All Comments on 'February Sucks - the Details Matter'

by KitDeLuca164

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usaretusaretover 2 years ago

All the way through this masterpiece of feminist excuse for infidelity I hoped it would not end as it did. What a waste of mine, and all other men, time. A pathetic waste of my time, and her effort.

usaretusaretover 2 years ago

A pathetic waste of time. Pure feminist BS.

Dlh143Dlh143over 2 years ago

Leaving Jim a wimpy, spineless cuck is a shitty way to end the story! Why do the 2 people who did the wrong get the happy ending? I wish they could take this shitty version off the site or I could give it negative 5 stars.

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago
I say

Bull shit she really didn't love Jim in this account. Divorce should have happened and Jim should sue both the team and f-ing Marc. Its for sure she has no respect for her husband he's just a wimp

JensensloverJensensloverover 2 years ago

I will NEVER understand the obsession writers on this site has with a story that really wasn't as great and its made out to be and would you all be clammouring to put your own bullshit ending to it if there wasn't a blanket permission from the original writer? Write your own story, you're clearly capable, but so over February Sucks its not even funny anymore, so 1* for your first effort, now show us what YOU can do on your own without someone coming up with a beginning FOR you.

bobareenobobareenoover 2 years ago

Good grief. The magic cock made more real! The writer has done a good job of restating Linda’s rationale for throwing her marriage in the crapper, and has illuminated the stinking morass that is all that remains. So, now hubby should absolutely know he can never measure up, and that she has no regrets. She writes it all down to treasure it.

Yes, she brought home Marc’s ejaculate, but she also brought home her permanent infection by his magic cock, an experience that makes her see her poor husband as chopped liver in comparison. Why does she stay? Linda, in her tryst with Marc, actually left Jim completely, she returned to a shell of an existence that she knows will never compare to her night with Marc. Jim, and she, are now in a no-win situation, Jim really isn’t even in the running. Her “love" forJim held no loyalty, no respect, no real compassion, she betrayed him in an instant. She believes she wasn’t/isn’t a slut? She still wants Marc with every fiber of her being, Jim is her second tier reality. Now that she has had a taste of perfection, she is simply martyring herself to remain in the marriage, while martyring Jim along with her.

The Jim character is stuck in hell, he received back permanently fouled goods, and she doesn’t have the empathy to understand how completely she has killed her marriage, and her falseness in remaining. Maybe Jim can be the magic cock for someone else, someone whose love for him won’t be put aside for a night of something that might be better, a love that would never countenance the betrayal of the marriage for a magic fuck.

In any event, an excellent first story, even if I now dislike Linda even more for her gleeful, hero-worshipping, description of the details of her betrayal of her marriage, and for the unavoidable fact that her one weekend of passion with a self confidant jerk, who she was willing to humiliate her husband with, turned an ostensibly good marriage into a shell of mutual torture for them both. I am happy that there are other stories where the poor Jim character is released from his strained and unpleasant bondage, but most are not so well written as this tale where he remains bound.

I know, Jim returned to his home in the end, with pithy final words of rededication to his marriage, but in doing so, he, and in some respects the author, failed to recognize the reality the Jim character will always be living. Her journal of details made the couple's mutual martyrdom in a continued illusion of a marriage very clear.

A_BierceA_Bierceover 2 years ago

This story does a better job of answering the question "Why?" than any of the thousands of LW stories I have read. We're given a clear insight into the woman's mind as she willfully (enthusiastically, passionately, carelessly, and thoughtlessly) betrays her husband's trust. Her memories and rationalizations sound uncomfortably real; it's unfortunate that she doesn't have the same insight into the destruction of her husband's self-image. The only flaw—and it undermines the impact of the entire story—is the final paragraph. After describing so clearly how Jim tortured himself and concluded (rightly) that he would never be able to compete with Linda's memories of her interlude with Marc, then recounting their final telephone confrontation where she confirms how completely she gave herself to Marc, it simply isn't believable that he would forgive her and return. It looks like the author's desperate attempt to avoid a depressing ending. I still have to recognize such gifted writing and award top marks to KitDeLuca164,

management91399management91399over 2 years ago

I found it amusing that Linda, as more time has passed since her encounter, decides to write down her adventure again, adding in the missing details to memorialize it. While she wants to move on and have her life with her family near the end she's begun to tire of Jims complaining and his inability to let this go. At that point in her frustration threatens to move ahead with the divorce essentially daring Jim to pull the trigger on the divorce.

I think in this version Linda knows she's the ultimate winner in this family, some would say the Alpha, she has her cake and her marriage too. And this being LW category these are basically Husband horror stories, Jason and chainsaw stuff where the husband is placed in his ultimate horror situation after dedicating his love and life to someone who ultimately fails him. And in this case, that failure isn't important. So what, I did it big deal get over it, it's PTA night. And Jim and most LW husbands crave that love that sexual response that Linda provided to the stranger but Jim the husband is ordinary, used, and old news. Not old enough to discard, that would be morally wrong in Linda's eyes but ordinary enough to hurt in this manner. Real-life probably doesn't happen but like Jason real life doesn't include unkillable hockey mask-wearing lunatics. Both are fantasy but horror stories. What I took from this version is there is yet another way to play this out that I don't believe has been exploited yet and would spin the end game of this story a different way.

But I found the most real thing about this version (Perhaps in all the versions) is Linda's impatience at the end with Jim and her calling him out. An entire new thread of variations could be spun off from what happens next after Jim returns. Good stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

sorry. No man with both testicles would put up with this. Living with her after this would be far worse than divorce. fuck her. there are at least a few women who are not sluts that would be happy with Jim.

mordbrandmordbrandover 2 years ago

I didn't think it was possible to top the utter shit stain GA posted, but you surprised me. Not only was this worse in every possible fashion, the fact that a "happily married woman saw fit to post it gave me sincere heartache.

Ma'am, I do not know your spouse, but I can only hope you don't end up fucking up his life on some "fairy tale" supposed once in a lifetime fling. Trying to rationalize the singular fuck up at the core of the original story is a non starter. No self respecting spouse would ever forgive the sheer disrespect shown in both the original and your version of this horrible yarn. GA knew it and proceeded to whine about how no one could decipher his "vision". You had to have known it as well, yet you wrote this anyway, hence my pity for your spouse should you be exposed to the same temptation.

