Exit with a Bang: Marcel


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He waves, "Behind us ten AM and ahead it's eleven."

They pull up past the lodge at 11:45 and pull in to check the brakes. Mike goes around the rig thumping tires and adjusting brakes. When he gets back it's noon and they head for Sicamous down the hill. "Should be in there by two thirty and Merritt by four. We might be in the valley before dark but I doubt it this time of year."

He's pretty accurate since it's just after six when he is helping Veronica down from the cab. They kiss and he sees her inside before he pulls out for the freeway. They cross the Fraser River and pull onto the Trans Canada Highway heading for Chilliwack.

Its dark now in the lea of Mount Cheam but its warm. They fly along the four lane highway in light traffic and Mike gives Trudy a call as they near Chilliwack. "Hey love, I'm home. See you Thursday."

"Have you got Rick with you?"

"Yes, I have. I think he's happy to be back in the valley."

"Okay, come early please. I love you."

"Love you too, Trudy."

Next he calls Marlene as he nears Abbotsford, "Just coming in to drop Rick, love. I have to take the truck over to the yard yet."

"See you in a few minutes. Does he know Shelly is in Chilliwack now?"

"I have said nothing. You can tell him."

"Thanks, see you."

He pulls in to drop Rick and his gear. He heads on over to the yard with a little passenger. Jan goes with him. She's really excited. Mike is thrilled to see her interest in what he does. She has always seemed to be the youngest one and the most remote.

He drops her at the car while he parks the truck then goes to bring her into the yard and pickup his bedding and clothes. He dumps his garbage and they are heading home.

"Well, what do you think of my truck?"

"It's really big inside."

"It's my home away from home when I'm on the road."

"Yes, I saw your bed and table and stuff in the back."

"We need some room for comfort"

"When mom goes with you does she sleep there too?"

"Yep, she does."

"Trudy too?"


"Shelly said you sleep with Trudy back there."

"Yes, and the same with your mom." He adds, "What else did your sister tell you about us?"

She looks troubled, "That you put your thing inside mommy and Trudy."

"Did she tell you why?"

"To make babies... and because you like them." Now she looks very agitated, "Daddy, you wouldn't put it in me, would you?"

"No. Of course not. What would ever give you that idea?"

"Shelly said she would like you to put it in her... I think." She adds, "When she plays with the big worm."

"Huh? Worm?"

"She pushes it up inside her."

"Oh, her dildo. She calls it a worm?"

"She says it's a cock." She hesitates, "She says its like your cock."

"I guess you know that already from the nudist park, eh"

"Yes, I know that."

Mike relates his discussion with Jan late that night with Marlene. Her comment, "She knows all that stuff from the club."

"Well not the sex stuff. I think Shelly was filling her head with more details that she was ever curious about."

"Like mother, like daughter, I guess."

"You mean your daughters are oversexed?" She grins and nods. "And you have two more of them coming on." He laughs joining her.

Rick does miss his sister Shelly but doesn't make a big deal of it. He chats with Jan all evening and finds they do have a lot in common.

Mike is pleased to see them so close.

Early Wednesday morning she wakes Mike yearning to have sex but knows it's too soon. She just wants his attention so he does give her that and a few orgasms to boot. She gives him a hand job but finds it distasteful. She wants real sex with her man!

They get up, shower and soon she is nursing Carol. She hears a commotion and checks to find it's Emma wanting some tit. Mike helps her get both of them latched on for a bit. All Emma wanted was attention and soon tires of breast feeding.

Mike has Jan look after her and tells them to get up for breakfast. He also calls Rick for breakfast. Everyone collects around the table. Marlene asks, "What are you doing today, Mike?"

"I thought I'd head into the office. See you at lunch time."

"Okay, does Trudy need anything?"

"I don't think so. I'll see her tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I need someone to help me with a washing if you want clean clothes around here. I can strap Carol on but one of you needs to look after Emma and one can help me. Who wants to do what?"

Rick pipes up, "I can watch Emma. Jan can help you. Is that alright, Jan?" She nods with a smile.

With everybody organized Mike heads for the office. He meets Connie in the back lot and Laura pulls in to join them. They greet each other and all go in together through the employee door.

