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Cheyla has told me stories of her people. Of actual freedom to do as one wished, to think as one liked - even to be allowed to say what one thought. But more than "allowed," there was no hesitation to say what one thought, no thought or fear of a commissar. Though I never knew this world, I feel sadness that I never got a chance to view its wonders, which were not so much physical things like mountains, but concepts that we in the JDF cannot even comprehend. The closest I can describe it, is the scholar country, England. They are "free" there to pursue their studies, and perhaps even say what they wish, though of course, they are also imprisoned there, since none may leave their island fortress.

It was yesterday that we encountered the corpse of the last American President, as I have described above, President Lydia Harrison. Cheyla told me that her parents described this President as "the graceful 'Peace President' who was so celebrated for her efforts to bring peace to the conflicts which the JDF found so necessary, in order to advance its causes. I suppose it is ironic that it was her efforts to unilaterally disarm that eventually led to her death.

From my recent correspondence with Colonel Ling 4, who participated in the unification of the Americas, it is clear that we led the Americans to believe that we had mutually embraced peace as our philosophy, only to turn on them and attack them when their defenses were down. None of us have ever heard that side of the story before, certainly not from the government controlled press.

I will tell you more of the President later.

Two of our troops were found dead today in the encampment, one Chinese, one an Egyptian. It appears that they had attacked each other, and fought to the death. It is very mysterious and unexpected. Morale amongst our soldiers seems to be declining. This place is cursed.

Now to my "friend." I know you want to know more!

When a sudden change in the weather brought us an exceptionally warm day, Cheyla and I came again to 'our spot' discuss our findings, I hoped that she would lead me to a synthesis of the reality of this baldly open cemetery, so much in conflict with the "peace loving" JDF. Cheyla sat down on the log which had become our meeting room, and looked at me with great sadness. She had long ago forgiven my ignorance of the conditions under which her people live, and I promised that I would try to understand, and even help where I could.

Chapter 8

"It will be too cold soon," Nadya said. "Soon we won't be able to enjoy our little pond, in this manner." She kissed Cheyla's tan shoulder, sun-warmed and bedewed with splash droplets from their pool by the river.

"I feel as though I'm only alive when I'm in your arms," Cheyla sighed.

"Then allow me to infuse you with more life," Nadya said, grinning. Both women nude, floating idly in their private pool, Cheyla allowed her body to float horizontal to the surface, lightly treading water. Nadya brought her hand between Cheyla's slim, almost thin legs, softly stroking the young girl's soft fur above her crimson slit.

"Ahhh," Cheyla sighed. Her thighs parted slightly, as she silently begged her lover to invade her being.

Nadya, completely in sync with the girl's wishes, lightly stroked the girl's plump and swelling labia, her lips darkening as blood rushed to her increasingly excited vulva. Nadya gently teased Cheyla's interior, dabbing her fingertip into her fragrant and warm interior, gauging her lubricant, feeling the familiar slick indicia of Cheyla's readiness for lovemaking.

"I love the sweetness of your body, darling," Nadya whispered to the girl, her own naked body intertwining itself with the American's, their legs caressing each other. Cheyla's own hand sought out Nadya's heated center, bare and hairless as in the current JDF fashion. The girl stroked the woman's slit intently.

"You are such a fast learner," Nadya moaned. "I remember your trepidation when we first met. You were afraid that you would hurt me."

"That was before I learned what a ferocious lover you are, Nadya. Your sweet pussy is so hot, so slick under my touch. And your taste, I never dreamed that another woman could produce such a wonderful nectar. I can't get enough of you!"

"Cheyla, when this is all over.....I want you to come back with me, to Ukraine." This is not a new discussion between the women. Nadya is only pressing her already open case.

"If I go anywhere, it will be with you," Cheyla said, smiling. "But let us be one, again, I love you so much!" The two women embraced hotly in the water, each furiously stroking her partner's wet slit, fingers gently teasing, entering, caressing, avoiding but ultimately leading to their passionate pink pearls, their clits swollen, wet and heated, aching for the other's loving touch.

Nadya initiated the attack, her finger circling Cheyla's slightly larger clitoris, the girl's hips spasmodically bucking upward toward the teasing finger, her moans louder as the woman broached the younger girl's defenses. Cheyla's blonde hair was matted to her forehead, with excited perspiration or water from their love bed was unclear.

