All Comments on 'February Sucks - the Details Matter'

by KitDeLuca164

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Of all the versions of this story, this one makes Linda the cheapest, dirtiest, cruelest, horrible, self deluded, cheating whore of all. There is no trace of kindness, caring, or decency in her treatment of her husband. If the author's goal was to create the most unlikeable, dispicable, self assorbed, vile, character; he/she was successful. If the goal was to write a story that was readable, and wouid encourage the reader to read more of the author's work, he/she failed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I initially gave your story a 4. That was in recognition of good writing skills as it flowed well for me. However, I eventually corrected that to a 2 because I could not in any way overlook the total loss of respect for her husband. That is cliche’d but she was so consumed by her own desires that she lost any balance when acting on an impulse. She lost sight completely of the big picture- her husband, marriage, family and her own moral standard. Unbelievable narcissism.

The original story provoked an intense reaction in so many people. Yours is a writing effort. It’s just the content that is so objectionable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wife was actually a whore and slut and deserved t be called same. This was even made more obvious after she spent her husbands entire absence reliving the joy of her betrayal of husband. How egotistical and obnoxious for her to react like she did to her husband. Husband needs to get away from wife. Will be interesting to see what would happen if she wanted to be any thing other than a fuck toy conquest to Marc. Wife is in total delusional denial.


payenbrantpayenbrantover 1 year ago

Very well written, if from a feminine perspective, it really is completely inconceivable for Jim to go back to a wife that is that horrific of a person. Much better to separate. Kudos to Jim for thinking of even the possibility of trying to make it work, but never. The Jim of this story is not a man at all. I am sorry but there is nothing male about him in this story, not in the true definition. It's almost as if a woman tried to write what a man is supposed to be and how he thinks. Just does not seem real.

That being said, the story is well written and thought out. Definitely put a new look on the original and as a first time writer on this website I must say "Well done, please write more."



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Argh, why do I keep reading these February Sucks stories? The plot is simple if marginally implausible, but people’s reactions are just crazy. Such passion over a fictional tale! This is not so much a story about wanton sex as it is about public humiliation! Our hero is publicly humiliated by his ditzy wife and he has to figure out a way to come to terms with it. I know what I would do, but how this resolves itself is really up to the author, not the pissed off reader. In this version, Linda thinks that her one night “hall pass” was the greatest night of her life. That is delusional. A great night of sex is invigorating, but it doesn’t build a relationship or a marriage. There is a hole in Linda’s soul and her husband needs to see it and try to fix it or leave. I’ve been married over 40 years and it has not been always smooth going. It is a process of mending the tears in the fabric and relighting the flame. Linda did something selfish and horrible. Only when she sees that, can her marriage recover from the train wreck she single-handedly created.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceover 1 year ago

Not to my taste as the story was definitely seeking to justify Linda's behavior. The behavior is so over the top, that nothing justifies it. Then, the story goes on and on (and on, and on, and on, got really old and I ended up skimming) about how wonderful her experience was. No remorse from Linda, yet the author has Linda repeatedly saying how much she loved her husband...just not enough to put his feelings above her own. After all, when one gets right down to it, true love is caring enough about another person that the other person's feelings are more important than your own. This story makes clear that Linda will always treasure her betrayal of the man she claims to love. How can one treasure the night you hurt so badly the person you supposedly love so much?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was without a doubt the worst version of this sorry story ever written. What kind of ignorant cunt do you have to be to try to equate Jim calling the slut a slut with what she did to him. You should stop writing and in fact never share your shitty opinions with anyone ever again. It takes real piece of human shit to put out crap like this. I sure hope you aren’t married and if you are I pity your poor husband. He should go ahead and call you a slut so he can get rid of you like Jim did to the slut he married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Linda is a pathetic narcissist without the ability to care about anyone but herself. Why do so many of these sequels need to portray Jim as the only truly damaged and weak player? Linda needs to die in a fire and put everybody else out of her misery.

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNoover 1 year ago

Nope. She ruled the breaking of the marriage, but she would not rule the divorce.

usaretusaretover 1 year ago

Written by a woman/wife who obviously wishes she had had Linda’s experience. And a truly feminine ending, with the wrecked husband caving in, allegedly because of the two kids. BS.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 1 year ago

Your writing was remarkable and entertaining. BUT, as a man, I utterly despise Mark and more importantly, Linda. It took her nine months to understand what she did to Jim - bullshit. She ruined his psyche over and over again. She put her fantasy above her so-called love for her husband and her children. She has ruined their marriage for all time That man will never be secure in her love for him. Every fucking day, he will pay a horrible price asking himself over and over if this is the day she will fuck Marc again - or somebody else just to have another cheap thrill. Know this! She would never have gotten away with this if she did this to me. Marc would have paid the ultimate price. Photos of him would be all over the internet of him with any woman he ever touched again. He’d never play football again or even walk on two feet. Linda would never know a pain free day. You can break a woman with the right words and that self-righteous bitch deserved everything her husband could do to her. If Jim ever found her journal, she would probably be dead and their children parentless. I have been married four times: once to a cheat, once to woman who left me because I was badly injured in an auto accident and she couldn’t deal with it, once to a woman who wanted me to help her raise her children but wouldn’t admit that her son lied at school about me supposedly beating him. I waited nine years and finally found my soul mate. Through all of these problems, I NEVER cheated on a wife, never would and never did. Some people have morals and scruples that your heroine couldn’t conceive of. She felt herself more important than her husband or family. Her feeling of entitlement was more important than the lives of others. Linda was a bitch, a whore and a pitiful excuse for a human being. As I said, you wrote well and any other story would have earned you five stars. I really wish you hadn’t felt the need to justify Linda’s.abhorrent behavior. In my opinion, she is lower than shit on the bottom of my shoe. As an editor, normally, I would say keep up the good work but I can’t. Maybe on another of your stories but never this one. MtM

