Game Night


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"That's ok, you can put up anything close enough in value. Your watch, your phone. Whatever."

"I just have the clothes on my back."

Bonnie's eyes lit up, and she spoke quick as lightning. "Done!"

"Wait, now hold on, I really don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. There was a lot of drinking last week and things kinda got out of hand, so I understand if--"

Joe spoke first. "Well shit, TB, after we got back home that night, Bonnie and I had the best sex of our lives. Twice! Why we hadn't fucked like that for near fifteen years. If my wife wants you running around balls out naked then as I see it you've only got two options: walk out this door, or hand my wife your clothes! And if anybody else has a problem with that, this is my house and they can damn well take it or leave it, too!"

"When you put it that way..." I pulled off my t-shirt and let my pants drop to the floor.

Bonnie licked her lips and gathered my clothes, taking them out of the room.

"Great, now you can go get my wife and I a couple of beers. The kitchen's just through the back there."

I haven't been here five minutes and I'm already the party's naked waiter.

Clara and Stan had arrived while I was getting the beers.

"Damn, son, did you drive here naked or something? Well, best get me a beer too." Stan said.

Clara added. "I'm not complaining. Scotch."

Bonnie explained "TB wanted to ante with his clothes, so as a gracious host, I accepted."

That wasn't exactly how I remembered it going.

When Jane and Bill arrived we started playing. The evening went pretty much the same as it did the previous night, except I was naked for more than just the one hour. Closer to five.

I acted as waiter and performed poorly at the games. My dick kept growing and shrinking all night, much to the amusement of everyone.

The women were also getting a tad more daring around me. More than once a hand would rest on my thigh or my ass, and would frequently graze my dick.

At the end of the night Stan won the pot, and I again came in last.

Beth and I said our goodbyes and made for the front door. "Okay Bonnie, I'll take my clothes back. It's time for us to go."

"What do you mean, TB? Stan won the pot... they're his clothes now."

Stan was holding my shirt and pants up against his body. "And they look exactly my size. Nope, I'll be keeping these, son. Better luck next time."

Just like last week, I drive Beth and I home, in the nude.

Just like last week, she gave me a slow teasing handjob during the drive.

And just like last week she fell asleep before letting me cum, so I stayed up all night edging myself.

Beth refused to let me cum for all the next week too, saying she wanted to see how I did at the next game night.

Friday came before I did, once again.

As we were getting ready to go to Clara and Stan's house for game night, I jokingly remarked to Beth, "It's almost like what's the point in even getting dressed, right? Man, I can't believe I was naked the whole time last week."

"No, not the whole time." Beth murmured. Speaking normally she continued. "But you could be. You should be."

I stopped pulling my shirt on mid-way. "What do you mean 'should' be?"

"We both know you're going to get naked at some point tonight. You've gotten naked every game night so far. Like you said, you were practically naked the whole night, what difference should a few more minutes make. And you can't keep betting and losing your clothes. So why not leave them at home. Nobody has a problem with your nudity. Fuck, I think everybody actually enjoys it to one degree or another. Some to several degrees. *cough* Bonnie *cough* So, why not?"

"Are you telling me to get naked?"

Beth told me plainly and kindly, "I'm not telling you anything. This should be entirely your choice. I'll wait for you in the car." She promptly left the room, leaving me frozen half-way between dressed and not.

I considered Beth's passionate arguments, then took off all my clothes. "Ok, yes ma'am. Let's do it!" I said to the empty room.

We were the last ones to arrive at Clara and Stan's, and they were both at the door to greet us.

Clara already had a scotch in hand, and Stan was wearing my clothes that he'd won last week. As soon as he saw us, he grumbled and slapped $5 into Clara's palm, before walking away to join the rest of the party.

"What was that about?" Beth asked.

"We had bet about how long it'd take you to get naked. He said 5 minutes and I said 'no time at all.' Got your ante?"

Beth paid her $125, then gestured to me.

Clara said "I'm guessing you don't have any money hidden anywhere on you? Well I can't let you play without an ante, but I will let you be our waiter again this evening. I'll give you the tour."

Clara looked to Beth, who nodded imperceptibly.

Without a moment's hesitation Clara grabbed my penis and led me around as if it were a leash.

She held onto it for her entire tour, and she showed me every room, and every closet, some of them twice. She didn't stand still once the entire time.

I had a full erection by the time we made it to back to the group.

"And this is the living room, where we'll be playing tonight. May I have everybody's attention please. TB has begged us to let him avoid the humiliation of losing every game this time, so I regret to inform you he will not be joining us in tonight's games."

