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I found a tempo and let myself settle in. Now I was exploring elsewhere. I sucked at Taylor's neck. I squeezed at his thigh. I ran my fingers through his short hair. It all kept building and building. I wasn't satisfied with any of it. It was addicting. Soon I was sucking the boy's ear lobe into my mouth. Next I was crawling closer to stick my tongue into his ear, the act of doing so driving my cock into him even deeper than before.

The entire time, Taylor just writhed in my arms and seemingly basked in the full body sensations we shared. He allowed me to be in control. I pumped my hips slowly, and he only met my thrusts without much extra motion. When I tugged his head back by his hair and kissed his cheek, he blew out a long breath of arousal through pursed lips.

I don't know how long we lay that way. My sense of time was so distorted and I didn't care. There were times I'd bring myself right to the burning edge of an orgasm, then I'd slow myself to a crawl and let everything reset. Each time, Taylor's body would relax into me all over again and accept my assault of his neck and his ear.

Then, my hand slid from his chest, down across his flat stomach, all the way to the front of Taylor's thigh. It was only the slightest touch. Still, it was more than enough to give me pause.

My fingers brushed against Taylor's cock.

A sobering tingle shot through my body. It wasn't one of disgust but... what? It stopped me in my tracks. I knew what I was doing, but for some reason, that faint little touch brought everything that was happening into focus.

My hand slid back over. The tips of my fingers first found the folds of a silky smooth set of balls. My hand didn't retreat. Instead my palm slid up the hairless shaft and squeezed.

Taylor throbbed in my hand, and I did the same after a firm thrust into his ass. Now I was moaning. I did so as quietly as I could against sealed lips. As if out of some reflex, my pace quickened. There was no pause in my thrusts anymore. I was rhythmically fucking Taylor now while I clutched his hard dick in my fist.

Our passion deepened. Taylor encircled my head with his arms. My thighs climbed over his. I felt my ass cheeks clenching tightly as I tried to jam my shaft as far into him as I could. I grunted and groaned. Soon I began to fondle Taylor's crotch. I stroked at his cock and tugged at his sack with with no manner of direction or reason. It just felt exciting to have him in my hand. It was addicting to be able to grab him and actually feel his arousal. I was also surprised to discover how long his cock was, though I truly only had my own to compare it to.

I wedged myself so closely to Taylor that we began to shift. One of my legs had widened and slid beneath him. Without ever slowing our motions, Taylor was able to scoot himself onto me. In seconds I was on my back, with Taylor lying on top of me. My cock was still in his ass, though it bothered me that I couldn't get ass much mileage out of my thrusts. The younger man's body felt so much smaller and frail on top of my own. I coiled my arms around him and drew Taylor in.

Taylor turned his head to the side. His face was now right next to mine. I was completely drawn in. I tugged his cock while our lips teased at one another. It became too much and our mouths met again. Now Taylor rolled his hips freely. My body tightened from the sensations. He was in the driver's seat now. My cock was bending and diving and prodding into places within Taylor like I'd never experienced.

Our tongues dove at one another through it all. It was a constant battle through Taylor's rocking movements to keep our mouths locked. Now his thighs were open wide and even without seeing them, I could feel his balls bouncing just beneath my hand. I was trapped beneath him unable to retreat or slow him down.

It was all adding up too quickly.

"Tay... Taylor!" I hissed right into his mouth. "Taylor, I'm... I'm about...."

He didn't stop. Instead Taylor erased my words with his roiling tongue. His plump ass cheeks were squeezing, releasing, twirling, over and over without end. I released his cock and clutched both of his inner thighs in my hands. I was trying to slow him down. I couldn't. His cock bounced wildly against his stomach and my forearm.

All the while, he was staring right into my eyes. He knew what he was doing. He wanted it. He was going to get it.

I'd never felt harder in my life than when my dick burst inside of Taylor. Wild colors blasted the edges of my vision. Still Taylor kissed me. Still he rocked his body on top of mine. His fat ass cheeks smeared themselves up my waist and back down. My cock was twisted into a knot inside of his ass while it fired warm shots of cum into him. I jerked at his thighs to try and make him slow. It worked in Taylor's favor. He just joined the motions and used it to cram my seizing cock deeper into him.

