Friends With Consequences Pt. 01

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It's a not so happy holidays for Jesse.
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This story contains depictions of gross fetish material inclusive of FARTS and SMEGMA.


Part 1 -- A gift for the holidays.

"Hmmm~" ( ˘~˘ )

When you're a millennia old Demoness like Krampus, boredom comes inevitably and naturally. Her stunning, curvy figure covered in dark grey fur like volcanic ash, the majesty of her large, jet-black hooves, thick, demonic horns like antlers on her head, and finally, her piercing green eyes that glow like rich emerald vials containing deadly venom. The anthropomorphic demonic beast lounges in a throne of shadows hovering in a realm of endless night. Having wandered the Earth for centuries, causing havoc, terror and nightmares to mortals aplenty, Krampus at some point had finally given an inch to Saint Nicholas and settled as an overseer of all that is "naughty". Fiddling with the karma of sinning humans has its joys, however the conventional methods tend to grow dull eventually. The Demoness is always in pursuit of something to quench her interests, and as she thinks about it now, there is something interesting that happened fairly recently.

A few years ago, the jolly old man had surprized her when he'd punished a human through his own methods. It had been but a single human from one of the many "Earths", still it was an incident that should have fallen under her own authority. But the way the old man did it left Krampus more impressed than slighted. To think that he'd have his own reindeer do such vile things to a helpless little human. Whenever she thinks about it, a warm tingle fills the bulge between Krampus' plump thighs, there aren't many things that can excite her this much in this age.

"Since he went out of his way to interfere with my stock, he can't blame me for having a little fun of my own, right?" ( ^ ω ^ )

A charming smile is made sinister by her gleaming sharp canines and her slithering reptilian tongue. Her natural mischievous ways are reignited once again as the Demoness swirls the claw of her finger into the dark void, where a swirling pool of charcoal smoke with glittering green lights manifests, soon opening up to reveal an image. Just as how "Santa" can distinguish every naughty and nice being of every world, Krampus can seek out mortals that fit certain criteria from the world she governs. The criteria with which she searches this time is simple; a being gullible enough to make a "deal" with a demon. It doesn't take much for an image to surface, in a world where a Splice has occurred. What appears before her is the image of a simple, downright unremarkable young man. The information about him naturally flows into her mind at a capacity mortals can't fathom.

"Lives alone, sceptical, highly superstitious, pushover. Good, good. And living in his surroundings are... haha, perfect!"

Krampus' toothy grin widens and her fluffy tail wags while she rubs her clawed hands together. The millennia old Demoness feels excited like she herself is a human child that's gotten the best present on this Christmas Eve.

As the Demoness schemes in glee, this ordinary young man has yet to realize that he's unfortunately caught the attention of one of the most wicked of ancient beings. Very soon he will see that coal in his stocking is far from the worst thing he can receive on this most joyous of holidays.


"Ugh, why the f-, why do I have to do this?"

Complaints continue to flow from Jesse's mouth as white puffs in the cold winter morning. The human would give anything to be anywhere else, his own home is right in reach from where he stands at his neighbours' front door. As for why he's here waiting for them to answer the doorbell and not curled up in his own bed, ready to welcome another lonely Christmas? It all has to do with the "dream" he'd had last night. At least, Jesse wishes it had been but a dream. A tall, furry figure cloaked in darkness that couldn't hide her outstanding proportions, she'd appeared before him, spouting words that sounded like nonsense at first. Words about how he'd accumulated too much bad karma in some past life of his and needed to rack up good karma and repent otherwise he'd live a miserable eternity in the burning underworld. To the average person, the whole thing would have sounded like nonsense, Jesse however can't treat it as such for multiple reasons. First of all the human is greatly superstitious by nature, it's actually part of the reason he spends most of his time alone as some people simply can't stand being around him at this point.

Honestly, it hadn't been so bad when he was young, however his superstitious beliefs were forced to grow with the introduction of supernatural beings in his everyday life.

"Oh, hello. You're our neighbour, aren't you?"