There were several boos from Bonnie and Jane.

"But that just means he'll have more time to serve. So if you need anything, just grab his attention," she yanked on my dick as she said 'grab' "or speak into the mic" she tapped the top of my erect dick like a microphone "hello, hello, testing, can you hear me?... and he'll be happy to help you."

With the ice thoroughly broken, the ladies became a lot more hands-on with their drink requests.

I also found myself being treated slightly differently, not being an active participant in the games. There were far fewer 'please' and 'thank you's, and nobody addressed me directly unless it was to order me around.

There was also no empty chair for me to sit in when I wasn't waiting on the guests, so I had to stand. Usually I stood next to Beth, and not just because she would give me a slow lazy hand-job when I did.

She still wouldn't let me cum though. She was exceptionally skilled at knowing when I was close, and would let go until I calmed down enough.

By the end of the night, my dick was drooling a near constant stream of pre-cum.

As with the previous game nights, I drove us home at the end of the night, extremely horny.

And, as with the previous nights Beth still refused to let me cum.

The next afternoon when I awoke, Beth was sitting beside the bed, sipping her coffee and watching me.

"Babe, you've been so patient these last couple weeks, and I want you to be patient just a little longer. I have something big planned for next weekend, that I think you're gonna love, but I want you to do me one teensy little favor first. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yeah of course, Beth, I'm sure it won't be a problem. What do you need?"

"I want you to stay naked for me all week. The whole week. If you can do that, I'll give you something to wear next game night. Will you do that for me Tinkerbell?"

I'd really enjoyed myself the last two games nights -- turns out I was more of a closet exhibitionist than I thought -- but the last night took things a lot farther than I'd expected. I figured it probably was a good idea to tone it down a tad.

"Yes ma'am, I think it'd be nice to not have a constant erection next game night. I'm going to enjoy being just your private exhibitionist again. I wasn't planning on anything in particular this week anyway... although I guess I'll have to skip the gym."

"Wonderful! But don't forget you're still forbidden from cumming. Oh, how I wish I could stay home from the office all week too. But just knowing you'll be all naked at home for me will make me feel nice. Actually, while I'm at the office, I want you to send me a new dick pic every hour! No girl likes getting unsolicited dick pics, but solicited ones are a different story all together! And they'll help keep you honest. I'll know if you've cum!"

I spent the week leading up to the next game night completely in the nude. I had never in my life gone so long without any clothing. And combined with being three weeks backed-up with cum, and the hourly dick pics Beth needed me to send, I was in a constant state of arousal.

I was thankful when Friday afternoon rolled around, because I knew I'd finally be allowed to wear something.

"So whose house are we going to tonight? Back to Jane and Bill's? And where are my clothes?"

"Nope, tonight it's our turn to host! I'm very excited about it! And I'll give you what you'll be wearing after all our guests arrive."

I groaned in disappointment, then sighed in acceptance. It's not like it's anything they haven't all seen before.

"Speaking of, they should be here any moment! Go wait for them by the door, and show them in."

I did as asked, while Beth stayed behind in our room, rummaging through some shopping bags.

The first couple to arrive was Jane and Bill. When I opened the door to invite them in, Jane took my naked body all in view, then laughed out loud. "Of course, I should have assumed!"

While I was standing in the doorway letting them in, the last two couples arrived in quick succession.

Clara got out of the car and said "I knew we were at the right house when I saw the naked man at the door."

She and Stan, then Bonnie and Joe entered the house. I led everyone to the living room and fetched them all a first round of drinks.

Beth came downstairs just as I returned with drinks.

When they saw her, all the guests immediately offered her their $125 ante for the night. She added her own to the pot, and explained "I do have something different tonight to cover TB's portion of the pot. Even though he's not playing, I don't think it's fair of him not to contribute.

"But before I do that, TB, pick a hand..." Beth picked up the two shopping bags she'd brought done -- one in each hand -- and put them behind her back.

"Uh, left."

Beth brought forward her left hand from behind her back and offered me the bag.

Inside was a medium sized jeweler box. Puzzled, I opened the box and examined the contents. It was a metal contraception, not much larger than golf ball. I looked at her with a confused expression.

"That's what you'll be wearing tonight. It's called a cock cage. You put it on over your cock and it stops you from getting hard; having an orgasm will be next to impossible for you!"

"But what if I'm already hard?"

"That's what the other bag's for."

Beth reached into the other bag and pulled out a large ziplock bag filled with ice, which she promptly tossed to me.

"Go ahead and put your cage on."