In any case, my standing policy is that any sequel to this train wreck that was foisted on us by GA receives an automatic one. In your case it just so happens you managed to earn it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not a chance. She is a slut, a cunt, a cum receptacle for an overblown NFL player. This is also miles from the story line in another important detail. Marc was portrayed as an entitled asshole who regularly came into the dance club to pick up and fuck married women. The bartender let him know that and Jim learned more of the same later. Finally, the big complication is the kids but Jim isn't the one who completely fucked the family as well as her husband. After her vicious nasty effort to further emasculate and destroy her husband, I don't think anyone with any self-respect would go back to rebuild the family. Sorry, move away, far away; pay child support but otherwise, fuck her. Start over, work out, learn something new, find better friends rather than the assholes who enabled her cheating and above all, find a better woman, they do exist. 1* and if i could, this would get negative 5*****

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The next shot of a potential whore about the indispensable forgiveness... If you decide to cheat on your husband, just know that he will not forgive. And do not deceive yourself about this.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 2 years ago

Women are sick in 95% of these stories.

kelchakelchaover 2 years ago

Excellent story that gets 5* .

tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago


First I would like to make a comment regarding "cuckold". Many writers keep referring to a man as a cuckold if his wife has a sexual affair with another man regardless of duration. A man is NOT a cuckold if he is not in support of her actions. - YOU are wrong about the definition of "cuckold"! You need to look in a dictionary for the true meaning, rather than what you perceive it to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This should have been a stand alone story. You have written completely the greatest fears a husband can have, but in your attempt to be completely "truthful" you lied. Jim was right, Linda always intended to build a monument to the glorious memory of her one night. Not staying Sunday does not make her more honest or wifely. Her journal is the concretization of her plan to keep a hidden .trophy glorifying her hatred of her husband because her unjustified anger has completely cuckolded him and destroyed his soul in his own eyes. Attempt at making Marc sensitive is a joke. Yes people fantasize, but your Linda went far beyond that. Making Jim give in to her threats denys all of his character in original story. He will become just an empty shell and be beaten down more as she continues to be swept away by the tall ruggedly handsome car salesman, butcher, lawyer, or garbage man. After all, she got away with this. How can Jim not expect continued bad behavior? And fuck a legal system which is completely one sided unless one has the extreme wealth to hire a battery of the best lawyers. Perhaps the Arabs and Pakistani have it right. Perhaps Sharia law has the antidote for this destructive consciousness.

kelchakelchaover 2 years ago

Thanks again. Just finished reading the comments at 211 count, you seem to have stirred up interest.

Have also looked at your bio. Why did Linda cheat? Simple really. She allowed the primate portion of her brain to dominate for a brief time. No condom and a chance for superior genes to combine with hers and help to get to genetic immortality.

Mitochondrial DNA has shown that all humans have a common ancestor going back about 50, 000 years. Luck of the draw or superior genes?

Better sex with Marc? Meh, so what. There are millions of women better at sex than Linda. Why is thinking of someone else when having sex a problem when pretty much all of us do it constantly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Although I appreciate your effort, I also hope to never read any more of your stories. You failed to convince me that this bitch had any remorse and you got lazy with finishing the story end.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

@Anonymous Re: Cuckold - You are SO wrong. ANY husband whose wife fucks another man is a cuckold, even if he goes medieval on their asses. From Meriam-Webster: Definition of cuckold : a man whose wife is unfaithful.


What you're defining is a wittol. Again from Merriam-Webster:Definition of wittol a man who knows of his wife's infidelity and puts up with it. In LW terms, a cuck.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

just a bunch of self serving shit from a lying cheating slut. This is just about one of the worse versions of this stupid ass story. The best ones are where they end in divorce. She's just another of the round heel slut wives of literotica. Accountability was pissed on and in end she gets a free pass. Jim in all the lovable cuckold version, is jut that....A lovable cuckold.

Sgt_Manny2020Sgt_Manny2020over 2 years ago

Every time I read one of these stories my heart is ripped out.

I do not think I would live through any version of this story. Linda chose Mark over her family. It is that simple. She chose to go with a superior man, as she describes him, in every way. I would not live to see her come back. Not even for the children. If Mark is a much of a man as he claims, he would go all in and take over the whole thing. No matter what Jim does, he will always be the second choice in her life. I would not want to live that in any way.

Linda w l uld find me dead with a note that says I helped her keep her vows. "Until death do us part."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

TL;DR. She won. He lost.

Thank you for writing this. I hated it. But it was very well written.

Don't feel bad. I've thoroughly detested every story in this "February sucks" universe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Linda is a Narcissistic, Sociopathic Abuser plain and simple. Jim's struggle to answer the question "WHY did Linda do this to me" will go unanswered with no response to any level of understanding or satisfaction. A better question for Jim is "How can I protect myself from Linda's abuse? That kind of empowering question will lead Jim toward answers that will actually help him instead of feeding his feelings of powerlessness, anger, and pain.

So, why does Jim consider staying in this abusive relationship? The combination of Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance produces a victim who firmly believes the relationship is not only acceptable, but also desperately needed for their survival. The victim feels they would mentally collapse if the relationship ended. In long-term relationships, the victims have invested everything and placed all their eggs in one basket. The relationship now decides their level of self-esteem, self-worth, and emotional health. The victim does not purposely invent this attitude. Both develop as an attempt to exist and survive in a threatening and controlling environment and relationship…They are trying to survive.

So, why does Linda want Jim to stay in the marriage? An abuser always has an agenda of controlling the victim. Their intentions are clear in that respect. The sociopath now sees their partner as somebody that they own (their possession). They don't like to give up their toys.

No matter what promises they make about how they and the relationship will change for the better, beware they will not change. The sociopath cannot change.

Jim needs to get out and leave Linda for good and never look back. Otherwise he will remain a perpetual victim.

NylonDreamsNylonDreamsover 2 years ago

Well written and judging by the comments has evoked the usual comments. Like a few comments I have read, the ending fails for me. Not the reconciliation but how that is done. After the heated exchange over the phone, I would have expected Jim, if he's the character portrayed, prior to the event, to have realised he's still not been told the whole story. Once home he would make it clear to Linda, that she tells the whole story, no matter what she thinks he'll do as he can't stand the constant strain of not knowing which allows his dark thoughts to devour him. Without it, they are done anyway. She shows and explains her journal. What happens next is up to you. Maybe chapter 2, the next three-six months.

bluengraybluengrayover 2 years ago

Extremely well written! Even I wanted to know the details! IMO the very best sequel written thus far! Please continue writing regardless of scoring! Easy 5* from me! Thank you for this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very well done but the reality one in a million would stay . Me personally I’d have stoped it before the dance but if not that morning I’d hide waiting to see if he drove her home and attacked with a bat doing as much damage as possible. He could just stay for the kids but cheat often for his mind but this isn’t some guy to avoid . A famous athlete in news , newspaper, magazine on tv in a sport he may love . In his face forever. I’d do a tv interview after leaving her telling all with her pic where she worked , lived etc . I’d also not meaning it but would’ve told her on the phone after the argument that she should kiss the kids for me tell them I will always love them but couldn’t live with the abused you laid on me, goodbye forever. That would’ve been torchering her putting her in a panic that she deserved.

Very good new storytelling Kit

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think we all read these stories to get some sort of emotional jolt. Whether it be righteous anger, titillation, humiliation is the reader’s bag. This story does a great job doing this.

However my read in this entire story, including Jim’s point of view, is from Linda’s twisted revisionist view. She is writing her new journal “to remember” the event clearly. She is actually just rewriting her memory, making her the victor with two men living her at all cost. It’s ALL in her mind. Probably, even Jim coming back to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The only way this story ends properly is with a bullet hole between Marc and Linda's eyes. Your pathetic attempt to make Marc a likable person is disgusting at best and only a woman could come up with that crap. Marc was a sleazy sewer rat that needed to be capped.

PeteinctPeteinctover 2 years ago

I appreciated the perspective the author brought as a married woman in her 50's with grown kids, as she states in the preface to her story and her bio. I think that perhaps she is channeling thoughts and desires into Linda that are quite common among women in her demographic, even if they are happily married. I find it highly believable that a woman who is in a long term stable marriage could still have a natural human need for validation that someone in addition to her husband finds her desireable, and that she experiences mild angst at the routines that are part of a long-term relationship. Clearly this author's version of Linda enjoyed catching other men glancing at her because it validated her attractiveness and because it was a little naughty (and speaking as a married male in my 50's, I can say that men also experience these desires). The difference is that most women would not make the same sudden and unilateral choice as Linda, which any reasonable person could forsee would humiliate her husband and risk impacting her family and children. Most people have better impulse control that that.

garne05garne05over 2 years ago

As I wrote before, an excellent story, I brought details, but the "happy ending" of Jim's acceptance was strange, in fact the story seemed to lead to the end in which the two part amicably because it is not possible to repair the damage.

