Finding Home Pt. 17-18


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He kissed her softly. "He's right, Bellissima. I can't thank you enough."

She settled her head back down on his chest.

"Did Fran have a thing for you?"

"What did Ellen tell you?"

She giggled. "She told us about this friend of hers that used to spend the night just to have the chance to see you without your shirt on. She'd then jill herself to sleep thinking about you. She admitted again today that Fran was that friend."

Andy nodded. "She was Ellen's best friend -- I mean Christopher was -- but Fran was her best female friend. And, she was Mikey's little sister. I never saw her that way -- I mean romantically. Besides, I dated Anna Chang, and then Heather all through high school."

"So, you never thought of her in that way -- ever?" she paused. "I mean, Andy -- she's gorgeous. She'd fit right in at The Commons."

He chuckled. "You know, I think she did row crew at Cambridge. But no. She is a beautiful woman -- but she's not my type."

"Well, you're her type. Baby, she's marrying your twin."

"He's a good dude, Sara. He handled Mikey really well. You've got to be either really savvy, or half-crazy to fit in with the O'Leary's. He's still got to face the other brothers, and Jackie may try to kick his ass."

"They're going to live here," she said. "He's going to med school, and she's going to get a master's in public policy -- or something like that. I like her, Andy. She's got spunk and then some."

"That may have something to do with having four older brothers," he mused.

"Seven. Rilian told me she said that she has seven older brothers. Four biological and three adopted."

Sara felt his body tense.

"Baby, it's OK. We're back. We will be in their lives. At this rate, our kids will call half of Boston auntie or uncle," she giggled.

"Are you OK with that?" he asked cautiously.

"I love that. Andy, I never had anyone I could call that. It was just my mom, and then Anthony and Todd. Until Uncle Vito went legitimate, we really didn't have anything to do with he and Gloria. It really was just Momma and I -- and that sucks for a kid."

"Thank you," he said lovingly. "You negotiate this craziness amazingly well."

"WWHD," she said giggling. "What would Helen do? That's my new mantra."

"You don't have to be her. I fell in love with 'Sara from the Block,' you know."

"I know that, but Andy, you have no idea how great it is to have a woman like Helen to look up to. I realize now that Momma and I are more like sisters. I mean, she is my mom, but well, it's like I view her and Jessica more alike than Miss Helen. She's amazing."

"She set us up today," said Andy testily. "She let Praja know we were going to be at Bova's this morning."

"Good," giggled Sara. "I have one more thing to thank her for."

"You're not mad?"

"No; and baby, I was not surprised, either. She gave Jess and I both a heads up," she said softly.

Andy chuckled.

"The women in your life love you, Andy. We do feel the need to run interference for you from time to time. I'm just thankful I get to watch the master at work."

"OK, well let me change the subject: what did Aunt Jane get you for your birthday?"

She gasped, "Baby, I totally forgot about that!" She hopped up and went and retrieved the card from her purse. She opened it up, and gasped again.

"Andy, I'm having my wedding portrait painted," she paused. "I don't even know what that is."

Andy smiled at her, and kissed her softly. "All the Sumner-White ladies have them. My great-grandmother's is in the library, and so is my mom's. Grandma's is in the Judge's chambers. Alex has Jessica's in their dining room in DC. I think Christopher will put Ellen's in his office."

She sat there, silent.

"Too much?" he asked.

"No -- I've just never even heard of such a thing. So, I just pose in my wedding dress and someone paints my portrait?"

"I'm not sure. Ellen or Jess could tell you for sure."

There was a knock at the door. Andy and Sara sat up in the bed. "Come in," said Andy.

Ellen walked into the room, along with Kail, Eden, and Grace.

"I'm afraid there's been a change of plans. We need to be in New York City tonight. We start shooting at 7 AM -- too early for you to travel down from Colton tomorrow morning. Sydney, Haylee, and Dr. Adams are going to go by the Commons to get your clothes for you, and whatever else we might need; and you won't need much. They'll land in Boston at 5 PM. We need to be at the helipad to meet them and then go to Logan," said Ellen apologetically. "I'm sorry. Eden told me about your roommate Sunday evening get-togethers."

"We're going to run Gracie over to Jake's now, so that she can say good bye and get her stuff. He'll bring her back about 4:30," said Kail. "So, you've got like half an hour to get Andy'd," she quipped, grinning as she did so.

Andy saw the disappointment on Sara's face, so he spoke up. "Thanks for the heads up, Ells. We'll be present and accounted for, ready to be wheels up at 4:30," he smiled.


