Going to NIGWA with My Brother Ch. 01

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The NIGWA series about brothers wrestling females.
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This story is fictional. All the characters are fictional. Everyone in my stories are over 18 years of age. My stories can be a little violent, consider yourself warned. I do not endorse violence against others. I do enjoy pro wrestling.

I was just finishing wrestling class when I got called to the office. Fred asked me to sit down for a couple of minutes. "I want to talk with you and and Tim about an opportunity that the two are being offered."

Tim came in a few seconds later. Fred replied, "Thanks for coming in. The two of you are being offered a contract. NIGWA is asking for you both to wrestle for their organization. They want to meet with you both tomorrow."

I asked Fred "Who or what is NIGWA?" Fred replied "National Inter Gender Wrestling Alliance." We hesitated to respond and Tim said, "Tom and I need to talk about this first."

We went home and talked about the offer all night long. We looked of the meaning of Inter Gender and read up on the history of how the concept was created.

Tim said, "Basically, we get to wrestle women. This could be exciting!"

I replied, "Wrestling fat women doesn't sound exciting to me."

Tim and I talked until about sunrise the next morning. Tim convinced me to meet with the NIGWA and at least talk with them.

We arrived at the gym and waited in the office. Promptly at 9 am Fred came in with a couple of people. They were dressed up in business suits. At least we were in shirts and ties.

Fred introduced us to Sam Briggs and Paulette Smith. Sam looked like he was in his 40's and Paulette looked like she was in her 20's.

Sam started "I started NIGWA about 6 years ago and we are looking for some fresh talent. We came to the wrestling card last week. You 2 stood out to us as we watched the whole card."

Sam continued, "Our programs are on Alternative television each week. We are finishing season 2 tonight. You are invited to watch our matches."

There was some noise outside the office, so Fred went to check on what was going on. A couple of ladies were escorted in the office.

The ladies were both attractive. They both looked similar in looks. I figured that they were sisters. They didn't look like models, nor did they look like fat women.

Sam interrupted "Before any contracts sre offered, you both will have to try out and wrestle a couple of dark matches. If you do well, we will offer you both contracts."

I quickly developed butterflies in my stomach. I like more advanced notice before wrestling. I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head. Tim reacted the same way.

I motioned to Tim to get our wrestling gear from the car. Tim excused himself and quickly went and grabbed our gear. Tim came back in.

The ladies excused themselves to change into their workout clothes. From what I could tell, those ladies looked strong or fit.

Tim and I went into the men's locker room and changed. We talked excitedly about the ladies. We finished getting dressed and started stretching and warming up.

Fred came into the locker room and coached us on our tryout. He then escorted us out to the ring. "These girls are just like the men you have wrestled for the last year. Don't go easy on them if you all wrestle"

The ladies were already in the ring warming up themselves. The ladies introduced themselves to us. Both the ladies looked stunning and semi muscular.

"Hi, I'm Jill and this is Jane. Our stage names are Jan Cat and I am Sexy Kitten. Sam seems to be impressed with you both. He saw you both wrestle as a tag team." Jill said.

"Hi, I'm Tom and this is my brother Tim." I said with a smile. "So, what's the plan? Are we going to do a workout, or are we going to wrestle?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

Jill barked 'Woah, slow down. We are interviewing right now. Then we will do a light workout. Tomorrow evening, we will have you two wrestle. You both will each have an opponent to wrestle."

The ladies challenged us to a weightlifting contest. I did my personal best 290lbs bench pressing. I was able to deadlift 250lbs.

Both Jane and Jill beat my total amount. Tim fared better than I did. He lifted more than Jill, but less than Jane.

We then did a mile run. Both Tim and I barely beat them on the final sprint. The girls noted that both my brother and I have longer legs. We all laughed.

"See y'all tonight. There's going to be 5 matches tonight." Jane said. We all went back into the gym and were met by Sam, Paulette and Fred.

"Hope to see all of you tonight. I gave Fred the directions to the studio. We do two nights of video taping of our program. You're all invited for both nights." Sam said.

