Familia Secreta Ch. 01


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I followed Mum home in my car, pulling up outside. My sister must have been watching for our return, as she sprinted down the pathway to the door and practically leapt on me, crying harder than I'd ever seen before. I dumped my bags and held her tightly. Damn near got me going too. I still didn't understand how much she loved me, but considering she was sobbing all over my t-shirt, I was gaining a slight understanding.

"I missed you too, sweetie," I whispered. She could barely get a word out. My father appeared out the doorway. He met my eyes, seeing his eyes shimmer. Jennifer wouldn't let me put her down, so holding her with my left, I offered my right hand.

When he took it, a couple of tears drifted down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, son."

"I know, Dad. Sorry I hit you so damned hard."

"No, you were protecting your sister. You didn't know."

"I know, Dad. We need to talk. Mum said." Lisa appeared through the doorway, looking a little concerned. I met her eyes and smiled. "Thank you, beautiful," I said softly. That made her smile, bounding over and kissing my cheek. Only then did Jennifer finally release her grip on me, caressing her cheek, watching her react the same as Mum, doing the same to Lisa, who always reacted the same way. "Guess we have some talking to do."

"We do," Mum said softly next to me, "Come on, get yourself settled in, then we can have dinner and a long chat."

Walking into my bedroom, Mum had clearly been in and cleaned, prepared the bed for my return. Lisa followed me in, and once I'd dumped my things, I kissed her, hugging her tightly. "Thank you," I said again.

"You were miserable, Mark. I wanted to help."

"How much do you know?"


"And you're not freaked out?"

"I love you too much to walk away. And I love your family, warts and all. Is it weird? Yes, it fucking well is!" I chuckled. Lisa rarely cursed. "But the fact they trust me enough to tell me the truth? Honestly, it's weird but my love for you is enough to want to stay with you through it all."

I leaned back, meeting those brown eyes I just adored. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to go, but I can certainly understand..."

"Do you want to marry me?" she asked bluntly.

"God yes. In a fucking heartbeat. Tomorrow, if I could organise it."

"Good. Just what I wanted to hear." She paused then asked, "Do you want to make love to your mother?" I blushed and looked away. She put a finger to my chin, making sure I met her eyes. "Mark, do you want to make love to your mother?" she asked softly.

I nodded.

"And your sister?"

I shrugged.

"Mark..." she whispered, "Be honest with yourself. Your sister is in love with you. And I've seen how you look at her."

"Yes," I whispered, "I do. She's beautiful."

I met her eyes, seeing nothing but a smile. "You try and hide it, and you do most of the time, but you look at them both the same way you look at me sometimes. Was your mother right about you?" I looked down, unable to meet her eyes. "Mark, I'm so fucking in love with you, I'm willing to share you."

That had me looking up instantly. "What?"

She giggled, giving me a tickle. "Thought that would get your attention."

"You're serious?" I asked, feeling utterly flabbergasted by that revelation.

"I promised your mother I'd think about it. There'll obviously need to be some sort of informal arrangement, but I'll put it this way. I love your parents as much as mine, if not even a little more. The trust and love they have for me, only you make me feel this special otherwise." She took my hand. "Come on, we should sit down and chat."

Mum was in the kitchen finished preparing dinner, Jennifer announcing she'd started on it far earlier. Lisa and I took a seat with my father, who still looked a little awkward. I patted his forearm. "We'll talk, Dad. As a family."

He gripped my hand. "My son is a good man. Definitely worthy."

I couldn't help smirk. "Sisters, eh?"

He smiled. "And my mother. She's still beautiful in my eyes."

"She's only early sixties. I'm sure... well, I guess... er..."

Everyone laughed as I felt a blush form. Lisa leaned into my side. "Learning experience for us both, handsome."

We ate dinner and avoided the elephant in the room, my parents asking about my studies, and also how Lisa was progressing. Questions about my weekends playing sport or spending time with Lisa experiencing 'culture'. We enjoyed a couple of drinks with dinner, and the dessert was great, so by the time we retired to the living room, everyone was in a good mood. Dad sat on his armchair, I was on the couch with Mum to my right, Lisa to my left, Jennifer next to her.

Dad cleared his throat. "Mark... Son... What you saw that night. I know it was a shock. I understand why you used certain terms against me. Without knowing the truth, I can understand why you'd use them against me. It hurt to hear my son say such words..."