"Unnh, please fuck me, Nadya," she whispered. "I can't stand the teasing! Take me over, make me cum!" Nadya couldn't bear to deny her lover anything. Her index finger slipped inside the girl's liquid slit, as her thumb circled, then pressed into the American's swollen clitoral pearl, sending waves of intense pleasure throughout the girl's being. Her muscles lost all conscious control, and Nadya supported the girl's naked body with her other hand in the shallow water of their little pool in the river.

Nadya caressed Cheyla's full, round ass globes, which she continually found astoundingly alluring. At times she had made oral love to Cheyla's sweet bottom alone, bringing the girl to climax through the attention of her lips, tongue and mouth to the girl's small bottom, and her pink, lightly puckered asshole. She watched Cheyla recover herself, her nipples still quite stiff, her breasts and upper chest flushed, and beads of excess lubricant from her pussy caught in her dark pubic hair. She rested her head against Cheyla's.

"What is to become of us?" Nadya idly mused, out loud.

Cheyla, her cheek against Nadya's, paused, then replied, "You already know how this will end."

Nadya was shocked to feel one hot tear from Cheyla on her cheek.

Nadya looked at her lover, her soul. "What do you mean?"

But Cheyla remained silent, and refused to say more, other than, "Love me again, Nadya. Make this for the ages." Nadya bent her face to Cheyla's, and kissed her softly.

"Please, never leave me," Nadya whispered. Then, "Let us go back to a much dryer bed, my love, so that I can savor your sweetness more fully." The two women gathered their clothes and returned to the Hummer. As Cheyla started to climb in the passenger side, Nadya pushed her against the side of the tan vehicle, and aggressively kissed her. Cheyla melted in Nadya's arms.

"Come," Nadya said, grabbing Cheyla's hand, and dragging her to the back of the vehicle. Opening it, Nadya said, 'Behold!" Cheyla's eyes widened when she saw a nicely made up bed filling the back of the vehicle.

"Where did you get all this?" Cheyla marveled, already climbing onto the satin green comforter, followed by Nadya, who closed the door behind them.

"I knew that our dream life in the pool would have to stop, and there is no real chance of any privacy for us in the camp, so I requisitioned a few things. It's only two roll up mattresses, and some sheets and a comforter I was able to have sent to us by my friend Anya, but look!" She lightly pressed one of the two pillows against Cheyla's cheek. "It's down!"

"Goose feathers?" Cheyla asked. "They use those in pillows? Oh, my gosh, it feels wonderful!"

"And there's something else," Nadya teased.

"What?" Cheyla said. "What is it?"

"Close your eyes," Nadya teased. The girl complied.

"Now, hold out your hand," she directed the girl. Trustingly, Cheyla did as ordered.

"These are for you, my love," Nadya whispered, then placed two tiny pieces of fabric in Cheyla's open palm.

Opening her eyes, Cheyla at first looked puzzled, then her eyes opened wide.

"Panties!" she exclaimed. "Oh, Nadya!" Tears began rolling down her cheeks. "They're so smooth and slick...what is it?"

"They're silk, darling. My beautiful rose, I so wanted you to have these. I asked Anya to send them, also. Your loveliness deserves so much loveliness wrapped around it." She kissed Cheyla, as Cheyla's hands went to either side of Nadya's black mane, to better remain close as they kissed. The two sank down onto their conjugal bed.

Cheyla was so stunned and impressed at Nadya's generosity, that she became even more of the ferocious tiger that was she as lover. She pressed Nadya to the mattress, holding the scientist's wrists above her head, as she kissed the woman's neck, and shoulders, then to her throat and cheeks, finally to her rose red mouth, willing and ready for the girl's lips and tongue.

"Umm, yes, Cheyla, kiss me, your warm lips kindle a fire inside me! Make me yours to do with as you like, I trust you, I desire you, I love you so much!" As Cheyla teased her older lover, Nadya writhed under the girl's supple body, delighting in her touch.

Nadya was in Cheyla's grip, so her hands were unable to contribute to their games, but her legs were free, and she embraced Cheyla's naked hips with her calves, then her thighs as she squeezed Cheyla's lower body like a wrestler trying to pin an opponent. Nadya then parted Cheyla's thighs with her clever feet, and Cheyla collapsed into helpless giggles.

"Cheater!" she shrieked, burying Nadya's face in hot kisses as she released her prisoner. She failed to notice Nadya's hands creeping down to Cheyla's sweet, small bottom, and her surprise was soon overtaken by pleasure when she felt Nadya caressing her there.

"I adore your touch on my ass, Nadya," Cheyla whispered through Nadya's long hair, into her ear. She punctuated her comment by wiggling her tongue through the hair, to the sensitive outer and inner surface of Nadya's ear.