Well, Tim and I went home for a few hours of rest and showering. Jane and Jill wore loose clothing, so we didn't really have any idea as to what they looked like.

We dressed up and went to the gym to meet up with Fred. Fred showed up and we followed him to the studio and Sam welcomed us to NIGWA.

I was impressed with the professionalism of the camera crew, the lighting and the sound system. We were led into Sam's office. We met all the backstage crew and the board of directors.

We were then led into another room which was converted into a welcoming room. There we were able to meet many of the wrestlers. Both Tim and I looked around. I was awed and how strong some of the wrestlers looked

Tim whispered to me, "There is not one person that looks fat here. "I just nodded my head and decided to be sociable. I ran into Jill who told me who I will wrestle.

"You will be wrestling with Claire. She is a very good and deceptive strength. She goes by the name Claire Bear." Jill told me.

Jill continued "I will be wrestling your brother Tim. Just realize, that you two are still trying out. Don't get discouraged. Try to have a little bit of fun. Good luck."

An attractive female walked up and introduced herself "Hi. So you are Tom. I am Claire. Looks like I will be giving you a Tryout tomorrow afternoon. Just do your best and I'll do the rest"

I studied Claire. She has shoulder length black hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. She was wearing black spandex slacks and a dress shirt which was straining to contain her upper body.

Her clothes didn't hide any of her muscles. I was both turned on and felt a sense of dread. I felt like I was in over my head. I had butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Claire also has a strong, almost crushing grip when we shook hands. The room started emptying as the taping is about to start.

Both Tim and I went to the bleachers to sit and watch the matches. Tim whispered to me, "I am wrestling Jill tomorrow. I don't know how to prepare for the match."

I whispered back to Tim "At least you know how strong Jill is. I'm wrestling someone named Claire the Bear. I just met her a few minutes ago. All I know is that she looks strong.

Claire is about 5'10" and about 170lbs of solid muscle. She has big.boobs. My guess would be 38d boobs. I could have looked at her all evening.

The matches started and I watched Jan Cat wipe up the mat with a guy named Charlie. Jill came up and sat beside me. She actually grabbed my hand and held it.

Jill is about 5'6 and might weigh about 140-150 lbs. I would guess that she is at least heavy into fitness. Jill is a little bit stronger than Tim and I.

I shivered a little bit and Jill whispered to me "Relax. After this match, we will step out of the studio. Both Tim, you and I can talk a little bit. I can see and feel your nervousness."

Poor Charlie was in pain and Black Cat was roaring like a cat in heat. Cat has Charlie in an abdominal stretch and applied a claw hold to his stomach.

Cat fell forward, smashing Charlie's head to the mat. She rolled off of Charlie and rolled him onto his back. Cat paraded around flexing her biceps.

Cat was stunning to look at. She was wearing black Spandex pants and long sleeve spandex shirt. She was wearing a black mask with cat ears. Cat wore black gloves and boots.

Charlie was regaining his senses and Cat placed a foot on his chest. The ref counted to Two and Charlie rolled his shoulder up.

Cat screamed a howl and started stomping on Charlie's stomach. She applied a two handed abdominal claw hold. Cat growled as her nails sank deeper into his stomach.

Charlie screamed a blood curdling scream. He tried vainly to escape her claw, but it was too late. Charlie tapped out as Cat put her full weight by using the ropes to increase the pressure.

Cat wouldn't release her claw hold, and the ref disqualified her. She finally released the hold by having guys pull her off Charlie.

Cat's hands had blood on them. She licked the blood off and smiled an evil smile. Charlie was put on a stretcher and carried away. Cat then did pushups with her hands together.

I really got nervous and again I felt a cold breeze go down my spine. Cat's coach/trainer threw in the ring a toy with (supposed) cat nip.

Cat started playing with the toy and became drunk like. The trainer put her in a collar and led her out. She looked at Tim, smiled and winked at him.

Both Tim and I were shocked at what we had just witnessed. The video taping stopped for a break. Sam motioned us over to him and he introduced us to Charlie.

