First Contact – Naked Alien Arrival


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"Why do they look so worried?" I asked Teacher.

"If I were to presume they have human emotions, they are being spoken to through an ear piece, and the voice on the other end is very distressed and speaking urgently," Teacher said. "Our satellites are telling me aerial craft have been launching all over the planet since our arrival."

"That's concerning," Left-sitter furrowed her brow.

"The Ark is under no threat and far beyond their ability to find, there is no threat to us even if you five are lost," Teacher noted dispassionately.

"Well, that's not exactly re-assuring to us," Porn-girl said.

Outside I looked around. The ship's door was about my height above the ground, with a ramp going down into the strange green colored alien grass. It looked like we had landed in a communal park in the middle of a large city. The area had been somewhat cleared around the ship. A lot of Uniformed types were walking around knocking on the ship, as people in what I guessed for professional wear examined, took notes, and pointed devices at the ship. At the foot of the ramp three Uniformed types stood guard. One was the female I had seen guard the door as we went in, the other two were new. A very large and growing crowd was in the distance. Between us and them another set of heavily armed uniformed types were working to keep the crowd back. These uniformed sorts had an impressive array of weapons and a look about them that implied experience in conflict.

"All the weapons on those uniformed guys," I said as I looked to Left-sitter "I think these aliens are still tribal, we may have kicked up a tribal dispute by only landing one craft in one place."

As we exited lights started flashing from all directions. I imagined they were recording us. This was likely the biggest news event in their species history. It pretty much would have been that for humanity as well; if our history hadn't already ended.

No one stopped me as I started to walk down, and when I hit the bottom of the ramp the guards moved to let me pass. I imagine if I sprinted to the crowd, I'd be gunned down, but here they seemed to feel they could control the situation so they wanted to see what I would do.

I was terrified, but this is what I was here to do, make proper First Contact. It was something of a joke. Thinking of myself and the other girls. We had to be the least qualified set among all of humanity to handle First Contact. I could not imagine why Teacher had picked us for this.

I stood at the edge of the ramp, one more step forward and I would be touching that green grass. Memory of how the clothing burned into Gross-girl fresh in my mind, I winced, held my breath, and stepped forward on to the grass.

Nothing. No itch, no burn. Just the feeling of wet grass under my feet. Soft wet grass, with a feeling that must have been dirt under it. I giggled, which quickly broke out into laughter. "Grass!" I yelled out. All around me the aliens silenced, and stared. "Grass."

One of the aliens outside who had been pointing some device with a pile of dials on it at the ship looked over at me. She reached down and grabbed some of the grass into her hand and said "kzi?"

"Grass!" I called back, grabbing up a little myself.

Then she said back, "grass."

They were too slow for me, by instinct I ran over and hugged her, yelling out "grass, grass!"

A whole pile of the uniforms with guns turned my way and aimed at me, but I'd already let my hug victim go. Her clothing had been itchy. Instead I rolled down onto my butt and laughed, almost hugging the ground as I started to roll around.

I was happy, it was ground, real ground, not the Dream. And I knew being this silly made me look very much not like a threat. In their eyes I looked like a naked young woman rolling around on the ground giggling, who just happened to be a new color they'd not seen before.

The alien I'd hugged dug into the ground a bit more and pulled up some mud. The ground here must have been watered recently. "Fazz?" she said.

"Mud" I said.

"Mud" she said. Of course I knew she had still said 'fazz', but my brain heard mud.

"Mud" I said, and she smiled. Then she surprised everyone, and threw it at me with a laugh. It splatted on my left boob, reminding everyone that I was naked. I laughed, grabbed some mud of my own, and threw it at her.

This time even some of the uniforms laughed. The others had followed me down by this point and were squatting in the grass and picking up bits themselves. I noticed a lot more flashes of light when the girls started squatting. "Gals," I said, "I think we're putting on a bit too much of a show."

There was a small puddle where the grass came to end by a paved pathway. Some kind of compressed black stone. Where the pathway turned, the grass met it a bit low, leaving a spot for water to make a puddle. Porn-girl squatted beside it and took some water into her cupped hands. "Can we drink it?" she asked.

