All Comments on 'February Sucks - the Details Matter'

by KitDeLuca164

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LT56linebackerLT56linebacker7 months ago

DUMB!! The cunt is worse than the original story made her out to be. She should eat shit and die. The Bear hated it. 1 star for the prostitute's sex acts.


Asterisk42Asterisk427 months ago

This is awful. You've turned a good man into a wimp. A true to fuck wimp. I'm disgusted by this story. She's a whole who gets to live happily ever after and he gets nothing. I hope you never experience this from Jim's perspective.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker7 months ago

On further consideration, the absolute best version of this story is, in my opinion, " February Sucks- My Version" by Omegaman56. Read that. It says it all—the right way. Just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The following Friday night Jim was back at the club where his whole life had been destroyed less than one year ago. He patiently waited for more than two hours before he saw Marc's car pull into the lot. He watched where he was parking and then quickly pulled into a spot about four cars away. As Marc got out of his car Jim slipped out of his and cut behind several other cars as though he was heading for the entrance to the club. Their paths crossed still a bit of a ways from the front door. Marc looked up and saw Jim just as he crossed behind a pickup truck. A flicker of recognition coupled with a slight smirk crossed over Marc's face. I know you, he snorted as his eyes quickly sized up the smaller man in front of him. How's it going cuck?! Still married?! His whole demeanor was one of superiority standing about 4 feet from Jim. "I'm about to be better and yes, Jim replied". As he looked into Marc's eyes his hand came up quickly and smoothly. The next thing Jim saw was the recognition in Marc's eyes and the contorted shape of his face as Marc realized it was over. The bullet went squarely between Marc's eyes and his head exploded backwards. Only the muffled sound from the silencer Jim used gave away the devastation that took place as Marc fell backwards, dead before he hit the ground and his eyes still wide open. Calmly moving forward as though he was looking for his car, Jim wove a bit between cars, and then acting as though he was able to finally find his car he casually drove away. When he walked into his house 30 minutes later the gun and silencer had been wiped down thoroughly, and the pieces individually wrapped in several burlap sacks and dumped in different dumpsters. As he entered the kitchen Linda looked up at him and saw a calmness and even a sense of serenity on his face that she hadn't seen in almost a year. He just smiled at her and went up to bed. The following day Marc's death, or execution as several media outlets described it, was all over the news. Linda was devastated. She quietly sobbed when she was alone throughout the day. Jim, on the other hand, was calm and composed as he went about his Saturday chores. An occasional flicker of a smile even crossed his lips every once and a while before he caught himself. Walking in on Linda, later in the afternoon as she was in the kitchen talking to Dee on the phone, he smiled his best smile at his wife and told her to get herself ready because he was going to take her out to dinner. He'd already set it up for his parents to watch the kids. Who knows, he continued, I might even be in the mood to go dancing after dinner. As Linda stared at him he continued to smile at her and a deathly chill went through her entire body.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice turn on this over-cooked story. My own reaction, and I’m usyally foregiving, reconcile type. No way here. Just no ducking way. Forgive under these circumstances and that you’ll have to do it again, and likely, again. Better to take all the pain now than stretch it out over years. This is such and atrocity, that if forefiving, it will become the future boundary; in other words. When next Linda is tempted, there will no brakes the next time Linda is tempted. Even if there were, I’d always view her as the enemy, or at least someone capable and likely to be an enemy in the future, a double agent. Some offenses are just too serious to overcome . You can glue the broken mirror back together, but it will still be a broken mirror (marriage).

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I never agree with the angry trolls on this site. But your version, dreck really, you have managed the near impossible, an exception for me. I concur with the angry crowd here.

Are you kidding me with THAT ending. I don’t know any, certainly no self respecting, man, who would accept the double bitch slap Linda laid on Jim in your demented version. First, she’s, betrays him in the most horrific way. And then conclude it with a bitch slap ultimatum at the end, which he quite unrealistically accepts, according to your version of events. You kidding me? Linda:,”Yeah, I did it it and it was Great and you’ll accept it or get lost.” I have never laid angry hands on a women in my life, nor have I ever seriously contemplated it. However, were I Jim and got home after that, I’m pretty sure Linda would experience the full range of my repertoire of triangle chokes. I’m pretty sure.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I do not understand your thinking behind this story, more specifically why you think this is an appropriate outcome. Unreal. You reward a purely vilanous act, then pile on more treachery, allowing all of it to go unaccounted for, if not outright rewarded, or at best, with literally no adverse consequence.

Why? The world is plenty shitty enough. You have to make it worse with shitty fiction? Why? Is this the real life outcome you prefer, so you trial ballon it as a writer, or are you just a troll with a bit higher IQ and writing ability than most trolls?

A work of fiction, where you get to choose the outcome, this is your chosen outcome? Linda’s initial actions are horrible enough. But then you start stacking horribles. Why? She brutally and cruelly betrays her “most excellent man” of a husbandin a most publicly humiliating way, and then, rather than show remorse and seek genuine firegiveness, she instead blames HIM for the pain SHE caused, mocking and dismissing his feelings, as through his hurt is his fault. This, what I believe, young people call “gaslighting” (essentially, blaming the abuse victim for their abuse; nice).

And just when you think it can’t get worse, it does. You then have Linda deliver the coup de grace. After all that, she emasculates him further with the rawest details of her debauchery, and then tells him to get over it or don’t come home, essentially a dog whistle for any self respecting man. But no, you have him hand over what little remains of his balls snd come crawling home, assuredly to be abused again and again in the future.

