Faithful Lou Ann's Dancing Lessons

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They argue while take dancing lessons. Will she cheat?
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Lou Ann and John argue while take dancing lessons. Will she cheat?


This is the third story about Faithful Lou Ann who is a pretty 5' 3" slender blonde. Her breasts and killer smile attract a lot of men. She simply smiles at their pursuit, not hurting their feelings, but innocently not discouraging them.

Because of several severe differences of opinion they have not made love for over a month. They recently agreed to attend a week long advanced dancing class in central Texas, mainly to reconnect and discuss compromising. As they begin driving from Dallas to their vacation spot they are in good spirits, already a good start.

When they arrive they look forward to having a fun time and solving their disagreements. John says, "Counting our blessings, at least we have each other."

They meet all the other couples there for this week. "Hello, I'm John and this is my wife Lou Ann."

A man at least 6' 3" announces himself as the instructor. He's so muscled and handsome he could be a model. He says he's the owner, Rock. His shirt is unbuttoned way down. His impressive chest and abs are quite visible.

Lou Ann thinks, "Oh my God!"

John thinks, "Yeah, his name's Rock. What crap."

John jealously notices that Lou Ann's eyes are riveted on Rock's abs. He thinks, "She's smiling like the two of them are the only people here."

While John starts to look around, Lou Ann stands motionless.

Rock sees Lou Ann and two other pretty women, smiles and says, "Would you like the grand tour?"

Quickly they say, "Yes." "Yes." "Yes."

So he stands between them, and with a grand gesture puts a hand on two young lady's waists, Lou Ann being one of them. After turning in the proper direction, he says, "Let's go".

Lou Ann is smiling and thinks, "He's so handsome, and he took my waist. But what am I thinking?"

John thinks, "I want to go home."

A little later they were gathering for a picture. The group was getting a little wide. A woman named Ellie belatedly joined the group on one side. Rock barely squeezed in camera range on the other side and sat on a stool.

Lou Ann 'innocently' squeezed in next to Rock, and he took the opportunity to grab her waist and 'help' her right onto his lap! His right arm went around her waist to help her stay squeezed in, but instead of stopping at her waist, he reached way around front and boldly placed his hand on her belly, pretty far down!

Lou Ann felt an electric shock as her bottom landed on his bulge, but she turned slightly and gave Rock a big smile! Rock looked like he wanted to kiss her. She thought, "His hand on my belly must have been innocent, but it was not far above forbidden territory. And it feels like I'm sitting on his hard cock" Then she realized she was getting wet.

John was just behind Lou Ann as she soared onto Rock's lap. He saw where Rock's hand ended up and thought, "Isn't his hand too close to her pussy? And she's practically sitting on his dick!"

Everyone gathered in a circle and talked mostly in turn. Rock brought out a guitar and played quietly.

Lou Ann thought, "This could be fun."

John thought, "This is a fucking cliche."

John stayed pretty quiet, but when others started talking about being earth friendly, his own comments became negative and quite dark. Lou Ann stayed cooperative with the others and upbeat. Finally a man named Juan remarked on what a downer John was being, "You're bringing us down, man."

Later, when the two were alone, preparing for bed, Lou Ann said, "You were the only one in a bad mood. "You could take a lesson from Rock. He seems so upbeat."

John said, "Don't you see that Rock's after your ass? He's obviously a womanizer."

Lou Ann defended Rock, "He's just friendly, and we are his customers. What did he do to set you off?"

John said, "First he can barely stay in his shirt. Second, he took attractive women and no one else on his 'grand tour'. Third, he put his hands on you and Ellie as soon as he had an excuse. Fourth, he pulled you onto his dick for the picture, and instead of your waist he put his hand so low in front it was almost on your pussy. Fifth, He's flirting with you, but not the other women."

Lou Ann said, "None of that was really improper. I don't know why you don't trust me. Have I ever been unfaithful? Your jealousy is spoiling things."

John said, "I have to give you credit. You were completely faithful the first seventeen years. But you almost lost it with that Billy in Red River, and in the last year you have been frequently tempted.

"I'd prefer sleeping outside to continuing this conversation," and he took a pillow and cover outside where there were a lot of flying insects. Lou Ann was so unhappy at this that she almost cried.

The next morning John woke and spied Lou Ann pretty far away sitting alone at a big table in the breakfast area. She saw him and smilingly waved.

