Found Pt. 04

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The “Trial,” Punishment, Shopping, and Blackmail.
16.6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/24/2019
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is. Special thanks to goducks111 for his help and making this a better story.


Chapter 12 -- The "Trial"

Once home, we hang up coats, some change into more comfortable clothes, and we move to the large living room. It is dominated by a large stone fireplace. Two U shaped sectional couches are facing each other. Each sectional has a wooden coffee table in the center for drinks. Along the outside is a series of small tables and chairs.

Small groups can play bridge or board games with children. I have a closet full of children's games, cards, and poker chips. The room has two large chairs, which are placed between sections on the outer most side. I am in one chair, and Jenny is in another. The other girls are evenly split between each sectional. I allow them all a glass of an excellent white wine I have.

Connie starts the interrogation, "Steve, please explain your childhood and how it affects you now."

I tell the story of the false accusation and the pain it has and still causes me. I also touched on how it started my distrust of women.

Patty asks, "Please tell us about your past lovers, what happened, and your sexual experiences with all."

I am annoyed at the question, "I will not discuss any past or future sexual encounters. That's too personal to me and invades the privacy of the other individual." I explain about my past girlfriends and how each stuck me with a knife and then twisted it to hurt even more.

Michelle asks, "Why did you help us? We're all women."

I explain about how I help the park service and look for groups in trouble like the girls. I really did not want to help them, but I had to. I planned to move along after I helped, but I realized that one of the girls was my sister. That made a big difference.

Penny asks, "Would you have left us?"

I reply shyly, "If you had demonstrated that you had some basic competency, In a heartbeat. But you quickly failed, so my own standards forced me to stay. Had you kicked me out, I would have shadowed you. Having Phoebe there made things a lot easier."

Beth asks, "You mentioned to me something about psychology and trauma. Can you explain that better?"

I smile at her, "I did go to college a while ago. 4.0 average. I took a psychology class. Going from memory here, so please forgive me. When two or more people experience a life-threatening or altering event together, they form a bond. You have strong feelings towards each other. They warn people against making relationships based on a single event and not mutual interests, which are better building blocks for a successful and lasting relationship.

"We all qualify for life-threatening, while Jenny and I added life-altering, followed by me adding life-threatening again."

A collective, "WHAT!" was shouted.

Now shy again, "Um yeah, I got beat up on the beach that night, broke six ribs. The security men found me in a pool of blood."

Jenny and Phoebe collectively shout out, "What!"

Irritated at the interruption, "Yeah, they life-flighted me out, I spent the better part of a day in the ER and surgery. I wake up in a New York Hospital." Jenny and Phoebe are crying hysterically. "Two weeks in the hospital, four weeks in bed, two weeks stuck in the house, and then off to hunt killer sharks off the reef of Australia," I said that last part like a Pirate.

Michelle asks Jenny, "Why are you crying?"

Jenny still has tears running down her face, "Phoebe and I go back to our room, and Steve doesn't follow us. We get worried, Phoebe goes out looking for him. She says she found him sleeping on the beach. We never saw him again. We thought he abandoned us there. That's why we had to beg you all for money, we didn't have enough on our credit cards to pay for tickets home."

Beth knowingly asks Phoebe, "Phoebe baby, why are you crying still?"

I gave Beth the death gaze, I wanted to spare Phoebe this embarrassment.

Phoebe is still sobbing, eyes down, when she starts, "It was me. I found Steve sleeping under an umbrella. I was furious at him. I kicked him and kicked him and kicked him some more. It felt good. I didn't know I hurt him, and we had no idea what the helicopter was for. I was mad for the way he hurt Jenny."

You know the next question already.

Samantha looks shocked, "Steve, what did you do to poor Jenny?"

Shit, how do I explain this?

I am mortified, "Understand, we're on a sex island for BSDM, so I can beat the hell out of my mother. Phoebe and Jenny were stow-a-ways with the pilot. They surprised me mid-flight as I am trying to take my anger out on my mother. Wednesday, I take mom to an orgy, and we watch. Neither of us participated. We get back, and mom asks about me. All that incredible sex, and it doesn't faze me. It killed mom. Jenny takes me out with me as her slave and has me fuck a woman. The next day she and Phoebe switch positions; Jenny is the slave.