VickiT375VickiT375over 2 years ago

Adding more emotional context doesn’t make the characters more relatable. The hidden truth in the story is that the marriage Jim and Linda had was dead the moment she took his hand to dance. If they could have any possible future together it would be something else. Something much less. Ultimately something unsatisfying for either of them. Jim started that night holding a treasure, by the end of it he discovered it was worthless.

mainer42mainer42over 2 years ago

well written and a truly good telling of her story. I can imagine it for sure. But no man who loves his wife with everything he has can be willing to forgive and forget. To quote 'managament' though, "But I found the most real thing about this version (Perhaps in all the versions) is Linda's impatience at the end with Jim and her calling him out. An entire new thread of variations could be spun off from what happens next after Jim returns. Good stuff!"

ecboyecboyover 2 years ago

Thank you. I've read some of the comments below and I must be a half wit because I thoroughly enjoyed your story. I have read the original and probably al of the sequels. Yours has been the best. Don't be put off by the hateful comments, for the life of me I don't understan why people need to post such vitriol.

trance00trance00over 2 years ago
Details matter?

Details matter? Of her adulterous sexual encounter and her excuses for doing it? Not at all. Only her decision and the pain and damaged it cause matter. Too bad a self-entitled, narcissistic, treacherous slut and bitch like Linda will probably never realize it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yeah that was some retarded shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That idiot "lego" gave this a five star rating? The guy must be nuts. I gave it a 1* rating it deserves. Sick and tired of this February bullshit story. The original sucked big time and that includes every sequel written of this garbage story. Bury this absurd story once and for all. Please.

BoxerR100BoxerR100over 2 years ago

I have read most of the follow ups to the main story. This is a unique twist.

Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

315 comments. It appears the garbage stories, especially this one, get a lot of attention. I can't believe how many idiots actually fawned over this garbage like stink on shit. What makes this crappy story so popular? A lot of twisted authors and readers roam this category. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One idiot actually thought this was as good as the original. Who said the original was good? Only a cuck would say that. This category is full of them. 90% of stories posted in LW are about cucks and willing cucks who will forgive anything their whore wives do to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One reader actually suggested a sequel to a sequel? What the fuck kind of people read on this site? Don't answer that, it's obvious, just read the comments. No matter how well written, a garbage story still remains a garbage story. Gave it the usual one star rating I give all February stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Blah, blah, blah. More RAAC BS. More vain attempted justification of the unjustifiable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your biography tells its own story - especially the attached notes at the bottom. Perhaps one day you might get to live in the world outside of Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good right up until the last paragraphed where i barfed on my ipad. Do you think he would make the same decision if he reads her journal?

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleover 2 years ago

The best of the endless rewrites of this badly overhyped story - if only because it’s written from the slut’s pov. But it fails in the end because the author insists on hammering the protagonists into a reconciliation that could never happen. It’s as if the author didn’t read her own story. If she had she wouldn’t have had to reduce Jim to a sniveling, neutered cuckold in order to make her ending work.

Please please please resist the temptation to write another chapter where Jim finds the journal. A: we don’t need yet aother flogging of this very dead horse, and B: You’ve humiliated Jim enough, don’t you think?

I pity the kids trapped in this kind of family. The only question is whether they will murder somebody else before putting the gun in their mouths and ending the misery.

skruff101skruff101over 2 years ago

So the ending has Jim ‘pulling up his big boy pants’ (what a really stupid expression that is) and going back to his unrepentant wife. Fair enough it’s his choice, idiotic but there you go.

A line from this one came to mind when she was writing the journal where she said that in the years to come this would be her little indulgence to fantasise about (or words to that effect).

So in her twilight years when it’s all about to end and she’s thinking about the highlights of her life, it’ll be reliving getting ploughed by her footballer.

Lying next to her is poor old Jim who has no such highlight reel to reminisce over because every memory is tainted by the humiliation and disrespect heaped on him those many years ago by the bitch next to him in the assisted living apartment they now share.

He might even be thinking that driving to the hotel and getting the subsequent divorce might have been a better option. But hindsight is always 20/20.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago is you that needs to read the dictionary. No where does it say whether the man is willing or not. Nor whether he knows about it or not.


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noun: cuckold; plural noun: cuckolds

a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.

"jokes in literature about elderly cuckolds and misers are rife"


verb: cuckold; 3rd person present: cuckolds; past tense: cuckolded; past participle: cuckolded; gerund or present participle: cuckolding

(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

"in the novel Humberto cuckolds his employer"

(of a man's wife) make (her husband) a cuckold by being sexually unfaithful.

"he was repeatedly cuckolded by his wife Aphrodite"

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After reading your take on this I see no way to resurrect their marriage. Should have divorced when it happened instead of suffering through attempted reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

We are an older couple, been married for over 40 years. Of course we have had some tough times in our marriage, but we always work it through.

When I first read the original story something very strange happened. I don’t believe that my wife has ever been with another man since we first started dating. Notwithstanding that, when I finished reading the original I empathized with Jim, so much so that I felt betrayed by my wife (we are going through a difficult time now, mostly due to her self-identity after she retired). She is a changed person and it is easy to feel that she is consumed the same as Linda.

I have lived my wife dearly since our first date. The kids are grown and gone. It’s just us.

I found all of the other February Sucks iterations. Each one made me feel worse, more distant, unable to find my way back to our love. I haven’t read one of the stories in a while. I saw this one and immediately read it.

This story was excellent. I personally didn’t like the end and believe that he will never be able to get the woman back that he loved before she left with Marc. He will always resent her, she will feel it. He will drive her away. They will never have a good sex life again.

I’m not a prude that thinks that because someone has an affair that the marriage is over. I believe that people can forgive—but never forget. Still, I think that most string marriages can survive a dalliance. This, however, wasn’t that. It was a fairy tail, sure. A fairy tail that changed Linda forever. Clearly, she is still thrilled by her night and morning of abject betrayal, feels no guilt, is stimulated by thinking about it, is so in need of remembering every detail that she took hours over two days to record every memory. I assume that if KitDeLuca continues with this story, the journal entries will be Linda’s undoing. She is put out by giving blow jobs, but was excited to suck Marc twice remembering how much she didn’t like it with Jim, that it was an obligation to perform as a wife and that if he asked for it he was pathetic. Even if the journal entries are never found by Jim, Linda will frequently revisit them to remember how lackluster her life is with the father of her children. Linda’s problem is that the grass is always greener. Being romantically involved with someone, with or without sex, is divine. Why? You don’t have to worry about the kids, your jobs and crappy bosses, there are no credit card or mortgage payments to consider. It’s just a fairy tail, one, like a dead spouse, will always be perfect and unassailable. No one can ever match up.

Good job on this writing. I gave it 5 stars. The fallout is that it will probably take me months of therapy now to stop hating the love of my life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This woman devastated her husband and did very serious damage to her kids. And she's still glad she did it. That's not love. Not even close. She doesn't know what love is and she clearly isn't capable of real love.

