Flat Chested Alyssa

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She was more than what he thought.
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The normal disclaimers apply, anyone engaged in sex is 18 or older.

The basis for the main character in this story stems from a girl who hung out with and went to school with our daughter, I interjected a younger version of myself as the teller of her story. Be forewarned, this story is long, I normally split the longer ones into two parts, unfortunately there was nowhere to successfully break this one without it seeming chopped up.

Flat Chested Alyssa

It's amazing what five years can do in the way of appearances and maturity. I remembered her as the average height ultra-skinny girl of fourteen who ran around with the chubby girl down the road and my sister the same age, at eighteen I was much like they were, average kids trying to fit in. Alyssa always caught my eye, not in a boyfriend/girlfriend sort of way, while my sister was developing naturally and Alison (the chubby one) was still growing out of her baby fat Alyssa was skinny, flat chested, no hips or butt to speak of. Her greatest asset was her angelic face, I was always enamored by how naturally pretty she was, long naturally blonde brownish hair, always a smile on her face, never a harsh word uttered from her lips.

When I would look at them I would wonder to myself what they might look like as they got older, would Alyssa fill out, would Alison grow into her body and be the knockout she was likely to be, would my sister remain on her course to be above average in every way? Only time would tell, they would sit on their bicycles at the end of our driveway talking, giggling, and whispering the way girls that age do. We all lived in a housing development with what were referred to as *expanded lot sizes*, in other words the houses were on two or more acre lots with five being the maximum, when it was first developed it was for the supposed horse market that never developed.

The city fathers were convinced if they developed the lots in larger parcels people with horses would automatically inhabit the new subdivision. Never happened, there was one family with three horses for a few years until they got tired of city ordinances that stated they couldn't spread the manure on their own land and a host of other reg's that only idiots could think up. Most of the lots were like the one we lived on, just over two acres with outbuildings. in our case the out-building housed a tractor with a plow for snow removal, the zero-turn mower, dads fishing boat, and a host of other things my folks didn't want laying around the yard.

Most lots were similar to that, and like most everyone else in our little patch of the world all our parents were professionals with above average incomes, which allowed us to live where we did. Alyssa was an only child, her folks both worked in the medical field, my parents owned three hardware store/lumber yards within the county, my dad the CEO and mother the CFO, Alison had an older brother no longer at home, her dad was a judge, her mom a dentist. We didn't know we were what would now be called "privileged", Alyssa's family was mixed race Dutch and German, Alyssa being a first generation American. Alison's family was black and from the deep south, then there was my sister and me, half Italian, half American.

We didn't know we were supposedly privileged, we were a bunch of kids from the same street who ran together, none of us wanted for much, we didn't always get what we wanted, but we always had what we needed. Alison and my sister were showing signs of developing but Alyssa had no more than little bumps on her chest, I knew from overhearing them talk that my sister and Alison had begun their cycles and Alyssa hadn't.

All of that to say I now stood on the front porch at the age of twenty three watching 19 year old Alyssa walk down the road toward Alison's, I hadn't seen either one for longer than a glance or two at a distance while home visiting from college. It had been my father's dream that I would one day take over the business as he had done with his dad when there was only one store. Both of us kids worked in the stores summers and weekends, it wasn't a hard job and was actually quite enjoyable if you had an extroverted personality, as I got closer to graduation from high school I became more convinced that taking over the family business would be a good thing.

Though I was 19 and knew better I pissed away my first year at college majoring in beer drinking and skirt chasing barely getting by with a minimum passing grade. The week I came home after that first year the old man took me fishing, which turned out to be us talking in the boat while he allowed me to drink beer, the conversation went something along these lines.

"Okay, you spent the first year drinking beer and trying to get laid, now it's time to get serious or find something else to do, I'm not going to continue paying for an advanced education if you're going to throw it away. So what's it going to be Ken, beer drinking and pussy or an education you can use to someday take over the business, because if you aren't going to do that then I'm gonna sell it as soon as your sister is through college or married, whichever comes first."