I couldn't stop him, so I did the next best thing I could do to ease the torture. I clamped my hands on his waist and drove my hips up into him. Taylor's mouth released my own. His jaw fell open and his brows furrowed, but I still saw him grin. His ass cheeks clapped loudly against my skin. Caution was gone. All I could think about was the thick stinging sensation blasting from my cock. Driving my cock into Taylor this way somehow made it less torturous and more satisfying.

Even when my hips collapsed back down to the bed, my lower body still thrust upward every second or so. I was scraping the last bits of orgasm that I had.

Taylor didn't stop.

He stared me down lustily and continued to gyrate his ass on top of me. I gripped his thighs and pleaded with him through my eyes. Through the aftershocks of my orgasm, I began to sober fast, realizing what it was I was doing.

"I know... I know that look," Taylor panted in a hushed voice.

He didn't stop.

"That's the look where you ask yourself what the fuck you're doing," Taylor said with an evil grin. "When you dump your load and wonder what the hell you were thinking."

Taylor wasn't wrong. I was pinned beneath him, only able to wallow in the truth of what was happening. My cock was no longer stiff inside of Taylor, but it was there and he wasn't letting it lose strength. He kept grinding his ass atop my body. I felt my own cum drooling from his hole, down my shaft, and onto my balls.

Taylor brought his lips close to mine.

"You're fucking me, Doug," He hissed. "Because you came in here to fuck me."

His words split right through my skull. A spike of filthy excitement hit my brain and showered down through my body.

"I'm not gonna let you tuck your fat cock between your legs and run outta here," Taylor continued.

I could see the haze in his eyes. Even in the dark his hazel orbs were glazed over. That must have been exactly how I looked moments ago. I couldn't bring myself to look away, even though for a moment I wanted to. I didn't want to face what I was doing. The more I stared into Taylor's face the more contagious that look he was giving me became.

My hands settled back onto Taylor's waist. He was half my age. I could feel that in his skin. With every twist of his hips, I felt the sweat and filth lathered across my crotch. This was Taylor. I'd been to his baseball games. I'd helped him move his things off to college. He was Leanne's nephew.

I grabbed Taylor by the cock and pulled him into a higher gear.

My face met his. We kissed. It wasn't a neat and delicate kiss. I let Taylor's tongue lap at my lips and probe deep into my throat. I could feel my pulse swelling in my cock again. Taylor could feel it, too. His creamy asshole tugged my dick higher and higher. In my hand, his shaft grew less tender by the second.

Taylor moaned out into the dark.

I clamped my free hand over the boy's mouth. When I did I felt flecks of warmth on my forearms. While Taylor's hot breath hissed through the fingers of my left hand, his cock jumped and bulged in my right. Hot fluid oozed down onto my thumb and in between my fingers. I felt the droplets on my arms sinking through my arm hair.

The most incredible feeling, however, was swarming my cock. Each time Taylor's cock throbbed, I could feel his insides tighten around my shaft. It was like being stroked or squeezed, but I couldn't believe it was his ass! And as if it were contagious I felt my own cock surging with energy, my own asshole pulsating right along with Taylor.

The dick I held began to sag in my fist. Still it nodded. Dribbles of cum leaked to pool with the rest in my hand. Taylor had stopped gyrating, but now he shuddered on top of me. I slid my other hand away from his mouth then used it to press his face back toward mine.

For several silent moments we breathed each other in and kissed. Each time our tongues caressed one another I felt a familiar throbbing begin to strengthen my sticky cock. I still had not pulled it out of Taylor's ass. I didn't want to, I realized.

"You feeling that feeling yet?" I gasped. "Wondering... what the hell you just did?"

Taylor just looked at me and smiled wearily.

"Actually, no," he told me. "It's the opposite. I can't believe it really happened."

I nodded in agreement. I certainly didn't regret feeling what I felt with Taylor in that moment. I knew I'd never forget it.

Taylor licked his lips. He said, "I actually don't want you to stop."

I half smiled thinking he was kidding. Looking him in the eyes, I saw that wasn't the case.

"Sorta want you to just stay in here," Taylor went on, "flip me on my face and fuck me stupid again."

I kissed him again, sneaking my tongue through his lips once more.

"Is that right?" I mouthed against his face.

