Exit with a Bang: Marcel


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Mike wakes up and his mind shouts, "It's court day!"

Trudy's awake already watching him. "I thought you'd be up early today. This is court day for Donald."

"Yeah, it just dawned on me. No panic, I'm ready for it. Do you want to attend court today or wait to see when they set up his hearing time?"

The phone rings, "Oh Michael, you get up and answer it. Why would anyone call this early? Never mind, I got it." She picks up the phone, "Good morning."

She says, "Hang on." She looks to Mike, "Guess who?"

"Huh?" He gets up and goes to the phone. "Who is it?"

"Mike, it's Ginny. They got him!"

"Huh? Who?"

"Don Sutherland. They were moving him last night and he got popped in the head back of the courthouse in Chilliwack. Good shot took him in the ear on one side and removed half his head on the other. Had to be a marksman. Military, I say. So far no trace of the assassin, is what I hear. Are you gonna tell me about him?"

"Sorry, nothing to tell. Thanks for letting us know."

"Mike, you're cutting me off! I can tell! Talk to me..." he hangs up.

He says, "She'll call back. Disregard it."

After they listen to it ring a few times Anna comes to their door. "The phone is for you, Mike."

"I'll take it here, Anna. Thank you for catching it." He turns to Trudy, "What do I tell her? She wants a story on Don or Marcel or both."

"Just tell her no. I bet you have a hard time telling her no, don't you?" she's grinning.

"I could leave it up to her. I could tell her everything and the military will deny it so she can print it if she thinks it's wise."

"You better talk to her, Mike"

Mike looks at the phone in his hands. He puts it to his ear, "So are you there?"

He mumbles, "I'm here. Look, anything I tell you will be denied by the military and it will be the end of any cooperation we might have with them. They are a client of ours so we would be breaking the code. No good would come of it."

"Doesn't the public have a right to know what the military is doing?"

"Sure but that is their decision whether to tell them or not. It is not up to me to break client customer confidence and squeal on them."

"Damn Michael, I give you my best effort in your bed and this is how you treat me. You can give me something... anything. Tell me a story, please."

"Sorry, I can't." He hangs up. "Well that's the end of a beautiful friendship." he observes.

Trudy looks at him, "So talk to me. I gather they got Don. Is he dead?"

"Very, an assassin got him through the head and took half of it away. I guess they were moving him last night to the courthouse. It will be on the news."

"Have they got the shooter?"

"Nope and some speculation he or she was military but that's all."

"Do you still think it is one of the complainants?"

"You know I would have bet on it up until today but now I'm just not sure. It's too slick like it was planned. Like a military operation, know what I mean?"

"It became a hot potato so they dealt with it. Is that it?"

"I don't know but I bet I know who does know. Our friend the Staff Sergeant at the base. I bet he knows almost all of it."

"I bet he's not telling. Maybe we will never know."

Mike muses, "We do have an in. Bruce is some pissed his wife got in the way. He might talk to us." He goes on, "And we have a commander who was under blackmail by Marcel. What was it he knew? And who pulls the strings out there now?"

"You realize with the end of Marcel a lot of my contacts out there are drying up. I'm not sure I can find anything for you or not. I can try." They get up and go for breakfast.

Shelly is getting around for school but helping Anna with Carol and Sam. Carol is fussing for a feeding so Trudy is leaking. She grins at Mike and goes for the baby. Shelly loves to help her with the baby and Mike is pleased to see her working out so well.

Mike watches the news. It's as Ginny has told him. They were moving him at night for security and the assassin caught them off guard. He or she used a silenced weapon so there was no noise, just a slumping of the victim and a shower of fluids on the inside windows of the van. He was outside the van but still in front of the open door.

Court is cancelled in the building today and the area is cordoned off by police tape as a crime scene. No one is willing to make a statement at this early time but police chief will be making one later in the day. There is no comment from the authorities at the military base in Chilliwack where he originated.

Trudy watches over Mike's shoulder as she feeds the baby. "Very dry coverage, no grimy details." is her comment.

