Eliza's New Lover Pt. 03

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An unexpected opportunity comes up for the couple.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/12/2021
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(Just an obligatory warning that this story and series has a very strong cuckold/infidelity type theme and goes into some VERY, VERY intense territory. So if you're not into that you will hate this story. If you are into it then... you will probably enjoy this. I don't understand why people read this kind of stuff if they dislike it so much. This isn't the author's presentation of an ideal, moral relationship - it is erotic fiction, to be enjoyed or ignored, just like some of the mad shit I would avoid like the plague in certain other categories on this site. But, yes. It's soon to get very, very kinky, so please heed that warning, at least, unless reading fiction you hate is your own fetish, in which case, enjoy.)


Eliza's New Lover

Part 3: "The Invitation"


It was a bright, warm summer evening when I picked her up at the airport the next day. I closed the boot after throwing her suitcase in and sat down in the driver's seat.

She was polite and friendly but I could tell she was exhausted. After whatever she'd done last night, she'd also had another five hour conference day before flying back.

I accelerated out of the parking bay, drove down the ramp, out of the airport and onto the motorway.

'So, are you going to tell me a bit more about last night?' I said breezily.

She glanced at me with a half-smile and laughed emptily. 'Straight onto the subject!' she commented sarcastically.

'Okay, we don't have to talk about it right now,' I said.

'Just... play it a bit cooler,' she said exasperatedly. 'I've just got back from my trip- I didn't sleep much on the flight. Tell me about your weekend.'

'It was okay,' I said, as I looked back on the last two days of sitting around, picturing Eliza in increasingly elaborate positions with the guy. My cock, as usual, stiffened involuntarily.

'Were you thinking about me?' she asked coyly, and laid a hand on my leg.

'I thought you didn't want to talk about it,' I said with a hint of iciness.

'I don't,' she replied.

'Okay,' I sighed.

The hour journey home passed awkwardly like this- Elissa venturing onto the subject and then backing off, chastising me for indulging her. I began to feel irritated.

'Are you okay?' I said, after a particularly long period of silence.

'Yeah,' she said resignedly. 'Just sad the trip's over, I suppose. I don't really want to go back into work tomorrow.'

'When's the next one?'

'Ages away.'

Was she missing the guy? Why did she seem so down?

When we got back, she poured us both a glass of wine, despite how late it was. We sat at the table in an uncomfortable silence, both looking at our glasses.

I spoke, finally.

'I'm not sure if I'm happy with this arrangement.'

'What do you mean,' she said, eyes snapping up to meet mine.

I paused and took a breath. 'I... I don't mind that you're wanting to have sex outside of our relationship.'

'Good,' she said, taking a sip of wine.

'But I don't like the way you make me feel when I ask about the encounter.'

'What do you mean?'

'I think, if we're going to have this arrangement, we have to be more transparent. It has to be something we can share.'

She stared. 'Okay...?' she said.

'I feel like you should tell me what you did, how you did it and how it was.'

She looked down. 'I will tell you those things if it feels right to. But when you said you were happy for me to do this, it wasn't on the condition that I owed you a narrative about what happens each time. I'm not doing this purely for your pleasure. I know you get a lot of pleasure out of it and maybe you don't know quite how to deal with that. But it's not just about you. It's also about the fact that I had two long days and not much sleep.'

Even that hint- that acknowledgement- of the night's encounter made my cock pulse again. I thought I saw her catch it out of the corner of her eye and glance down- her expression lightened and the hint of a smile came to her face.

'Look, if you want to know what happened, I'll tell you this time. I'll tell you everything!'

She took my hand and got up from her chair.

'What do you... really... okay.' She was leading me out of the kitchen, into our bedroom, gently pushing me through the door and back onto the bed.

I lay back, breathing hard.

She took a condom out of the bedside drawer and rolled it onto my penis.

'I'm going to tell you everything,' she said, 'while we fuck.'

Within a minute she was rocking back and forth on top of me, tight stomach curving towards me. I could feel her buttocks gliding against my balls as she rode me in the summer heat, a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead.