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

what a stupid cuck. He should have shot the bastard and kicked the entitle cheating slut the the curb. The idea that she can yell at him because he''s not being the forgiving husband he should shows she is delusional at best. Hated it from start to finish, hoping she gets STD's and ends up a whore on the streets.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Wow is this writer a clueless idiot. Never called a writer here an idiot before, a first. But unbelievably naive about how males think and act. Easily the worst of the endless sequels to a stupid story anyway, as the original author also thinks and writes like a woman too.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

That was so well written, undeniably true, and the details just off the charts in eroticism. However, her being offended at being called a slut and then attacking him with such anger and intensity, was cruel and a bit out of character. She doesn't get to do that and save her marriage. She doesn't get to take the high ground and save her marriage. That phone call at the end would have killed a man in many ways, maybe even literally. No, there should have been sadness at being called a slut, because, well, she is a slut. There was no need to force the empowered woman here, it came across as a cheap shot directed at men. As a woman, I found it destroyed the refreshing honestly of the first 90 percent of what was nearly a magnificent piece, not unlike how a one night stand can do to a long

BigDee44BigDee44over 1 year ago

“It's time to forgive Linda and rebuild this marriage once and for all.” Good luck with that

Lyon796Lyon796over 1 year ago

I have read GeorgeAnderson’s classic tale more than once and probably every one of its variants as well. This version develops the characters far more than other versions and does so exceptionally well, particularly as it is the writer’s first submission.

My first thought reading this version was of the male concept of sacrifice. I was inculcated with the idea that we men are expected to sacrifice ourselves when called upon to do so. Our history and literature are filled with the examples we are supposed to follow. And, whether to give our lives to save our comrades in battle or to lead the ‘quiet lives of desperation’ in unfulfilling careers in order to support a wife and children; we stand ready to sacrifice. What man who genuinely loves his wife would not be willing to lay down his own life to save hers? That is what love is.

This version of the tale shows us exactly that, a husband who has already sacrificed his dignity, self-respect, peace of mind, and happiness. A man who has been publicly and privately humiliated by the one person in his life he should be able to count on. A man who has been betrayed in the most hurtful way possible. In the end, he makes a sacrifice – for his wife and family. This story is compelling because there are men like this, who would make this choice. I readily admit, I am not one of them.

While this story provides an excellent profile of Linda, her character is not admirable. Can any woman believe that her husband would not be devastated by this betrayal compounded by a public and continued private humiliation? The test of Linda’s character was her willingness to sacrifice a fairytale encounter to avoid destroying her marriage and bringing unimaginable pain to a man who loved her. She failed that test.

After seeing Jim bereft and in anguish for so many months, the most loving thing she could do would have been to divorce him. When an animal is in suffering and cannot be saved, we euthanize it to end the needless suffering. If Linda loved Jim as much as he loved her, she would have ended the marriage.

Excellent writing, thanks!!!! Five stars.

reggmoreggmoover 1 year ago

He's a wimp and she is exactly what he called her. She will be back in the football player's bed before the end of the month. Her phone description of the night and morning was so short of what she wrote in her journal. He will never be able to satisfy her and writing the journal tells me she won't ever be satisfied until back in the arms of the one she truly loves. The descriptive writing of the journal deserves a 5 star. The ending of the tale is absurd. One star.

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69over 1 year ago

I have read George Anderson’s “February Sucks” at least four times...probably more. I also have read every one of the sequels written by others. I stopped counting them at around 54. I’m sure there have been at least 10 new ones since then. In fact, every day, I search new stories in the LW section, looking for new sequels. Needless to say, I found the story unbelievably compelling, even though I realize it's a work of fiction. No wife could ever do that to a husband they love, especially on a special night for them...or could they??

As Linda writes her secret Journal, the narrator says:

"Writing this journal had helped her understand Jim's torment better. What was a justifiable, defensible one-night affair in her eyes, was an unforgivable betrayal in his. It wasn't just sex. It would never be 'just sex' for either of them; it was so much more. For me it was ECSTASY, INTIMACY, ROMANCE, ESCAPE, EXHILARATION, TITILLATION, new and a little dangerous, and most important of all, validation of my desirability as a woman, being selected above all the other women, she admitted. It was something that no one could ever take away from her as long as she lived. For Jim, my leaving with Marc to go fuck him was vivid and indelible, she thought. It brought him unspeakable shame. Another man, that he had no chance of physically measuring up to, had walked right up, with him present, and took his wife. He was emasculated for all the world to see.”

I strongly agree with Lyon 796 below when he writes:

“While this story provides an excellent profile of Linda, her character is not admirable. Can any woman believe that her husband would not be devastated by this betrayal compounded by a public and continued private humiliation? While this story provides an excellent profile of Linda, her character is not admirable. Can any woman believe that her husband would not be devastated by this betrayal compounded by a public and continued private humiliation? The test of Linda’s character was her willingness to sacrifice a fairytale encounter to avoid destroying her marriage and bringing unimaginable pain to a man who loved her. She failed that test."