"Ooh, that tickles so!" Nadya exclaimed, wriggling away from Chelya's warm, wet tongue. But Chelya was remorseless, her tongue teasing inside the folds of Nadya's ear, torturing her with strangely exciting sensations.

"Stop, stop!" Nadya pleaded. It was when Chelya did indeed stop, bringing her rough tongue up to lick Nadya's nose, that the woman realized she was now more aroused than ever, the sadistic teasing turning her on immensely. She gave herself submissively to the torture, silently taking one of Cheyla's hands and bringing it to between her legs.

"Feel how wet," she whispered, brown eyes eagerly gazing into Cheyla's blue eyes. The corners of the girl's eyes crinkled, she was pleased that she was making her woman happy. She followed her hand to Nadya's center, with her lips and tongue, crawling down between the woman's spread legs to lap at her feminine slit, paradoxically unable to lick up all the liquid produced there, but only causing more.

"Ohhh, OHH! I'm cumming, darling! Cumming, cumming on your sweet face!" Nadya exclaimed, her thighs squeezing the girl's head as her hands pressed the girl's face into her gushing pussy. Cheyla pressed her lips over Nadya's swollen, hot clitoris, and the professional scientific detachment of the convulsing woman was lost forever, as she vowed through her ecstasy, to give her life for Cheyla if she asked for it. "Aaaannghhhh," Nadya moaned as she orgasmed yet again, so soon after the first. She drifted into a dream land of pleasure, safe in the girl's arms and the girl, safe in hers.

She came to, to find Cheyla with her head resting on Nadya's full breasts, her eyes closed, contented and happy in her lover's happiness.

"I love you," Nadya whispered to her lover. A tiny movement of Cheyla's head, a slight caress of Nadya's bare hip, the only signs that she had heard.

Then, a small voice: "I love you, too. I want to be with you forever." Cheyla's affirmation of their one-ness, so long desired and awaited by the older woman.

Chapter 9


August10, 2051

My life has ended today.

We began our assessment of the site at which President Harrison was discovered. There are the bodies of seventeen civilians, and one member of the military. The military corpse was no doubt that of the individual tasked to carry the nuclear 'football.' Based on President Harrison's views towards nuclear weapons, he no doubt was never a consideration for her.

I had brought Cheyla along, I hoped that she could explain why President Harrison was in this location in the first place. We were examining the remains of several of the civilians, who appeared to be members of her Cabinet, or possibly advisors, none of them apparently armed.

The scene was one out of hell. Of course, I have seen death unending since I came over to this unfortunate country, but this - this was savagery beyond comprehension. Most of the corpses were of unarmed civilians. The fighting was at close range, so I am unable to comprehend why these people were killed. Does an honorable soldier shoot an unarmed opponent? Perhaps at times, but children? Civilian women?

I remember seeing photographs of the mysterious Tunguska blast in Siberia in 1908, with dead trees radiating out from the center of the blast. The arrangement of corpses was similar here, with most of the corpses surrounding a few in the center, as though representing a last stand. In the center were the corpses of President Harrison and her daughter Sarah. It is difficult to judge ages from visual inspection of two decades old remains, but according to accounts from Cheyla, the daughter was six years old. She was clutching a small, stuffed pink elephant, just like one my daughter Daniela had.

The two were huddled inside a badly rusted, conventional 4 door sedan which was set apart from the others for some reason, as though the President had requested privacy for she and her daughter to die in peace. The passenger door was open - perhaps at the last moment, in agony, she had thought to flee her invisible assassin, to no avail. The killing agent appears to have been strictly microbiological, and extremely fast acting - a virus or bacterium of some sort. There are no visible wounds to any of the 40 or so, but each is characterized by purplish red faces and hands curled up in a claw-like position, more easily seen on the victims inside the vehicle.

I have seen this symptom before. On a young man and his daughter in the Ukraine, at a parkland for families to camp at and love life. In the kind of a place where evil and amoral men might decide to test a new toy, to see how it spreads and how it kills in the real world.

Our assessment team was proceeding with inspection of the remains, when Cheyla's suit brushed by a rusting piece of the vehicle, and the fabric of her suit was ripped, exposing her to the air around us. From our tests with laboratory rats, we knew that there were still active microbes of the unknown pathogen in the area and on the surfaces of the vehicles and fabric, and that their effect was extremely rapid - far more rapid than any microbe existing in nature. We rushed Cheyla to an isolation clinic prepared just for that eventuality. My heart was breaking the whole time.