I agree with a lot of what Servant111 posted in his comment. This woman is very seriously disturbed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the story and the writing though Jim's collapse seems forced and unrealistic after that confession.

I seem to have experienced on occasion what Marc got - a woman giving in totally completely basically at first glance (though I don't claim to have his godlike attributes)

.The most interesting line was the one:

"Unfortunately, there is no husband in the world who will experience the complete access to his wife that I gave Marc that Friday night."

Kit, can you elaborate? When I was younger, after an encounter with a girl or young women I heard on a number of occasions a similar statement. Like after doggy "I never do that with my boyfriend" or after anal sex "I like anal, I could never do that with my boyfriend, he would think I am a slut" or once after a blow job with swallowing and gathering overflow on her fingers and slowly licking it up "I never do that with my husband" (no ring and she never said anything up to that point) and she explained she never swallowed and she didn't give him blow jobs poor guy.

So Kit - why?? The slut comment stuck with me as the probable reason but what do you think? Why did you write that?

Is it the seemingly inevitable battle for dominance that seems to develop in many (most, all) marriages and the act of the wife becoming an eager, wanting, utterly willing, wanton slut for her husband would mean that she lost a major battle in the was between the wed?

Or as sex workers often allege that wives are just prostitutes that trade sex for their material wants (house, car, kids ....) and they are the more honest version of the prostitution game? And totally giving in with no recompense would not be good business?

Many of these stories contain a similar sentiment, not explicitly stated that the loving wife becomes the sexually abandoned adulteress and loves it. While continuing being the boring missionary in the dark in the marriage.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

WOW - 326 comments in two days and your average score is down to 2.58 out of 5.

The majority of readers expressed either disinterest or hatred for your take on GA's story and that must be humiliating for you. Just skimming the comments I'd say you really damaged any hope of ever getting a positive response from this crowd of critical readers. Maybe you can come up with a new name and start over with less controversial story lines. Other than that, maybe you better concentrate on your day job, until you get a bit more seasoning and experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story. The ending seems unrealistic to me. I don't think Jim as portrayed in the original story would stay after the confession. However the low score is probably due to the barbecue the bitch or the story sucks crowd that haunts this section. I suspect there are many husbands that would collapse like the Jim in your story. 5 stars.

And everyone, according to GeorgeAnderson, in the original stories preface, 10 out of 10 professional wives in attendance at the business dinner where the scenario was originally presented said they would go with the celebrity and their husband would just have to understand.

husker506husker506over 2 years ago

You definitely gave this story one of the better endings that I have read. I believe you have enlightened the analogy of the story and gave a good ending to this whole charade. Definitely a 5!

FaceForRadioFaceForRadioover 2 years ago

I was in the 4-5 star range up until the very last scene. Jim had been growing in his resolve and was making good progress when he called Linda a SLUT over the phone. This was a point where Linda could have started to understand that the greatest night in her life was, at the very same moment, the worst night in Jim’s life. Instead she got on the offensive and basically said, “I can’t be a slut, I’m an entitled fairy princess. If you don’t bow down to me, my frogs will kill you!” Nothing wrong with Jim pulling into his driveway at the end, but on the way home he should have stopped by Marc’s and shot him right between the eyes!

Jack440Jack440over 2 years ago
Well Well Written But ...

A well written story, got into Linda's head better than most have, although I do wonder what a woman's view of this would be. If a truly committed wife and mother would do this to sacrifice her marriage and kids for a 1 night stand like that.

I'd like to read a part two of how or if they can get past this. I'm torn to think how they can. Her one-time incredible evening that was supposed for her husband threw away all that was sacred in her life. I'm thinking that she doesn't deserve to have a man like Jim. Even if she would have "reconnected" with Marc, how could he think she'd be true to him after a couple of kids and parenthood.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nope. Not a snowball's chance in hell any self-respecting man wouldn't have ditched a lying, cheating, disrespectful slut like Linda. She neither loved nor respected her husband, he was simply her security blanket, and she used his love as a weapon against him. No woman who truly loved and respected her husband could have degraded, humiliated and betrayed him like she did.

The writing was quite good, but the story was unrealistic. 3*s.

ffarmerffarmerover 2 years ago

I don't normally comment but the ending is totally unbelievable and ruins an otherwise entertaining and well-written story. Please try again with a different ending. No way would Jim be able to go back to that marriage.

irinmikeirinmikeover 2 years ago

Maybe it would be a good idea to write another story taking the ending here and expanding on how Jim and Linda actually communicate where they are no at mentally and how they intend to move forward to save the marriage. Your plot line said you were going to present this story from a woman's point of view while including the other two main characters. You started off okay but then you went astray with three pages of intimate sexual details that you really overplayed. I too have read many of the spin off tales from George Anderson's original story. As you can see from reading many of these comments about your story, people want to know how a man like Jim can get past the humiliating situation Linda put him in when she left him at the dance club to run off with a celebrity she had not even met. I would love to hear how these two were going to talk through the issue of her leaving him with his friends as well as every member of their community in the dance club as his friends and members of the community watches this unfold. She made a fool or herself by walking out with Marc and leaving Jim behind to deal with the consequences. You should continue the story you spun and let us know how you would rectify the bad Karma Linda had dropped at her husban'ds feet when she left with Marc, As you ended this tale, there is no resolution as to how Jim and Linda are going to get past her ridiculous folly without destroying Jim.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wait, what? In the original story, Jim and Linda are at least almost human beings. These versions of "Jim" and "Linda" are a completely different species. Jim's a moron and Linda's just waiting for the next roller-coaster operator to show up and take her for a ride.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Piece of shit.

sf_operative63sf_operative63over 2 years ago

I go back to an earlier rewrite where Jim kikls both the wife and the asshole. That and taking care of the slut girlfriend of the wife


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, another author who writes Linda's encounter with Marc as some kind of life altering, magical, self

en-powering women's sexual liberation extravaganza. Never saw that coming (eye roll). The real truth of the matter is that Linda's just one in a long line of selfish delusional women who went into full on cheap slut mode falling for the charismatic narcissist slime-ball douche-bag Marc Lavelle who's hobby is turning married women into cum dumps for a night. People who think this shit is romantic have some serious mental issues.

usaretusaretover 2 years ago

TrueType, now a cuke. Nothing more, nothing less.

njlaurennjlaurenover 2 years ago

First of, I think this story was very well written, and I think the perspective was well written and I encourage the author to write more, and if the anons and btb and the people who get bent out of shape about a story don't like it, well , ignore them. Clearly the story touched a nerve and it is nice to have it written from a women's perspective. About the only technical suggestion I have is when switching between people (Jim and Linda) and their viewpoints, delimit it, put something like ****linda*** to indicate where her voice starts, ***jim**** when his starts.

Okay, my reaction to the story (and if it means anything, it is well written enough it hit me emotionally). I appreciate the detail of what Linda was feeling, and I agree with others, I think it came closest to saying why Linda did what she did, she was caught in a fantasy world, where she had her hunk from a romance novel sweep her off her feet and make passionate sex with her, it was her own world, her own fantasy..a

The problem to me is when reality sets in, Linda still doesn't have a clue what she did was wrong. She compartmentalized the issue with Marc, she makes it her own private world, and she does absolutely the wrong thing with it. In the beginning of the story, she says she was starting to forget the details of what happened, so what does she do? She writes it all down in detail in her journal, and gets herself all hot and bothered again, and promises herself she will return to reading it again and reality, you know what that is? The guy who looks at porn, is absorbed into it, gets off on it, then when he tries to have real sex it fails.