"Jenny asks me if it's ok to fuck other men." There is a collective gasp. "I agree, but it broke my heart. I left the bedroom for the living room. I hear them talking still, so I left and went for a walk. I end up sleeping on the beach. You know how that went."

The group started speaking over each other, discussing the issue. I hear, "He did say yes," "He's so childish," "with his history, what did you expect," "grow up, be a man." I had enough of this. As they are arguing, I get up, walk into the kitchen and look for dessert. Sara has a plate and forks out for me and a glass of milk.

Sara looks at me protectively, "Sometimes you're just like a child, you're predictable in your actions, yet pure of heart. I knew they'd do this, and you would escape. I made your favorite, apple strudel."

I don't need to say thanks, she can see it in my eyes and her smile broadens. When I finish, I go back. They are still arguing. As they see me walking back, they realize I had left.

I announce, "Dessert in the kitchen if you can spare a moment in your discussion."

Pam laughs at me, "Are you kidding me, I won't need to eat for three days. Dinner was awesome."

Beth takes control, "Where are we now. What do we do?"

I walk forward, "It was like I said, we got together because of an event, it didn't work out, we move on with our lives. It's happened to me before; it will happen again."

Beth looks at me with contempt, "Explain to us your last three vacations? No, tell Phoebe and Jenny."

I turn to look at them, "I went out fishing and two hiking trips."

Beth looks mad now, "Do you think we all spent the last of our money to come here because you went fishing and hiking? NO! You went killer shark hunting; they were killing humans. Then you climb two huge ass mountains. I was here when you got back. You could barely move. You were still exhausted and sore as hell. We can't have you doing this. I love you. I mean, we love you. All twenty are here to prove it to you."

I correct her, "Eighteen, I flew the last two in. It was my olive branch. Besides, guys like to have fun. Nobody, I mean, I didn't get hurt. I came back in one piece."

Beth stares at me, "How many didn't?"

I don't want to answer this question, "Didn't what?"

Beth is mad now, "Didn't come back."

She messed up, "We all came back."

Beth is furious, "How many didn't come back alive?"

She is smart alright, I got to give her credit and a correct answer, "18" as I look at the floor. I hear another gasp.

I defend myself, "Hey, you all know I'm in excellent shape."

Beth wins, "I saw you come home. You were limping and struggling. I saw you steam in a bath for an hour. I had to help you shower and dry yourself, you were too weak."

Jenny stands up, "You what? You bathed, showered, and dried him. Did you fuck him too?"

Beth has a smirk on her face, "Oh, I wanted to. Sadly, he was too exhausted and fell right asleep. He did hold me tight as I spooned with him to keep him warm. Ohhhh that was so nice. My adventure boy was still exhausted in the morning; he slept until 10:00 AM. That wasn't just some hike buster, that was a death march, and you survived."

Penny asks, "So what do we do? How do we save him?"

Beth looks at me, "Do you have someplace else to go?"

I get up, "I'll be in my study by the fireplace with a glass of brandy. Take your time."

I have a lovely fireplace with a gas starter. In no time the logs are flaming and crackling. I move three chairs over to the fire, and I sit down. I have my brandy, and I stare into the fire, mesmerized by the flickering light, the crackle, the occasional hiss. The room smells fantastic, just like out in the forest. I guess I really was trying to kill myself. I didn't even realize it.

Soon, there is a light, timid knock on the door.

I yell loud enough, "Come in."

Jenny comes walking in and takes the chair closest to me. She won't say anything.

I say to her, "I bet you didn't like what they were saying. I know that's why I didn't want to be there. I'm sitting here looking at the fire. It occurred to me that they are right. I was trying to kill myself. I didn't even know it."

It's not long, and there is another knock at the door. Again, I ask them to come in. As expected, Phoebe does. She comes directly to me with tears in her eyes and hugs me hard. Then she sits down, and like Jenny and I, stares at the fire.

Jenny asks, "What are they going to do to you?"

I laugh, "I don't know, but somehow I think Beth will insist on fucking me. She has been very protective of me. She let you two in here, so maybe she is trying to make you jealous, or maybe she really does love me enough to do what's best for me at her own expense. I don't know. I haven't figured her out yet. She was right about my condition coming home, I was in bad shape. She was exactly what I needed. I don't think it was what she needed, though. I think she is hurting inside, but she puts up a good front. I can't be sure."