Dumbfounded, I looked around the room and saw all eyes expectantly on me. Watching, and waiting for me to put on my new chastity cage. Not wanting to waste time, I sat down cross-legged on the floor and put the bag of ice on my crotch while I studied the device. My breath was knocked out of me by the cold. Can I get frostbite on my dick?

Unable to focus on anything other than the sharp cold of the ice, I sat dumbly until my erection wilted. I fumbled around trying to put on the cock cage to the amusement of my audience. When I had it assembled, I stood back up.

"And now the final piece!" Beth walked over and took off a gold chain necklace I'd never seen her wear before. At the end of the chain was a small key and brass lock. She put the lock through the small hoop at the top of the cock cage, and snapped it shut. Next she my cock, cage and all, into her mouth. I could feel her running her tongue over the bars, teasing my cock inside the confines of its cage.

My cock rapidly expanded as far as it was able, confirming the cage was in fact doing its job.

Beth took the gold chain with the key and dropped it onto the ante pile. "This is Tinkerbell's contribution to pot. The winner gets his key, and him, for the weekend."

My blood ran cold at hearing my wife's real kink name for me spoken aloud. I now lay completely exposed to our friends, not just bereft of clothes but with no secrets now either.

Maybe 'friends' was too strong a word, and yet it didn't begin to convey the intimacy I'd shared with them all. I have known them for less than a month, yet in all that time, I had been little more than a naked butler to them all. I wondered if any of them actually remembered my real name. Compared to what I had done so far, being known as Tinkerbell instead of TB wasn't really pushing the envelope that much farther. My cock swelled tighter against its confines.

"Actually, scratch that. the winner gets to take Tinkerbell home for the weekend, and I'll keep the key -- call it an incentive for him to do a good job. You can have him do whatever you like: Wash your car, clean you rugs, polish your knobs, empty your gutters, fix your plumbing; Or just stand where you can admire him. Now, let's play!"

Beth's innuendos were not lost on me.

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cmj711cmj7114 months ago

Very kinky & clever of Beth to hold your key Tinkerbell.

She keeps the power & you get to serve others for Her pleasure.

You are kept naked, which you enjoy with a dollop of humiliation, the cherry on top!

Well done!

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel894 months ago

Weird. You claim this is "light femdom" and "CFNM" but you suddenly introduce a cock cage out of nowhere. Cock cages aren't "light femdom," they're heavy BDSM. The cock cage also means his cock is covered, so he's not as naked as he could be. You didn't even tag it.

I don't understand why you would name yoursef "I Like CFNM" and put this in the "exhibitonism & voyeur" and then tirck us into reading a story that undermines those by pushing heavy BDSM and untagged cock cages.

If the focus isn't on his nudity, then why advertise it as such? It just advertises to the wrong crowd and means the right crowd has less chance of seeing it.

TJATJA5 months ago


You can’t give us blue balls as well!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Please continue the story it's so hot

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Don't tell me that in the other bag were panties. If there were, I'm out. If there is some gay stuff when he's taken by the winner(s)- I'm out.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Please do not create gay story. I love it so far. Don't care about cock chastity contraption. It makes him "dressed", but not exposed. Naked is naked and this way its better. I hope one of the women when they play next suggest that TB stays naked whenever they gather togeter (for games) and arrives naked for those nights. Better yet she should suggest that he should be their naked friend and everyones agrees, so whenever TB is in the presence of anyone of them he should be naked (except his wife at home- this will add to cfnm and humiliation, that he will have to undress) and when it's expected that he will meet anyone of them he should arrive naked. :)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I like the story. Only one naked and CFNM, I wished, though, he wasn't going to wear the cock cage. This way he would be more exposed. I don't know if its going to change, but if you could make him completely naked (no cock cage) it would be better. I like the idea he is going to be borrowed for the weekend, but I wish he remained naked. And please continue!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love the story, would like to see TB more submissive to the group, calling everyone sir or mam and serving them.

sirgrunt99sirgrunt999 months ago

okay, so whom won him?

andreinamsterdamandreinamsterdam9 months ago

wow, this was CFNM on steroids - amazing story and very well written too. Keep up the good work !

Xerxes54Xerxes549 months ago

I loved every word and can’t wait for the next installment where I hope the story will “finish”.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Tag says “light femdom.” Nothing light about it. He’s been denied a month. He’s become the naked bitch for HER group of friends. Doesn’t even get a seat with the group when they’re together. Now he’s caged and farmed out for choring for strangers. Don’t much like anybody in this story. Especially the MC.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

We need a separate category (CFNM) for stories about guys who like to show off and think women want that.

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