HOW CAN ANY MANY POSSIBLY LIVE WITH HER (Linda) after all that is said?? There is NO possible route to reconciliation. In my view, Jim wasted nine months trying to avoid divorcing Linda, and trying to come to terms with all that occurred. He should have consulted with a divorce attorney on the following Monday morning and started divorce proceedings.

servant111servant111over 1 year ago

Utterly insipid wimp cuckold nonsense

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really disappointing. She still feels no remorse. She doesn’t deserve Jim. Go back to the hero and a divorce in three years.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enough people have told you how terrible this is. The selfish slut is angry that he calls her what she is and demands he forgive? He gives in? The bad guy and the cunt win? Sorry, this is the worst ever! Your re-write was a pathetic attempt to go in a different direction while ignoring the fundamental problem of this story.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonover 1 year ago

I'm not even sure where to start with this flaming dumpster fire of a blabbering, incoherent mess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I understand that this was your effort to present Linda's version of what transpired; to explain why and perhaps make her betrayal understandable and acceptable.

As they say: if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it's a duck. Well Linda acted like a slut, then acknowledging no regret for her betrayal, journalized it for posterity and then once again rubs it in his face when she gets angry.

If Jim were to have murdered his wife and the ass she engaged with, it would have been justifiable homicide. After he spends more time with his trash of a "wife", perhaps he'll wake up.


crazymike45crazymike45about 1 year ago

Linda is a delusional slut, and a self-centered cunt in denial. She needs mental health services.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very disappointed, Jim must be some kind of class A moron.

Unfortunately he married a slut, a slut who hid well up to a certain point then bang, she has no remorse and no shame, divorce the slut and get away from her, pity she tricked him into having kids

dcvngtn3dcvngtn3about 1 year ago

We all already knew that Linda was a whore, this just detailed how much of a whore.

I laughed when she got so offended at being called what she was - a slut - she had just admitted that to herself in her journal, but using more flowery prose.

I laughed again when she said she had self-respect. No, no woman with an ounce of self-respect would put her children and husband - and by extension her marriage and herself - through what Linda did. Only those who are shallow and constantly seeking validation could ever pull this off.

The ending killed this story. Jim obviously has no self-respect, probably because his whore of a wife killed it. Jim should have slapped her with divorce papers with how she responded on the phone, instead, like a beat dog, he returns home with his tail tucked between his legs having learned not to bark at his mistress.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The bitch needs to hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a birch. I had a call on the house phone. This was before caller ID. Hello I said, the voice said your wife is not being faithful but maby we can help click.I had no clue who it was or what was going on. My wife was do home but she was late. She was away on a business trip. She flew out of town for 3 days and 2 nights. She came in 2 hours late and was a nervous wreck. I had noticed that a cab had brought her home. I hugged her and asked what was wrong? She started confession of sleeping the last night with her coworker Henry that went on the trip. It was the only time that anything had ever happened . She said that she was sorry and it would never happen again. She begged for me to forgive her on and on she went. I asked why did a cab bring you did Henry hurt you? No he was bringing me home and we were stopped at a light and there were some guys that beat his car with clubs or something. His Mercedes looked like it had been in a terrible crash. The police came but the guys were gone and we couldn't even see out of the car. It took time and counciling to help us get through it. Henry transferred out of town to another location. About a month later I answered the phone and a voice said glad you decided to forgive and move on it's best for all. I said thanks click. Never knew and don't want to know who it was. By the way my wife was promoted to replace Henry.

jazzharpjazzharpabout 1 year ago

Give it a few years. Then if he has truly forgiven you, destroy your journal.

I know fiction and all that. I appreciate what I think you're writing, introspection... can I put myself in her shoes?

For me personally, I could never do that to my wife.

Keep writing.

jazzharpjazzharpabout 1 year ago

I viewed this story, as well as your others, as the product of your stated objective in your profile. I suspect you were not happy with Linda's mindset any more than your readers. But I respect your attempt at understanding how the hell she could do that to the man she professes to love.

I could never cheat on or betray my wife, not only because of love, but empathy. I could never cause her emotional injury.

OOAAOOAAabout 1 year ago

A bit irrealistic the end for me.... After all said... after those nine months.... another final was surely going to happen...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Men age like wine, women age like cheese. When the kids are grown and gone so will he. She will never be HIS wife again, and he will know that every day of the remainder of their pretend marriage. He may or may not find a good woman, a true woman, a real woman to marry. But he will always know that the first person he married failed him, betrayed him, and loved every moment of that failure, and its unending dear memory. The pinnacle of Linda's life was reached on the end of Marc's dick. She even committed that pinnacle to paper, trying to make it endure. She will never recover what she had, and what she lost.


Jim might do as poorly, but he has no place to go but up. It would be fun to read a sequel of how Jim reaches his pinnacle, with his children and a genuine woman as wife and partner. I hope someone will write that.


Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Written by a woman to try and justify a woman’s unjustifiable actions. No logic, just emotions. Men are willing to sacrifice everything, including their lives for their families and their wives. Not anymore. Look at the failure of western countries in meeting their armed forces recruitment targets by massive margins. Modern men are rethinking their commitment to women who have embraced neo-feminism, that includes marriage, commitment and sacrifice to women that will trade up a drop of a hat. I know so many childless single women in their 40’s who are bitterly unhappy while my wife always has a smile on her face. The reason, we are totally committed to each other in every way. I’ve got her back and she’s got mine in every facet of life. No “let’s spice up our sex lives” or “this will make our marriage stronger”. We get everything we need from each other and after 25 years only gets stronger each year. But hey, being a slut and spreading for others other than your husband must work for some people…l.must it? Maybe? Anybody?

orion2bear2orion2bear2about 1 year ago

What linda did is unforgivable it is buulshit she thinks asswipe has nothing to do with her marriage he should have divorced her.if he had done what she did he would've been shown the door

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941about 1 year ago

Well written but what a wimp

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Weak cuckold. Stupid ending.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66about 1 year ago

This is a RAAC story, about a marriage on its last gasps. He returned to the house reluctantly, and he'll live with her for the sake of the kids reluctantly. But their angry retorts over the phone near the end of the story are VERY real, and probably what should be expected in such a scenario in real life.