"I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm here to understand everything. And I mean everything. No more secrets."

"Okay, let's start with that night and why. Jennifer is in love with you, Mark. She has been for a long time. Started as a crush on her older brother, but it's turned into full blown, deep love that a man and woman share who want to share a lifetime of intimacy." Lisa took my hand in hers, locking our fingers together. "Has your mother explained our history?"

"Not really."

"We'll deal with that later then. So your sister is in love with you, but you're off-limits as you're with Lisa. She knows how much we love and adore her too, because she makes you happy. That's all we want as parents. Your sister has struggled for a long time. She's tried dating, but it just doesn't feel the same. She needs to feel intimacy, she's at that age now. So she asked me to fill that gap in her life, the one she wants you to fill. I'll admit, it did take some convincing because I felt like a substitute..."

Jennifer giggled. "Daddy, I love you too."

"I know, sweetheart, but you love me like a father. You love your brother in an entirely different way. But when my daughter comes to me in tears not long after she turned eighteen, almost begging me to make her feel like a woman, at least in a certain way, how can I say no to that? I love my daughter, and being intimate with her is a lovely thought."

"Was that night the first time?"

"No, it wasn't. But, Mark, we've never had sex. Her pussy is... er..."

"I've never had a cock inside me, Mark," Jennifer stated, noticing her blushing brightly.

"Oh... I thought..."

"The best compromise I could think of was I would treat my daughter to orgasms but she would wait as long as it takes for her brother. He would be the first to enter her pussy, and her mouth."

"No shit?"

Dad chuckled. "No shit, Mark."

I glanced at Jennifer again. "So you were ready to wait how long?"

"I would have bitten the bullet eventually and almost begged Lisa for a chance to be intimate, even if it was only one time."

I stood up and easily picked her up, sitting back down with her in my lap, head resting against my chest. A sign of how small she was compared to me. Lisa leaned into me, kissing my cheek. "Mark," my father continued, "As you know, I was born and raised in Tamworth. Your mother is not part of my family. She is from another family, also from Tamworth. But I have been intimate with both of my sisters since they both turned eighteen, and was intimate with my mother from the same age. I'm aware one of my sisters was intimate with my father, but the other only wanted me and my brother."

"Even while married to Mum?"

"Yes. That is the agreement reached. Both men and women can continue relationships with family members, even after marriage. The entire point of the marriage is so there is an opportunity for family. We made the decision to leave Sydney as we were a test case, in a way. Would our children still feel the same way if not surrounded by families who practiced the same lifestyle?"

I glanced at Lisa, who raised her eyebrows. "Hang on, are you saying..."

Mum giggled. "Mark, Tamworth is the incest capital of Australia. Nearly every family that lives there practices incest in one form or another. It started not long after the place was discovered, and it is now more than just a rumour that any family who moves there does so because they wish to be intimate as a family. Outsiders generally don't last long once they realise. Thankfully, the open secret means anyone in any position of authority is also involved in incestuous relationships, so everyone is protected."

"Fucking hell!" I exclaimed, "So the joke about Tasmania?"

"Bunch of inbred fucks!" Dad stated, laughing away, "As I said, your mother and I are not related through family, not even distant cousins... I think. It is why we're so happy Lisa wants to stay with you. You can have a family safely. The unwritten agreement is that siblings, nor mother and son, nor father and daughter relationships bear children. There have been accidents, but it is best avoided. So your mother comes from a similar family."

"My first lover was my brother, Matthew," Mum admitted, "And I also had sex with my daddy until around ten years ago."

"Why did you stop?" Lisa wondered.

"His heart was giving him trouble and he couldn't perform. So we're now just a normal father-daughter relationship."

"Wow," Lisa said, "So every family in Tamworth fucks arounds with each other?"

"Pretty much. Once a child hits eighteen, they are generally told the truth of their family. You were a unique case, Mark. There wasn't really the opportunity to tell you because Lisa was such a fixture of your life. To be honest, if you hadn't discovered us, we might not have told you."

"But that would have backfired," Mum continued, "Because you clearly have the same feelings as your sister for family. But we know you wouldn't have acted on them because of Lisa."

