Going to the Beach Pt. 01


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We composed ourselves and she picked up her phone and pressed a few keys, then put it down. My phone was on vibrate in my shorts pocket and buzzed me. I realized she was still horny and had just texted me another smiley. This was too good to be true! I quickly put the Oreos out of sight - I wasn't sure my heart could take another craving-quenching!

Our yard was small but needed mowing. So, I went out cut the grass. While mowing my phone vibrated a couple of times, but I ignored it so I could get done. After I put the mower up, I pulled out my phone and found two texts from Hanna and one from Lana - all with multiple smiley faces. I went inside and called out for Lana. No answer. So, I checked around and all I found was her AirPod case open on the table by the front door. She must've gone out for a run while I was working out back. I hopped in the shower and cleaned up as quickly as I could. I didn't want her to find me there, I wanted to save up my energy till after 3!

I had just gotten dressed when she walked into the bathroom. I was right, she had been for a run. She must've stopped along the way to text me. Wonder what got her going. I planned on finding out later. I excused myself and let her shower and get dressed. When she came out of the bedroom, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and started straightening up the house. There really wasn't much to do, since we had just "entertained" last night. When we finished, it was about 2:30. Lana said she wanted to freshen up and I could pour us a drink while we waited for Hanna. I was working on drinks when my phone (still on vibrate) buzzed me. It was a smiley from Hanna. I finished making our drinks and sat down to watch part of the game when my phone buzzed again, this time it was from Lana and was a giant smiley.

Moments after I put my phone down, she came into the room and look ravishing. She had her hair down and loose, her plaid shirt was unbuttoned almost to her waist and she was wearing "daisy dukes" that were certainly a "Hazard"! I nearly choked on my Bourbon when I laid eyes on her. All I could say was "HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE HOT!" She smiled, grabbed her drink off the bar and went to the kitchen.

"I could use some help in here." came from the other side of the kitchen. About the time I got up, and got my cock adjusted in my pants, my phone buzzed again. This time it was a long buzz, so I knew it must be the front door Ring camera. I went to the door and opened it. There was Hanna, in a short plaid skirt and a white blouse. She had on stilettos that made her almost as tall as me. The only words that came to mind were the exact same ones, "HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE HOT!" And then, I realized that I was kind of out of line, and apologized. "I'm so sorry, but you caught me off guard and you really are quite beautiful! Sorry if I offended you."

"Oh no, that's pretty much the reaction I'd hoped for!" she smiled as she rubbed past me on her way in. She had a cooler bag in her hand, which I offered to take to the kitchen for her. I took the bag and Hanna to the kitchen. Now it was her turn "HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE HOT!" Then, she turned beet red and began apologizing to both of us. "I'm so sorry, but your husband just said those words to me and they were still fresh in my mind. Please don't be offended or anything. I really meant to say that you are gorgeous."

"Guess what?," Lana replied, "He just said that to me a moment before you came in, too!" We all had a good laugh. Turns out she had brought frozen, top-shelf Margaritas from her favorite TexMex place across town. We got out the salt and Margarita glasses and poured the first round. I was still trying to figure out why the sudden, blatant hotness was being displayed for me. I must've been staring off into space or something, when I heard Lana say "What do you say, Mr Hypnotist?"

"I'm sorry, you two have me all flustered. What were you saying?"

"Hanna asked if you'd like to hypnotize us together again, right now?"

"What about you, Lana? The first time was kind of an accident. Are you OK with it on purpose, this time?" was my answer.

"Yeah, sure. It worked well that way, let's do it again!"

"Lets go in the den and get comfy, then." I closed the blinds most of the way, put on the same ambient ocean waves sound and sat in the same chair. Lana sat nearest me on the couch and Hanna sat at the far end. I went thru the same induction, but a bit faster and adding a count-up to 10 and they would then be fully entranced. About 5 minutes later, both where completely relaxed and still.

"Lana put on the earbuds like last time." I waited a few seconds and could see her keeping time with the music. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes." It was Hanna.

"Perfect. Hanna how did you sleep last night?"