At 6 PM, Andy was in his truck, headed back to Maine. He'd picked up Jen and Marty and they were on the road, chatting happily. Andy, however, was not terribly happy. He now realized, in her absence, just how much he loved and missed Sara. The events of the last 3 1/2 hours played through his mind on a loop.

Ellen had no more closed the door, than a tearful Sara turned to Andy, "Baby, let's just stay here. Our family and friends are here. We can get married, like tonight, and then just stay and you can work for Sumner-White," she'd said with great sadness.

He held her as she sobbed into his chest. Eventually, the crying stopped, and the ensuing kissing turned into love making. It was sweet, unhurried, and the most amazing thing Andy had ever experienced. He knew her body, and he knew how to give her the most pleasure possible. He loved her firm curves, and he relished every inch of her luscious frame. He adored the way she shook underneath him as she climaxed. The way her breasts moved as she spasmed with pleasure was the most intoxicating thing he'd ever seen.

As they lay there, he spoke softly to her. "Bellissima, there will be a day when we don't have to leave. Until then, we have things to do. We have a life to prepare for. You're going to go to NYC and kick ass. You'll get to see Momma G, and eat real pizza. You'll be home Friday night, and we'll have a whole weekend to get reacquainted. I love you, and I love that you want to stay here with me. We'll get there, my love. I promise you that."

"I'm sorry baby. It's just that this has been an amazing weekend. This will be our life - these people and this place -- and I guess I'm just ready for that."

"I know. I am, too. But there are things that are our life until then. We have a great life now, back at Colton. I love living with the Birds of Prey. You're going to be a 4-time national champion. I've got hockey to play, and we have a life to prepare for. Our family needs us to take that seriously. We're going to have kick-ass kids and nieces and nephews, and they will need us to handle our shit now. Plus, if we stay here, we won't be able to come home to one another in our house. Not the Carlson house -- Sara and Andy's house."

"I love you," she said. "And thank you for being patient with me."

"I love you, too," he replied. "And Sara, this is how we do us."

Saying goodbye to Alex and Jessica had been torture. Andy had enjoyed his time with them over the past two weeks; in fact, he had loved their time together. Jessica had shown a kind of love and care for Sara that blew him away. His relationship with Alex was deeper than it had ever been. He loved them -- and, perhaps more importantly -- he liked them immensely. He teared up as he said goodbye to Alex, and the tears flowed freely as he and his older sister embraced.

"I love you, Jess. Thanks for just being you," he said in a choked-up voice.

"I love you too, Drew. I'm so glad you're happy," she said equally weepy.

"We'll be down to see you soon, I promise."

"You'd better. If two of our best friends ghost us, we'll be upset. Alex already misses skating with you."

"I miss you already, Jess."

"Me too, Droobie. Me too."

Kail, Grace, and Eden gave him longer-than-usual hugs, and Andy noted with some amusement that Haylee and Sydney were wearing Groton football and Groton hockey t-shirts. Both came and thanked him; a tearful Sydney whispering some of the kindest words Andy had ever heard. He both loved, and hated this experience.

As Andy said goodbye to Sara, the pain of sending her off nearly brought him to his knees. He put a good face on it -- or at least he tried to. As she got aboard the plane, his grandfather whispered to him, "At least she's not heading to Vietnam, or Iraq, or Afghanistan. The pain you're feeling is a good thing, son."

"I know, but man, it's more painful than I thought."

The older man smiled at him, "It just confirms what we all know, Andrew. She's the one. You're sending the better part of you away for a week. It will get better, I promise."

Andy nodded.

"It's never great. Why do you think I'm commuting this week?" Ralph said knowingly. "I don't sleep well when your grandmother is not there. I need to be extra sharp this week, so I'll commute and be with the woman I love. I suspect you might be thinking the same thing," he grinned.

"We need to be able to do this," said Andy firmly. "I saw too many people turn to crap when they were deployed. This is only for 5 days -- or more importantly -- 5 nights. That's what scares me. I'm just beginning to feel human again. I sleep amazingly well with her in the bed. Fatigue makes cowards of us all."


Andy stopped at Otto Pizza in Portland and grabbed two large pies. Helen and Christopher would be joining them for dinner in the Commons, and he expected Cooper and Jeannie, as well. He would put a good face on this. They arrived back at the Commons, and Andy began hauling his roommates gear inside. With Jen's help, they got Marty set up and settled in.

Dinner was surprisingly pleasant. Helen took over the conversation, realizing that her younger companions were lost in their own worlds. Jeannie entered in the conversation, and Andy marveled at the way his grandmother lovingly pulled Jeannie's life story out of her. He was amazed and encouraged at his new friend's resiliency. She had overcome much in her life with no one in her corner. She now had two of the most loving and determined people in her corner that Andy had ever known. Jeannie's life would look very different moving forward.