Such a supernatural being appears right in the doorway to answer the doorbell. Similar to the figure from his "dream", glossy fur covers her entire body and she has her own set of impressive horns sprouting from her head. Unlike last night's figure though, she's way more on the heavy side, including her broad hips and larger bust, her entire figure is meaty and chubby, such is how it usually is for an anthropomorphic bovine. The attractive Cow with the aesthetic of a housewife is but one of the many beings that now inhabit Earth, rivalling the human population that was here first. Anthropomorphic beasts of all kinds, most based on animals that exist on Earth originally and some reflecting beasts and monsters that should have existed only in fiction. Their presence is so natural that not even Jesse feels particularly strange about having a small family as anthropomorphic cattle as neighbours.

"Uhm, you're..."


"Oh yes, the young man from next door, right? What can I do for you?"

The human naturally hesitates to state his business as this whole thing is something he's very reluctant to do in the first place. However he's unable to stay reluctant because of the third factor that proves that last night's events was anything but a regular dream.

[Go on~♪] ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

A voice echoes in Jesse's head, the same familiar voice from last night that sounds like a smoky melody. A faint itch is on his wrist as the human groans internally, a small, emerald tattoo had shown up on his wrist when he woke up this morning. Ever since, the voice has been urging him to fulfil the agreement that was made in the "dream", and agreement that he still can't believe he'd made. However, clearly he'd been desperate at the possibility of being spared eternity in damnation. If there's anybody who'd believe in hell, especially with what he's experiencing right now, it'd be Jesse. And that is for sure a place the human doesn't want to end up.

"I uh... I heard you guys were looking for a 'friend' for your daughters?"

A cringe courses through his body just from saying this. What kind of grown man in his early twenties would go around the neighbourhood looking for 'friends'? Especially those 'friends' being girls that had recently reached adulthood, if what the Demoness in his dream had said is to be believed. Apparently the Bovine in front of him has two daughters that are chronic shut-ins, which would explain why Jesse has never caught sight of these supposed young women all this time. He himself is a bit of a recluse who doesn't get out much, but that's beside the point. The Demoness in his dream had said that these people were looking for someone to keep their daughters company and maybe even help them break out of their shells. Jesse has no idea how he of all people qualifies for such a task, even if he is their neighbour, he's just some random guy. He wouldn't be surprized if he gets a creeped out reaction from this lady who's apparently their mom!

"Really?! Oh I'm so happy!"


What the hell? Far from what he was expecting, the Bovine seems ecstatic about this random guy who asked to be her daughters' friend! Jesse is momentarily taken aback, however, he's also thinking to himself that this practically confirms that everything the Demoness said to be true! Meaning that it's likely also true that he'll end up in a very bad place if he doesn't do what she says. To think that he'd end up in this shit all because of some past life he doesn't even vaguely remember!

"Come on in, I'll introduce you right away. They're gonna absolutely love you!"

"Uh, h-hey!"

Jesse is even more taken aback as he's pulled inside of the home of these neighbours who are actually complete strangers, like somebody getting kidnapped off the street! The human can of course never hope to match an Anthro's strength, especially not a Bovine's. He goes wherever her big, meaty hands drag him as the Mother Cow closes the door behind her, a clack of the lock followed by continued clacking of her hard hooves as she practically pushes the small human further into her home.

"I really hope you don't mind the mess."

"Oh, uh, not at all?"

Jesse is too flabbergasted to resist as the Cow lady hurries him through her home. He has no idea what mess she's talking about as the interior of the house is fairly tidy and much better than his single person flat.

"That's good then. By the way, you can call me Martha."

Everything about the situation feels so out of place and eerie, however Jesse tries to steel his nerves as the faint itch on his wrist once again reminds him that he's doing what he can to better his future situation. That being said, the human finds it hard to calm down as Martha pushes him from behind with her big, meaty cow body pressed right up against his smaller frame. Such close intimacy with a curvy bovine MILF who's still pretty much a stranger would make any person feel awkward, especially a healthy young man like Jesse. However that's not even accounting for the real meaty part pressing up against his back as she pushes him! Something that all 'female' Anthros have as far as Jesse is aware, a glorious extra set of genitals packaged into a generous bulge between their thick thighs! Thankfully Martha is of the sheathed type, so there it's much of that meat pressing into him, however, as though to make up for it, her balls are absolutely massive! It's to the point that Jesse can distinctly feel each individual, packed nut pressing against him through her soft and warm sack. The socially awkward young man is doing his very best to remain cool as he's further pushed up the stairs.