Her wave made him feel happy. Until Rock appeared and walked up to her.

He sat down next to her, closer than necessary, took one of her hands in both of his, and lifted it close to his face while gently massaging her fingers. He talked quietly to her, too far away to be heard. She looked away from John and gave Rock her rapt attention. John was pissed.

His happy feeling vanished. He resolved not to be a wimp to Rock's behavior. He quickly packed and walked up to where many of them were now gathered for breakfast. "Lou Ann, we're leaving. Go pack your things."

She shockingly objected, and after several unpleasant exchanges, she was adamant that they came here to save their marriage, she wants him to stay here with her, but in any case she's staying the full week. She pointed out that they hadn't even had the first lesson.

John turned his back and started walking away, saying he intended to take the bus home if she wouldn't join him. As John was leaving he saw Rock's eyes greedily sweep over Lou Ann's breasts and ass.

An angry Lou Ann put on a brave face and resolved to make the best of it. She deliberately gave Rock a big smile. During the first dance class Rock partnered Lou Ann, holding her as romantically as he could while she smiled at him. By the end of the dance she was tightly against his body.

Soon after that Rock invented some sort of private activity to offer Lou Ann, and she accepted. They talked for hours.

Later when the two were walking together they were holding hands. They sat down and Rock offered Lou Ann a neck massage. She smiled as Rock removed her sweater, uncovering her thin top held up by two narrow straps, and he moved her hair away from one shoulder. As he massaged her neck she couldn't help moaning quietly. Her nipples became slightly engorged from pleasure.

Every chance he got Rock had told Lou Ann of his experiences in foreign countries 'doing good'. And of his 'humanitarian work'. Of his disdain for anything that would interfere with his ability to quickly drop everything and rush overseas to help people in disaster areas. She had been nothing but extremely impressed with these (fictitious, bullshit) claims.

An hour later when he managed to get her alone again, he challenged her about missing out on encountering 'a soulmate', on 'missing out on life', then while looking deeply into her eyes with his handsome face a little too near, he told her to take all the time she needed to think about him becoming a closer friend. He would be waiting for her to join him in his room.

Lou Ann was not totally taken in, but she believed that Rock's offer of a closer relationship was genuine and not the usual line from a man just wanting her body. When she woke up from a short nap, she thought of her husband's recent desertion and how disappointed she had been with him for months.

But for his silly jealousy their marriage would get better due to this trip. They both loved to dance, and he had spoiled everything. She had been angry at him, but if he'd see the light about their differences, her love for him would convince her to compromise, and they would end up OK.

She got dressed attractively and found herself hesitantly walking toward Rock's room. Then she sat down for a while, still undecided about being alone with him. She knew he wanted her. But then she continued walking.

When she arrived next to his uncovered entrance she was wearing the same top as earlier, but without her bra. She looked in and saw him waiting for her next to a myriad of romantically lighted candles. She walked inside with her prominent nipples leading the way.


John arrived at the bus station. After thinking for a long while, he finally got his head out of his ass, and knew he had better go back and try to protect his wife!

When he arrived after a frantic return, it was almost dark, and he ran up to their room, almost tripping. His wife was sleeping. She was alone, but naked under a sheet.

She greeted him enthusiastically, putting her arms lovingly around him and placing kisses all over his face and chest. He told her that he loved her more than anything. Then they talked and talked and finally decided that their marriage was going to be OK.

But then Lou Ann said, "There is a problem. You remember how angry I was when you left after I begged you to stay." He nodded. "And we hadn't made love in more than a month. I didn't want sex with you, because we were practically fighting." He nodded. "But my body was almost desperate to be fucked, just for physical relief, and you left me around a beautiful, sexy man."

He said, "Where is this leading?"

She said, "I denied it to myself, but he had singled me out for seduction, and I should have known it. I don't know how he knew that I was so ripe for plucking. Before you left, you and I were practically always together, so I was not as vulnerable to his advances.

Then you left me unprotected. He started his sales pitch, and I soon felt special, aroused and wanted.

He asked me to come to his room in two hours after he'd be finished giving the others their individual lessons, and I somehow wanted to. He seemed to just want friendship, and I yearned for male company."

Lou Ann confessed that she was ripe for being seduced and that for the first time ever she considered breaking her wedding vows in Rock's room. By letting him fuck her She had been taken by surprise by his immediate kisses and caresses. And she had done things that she was ashamed of.