After dinner, Christopher and Helen headed to the cabin, and Jeannie was headed out to see Todd. Andy was again taken aback at both the confidence, and yet the shyness of Jeannie as she confided in him about her budding relationship. Todd was a distance runner, so he was serious about not being out too late. They shared common training habits and were equally committed to the lifestyle of serious collegiate athletes. Both were mindful of not letting things get out of hand physically in their new dating life. Andy saw the look in Jeannie's eye, and knew this would be an uphill struggle. She was a beautiful young woman, and had just discovered the power her sex has over the male of the species.

At 9 PM, Andy lit the Solo Stove, and then grabbed his guitar to FaceTime Sara out on the balcony. They talked briefly, and he sang "Isn't She Lovely?" to her. The trip to NYC had been uneventful, and her mom had agreed to spend the night with her in their apartment. Sara had a new appreciation for what her mom was giving up for her benefit. Both Jones women had become accustomed to having the men they loved sleep next to them.

A very tearful Sara said good night to her man.

"Sara, this is a good thing. You're home. You'll kick ass this week, and you get to spend some time with your mom," he said soothingly.

"It is a good thing, but baby, I'm not home. Home is where you are," she said softly.

"I love you, Bellissima."

"I love you too, Andy."

The two lovers reluctantly hung up -- both realizing that being able to see and talk to one another -- but not be there in person, was an excruciating kind of torture.

Cooper joined Andy on the balcony. With Jen's help, Marty had taken his meds, listened to Andy singing at his mother's funeral, and was tucked in -- at least for now.

"Andy, I can't thank you enough for this weekend. It was easily the greatest weekend of my life."

Andy grinned at him. "She's a remarkable woman, Cooper. Hold on to that girl. Though I can't understand why, she loves you."

Cooper smiled, and then let out a long sigh. "Man, I know it. Andy, I'm overwhelmed by how much I love her. I never even imagined this was possible. She is amazing, and," he paused and blushed, "sex is amazing!"

Andy laughed. "When you find the right lady, it will change your life," he said knowingly.

"Can I ask you a really personal question?" began Cooper.

Andy nodded.

"How did you know Sara was the one? I mean, you got that figured out in like what, 10 days?"

"Two days, actually," grinned Andy. "We just clicked. She's amazing, and the thought of my life without her was something I did not want to consider. I'm a different man, a better man with her."

"My dad wants me to take over the insurance agency," confided Cooper. "I never thought I wanted to do that, but when I think about a life with Sydney, and our family, in Boston; man, that's what I really want."

"Have you told her that?" he asked. "I get the feeling she wants that as well."

"I have. And," he smiled madly, "you're right. She wants the same thing."

Andy nodded. "Congratulations Cooper. You've won the freaking lottery, my friend."

"What do your parents think of her?" asked Andy, already knowing the answer.

"They love her," he said. "My dad keeps telling me not to 'f' this up, and Syd and my mom text or talk like every day. She and Ellen really like one another, as well. That's huge for me. Our family has never been crazy close, but I want that to change. I think Syd and Ellen would change that. Sydney shows me the group texts between she and Ellen and my mom. It's actually really cool."

"Please know that Sara and I will be pissed if we don't have a steady diet of the two of you in our lives," said Andy kindly. "I now value family and friends over just about everything, Cooper. I'm proud to say that you're both."

"Thanks, Andy. I know that means a lot to both of us. Sydney is a bit worried about living in Boston while her family is in Omaha. Having friends and family around us will be big for her," he said.

"It will. But please remember that having her with you is the most important thing. You can make trips to Omaha. I wouldn't be surprised if one of her sisters ends up at Colton. Meeting you and seeing how well you love and care for their daughter will go a long way with her parents."

"Andy, how do I talk to her dad?"

"Well, if it were me, I'd compliment them like crazy. It will be easy to do, by the way. They've raised an amazing young woman. Then, they've had the courage to send her across the country to go to college," he paused. "Plus, when they see how the two of you look at one another, they'll get on board pretty quickly."

"You should also tell her dad how you plan to take care of Sydney. I know she wants to go to law school. There are several great law schools in Boston, so that's kind of a no-brainer. If they know you're working your ass off so that she can pursue that, and the money isn't coming out of their pockets, it's a win-win situation. But don't lose sight of one thing: you love that girl and want to spend the rest of your life with her. If that's not in Boston, that's OK, too."

"Would it be crazy to get married while we're both still in college?"