I ordered the others to return to their investigation, while I remained in the small tent outside the district with Cheyla. I removed her torn suit, disinfecting her as per the usual procedure. I knew that I had to remain calm, if she were to have any chance at all of survival. The odds were very poor, as we had observed from the lab rats.

"I'm so embarrassed," Cheyla said. Her voice was slightly muffled through my suit. "I'm not always so clumsy." She coughed, a blush rising in her cheeks, whether due to her embarrassment or a symptom of the rapid-acting pathogen, I didn't know.

"I know you're going to be okay," I lied.

"I know how it will be," she said, an unexpected smile on her face. "I've never been happier than I've been with you, Nadya. Isn't that the very best way to die?"

I could feel my own hot tears running down my cheeks. "Please, Cheyla, don't give up, you are strong." I began to take off my suit. Cheyla looked alarmed.

"No, no I really wasn't. You gave me any life I had, Nadya. Please continue with yours. It would be a terrible waste if you died without doing what you were meant to do in this life."

"Cheyla, I cannot bear being separated from you forever," I sobbed.

She coughed again, harder this time, the redness visibly flowing into her face. "Forever's not so long," she whispered, then fell silent. Just like that, she was gone. I cried, for the first time, really, since my husband and daughter were murdered, but in a sense I was now happy and resolute - for the mystery of their deaths was now solved and I had purpose once again.

My understanding of the meaning of my life increases from day to day. I like to think that I become closer to what I am meant to be, and that on the day that I die, it will be because God judges me to be ready for whatever it is He (or, perhaps, She) has in mind for me.

I have been told that I will be reporting directly to the Politburo on my return at a "special" meeting of all the members, to take place on 2 February 2052. I have been instructed to prepare a detailed description of the death throes of the American "King" as I imagine it, for their titillation. I believe they wish to revel in their murder of the Americans, and to hear the gory details of that assassination of a country, its leader and its peoples.

I will give them this, and I have a further gift for the members of the Politburo that I will hand to them at this meeting, a little stuffed pink elephant to show them and let them touch and gloat over and marvel at, a dream from the memories of a young girl and her mother.

I sincerely hope that these creatures of the Politburo will now appreciate seeing the fruits of their labors fulfilled so unexpectedly and so late after their unearned initial victory.

Chapter 10


1 Rumored to be associated with untimely illnesses among its leaders, possibly linked to the massive and heretofore unexplained deaths of every Politburo member attributed to 'severe colds,' all within a two week period in February of 2052.

2 After the collapse of the JDF, and following numerous armed struggles by the population of the old United States against demoralized and confused military forces of the JDF beginning in early 2052, and emerging triumphant in June of 2060 with the Treaty of Spokane, the Constitution of 1789 was re-instituted in the old United States, with the exception of the old state of Hawaii, but with the additional inclusion of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. This new country calling itself 'Restored United States of America.'

3 Scientific name, Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri

4Unfortunately lost


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Leilee98Leilee98over 3 years ago

This was...mind boggling! I love how this was like Arthur C. Clarke in depth and feel, and yet with this splash of gentle sensual underlay in the later parts of what is essentially sci/fi at its finest. Thank you for this wonderfully written storytelling. -Probably one of the finest here on Literotica.❤️

sbrydonsbrydonover 3 years ago

Excellent story. Quite different from your usual, but quite good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sex scenes not essential

Excellent story, when I started reading it, I was wondering who you were referring to re the King of the USA based on our current political situation. The fact your resolution was not anticipated made it even better. Hopefully you are not a seer, no matter how it happens to our future the next few decades.

well done

MaonaighMaonaighover 3 years ago
Probably the best...

...of your stories that I've read. Parts of Nadya's diary sounded very much like the Soviet propaganda pushed out in the 1960s, how all they wanted was to bring relief to we poor downtrodden masses in the west and bring us to a better quality of life. I used to wonder back then why, if the Soviet bloc countries were such a paradise, why did so many try to escape to join we 'downtrodden masses'. A very good story, Lisa, and an excellent addition to your canon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Such an amazingly different story from anything else I've read here on Lit.

Thank you


Lisa SummersLisa Summersover 3 years agoAuthor
Please enjoy this story of love, courage and revenge

It's not so heavy on eroticism as my usual stories, please take your time and enjoy the actual story itself of this brave woman and her effect on a possible future world history. And I surely wouldn't mind your rating it and especially your comments as to whether I hit my mark as an author, or not.

KentBlokeKentBlokeover 3 years ago
Supe4bly written

A great concept accomplished with skill and no short measures of imagination...

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