'We left the conference late,' she said under her breath. 'I'd had a few drinks to loosen up. We had to wait for my manager and his colleagues to leave before we did anything too obvious. I went to my hotel room and then he came up separately and knocked on the door.'

As she told me this, I felt her tight pussy sliding right down to the base of my cock. If it hadn't been for masturbating three times in the last 24 hours, I would have come already. She was grinding deeply on me, enveloping my cock completely- I felt like she was devouring me.

'He stripped me off and slowly kissed his way down my neck, my shoulders, my arms...'

Her eyes were slightly clouded as she moved above me, as if lost in the memory.

'He kissed my nipples and down across my tits. He gave me a love bite just underneath.'

I looked up at her beautiful breasts and saw, just there, a red mark. There were a few others- one just below her navel- one on the otherwise smooth, pale skin of her inner thigh and one right above... I felt my stomach twist and my penis wilt for a moment within her.

'That's right,' she breathed. 'He gave me a love bite just above my pussy. I think he wanted you to see it, and to know that he didn't care if you saw it. He went down on me. It was so good.'

'Did you.. did you come?' I said hesitantly.

She rolled her eyes. 'Of course I came,' she said, coyly. 'Twice, actually.'

'And... did he...'

'No, we didn't fuck,' she said. For a moment, she couldn't hide the disappointment on her face as she said this.

'Why not?'

'There were two reasons,' she said. 'The main reason was, in the heat of the moment, when we were about to just do it, the condom I'd brought didn't fit him.'

My mouth went dry. 'It didn't fit?' I said.

'Baby, I'm just going to tell you flat out,' she said matter of factly. 'His cock is longer than yours and a lot, lot thicker. The condoms we have were much too small. It was like trying to put a bottle cap on a yoghurt pot. He didn't know I wasn't on the pill so hadn't brought any himself.'

'Oh,' I said.

'The second reason is something kind of extra kinky,' she said. 'I don't know how you'll feel about this. You know that holiday you've been saving for?'

'Erm.. yeah?' I said, prompting her to go on.

'Well...' she hesitated, then quickly blurted it out. 'He said he's going to fly us both out to his private villa, somewhere a bit more exotic.'

'WHAT?' I was horrified, and took hold of her hips to stop her gyrations. 'When did you decide this?'

'He said he wants you to be there when he first has sex with me. He wants you to watch him do it.'

'Why?' I said.

'Because he said he wants you to see what a woman like me actually needs and deserves,' she said, looking down. 'Please don't be annoyed, I'm just quoting what he said.'

I wasn't annoyed. I was a lot of things, but irritation was far down the list.

'Flight is in two Saturdays' time. So, are you in?' she said, starting to move again. 'It's going to be an interesting time, that's for sure. I think it's time we push some boundaries.'

My orgasm was building. I was trying to hold back- to ignore the beautiful, shapely woman dominating me and sending electricity through my deepest, most intimate muscles with her words- but my mind was already racing forward to what was to come.

Visions of her doing this exact thing with someone else- riding them, breasts bouncing, stomach taut, light perspiration and buttocks rippling as she moved- made me wonder how different it would be. Would she come during sex? How would it feel for him? How would her pussy feel on a penis that was so much larger than mine? I imagined them both orgasming together and the sexual power they both had in my mind multiplied to create something overwhelming and unstoppable. My buttocks clenched as I grunted and forcefully came into the condom. She never stopped making eye contact and grinned a little as she looked down at me.

I'd always known Eliza was out of my league but now she was making this so clear- she lifted herself off my dick and shuffled forward, then sat back on her heels, lowering her labia down onto my face. I had come, so was feeling those ripples of embarrassment and inferiority again, but I licked obediently, seeing her fingers moving deftly above me, also rubbing her clitoral area. She had always said she was too shy to masturbate in front of me, but now she was sitting on my face, doing it right above my mouth.

Whatever transformation was happening, it was already well underway.

'Yeah, that's it, that's it, that's it... unnnggghhh!' She very quickly came, falling forward onto her hands and pressing the soft underbelly against my forehead, the light sheen of sweat causing her skin to stick slightly to mine.