"You're asking the wrong guy, brother," smiled Andy. "But I will say this: when Jessica and Sara were talking about getting into law school, she painted a favorable picture of the effects married life would have on Sara's academic career. This important part of her life would be settled, meaning she can focus on being a wife and a student."

Cooper nodded. "I want to ask her to marry me when we go to Omaha later this summer. We've talked, and she'd really like her family to be close when we get engaged."

"That's a good thing."

"Well, I don't want to fly to Omaha with a ring in my pocket."

Andy laughed. "Again, this is what I would do. Have Syd put the bug in her mom's ear. She'll handle prepping her dad. Talk with him as soon as you get there. We're family now, Cooper -- so if you need some help with the ring, I'd be more than happy to loan you what you need."

"I have some money," said Cooper. "I found out that I'm getting a bigger scholarship -- thanks to John Moses -- so I've got some cash that I won't have to spend on school."

Andy smiled. "Take her whole family with you when you go ring shopping. They'll want to feel like they're a part of what's happening. Syd tells me her sisters adore you, so this will just solidify that. I learned a very important lesson as a sniper: when you have a green light, and a clear shot -- you take it. I'd say you have a green light from your lady," he said kindly.

"I know this should be freaking me out, but I'm just getting really excited," said Cooper. He paused, and the expression on his face changed. He looked wistful.

"I have to admit; I'm glad to be here with you and Marty, but it is kind of bumming me out. Everywhere I look in the Commons, I see Syd. We just talked, and hung out, and made love for two days. It was -- Andy -- I can't even describe it to you. And Ellen really did me a solid. I've never really been with a girl like I was with Sydney. I mean, I had sex on prom night my senior year, but I'm afraid it probably sucked for her. Thanks to your sister, we had a really, really good time," he said grinning. "I mean, having the woman you love cry out your name because she's having an orgasm is like a drug. And then, Andy we would just lie there and hold one another and talk. Man, I can tell her anything."

"Ellen is amazing. She loves you, Cooper. Having a sister like that is an amazing thing. I can't tell you how many times she's already run interference for Sara and me. And you're absolutely right. Pleasuring the woman you love is unlike anything else in the world; but being able to hold one another afterwards is a whole new level of awesome."

Just then, Marty appeared on the balcony. Andy and Cooper nodded to each other, and then escorted Marty back inside to get him resettled into bed. Having completed that task, Andy put himself to bed, and instantly longed for the woman who was normally at his side. As he tried to go to sleep, he realized he never wanted to get used to this.

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 2 years ago

Almost every series post has “anonymous “ spouting about the story going off the rails. It’s a fantastic read and I hope it continues to take us on a steady course though the MCs” lives. If you don’t turn us readers upside down, please feel free to delete those posts. 5* still

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is the last chapter you can have any respect for Andy or Sara in. The Mary Sue characters and their reactions to "trouble" make readers vomit like Andy in the next chapter. If you want to like the story, don't read ahead

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961about 2 years ago

I am really enoying this story the wait between stories sucks but once it comes out I sink right into it great writing solid five more more more ! ha ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Continuing the TERRIFIC. Thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thank you for an excellent story/series. Nicknames are not usually a problem due to context.

I really wish you, generic: all authors, could write as fast as I read. Enjoying this no end.

74 y/o vet

jenni4g2669jenni4g2669about 2 years ago

I freakin’ love this story. I am checking every day to see new chapters drop. I don’t care about the nicknames sometimes I can follow along and sometimes I have to reread …. Oh well.

hornier_bastardhornier_bastardabout 2 years ago

Well, since we have a bit of a disagreement with the author's chosen style, let me weigh in on it as well... I'm not a spring chicken myself anymore, and I have no problem following the nicknames. They go towards the message of empowerment of the downtrodden and their belief in self... it's a very important and uplifting part of the story.

might I humbly suggest that if you can't follow along, maybe this isn't the best story for you, try something that isn't quite as intelligent, involved, or well written!

As for me, I love the story and will continue to read it, along with dozens of other stories on this and other sites.

pepepilotpepepilotabout 2 years ago

I have not yet read the story, but I feel I must respond to your comments about "college nicknames". 1. I am long past being a college student; 2. I am older and my mind does not retain things as long as it needs to at times; and 3. I have been reading this story since the 7th of Sept of last year. Yes, this would be a long read as a continuous story, but when I am reading multiple stories from multiple authors, over an extended time, it is extremely difficult to keep up with characters and storylines. I am not trying to be overly critical but trying to point out the biggest flaw to the story (in only my opinion) that I see. Otherwise, I have enjoyed the story thus far.

1thaiguy1thaiguyabout 2 years ago

Awesome can't wait for the next part

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