I took his words to heart and buckled down the next four years graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I was a twenty three year old sitting on the porch nursing a beer as I watched Alyssa and Alison walking back toward our house, my sister burst through the screen door running toward the other two meeting them at the end of our drive hugging and squealing. All three were nineteen and still as giddy as when they were fourteen, some things don't change, and that isn't always bad.

Alison and Alyssa waved when our eyes met as they walked to the house with my sister, Alison was an absolute knock out, she had indeed grown into her body with soft supple curves accentuated by a rather robust chest, they weren't grotesquely large, they looked appropriately sized on her body, they were certainly ample. My sister Corrine was a spitting image of our mom, dark brown hair, slim waist, adequate breasts, hips that flared gracefully and an ass you'd love to simply rub.

At five ten Alyssa was still taller than the other two, her long dishwater blonde hair was now braided on both sides becoming one large braid that hung to the middle of her back, still not much of a chest, I figured maybe an A cup, slim waist, long slender legs and a cute little butt if you could call it that. It was she I couldn't take my eyes off of, she seemed to radiate a confidence and allure I had seldom seen prior, I couldn't call it a sexual awareness because I hadn't seen her in almost five years much less know what her personal life was about.

As she stepped onto the porch we instantly caught each other's eye, a soft smile between the two of us, I found my heart was beginning to race slightly, had she winked at me or was I imagining things. There was no reason for her to wink at me, it had to be the angle of the sun or something like that. Her top was a loose-fitting blouse tied under her breasts low enough that only an inch or more of midriff was exposed above her ultra-low waisted shorts. You've seen them, the zipper is three inches long and the legs while tight to the body basically end where a pair of underwear would, I could only imagine how skimpy her panties must be.

They were all home for the summer after their first year at state, all 19, all ready to take on the world, our conversation revolved around college life for the most part, it became increasingly apparent that they had done more than study, much more. They were talking about boys when the conversation evolved into bits and pieces about intimacy, I was poised to get up and go inside when mom came through the door with a platter of freshly grilled burgers and pop. Mom and I were side by side on the wicker love seat when she touched my arm.

"Are you ready to start taking the reins on Monday Ken? I've hired a young housewife with a degree in finances to work with you, that way you'll both be on the same page as things develop. Her husband is the yard foreman at the Spencer store, she already has a decent working knowledge considering she worked as a cashier through high school and college. They've been married just over a year, sweet couple."

Taking the reins as she called it, good question, was I ready to try and fill my father's shoes? Testicular cancer took him from us the beginning my senior year, something that still made my eyes leak, he died far too young, I felt robbed in a way. Then again, nowhere as much as mother did, she took over the operations, hired the housewife to fill her position and was eagerly awaiting me to take over her position as CEO. Your head always becomes your worst enemy when you're facing the unfamiliar, mine was rolling around like afternoon thunder clouds being blown by the winds.

I certainly didn't want to let my mom down, my sister and Alison would be working under me for the summer at two different stores, I didn't want to let them down either. I was apparently lost in my own world when a soft voice brought me back to reality as Alyssa asked if I was going to need additional help at any of the stores over the summer. I looked over at mother for an answer, she had one ready.

"He will need another checker at the main store, Mable is going to call it quits the end of June, she says after having four kids and working forty-two years she deserves to retire, quite frankly, I agree with her. She's only sixty-four, Pete's sixty-six, may as well retire while they still have their health. Are you looking for work Alyssa?"

"Yes, mom and dad are going back to Europe for a month to see family and I don't want to go. I was there two years ago and while I know they're cousins, we still have nothing in common. Mom and dad say that since I'm 19 I can stay here if I have a job, I can use dad's old pickup for transportation, he only bought it because every man is supposed to own a pickup, whatever that's supposed to mean. So yes, I'm looking for a job."

There was no better time to step into the position of CEO than the present, I took over the conversation as mother sat back and smiled.