It's very well written, so I'll still give this a 5 for the real life outcome!

Ganymede69Ganymede69about 1 year ago

This version of Linda is a superrrr bitch!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

By far the worst re-write yet. Jin"s a liar for thinking his friends betrayed him by telling him that his wife deserved to fuck another man? Why? BecUse he somehow deservedi it. Because his wife made him horny and she knew it? How horribke! Besides he just wants to be a middle class husband and father so he's admitting he's a beta cuck? It's okay that Linda lied by telling Kim she'd tell him everything and not telling him. She deserved it after all she could lie and keep somethings just for herself. She lied to herself that she was sorry she missed the look on Jim's face. Really she wished she'd asked Dee to record it so she could play it back for her own enjoyment and so she could later remind Jim who's boss. On the delicous point she could cause him later. And he'd have to stay or he was harming the children. Oh she simply had to write the real story just fir herself to make her feel special. And what a good friend Dee was for helping her set it up and publicly humiliate her husband of 10 years. Oh and that silly promise of one and done. Well certainly fir husband's if they ever sexualuze their own wife then that justifies her fucking an alpha male like Marc. She and Marc were the noble one's here. Poor misunderstood millionaire Marc. Who altrustically gives married women the night of their lives and gives them the kind of sex theydo richly deserve. After all a woman should have seen specialist loveliness Marcand another faithful man who doesn't threaten her security and takes care of the kids. Why not add a whole locker room of super sweet polite non-one dimensional villains to take her and give her a nice air-tight job in, of course, sweet gentle and not at all detaining train? And if they want video of Jim cleaning her up after than Jim should just shut up and suck because after all these sweet misunderstood warriors should be able to recieve whatever rewards they want fir giving middle-class wives the fantasy sex they deserve. . Couldn't finish this tripe. Not worth signing up just to mark down my name. Mike H. from D.C. Apologist bullshit

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyabout 1 year ago

Definitely one of the best alternative versions.

I particularly appreciated Linda's realization that even though she is on BC pills, there remains some risk of pregnancy. Most authors either ignore the issue or presume that pregnancy risk is a binary issue. No matter how unsafe the sex, the risk is far from certain. Unless the woman is sterile, the risk is never zero.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The original story is a kind of Rorschach test, seeing what you want to see. But then again, most variants don't show a real path to a reconciliation given the wife's attitudes. Nor does she deserve it in most versions. This version of the husband is even more beyond pathetic though. The children don't deserve such a beaten man as their father. What? He is going to 'recommit' to this marriage while her attitude is that way? Those kids would grow up in one ***ked up household as there is no way it would be normal. Nor would she be likely to remain faithful going forward given her demonstrated narcissism. The husband was pathetic enough to believe he was closing the barn door, even though after the cow got out, Not my favorite version.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 1 year ago

You have got to be kidding me ...I am for some sick reason fascinated by the whole February sucks and its multitude of sequels, I think I have read well over 100 variations. This one has by far the most disgusting of Linda's easily the most petty superficial down right evil woman of them all including the ones that simply were revealing to him, he had been their cuck before they were even married. But OMG so well written gave texture and even flavour to the characters, I kinda want to hear the next chapter of your story alt his this Jim is a fucking idiot and deserves to suffer for his stupidity. Because if she stayed loyal to Jim after that, it would be beyond suspension of disbelief's limits.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Stupid as fuck. It just makes NO sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First, I would never have gotten back with her. As for having custody of the children, after what she did, he’d have a good chance to get them.

This story still sets off my Apple Watch alarm that I’m not active but my heart rate goes way up. It upsets me tremendously even as it excites me.

If he ever finds this journal, she’s toast.

Bill S.

TechumsahTechumsahabout 1 year ago

not terrible writing I am just confused on what she was doing to fix the problem. In most relationships the one that causes the damage try's to fix it. She is not putting much effort in here. It seems like she says she loves him and it was a fantasy and he needs to deal. I feel that is a little off and why this would not work there are a few of these that ended in reconciliation and it is a hard sell considering the starting point, but she did not do much here to deserve it other than pander to him and hope the kids will keep him there. It is unfortunately another trope in loving wives nobody stays for the kids. Real life doesn't work that way.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Fuck off, what a load of insipid bullshit.

Scores 1/5 wish l could give it less.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Without a doubt the biggest piece of shit I have read. Changing all of the characters to fit your story is not a conclusion...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Linda is set on the divorce. Now what?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

It’s rare for a story to cause such strong feelings. For me it was rage and hatred for Linda. Congratulations, you’re a talented writer. Your ability to portray complex personality flaws and make it believable is truly remarkable. I look forward to your other stories

mfbridgesmfbridges12 months ago

I think if someone cheats they don't have the right to be upset by mere words. He blew up occasionally, so what. Sounds like she wasn't honest with him and he has plenty of reasons to call her names. I don't think I'd want to be with someone that felt that strong about another. That sounded like soul mate strong. I think Linda should have been completely open, I'm in same boat with current wife. I'm not her soul mate, he passed away and I still feel like I'm 2nd choice.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What absolute garbage. No one wants to know the real details, she was with him for 24hrs, every hole was used like in every porn film ever made. Once, twice ... is just utterly irrelevant. You care about details only to the extent that it clues you in to how far an affair may have gone, but once it's got to the stage of a sleep over, you know everything that could happen has happened ... at that point the worry isn't the sex but the emotional involvement.

