From Stepdaughter to Wife... Ch. 02


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Brittany simply smiled up at me, seeming to excited to even speak, nodding her approval of my suggestion. We walked over to an area of the store that contain a wide assortment of different types of lingerie and other sexy outfits. There seemed to be an endless array of different types of outfits. There were the basic lingerie type stuff, a section that contained outfits that were more bondage based, and tons of costume type outfits as well. Truthfully I had no idea what Brittany had in mind, but something told me that I was going to thoroughly enjoy anything that she picked out.

Brittany immediately went to the lingerie, dragging me behind her like a girl drags her father to the tree on Christmas morning. She couldn't contain her excitement and I found it absolutely adorable.

She scanned the various outfits, still appearing a bit lost at the vast possibilities on display. She picked up several different items, one at a time, holding them up to her body and looking to me for approval. Honestly, any one of them would have worked for me, but when she took this blue, sheer, baby doll nightie with matching stockings off the wall and held it up to her, I guess my face displayed my arousal enough that she giggled excitedly.

"I think you really like this one," Brittany purred at me. "Don't you Daddy."

It was absolutely perfect; at least in my mind. The outfits was the perfect shade of blue, that seemed to just make her emerald green eyes explode. It was sheer, trimmed in a delicate lace and was accompanied by the tiniest little bikini panties and silky, sheer stockings and garter, that had the same sexy lace. All I could do was nod my approval as she held it tightly against her.

She handed her first selection to me as she continued inspecting various other items. Brittany seemed to agree with my taste and focused her attention mainly on the more innocent looking types of sexy outfits that were available.

After several minutes of looking, Brittany turned to me with this curious expression on her face. "Umm, Daddy," she said, pausing briefly before continuing. "How much money can I spend in here?"

Money really wasn't a concern for me; especially at the moment. My wife and I both had really good jobs that paid fairly healthy salaries. We weren't millionaires by any stretch, but we were certainly very much on the plus side of comfortable. My concern was more about the logistics of what she purchased. Not so much in what we would do with them, but in how she would keep them hidden from her mom.

"Pumpkin, I really don't care how much you spend," I began. "You just have to keep in mind that you have to be able to hide anything you buy from your mom. You know how she will react if she finds any of this stuff."

That seemed to lessen her excitement a bit and that pouty little expression she always gave me when she wanted something, formed innocently on her face.

"I just want to make you happy Daddy," she pouted back at me. "I want to give you the things I know my mom won't."

Well shit, that did me in. I knew we had to be careful, but the more she went on with her innocent, pouty little display, the more my resistance wore away.

"Pumpkin, having you is enough to make me happy," I smiled back at her, which caused her excitement to return. "Anything you buy here is just for fun. Daddy already has everything he could possibly want."

Her face lit up, appearing to glow, as she threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"I just love you so much Daddy," she said, with this beaming smile on her face. "You always know just what to say to make me feel all better."

I guess we were both to focused on one another to notice the saleswoman that had walked up to us. She cleared her throat, startling us both, and asked if we needed any help. I guess working in an adult store kind of takes the shock value of sexual oddities out of you, because this woman made no reaction at all to Brittany calling me Daddy, or me calling her Pumpkin.

I turned to the lady, smiling nervously. "Oh, uh, hi there," I nervously replied. "We uh, we're just looking around I suppose. My uh, my girlfriend was just looking mainly," I continued, still nervous about the situation.

Bless this woman's heart, she must have known how nervous I was and she immediately put my mind at ease.

"Sir, it's quite alright," she spoke confidently. "No one here is going to judge you or your," she paused smiling at Brittany, "your girlfriend. Just let me know if you need any help."

I was about to thank her and send her away, when Brittany handed me another outfit I hadn't even realized she had picked out. I took the outfit and Brittany reached out to the saleswoman, tapping her lightly on the shoulder as she began to turn away.

"Umm, excuse me Ma'am," Brittany whispered. "Maybe you could help us out a bit."

The lady quickly turned around, smiling at Brittany and asked her what she needed help with.

"Well, I was wondering about some different toys," Brittany shyly explained. "Daddy and I are kind of new at this," she started, then paused, looking at me nervously. I nodded my head, letting her know it was ok for her to continue; although my reaction was probably more out of shock than anything.

"Well, I'm new at this at least," Brittany continued. "I was just wanting some toys for us to use, but I don't really know what's best."

I instantly became a third wheel in this conversation. I followed behind them as they walked over towards the adult to section, holding the outfits that Brittany had selected as they talked.