Jenny smiles, "She is head over heels in love. She's quick to defend you in the group, and she organized this "rescue mission." She really is worried about you. With her pretty face and huge breasts, she is used to getting her way. I think she was surprised when you didn't pick her immediately. You aren't her typical type, we were surprised. She dates mister senior stud quarterback and fashion model quality men, not someone like you. Well, you know what I mean. She'll have her claws in you soon."

I laugh, "She scares the crap out of me. The way we met, she's a 10, I'm maybe a 7. She'll tire of me and toss me aside. I am an expert on that, you know."

Phoebe says, "Mom was devastated that she missed her day with you."

I reply, "Already taken care of. They are here in town if you want to spend time with them. I flew them in on my plane today. They're at a nearby hotel. As I said, all parents were invited, even yours."

Phoebe corrects me, "Ours."

I sigh, "Not anymore they aren't. I'll spend time with mom answering her questions and talking. I owe her that. However, they gave up the right to call me their son when I went to live with my grandparents. They gave up on me."

Jenny inquires, "You keep saying them, is your dad here?"

I nod my head yes; I can't speak the words. Jenny looks amazed. Phoebe is speechless.

Jenny inquisitively asks, "Why did you change my dinner tonight?"

I almost laugh, "We go into one of the finest steak houses in New York, and you order half a naked chicken breast and three leaves of lettuce? You've lost too much weight; you don't look healthy. You need some meat on them bones."

Jenny is listless, "We didn't know what happened to you. Then you don't answer my calls or email. You didn't even say goodbye and you dump me. It broke my heart. I haven't been hungry since."

I can't feel sorry for her, "Sorry, I was lying near death on the beach after your contract killer took me out. Then I wake up 5,000 miles away in New York in a hospital room. When I recovered from almost dying, I remembered our last conversation. You know the one, it's where you ask me if it's ok to fuck other men. I decided to go fishing and hiking. Not a lot of cell towers in those places or my next few either. There is a wild boar issue in the Congo."

Jenny starts crying.

I feel bad so shyly I say, "It gets better in time, the more times it happens, the easier it gets. You get accustomed to the pain and suffering; you stop feeling anything after a while. Then you go fishing, hiking, and hunting. It's all the rage these days."

Jenny screams at me, "What do you want from me?"

Shyly, I respond, "To meet a great guy and have a nice life. You will. You are a good person; I just wasn't right for you. I have too many issues for any woman. Even Beth."

Phoebe responds, "She loves you."

With spite, "Yeah, well, that hasn't seemed to work out so well for me, has it?"

There is a loud knock at the door.

I say to the fire, "The verdict is in. Deadman walking."

I yell, "Come in!"

Beth addresses us formally, "Phoebe, Jenny, and Steve, your presence is requested in the living room, please." She doesn't look happy. She is staring daggers at Jenny.

In the living room, both Jenny and I are sat on the couch. Penny has two ball gags and some rope in her hands. She is in front of us with a smile on her face. Anthony is behind the group, observing, he is nervous.

Penny says to us, "We don't want any yelling, screaming, hollering, nor abuse while we hand out the verdict. Then we don't want either of you running away ... for a while. Therefore, we are going to gag you and tie up your hands and feet. Then we are going to have a little chat."

I stiffen at hearing what they want to do to me. In the end, it doesn't matter. A dozen girls hold me down, and the rest hold Jenny. I can't fight a dozen girls, and besides, what am I going to do, hit them? I can't do that.

Penny continues, "Both of you have acted like children. Jenny and Phoebe almost kill the guy after all he has done for us. Steve, your hatred of women, almost got you killed by a woman. Jenny, how stupid can you be? You know his trust issues and his long history. How the hell do you think asking him to fuck other men is a good idea? Is it any wonder he left? Might as well stick a knife in his heart. Steve, she is twenty years old and not married to you. Your chain on her (metaphorically) is a bit tight. Phoebe, where are you? What gives you the right to physically assault someone? Domestic violence is a terrible thing, and occasionally, like now, it goes both ways."

She is just warming up, she is on a roll, "We put much thought into punishments. Team Penny beat out team Beth by one vote. The vote was close because you both behaved so poorly. We are appalled at your behavior. We are confining you to your bedroom for twenty-four, no eight hours. We have shopping tomorrow; we need Steve for that. You get him for eight hours."