I don't blame Marc, he's a cunt no doubt about that, but all the responsibility lies on Linda and anyone else that thinks celebrities are "special" deserve to be gangbanged by Bill Cosby, Jimi Saville and Rolf Harris. I just don't buy the childish he's a star so lets have a one night stand crap, not saying people don't do that, just that those people are undeniable sluts not your one time in a lifetime kind of people. The original story is based off of a conversation as remembered by GA and I guarantee that the woman that said that she would go with the guy no questions asked, and then the husband would have to lump it, is a woman that's already having sex outside of her marriage, either with or without the knowledge of her husband. Hey I'm not arguing that Linda wouldn't hook up with Marc, just that she wouldn't do it so brazenly because outside of that event she is not portrayed as either a slut or a moron and you'd have to be a bit of both to do it in front of your husband ... which is why I suspect that more than a few writers have added Mickey Finns to help this aberration make sense. (yes, I know it's laughable and they clearly have no idea how X etc., works but hey at least they tried to make the story make sense).

Anyway back to the story. Demanding to know the specific details, while a nice trope to enable pages of graphic sex scenes, really isn't going to help anyone get over such a betrayal … because the sex isn't the problem it's just a consequence of the problem … and that's that Linda is a whore that'll drop her pants for any charismatic celebrity, and maybe just any charismatic person for all we know. That she did it so brazenly, and can't wrap her head around why she shouldn't have, just says that it'll happen again given the opportunity. (Yes I know that I previously said Linda's character wasn't portrayed as a moron or a whore, this is one of the tensions within the story, that faced with a celebrity her personality magically does a 180 turnabout, and that inexplicable change is what causes so many of the February stories problems).

So yes I call BS on this story, because Jim isn't a moron and he knows that the core of the problem is trust and a need to believe that Linda wont just do it again and yet he has no reason to suggest that Linda wont do just that. Ironically, the more he knows about how easy Linda is and how great she found the sex the less likely he'll be able to believe that it's a one off. Even more ironically, a common trope of willing cucks is that they want to know all the details because they get sexually excited about their own inadequacies, which seems the polar opposite of Jim's character not only in this story and the original but in every other one I've read.

So I'm giving you a massive 1* for adding zero to the story and providing an incoherent ending that provides no extra insights into anything that happened.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Idiot husband

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

A really good version of the best story on here, George’s story only went so far, and so many others have written endings that go from the far fetched to the real life version, this was a really good insight to the human mind and how it can affect people, yes it’s just a story, but life is in the background of this story more than lots of others, you wrote a ending that put both of their feelings into focus, it’s so easy for Anonymous posters slag writers off when they don’t have the bottle to even get a log in and have no idea about how hard a good story is to write, so for me you have a really good one here.Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

She's a cheating slut plain and simple their kids would be better off without her and so would Jim he should have divorced her ass and took the kids away from her got out of country changed his and his kids name destroyed her and Marc's lives permanently and their so called friends made arrangements to deal with their lying cunt asses hit them all where it hurt the most you want honesty well there you have it burn all those assholes down and put them in the gutters where they belong plain and simple

WillowghbyWillowghby11 months ago

This first effort on Lit is extremely well written. Pace, detail (no pun intended), character development, etc., are outstanding. Overall story is equal to the typical contributions of the Lit masters of the craft.

Now my negatives:

- there are a few glitches that scream, "You needed one more pass by the proofreader." These negative standouts violently interrupt the smooth flow of the reading.

- punctuation is good, but not top-notch. For example, commas are pauses in a sentence that clarify separations of thoughts and/or multiple items. They also go a long way to identifying where a sentence thought ends and the named individual starts, KitDeLuca164.

- while terribly common among Lit authors, the confusion over the proper use of the conjugations of the verbs "to lie" versus "to lay" is all over the map in this story. We rarely see "to sit" versus "to set" misused...why is lie/lay so hard?


This is my first read with this author and I look forward to "running the list." My compliments to KDL164 are evidenced by my elevating this story to my Favorites List; something no other "February" sequel has received.

Keep 'em comin'!

WillowghbyWillowghby11 months ago
Another Thought

My earlier comment relates to the body of the story. Based on the currently non-stellar 2.78 stars rating, it would appear many other readers were as troubled by Jim's return to Linda in the last paragraph. Clearly, that did not resonate well. I agree. That return strikes me as a character reversal. Suddenly, Jim loses his momentum to stand firm and reverts to cuckhold-dom.

The rest of my glowing accolades are not tarnished by this disagreement with the author's choice. Since I have identified as a male for over 70 years, I have my perspective, she has her's. Sorry to see that this truly enjoyable perspective on the February tome has been punished in the ratings.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So this is just a more detailed explanation of why Linda did what she did. She did it because she wanted to and she could. She chose to be a slut and crucify her husband all on the alter of selfishness. Good for her.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Revenge is a dish best served cold, preferably when Linda has hit menopause, is at her lowest point and Jim finds a younger, more vibrant replacement. A female version of Marc. That should balance the scales nicely.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He thought he wasn’t a cuck but actually really wasn’t able to prove he was anything else!!