"It was absolutely wonderful. I was still and woke up so rested and refreshed. I don't think I've ever slept better."

"That's what I hoped you would say. So, you trust me now." (it was a statement not a question) "You will always be honest with me, even when we are not at the beach. You can trust Lana, just like you trust me, too."

"Yes. I trust you."

"Good. When we are at the beach, I might ask you some questions. You know that you can always be truthful with me." (a statement, again) "Have you been horny since you were over here yesterday?"

"Oh my god, yes. Something about the thought of you helping me sleep made me so fucking horny - all day. I couldn't stop thinking about it, about you!"

"That's perfectly natural. You are not ashamed of it. You can always feel horny toward me and Lana. There's nothing at all wrong with that. Did you masturbate since then?"

"Well, yeah. I did. When Lana called, I was actually just about to cum. I don't know if she realized it, or not. I muted my phone so she wouldn't hear. That's when we agreed to repay you today for the great night's sleep. I also masturbated right before I came over here. I just can't seem to cum enough."

"You are such a good girl. And how did you two plan to repay me?"

"We are going to fuck your brains out, I believe that's how Lana put it."

"Fantastic. Lana came up with this idea? How do you feel about it?"

"Yes, she brought it up. I had thought about it myself, but didn't want to mess things up for you two. But since she brought it up, I knew it would be ok. And from what I hear from her, this is going to be fun for all of us. So I agreed."

"Very thoughtful. I'm so glad you told me. It makes me happy that you are always honest with me. Being honest with me gives you pleasure. Whose idea was it for the slutty outfits?"

"Lana said you were always after her to dress more slutty, so we decided that's what we'd do for you."

"Now, let me help you get even better sleep. From now on, when you are ready for bed, just say the words "I'm ready to sleep" and you will fall sound asleep until you are completely rested or your alarm goes off."


Now to make this easier, I said "When I say 'Hanna, go to the beach' you will go right back to the beach - right here, just like you are now. You remember that being at the beach makes you relaxed and refreshed, but horny. Each time you are here at the beach you will be just a little hornier than the last time. You know that you are safe at the beach. You will be your normal self, just more free, adventurous and as uninhibited as you've ever fantasized about. When I say 'Go home, Hanna' and snap my fingers you will come back from the beach, completely refreshed and happy and will resume whatever you were doing. Do you remember what I'll say?"

"Yes. When you say 'Hanna, go to the beach' I get to come back here to the beach and get horny. When you say 'Go home, Hanna' and snap your fingers, I'll come back from the beach and feel great."

"Great. And when you are at the beach, you will be completely awake and aware of what's going on and will remember it as a wonderful dream, unless I tell you you otherwise. Are you still at the beach?"


"Fantastic. You feel happy and horny at the beach. Open your eyes, but stay at the beach." She opened her eyes and squirmed just a bit. "Whenever I ask you a question you will answer honestly, even when you are not at the beach. It makes you feel good when you answer me honestly. No matter what the question or answer is. Do you understand?"


"Do you like being at the beach with me?"

"Oh yes."

"Do you like the idea of coming back to beach as often as you can?"

"God, yes. It makes me horny and excited just thinking about it."

"Great. When you are at the beach, you trust me and Lana completely. You like everything we suggest and want to do whatever we ask. We just want you to be happy and feel wonderful." She nodded her head, while looking directly into my eyes.

"Hanna. I'm going to talk to Lana now, you won't be able to hear us until I tap you on the shoulder."... "Hanna, can you hear me?"... no response. Great.

Tapping Lana on the shoulder, I said "Lana, take off the earbuds. I need to talk with you."

"Oh, Hi! I was just listening to some music. What do you need to talk about?"

"Lana, when you come to the beach, it makes you feel great and horny - like you have no cares in the world, no inhibitions, no fears. It makes you so relaxed and at ease that you want to come back here as often as you can. Whenever I tell you "Lana, go to the beach", you will immediately come back here. When I tell you "Go home, Lana" and snap my fingers you will resume whatever you were doing before."