The problem is instead of leaving it in the past, which she wants Jim to do, she is keeping it alive. The problem is good, solid Jim, who loves her, her gives her lovemaking, will never, ever capture what she had with Marc. Every time she has sex with him, she will be comparing Jim to Marc, and Jim will be found wanting. She may get orgasms, she may tell herself it was good, but she is basically setting it up to fail.

And quite honestly, as written here, Linda is still a selfish bitch. She wants Jim to forget and move forward, forgive her for what she did, yet the problem is she basically won't acknowledge the hurt she put on him. When she talks about Jim's pain, she talks about it as if the pain is his fault, it is his job to make the pain go away. When Jim tells her what is bothering her, she acknowledges his pain, but in reality she doesn't feel it, doesn't understand it, even after the interlude with Helen. She basically is doing what so many wives in this category do (and sadly do in real life), she denigrates jim in her mind, she says things like his problem is the male ego, he is hurt and devastated, yet cannot see that she did that, because in her fantasy world he really didn't matter.

I am sure some people reading this will say "Well, in the end, she chose Jim, she could have had Marc". And that raises the question, why? Did she do it out of duty to Jim? Or did she do it because she knew it would upset the family life she liked, and realized that being with Marc, who quite frankly is an immature asshole (more on that in a bit). She obviously felt a lot more about Marc than just the sex, she says so, yet she pats herself on the back because "she went back to Jim". She basically lacks empathy for him, she can rationalize and logically understand his pain, but can't feel it.

When they have their blowup, after he vents his rage at her and she sees how hurt he is, she lashes out, which is quite human., and she unloads both barrels at him..yet afterwords she doesn't regret it, she justifies it, and honestly I got the feeling she was thinking "Well, if Jim doesn't come back, no big loss, I can have Marc".

The author says in her intro that all three people are flawed...huh? How is Jim flawed? Most of the BTB types will say he is a wimp ass cuckold, that he went back after all that, but that isn't a character defect as the author is saying . As written, she says Linda is not a horrible person, she is a woman faced with a unique circumstance who can't resist it, but she leaves out that Linda really is lacking empathy, which is her biggest flaw, she basically blames Jim. Marc may not be the horrible person displayed in other versions, he might be her 'knight in shining armor', but he isn't, he also is an immature asshole who with all his playing around, couldn't find a woman to connect with, and finds it with a married woman and he 'just has to have her"...and the author seems to think that this is romantic or something, it isn't, it is a selfish woman who found a selfish man to crawl off and betray the one person she claims to love.

And she wants Jim to move forward, she wants him to forget and forgive while she maintainer her "cherished moment"

And there is where we come to the weakest part in all this, the ending. So Jim chooses to go home and move forward, after a moment when she totally devastates him and afterword basically lays down the gauntlet and says "either you come home or you don't and we are done", she lays down the law and expects him to bite, which he does. The ending is totally unfulfilling because Jim is showing how much he loves her and his family, that he is swallowing so much that Linda won't even acknowledge. This ending left a dirty taste in my mouth, because in a sense Linda won. She had her fling with her fantasy prince, she has the memory that she can cherish while poor old Jim is making stupid, boring old sex with her, it honestly leaves me wishing Jim took a 2x4 to her, she is so selfish over this.

This really needs an ending to it to say what happens to them. If the author thinks this ending is great, that Jim bows down to Linda as it should be, that she has it all, it really is disturbing, especially coming from someone who is a mom herself. Would the author do this to her husband because she had her fantasy? Or would she realize she really, really hurt him.....and think about this, what if you (the author) planned a romantic dinner at a restaurant and a night at a hotel, and your husband called and said "Oh, I am going to a ballgame tonight, Fred has tickets".....imagine how pissed they would be if he did that, and that is nothing compared to what Linda did. She didn't slip off and have a night of carnal pleasure, she did it on a night that was supposed to be special to them and yet she expects jim to treat it as not a slap at him.

The ending really left me empty because it ends with jim going home and the feeling like if they are going to make it it is all on him, that in effect he is the guilty part or the person who did wrong. It needs a continuation. I can't see how Linda , still living in her fantasy world with what happened with Marc, can be a real wife, confidant and lover to Jim. She wants to keep the old relationship going, in a situation where you want to reconcile you can't . Linda needs to acknowledge what she did was wrong and has to stop blaming it on Jim's male ego and take it on herself. She also has to realize that is not a cherished memory to be remembered and cherished and get turned on by, it is something she needs to forget and not go back to it. her fling with Marc is like a ghost , always there to compare to, like Gibbs with his first wife with his 3 other wives, they were competing with a ghost. She will need to make amends and open herself to Jim, which she basically has refused to. Again, cherishing that compartment where she felt lusted after and 'owned' by Marc is the end of her marriage unless she drops it....and if she thinks Marc would be a better choice, I think she would find out the hard way it isn't.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 2 years ago

Fairly well written, but the way you thoroughly detailed hee thought processes only made his final acceptance all that more ludicrous. You don't go from having her rip your heart out then forgive her the next day because " I now have all the details." Makes no sense. And Linda really needs help - seriously, how is it possible to be so callously unrepentant of such an egregious affront to your beloved and still claim to love him? Well, I guess this is why GA is a good writer - what other writer has stirred up so much discussion and angst?

Rolando1225Rolando1225over 2 years ago

No matter how much perfume to add to shit, and how much you dress it... It's still shit! She became some other man's whore and made her loving husband into a public cuckold. DIVORCE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR THIS STORY. Fuck the cheating wife, fuck the children, fuck your liberal/ castrating ideas. A man dies for his honor in the battlefield, women can never understand that, maybe because they don't have any honor!

eightytuneseightytunesover 2 years ago

There is a lot to digest. Linda made her comment about being comfortable, a marriage just moves along and "…You get at ease around each other. I do wonder if most married women need the excitement of back-seat fucking, that their life is STALE. I'm using your story to think women need excitement that now married, they don't have that thrill. Middle-age has crept up. I would make the comment that *those* women are VAIN, and need attention, to feel wanted, to have hot strange fucking! So to all the open-marriages, it's the excitement, as the wife and husband get VARIETY. AND, my thought is why did you get married, and have kids, or might be because you never really had a marriage based on love and respect. BECAUSE, in the end, there is no love left to share. But, Jim has found he wants to grow as a family, "It's time to forgive Linda and rebuild this marriage once and for all". 5 STARS.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One thing for sure and I always get a bang out of them. The comments outshined the story, but then it doesn't take much to outshine any February story. Most vile and ridiculous story ever written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I did not think it possible but you make the wife character even more evil then the other tales.

And if anything this version makes them staying together even less possible.

She intentionally with malice of forethought hurt her husband and damaged her own children's future well being.

What a worthless piece of humanity.

Well written if that was your intent. If it wasn't you need reread the original and talk to some males for their outlook on life.

secretsalsecretsalover 2 years ago

At this point, it feels like this whole template is a writing exercise, with various authors trying to see if their pen game is strong enough to keep the house of cards from toppling. Some of the more outlandish ones sort of work, since the original setup is pretty comical on its own, and poking fun at it gets a few laughs, but when it's taken seriously, I feel it can't help but fall flat. And that's not even accounting for the burnout from going through the same tired events over and over. The details may have mattered a long while ago, but now they just seem like more filler.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Later that night he noticed that his wife's notebook was laying on the end table and unlocked. Two hours latter he had packed, kissed the kids goodbye as they slept and left.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No. As an author myself I can see a well written tale.....but no.