Are you fucking kidding? I don’t know your gender, but you must be a woman. I can’t imagine any authentic man would write that outcome, without throwing up on his key board. I have never raised my hands or feet in anger towards a woman, but I’m pretty sure that ultimatum would have had me leaving for good, but only after raining blows upon the issuer of the ultimatum. Linda blows Jim up, then blames HIM for the injuries she caused. I believe that these days they call that gaslighting, usually an abusive male on female dating crime. So your point is what? As long as the sex is great enough, “get over yourselves guys”? Frankly, I just can’t envision any guy writing a story where a man would accept this kind of abuse from his wife, especially where she holds it up like it’s some kind of trophy.

It’s not bad enough that Linda commits her atrocity. But you then have her triumphantly gaslighting the “excellent man” who she says is the love of her life — horrible and ridiculous. But then again you make it even worse by having her give him an ultimatum to “get over it” and crawl home, and then you have him accept it and gravel back home. Like bloody hell lady.

You’re delusional. Good God. Whatever your gender (you’ve gotta be a woman; no self respecting man could think/write this perverse emasculating an ending), you must be nuts, and I sincerely hope that you aren’t raising children.

This is so bad that I must d say that although I have never ever even thought of raising my hands, elbows, knees, or feet in harm towards a woman, if I ever were to receive such a poisonous trifecta of horrible from my spouse, I would be raining blows down from the heavens. Just sayin.

Life’s hard enough, please no more of this road kill.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Concur with BEAR. This was almost speechlesslyvbad. The kinda nonsense that gets people killed.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The gut feeling your story stirred up showed how well it was written. I am always amused by how vehemently commenters get when they don't like the outcome of someone else's story. I think they are a bit crazy. Anyhow, 5 stars for me.

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOats7 months ago

Truly awful, mainly due to the ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is really really bad

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was absolutely waste of time to read. Simply awful..Chapters wasted on describing her writings in her journal (which had nothing to do with the story situation) instead of sticking to the unfolding of the tale.Your ending is nonsense,

unrealistic and insult to your readers... truth is a man would not even be in contact with her from the time she came home,never mind live with her for 9 months...1 star..JZK..

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As little as many of the commenters and less than most. Put the keyboard down before you hurt yourself with it.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperT7 months ago

This actually is THE cheaters manifest: She revells in her experience, and has too much self-respect to understand his lashing out in pain she deliberately and intentionally inflicted on him. And DEMANDS that he return docile... Probably so she can do it again.

Confirms every thought ans sentiment about cheaters: beyond the pale.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The only way this marriage lasts more than a couple of weeks ……… nope, I can’t see anyway it will last. There is no remorse in her part and incredibly deep anger, shame, and vitriol in Jim.

I admire how you created those feelings in this reader but hated the completely one-sided outcome, so don’t feel I can give it any rating. Thanks for the effort in writing it, though,

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Cuck Shit .... on STEROIDS! Reconciliation for the three hole cum dump, WHORE Linda is not, nor ever will be, is NOT justified! She is a despicable human being and a CUNT!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

How sad. The flip at the end was so out of character with the earlier parts it failed as a story. How ironic since the author said it was about details and 'moving on'. A spouse this devastated wouldn't move on within the marriage if he/she had self-respect after knowing the other's details and lack of remorse. You just see the kids as often as possible, and find a new, loyal woman to start another family and/or become a stepmom. That's how it works if you have 'stones'.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I just re-read the background prologue to this story, where the author states she is the mother of two children. I sincerely hope that neither of her children are male, as, judging by the intolerable narcissism of the female character and the emasculated pathos of the male MC in her story, her children are likely to be utterly, irredeemably warped.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Congratulations, this story provides *the* perfect justification for extreme violence against (some) women!

Phatom10Phatom106 months ago

Good story. But no way in hell would I go back!! Not after what she did!

AllNigherAllNigher6 months ago

Yeah, don't go back. She had no remorse, and thinks it was ok. Where lashes it to hurt him more than he does her. They're both better off separate. Kids will be too.

And don't believe for a second if she thinks it's ok she won't do it again given the chance. She even said knowing what she knows now she'd still do it. Do given the right opportunity she'd do it again, and it's be easier with someone not as popular as long as it was a fantasy.

Would she be okay if he did the same? Honestly? No. Likely not.

Really loved the writing and frankly the characters played out perfectly from the original, but hated them then and still do.

Kudos, though, as that's a tribute to your ability to reproduce the essence of GAs story and characters. Excited to read more, especially knowing you bring a different point of view to the table.

Not too others, reading her into, I got the feeling she could NOT identify with the actions and logic used in the original story. She tried to keep his original spirit while following up on their life from the woman's POV. I think she did a great job of a continuation even if I disagree with them staying together for the kids.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You are a weak man who wish he was a woman. More likely gay also...grow up...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I gave you 5 stars, not because I like you as a person or the characters in your story, but because if your purpose in writing it, as was Anderson's, to elicit tremendous emotion and response, you have succeeded. Frankly I think that you wrote this story as wishful thinking, hoping that if anything this wonderful ever happened to you, that you could have your cake and eat it too. What I will tell you, and this is from personal experience, that even though you wrote that Jim came back to her with the intention of forgiveness, their marriage is forever changed. A woman who is without remorse after such a callous act, is not worthy nor has any right to forgiveness. At best, they will hang around for the kids. They may even stay married afterward, but there will never be the trust, the contentment, the pats on the butt, and the tenderness that is evident in a decent marriage. Their relationship is in the past.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I really struggled with this story. As a version of February Sucks it's technically better written than some I've read. As a plot and characterisation of the people involved it's absolutely awful. Linda in your version is a truly awful person self centered cruel delusional abusive utterly entitled I could go on but you have managed to show her as about the worst female in the world. If you meant to do this you did a good job but horribly I think you have some sort of admiration for someone behaving like this and as such I suspect you feel you are enabling this type of behaviour by writing about it which I find shameful. Jim is as far as I can work out clinically depressed and possibly has lost the balance of his mind he certainly isn't in a fit mental state after what happened to him. This is without doubt one of the most deviously horrible pieces of propaganda it's been my misfortune to read. I have no issues with reconciliation but this isn't it's just one person treating another horribly torturing them abusing them and getting away with it and it leaves an awful taste in my mouth. BardnotBard

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

not a good version of the follow up to February Sucks

woodwardwoodward5 months ago

As others have commented, this story was technically written well but could not understand the callous acts of the wife and her treatment of her husband. Any women who buys into that line of crap thinking deserves to be alone and probably used. I had high hopes for your writing but will pass on future stories.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Given the details in the story I can't imagine him doing anything but divorcing Linda. Your story just led to that conclusion. Writinf one sentence at the end doesn't make it any less true. But look at it this way - you got over 700 comments so people paid attention and were riled up one way or the other.