Tex_Ex_MilTex_Ex_Mil11 months ago

Absolutely pathetic! Four pages of her reliving her slut night. Hope it keeps her warm when he dumps her, eventually.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is a very well written story and I commend the author for the quality of her work. The big problem I have with this is that like all the other attempts to whitewash or explain Linda's behaviour it merely succeeds in making her look even more vile and despicable than the original did. KDL does a great job of portraying a woman deluding herself just the same way so many women do IRL. Linda actually makes herself believe that there is nothing cheap or tawdry about a married woman allowing herself to be picked up in front of her husband by an arrogant, self entitled pussy hound who then takes her to his house for a sordid one night stand, using her as a receptacle for his penis and his semen before handing her back to her husband. Any hint of feelings towards her on the part of this man are purely wishful thinking on her part as he probably doesn't even remember her name the next day. He's just BSing her in the hope of a repeat performance at some point in the future.

The story is spoiled by the perplexing ending which sees Jim, now more tormented than he already was making the decision to 'put on his his big boy pants' and forgive his wife right after she has twisted the knife some more with further confirmation that, in her eyes Jim will never be the man that Marc is. Reconciliation in these circumstances is inconceivable, this sort of nonsense only happens in chick flicks/lit.

inka2222inka222210 months ago

"I have too much self respect to ever have to put up with the demeaning bullshit that just came out of your mouth". And now the author (with Linda's mouth) lets us finally understand the truth. She's not in any way sorry and doesn't see what she did as anything bad at all. Because if she did, you and he woudln't call it "demeaning bullshit" and he wouldn't have to swallow the remains of his pride to forgive her for something she doesn't feel is even in need of forgiveness. Wish I could give this -10.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Must have been a female writer. Explained it real well from a very selfish female persuasion. Yes she is truly defined as a slut and whore. She is not deserving of the kids or the husband. She is a very sick person as defined by this fiction story. In real life should she not be tolerated and does not deserve happiness. her little 36 hour spell ruined a lot of relationships per the story all for her selfishness that has no meaning longterm.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazier10 months ago

👎🏿👎🏿 Dumbest collection of letters and punctuation marks I've ever sifted through.

In this piece of shit; Jim is weak, wimpy, weepy, and deserves the cuckold’s hell he lives in. Divorce and revenge (in no particular order) as soon as she left with Asswipe.

Linda is revealed in her truest colors as a lying, cheating, slut with the morals of an alley cat. She is totally delusional. In her journal, she constantly refers to herself as a faithful wife and mother, while sucking and fucking another man. Her own words prove that she has neither respect nor love for JimCuck. She makes it very obvious that consideration for his feelings is an afterthought, when that occurs at all.

She slices his balls off, in public, in front of intimate friends. Stupid hangs around for nine months wearing his cock-cage and frilly panties, whining, crying, and wringing his hands.

Their final phone call removes any faint trace of masculinity he may have retained. She calls the shots. He comes back with his tail between his legs.

You just know, Slut called Asswipe immediately. They can fuck right in front of the Cuck. He doesn't even get sloppy seconds; just cleanup duty (on both of them), wearing a french maid uniform.

Read the Slag's journal. Their marriage is dead. She would go back to Asshole sooner or later anyway. And now that she's relieved Cuck of those pesky testicles; why wait?

Your story is stupid! Its totally unreal to think ANY man could or would put up with so much. And instead of explaining LindaSlut, you allow her own words to make her even more vile and repulsive.

I think you have serious mental problems, and your scribbling is just making it worse.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

When i first read this I didn't like it, but then I sat and thought about it some.

Jim barely kept his temper when she was out dancing with Mark, but Dee and the others pretty much stopped him from reacting, then Dee kept him busy while Linda and Mark snuck off.

They end up making an attempt at keeping the family together, Jim is haunted by the disrespect his cheating wife showed towards him and continues hurting and getting angry.

Wondering what they did most likely wondering how much she really enjoyed it.

Linda meanwhile is trying to hide how much she really liked it and the fact she writes a journal of the events so she can remember more clearly shows she isn't really sorry, she just don't want to get divorced.

towards the end of the story during a discussion she describes how much fun she had.

It don't make sense really that when he gets home he decides "Ok I know it all now we will be fine".

It just don't fit with the anguish he has been feeling.

The way the author paints Jim's anguish and the way he has been feeling god help Linda if he ever accidently finds the journal, because if it is written the way the author describes I could see that really bringing Jim to the edge mentally.

The state of mind that would bring him to would probably be similar to what I imagine blokes who commit murder suicides find themselves and would it not surprise me to hear Jim, found and shot Mark then went home and shot Linda then himself, the scariest thing about that is so often the person also seems to think "can't leave the kids on their own" and takes them as well.

A second part to this story showing how the marriage went would be good.

Personally I don't think it would last, I think it would haunt Jim until he says enough and leaves or Linda seemed to like her cheating so much she has another go, of even Jim finds the journal ........

Medussa55Medussa5510 months ago

And so they were doomed! Delusional Linda has no idea of the disrespect and betrayal Jim is feeling and doesn't actually care 'just suck it up or else'. As she says ecstasy for her, torture for him, hey ho! I win. Jim, who pretty much summed up the situation with his sperm receptacle comment, broke Linda's fantasy so she just bitched out on him. In reality he is just going to hang around for the sake of the kids. Jim should never go back. the new Linda is a selfish, self-righteous, entitled skank who will turn toxic in a very short time. The symbolism of the forgotten bra and panties should not be ignored. Not for good old Jim anymore, just take your lumps and leave.