Finally it seems like he'll be able to catch a breather from the intimate contact as Martha brings him to what he can only assume is her daughters' room. That in itself is an awkward situation to be in, suddenly brought into the room of girls one has never even glimpsed before. However very soon Jesse realizes that he has other problems, as Martha boldly opens the door to her daughters' room, to reveal to him what is the actual mess she was talking about earlier.


The moment the door opens, the crisp winter air that had been filling the home is made to give way to a fluffy, warm wave of ripe, unwashed body odour packed with plenty of pungent, beastly musk! Jesse quickly holds his hand in front of his face however it does little to block off the potent stench of perspiration mixed with a few other sour smell that's definitely not just plain sweat! There's also a rather musty odour like someone's taken a bunch of used socks and let them sit in an enclosed room. And as though that weren't enough, there's this rank, eggy stench mixed in there that begins to tickle his gag reflex after just a whiff! Jesse immediately wonders if Martha had taken a wrong turn and brought him to a room that she never wanted him to see, a room full of old, used laundry perhaps. The idea of a girl's room that Jesse had in his mind, as someone who's never actually visited one before, is completely different from what he smells in his nose and what he sees as the door finally opens all the way!


"Hehe, good thing you don't mind a mess because these two girls of mine are total slobs."

"I think she's talking about you, Kel."

"Maybe take a look in a mirror sometime, Kay."

This is not the mess that Jesse had in mind, he very much minds the mess presented in this room! The room itself is rather spacious, enough to make him feel jealous. But that makes sense since it's made to fit two larger Bovine Anthros. Though if one didn't know better, they'd think they were pigs instead. Worn jerseys, booty shorts and even underwear! All manner of worn clothes in desperate need of a wash or two are simply strewn about the room, literally everywhere and anywhere like they were flung about by a passive twister. The single large, luxury bed, the big 4k TV, the dresser, shelves, table, all the that would otherwise give the room the image of being high class are instead spoiled not only by dirty clothes but also other garbage. While not bad to the point of some 'gamer' rooms seen on social media, the empty pizza boxes, soda cans and plates of eaten food are just simply unnecessary!

This is definitely the den of a slob, Martha's words weren't an exaggeration at all. And as for the two 'slobs' in this case.

"These are my girls, Kacey and Kelsey."



The pair of Cows presented by the older Bovine are actually twins, with looks as similar as their manners. Even if they're adult girls, it's still crazy that they're both almost the same size as their mom. Their meaty frames are actually slightly on the chubbier side compared to Martha, unlike the MILF who's covered in dark brown fur, their fur is an egg-white colour while their hair is bright, dirty blonde. While Martha keeps her black hair in a neat bun, Kacey has hers in a thick braid that goes all the way down to her hips while Kelsey's is left to flow freely, though far from neat and silky, it's like bed head is her default state. Both girls wear glasses that give off a thick nerdy vibe, placed behind those spectacles are irises of a frosty light blue colour. The rest is naturally all Bovine. The bull horns on their heads, their large busts, broad hips, thick, meaty legs and of course, the massive bulges propped between their legs, as though they'd directly inherited their mother's meaty sheathe and gargantuan balls! And as one gets past their anthropomorphic bovine aesthetic, you'd come upon part of the reason for the rank stench in the room.

As though to advertise their nature as slobs, they both wear loose t-shirts together with nothing on their bottoms except panties that barely cover their massive bulges. The t-shirts, clearly they're meant to be white however not only have they adopted a faint discolouration that almost matches their fur, but there's also distinct, slightly darker patches in the form of sweat stains cantered around their thick cow necks, breasts and of course the biggest stains are at their armpits! Kacey lays lazily on the big bed, watching her sister Kelsey, who's sitting her near naked cow butt on the carpeted floor, as she plays a single player game on the large TV. Even though the room clearly has an AC unit installed, it's for some reason left off, as though the two girls are more content in the enclosure of a room that's bordering on lukewarm and reeks of BO and dirty laundry. Even the carpet that Kelsey sits on has its fair share of discolorations, Jesse doesn't dare guess the origins. The only thing the human is thinking about right now is the terrible state of the room, the musty odours that adult girls ought to be ashamed of, and how he definitely didn't think that this is what he'd signed up for!

