug, Dan blinked out a few times to eat, rest and recharge (and probably take time to think about and come up with the cement mixture). Yet it appeared to the villagers that he also worked nonstop for two days building their system (which was really quite extensive to ensure a good elevation drop and continuous flow).

Dave also did his share. He was maybe even more impressive. I saw him (and so did many of the villagers) grow to almost 20' in height and change his body shape to have several arms (think of the Hindu god Shiva). He then formed a large axe for each hand and attacked the trees in the proposed leach field like a buzz saw. The arms and the axes were whistling around, wood chips were flying, and trees were tumbling down. He seemed to delight in the physical exertion of his strange body. Yet, at the same time, as each tree came down he stacked it to the side to be used (Doug took some for his new huts and ramadas). He made a huge leach field / garden area. Which was actually a great idea, as the village was considerably bigger than my home and required a much larger garden.

After clearing the area, he moved the earth to make it almost flat with a slight gradient, and added in ditches which he connected to the outflow from each of the enclave's pools. There had obviously (to me) been much more planning in their design that I think the villagers ever considered -- and especially more than I had considered. Dave, of course, also took frequent breaks that I don't think the villagers even noticed, as he blinked out and back so rapidly and there was such a frenzy of work occurring.

On day number three, the three of them got together and completed their project. They built the water system into the large plaza that Doug had created around the central meeting hut and ramada. They created a large bathing pool with some strange little structures around it (call me clueless again) and low benches. They created a large ramada (there were some good sized trees that Dave had harvested in the leach field) over the pool and benches, and then increased the size of the ramada next to the meeting hut. They continued the water system out to the leach field, and then they blinked out -- just disappeared.

In a short time, we heard the sound of running water. Soon we saw water in all of the ditches, filling all of the pools. Everyone was amazed as water erupted from the fountains in the central plaza, myself included. The three gods then reappeared in the center of the plaza to huge cheering (I think I was doing some cheering myself).

Then they changed. Doug morphed into his raptor / eagle form. Dan changed into a jaguar. Dave turned back into his Shiva form (for lack of a better description). The villagers just stared. The three then walked to each of the three new huts where, on a protruding roof beam, they mentally carved three different images -- an eagle, a jaguar and Shiva. During this time, we had been having an interesting mental discussion as they explained what they were planning. They then asked me (as the plumed serpent god) to explain their decision to live amongst the villagers.

While there were some speculative glances from several of the younger women, there was also considerable alarm showing on the faces of many of the older, more experienced folks. The idea of having their (new) gods actually living among them was not something that they were thinking would be all that great -- just what would be expected or demanded of them?

Mentally I told my friends of the villagers' concerns and suggested that while they keep their huts in the village for the occasional visit, they might want to do as I had done and have their actual homes away from the village -- especially as they could blink in and out at will. This would give everyone some privacy (and I suggested, especially if they took village women as wives).

They quickly agreed. When I relayed this further information to Sam and the others, there was almost an audible, collective sigh of relief. The day ended with a huge feast, as the villagers had been busy while their gods had been busy. I blinked out and returned home.

_ _ _ _ _

At home I caught the girls (hmm, when had I shifted from thinking of them as just my women and now they were the girls?) up on the latest developments, i.e. the large public pool, the benches, and especially the fountains under the huge ramada. I also broke the news that my friends had decided to stay a while and maybe take Mayan wives.

They were excited thinking about the fountains (and thinking they would like such a thing too) and wondered how having other dragons around would affect our family (to which I had no ready answer available).

After a healthy round of sex, where we all pleasured each other, we headed for bed, happy to think that the potential issues with Sam's village were (at least for now) solved, with the potential for developing even better relationships in the future.

_ _ _ _ _

The next morning I decided that it would be really nice if we took a family vacation. I broached the topic to the girls and they readily agreed. It only took a few moments to gather our gear, some food and water, and blink, blink, blink we were on the beach in Cozumel. We set up our camp high up the beach under some trees and kicked back for some well-deserved relaxation.

The first order of business was to introduce Jr to the ocean (and then I realized it was a first time for Mary and Jane also). The beach I'd picked really didn't have much in the way of waves, and had a very gradual beach. It seemed fairly safe for Jr. There were a few colorful fish in the surf, but the reef was a ways out so he would not be stepping on any coral. Much to his delight, I changed into a dolphin and played around with him. We also worked on teaching him the rudiments of swimming. In fact, I started teaching everyone how to swim, as it didn't seem to be in their repertoire of skills (I had not realized it previously when I'd vacationed with Mae, nor when I'd brought Lily and Debbie to the island -- not that I knew all that much about swimming, as I usually took a dolphin or eel-like form).

Soon everyone was comfortable floating on their backs (including Jr) and splashing their way around (although they still did not want to go out into deep water unless I was pulling them along in dolphin form). Playing and splashing got everyone tired, so we retired to our camp for some food and water.

Lying around with nothing pressing to do soon led us to our favorite pastime -- pressing our bodies against each other. As we began caressing each other, Jane stated that it was time for her to be bred -- she was watching Mary's swelling belly and wanted a child too. It didn't take much for the other two women to agree, so I was put to work -- my job -- breed Jane (not a problem!).