There has been a lot of great extensions written to the original story some of them innovative and thought provoking, sadly this isn't one of them. I appreciate the quality of writing but somehow this version comes across as somehow parasitic rather than enhancing. Yes we see a little more into Linda's perspective and female insecurities in general but it all seemed so forced. New Linda, while apparently not being regretful, seemed so reluctant to take ownership of her actions all to easily trying to blame Marc for 'ordering' her. Disappointing, and from a female writer too, sad

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

An effort to rewrite the original (GA) story was a failure. The original is still best. This one creates a SLUT wife, a term Linda dislikes. She is a raging shrew with no redeeming positions. She needs her ass kicked to the curb, divorced and sued...Except, he is such a limp-dick cry-baby. Reading this missal was demanding: too much identity with the original, which many have tried to mimic, and all failed. This one did, too. So, Mr. Anderson, your gallery of young talent still trail you by long, long way. I urge them to let it be: they are such amateurs.

Medussa55Medussa559 months ago

The main problem with February Sucks is that it is seen as a story centring around infidelity while in fact the major issue is loss of respect (maybe only perceived). Just about every character in the original story disrespects Jim so that even if Linda is set aside. Jim still faces re-establishing respect amongst his friends and peers in an almost impossible situation. As a consequence anything but a BTB ending is difficult to believe . The only way I see is if Jim and Linda split up and after Jim has time apart from everything and everybody perhaps a new beginning can be built on.

I thought a strong woman in the part of Linda (dare I say feminist?) was an excellent new take on this tired classic and God knows there are so few women writing good parts for the female perspective on this site. (If I have to read one more 'quad port injected big block V8 muscle ...' when the word 'car' will do I will scream).And don't start me on the number of redheads (we are 2% of the population yet in Literotica world we seem to outnumber all other hair colours 3:2. I digress. All that was wrong with your extension was that Jim should have drove away at the end. By staying it made Linda's character appear uncaring and almost cruel which I don't think you meant.

Please don't rise to the trolls just carry on writing strong opinionated women with brains but maybe not with 'natural 38DD cups with large nipples' almost as big a peeve of mine as car details or tech specs of shotguns. Keep on going

MasterJerryGMasterJerryG9 months ago

Wow what a bullshit ending. He went from and to cuck to man to pussy all in a ten minute read.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Your writing is good. Interesting input into possible Linda thought process, also (and impressively) a much more believable encounter between her and Marc, the affection beyond the mere sating of the awesome lust is much more in keeping with GA’s Lind’s “he was a gentleman” and her refusal to think badly of him, than other versions.

A good contribution with that journal idea.

Jim’s torment has been better dealt with by some other authors, with the flash intrusion thought moments interrupting/overwriting current situation, but you didn’t ignore it.

Have to say the marriage was doomed from the moment of her abandonment of him at the dance hall, the public humiliation of her choice to take a lover right in front of him and depart without a word, instead having her friend run interference to enable her escape. That betrayal would surely have killed ‘love’, or any hope of a future. Not a bump in the road, more a rendering asunder, love would be past tense, grief/lament would be the future.

Good effort, was leaning to only 4stars, as the ending … just cannot see it, misery for all time …. the writing and the fuller exploration of Linda’s thinking and why she didn’t have true remorse, well 5#.

Norseman123Norseman1238 months ago

Good story especially from a female's point of view. Doesn't change the fact she was a slut that wasn't repentant and would always think of Marc fondly and her husband as second best. 5***** Look forward to a follow-up.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

People like you is exactly why human extermination should be brought back.

ZebcannonZebcannon8 months ago

Just one thing that kind of bothers me is COMPARE. In your tale Linda goes into great detail of how wonderful the night and morning was but now that it is over she is back to her normal life. Its been nine months later and she has only had sex a few times with Jim, so does she keep wanting to have that experience that Marc has given her from Jim, or does she try to get Jim to do the same things that Marc did to her or does she just live with the boring sex with Jim until it get so bad that she start looking for other outlets?

This is one of the things that a lot of writers miss. If the cheating spouse has better sex than with the other spouse then what happens? If it is bad also what happens down the road? No where in the nine months was counseling mention to help with the situation.

You did a great job with the story and I give it a 4 stars. It keep me reading it all so keep up the great job.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy598 months ago

Excellent. He came to his senses. She wants to make it work.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wghat a piece ofshit that women is so full of entitlemen and doesnt even consider the effect on her children how can she be called a mother. She says she knows it hurt her loving husband but it for him to get over. What a truly worthless slut. They wonder why the is so many married breakups. Marriage is a two way street if its not happening properly , sit down and talkabout how to fix or leave. Dont have kids if you cant fit in a marriage properly whether male or female, get self entitlement out the window.

A female presentation on this story this time makes me wonder.

clarkgarbleclarkgarble8 months ago

What was the point of the endless journal enttt RT use if she was just going to scream it st Jim on the phone? An of course he’ll find that entry, finally realize the froth of her cruelty and deception snd betrayal and it will all blow apart. Maybe violently.

And of course she’ll fuck another stranger again, only this time she won’t feel young and alive and living a pornographic faintly tale. Next time she’ll feel old and unattractive and trapped in a marriage with a man who will never trust and never love her like he did.

So she’ll put on something way too revealing for her age, hide her wrinkles with too much makeup and go to some pickup bar to try to reproduce her magic night and end up having sex in a cheap hotel room with a creep. It will be tawdry and demoralizing and the shower msg wash off his stink but never her soul crushing disillusion.

That’s how her fairy tale finally ends. Only this time there will be no jim to take her shattered illusions out on and no journal to masturbate in an effort to return to her night in Camelot. Jim destroyed that computer in his hatred and humiliation and like so much else in her life she had no backup

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

5 stars for exceptionally good writing.

OTAH, I find Linda's point of view, as depicted here, deeply disturbing. And, sorry to say that, it seems you are sharing some of it, delusionally guiding him back to her in the end.