"Then you have a job Alyssa, if things haven't changed too much you'll fit right in. Since mom's throwing me into the wolves den Monday you may as well join me, Mable will have plenty of time to train you before she leaves. What time does she need to be there mom?"

"By seven honey, I'll start you on the early shift while you learn, seven until three, in about three weeks I'll move you to the later shift, you'll come in at noon to help with the mid-day crowd and then finish at eight when the store closes. You'll get a half hour lunch on both shifts but the company pays for that, other than lunch we don't have set break times, if you need to pee or just walk away from the register for a minute do it. Just let the other checker know what you're going to do. Any questions?"

Alyssa pondered a moment then asked, "What's the dress code?"

Alison stepped up, having worked at the store three years she knew what the current policies were.

"It's basically common-sense Lyssa, no short skirts, no daisy dukes, no bra-less anything, just common-sense comfortable stuff, jeans, blouses, maybe a sun dress if it covers everything. Remember, it's mostly guys coming through during the day, no reason to tease them or look like easy meat."

I watched mother cringe at the choice of words, the others didn't, nor did I, we all knew what she meant. I chalked it up to a generational thing, then again, at times I seriously wonder about my generation and those to follow. At what point is enough going to be enough, why must the boundaries continue to be pushed beyond measure? I knew the answer to that belonged to someone way above my pay grade.

Corrine added, "Dress comfortable, don't dress like a slut, and speaking from experience never ever think flirting is a good thing, even if he is cute. I was flirting with Jim Morrow last summer thinking I was being cute, keep in mind he's married with kids, but in his mind I was coming on to him. Had mother not stepped in I'd have been in deep shit, always be polite and aware that some are gonna try to hit on you, just smile and be cordial."

When the three girls started talking about dates and hot guys at college, as do most 19 year olds, mother and I adjourned to the inner depths of the house, I had no desire to hear about their love lives and mother didn't want to hear the details. As far as she was concerned, they were all good conservative wholesome virgins, and maybe they were, then again maybe they weren't, in either case she didn't want her bubble burst. I was in the chair across from mom answering e-mails between trying to tolerate the trash now called news, as I looked up mother lowered her book, turned off the TV and patted the seat next to her on the couch.

As she took my hand I could see concern in her eyes, "I know taking over has been thrown in your lap Ken, but remember I'll be there awhile yet and it isn't like you haven't worked at one store or the other since you were fourteen. You know all of the long-term employees and the newer ones will get to know you with time." Covering my hand with both of hers she continued. "Kenny you're going to wield a huge amount of power and I want you to be aware of a few things that will help if you'll take them to heart."

I was a bit perplexed, "Okay mom, what's up, what haven't you told me?"

"No, no, it's not like that. I've told you everything you need to run the business, what I want to tell you are things to help you. Honey there are three main things that will destroy a good employer, sex, money, and power. You'll wrestle with all three at some point or another, it's the way of life, but let me share with you how your father avoided these pitfalls. It was actually quite simple."

I knew this was going to be one of those moments when wisdom would be shared, I wisely kept my mouth shut and paid attention to her words.

"Number one, the people who work for you are what keeps you in business, make sure you show them respect, if someone needs an ass chewing do it, but remember to recognize their efforts when they don't.

Number two, sleep in your own bed. Don't be trying to screw everything in a skirt just because you have a little bit of power and money. When you meet and marry the one, make sure she remains the one, a little on the side never works.

Number three, money. Spend what's yours and only what's yours. There will be a tendency to spend more as you see more, keep in mind you're building for the future, you have people who count on you for an income and if you go wasting it on frivolous things there won't be a reserve when you need one."

It was far more than I anticipated, I'd never given any of those areas much thought, to use the analogy of how most people take sex for granted, I figured running the business would just happen and I'd know what to do. But just as there's good sex and bad sex generally based upon what you've learned and put into practice, the same principal can be applied to operating a business, not just any business, a multi-faceted business like ours. As I stared at her taking it all in, she dropped her head a moment then lifted it looking directly into my eyes.