"I know you gotta leave, Doug," Taylor admitted. "You'll need sleep. Leanne might see you're not in there. She'll give you hell tomorrow if you're not up on time, too. I understand."

I licked my lips and said, "I'll catch hell no matter what. I might as well earn it."

I took Taylor by his hips and flipped him down onto the bed, rolling with him so that my cock stayed lodged in his ass. He was flat on his face, but tilted his head down to look at me. I felt the response throughout his whole body. I was mounted behind him after all, my chest against his back.

Now, I was able to spread my thighs around his, wedge myself deep into his ass cheeks, and begin thrusting up into him. I was deeper than I'd over been. I planted my elbow above his shoulder on the bed and held him in place. The force from my hips was shoving him upward along the mattress after all. I worked slow but rough, feeling Taylor's cheeks jiggle against my waist when I'd drive into him.

Several minutes passed. I kept my pace steady and came to a realization. That familiar orgasmic burn was a long way off; yet, there I was again unable to get enough of Taylor's ass. I wondered how long it might take.

"Said you've got all night," I told him. "Did you mean it?"

After four or five more hard thrusts, Taylor finally formed the words through his smile.

"Every... word... ah... oh...."


"Doug, did you get my phone charger already?"

I shut the hatch on the SUV and shielded my eyes with my hand, staring up at the porch.

"Sure didn't, sweetie," I called back to my wife.

Leanne made a defeated gesture dropping her arms to her sides before storming back into the cabin. She was always a mess when we traveled. I checked my watch and saw that we were still on schedule. It was a long drive, but I'd learned to account for delays. Especially when it concerned Leanne packing.

I glanced over at the red car in the driveway. Taylor was there, tucking his luggage into the trunk. He didn't look over but I watched him. His tight black shirt slid partially up his body to reveal his smooth waist. I couldn't fight away the images in my head even if I wanted to. The way my hands fit around that waist to tug him into me....

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for a while, Doug," a voice said.

I spun to find Heather approaching me wearing a smile. She extended her arms and I welcomed her into a hug. When the woman drew back, she beamed up at me with her sister's eyes. That was a look I was not accustomed to.

"Listen, thank you so much for doing this every year," Heather said. "The horseback riding was awesome."

"Hey, my pleasure," I told her. "Life gets a little hectic, but I wouldn't want to miss out on some getaway time."

"Really, I know it's a lot," Heather went on. "And I know Leanne can be difficult. I really do appreciate you setting all this up."

I nodded. "Look forward to it next year. We'll keep it going."

Heather looked me over. She half glanced behind her and lowered her voice a bit.

"And also... thank you for being so nice to Taylor," she said. "It really means a lot to him that you two are hanging out. His father isn't as accepting... well, his father is a lot of things."

I smiled and nodded again. "I know."

"I just think it's good for him to have someone like you," Heather said. "Maybe you two can do that more often? You know, hang out and do things together?"

I forced myself to make eye contact with Heather. Now the images in my head fluttered like moths trapped in a lampshade, and I tried like hell to bat them away.

"Yeah, I think that'd be cool," I told her. "When he's not busy with college, anyway. Maybe we'll line up a, uh, camping trip or something like that."

Heather smiled. "I'll miss you, Doug."

I accepted another hug from Heather before my wife emerged from the cabin again.

"Heather, I think your curling iron is still in here," Leanne called. "And I have still not seen that phone charger."

Heather smiled one last time at me before heading toward the cabin. I watched her leave before I heard a vehicle start. Paul and Nancy were already leaving. I'd said my goodbyes earlier after loading their luggage, but I waved to them as they pulled past me in the driveway. Nancy smiled and waved enthusiastically.

Paul was another story. He didn't wave nor smile. He'd hardly spoken when I'd bid them farewell. Now he eased the car along and glared at me through the windshield. I'd seen that look of disgust aimed at Taylor all weekend. Now I was the recipient. Outwardly I didn't let it bother me. A nagging feeling chewed my insides, though. I settled my nerves like I had the previous day by telling myself what was probably true. I'd chatted with Taylor and been close with him all weekend. Because of that, Paul saw me in the same light he saw Taylor.