Mike is deep in thought. If the news is correct it appears the assassin must have been inside the building to have the blood spatter pattern cover the inside of the van. That smacks of an inside job. He wonders if that's possible. Also the pattern suggests a longer distance between the weapon and it's target than is possible within the building unless a hollow point projectile was used. Totally illegal. He doesn't think Don's death will ever be solved. Just too professional!

Chapter 17: Monday, April 20, 1998

Mike hasn't been on a run for days now and he's missing Ginny. She won't answer his calls so he figures that's finished. He has considered Sadie but doesn't want to reawaken family ties with them that might lead to Rick and her daughter hitting it off again.

He has thoughts of Melody but cast them away. She has her young life to live and a solid boyfriend now. Thankfully it's Monday and he will see Connie today. He really wishes his wife or Trudy were available to play but not yet. They are only starting to take the pill this week and it won't be effective for a month yet. That means the last week in May.

He could use a condom but it never occurs to him. He has never relied on them nor does he like the concept of a gloved instrument. He's a bareback type of guy and can't seem to get away from it. Besides what kind of porn star would consider using a condom and he has been thinking of making a film with Connie for Laura's private use.

He hurries through breakfast and preparing to go to the office. He leaves with the kids still clamoring around the table. As he enters the building from the parking lot he notes that Connie is the only one ahead of him. He goes upstairs and sees her behind the counter where he would expect to see Laura.

"Good morning, Connie." he smiles as he greets her.

"You're early this morning, Mike. Good morning."

"Were you just viewing a tape? I thought you had the recorder on. Someone's evidence tape?"

She grins a lop sided grin, "I suppose it is. Care to look at it?"

"I suppose, who are we watching?"

She beckons to him as she turns it back on. Mike comes around where he can see the screen. He stops in surprise, "Oh my, you did catch the guilty party that time." He laughs because on the screen is Ginny and him engaged in passionate sex. "I think I would make a decent porn actor, don't you?"

Laura speaks over their shoulders, "I think that tape better disappear before Trudy happens on it."

Mike turns to her, "So you've seen it? I don't think it would shock Trudy too much, she knows about Ginny and I plus we are history anyway. I wouldn't give her what she wanted."

"What did she want, domination?"

"No she wanted to use me as a source for a story on Marcel and Don. Since we were working for the base I couldn't do that also it would harm future relations with the base. She couldn't see it my way so that finished it."

Laura watches the tape, "I don't know, looks like a lot of passion to be ended by a little tiff." Connie leaves to go to her office. He suspects she is leaving it open for Mike to make a move on Laura.

Insert pic of Laura

"I suspect you are looking forward to seeing the passion of Connie and I, aren't you?" She blushes and nods. "By the way I agree that tape should disappear. It shouldn't be readily accessible to everyone. Privacy concerns, you understand? Ginny could sue us."

"Should we tell Connie before you do that one?"

"Do you think it might spoil the reactions if she knows?"

"I think it would greatly change how I acted if I knew I was on camera. That's just how I am." she blushes and grins.

"We could tell her right after we do it so she can decide what we do with it. She has the option then without compromising the taping."

"Are you gonna do it today?"

Mike looks at her closely, "You'd like to make a tape with me, wouldn't you?"

"Oh dear," she wrings her hands and turn scarlet as she nods.

"You're not a virgin, are you?"

"No," in a quiet voice. She raises two fingers hesitantly.

"Maybe we could if we used the First Aid room. Is the camera still set up for there?"

"It's the other plug you took out of the recorder."

"So we could do it anytime." She nods enthusiastically. "I think we better keep this among just the three of us." She agrees.

Mike retires to his office then enters the washroom adjoining Connie's office. He stops are the mirror and studies his profile then full face. He mumbles, "Not bad, could use a bit more chiseling in the chin cleft but the hair is attractive, eyes are clear, I wonder about a moustache."

He clicks on the remote in his pocket and the recorder starts behind Laura in the coffee room. She sees the green light and dashes to it to study the screen. 'Is it ever clear. He got it just right.' she mumbles. She hears the rapping sound and Connie looks up from her desk with a smile. "Come in, Mike?"

He smiles as he enters, "Are you waiting for me?"

"I thought you might make some moves on Laura, you fox?"

"I think I might," he sits down opposite her. "But not today. I have you on my mind today. That's why I came in early."