"Kenny, I'm going to tell you this as a precautionary measure, so listen carefully. You're a handsome young man, there are several young girls and a few college gals working for us, some will come on pretty strong. Don't be a fool and bed them, as your father would have said, don't shit where you eat, date outside work, even out of town if need be, you don't need to be known as the tom catting owner of Jakes Hardware/Lumber."

"Mom, I have no intentions of screwing the people who work for me, besides, I'll be too busy to think about sex for some time."

"Bullshit young man, your hormones are going to rage at times like any other normal soon to be twenty-four-year-old, if they don't, I worry about you. Part of the reason I bring it up is because it will be closer to home than you think, Alison is 19 and has the hots for you in the worst way, she's not concerned about being jail bait any longer. Corrine told me that you are what Alison's grandma referred to as *a panty dropper* and she'd gladly spread her legs for you."

"Holy shit mom, that can't be true, all we've ever been is friends. In my eyes she's still sitting on her bike with Corr and Lyssa at the end of our driveway."

"Well I have news for you sonny boy, she's all grown up and I mean in all the right places, not only is she pretty, she exudes sexuality, you be very careful Kenny, don't you hurt her."

With mothers' words ringing in my ears I sauntered back onto the porch, Alison caught my eye and patted the chair cushion next to hers, I obliged and for the remaining forty or so minutes Alison was like a Chatty Cathy doll. It was nothing serious, sometimes involving my sister and Alyssa other times not, I also noticed Alyssa watching me as well. When I finally said goodnight they all sort of went back to girl talk as I was walking away, mom had gone to her bedroom, the light was on and the door open partially. This had always been her signal for us kids that it was alright to knock and enter.

Mother was leaning against the headboard reading when I knocked and walked in, as I sat on the end of the bed she looked at me.

"Well, was I right, or was I right?"

"You were right mom, I just never saw it before. You know Alyssa was watching me a lot too, I'm not sure what that was all about."

"As smart as you are Kenny sometimes you are absolutely obtuse, can you not see those two girls like you as more than a friend. Alyssa keeps her distance because she doesn't think she can compete with Alison, but there's an awful lot more to a woman than her body. You be careful Ken, try not to lead one or the other on, and don't you dare start something with both at the same time .... I will personally kick your ass. Got it?"

"Yup, got it mom, and thanks, I probably wouldn't have figured it out until it was too late, now I can make sure I don't lead either of them on, although the thought of Alison in my bed does sound interesting."

I saw her reach for the hairbrush on the nightstand and automatically ducked in time for it to barely miss my ear. She half laughed half scolded.

"Get your scrawny hind-end outa here and go to bed."

Mom and I went to the hometown store on Sunday afternoon, mainly so I could reacclimate myself with the office and put things where I wanted, for the most part I chose to leave things as they were, I could change it around later if need be. Corrine had invited Alyssa and Alison for chicken on the grill Sunday evening and with it came quite a show, Alison was dressed in the lowest hung tightest pair of Daisy Dukes I had ever seen, they hung so low in the front I wondered if she had shaved and gone commando. The top she wore was snug but not tight, her firm round breasts were on display but only if you were looking for them, she had worn a decent bra preventing them from jiggling and dancing every time she moved.

Alyssa wore a pretty sun dress in a blue and yellow design, her A cup boobs didn't overwhelm the way Alison's did, but it was still obvious she had at least a nice mouth full, the most catching part about her attire is that the dress ended just above mid-thigh, not something every woman can pull off, but she sure did. I battled over which one to ogle most of the evening, more than once I felt my pants begin to tighten, thank God I could find something else to focus on until my stiff dick subsided.

After the girls left it was Corrine and I cleaning up while mom took a bath, with the kitchen clean we sat on the wicker love seat on the porch, the evening air was pleasant with a soft breeze. She stood to shut off the lights leaving us in the darkness save for the small security light peeking around the corner from the garage, with just enough light to see each other she turned to me.