Pinto931Pinto9315 months ago

Hated it! He should have left her or kicked her straight away.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

He's an effing wimp and DESERVES everything he got- AND MORE.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Both love it and hate it. Really, no good resolution of the February Sucks story exists. Kind of like Hosea, the MAN of the house simply does what is the right thing to do. So, who is the bigger man, the one who offends or the one who turns the cheek?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So far as Linda is concerned, her final revelation as expressed both in the journal and verbally on the phone to Jim might be a beginning to an understanding of her role and the damage she did. Supercouncellor to the rescue? Not hardly. Walking on eggshells merely defers the inevitable, so rip off the bandaid and start opening up.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

His wife is truly a horrible cunt. Every choice and action she took was with purpose. Either she hates her husband or truly does not know what love is much less to the degree of pledging your life to another. It's women like this that transforms the Jims of this world in Marcs. She only has the barest of understanding of exactly what she did to her husband. She fundamentally changed him as a man and foesn't care. And basically put a limit on how much she was going to take. By giving Jim a choice she gave him no choice at all. He would've been wiped out in the divorce and seperated from his kids. I'm sure somewhere in her mind that was a factor. Manipulating to the end. A right cunt.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm sorry I read this.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I don't understand what this added to the original story other than to exult cheating sluts. No wonder men are choosing to stay away from marriage. I overheard one say "Women think all they need to being to a relationship is pussy. I therefore treat them with that understanding..."

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A truly good guy? What a stupid bitch. A man (not really a man in my belief) who damages a family is at the lowest point that a person could be.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So who's telling the truth you or GA? Marc was a predator.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You cut the story short. Why?

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

Not a realistic male character

ReadyOneReadyOne5 months ago

Jim still doesn't know how much she betrayed him by making love, not fucking.


Until the last sentences, I expected Jim to bail. What the heck was the writer thinking?That the original was RAAC, so the follow on had to also be?

optimus1123optimus11235 months ago

Very unrealistic.!! Being a woman you obviously can’t grasp the level I hate that a woman would have to have to do something as despicable as what was portrayed here. Absolutely no reconciliation could be possible.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Revenge by Jim is coming, suck it up for the kids while planning. He's going to need a really good alibi for what he does to her. Not as good of one for Marc, too many suspects for him. Redem the 1 with the correct followup. Hope this isn't how you treat your marriage. I pity your family if it is.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean5 months ago

Wow, I think you did something I didn't think possible, you made Linda even more vile than any other version of her I have read, and I think I stopped counting around 50 would love to hear what happens in 6 months because this jim is even more pitiful than she is vile

SatyrDickSatyrDick5 months ago


I have ONLY EVER left disparaging comments TWICE before...THIS IS THREE!!!

Pure and Utter GARBAGE!!!!!!!!

LINDA has been elevated (or is that descended) to a FULL VILE AND PERNICIOUS UNREPENTANT CUNT!!!!!!!!!!

Jim has been reduced to a milquetoast spineless shell of a man!

Pure and Complete DREK!!!!!


fritz51fritz515 months ago

First - KUDOs to GA for his incredible Feb Sucks story which has inspired so much interest! I try to read all the add-ons, endlessly looking for an ending that fits my sense of justice. (I didn't like GA's MC response)

That said - I agree with another comment that while I detested Linda from the original, this story raised my contempt for her to a new height. IMO the author needed to allow Jim to find and read her journal so that he could fully understand the extreme depth of his beloved wife's betrayal. Knowing what she had done fully, knowing that she was not fully remorseful, including treasuring that betrayal forever, would most likely, as she feared, cause him to end the marriage.

I feel the author cheated Jim, therefore the reader, by allowing her to have her husband suck it up and return to her. Those memories with haunt him to the end of his life if he stays with her. He deserved to know the other fact: he needed to know that if she had it to do over, she would still go with Marc, still be his slut and she continues to believe that she was entitled to have a celebrity hall pass.

Without Jim becoming aware, this was a story about a crime where the perpetrator gets away with it without having to face Karma. Because of that, two stars.

CockatooCockatoo5 months ago

There is absolutely no way on earth Jim went back into that house after his trip. Not after what she said. Linda TREASURES her memories of her passionate and emotional affair. She proudly told him so and rubbed his nose in it.

Linda lovingly journaled the experience to preserve it, AND knew that Jim's reading that journal would end the marriage. From that, she should understand that she engineered a conflict that would always, always, ALWAYS be a festering wound in the marriage.

The only path forward for Jim and Linda together would be pure contrition on her part. For him to 'get over it,' she needs to convince him that she's disavowed it! Forgiveness is not possible if the harm is still being deliberately caused and will never stop.

OOAAOOAA5 months ago

Unrealistic end... Jim would never return home after her screaming mean words towards him...

TajfaTajfa5 months ago

You portray her as the most vile person there could possibly be.

There is no way a normal person would accept either her original behaviour or her attitude on the phone. He was only speaking the truth.

I thought she would have inadvertently saved her journal to the cloud and Jim would have read the first entry and that is why he didn't call on the second night. He waited until she finished then sent it to her parents and all her Facebook friends etc The end to this story was nonsense.