"Well, I'm flattered but I suppose you aren't getting any at home either place, are you?"

"Nope, both of them start on the pill this week so it's not safe for a month yet unless I use protection and that's not for me. You know me, I'm a bareback rider," he leans back and laughs.

"I know how you are and that's how I like it. When you fill me with your hot seed it makes me cum again. I just get weak all over." She swings her chair unknowingly to expose herself to the cameras as she opens her legs. Touching herself she says, "I'm soaked already. You always do that to me but I think you know it, you rascal." She pulls the center panel of her panties away from her lips.

"Might as well strip, love. Don't forget to lock the door." He comes around the desk behind her chair keeping her lined up with the cameras as she clicks the door lock. She removes her top with his help and he takes off her bra without her touching it.

Mike removes his clothes quickly and is soon standing before her in her panties. He turns to make sure Laura gets a good look at his hard cock as he helps her remove her last impediment. He steps back to admire her nude form reclined in the chair.

"What a prize you are," he exclaims. "Your husband is so lucky."

She winks up at him as she spreads her legs a bit more for his viewing and he can't resist. He drops down to kiss and run his tongue up and down her lower lips. She grabs his head holding on as feelings rush to her head. "You know how to make me cum," she cries.

He persists then runs his tongue under the hood of her clit to tease it out and suck on it lightly, "Oh Mike, oh dear, oh my." she whimpers wanting more. He slips two fingers into her and starts scratching her G spot. She jerks and trembles moaning deep in her throat, "YES! Oh yes, that's the spot! Oh God!" She spins off into an orgasm quickly followed by another.

Mike eases back to give the camera room to catch all the action. She reaches for his hardness saying, "Now it's my turn, big boy." She catches the head and puts it to her lips running her tongue through his precum. "Mmm," she whispers, "so good." as she takes the head in to wash it with her tongue and mouth. "Mmm," she goes down the shaft with her lips and comes up the backside sucking and licking.

Mike mutters, "Hey, you been practicing on that hubby of yours." and she nods her head up and down as she goes up and down. Soon she is attempting to deep throat him and she's having some success. He's quite surprised and suddenly thinks she might have gone too far as he feels his cock grow with pressure. He tries to pull back but she keeps him close to catch his deposit. She laughs as she opens her mouth to show him she has a mouth full and is caught off guard by the next wave which lands on her nose and between her eyes. The last wave ends up on her chin and tits.

She laughs with him as she swallows and wipes semen up with her hands to work into her tits and body. Mike licks it off her nose and cheeks. She exclaims, "We haven't done that in a while."

"No we haven't. Come bend over the desk." so she does as he asks and he enters her from behind. He is full of energy this morning and it is quite apparent. He adjusts for the camera angle and pushes into her deep starting a rhyme of thrusts aimed to bring her off quickly. Soon she is thrashing around moaning and squealing as he plunges into her.

He ends up with her in his lap in the office chair bouncing up and down on him. She slows when she feels him expand then detects the heat of his explosion inside her sending her off into another climax. Mike says, "A most satisfying ride with you, my dear."

With stars in her eyes she says, "It certainly was."

They get dressed and Mike is tempted to say something but he holds off until he sees the tape. He wonders how it came through until he sees Laura. She's in awe of him running around to get him whatever he wants. He grins and guesses she must be satisfied, too.

Mike is ready to go for lunch but he wants to see the tape before he goes so he and Laura watch it together. She's so enthusiastic he doesn't get a chance to explain the angles you have to assume, etc.

"Look at that. I couldn't believe how big you are. It's going to be a stretch for me, for sure." she babbles on. "She's got it all the way down in her throat. You can tell because your balls are on her chin. How can she do that?" and "I'm so glad to see she swallows. It's an honor for the man to have the lady swallow it down. I remember in college how that was."

She goes on, "Wow, you started in again after you just came in her mouth. I don't think you ever got soft." She's pushing her hip into the table in time with the thrusts on the screen, "Oh dear, here she cums again. Wow!" then "Oh man, What a ride!"

Mike laughs, "It sounds like you like it. I'm glad because it's your private copy unless Connie wants a copy. I guess I better tell her we made it."

"Can you cover here for a moment, I have to go to the washroom."