The art of story writing is willing the reader to believe, to immerse themselves in the world you have built.

This, for me at least fails in that essential regard at the very end.

The end jars, stumbles if you will, simply because the author willed it to be so and so failed that essential criteria for credibility.

Please try again as I believe you have a talent worth developing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's time to find that journal and throw her out and demand full custody. She's going to ruin their daughter if she can't stop seeing that night in a positive light.

LeibowitzLeibowitzover 2 years ago

An excellent story, and quite well written. It's convincing in its telling of Linda's perspective; more shallow and formulaic in presenting Jim's. I do agree with other commenters that a sequel would be welcome, to really delve into how Jim and Linda get past this (if they do). Perhaps the author thinks that Jim's "epiphany" at the very end is sufficient, but it is neither convincing nor realistic as a true resolution. The fact that Linda *still* thinks what she did was OK, and that she treasures the time spent with Marc --- despite the intense and continuing pain she's caused the man she supposedly loves dearly --- does not bode well for success in moving the marriage forward. It is not only Jim who needs to get past the disaster in order for the marriage to survive. Linda also has to get past it, and she has clearly not done that. In fact, she apparently does not even *want* to get past it, if she holds the experience so deeply in her heart. Unless she comes to see her own actions as horribly selfish, even vicious, I don't see that there is any hope for the relationship. So, I really do look forward to a similarly well-written and insightful sequel!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 2 years ago

Loved this tale...hated the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

the ending was beyond ridiculous

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Where you left this story, you gave Jim only two emotional choices. 1. Make Linda a quadraphonic. 2. commit suicide. You wrote a great story from a woman's point of view. The story is about how Jim can survive what Linda has done and IF they can over come it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No way would any man with an ounce of self respect have stayed married to the slut. She had an excuse to fuck another man and she went for it. If he stays with her, she undoubtedly would have done it again. Maybe next month a basketball team would have been in town and wanted Linda for a gang bang. Another once in a lifetime opportunity. She couldn’t miss out on that and if Jim was dumb enough to stay with her the first time, she would have expected the same this time.

Once a cheater always a cheater - once a whore, always a whore. Jim needs to through the trash out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
You Dropped The Piano Out The Window. You Can't Now Claim It Sprouted Wings.

Linda claimed to have told Jim everything. Jim's instincts were that she was lying, to protect herself and her marriage. Linda 9 months later now confirms that she lied to Jim, and his instincts were correct. But until Linda gives Jim the journal she wrote she will still be lying to Jim, and Jim's instincts will still alert him to her lying. The words you typed into Jim's head at the end of the story will rot and fester as his instincts and logic continue to unwind Linda's deceit and entitlement. Jim now knows one thing clearly and completely: Linda still cherishes and revels in her night of fucking Marc. Linda did things for Marc and experienced things with Marc that Jim will never receive, never experience, and that she will never reveal in detail. And she expects Jim to just suck her adultery up, the way Linda sucked Marc's cum. And Jim will realize that he is no longer the betrayed cuck, he is now the willing accepting cuck. The marriage is dead. The only unknown is how long they will walk around and ignore the corpse before one of them decides to bury it.

Words are cheap, easy to type and speak. But Jim is not a talking man, he is a thinking man, a perceptive and intuitive man. He will probably become a planning man. If Jim eventually reads Linda's journal it won't make any difference now, he will by then know what the details mean, even if he didn't know what the details were: If it were not for the children Linda would have left Jim and stayed with Marc, for as long as Marc wanted her. And if Linda thought she could get away with it she would fuck Marc again, at every opportunity. Jim instinctively knows this.

Time is on Jim's side. Men age like wine, women age like cheese. Linda wanted validation that she was desirable? When Linda enter her Cheese phase she will get that validation too, from all men, including Jim, if he's still around. When the kids are gone so will be Jim. And with years to plan and arrange things I expect he will leave with much more than he leaves behind for Linda. And God Help Linda if she develops some illness or accident that makes her a burden on Jim. She will find herself in a nursing home faster than she ditched her husband and her marriage that night with Marc. Yes, fucking Marc will have been Linda's fantasy. Flushing Linda out of his life will be the culmination of Jim's fantasy. I hope someday someone will write the final chapter to this story. Yours was only a very disgusting setup to the real ending. Thanks for the effort.

MrSpoojerMrSpoojerover 2 years ago

Good, well written story for what should be first chapter. No way Linda's reaction and Jim's response at the end of this story are a believable conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'd bet anything this was written by G.Anderson or maybe even Cagivagurl, They're both very proud of the shameless cheating wives they write about. This KitDeLuca164 account is less than a month old, so it's probably just another alternate login by another author. Horrible story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She deluded and apparently so is he.

These two are seriously broken people with issues so deep they can’t ever outlive them.

Too bad he stayed on in the first place. As painful and difficult as it would be, he needed to quit her and move one and she needed some serious pain and unhappy consequences for her cheap actions and self justifications.

She’s a mother for God’s sake! But apparently, she’s also a narcissist and possibly a sociopath.

Too bad. And more too bad that they scrubbed along so torturously for so long before he grew some stones and responded to her utter and complete betrayal.

Well written, if delusional….

FabGMxFabGMxover 2 years ago

Well this one its one to follow very close the original story, specually the psiche of Linda and Mike. However rather than discover a new facet of her, we get the same warped and narcisistic way to see the world, for those that already dislike the character this one only reinforce that opinion, for those in the middle maybe they now turning to dislike her. Jim still is the same wimp and pussy whiped.

The sad part is that this was an oportunity to show us how Linda work to salvage her marriage, but not what we get was even more details about the affair, the letter in the original was pretty dammed and rather for her feeling guilty and repenant, she issued and ultimatum.

Sorry its a low score for my.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rolando.... You're a real man dying for your honor on the cheating wife's section of a free porn website? How ridiculous is that? I'd totally understand if you assholes were waging your anti adultery, anti immorality wars at church or something... But on a free porn website???? Fucking hypocritical, stupid dumb piece of shit assholes. Fuck all of you, you need to get face- and buttfucked with a huge hard cock, fast. I got one of those, now where are you Bitch... You wanna die on a battlefield, herd lemme spear you, run you through, ram you

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

Tralan, you like to criticize comments, but as has been noted here, YOU'RE the one who should be checking dictionaries. That's why many of us use "cuck." I suppose we COULD use wittol, but I think there are two reasons why not: 1) It's a rather obscure term, many likely don't even know it. 2) I think wittol is more like the husband of a hotwife, who approves and/or takes pleasure in his wife having lovers, where a cuck USUALLY does not, often being forced into his situation, and usually subject to humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think njlauren's comment pretty much summarises everything I have to say about this story. It was believeable up until the ending. The idea Jim would have been so utterly embarrasses, humiliated and in many ways destroyed by the conversation Jim and Linda had over the phone, yet Jim would willingly go back to his wife less than a day after having that conversation and attempt to forgive her is unbelievable. While I do enjoy stories with btb endings, I'm content with stories that have the main character moving on with their lives in one form or another. For me stories like these have a sense of justice for the victim. This story felt like it was moving on up until the they got into an argument on the phone. Once that had happened, it seemed as though Linda really was not sorry for anything she had done. I loved your explanation to her thinking, but it sounds as if you've romanticized the cheating of a philandering asshole (because let's face it, a man who has to chase after married women, seduce them and fuck them in order to have a meaningful relationship with them is an asshole at the very least), and a delusional bitch. The ending needs to be rewritten. It feels as though there is no justice and as people have already said, it feels as though Linda had her cake and ate it too. Was really amazing up until just after the argument.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 2 years ago

You get one star because it was well written. But you caused me to break the Bear's rule #7- Never read another "February Sucks" story. (Thank you, Leroy Jethro Gibbs.) I gave you the courtesy because you are a new author and a woman. (You owe my wife a thank you for that.) She recently posted a story under my name- "May Sucks-Happy Mother's Day, Bastard". It was the flip side of the "February Sucks" fiasco. We are both tired of it, and it needs to be given a quick death. In my opinion, the only one worth reading is "February Sucks My Way" by Omegaman 56. True class.