OGHMNWOGHMNW5 months ago

Thank You for your follow up version “The Details” IMHO Linda was open an honesty about the whole situation but didn’t understand why Jim was tortured and tormented by doubt and his Pride. Jim appears to Love Linda to some extent be Hate her also. It’s the children both want to protect. This sore will likely fester itself over the remainder of their marriage and scab over. As both my Forgive but Never Forget. Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Words can’t express how much I hate Linda and this story.

NallusNallus5 months ago

He caved.

She has to go see a counselor on her lack of self-control and testosterone worship. She has a problem that he does not have to tolerate not being addressed.

OlefishermanOlefisherman5 months ago

The author is a slim ball that got his start in writing on bathroom walls putting his sister's phone number up for a good time call. I hope that he finds out that his kids aren't his but that he can love them anyway because he raised them to be wimps just like him.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Excellent story but I hated the ending. He should have divorced her the Monday after she cheated. Unless the spouse is agreeable, there is NO hall pass, no one off, no exception to a wedding vow, especially as intentional as Linda was. However, I gave you 5 stars because you wrote an excellent story, even if I don’t agree with your ending. Try writing another one, maybe about your own fantasies….

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think the author wrote a good story, especially considering she was new to writing. The comments she made in the follow-up indicted the pain the comments here brought into her life.

Why do so many abuse the authors that give us free entertainment?

Thors_FistThors_Fist4 months ago

I'm sorry for all the vitriol. No one deserves it. I think you wrote a remarkable explanation for the thoughts Linda had that led up to her decision moment. Very clear, all the little ingredients that framed her choice. While it was still a destructive choice, the reasons are made clearer. I think that if she shared those thoughts with Jim, not the details of the sex itself, but the why someone who loved her husband as much as she said she does, could do something so out of character. This category of story always brings out the venom. There's never a satisfactory conclusion unless you Burn The Bitch. Anything else and you're a wimp and a coward, as if life is so simple.

Schwanze1Schwanze14 months ago

Skimmed again. Man would have done it in 1/4 of the words but at least now we know it from a woman's point of view.

Of course he should start hiding assets. I'd suggest gold in a suitable hiding place.

jasonnhjasonnh4 months ago

Revisionist BS. Marc is NOT a considerate good guy. The original story makes that clear. He's a hunter with married women as prey.

The rest of this is a "I'm Woman, hear me roar!" diatribe. THIS Linda is completely enamored with her cheating and feels fully entitled to it. Jim has to suck it up and live with her half assed attempt to get past it. She really has no interest in getting past it. She is luxuriating in the whole thing, delighting in capturing it fully in her diary. This story didn't happen to me but I squirmed as I read it. This Linda is EVIL and CRUEL. I'm not always a fan of BTB stories, only when the woman acts completely without remorse and deserves whatever happens to her. THIS Linda would deserve extreme vengeance.

And then, Jim capitulates to her. he surrenders his whole self to her insanity, murdering who he is to stay with his horrible witch of a "wife". It's disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I have read George Anderson's Original, and I have read many of the Reduxes. This one really hits home for me.

My first and second wives cheated on me while i worked like a dog to maintain the family and lifestyle. We had children and homes. Everything was destroyed through their infidelity.

I read these stories because I'm trying to understand the motives, dull the pain, or find a way to heal.

. This story is so similar to how she met her lover and said she still loved me and that it was a mistake.


my second wife came to me pregnant. Not by me, as I was snipped 2 year prior. Then she fid the unthinkable and moved her lover to our house to move him in. I wasn't going to be any part of this, so i left and I started the divorce proceedings. I was intent on keeping our 4 children and the house. She bluffed me into an expensive legal battle that I couldn't afford.

I walked away and declared bankruptcy. I lost everything including my children.

As I read KitDeLuca164's story, I found it a parallel to my life. This poor guy named Jim in this story will never get over this travesty.

I was in tears reading about him sitting on the street watching the house for 2 hours. I hoped Jim had the courage to do what I should have done many years ago. I was hoping he would commit suicide. I truly cried when he went back to her. Their children are doomed.

As I look back over all these years of pain, by being 1000 miles away from my kids hardly seeing them, and me living on scraps to maintain a pittance of a life, it's not worth living for.

I still battle every waking moment to live or not to live.

I wish I had the strength to end it all. She even took that from me.

TracklTrackl4 months ago

The more I read, the more I thought it was cagivagurl's story. Same old whore anthem bullshit from wife as in his/her stories.

H. JekyllH. Jekyll4 months ago

You have 760 comments (not even counting this one). 760! You've hit home for a lot of people! Tons! And that's something. All I'll say is -- yours is /not/ a bad story. It is one option, one outcome to the original GA story, and in fact an interesting one.

I mean, hell, while the wife wrote a long and detailed journal, what she told her husband was probably no worse than he'd imagined. Maybe not as bad. And the fact that they got more than one or two O's? So? It was still a single episode. The couple was "trying" and that's difficult, probably especially for a man, who comes to doubt his masculinity (in real life too), but he's going to keep on trying. Fuck it! It happens all the time in real life. So, it can't happen in your story? (of course the plot of the original was cockeyed to begin with, designed to push all the possible LW buttons, but your outcome option is a legitimate one).

I see where you've given in to the mob and written a different version (haven't ready it yet), but please try not to do that too much. Yeah, your score was abysmal. You probably haven't read any of my stuff, but I've gotten some low scores -- almost exclusively for my bias in favor of reconciliation. It doesn't kill you. Just know in advance that a lot of LW readers /hate/ that. If it makes you write in ways that aren't authentic to yourself, it can kill your joy. And since you're not doing this for money, the joy is what you get from it.

So please accept this little bit of encouragement.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

You have got to ge fucking kidding me. If you want to read a case study of a narcissistic whore of a wife, then here ya go! This author loves to write about these women who fuck around on their loving husbands because the opportunity presents itself, then are surprised when hubbies fibd out and boot their cheating asses to the curb.