Connie asks, "What time did you get in last night? I bet it was late."

"No, not really. It's a day's drive from Golden but I've made it into Calgary in a day before. It depends on weather and traffic. I had it good yesterday. Got in by eight."

"Rick happy to be home?"

"Seems to be although I did note a hint of sadness at leaving all his girlfriends behind in Golden. He'll get over it."

"I imagine if he's anything like his father."

"I hope he doesn't pick up with his old one here. Julie was her name and she had him in a mix-up every time he turned around."

Connie opens up her office and Laura perches behind the counter. Connie turns back and asks, "Are you getting the front doors?"

"Yes, I will." he heads for the front opening. He's surprised when he meets Ginny there. "Good morning, where's your camera man"

"Do I need him to get you to take me in the first aid room?"

Mike laughs, "So what's up?"

"Are you still working on that murder out at the base?"

"Yeah, what you got?"

"I wondered if you had anything for me. I smell a scoop there and you're the one to get it for me."

"And just why would I do that?"

She moves in close pushing her tits out and lifts her skirt, "Need I tell you?"

"Whoa, don't do that here. Come on downstairs and do it." he winks and beckons her. She follows him and Laura watches them fascinated with her technique.

Mike takes her to the First Aid room and catches her in his arms as the door closes. His lips seal hers then part and tongue chases tongue as plush flesh slips over flush lips. What a kiss! She can feel it tingling down in her pussy.

He pulls her so close she can feel his hard cock press into her pelvis and his firm hands tugging on her ass. Her arms naturally snake up around his neck bringing his lips close again. "Oh Mike!"

He moves his hips thrusting into her as they kiss again then gently he eases her back on the cot. His hand finds a breast and he massages the flesh before flicking around the rough areola then the hard nipple. She moans and pulls him down to her. Her hand seeks his hardness frantically.

He reaches to ease her legs apart and she readily spreads them to make room for his knees while she undoes his belt and fly. His fingers flick buttons aside as he skims off her top. She unhooks her bra and flings it aside wriggling out of her panties. He looks her over reclined in all her natural beauty. He likes what he sees.

Going to her he sucks a nipple while working the other breast with one hand and the other in her pussy. She stretches to meet him in all parts moaning and wriggling for better contact. She's pulling and stroking his hard cock spreading his precum around the head. "Hurry Mike!" she gasps.

He glances down with a mind to licking her pussy but can't take the time. She wants him now and he feels the urge the same. He eases into her part way and she pushes back at him in a thrust forward. By entering her from the rear he can continue to play with her breasts and clit.

The smacking of hot sex pervades the small room along with the moans and grunts of human habitants. Little do they know Connie and Laura are watching a monitor upstairs and they are featured on it. Surveillance equipment is second nature in their business.

Mike gets her off quickly and starts a series of orgasms he counts up to a dozen then quits. She has moaned and squealed for over half an hour and he finds he is getting close. Pressure is increasing down in his balls and he can feel the flesh expanding all along his cock.

His fit is tight and the cock is hard when the stream of semen shoots out the end of his organ filling her quickly with scummy white juice and again another shot of it jerks out into her and then a third.

It's hot and it's slick. She squeals in a final spasm as he grunts and fills her to overflowing. They pant and start to cool down.

"Mike, you are the best! I don't know what else to say except thanks."

"Believe me, it was my pleasure." He starts to get up and she reaches to kiss him once more. He holds her and they pause tenderly holding each other.

He speaks, "We better get dressed before I'm missed. Someone might come looking for me."

"You have lovers around the office?"

"Now that would be telling. You're supposed to be looking for a story in Chilliwack at the base, not here."

They finish dressing while she explains, "It was a feeling I had about that guy that was murdered. Was he a notorious sort of guy? Would it make a story? I think you said one time he deserved it. What did you mean?" And who was the woman that died with him? I know her name but what was she to him and what was their story?"

"I don't know the answer to many of your questions and the ones I do know I am not at liberty to discuss. I'm afraid you struck a dead end with me."

"Not entirely, I got a first class piece of ass." she laughs.

"Here, I'll let you out the side door and go out with you." They walk around the building to the front lot chatting. He sees her off and turns back to his offices. Laura is all smiles when he enters so he smiles back at her, "You look like the cat that caught the canary." He goes to his office.