"Girls, this is... Jesse, right? Yeah, Jesse. He'll be your 'friend' from now on."

"What kind of weirdo would wanna hang out with us?"

"Dude must have a fetish for gross girls or something."

So they're even self-aware that they're total slobs! Incredibly, the reaction from the girls almost perfectly mimic what Jesse himself is thinking in his mind, one would have to be a complete weirdo or have some insane kinks to want to spend any time around these two. He'd heard that Anthros can control their sense of smell but it's still ridiculous that anybody could live in such filth while being fully aware of it, he most certainly had no plans to get to know these girls any better or, lord forbid, stay in this room with them! Unfortunately, even if that's what he's thinking, he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter, not unless he wants to spend a much longer time in a much worse place!

[I'm glad you're aware so that I don't have to spend too much effort convincing you. Just remember this, things may get really bad now, but it'll be nothing compared to where you're going if you don't cooperate.] (  ̄3 ̄)╭

Krampus' voice fills his head again to affirm his thoughts as his wrist tingles. To say that the human is reluctant would be an understatement, unfortunately he's dealing with supernatural forces way beyond his control. Man would rightfully think Jesse a fool to trust in salvation offered by a literal demon, however the human can't do much now but trust the binding force of a demon's deal. Hiss best option now is to endure whatever may come his way, no matter how terrible it may be. So even though he wants nothing more than to retort Martha's and the girls' claims and get himself as far away from this stinking room as possible, he suppresses his disgusted shivers and walks hesitantly into the room, trying his hardest not to step in any used underwear along the way.

"L-let's get along from now on."

The human chokes out these words while fighting back tears of depression and disgust. Compared to his greeting that takes all his courage and resolve, the girls act like they wouldn't mind whether he's there or not.

"Mmm, well, make yourself comfortable I guess."

"... fuck, where'd my health go?!"

Jesse doesn't see how he could ever be comfortable in this room, the human holds his hand in front of his face but that naturally does jack shit to alleviate the musky, musty odour that's even stronger inside the room itself. It feels like he's being polluted by something with each breath he takes. Taking shallow breaths aren't helping at all, he hopes that he'll go nose blind to it soon however the stench is so thick and his poor nose doesn't seem to be able to overcome it anytime soon. With nothing better to do, Jesse awkwardly seeks out a computer chair nearby, he's simply too reluctant to sit on the bed where the only available space on the edge is in direct line with Kacey's massive and practically exposed bovine ass covered in nothing but thin panties.

"You kids have fun."

Martha closes the door again as she leaves them to themselves, the odour that had been leaking out of the open doorway is again trapped in the room with them, where it will surely marinate and grow more pungent, worsening the chances for Jesse's nose to get used to the smell. They may as well be 'kids' from Martha's perspective, however all of them are adults, which to Jesse seems more unfortunate. Afterall, if all three of them really were kids, it would have been way easier for them to get along and become friends. However, in the current situation, he's but a grown man sitting in the room of two grown girls younger than him, complete strangers that he's meeting for the first time. To a socially awkward person like Jesse, this couldn't be a more nerve-wracking situation. Even disregarding the blatant slobbery the two girls display, no talking takes place for a couple minutes. Jesse sits awkwardly on the bovine sized chair that he only now realizes must have seen all manner of sweaty cow butt, he can even smell a faint stench of ass but things would be made even more awkward if he got up now. Kacey is still lounging on the bed, not saying a word while watching her sister play. The Cow's posture is already highly inappropriate without considering that there's a guest currently in the room, her fat, meaty legs casually go all over the place as she changes posture, revealing almost her whole ass and the massive bulge between her legs. Jesse can only distract himself by watching the game Kelsey is playing while sitting on the carpet. He tries his best not to pay attention to the noticeably darker spot around where she sits, or the identical darker spot shaped like a cow's ass right next to her!