This version of bitch Linda cherishes every second with Marc with no fucking regard for her husband. When Jim finalky calls her on her bullshit, Linda berates Jim for calling her what she really is: a self-absorbed twat. If my wife ever treated and spoke to me that way after that night with Marc, she'd never be able to look at herself in the mirror again.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story about female introspection following a short, intense affair. Five stars ⭐️ for this one. Keep writing, KDL164! BTW, this story is your best, IMHO.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Last couple of lines ruined it. ☆☆

I'm sure this was not the author's intent, but somewhere on page 2 it came to me that she was reinforcing GA's line in his introduction, "Well, that shows us married guys where we stand, doesn't it?"

Phatom10Phatom104 months ago

Her ass is GONE!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not just no. NO FUCKING WAY.

Well written. Maddening, but author definitely wrote something that gets reader involvement and reaction.

Linda is... I didn't know what to say ... disconnected, delusional, sociopathic ... all seem to have some basis in truth ... no contrition, barely any empathy, wrapped up in her fairytale submission ... she's hurtful (intentionally throwing the details at Jim etc) ... deceitful (withholding details, recording false conversation, saying she won't write the details but already had for herself) ... hypocritical and double standard (Jim's both a horn dog husband and didn't show intense sexual interest; he asks for bj is pathetic or doesn't which is off-putting; etc) ... maintains Marc's a good guy??? ( he's a big clue good guys don't go off with other people's partners)... this is also part of the whole common thing like where Linda said she wanted men's attention but they are pigs yet Marc is amazing, so much of this is mental perception akin to deciding you are excited Rather than anxious, something feels good rather than weird. She always gives Marc the positive spin ...

A large part of Linda's pleasure and positive reaction is because of her comfortable situation and marriage as well as completely taking it for granted and as boring, regular etc. Both in that she contrasts it casting it as exciting, fairytale etc and in her denigrating her life with family husband etc and elevating her experience with Marc. She repeatedly and ongoing betrayed herself, her life, her family and husband.

The very fact of why Marc picks her in this version is part Linda, but importantly it is Linda happily married to Jim that is chosen. She doesn't seem to recognize or acknowledge that how Marc describes her is how Linda is because she is there with Jim secure and free in a happy marriage with Jim. How that leads her to appear radiant, attractive, feminine, open, alluring etc He wants her in relationship to Jim and she throws it all away right in Jim's face and had the nerve to object to being rightly called out and says she has self respect lol This is slutty behavior which is a problem because she's betraying her husband (single or with his permission then fine slut all you want)a and worse in this version she admits to significant emotional betrayal as well, plus collaborates with Marc in lies to husband ... and demands Jim forgive her?!?

Nah. I don't need big revenge etc but see nothing redeeming in her character. With love and relationship like she offers who needs enemies. Even though if Jim divorced her she'd likely take up with Marc in a heartbeat. I seriously doubt the relationship with her gentlemanly golden hearted asshole Marc would actually last and become a marriage like with Jim given it's founding and his long womanizing record. It'd become ordinary and one of both of them would do something.

payenbrantpayenbrant4 months ago

Read it again....and no. Interesting supposition, but she does not love her husband at all. Divorce her and move on. She is obviously not sorry and it will be better for the kids for Jim to move on. He just needs to go to therapy and let it go. Get a good divorce attorney to protect yourself and move on to someone who actually does love him.

As for her, she needs therapy to figure out why she sabotages herself and those she processes to love



AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Completely detached from reality if Jim is remotely normal. Just fem/Dom agitprop. The author should be embarrassed.

AnotherSisyphusAnotherSisyphus4 months ago

Very well written. Thank you for your take on this story. As a man I really felt the pain in this, and I mean that as a compliment to your skill in presenting the story. I don‘t want to analyze the story and characters to death. I will leave that to others.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Really, a good story, insightful. The main characters are complicated as in real life.

But, there are two contradictions.

1. Linda is an immoral person. There is no way, a good mother, respecting her husband to behave with such cruelty. Without respect of her husband and her children, there is no love.

2. Jim decided "to forgive Linda and rebuild this marriage once and for all." . It is an option, if he can change himself to be the leader and really guide his wife, without compromises. Knowing the details, after their last fight, can be helpful. The poison was spilled.

But it will be extemely difficult. How to teach morality?

But the story is very good.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I got about a third of the way down the first page when I bailed because you rewrote Linda. The entire point of LW's scheme was to make Linda have some empathy for Jim and in doing so, it tainted her memory of that time with Marc, making it something ugly that she was ashamed of. You completely rewrote the ending of the original story and are passing it off as just "three months later". That's not on with me.

jrphdojrphdo4 months ago

Good, very introspective story. I didn't think after reading a few of these that I could despise Linda more but after reading what she wrote in her journal, I do. I don't know if I could accept an ultimatum from that nasty self entitled slut. As a man, I know the choice is to become a weekend dad while getting massacred by a court system that so unreasonably favors women or to suck it up and accept the unacceptable, being the whore's lap dog. I would put forth another idea. Suck it up and go along with it, try and pretend you are back for the long haul. It won't be perfect and even a delusional bitch like Linda will understand it won't be perfect. Hide money the best you can, planning to leave as soon as the last kid does. If you can do it, you will be with the kids as they grow up, will have a closer to even split of assets as well as a nest egg. Even if you can't hold out that long, the longer you do, the better off you are. Why buckle under the slut by picking option a or b? Choose a better option.