Little does he realize he has made her day. She's a voyeur so she loves to watch and that is exactly what she has been doing. Connie was also watching so she figures he won't be needing her this morning. Her and Laura share the secret of the tape they made.

Now an idea has filled Laura's mind. How can she get a camera into Connie's office. Mike has said he wouldn't object so perhaps with his help she might get one set up. She thinks he might go for it. Meanwhile they have to find a place to hide the tape they made from Trudy. It would be catastrophic if she came across it. Little do they know that Trudy is well aware of Ginny and Mike's exploits.

At lunch time Mike goes home for a bite. He asks if he had a call for CPX but is told no. He plays with Carol with his fingers in the living room while she puts on lunch.

Rick and Jan come in from a trip down town. They caught the bus and now Jan knows how to do it. "We went to the mall, daddy." is Jan's comment.

"You kids be careful riding the bus and crossing the streets in town. I know it's not as bad as Vancouver but it still can be dangerous."

Marlene adds, "You better get washed up for lunch now."

She looks at Mike, "Is she dry?" Mike nods. She winks, "I'm not!"

Mike laughs, "You been nursing her, haven't you?"

"Yeah," she laughs. "I don't understand it. I've been so hot and horny ever since she was born. Is it just I know I can't have it so I want it more?" Mike shrugs. "Well you must want it the same!"

Mike sputters, "I do have to play with myself more and Veronica catches hell when I'm on the road. What can I say?"

"Is she on the pill already?"

"Yes, she is. Thank God for small mercies." he chuckles.

"What's she like? Oh, I think I asked you. Come on for lunch"

After lunch he goes back to the office. Laura's sitting in her car in the parking lot. Mike drifts over and asks, "Taking a break?"

"Just finished lunch. I was watching for you. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"I suppose. We have been rather intimate at times."

"Remember you said you wouldn't object to me watching you and Connie?"

Mike smiles, "Yes?"

"Were you serious?"

Mike laughs. "You want to watch us?"

"I do... and I know a way to do it. We have those security cameras down in the training room. Why couldn't we set one up in Connie's office. She would never know. It would be my private tape and no one would ever see it."

"Hmmm, I guess it could be done. I could set it up on a Sunday and no one would know. Now the question is could I trust you."

"Honest, cross my heart, no one would ever know. You said you wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind you watching but making a record of it, I'm not so sure about that. Let me think on it."

"How be I just watch it but don't turn on the recorder?"

"Let me think on it."

Mike spends the afternoon thinking about himself as a blue movie star. It rather turns him on. He has to go visit Connie late in the day and they turn her office into a passion pit. He does like the idea! He'll watch for a chance to set it up. Maybe tonight.

So after supper Mike is back at the office. He visits the training room then the stock room. He finds the ultra small but ultra clear micro camera head and transmitter plus wiring to set it up. He sets it up so he controls it completely, the on/off switch and transmitter. It can be monitored outside but no wires connect them.

He installs it in a ceiling location in one corner where a small hole will never be noted. He installs two heads to provide two angles and zoom features on the lower one. He looks it over and tries it with both heads. He zooms in and out with it then checks it. It works like a charm. He changes the angle a bit on the lower one to capture close ups of the genitals. Laura will love that, he thinks.

When he's finished that there is no evidence of any change except two small pinholes. He's quite satisfied with it. She will record it in the coffee room behind her counter. He's surprised to see there is a recorder there already so he hooks up to it.

If he had checked he would find the recorder that was there is aimed at the First Aid Room. But he missed it. He must admit that his mind is elsewhere. Trudy has reminded him about Sadie so he is wondering, 'Do I dare?'

He visits her in his mind only. Marlene would kill him. He decides to leave it alone. He goes home.

They spend a quiet evening and sleep soundly. Laura is busy watching Mike and Ginny this evening. She has made her own copy and brought it home to add to her growing collection of internet porn. She marvels at the width of Mike's sturdy cock and tries to imagine what it would feel like inside her.

She'd like to share her collection with Mike but she's not sure what he'd think of her if he knew. He might think her a slut or a worthless child. She has heard those slurs referred to her in the past. Students can be a ruthless breed.