"I don't know, Teacher?" Left-sitter said, as she looked up to an afternoon sky. "Look, their star is a lot like Earth's."

"Don't look at it, if it's at all like Earth's was; it's bad for your eyes," Gross-girl said.

Porn-girl raised her cupped hands to her mouth and a Uniformed alien that had been following her ran over and gestured rapidly at her. She stopped and the uniform said something to another alien who came over with a clear bottle, shakily handing it to Porn-girl. "It looks like he handed me water," she said. "But how do I open this?" She rolled it around in her hands a bit, so the alien took it back, twisted the top, removing a lid of some sort, and gave it back.

"Leti," he said.

Porn-girl took a drink. We were the sacrifice in a sense. If it was toxic to us we had to know before any others arrived. And sometimes the best way to find out is to just find out. "Water!" she said.

At that point I realized none of us had ever actually drank real water before. Only the illusion of it during the Dream.

"Water?" the alien said.

"Water," Porn-girl and I said back in unison. Several of the aliens started taking notes.

After this they seemed to decide that we were at least a containable threat. After all, what harm could 5 naked young women really do? But I guess they didn't know if we could breath acid or fart fire or something. I'd watched enough old Earth movies to know that if these aliens were anything like Humans, then they'd also probably seen a ton of movies where all aliens had super powers. Despite that making no scientific sense.

Porn-girl passed the bottle around and we all took sips then let Gross-girl drink from it until it was empty. The actual feel of real water in my throat was amazing.

We needed to very quickly make them decide we were not a threat, but also needed to make sure they weren't a threat to us. Teacher was right about the risk of ending up on a dissection table.

The aliens soon passed us each a bottle of water and we excitedly drank it and splashed it over our naked skin, causing the flashing lights from the crowd to go insane. In the years that followed that was the memory I cherished most from that crazy day; my first drink of real water, and seeing the locals go wild at the sight of my naked wet skin.

"Get me a sample of that pond water," Teacher said into our heads. I wondered why she had not chosen to speak quietly to us before. "I want to know why the alien didn't want you to drink it."

The alien following Porn-girl widened his eyes as she squatted down and filled the empty water bottle with pond water. She got up to carry the bottle away and he looked around.

"Water," I said, pointing at the pond, then I made a play at chocking myself, rolling my eyes up, and rolled back onto my butt. I made a croaking noise, flattened myself on the ground, and over-dramatically raised one leg into the air. Sure, it flashed my bright green pussy lips at him, but I think he seemed to get the point. He moved his head around somewhat comically. One of the other aliens held up a bottle and made a gulping noise, a sigh, and then said "water."

This little show let Porn-girl slip through the ramp guards and into the ship, with a few aliens following behind but none thinking to stop her. I didn't get to see what exactly went on in there. The ship seemed to have an endless ability to make platforms and things to collect samples. Eventually Teacher just told us that the water was full of a combination of micro-organisms and toxic chemicals. "When I compare this to the atmospheric samples this planet is definitely headed towards global extinction," Teacher stated. "Their own politics will determine if that's a near or far flung event. But without change it will happen."

It's hard to really say everything that happened that day.

We were excited at how so many things were familiar to us, and yet different in the tiny details. The aliens slowly blocked off the area around our part of the park cutting us off from the public. But once they decided we were not a threat they let us wander around in that contained area without any attempts to dissect us or bring out the famous 'anal probes' that seemed so popular in 'Alien Contact' movies. We were a pile of naked young women running about so I'm sure half the male aliens were probing us with their eyes anyway. But they held back, almost certainly because of how publicly we'd landed in the middle of what we found out was one of the largest cities on their planet.

A place they called, Mexico City. Teacher had chosen it for it's size and lack of nuclear activity, unlike a region not far to the north.