FantasyTrainFantasyTrain4 months ago

Took a good story & analyzed it, bit by bit, instead of enhancing it. FAIL!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Clearly Linda and Marc had fallen in love with each other that night. That's what Linda continues to struggle with and why she lit into Jim the way she did. There's would not be the first marriage that broke up that had kids to worry about. I don't see many men or women for that matter surviving what Linda did to a family. Most certainly a woman would not have stood for it if her husband did what Linda did, and he came home and said but hon a once in a lifetime. Anyway, second time through and I think that Jim's turmoil was explained very well I believe Jim knew in his heart that his wife had fallen in love.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

According to the author, Jim, at the end, agreed to become the cuckold. He agreed that he would live with her after she totally betrayed her marriage to him. He agreed that he would always have to watch his back from now on, as he can not trust her or her friends any more. Jim's life just became a worse hell, AFTER experiencing the "A once in a fucking lifetime chance to live out a nightmare", while Linda was having "A once in a fucking lifetime chance to live out a fantasy".

It would be better form them to divorce and save the children from the vitriol and hatred that would come of the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This version lead me to understand that Jim did not deserve this Linda. He deserved much better. One that loved him as much as she loved herself.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

BillyName99 here.

Kit, I will tell you that you write very well. So well, that I had a visceral reaction to this story.

Never in my life have I ever felt such utter contempt for a fictional character. Linda is a selfish slut who fucked a jock, just because she could, and to hell with how she hurt her husband.

There is no way in this or any other hell to justify Linda's actions. It is quite obvious that this version of Linda never truly loved Jim. You can spout all of the 'personal empowerment/self love' jargon you want, but it does not give Linda(or anyone else) a pass to treat someone so badly, especially the one to whom they have pledged their heart and their life.

If Jim had neglected or abused her, I could understand her choosing to do it. If he was cheating on her, I could justify it.

You wrote Linda so well that, I have to ask if you've ever been betrayed, humiliated, and destroyed by someone you loved and trusted.

Have you ever known that the one you love is willing to humiliate you and ruin your marriage and family for a fantasy fuck?

I hope your husband doesn't read this one. He might some some awkward questions.

FoldingFolding2 months ago

wow! what a story. You are a talented writer and I look forward to your other stories.

Do I understand that you, as a woman are writing a women's perspective on this? If so, as a man I'm demoralized. If I understand correctly then I must conclude that the woman I've married and adored for 57 years has either secretly cuckolded me or else is living an unfulfilled somewhat vacant life? Dang. That's hard.

So is this need to be taken a one time thing or does it expire? Does the taking need to be renewed every 10 years or so?

It also strikes me that there would be only one "satisfactory" way to end this story and that's for Jim to understand 2 things: first, he must accept this need in women including his wife and second do his part to help them fulfill their longing, embrace the swinging lifestyle. Perhaps starting with the twice mentioned Ellen.

BigDee44BigDee442 months ago

“knowing that me, a suburban mother of two small kids and faithful wife, had a stranger's cock in my mouth!” Interesting that as she writes down her memories, she does not think of herself as an unfaithful wife.

And later, “So yes, I did think of Jim. …. Consciously thinking that someone other than my husband was doing these things to me drove me to unheard of sexual heights.” How brazen, how disrespectful.

“…for some odd reason I also didn't want to disappoint him and spill a drop.” And then enjoying toying with his cum. Disappointing Jim? No problem!

“…had unprotected, raw sex with another man that I had just met hours earlier and had gladly let him cum inside me. No matter what happened from here on out, that unassailable fact would never change.” Awareness does not seem to garner any regrets whatsoever. Which answers the next thing, “Why didn't I want Marc to wear a condom?” Because, the subconscious hormonal imperative raging through her says to mate with the best available genes.

But a woman cannot do to a man what she did (fictionally, I hope) and not destroy him to some degree,. This is what my wife did to me under different, but yet, similar circumstances. However, in her case I did not know anything for years, so the pan was cold, every cold, not hot, and more difficult to react to as I really should have. I have never gotten any details out of her and now they are all lost due to dementia In fact, I wish she had never gotten so guilty she felt the need to confess. He can never measure up to fantasy night, and I imagine I cannot ever measure up to the fantasy relationship she had for two years. What these two should have done is gone to counseling. So should we, but my wife said, “You know, we don’t have much money.” Fine for her, but not for me. That really said a lot to me. I am surprised that in the story Jim decided to forgive. On the other hand, here am I 33 years after she told me....

payenbrantpayenbrant2 months ago

Read this again after a long time. Wanted to get a new perspective. Kit.... exceptionally good imagination. To imagine that Linda somehow loved her husband is such a fiction it's amazing. You have described in this tale of yours how absolutely EASY it is for people to lie to themselves.

I actually understand why the story has an incredibly low score for how well it is written. Consider it an award for how charged folks got with your story. I hope real life Jim's and Linda's read this story and maybe think twice about their actions. Linda's, don't think you deserve to cheat.... Jim's, don't stay with someone who will purposely hurt you and your kids like The spouse in this story does.



AllNigherAllNigher2 months ago

This was well written but man I hated everyone even more than the original. What little redeeming qualities of remorse Linda had in the original we're turned into an obsession over the wonders of her experience and further chastising of her husband for having the nerve to not be happy about it....

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Divorce is too god for this version of Linda. She should be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Burn it all to the dirt! Nothing and nobody left. Death before dishonor

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Get home wait for her to take the kids to school. Leave hetters for her and the kids at the neighbors house. Tell the neighbor to keeps the children's letters till they're 18

Put all the kids possessions in the back.

SKYE her while standing in the burning house.

Pain for him is over. For her it will continue for the rest off her. The kids find out the truth...

mfj77mfj77about 2 months ago

Great writing from a different viewpoint. Probably not enough about Jim's thinking and last 2 paragraphs were a complete failure from my point of view.


As despondent as Jim seemed to be, after 9 months or so of agonizing, Jim finally finds out that his was REALLY did COMPLETELY abandon him. I think a different ending may have been warranted and certainly details of Jim's decision making process needed to be explored.


Still, an interesting take on the story.