My paranoia wouldn't accept that. Deep down I wondered... what if he knew? Things hadn't exactly been totally quiet the last few nights. Had he caught on? Or seen? Surely he'd have made waves by now. Not knowing would always gnaw at my mind.

"Guess you're public enemy number two now?"

I glanced over to see Taylor walking up. He wore tight fitting jeans, a small black shirt, and that sly little grin. I shrugged to him.

"Not everyone hates me," I replied. "Your mother just asked me to hang out with you more often."

Taylor's eyebrows lifted and his smile widened as he came to lean on the SUV beside me.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Taylor agreed.

I rubbed my head. "Do you, uh... think we can pull something like that off?"

Taylor's eyes narrowed. "We fucked every night this weekend in a cabin surrounded by our family. If we pulled that off, I think we can manage a little alone time."

My eyes shot back to the porch when he said the words but I found no one there. I licked my lips and moved a bit closer.

"I mean... long term," I said in a hushed voice. "Beyond this weekend. We don't exactly lead the same kind of lives, you know."

Taylor shrugged. "Who cares. I don't think it has to be complicated."

The young man pulled his hand from his pocket and reached between us. His palm cupped my crotch through my shorts. I sucked in a deep breath and scanned back toward the cabin again. Already I could fill my dick filling with blood.

Taylor stared right at me. "As long as I want a fat cock and you want a tight ass, I don't think we can really go wrong."

I allowed myself a little smirk. "Is that all it is?"

"Well," Taylor said removing his hand and stepping even closer, "if you'd like the element of danger, there's always holidays coming up. I could stay in the guest room. Maybe even invite mom to sleep in the next room for old times sake."

I shook my head. "Wow. You're demented."

Taylor laughed. "You started it."

Leanne and Heather approached and we turned. The four of us chatted for a while in the driveway before going our seperate ways. We hugged, said our goodbyes in turn, and each got ready to make the long drive home. I even received a hug from Taylor, which he made last a little longer than I was comfortable with. Heather and Leanne didn't seem to notice. Even after he'd gotten in his car and drove away, I was already receiving a text message from him.

As we got in the SUV and started down the winding driveway through the trees, I mentally prepared myself for things to go back to normal. To my surprise, my wife seemed rather happy.

"We really needed that," Leanne said, looking longingly in the mirror at the fading cabin.

"I know I did," I said without lying.

Leanne looked at me. "You know, I'm really proud of you. You and Taylor really hit it off! I thought you were going to be an asshole like Dad."

I gripped the steering wheel. "He's a good kid. Why wouldn't I spend time with him? I think Paul just needs some time. He'll come around eventually."

Leanne stared out the window dreamily.

"Well, maybe so," she muttered. Leanne chuckled and added, "I don't think he'll be up his ass the way you were this weekend, though."

White hot shock bounced through my body like sparks. I glanced at Leanne. She was still looking out the window. It was a joke. Just an expression. Leanne was a heavy sleeper. There was no way. That's not how she meant it. Each thought did nothing to cool the heat on my skin. I thought of something to say back. I had nothing.

I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Leanne looked over at me and grinned before turning to look back out the window at the colors in the trees. The mere seconds weren't enough to see what was in her eyes.

She didn't know. She didn't.

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adidas21525adidas2152510 months ago

This is so perfectly written and was an inspiration to me. Thank you!!

AndreaMoAndreaMo12 months ago

Loved it. Part 2?

smoothed273smoothed273about 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story. I had similiar except as a college freshman I had a 20s married man service me for the first time. Learned the pleasures of gay sex.

WhatsamatterUWhatsamatterUover 1 year ago

This cries out for another chapter. I can only be the cool uncle. I may be selfish, but I can't give oral to a man or take it up the behind. I can really appreciate the connection between the 2 of them.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 2 years ago

This is so hot, so well described, so joyful and also painful. The fossilised family relationships, the smoothness and hairiness, the hot desire, the burning - wonderful!

mikecoleman287mikecoleman287over 2 years ago

Super hot story and well written! I'm hard as a rock right now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hot AF. Reminded me of my first experience with another man. Well written.

Rhg12345Rhg12345over 2 years ago

Beautiful writing.

puzzldbicuriouspuzzldbicuriousover 2 years ago

Very hot! Great story, kept me excited the whole time. Wish something like this would happen to me.

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