In this strange, post-coital haze, we were a mess. Her slippery wetness and the smell of the condom's latex was now on my mouth and lips from licking her, and she was lying beside me, arms akimbo as if passed out. It was the weirdest, most passionate sex we'd had in a long time. I just regretted, again, that it wasn't me who'd brought this on.


The tension leading up to the flight the following Saturday was unbearable. Eliza was busy as usual, wrapping up various projects and delegating tasks and I only saw her late in the evenings. Despite being tired from work, she was energised and intoxicatingly vivacious. She very gently rebuffed the odd moment where I'd try and initiate sex and responded to my kisses with an affectionate but firm laugh. She didn't mention the upcoming holiday that we were both going on, except to ask if I'd seen her passport, if I'd packed and so on.

Things became even more erotically charged when the parcels started being dropped off. The first was a swimsuit she'd ordered which opened at the navel and then branched diagonally outwards, covering her nipples but showing a huge amount of side cleavage. Then came a beautiful black corset and suspenders that she asked me to rate. I gazed at her as she modelled it for me, leaning back so that her delicate stomach stretched back and then turning so I could see her beautiful butt, the generous shape of it being perfectly accented. I was speechless, struck dumb by the fact that I'd had this woman just to myself for six years and was now going to watch someone else dominating her.

More things arrived - lingerie, beautiful summer dresses, hot pants. I'd been so frugal over the last few months and was reminded of how casual she was with money- how she could afford to be. And now we were being flown out to a Greek island by an absurdly rich businessman our age.

Due to the pattern of my shifts that week, as well as other chores like shopping and so on, I didn't even get chance to masturbate. The odd moment that I might have got away with it, I felt some strange sense that I needed to retain my sexual energy, to make sure that I could perform if Eliza wanted me to. She seemed completely abstinent over that week too, but I could see in her flushed face and excitable demeanour that she was full of erotic charge.


Saturday morning came and we got up at 9am. After a quick breakfast, we waited for our taxi to the airport (paid for, of course, by Eliza's new lover) and, at this point, she decided to address the elephant in the room.

'So... we're going away together so that I can... have sex with another man in front of you,' Eliza said.

'You don't need to remind me of that,' I said.

She smiled. 'I know, I know. I'm just taking in the situation- how crazy it is! How... seedy it is.'

I thought back to that 'watermelons' text and cringed slightly as I remembered my frenzied behaviour that night.

'I just wanted to say... if you are not up for this...' she said slowly. 'If you definitely don't want to do this... we can change our minds right now. I will understand. We can go back to normal.'

'Really?' I said, not sure if I believed her.

'Yeah,' she said, looking deeply into my eyes. 'I love you, James, and that's the most important thing of all. I really, really want to do this with Rich, but there are lots of compromises we make in relationships.'

Rich... finally she'd said his name.

'So, you have to tell me, right now... if this is... something you don't want to go ahead with. Because the next few days are going to be really intense. You are going to see me doing things very few other men see their partners do. You are going to hear me orgasming at the hand, or the mouth, or the cock, of another man. This man is bigger than you and...' She tailed off a bit.


'Well, he's just what some people might say is an "alpha" male. I know that term is problematic, or now they say it's not a thing but.. it is a thing. There isn't really another way to describe him.'

I nodded.

She continued. 'You're going to experience a lot of different feelings over this time. One of them is going to be lust.' She reached under the table and grabbed my stiff cock. 'I know how much you want me to do this, how curious and fascinated you are. I know that it's, sort of, out there as an idea now and we almost have to just do it to resolve that tension. But I want you to be ready for the other feelings. In the heat of the moment, I may do things... say things... that might make you feel jealous, or hurt, or sidelined.'

'How do you mean?' I said.

'I don't know,' she said, smiling. 'The dynamic will just be very different.'

'Will I be involved?'

'We'll have to see how it feels at the time. The main priority for me... the main thing I want out of this... is to have a more assertive and primal lover and, well... to come from sex, of course. But you will be there too and I am sure you will be allowed to participate in some way, as long as he allows it.'

The thrill of knowing that my girlfriend was already assuming subservience to her new lover sent a surge of euphoria through my balls, as though I was going over a bump on a rollercoaster.

She bit her lip thoughtfully. 'But... you may have to be quite submissive. He's going to dominate me and, well, I'm going to dominate you as I always kind of do.'