If I were an author, I'd have Jim arrive home, greet Linda and retrieve his pistol (ALL men have their own pistols don't they?). Then, Jim would call Linda into their bedroom and said, "Linda, this is all on you and just like I can't unsee how you walked out on me without a care, I want you to have something else to never forget." Then Jim would use the pistol to commit suicide standing such that the blood and guts would be spewed all over her bed. Of course, that may have precluded Linda from picking up the kids on time. . . . Sure, not an optimal solution for Jim or the kids, but does end Jim's emasculation and perhaps gives Linda a better picture of the price for her fairy tale. Yeah, I know, lots of folks won't like the idea of suicide but it would certainly convey the strength of Jim's feelings about Linda's truly horrific betrayal.


In the author's intro to this story, she states, "My actual feelings regarding 'February Sucks,' were different than the feelings I knew I was supposed to have." Would be interesting to know what the author's "actual feelings" were.


From my perspective, I found this a very compelling addition to the February Sucks saga. 5 stars from me. The large number of comments, 784+ indicate that despite some folks getting burned out, many are still interested and invested in the story. I think the lower score is simply an indicator of an audience that I suspect is mostly male and uncomfortable with the details as explored by the author and the somewhat incomplete ending. After all of Jim's agonizing, Jim just decides to "take it" and continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

No one but a masochist would stay with a wife who treated her husband this way. As an experiment in writing, it is interesting to read and feel the abject revulsion this version elicits.

HARDUP1957HARDUP1957about 2 months ago

All I can say is great job with this entry to the on going sage of linda and Jim. I believe that any Man would have a problem with this situation presented to him I know I would as a man, I may be able to go back to the same house but we would never have our home, the bed in the house would never be our bed. The thought of her leaving me that night would ever leave my mind, It was only a few hours this time would there be a second or a third maybe more, is her lust stronger than my love for her, l could not take it. The fact that she didn't even think about me as she left is Truth to her selfishness, giving more of herself to Marc (oral pleasure) that she begrudgingly gives to her husband is very telling, she gives into lust for strangers but hesitates giving the same to her husband. I'm giving to worked up about this I have to close, this entry cuts to close to home for me, maybe I will write about it someday. I wish Jim and Linda good luck and love it will be hard, hope you can work it out.

Boardman68Boardman68about 2 months ago

Jim should have filed for divorce as soon as Linda came back home. She doesn't care about anyone but herself - not her husband, marriage, children or family. After months, she is sill not remorseful, much less accepting what she did was wrong. Instead, she gets a thrill remembering that night and especially writing out the full details in her journal so she will never forget how perfect it was. Jim has to leave because he will 'never' get out of his thoughts what she did. Never. It will eat away at him the rest of his life.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for Miss KitDeLuca164 for a masterful deduction of the Whore's version of February Sucks. There can NEVER be forgiveness for the complete and total emasculation of your Husband. What Linda did is the same as openly castrating her husband infront of the whole nightclub with a kitchen knife, so everyone can see. There is NO possible forgiveness No Matter what she does. I agree with the commenter Boardman just before me in everything he says. As much as a Husband loves his wife and wants to take her bad after she hurts hubby the worst that she possibly can, the truth is that there is NO Possible way that that can happen. It just isn't possible. The wound is too big, too permanent and to overwhelmingly devastating. It was just one night, but a night SHE will never forget and he will always be compared to and compared to his defeat. The marriage is over, she deserves to loose everything. Thanks, for the effort. Buster2U

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 months ago

I just finished a story that is supposedly a response to this one because it really got inside that writer's head. That is the definition of good, effective, and evocative writing. In fact, I followed a link from that writer's story to this one, and I'm glad I did. I really cannot see his story as any response, per se, except that perhaps it follows Jim from where you left him to where the other writer... left him. Anyway, this very fine story and your other work are a joy to read. 5/5+++++

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 months ago

"I have too much self respect to ever have to put up with the demeaning bullshit" - Where was her "self-respect" when Marc was treating her like a slut?

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

Brilliantly written. GA presents Linda as a more conflicted woman than is shown in this story. Looking just at this story, and not at GA’s story, divorce seems inevitable. Here, Linda cannot get over the thrill of her night with super stud Marc and comparing it to the comfortable and boring routine of her marriage to an ordinary man. I don’t see that she is struggling to overcome these feelings; indeed, she journalized the encounter with Marc to make sure that she did NOT lose the memory. This necessitated then that Jim be put into second place. For now at least, for Linda, Jim was no longer the man of her dreams. Her loss of respect for him, whether conscious or not, inexorably followed. And what is love without respect? I think that Jim realized this after their telephone confrontation, but despite all his anger and anguish, he still thought that “It's time to forgive Linda and rebuild this marriage once and for all.” Perhaps that brutal and honest confrontation at last got all their feelings into the open, and Linda, possibly for the first time, realized how she had “hurt the man she truly loved.” Coming home was his choice, as the author makes clear. I don’t think I can second-guess this. Is a memory, now matter how cherished, still just a memory? We don’t know if Linda can overcome the power of this experience and make it only a memory. Right now, it seems for both of them, the experience has not receded as a memory, and is still infecting their relationship. But it appears that they both can try to start over, presumably with a lot of very competent help. This seems to be what they both want, and it is only fair to let them live their life on their own terms, no matter how difficult that may be.

silverthorne16silverthorne16about 2 months ago

Sooner or later, they will get divorced. No man, however good he is, could endure this over the long run, unless he was some kind of wimp cuck. Every time now that they try to "make love", he will be wondering how he stacks up to her lover. He'll wonder if she is secretly thinking about her lover fucking her instead of him. He'll think about the fact that, if she could do this once, then perhaps she could do it again, although this time secretly. As they say, once a cheater, always a cheater. He will NEVER be able to fully trust or respect her again. His ego and sense of worth will slowly erode until he is a broken shell of a man. Better to rip the bandaid off now and try to get on with his wife without her.