But I digress. THIS SUCKS. It is sanctimonious bullshit. She Cheated. Marc is a prick. None of her wedding vows, or promises mean anything. It's all about her. She is a cunt, a slut, a cumdump, and has no morals at all. She gets all high and mighty when he calls her out and says it was a beautiful, fairytale night. SHE'S DELUSIONAL !!! Cheating is cheating. AND THEN HE TAKES HER BACK !!! What happens the next time? One time is two times too many. Please, if a man did this he would be broke and living in a box ' down by the river' as the saying goes. I like happy endings, severely dislike cuck stories, and sometimes there is closure with the errant spouses. (Of either sex.)

Thank you for listening. Keep writing, just do better subject-wise.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Garbage, like all the February stories are. ONE STAR

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WTF njlauren. Writing a fucking book? Consider yourself ignored you scum bag. You think only your opinion is valid? Fuck off idiot. 1* for this piece of garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I would like to say that njlauren has put out the best reply to this story that I have read. nj is right about the fact that Linda is the one who did the wrong thing. She did it in a way that no man should be able to come back from. She publicly humiliated him. Totally disrespected him and she did all of this in front of the whole audience at the nightclub. Linda is the one who has to totally apologize to Jim and to tell him that what she did is for sure a totally despicable act that she should be punished for. She has to be made to realize that her affair with Marc was not something that should be remembered as something wonderful to her. It should be remembered as a disgusting, despicable and totally demeaning act of lust that has shattered the heart & trust of the husband she supposedly loves. Jim has nothing to be sorry for. The blame is ALL on her. She needs to be in counseling so she can be made to understand that what she did was vile and disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good until the end Jim's only chance at sanity would be to leave Linda and find a woman who would truly love him more than herself, Even an ending where he blew his brains out rather than not be with his $ would have been more satisfying.

RandallQRandallQover 2 years ago

Gave the story 5 stars for the excellent writing and skill at emotionally grabbing and pulling in the reader. In my opinion, the low score it is getting is not justified even if — like me — many disliked the ending. Njlauren captured the emotions and issues generated by this story well and I commend the author for spinning an impactful and provocative story. Please keep writing…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry, my gag response when I see and smell shit like this is too strong. Can't finish it.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownover 2 years ago

Well this was a load of contradictory bullshit, basically three and a half pages on how to be a cheating slut. And this question is never answered, but just how is she repairing this or making it up with the attitude she displays?

Tell you what KitDeLuca, maybe you have a daughter, maybe she's married, maybe she goes out and gets made air tight for a weekend to the shame of her husband. I'll bet you'll celebrate that. I know, you're next story will be a burn the bastard one. Cause you know, it's only fair....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought it was a well written story from a woman's perspective, giving insight into how Linda's thoughts were about that night (including the lead up to it). It was more of a "Linda's side of the story" more than anything else. However, no where in it was she remorseful for what she did to the man "she claimed to love", or her family by taking off with Marc for her night of fantasy. She still didn't understand that leaving her husband like that humiliated him, and emasculated him in public for ALL of their friends and everyone else who was there to see. And on what was supposed to be "their date night" too (showed her to be a "cold hearted bitch"). This was more like a Romance novel, where she got all of the fantasy, and none of the pain...even after she got home. At least she didn't claim it was "just sex" as we've read in many cheating wives stories. It was her husband who was dealing with the torment day after day for the next 9 months (according to the story line), that was driving them apart (though she thought they were healing) because she never told him the whole truth, or gave him the full details of her evening (she "white washed" it so it wouldn't hurt him), and he knew she was holding back and not telling the whole truth (that she completely gave herself to Marc) in what she wrote out for him after he asked her too. She still hasn't figured out that Jim not performing IS her fault (he lost his faith in her), since she went with Marc, he knows he can never give her what she got that night, and probably never could before this happened, To add to it, she's now comparing them. With Jim on the losing end.

She seems to keep forgetting that the only reason Jim is still there, is because he's trying to keep his family together, so he can see his kids. If it weren't for them, I believe he would have packed his stuff, and walked out the door (he still might). She's still not taking any of the blame for having her "fantasy", or what it did to Jim.

She better hope he never reads her "journal", as that would quickly end their marriage and all hopes of or no kids. As it is, he'll probably leave once the kids are out of the house (in college), and leave her with nothing.

As it is written, this ending sucks, and it really felt like more of a quick take it or leave it proposition. If anything, it needs a real ending more than ever, and a sequel to it, since this one still didn't give the couple any sort of resolution, or answer any REAL how could she do that to the man she claims to love?

Personally, I thought this story was going to end in a hotel room with them getting divorced, especially after Jim had his epiphany, realizing that everything he'd been thinking had actually come true, and she had admitted it.

What Jim should have done (once he came back to town) was drain the accounts, and called her from the hotel, to hear what her terms would be for divorce. Then leave town in the morning after quitting his job, leaving her broke, heart broken and alone trying to raise the kids.

An alternate ending would be to call her, listen to her terms for divorce, then pull out a pistol and blow his brains out right in front of her. That way she would never forget what she did to him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think you really hit the nail on the head.

> njlaurenabout 13 hours ago

First of, I think this story was very well written, and I think the perspective was well written and I encourage the author to write more, and if the anons and btb and the people who get bent out of shape about a story don't like it, well , ignore them. Clearly the story touched a nerve and it is nice to have it written from a women's perspective. About the only technical suggestion I have is when switching between people (Jim and Linda) and their viewpoints, delimit it, put something like ****linda*** to indicate where her voice starts, ***jim**** when his starts.

Okay, my reaction to the story (and if it means anything, it is well written enough it hit me emotionally). I appreciate the detail of what Linda was feeling, and I agree with others, I think it came closest to saying why Linda did what she did, she was caught in a fantasy world, where she had her hunk from a romance novel sweep her off her feet and make passionate sex with her, it was her own world, her own fantasy..a

The problem to me is when reality sets in, Linda still doesn't have a clue what she did was wrong. She compartmentalized the issue with Marc, she makes it her own private world, and she does absolutely the wrong thing with it. In the beginning of the story, she says she was starting to forget the details of what happened, so what does she do? She writes it all down in detail in her journal, and gets herself all hot and bothered again, and promises herself she will return to reading it again and reality, you know what that is? The guy who looks at porn, is absorbed into it, gets off on it, then when he tries to have real sex it fails.