"So our families have been practicing incest for generations?" I asked.

"Both sides," Mum replied, "I could show you photo albums of distant relatives and tell you precisely who was fucking who. Some will only fuck their brother or sister, their mother or father, their aunt or uncle, or a cousin. Some will fuck anyone of the opposite sex. There generally isn't too much homosexuality, at least among men, but women tend to be a little more open-minded about that sort of thing anyway."

"Did you, Mum?" I asked, smirking away.

"My mother did offer a couple of times, simply intrigued if I was curious about being with a woman. Finally bit the bullet with Courtney after I gave birth to your sister. Only happened a few times. She much prefers our brothers cock inside her."

Lisa laughed. "God, I should be so weirded out hearing that but, I mean, your brother and sister obviously love each other anyway. Nothing more intimate than sex, in a way. I guess it just adds a different facet to the sibling relationship. But do people worry about power dynamics in parent-child relationships?"

"Yes," Dad replied, "Most, but not all the time, the child must make their feelings known first. Parents are advised to only pursue if the child quite obviously has feelings but is too nervous or not confident enough to express them. Even then, most of the decisions must still rest with the child. Caroline has obviously had to bite the bullet due to circumstances."

"How often do people react badly?" Lisa wondered.

"Not as often as you'd think," Dad replied, "No-one has done any studies or anything. Quite obviously, as we all know what we're doing is illegal, but it seems to almost be something wired in our brains if you come from any of the families that make us feel we want intimacy with our family."

"Definitely something in the water," Mum joked, "Should get it tested."

"Well, we've been in Sydney fifteen years," Jennifer said, "So it must be somewhere in our heads."

I sipped at my beer quietly, taking in everything they'd just said. Talk about one hell of a family secret. Shit, not even family. An entire community and town seemed to live a secret life. I did wonder why Tamworth of all places. "I'll tell you perhaps one of the more famous families in Tamworth," Dad said, "It all started at the end of World War Two. Far as I know, before Robert Smith returned from the war, the family always practiced incest. Both sides. His father was meant to be a real piece of work. He died while Robert was away at war, so he was left thinking his father was a pious man. Complete bullshit. He fucked any female within his family, older or younger. He never broke the law regarding age, but mother, aunts, cousins, sisters, nieces, he fucked them all. Never fucked his daughters though. As for Margaret, her family was notorious. She fucked her brothers, then fucked her son and daughters, but I know she also did an uncle or two. Robert was with his mothers and sisters only, as far as I know. Both lines of family were some of the most infamous in the town at the time.

Once they had the confidence to show they didn't really care what people thought, the rest of the community came out of hiding and Tamworth very quickly had the reputation it now has. It's obviously not known by everyone. We have to trust those who move there before the truth is unveiled. But, like everything, the whispers do contain an element of truth. You'd be surprised how many excited sibling or parent-child couples move to Tamworth, relieved they could finally live freely as the couples and more as they are."

"There's one last thing, Mark," Mum added, "Now that you know the truth, the plan was always to return to Tamworth so we can live without needing to hide anymore. You'll have no trouble finding work, nor will you, Lisa. Your sister will be joining us. We were hoping..."

"I think Lisa and I might be joining you," I said softly, before turning to her, "Honey?"

"Think you can leave me behind that easy, buster?" she exclaimed, poking me in the side, "Of course I'll be joining you. Maybe as your wife?"

I looked at my parents. "Not a bad idea, actually. You'll marry for love, but it will also be good cover for when we're all living together," Mum said, "The idea would be for your sister and I to live with you. Your father will split his time between our home, his sister and his mother."

I glanced at my father in surprise. He smiled. "I'm sure you can guess what a lot of those business trips I took were for now?"

"Fucking hell, really?" I asked, unable to stop chuckling.

"My little sisters really miss their big brother sometimes. Speaking of which, actually, Cathy has asked about you, Mark. I'm not sure Melissa is interested, but Cathy has insinuated at least a tryst or two."

"Would that bother you?"

"Of course not, you're my son."

Lisa cleared her throat. "What about me?" she wondered, and I thought that was a good question.

"That's for you and your future husband to agree," Dad replied.

"Actually, your opportunity lies in the future," Mum added, "When you have children, and say you're blessed with a son or two..."

"Oh..." Lisa whispered, "Really?"