John said, "You're scaring me. Did he fondle you? Did he go under your clothes? Did he strip you naked? Did he fuck you? Tell me! No, Wait and let me calm down for a second.

"Lou Ann, after our long talk just now I believe that our marriage will be healthy. I suspect that Rock is a professional seducer of women, and I abandoned you to him. I should have been here. I was wrong.

I'll tell you what, I'm forgiving you in advance for whatever you did with him today."

She was surprised and asked, "Honey, you're forgiving anything that happened? Anything at all?"

"Yes, but tell me everything right now."

"Do you want details?"

"Tell me every single thing that happened."

She delayed for a couple of minutes before beginning to tell him what happened in Rock's goddamned room. "I love you John, and I love your forgiveness. I'll need it after I finish confessing.


"When I went into his room he had dozens of candles burning. It was romantic, and he looked SO handsome with all those muscles. I never thought of him seducing me. But, before I could even sit down he gripped my shoulders, and as he surprised me with a hard kiss it accidentally dropped my shoulder strap, baring one of my naked breasts.

I was bra less, and right away he sucked that nipple and then uncovered and sucked the other one. Because of that, my pussy got wetter and wetter, and I got so turned on I became virtually helpless. It was just physical, but I somehow couldn't resist him.

"I couldn't even begin to want to stop him, and as he fondled my entire body he managed to strip me completely. After my entire unresisting body was so aroused, he laid me on his bed and spread my legs. I wanted him to.

He turned me to jelly with his fingers and mouth. My hands went around his neck, and I knew that he could do anything with me. He had me. I was his!

"I hadn't had sex for weeks. I wanted everything he was doing to me, and my orgasm just kept building. I exploded with a killer climax, and right away he just slid up between my legs and put it in.

Deeper. Then deeper. My orgasms continued one after another! My pussy wouldn't stop pulsing. I was finally getting what I had been so ripe for!

"No condom, but It didn't stop him. His cock was ALL the way in, and it just felt thicker and thicker as I came and came. He had to keep from being bucked off by gripping my hips. Then he held his cock motionless in me as I slowly came down. Now with no shame I begged him to, 'Please, keep fucking me, Rock.'

"But he was arrogantly waiting on me to fuck him back, and his cock really felt tight inside me. So, I lifted my knees, put my hands on his butt, and pulled encouragingly.

Then he began fucking me slowly with long, deep, delicious strokes which went on and on for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. I gave as good as I got!

Finally he felt bigger and longer, and I knew what was coming (no pun intended!). As I climaxed, closely followed by Rock, he filled me with shot after shot of his cum, and I almost passed out.

I realized that I had exclaimed that I loved him! Crazy. After that we spooned and kissed. He wanted more, but then I sort of came to my senses. I got up and dressed, but I still kissed him lovingly goodbye and went back to my room.

"Darling, I'm so sorry now that I let him fuck me. But, I was so turned on, and truthfully, I enjoyed it more than you can imagine. If you had gotten back earlier, it could have been you inside me instead of him. You know I'd have preferred you. And I hope we can get over this low point in our marriage."

John was in deep shock and almost in tears, "Lou Ann, this is terrible, just terrible! I know I said you are forgiven, but I can't BELIEVE what you are telling me. I have never seen you even flirt too heavily with another man. How could you give in so easily? I never saw him even hug or kiss you. Had he kissed you before this?


"No, he wasn't different, he was just A LOT better than you! Actually, QUITE A LOT BETTER!" Then she laughed, "Just kidding, dear! Relax, I was totally putting you on with a story that I made up.

"You left yourself open to my story by forgiving ANYTHING. But, I didn't intend for my terrible falsehood to hurt you like it apparently did. Truthfully, I hadn't responded to him at all until I kissed him rather passionately right after you left us. We hadn't kissed before. I HAD become attracted to him, and I'm not proud of how I let him caress my bare breasts after I kissed him.

"Did you think I'd give in so quickly and totally to a near stranger? Didn't it seem to you that I was being overly descriptive, even cruel, as I went on and on about how well he fucked me? Not true!

"Now I'll tell you what really went on during his attempt to charm me into bed. It was actually pretty mild in comparison to the raunchy story I just invented. Sorry for doing that. I love you.