Truthfully, I was a little taken aback by all this. Hearing Brittany openly, albeit shyly, request the assistance of this total stranger, in such a private and sexual matter, caught me by surprise. But at the same time, I found myself becoming increasingly aroused at the possibilities that were now being presented as Brittany and this saleswoman continued their conversation.

The woman asked Brittany a multitude of questions about her experience level, about her preferences, and about what particular things excited her the most. What became most apparent to me during this conversation was that the things that excited and turned Brittany on the most, were the exact things that had the same effect on me.

Each time the woman would ask Brittany another question, and Brittany would offer her response, they would move to a new section of toys and begin discussing which items in this section would be the best possible fit.

It began with more sensory stimulating items. Brittany had told the woman how much she loved the feeling of my fingers, lightly caressing her skin and how much the gentleness of it made her entire body quiver. This lead the woman to show Brittany a display of packages that contained these long, very full, feathers. Brittany's eyes seemed gleam with excitement as the lady explained them to her. Brittany smiled demurely at me as she handed me a purple on that she had selected.

More questions were asked and other sensory stimulating items were selected; a little silver, vibrating bullet, a set of nipple clamps that had feathers attached to them that matched the larger feather that Brittany had selected, and matching purple blindfold, completed the list of items Brittany selected from this area.

With each items that Brittany place into my hands, my arousal grew more and more. Part of me thought that we were getting close to pushing beyond the limits of what we could safely keep hidden. However, that part of my thoughts was being overridden by the thoughts of just how much fun we were going to have with all of these items. By this point I just wanted to complete our purchase and get back home, to start putting them to good use. Brittany however, was not done shopping just yet.

Brittany and this lady examined several other items, on the various displays. Much to my delight, Brittany seemed to steer clear of the, what I would call, darker bondage items. She did select a pair of furry purple handcuffs, that she seductively smiled about as she handed them to me. But that seemed to be the only restraint type of device Brittany seemed interested in, at least at that time.

I was beginning to get hungry, on top of being incredibly horny and excited about all the new items in my arms, when the saleswoman asked Brittany how she felt about anal play. The look on Brittany's face was absolutely priceless as she blushed the deep shade of red, and shyly tried to explain how she had felt when I first pressed my thumb against her butthole.

"So I'm assuming you've never had anal sex," the saleswoman confidently spoke.

"N-no Ma'am," Brittany stuttered her reply. "B-but I think D-daddy would like to, and I really want to give myself to him completely," she added, flashing me that sweet, innocent expression that continued to just melt me.

"Awe, that is just so adorable," the saleswoman chirped back at us. "I just adore these types of relationships," she continued. "They just seem so loving and completely open."

I was in quite a bit of shock at that moment. Hearing Brittany confess these things to this stranger somehow caused the realities of our new relationship to seem even more perfect to me. But my shock level was about to reach a place that I never knew was possible.

The lady lead Brittany to another display, only a few feet away from where we had been standing. I was frozen in place as I observed the display they were bow approaching; a display of various anal plugs. Brittany kept looking at me, smiling innocently, yet so incredibly seductively as the woman described the various plugs to her.

After several moments, and a plethora of flirtatious glances, Brittany selected a package that contained the plugs of increasing size, and a bottle of lubricant that the woman assured us was one of the best lubes available. I was in too much shock to really pay much attention to her words though. When Brittany place the box in my arms, which were about as full I could manage, all I could do was stare down at them in amazement. The three plus were identical in their shape and basic appearance. A shiny, cone shaped, silver material that tapered to a point on one end, but expanded wider towards the base. A small stem, extended from the curved base of each plug, and was crowned with a little purple, heart shaped jewel. The only variation in the plugs was their size. The smallest one appeared to be about the size of my thumb, the middle one, maybe just slightly less thick than my cock, and the largest one... well I wasn't sure that one would actually fit inside her. But I did admit to myself that it seemed like it would be a lot of fun trying.

Apparently satisfied with her choices, Brittany smiled proudly up at me. "I think that's enough, don't you Daddy," Brittany asked. "I mean, at least for now."

Looking down at the items in my arms, my head began to spin, trying to comprehend the multiple thoughts all battling for top spot in my mind. "How much is this all going to cost me," was the first thought. Next came, "How will we possibly keep all this hidden. Finally, the thought that won out and ended all other thoughts slipped in, "How much fun are we going to have with all this stuff." Yep, that was it. That was wear any reluctance I had left in me, came to a stretching halt.

"I think so Pumpkin," I finally replied after a moment of silence. "For now at least," I added, giving her a little wink as I did.