"It's up to you, Lisa. No-one will force you to do anything. And I mean that," my father stated vehemently, "If you can accept the situation as proposed, that Mark will marry you, but also be with his mother and sister, and that's all you want, then that's how your life will be. Anything else is for a discussion between the married couple only."

"Lots of rules," I said.

"Unwritten, of course. But there is a code this must all happen by. It is passed down from generation to generation, moulded as times change. But it is to prevent trouble coming to our doorsteps. The local council and government. The police. Any sort of government authority is full of our allies. People just like us. So we're generally safe from prying eyes."

I was all talked out. A lot of information in one evening. Jennifer eventually disappeared to bed as it was Monday the next day and she had an early lecture. She took a chance, kissing me softly on the lips as I hugged her. When I kissed her back, she couldn't help giggling. "Sorry," she said softly, "It's just..."

I leaned down to her ear. "We'll make love soon. I promise."

She blushed again before hugging me tightly. "I can't wait."

Mum and Dad disappeared soon after, though not before announcing that Lisa should be a welcome guest, and we shouldn't be embarrassed if we wanted to fuck. The only thing we should keep in mind was that my sister was definitely going to masturbate when hearing us. I think that idea simply turned Lisa on even further. Dad and I hugged it out, and I apologised again for calling him such names. He just held my shoulder, met my eyes, and said he was proud of me.

Mum kissed me on the lips again, definitely wanting more but holding back. Taking Lisa by the hand, I led her back to my room, where I proceeded to strip her off quickly, threw her on the bed, and ravaged her.

Of course, she teased me while we made love, asking if I wanted to call her 'Mummy' or 'Little Sister'.

So I fucking well did both. The sex was phenomenal. And we both came rather hard in the end.


"I might be late home tonight, dear," her husband said.

"That's okay. I'll make dinner and make sure it's left in the oven."

A kiss on the cheek and he disappeared. Lisa had left first thing in the morning as she needed to go home, shower and get changed. She was already thinking of suggesting she just move in with them. Jennifer left before her husband for class. That left her alone in the house with Mark. She returned to the bedroom, took off her bra and panties, wearing only a thin t-shirt and some very short shorts. Now working only part-time, as she was getting ready for the inevitable move back to Tamworth, she had every Monday off, happy to clean around the house, perhaps do a little gardening, and quite a bit of time masturbating.

Bouncing around the kitchen as she cleaned up, listening to some old tunes on the radio, she almost squealed when she felt two strong arms wrap around her, just underneath her breasts. She couldn't help smile. Mark would often hug her like that, but she could feel the change in dynamic already. "You look rather cute, Mum," he said softly next to her ear, "Anyone think you were hoping to tease someone?"

"Maybe," she said, knowing he'd see the smirk from the side of her face.

"Anyone in particular you're trying to tease?"

"Someone I'm so hopelessly in love with. I'm hoping he's going to be home all day."

"Would this man happen to be your son?"

She was turned around to see he was only wearing a pair of boxer-briefs. She inadvertently licked her lips at the display, immediately running her fingers down his broad chest. A few years in the gym, playing footy every weekend, and generally looking after himself left him looking fit. Looking up to meet his eyes, she saw love but also a healthy dose of lust.

She loved it. The turmoil she'd often seen was no longer present. He was allowing himself to feel everything. "Lisa?"

"Told me to have fun and enjoy whatever happened." He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. It surprised her to start with. "But she also told me to look after my mother. And we both know what she meant by that."

"Do you want to fuck your mother, Mark?"

"I'll have breakfast later."

She was amazed at the ease she ended up in his arms. She wondered if he'd take her to the marital bed, but seeming to realise that was still sacrosanct, he carried her towards his room. Placing her down, he practically tore off her shirt before her shorts were lowered along with his underwear. Their lips crashed together as her hand immediately went to his thick, long shaft. He was bigger than his father, not massively, but enough to notice.

She moaned into his mouth as they ended up on the bed together, shuffling back until they were both comfortable. Years of intimacy with Lisa at least left him experienced as she realised very quickly her son knew just what to do with his mouth, his tongue, his fingers. Without touching her pussy or breasts, he had her quivering. Just his touch lit her up nicely, feeling her pussy start dripping with increasing excitement with every minute that passed.