'Right,' I said.

'So this is your chance,' she said. 'The taxi's two minutes away. Is it a "yes", and going along with whatever happens next - whatever I ask of you- or a "no", returning to our quiet, content but sexually modest life?'

She was looking at me, deep beyond my eyes, as if seeing into my brain. I felt embarrassed to actively say what I wanted to do, but I knew she knew already.

'I want us to go for it,' I said plainly. She nodded and smiled.

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26thNC26thNC19 days ago

Holy crap! I completely agree with Buster’s take on this cuck crap. With 60 million guns in the U.S., I can’t believe that an unwilling, if these things actually exist, cuc can’t get his hands on a gun and turn these, self named, bulls into bloody meat.

Buster2UBuster2U20 days ago

10 Big Blazing stars but James should bring a gun and put a bullet into Rich's brain bucket for seducing a married woman who secretly desires to be a slut and a whore. Poor James, just because he is 'easy going' his slut wife takes advantage of him and is going to take him to a rendezvous that he will be trapped at, continuously breaking James Heart in the most tortuous manner possible. Poor James should have just told his wife to "Forget it!" we go back to normal or you can get the fuck out! Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

another loser wimp undick guy. . . Don't have a guts to act like real man loser

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Go to the showers! Now!

Take it like a sissy, get in that ol good ZyclonB shower and let’s get rid of the dirt.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

My wife and I enjoyed this latest installlment tremdously. Eliza sat on his face and masturbated herself to an orgasm. As my wife reminded me, that is a great first step in his cuckold training. Also, buying sexy swimwear, lingerie, and dresses for a lover is very hot. I remember the first time one of my wife’s lovers gave her a spending account to get her ready for him! We can’t wait to see the lover dominate both her and him. Good job!

sf_operative63sf_operative63almost 3 years ago

If one is interested in this stuff it might be an ok read. But for those like myself, all I can say is thank God it's fiction...I do t know of any respecting man who would go along with this..

elephanticelephanticalmost 3 years ago

Good momentum. More?

premshankerpremshankeralmost 3 years ago

Interesting story.

But far too many repetition and cumbersome phrases

Better make it crisp, sharp and graphic

OOAAOOAAalmost 3 years ago

UFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Super hot!!!!!! Please, continue it soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Weak plot and story, nothing original in this story, no loving wife either, its a Fetish story with cuck shiit and domination

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Definitely WACC. Eating cream pies and cleaning cock cuming up. Eliza's a kind of a sadist that enjoys pulling the wings off flys. She gets off inflicting pain, hurt and humiliation on the man she says she "loves". Of course he's a masochist of a sorts so I guess it is loving causing him pain, jealousy and lots of humiliation since that what he wants. Where is his cock cage? Eliza needs a guy she can dominate. Would she be submissive to Rich if she didn't have "l" (mr cuck doesn't seem to even have a name...), her bitch boyfriend to turn around and dominate. Transferring her submission to him.

graymangazergraymangazeralmost 3 years ago

A standard cuck tale, but we'll told. I wish it had something a bit more original though, at the moment it's all about her pleasure and the dominant lover. Nothing wrong with that but everything seems to be heading toward what's been done before, it won't be long till he's locked into a cock cage and forbidden to have sex sex with his wife, again no problem just a little overused, already the lover has a huge cock, probably the most common and tedious thing in cuck stories.

I'm enjoying this story as I enjoy a lot of stories regardless of the subject but I'm hoping for an original aspect along the line.

GamblnluckGamblnluckalmost 3 years ago

No way. I'd hoped you were going to redeem yourself. But you let this 'girlfriend ' turn him into a eunuch cuck. the new lover is bigger and better than him sexually and he is allowing it. He needs to say go have fun, I'm outa here. 1 star for a piece of crap story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

My take on this. "Adios, bitch."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yep just another pathetic cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It is not more lovely wifes. It‘s fetish

R_U_RomanticR_U_Romanticalmost 3 years ago

Loved it! You're building the anticipation for what I suspect will be a very hot experience for Eliza, and an eye-opening weekend for him. Can't wait for Pt. 04

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