"Okay, but don't take too long or I'll know what you're doing."

She turns red and runs off to the bathroom. Mike says to himself 'I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.'

Mike doesn't have time to tell Connie before lunch so he goes home and mulls over what she might say. She is also a married woman and may not like the idea of a tape of her fucking around loose in which case Laura will have to give up her tape. Mike thinks he can convince her that they will make one to rival it. He's rather looking forward to getting into her pants.

Mike looks around the table. There's Rick and Jan with Emma and April on the side. He misses Shelly but the family is filling in around the space she left behind. Four kids and two adults here while he has three adults and three kids in Chilliwack. It seems kind of equal.

He heads back to the office in a good mood. It's been a fun day so he expects it might continue. He pops into Connie's office when he gets a chance. "Hi there," he winks and says, "I see you got me. Rather unfair to tape a man without telling him first. What do you think?"

"It wasn't me, Laura started the tape. Actually I think she turned on the recorder and noticed what was going on then started taping it."

"Do you think she set up the camera in the First Aid room?"

"I guess she could have. She's quite good with that stuff."

"Maybe she should be teaching our officers?"

She looks slyly at him, "You're not buying it that I had nothing to do with it, are you? I guess it was sort of underhanded."

"It was more like something I might do than something you might be involved in." He grins, "And indeed I have. I'm here to tell you that you were stared in this morning's production of, 'Cat in Heat'." He laughs, "Ha, ha, ha, we taped you."

She mutters, "Should have been 'Tomcat in Heat."

"Do you mind? Would you like to see us in action?"

"I suppose I might as well take a look at it."

Mike leads her to the coffee room and they start the recorder. She watches for a while then comments, "What a ham. I see why you moved like that to expose a better shot. God, we look good together, don't we?" She watches the rest of the tape without comment.

"What do you think?"

"I think we better get rid of that tape. It's evidence of our wrong doing, you know. It could mean the end of my marriage and I could lose my son."

"Sorry, I thought you might feel that way. That's why I came to tell you. I made it for Laura actually. She wanted it. She's a voyeur."

"Do you think I could trust her with it?"

"You could now, I'm pretty sure but if she was no longer employed here, I'm not so sure."

"I want it, Mike. That's the only copy of it?"

"As far as I know it is. I'll ask Laura."

He steps out front and she tells him it is the only copy. He would swear she's lying but there's no way to prove it. By something she said earlier he knows she has a copy of him and Ginny. It seems to be her first instinct to copy it.

He steps back into the coffee room, "She says its the only copy."

"Do you believe her?" she's looking troubled.

"Unless you plan to call her on it that's the answer you'll get but you'll have to be prepared to fire her if necessary. What do you want to do? You know I'll back you either way."

"I want those cameras taken out of my office, too."

"I put them in there, I'll take them out."

"Mike, it's my son I'm thinking off. I guess it's about time I did that. I think we have to cool it, too. Do you want my resignation?"

"Absolutely not. You have always had this job because you are qualified, not because we have sex on the side. I want you on our side."

She grins, "You better break in Laura. You're going to need her."

So Tuesday morning Laura spends her coffee break in the First Aid room practicing with Mike for their film debut. Mike finds her tight like a virgin and very inexperienced but more than willing to learn. By the time they are through he is sure Margaret has called Trudy to let her know but Laura informs him she is not in today.

He shows how he can go for a second round without stopping and she is delighted. She says she has cum more this morning than she ever has in her life (not including self induced). She'd be ready for a third round. He says, "So I guess you're not only a voyeur any more. Now you're a true member of the Red Car Club at Trike HQ. Let's get back to work."

He figures he will tell Trudy of Laura's promotion since Ginny was out and so is Sadie. She figured he was trying to get her on the side all along so she won't be surprised.

With both Trudy and Marlene out of commission he figures he might cripple Laura. He hopes her time of the month doesn't come about soon. That would really leave him flat.

So Wednesday is production day and they plan to use the lunch hour with a warmer upper at the morning coffee break. Connie is recruited to operate the recorder and Mike adds a zoom in lens on the camera with remote operation through their hand held remote. They try it at various angles and settings while Connie watches on the monitor with a grin on her face.