That day playing in the park and creating the first steps for translation was the day their world and ours changed and came together. In all that excitement we had no awareness that only a short hundred miles to the north, another nation had almost launched a full on war just to get their hands on us, for that very purpose of dissection and of course... the anal probes. It was only by the grace of luck that we had landed in a land of people who's normally friendly character was something they'd only recently reclaimed after the end of a very long and bloody period of internal violence; itself driven by the greed of their northern neighbor.

In time I learned that all those frantic voices Teacher had heard in their earpieces, had been military and politicians trying to decide the best thing to do to prevent an invasion from the north. They had settled on the same idea we had, to make the spectacle of us so public that the entire world knew we were there, and they were "protecting" us. Some of their leaders were of course, looking for places to conduct anal probes of their own, but with the blood sample, the DNA display, and Teacher letting them wander around the ship cooler heads had prevailed. One of those cooler heads had been the older female Uniform, who we came to learn was the one in charge of First Contact on their side of things.

We were stuck in the park for a good long week before normal communication was possible, if a little grammatically limited.

In that short time the Uniforms had brought in a bunch of prefab buildings set up in a circle around the ship, full of equipment. At first they kept us from entering but after a while they would just smile as we wandered around. This in turn helped with finding objects to use for translation. Desk, chair, pen, computer, light, and so on. The female Uniform running the show never smiled and kept her distance but also stopped anyone who tried to restrict us.

They were shocked when they learned the truth of our story. Interstellar refugees, with over a hundred thousand of us up in space waiting to be allowed to come down.

It was on day three that I got my name. The young man I'd let feel up my boob had been lingering at the barrier the whole time, and I'd been keeping my eye on him.

"Him, bring here?" I said to my handler. They'd assigned each of us a female scientist that kept following around trying to figure out words and phrases. Most of the girls sat around and worked concepts with various computer displays in little half tent stations they'd set up. But Gross-girl and I kept wandering around the park instead. I just couldn't get enough of the colorful plants, and of looking at all the people behind the security barrier. Unknowingly I was playing right into their hands on this, they wanted the people to see us because it made their tribe look more important, and once they'd decided we were safe they were hoping their own people would form a tribal protective feeling about us. Something they later defined to me as nationalism.

"No, not allowed," my Handler said. I had learned her designation, her name, was Carmine.

"Carmine..." I pouted. "Boy, I want." I said. The translation was still rough then. I wanted to talk to that male, but it came across a bit differently because I was clearly wet between my legs and had rock hard nipples despite the warm climate.

She just laughed and said, "Oh I'm sure you do, you're all so..."

"Horny," I offered up. "Yes, but just talk," I said. It would be another month before we had enough language to explain why we were so emotional, which itself ended up being the key to getting the approval for more landings.

"Not allowed," she said.

I stamped my feet, irritated that our emotions kept making me act like a child anytime things were not perfectly calm. "Please," I said through crossed arms. I had quickly learned that our body language was more or less identical. A gesture made by one of us or them was always easy to understand.

She sighed and shrugged in a way that declared my victory, and headed over to the barricade. They had made a wall with some form of transparent artificial material. I later learned it was called plexiglass. As a form of acrylic it was more or less at the top of the food chain for things we were allergic to. If I so much as touched it, I could almost imagine steam coming off my finger like an acid burn.

She spoke to a guard, who motioned to the boy, and he followed them from the other side until they reached the gate and let him in.

She said something to him, I didn't get all the words, but enough to gather he was being warned to not make trouble.

"Met before," I told her, pointing at him. I was actually surprised that they had just let him lose after our first encounter. I would have imagined the poor guy would have been put through the paces of a million questions and inspections to be sure he wasn't going to have alien serpent monsters burst out of his stomach and eat everybody at some point. Then again, I'd watched too many bad old Earth movies in the Dream. Maybe these aliens didn't have movies like that.

We moved to a spot of grass not far from a little half tent where Porn-girl was teaching the aliens words by showing them rather intense pictures of, well, porn. Her handler kept blushing and adjusting her skirt so I guess those two were having a lot of fun.

"Boy," I said, pointing at him.

"Man," he corrected, pointing at his chest. "Woman," he said, pointing at my damp pussy, on full display before him as we stood there.