Charlie was getting bandaged up. Charlie showed us the nail gashes in his stomach which didn't look very bad.

Jan Cat came in and checked on her fiancee. She explained that the two of them were getting married and needed time off. This was the way they decided to end their feud.

I asked Sam "Is this typical of your matches? Hard core?" Sam explained "No we don't do this unless we are writing someone off for a while. I'm going to suspend Jan Cat indefinitely and tell everyone that Charlie is injured and will be out for a while."

A camera man came in and Sam walked out to the ring with him. Sam announced that Black Cat was being fined $10,000 and being suspended indefinitely.

Tim and I watched on from behind the bleachers. Cat came out hissing and growling at Sam. A group of guys held Cat away from Sam.

The video taping stopped for another break. and Tim and I started chatting. Tim said to me "They aren't girls! They are gorillas!". I replied "Tim, be nice. They are ladies! Fitness and bodybuilders, yes. But they're not gorillas!"

Tim and I went back and forth repeating the same things. Sam overheard us arguing and listened in. Sam started to laugh at us which distracted us from our argument

"You guys are funny as hell! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! That is the missing element in our shows. Comedy!" Sam laughed again.

I responded " You think that is funny, you should hear his impression of George the Animal Steele. Tim?" Tim grinned. He did his impression "Elizabeth! Nice! Mine!". Sam laughed even harder.

"Oh my gawd! I, I can't breathe. The mood out there is not good. Can you do your argument with your George Steele impression?" Sam asked.

Tim did his bit and I kept correcting him. Even I thought the act was funny. I had a hard time keeping a straight face in our skit. Sam was laughing so hard that he was double up almost rolling on the floor.

The camera person came over and was laughing so hard that she was crying. Before we knew it, several people came over and laughed at us.

"You guys are going to kill me. Please stop. You guys could even be the opening act for our shows!" Sam gasped trying to get his composure.

I reminded Sam that we were there to observe the matches with the idea that we were trying out tomorrow afternoon.

I was then told that they were also giving two females a wrestling tryout. Sam then told us "you both will still be wrestling the same ladies. Tom, you will be wrestling Claire the Bear. Tim, you will will be wrestling Jill the Chill!"

A guy named Nero the Hero defeated Heidi in a back and forth match. He did a frog splash and pinned Heidi.

Joe got disqualified due to interference by his coach. Lynn was the winner. It was a one sided match. Lynn was about to apply a sleeper hold when Red interfered.

Larry lost to Paulette in a squash match. Paulette was the biggest surprise to Tim and I. She is an absolute bodybuilder.

I would say that her biceps were 14 to 15 inches thick. Her legs were (the best way to describe it is Oh my Gawd huge). Paulette is the inter gender champion.

Paulette is a 5'11" powerhouse. She has been undefeated for 4 years. She won the NIGWA World Title 2 years ago.

Paulette toyed with Larry and after 2 suplexes, placed a finger on the weakened guy for the 3 count.

Larry had to be helped back to the dressing room. Paulette celebrated her victory by doing a muscle show. Paulette smiled at Tim and I and flexed her biceps.

Jill made a deal with Sam and Claire. She told us that Claire was going to wrestle Tim in the tryout. I was going to wrestle Jill in my tryout. Tim and I agreed to our matches.

I saw a look in Jill's eyes that spooked me. I have never paid attention to the eyes before. The best way to describe the look was absolute lust.

Tim and Fred got in the car to leave and Jill wanted to chat for about a minute. Jill told me that Claire's signature hold was a bear hug that few have ever escaped.

Jill told me that she likes to use a sleeper hold. She said "Let's make our match interesting. The loser must do something special for the winner. Tom, if I win, you must kiss my biceps and admit that I am superior to you."

I nodded yes and said "If I win, you must kiss my biceps and announce that I am superior." We shook hands and Jill gave me a wicked smile and told me that she was going to be the heel in the match.

I took a cold shower as I did get a little bit horny. I got ready for bed and checked my phone for messages. I received a message from someone. It was Jill.

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