"Starting over, when I went in many candles were burning as I said. And it WAS romantic. He did quickly start with a passionate kiss which totally surprised me, and his tongue gave me a thrill, but it never made me so helpless that he could take my clothes off. I wouldn't let him, at least not at first.

"He does have chiseled abs that any woman would want to caress. I'm sorry to say that I rubbed his abs and even licked and kissed them. But, mostly we just made out for a really long time. But when he started trying to uncover my breasts, I didn't let him for quite a while.

"He eventually got me hot from rubbing my nipples, so I took my top completely off. Any woman would have. And I came close to climaxing just from having my tits sucked so nicely. But after he cupped my wet pussy through my jeans and rubbed it for quite a while, I finally came to my senses.

"I stopped him and firmly put an end to everything he was doing, got dressed, and came back here. My body was still tingling, and I thought about masturbating, but I resisted the thought. I desperately wanted a nap, and I slept naked. Then you woke me. I guess I had actually been a pretty good girl, considering."

John said, "Thank goodness. I'm relieved, not completely, but I've been perving on your naked body all this time, and I need to 'stake my claim' to your sweet pussy again right now."

We'll make love, and you'll end up well fucked."

Lou Ann hesitated, "Darling, I understand how you want your cock inside me as soon as possible, and I want it too."

She kissed me, but then hesitated again, and finally walked quickly toward the bath room.

"But first I'll need to wash out all of Rock's cum."


The End

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Total crap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another slut and wimpy cuckold

Enough said

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Congrats, the author took the beginning of a good story and turned it into this fucking train wreck. Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
He is no wimp

when she came out of the bathroom, he was gone and she never saw her ex again...Ha, Ha

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

why is there so many whore's and wimp's stories here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Crock of shit stort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

One more marriage down the toilet and another stupid women single and pregnant.

One stupid ass cum dump slag.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What he forgot to do was sneak up and put s bat across rocks knees and teach him not to fuck around with married woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What a dumb ass story.

Get it right or try reading instead of writing.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Awkward grade school writing and dialog

Common mediocre plot, writing suits it to a T

Dumb, unlikely behavior by shallow immatures.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not even worthy of half a star

Cuckold writers, why are there so many of You? Has the rainbow coalition destroyed that many "men"?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What a pile of offal.

What kind of dancing lessons are a week long and how are you going to use it to reconnect when both are retarded?

Dancing is "Rocks" business. Or at least it should be since he's charging people for a week long retreat and they're supposed to be advanced....whatever that means. So on the first day he's already trying to seduce one of his clients?

Between the bullshit the author fed and the ridiculous situation contrived to allow the wife to cheat, I just wanted to puke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
"Lou Ann and John argue while take dancing lessons. Will she cheat?"

Well, duh, yeah.

If that isn't the world's most obvious hint then I don't know what is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Are you sad that someone thought this was “pour”?

Or are you still laughing at that one?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Race to the bottom.

Not sure who is dumber, the slut or the slut's sucker. Let's just hope they don't reproduce. Two of these mental defects is more than enough.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I've read this story before. It was not any better then either. This bitch needs burning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
1 star

What fucking Crap is this. Needs a major rewrite but by someone without a mangina.

trandall9991trandall9991over 5 years ago
read this exact story

Before and it pissed me off then. So what do you think this one did?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
nothing but garbage posted today

One Star for this trash. You call this fucking erotic?

Impo_64Impo_64over 5 years ago
Was the wife character cruel and selfish?

Was the wife character cruel and selfish? Of course! But worst was the husband character: why did the writer has chosen a retarded man? She talked to him has she would talk to a five years child! And even so he didn't understood anything she said! 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

grow some balls you cannot trust her is she telling the truth or just what she wants him to know out to the curb with her

KeyDancerKeyDancerover 5 years ago
Mental cruelty

I gave this one star because what the woman did was malicious, cruel, and should have ended in divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm getting really tired of this basic axiom

Women are are weak and need a man to guide and protect them.

STOP! They aren't vapor heads!

They don't need their man to prevent them from cheating.

If she cheated she know what she was doing. With or without him she was going to cheat.

Husband was just a pawn to be moved out of the way.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 5 years ago
How many times ...

can you write the same story but just change the location?

Can They Repair Their Marriage?

byJohn Randolph©

So far two. can I get a three?

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