I sat down, spreading my legs out in a semi-split. Years of gymnastics in The Dream had made this a natural way for me to sit, and thankfully that conditioning had transitioned to my real body. But I also knew that a display like this would drive any Human male crazy, and probably worked the same on these Aliens. He could easily see right up my vagina as my aroused state had me naturally spread open.

My handler blushed and covered her face, even though she was used to me sitting like this. The young alien male in front of me gulped and I believe his 'tentacle' got bigger in his pants. Victory was mine.

"Man," I said, pointing at his crotch. "Sit, please."

He looked at my handler and asked her something I couldn't fully grasp. But I got the words language and intelligence. He was worried we weren't that smart, based on the limited language.

"Very smart," she said, then gestured at the ship. "Little Spanish." That was the name of this tribe's dialect. Spanish. I later learned the different regions still had languages, not unlike Humanity's ancestors. They had yet to unify enough for a common language that only had regional differences.

He looked at the display I'd made for him. He seemed to be looking very intensely, as I imagine any man might.

"Need man," I said, spreading my lips down below. He gulped. My handler got up from the nearby bench she had sat herself upon. "Later," I said.

"Yes, later," he said.

My handler fired off some rapid words at him again. All I got was 'hyper emotional, be careful, and that they had correctly guessed that we were struggling with those same emotions.

"Javier," he said, pointing at himself. Pointing to my handler he said "Carmine." Then he pointed at me and raised his eyebrows. Reminding me that I was thankful these aliens had eyebrows in the same shapes as ours.

I shrugged, a near universal gesture. "No name," I said. "Teacher?" I spoke into the air between us.

"Teacher?" He said.

"The AI they speak to," Carmine noted, she showed him her tablet. I knew the aliens were hyper curious about what Teacher could do. They had teams of people inside the ship trying to figure Teacher out and Teacher seemed happy to cooperate thus far.

They were so busy in there that when that first night had come and we started to feel sleepy, the Aliens had made it rather difficult. We didn't know what to do about sleep, so we just wandered into the ship and looked at our pods but it was so noisy with babbling aliens that in the end we tried to sleep on the grass while they collected around us unsure of what to do. The second night they made a point of being quiet in the ship though they had dismantled half our pods so we slept on the floor.

"Teacher?" I repeated. "It's getting hard for me to not have a designation, what should I do?"

Javier and Carmine looked on in confusion, I wasn't sure how many of my words had been made clear to them.

Javier smiled at me, looking over my whole body as I sat there naked in the grass with my legs spread out in front of him. He said something in a soft adoring tone and Carmine rolled her eyes. Seeing my confusion he pulled out a small tablet and poked away at it for a bit. When he showed it to me there was a picture of an Alien woman in a very revealing two piece outfit. He said the words again and pointed at her, then at me. Then he pulled up a second image of an alien woman that was rough looking with a somewhat unpleasant expression on her face. He repeated the words, preceded by the word I knew to mean 'no' or 'not'.

There were many ways to interpret that and it seemed obvious later, but at the time I didn't realize he had been trying to tell me he thought I was extremely beautiful. There had been too many differences in the two photos. One looked modern and the other historical. One was barely clothed and the other thickly bundled up, and they were not the same age.

But then he pulled up another image and showed it to me, and I gasped. It reminded me somewhat of an image from my classes on history and mythology. He pointed to the image and said a word. I looked at it and said "Angel".

"Angel", Javier said. Pointing to me he said "Ángelita," adding the bit on the end that I had learned meant little. When he pointed at himself and repeated "Javier" I knew he was trying to name me.

I bounced up and hugged him. The aliens had gotten used to me enough to not panic when I did that, but many of them still looked over and Carmine smiled, poking her tablet. I rightly guessed she was recording a name for me. I got up and danced around running to the others. "I have a name now, I have a name!"

I ran up to Porn-girl and grabbed her up in a hug saying; "Hi, I'm Ángelita." Her eyes got big at being pulled out of her chair so fast. Then she pouted and looked at her handler.