On Thursday morning Mike is up early and off to Chilliwack. Trudy wakes and finds him sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hey, you can join me, you know."

"I was just sitting here wondering what they will do with Don tomorrow. They will remand him over to trial but will they grant him bail and if so, how much bail? Do you ever wonder about it?"

"I doubt they will want any change to his present situation. He is a target if he leaves that court on his own. I think he's living on borrowed time, anyway."

"How do they hide that publicly?"

"That's the military for you. They don't want any negative stories out there so they say nothing. Deny... deny... deny!"

"Is someone still watching us from the base?"

"I don't know. There's been no further sign of them."

"Kiss me." They roll on the bed together in an embrace. "Wanna fool around?"

"Sure, let's." And she attempts to get his cock out of his pants while he plays under her nightgown with her breasts. "Oh Michael, you have them leaking."

"Sorry," he giggles, "NOT," as he plays with a nipple again. She has his cock out and is trying to stiffen it with her mouth. Suddenly she stops, "Hey, guess what?"

"Hmmm, what?"

"No one would insure that pin of Carol's until I had it appraised so I took it to have it looked at and they said it was 80% pure gold and mixed with an unknown mineral or minerals. They couldn't appraise it and would only say it's value is under one million."

"What does that mean? Do we have to insure it for a million?"

"I think that's the case. I haven't tried to insure it again yet. but I was contacted by the appraisal company again."


"They have an offer of four point three million US dollars for it. They say the price is not exact since it was in Rubles, not dollars. It looks like the Russians want it back."

"So where is it now?"


"4.3 Mil safe?"

"24 Billion safe."

"Whew! Who do you know that's worth 24 Billion?"

"Contacts, Michael. It's safe and available within 24 hours."

"So I guess we don't need insurance on it then."

"Nope, and the kicker is they provide a duplicate. No one knows they have it."

"Wow! You scare me at times."

"I survive, Michael... and so can you as long as you stick with me. I love you and will never hurt you." She raises her head and looks down her nose at him, "but if you don't start playing with me..." she grins and grabs his cock again.

It's a typical day except Mike takes time to run into the office and let Laura know what he has done. He picked up some files he has used as an excuse for coming here and runs back home leaving Laura ecstatic. Of course Trudy said he had used the excuse to see Ginny and he just shrugged. "C'est la vie!"

Lunch finds the crew on deck for an early closing day. Business is in a lull so they take advantage of it to catch up on lieu time. Trudy is busy with Carol and has to visit the baby doctor this afternoon.

"Mike, what do you think of operating the Chilliwack office from Abbotsford? It worked so well when we had the kids so why not now?"

This is a shocker to Mike and he can't imagine having Trudy around the head office every day. He has to think fast.

"I think that would be terrific but...

1. what about the business interests they have east of Chilliwack that are already stretched to find them useful? (e.g. Chilliwack, Cnd. Forces Base CHWK, Agassis, Bridal Falls, Hope and Canyon communities)?

2. what about our home located in Chilliwack maintaining a separation from business and family?

3. what about our policy of expansion, not contraction?

4. what about the business future being to cover the valley and it's growth eastward towards Hope?

5. what about it could be viewed as an awful waste to have another manager in the head office?

Trudy adds one, "6. what about Mike likes to be the sole owner in his head office?"

Mike shrugs and looks sheepish. "Maybe."

Meanwhile in Burnaby the Sheriff's department are planning how to deliver Don Sutherland to the courts in Chilliwack.

"We could hold him overnight in Chilliwack and move him tonight. No assassin would think of that."

"We need to minimize the number of vehicles involved so as to not make a parade out of it."

"We should unload him in the alley behind the courthouse so as to not draw a crowd."

"We should have a decoy vehicle to throw off any assassin."

"We need lots of police presence to discourage any assassin."

"We want minimal police presence so as to not draw attention to his move."

"At least we need the alley closed off all day if we're using that entrance."

An agreement is hard to find so a crew decides to move him after dark. Three sheriffs in two vehicles. Lead vehicle to make first approach and have the doors open. If all is clear second vehicle to move in to place and unload him. Sheriffs get a signature and get out of there. All they have to worry about is his pickup after court.