From my point of view as a man of 74 years, not very conservative, not very jealous either, I would perhaps have been able to overcome the fucking, I would have understood that it maybe bordered on more than pure lust during the course of the nightly events. The DETAILS of the sexual side of the night would do not much to enrage me more. I would not have been obsessive about that, and I think your are wrong to build so much of your story on Jim asking for details.

Totally unforgivable for me was the first act of Linda leaving Jim stealthily on a night out planned and organized to be special for the pair of them. This was an act of enormous emotional violence comparable to severely crippling someone for live, were it a physical act. Humiliation and emasculation may be part of it, but these are reflections after the fact. There are no words to explain the cruelty and heartlessness of the act of leaving. No sane man would want to be married to a woman who can do a thing like this.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

You got everything right but the ending. Jim turned the key, put the car in gear, and drove away into a future without Linda. He thought to himself, "She's spit on me twice now. Well as the saying goes, the first time shame on you, the second time shame on me, and there damn well won't be a third time." 5 stars for a well written view from the distaff side even if I don't find the ending believable.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hahahaha...delusional bullshit.

No self respecting man puts up with this level of betrayal.

And the man who would? Is not really a man. He's pathetic. Less than a man.

She should have been packed up and out of the house back to her parents by the end of that first weekend.

And ant wife who knows and loves her husband has to know it's all over by the time she wakes up in Mark's bed Saturday morning. It's a divorce. End of story. And since it's all public. All over YouTube probably. She is now known as a faithless slut. Because that's what she is.

Calling her a slut and her getting angry about it? That's rich. You don't call a rake a spade. A spade is a spade.

CunnyLinguistTooCunnyLinguistToo7 months ago

I liked the story and the fact that it was a completely different take on all of the other sequels. As far as writing, I think you did a great job further developing Linda's character, probably because you are able to develop it from a woman's perspective. I wish a little more had been done with further development of Jim's character. Your depiction of Linda shows her to be an incredibly horrible person deep down. The fact that she said she would do it even if she had known how much it was going to hurt Jim shows what a uncaring and selfish person she really is. That she would willingly and intentionally inflict so much pain on someone that she is supposed to love, for her own pleasure, is nothing short of sadistic. In my mind, a fitting ending would be for Jim to find her journal and expose her for who she really is. From there she could either (1) come to terms with the reality of her choices and actions (instead of living in her little fantasy world), truly repent for her actions and make an HONEST attempt at reconciliation, OR, (2) maintain the illusion that she was somehow entitled to her actions and have Jim divorce her and make her journal known to everyone, let her feel the pain of betrayal and turn her into a pariah .

robbo069robbo0697 months ago

I was waiting for the ending where he went home with a gun looked her in the eyes and said I now know some of the details, but will never know everything, I loved you with all of my heart and now know you don’t feel the same way and at this point he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger as she screamed NO.

oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

If it had been a lot shorter I would have liked this a lot more, to me it was lots of the same words that you repeated, maybe you moved them around a bit but it was just too long.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Should have included him finding her journal. Then it would have been a slam dunk for him.

PierremanvisPierremanvis7 months ago

Great writing..... but she is a slut ,nevertheless. Poor Jim he deserved better. How about another chapter??

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Jim is a spineless wimp and will just stick around because he does not know what else to do... the marriage will last for a little longer and he will always wonder when he is having sex with his wife whether or not she is thinking of Mark... he will allow himself to be tortured by this on and on and she will get tired of it and they will eventually divorce after much agony and pain... they will depart and utterly hate each other in the end.

orion2bear2orion2bear27 months ago

In no world does wife who did what she did get to stay married her action was unforgivable

Dunny69Dunny697 months ago

Total bollocks absolute wimp arsed ending and man bashing crap. It did however do a good job in pissing me off.

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

You should consider taking up painting

Dlh143Dlh1437 months ago

So Jim is a spineless cuck with no self respect. Worthless trash of a story. Sorry I am stuck with 1 star because this doesn't deserve any.

PondLife2023PondLife20237 months ago

Another of these “Forgiveness” stories! What a pathetic creature Jim proved to be, this story is another case of deprecating the Male Gender! I’m not convinced that Stoning adulteress is the right way to go, but the way society has swung against responsible husbands is far from right.

RzcanuckRzcanuck7 months ago

I find this to be one of the worst sequels to FS.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This Jim deserved what he got. He trampled on his own dignity as soon as she was done. What's this need to be with the kids? The kids will grow up in an unhappy and unhealthy environment. I think this is a story people love to hate and hate to love, which is why it has so many alternatives.

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago

Was that just a summery of what happened in ga's story lol hard to feel sorry for an idgit that does it to them selves going to read all the hateful comments now lol

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago

U need to use raac as a tag or forced raac if there is one

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sorry but this rendition of February was the worst of all of the alternates I've read. Having been there,done that(not with a celebrity) I know the heartache and pain it causes. And it tore my heart out not seeing my kids everyday. But to forgive that pain and lose? Not worth staying with her.

Schwanze1Schwanze17 months ago

My thought reading this was only a woman could write this. I was right. It's a wonder men and women didn't all kill each other years ago. No fucking way a man worth the title behaves this way, thinks this way or sticks around for all this blather.

Tophat232Tophat2327 months ago

Wow! Well written.

Pinto931Pinto9317 months ago

I can see why it scored so badly. The details don’t really matter her actions said it all. No way any normal man or woman could live it and that she’s still proud of her self says it all, she is a disgusting slut.

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Post as:
Married, mother of 2 grown children. Live in USA, Midwest. Was motivated to write after reading GeorgeAnderson’s February Sucks. Was conflicted by the premise of the story and wanted to explore my own thoughts on why an apparently happily married wife would cheat.