BehindbluisBehindbluisabout 2 months ago

I wasn't a big fan of the ending, I'm not a big 'cuck' fan, but it was your story and I really felt that you executed it with a lot of talent. Just because I wouldn't do what Jim did doesn't mean that others wouldn't and you really seemed to use words to map it all out. Perhaps a little more explanation on why Jim made the decision he did would clarify things a little more for those of us that wouldn't have gone that path, it's hard for us to understand even with the clarity in which you laid it out. I know, sounds ambiguous, sorry, I'm not an author so my words are much more torturous. Still, thank you for sharing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I just read a response to this piece by some new "writer," which is typical of the idiots who think a writing program and Internet connection makes them Leo Friggin' Tolstoy. It followed the usual cliché-filled channel; I'm really kind of embarrassed for the dude. He owes you an apology for appending that turd to your gem.


Another upside to George Anderson's "finish this" tale is that it created the impetus for some new writers on this site to step up and write. YOU are one of those who excelled from your first touch of the 'Publish' button. What I love about your writing is the number 1 thing MISSING in most Literotica stories: good, authentic characters. You humanized/demonized all three principal characters in February Sucks to the extent that your story stands alone with Anderson's original as far as being in some sort of synch. Again, that is the result of having good characters.


I'm off to read the rest of your work. Thanks for posting this one, as it felt more real than even the original.


Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Banabout 2 months ago

Fuck that! Jim is a simp - nothing more. Does he not have a grain of self respect? He’s sentencing himself to a life of misery. She’s not the least bit remorseful. She reasoned that “Jim will give me this”. Turns out she was tight. What a weakling! Her betrayal was deliberate! And because he did let her have it, she will abuse Jim for the rest of his life! How can Jim possibly forgive her when she doesn’t regret a bit of what she did? I don’t think the author has any idea of how a man with any sort of self respect and/or intestinal fortitude / balls would react to this situation. The bitch gets kicked to the curb! That s how he handles it! But, what about the kids?? They’ll be just fine in a split household. Everything comes out in time. How are his kids going to view Jim when they’re old enough to understand what Linda did to him? They will see their father as weak. As less of a man. Jim’s staying is contradictory to everything a real man is. 1/5 BRB

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

Billy_Ray_Ban must be a perfect exemplar of manhood, a man without faults or weaknesses, to be able to speak with such sanctimonious certainty that the author is clueless in describing one imagined marriage. One might be led to believe that he has decades of marital experience and knows exactly what is best for everyone else. He must be a “real man.” This is just another example of juvenile macho drivel posing as “criticism.”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A thoughtful and painful tale … honest and believable … told very, very well. Thank you.

The fault for the deep damage to this marriage is entirely hers. But, even granting that, I thought she was right after nine months to tell him to either forgive her or divorce her. Jim’s constant agony was damaging to him, to her, and the kids. She can’t stop him from keeping himself miserable, but she doesn’t need to make her life and that of their children a never-ending torture.

(P.S. If Jim was this conflicted for this long why hasn’t he or someone else gotten him in counseling? He clearly needed help.)

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69about 2 months ago

Even though I still disagree with the ending, I must say that the it was very well done.

It’s an extremely thought provoking piece. I realize it’s fiction (both George Anderson’s original, and this oner as well by Kit DeLuca 164) and the possibility of being real is, in my opinion, minute. However, I have to wonder if somewhere, sometime, some way, a wife who loves her husband, as much as Linda supposedly loves Jim, might actually do this act of pure disloyalty to him. To me, there’s no way to forgive what Linda does. No loving wife (again, my opinion) would betray and humiliate a husband that she truly loves this way. If I were in this situation, it would be a “no brainer.” I would hardly speak to her and spend Saturday finding a divorce attorney, and making an appointment to consult with them on Monday. Some things are unforgivable, and this is one of them.

I also think, and would like to read another chapter to find out what occurs after Jim returns home.

DessertmanDessertmanabout 2 months ago

They obviously can't go on as they are. Either he gets help with his issues and decides either make or break.

She can't continue to live with him as he is.

The counselling organisation I belonged to many years ago once had a couple come to us; their issue was, that despite having been married for 20 years he couldn't get over the fact that his wife had had sex with another man before she had even met him. I don't know what the final outcome was.

I wasn't sure about the ending to Linda and Jim's tale of woe.

It was well told but really brought out the pain.

goodwabgoodwababout 2 months ago

This story is brilliant but tragic. My overwhelming sense is that this will never truly be resolved. Linda and Jim live in irreconcilable fantasy worlds. Linda cannot give up her experience with Marc. It's become an essential part of her self-concept. What others see as a destructive, heedless and selfish sexual escapade, she sees as a peak experience of self-actualization and personal validation. Her venomous climactic tirade shows that she will go to any length to protect the specialness of her "glorious affair." This necessitates her conviction that her love for Marc and Jim are not "incompatible."

Jim, too, lives in a fantasy world, in which simple adherence to his menschness will win out. He says he will forgive and start fixing their marriage, but he has to know deep down that her need to preserve and dote on her "glorious affair" will never allow him to heal. For him to heal she would have to really cut Marc out her mind and heart, and that she is clearly unwilling to do.

We're used to seeing stories with characters who can change and grow. I don't see that here.

One last item: a lot of commenter, including the estimable NoTalentHack have concluded that Linda is a sociopathic narcissist. They'd better be able to show their psychiatric credentials, because by that standard, anyone who has a memorable love affair fits the diagnosis. Linda reminds me a bit of Emma Bovary, without the arsenic.

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Married, mother of 2 grown children. Live in USA, Midwest. Was motivated to write after reading GeorgeAnderson’s February Sucks. Was conflicted by the premise of the story and wanted to explore my own thoughts on why an apparently happily married wife would cheat.