The problem is instead of leaving it in the past, which she wants Jim to do, she is keeping it alive. The problem is good, solid Jim, who loves her, her gives her lovemaking, will never, ever capture what she had with Marc. Every time she has sex with him, she will be comparing Jim to Marc, and Jim will be found wanting. She may get orgasms, she may tell herself it was good, but she is basically setting it up to fail.

And quite honestly, as written here, Linda is still a selfish bitch. She wants Jim to forget and move forward, forgive her for what she did, yet the problem is she basically won't acknowledge the hurt she put on him. When she talks about Jim's pain, she talks about it as if the pain is his fault, it is his job to make the pain go away. When Jim tells her what is bothering her, she acknowledges his pain, but in reality she doesn't feel it, doesn't understand it, even after the interlude with Helen. She basically is doing what so many wives in this category do (and sadly do in real life), she denigrates jim in her mind, she says things like his problem is the male ego, he is hurt and devastated, yet cannot see that she did that, because in her fantasy world he really didn't matter.

I am sure some people reading this will say "Well, in the end, she chose Jim, she could have had Marc". And that raises the question, why? Did she do it out of duty to Jim? Or did she do it because she knew it would upset the family life she liked, and realized that being with Marc, who quite frankly is an immature asshole (more on that in a bit). She obviously felt a lot more about Marc than just the sex, she says so, yet she pats herself on the back because "she went back to Jim". She basically lacks empathy for him, she can rationalize and logically understand his pain, but can't feel it.

When they have their blowup, after he vents his rage at her and she sees how hurt he is, she lashes out, which is quite human., and she unloads both barrels at him..yet afterwords she doesn't regret it, she justifies it, and honestly I got the feeling she was thinking "Well, if Jim doesn't come back, no big loss, I can have Marc".

The author says in her intro that all three people are flawed...huh? How is Jim flawed? Most of the BTB types will say he is a wimp ass cuckold, that he went back after all that, but that isn't a character defect as the author is saying . As written, she says Linda is not a horrible person, she is a woman faced with a unique circumstance who can't resist it, but she leaves out that Linda really is lacking empathy, which is her biggest flaw, she basically blames Jim. Marc may not be the horrible person displayed in other versions, he might be her 'knight in shining armor', but he isn't, he also is an immature asshole who with all his playing around, couldn't find a woman to connect with, and finds it with a married woman and he 'just has to have her"...and the author seems to think that this is romantic or something, it isn't, it is a selfish woman who found a selfish man to crawl off and betray the one person she claims to love.

And she wants Jim to move forward, she wants him to forget and forgive while she maintainer her "cherished moment"

And there is where we come to the weakest part in all this, the ending. So Jim chooses to go home and move forward, after a moment when she totally devastates him and afterword basically lays down the gauntlet and says "either you come home or you don't and we are done", she lays down the law and expects him to bite, which he does. The ending is totally unfulfilling because Jim is showing how much he loves her and his family, that he is swallowing so much that Linda won't even acknowledge. This ending left a dirty taste in my mouth, because in a sense Linda won. She had her fling with her fantasy prince, she has the memory that she can cherish while poor old Jim is making stupid, boring old sex with her, it honestly leaves me wishing Jim took a 2x4 to her, she is so selfish over this.

This really needs an ending to it to say what happens to them. If the author thinks this ending is great, that Jim bows down to Linda as it should be, that she has it all, it really is disturbing, especially coming from someone who is a mom herself. Would the author do this to her husband because she had her fantasy? Or would she realize she really, really hurt him.....and think about this, what if you (the author) planned a romantic dinner at a restaurant and a night at a hotel, and your husband called and said "Oh, I am going to a ballgame tonight, Fred has tickets".....imagine how pissed they would be if he did that, and that is nothing compared to what Linda did. She didn't slip off and have a night of carnal pleasure, she did it on a night that was supposed to be special to them and yet she expects jim to treat it as not a slap at him.

The ending really left me empty because it ends with jim going home and the feeling like if they are going to make it it is all on him, that in effect he is the guilty part or the person who did wrong. It needs a continuation. I can't see how Linda , still living in her fantasy world with what happened with Marc, can be a real wife, confidant and lover to Jim. She wants to keep the old relationship going, in a situation where you want to reconcile you can't . Linda needs to acknowledge what she did was wrong and has to stop blaming it on Jim's male ego and take it on herself. She also has to realize that is not a cherished memory to be remembered and cherished and get turned on by, it is something she needs to forget and not go back to it. her fling with Marc is like a ghost , always there to compare to, like Gibbs with his first wife with his 3 other wives, they were competing with a ghost. She will need to make amends and open herself to Jim, which she basically has refused to. Again, cherishing that compartment where she felt lusted after and 'owned' by Marc is the end of her marriage unless she drops it....and if she thinks Marc would be a better choice, I think she would find out the hard way it isn't.<

A lot of what you said here is how I felt reading this version of the story. The ending left a lot to be desired, and could have been expounded upon, but was instead cut short. Not a bad first story though.

FireFox59FireFox59over 2 years ago

🤣 njlauren writes the best comment on the story and some Anon goes off the deep end. 🤣've certainly made a splash with your followup. I know a lot of people don't like it including myself but you've still wrote a great story. Thank you. Hope you don't let the negative comments get to you and stop you from writing. You're a very good author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have always held the belief that violence against women is something I would never ever do because of what I had to witnessed my so called father do to my mum from a young age until I could put myself in harms way to defend her and take several bearings and attempts on my own life from him.

Having to grow up in that kind of environment has led me to be a protector of women and dispirited how hard some have ever pushed or goaded me what I have never laid a finger or fist in anger on any women and the is something I am eternal proud of.

What you have written here about her and had her justify her wanton betrayal, contempt, showed her unmitigated cowardness in sneaking out so her husband couldn't even fight to save his marriage (yes I know GA had it written Frist this way) but you compounded on it with the husbands total humiliation and had her making it out to be his fault and problem that the marriage was going down the tubes.

This version of Linda is pure evil, ugly, grotesque, selfish, narcissistic piece of human trash that I have to be totally honest with myself and say dispite my strong beliefs that violence against women is wrong if I was married to her I would totally beat the fuck out of her to the point her inner grotesque nature would mirror her now outer nature.

She goes off on him in full blown anger because he calls her a slut, sorry bitch but if you don't want to wear that badge keep your fucking legs closed and be a true and faithful wife.

I'm sorry Ladies and Gentlemen but there is no way this version of Linda is anything but a pure unadulterated Selfish Narcissistic Evil Cunt.

No true regrets to the pain and suffering she did to her husband or children. No regard to the potential destruction to her family as long as she got her fantasy fulfilled.

Shames me to say this but this is one woman that deserves violence coming her way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've read many of these sequels and this one is another disappointment. Linda is a selfish, remorseless piece of 21st century poison. She's not worth the shit on the bottom of Jim's shoe. The fact that she revels in in her memories of her magical night she never seems to really give a fuck about what it did to the one she supposedly loves beyond how Jim's unhappiness effects her. It explains her deep narcissism. If she actually loved Jim, his torment would put a pall over her feelings about it. She should be groveling at Jim's feet for not beating her to death.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 2 years ago

This casts a different view to the story. It tells of a very hard choice to make. One that would be hard to make.

Thanks for writing.

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Married, mother of 2 grown children. Live in USA, Midwest. Was motivated to write after reading GeorgeAnderson’s February Sucks. Was conflicted by the premise of the story and wanted to explore my own thoughts on why an apparently happily married wife would cheat.