We followed the woman over to the cash register to pay for the items Brittany had selected. I wasn't sure if this place paid their employees on commission, but part of me hoped so. Because this woman had definitely earned her pay with our purchases today.

With out items paid for and bagged up, we left the store, Brittany holding tightly onto my arm as we did. When we reached the car I opened her door, folding the seat forward first, to place the bags in the back seat. Once the seat was back upright, Brittany started to climb in, but stopped, pausing to smile at me before she spoke.

"Daddy," she began, "thank you so much for letting me get all of this stuff." There was this insane tone of appreciation and gratitude in her voice, as if no one had ever done anything so wonderful for her. It caught me a little off guard, because, need I remind you, this Camaro we were riding in was her birthday present from me, just a couple of weeks ago.

She put her hands on my shoulders, pushing up on her toes just a bit as she pulled herself up, kissing me lightly on my lips. "I really hope you know how much you mean to me," she finished, before slipping into the passenger seat of her car.

I just stood there for a moment, taking that all in. This was really becoming a lot more than I had imagined when it began. Granted, it had been less than 24 hours at this point, but it simply amazed me at how quickly these feelings had developed between us.

A car pulling in beside us, startled me from my thoughts and I leaned, kissing Brittany softly on her cheek as I buckled her seatbelt. Sure, she could have done that on her own, but the fact that she hadn't already served to further confirm the wonderful dynamic of our relationship.

As I started to stand back up, our eyes met and she smiled brightly at me. "Safety first, right Daddy," she cooed playfully at me.

"Yes Pumpkin," I responded, "safety first." I smiled and kissed her nose again, which she wrinkled up in this adorable, unpretentious manner. "Thank you too Pumpkin. I don't think you realize how much you mean to me either."

I closed her door and walked around to the drivers side and slid into the seat. I was pretty eager to get back home at this point, but my stomach was letting me know that I was also pretty hungry. That same thought I'd previously had ablut needing to keep my strength up, popped back into my head.

"Daddy is pretty hungry Pumpkin," I stated as I started the car. "How about some lunch before we head back home?"

Once again, Brittany's face lit up with that giddy little expression, which I just found so completely endearing. "Can we get pizza Daddy," she chirped excitedly.

Brittany's favorite food was definitely pizza and her favorite pizza place to eat was only a few blocks away from where we were. Scarcely a trip was made to the capitol city without stopping there for lunch or dinner. So when she excitedly begged me for pizza for lunch, I felt pretty certain she already knew the answer.

"Well, I suppose since you've been such a good girl," I chuckled at her, "we could go get some pizza for lunch. But after that we are heading home," I said with a wink.

The shopping trip was a huge success in my opinion, and Brittany seemed to agree. Lunch would prove to be wonderful as well, but the best part of the day was certainly still to come...

To be continued...

I truly hope you enjoyed chapter 2 as much, if not more so than chapter 1. As always, feel free to comment or reach out to me with your thoughts on the story, or possible suggestions on upcoming chapters.

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Firmhands4Firmhands4almost 3 years ago

A total tangling of lust - details certainly MAKE the story so complete! Have to say - 'Keep 'em cumin!'

dottie86dottie86almost 4 years ago
Hot...Sexy....Loved it!

I am looking forward to Ch#3!

winterplayingwinterplayingalmost 4 years ago
One more thought

One more thing! Adding another thought on what I just posted above. I like how this is evolving. I enjoy reading how much they both felt that what was happening was right. And the way you write the sex scenes is incredible. The detail! I found myself holding my breath a lot while reading this. And that isn't something I normally do. Just keep doing what you are doing. Thank you for writing this! **********

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
This is hot and steamy

I really like this story. I have never read a story about Littles with an actual dad with his actual daughter. I am not usually a fan of littles because it seems daddies spank/beat little girls for absolutely any reason which is a turn off for me. I know the girl gets off eventually but it just is a little too brutal for me. However-this daddy doesn’t seem to be into spanking//beating just for the sake of spanking/beating. I like it that he shares his thoughts of wanting to please her by telling her she’s a good girl. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind daddies spanking little girls if it’s actually justified. This story seems like it’s going in a great direction and it is steamy and hot as hell! Plus it’s a real daddy with a real daughter. I cannot wait until the next part comes out.

DunkirkDunkirkalmost 4 years ago

How long till pumpkin reveals daddy a baby bump

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
My 2 cents

I like where you are headed with this. I hope you focus on the loving side of this relationship. I know they have to explore and feel the boundaries of their couplings, but I hope we still feel the emotions between them. The happy and excited feelings that people have when they know what they are doing is right and so satisfying. Thank you for your time and imagination. 5 stars.

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