They untie Jenny and take the ball gag out.

Penny continues, "He's helpless. You can take out all your anger on him. You can crush his balls and make him eat pussy all night. You can do anything short of killing him. We need him for shopping tomorrow. Oh yeah, we need him for Christmas Eve as well. Oh yeah, we need him for Christmas day. Oh yeah, we need him to get home, we all used up the last of our money getting here and helping the others. You have him right where you want him, make it hurt and make him pay for the way he treated you."

Penny has a sinister smile on her face now, "Remember how bad he was to us when hiking and how we should all be dead. Remember how terrible he was to stop you from being raped. Remember the beating he took for you, I'm sure you look back on that fondly now. It must have been hell sitting in the cockpit of his plane for four hours and then sleeping on a boat and getting a massage. Yes, the mother fucker deserves a real beating all right. This is our present to you for all he has done to you. What a pathetic excuse of a human being."

Beth takes over, and she has brimstone flowing from her nostrils, she is furious at someone. Her eyes settle on me. Oh shit, she is mad at me! She steps forward and slaps my face as hard as she can. A loud smack can be heard as she does it. My head flies to the side, and I fall to my side. That was one hell of a slap, the other girls look scared of her. Anthony is stepping forward tentatively. Beth sees Anthony's threatening posture and calms down a bit.

Beth is still seething, "So, you went fishing and hiking, huh? Fishing for killer sharks in the world's most dangerous beaches in the world. When that doesn't kill you, you go hiking on the eighth and sixth most deadly mountains in the world. You said it yourself, eighteen people died. You had no training for that type of climbing, you should have died!"

Beth has tears in her eyes now. She sits on my lap and puts her arms around me while she cries. The others are speechless. After she composes herself, she continues, no longer mad.

Now she is sad when she speaks and is much softer, "Things are going to change. Fourteen of us have not fucked you yet or can't because they are related to you." If only she knew. "These women will be your chaperone for the next fourteen weeks, one per week. They pick the place. They study as needed, but no more adventures that lead to death. If we need to continue, we will do a twenty-week rotation after that. This is not optional. Your staff was nice and has agreed to make it happen."

Again, she hugs me, and I feel tears falling on my shoulders. I didn't realize how much she cares about me. I do love the way her breasts crush into my body. Jenny can see my smile; she doesn't like the effect Beth has on me. Oh shit. I am tied up, and now, she is mad.

Beth gets up and uses her arm to point up. All the girls get up and grab either me or Jenny. They hoist us upon their shoulders, and like the dwarves in Snow White, they carry me off. I don't fight this. No point, they might drop me. That may be better than what Jenny does to me. Maybe I should fight. Na, with twelve of them, I have no chance.

Once up in my room, they throw me on the bed. I continue rolling and roll off the bed and then try to roll back under the bed. Shit, I don't fit. They come back and get me and put me in the center of the bed.

Maureen moves to my side, kisses my cheek, and says, "You do that one more time, and we will stretch your limbs to the four corners of this bed. Am I clear?"

I nod my head, yes, I can't say anything. Jenny goes into the washroom by herself. I roll back and forth, moving slowly up the bed. I slip my head under the pillows and roll on my back. I really don't want the others to hear me scream.

Jenny comes back in, and I can hear her anger in the way she is breathing. She rips the pillows from my face.

The wise woman then asks me in a loud and annoying voice, "What the fuck are you doing?"

I reply with a long set of noises.

She looks at me, "I can't understand a thing you are saying." My initial reaction was "Duh," but I thought better of it.

She stands me up and marches me over to the toilet. I can take three-inch steps; it takes a while. Once there, she pulls down my pants and boxers in one effort and tells me to pee. She walks away. Most women probably don't believe this, but men really do try to aim at the toilet. My problem is that I need a hand to do it. She looks at me and is mad because I have not started. I start, and it feels good because I had to go.

My problem is I am not aiming down, so it goes straight ahead into the wall and sprays back at me. Jenny is horrified at the mess and grabs my cock and points down. That works much better. When I finish, I am a mess. She pushes me in the shower. It was too cold, but I couldn't complain. I inch my way out. She dries some of me off, and then she points to the bed. I am rushing the walking because it's so far. I don't want her even madder at me.