"Mmm. OK"

"You trust me completely. You know that I love you completely, and that all I ever want for you is happiness and pleasure. You know that you can always find that with me, especially at the beach. You know that I will always do my best to give you that pleasure anywhere and anytime, too. I love you."

"I know. I love you, too."

"Super. Whenever I ask you a question, you will answer with complete honesty. No question or answer will make you uncomfortable. Answering questions gives you great pleasure. Do you understand?"

"Yes." and she sighed, a bit.

"Each time you come to the beach, you get horny. Hornier each time you come back. You look forward to getting that feeling. How do you feel, now?"

"I'm pretty horny already!"

"Good girl, that's perfect. While you are at the beach, you will be completely awake and aware of what's going on. When you leave the beach, everything that happened there will seem like a marvelous dream, unless I tell you otherwise. You will just remember that you had an exciting dream and that you now feel great."

I tapped Hanna on the shoulder, she looked startled. "Hanna and Lana, when we are at the beach, and I say 'Listen to me', you will do exactly what I say. Can you do that?"

"Yes", "Yes"

"Great! So how do you both feel? Hanna you first."

"Super chill. And getting pretty horny, I guess."

"Good girl, that's the perfect way to feel at the beach."

"Lana, how about you?"

"I feel really relaxed, and horny, too."

"Lana, why were you and Hanna dressed up so slutty and beautiful today?"

"You've always been bugging me to dress sluttier. I figured that I owed you for helping me sleep better. I asked Hanna if she'd be ok with it. We both felt so great after you helped us relax yesterday that we decided to show you how good we felt by making you feel even better - if ya know what I mean."

"Maybe I do, explain it to me exactly."

"We were going to seduce you and fuck you silly, silly boy!"

"Lana, whose idea was this?"

"It was mine. But I had a feeling Hanna would be all in, too. And she was. We discussed it this morning when I called her while I was on my way to the store. She seemed excited but a little distracted."

"What happened at the store?"

"Well, I was picking up all the things on my list when I passed the cookie aisle. I started to crave some Oreos, but as soon as I thought about them, I got horny as hell. I left my basket right where it was and went into the restroom to take care of myself. When I was done, I finished my shopping and left."

"Explain to us how you 'took care of yourself', please. Be as descriptive as possible. Hanna, pay close attention, so you will learn what Lana likes. Lana, go on."

"Well, I went into one of the stalls in the lady's room and pulled down my yoga pants to my ankles. I was able to put one foot up on the commode and keep my balance, leaning against the wall. I knew my pussy was going to be sloppy wet, already. When I put my finger in, not only was it sopping wet, but it was hot, too. I didn't want to waste any time, so I just began to push 1, then 2, then finally 3 fingers of my left hand into my drenched pussy. But that wasn't going to be enough. I needed to cum so badly. I started pinching my nipples with my right hand.

"By this time I was making quite a bit of noise and the bathroom door opened and someone came in. I was so hot and getting close to cumming, so I just tried to be a quiet and kept right on. I needed more, so I used my right hand to play with my clit while I pumped my left hand in and out. I was soooo close but there was someone in the stall next to me! I couldn't stop, though. I pinched my clit and came like there was no tomorrow! I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan as I came. It felt so deliciously naughty, cumming like that right next to another woman in there. My left hand was drenched, so I sucked it as clean as I could and pulled my pants back up. I'm pretty sure the other woman heard my wet, sloppy cunt and my quiet moan when I came.

"I waited a few minutes, but she just stayed put. I needed to get back to my buggy, as I had cold stuff there that I needed to get home. So, I just got myself together and went to wash up. She was still in her stall. I peeked thru the gap by the door and saw her with her hand buried in her pussy almost up to her wrist - AND - she was sucking on her own nipple! It was so hot and I was still so horny, I almost went back for another round. But, I knew I needed to get back. I cleaned up, straightened my hair and makeup and went out to finish my shopping. I'm pretty sure I saw her in the store, we both smiled, nodded and winked at each other! It was so naughty, and SOOO HOT! I'm all worked up again telling about it!"

"You did great, taking care of yourself and telling us about it."

"That was soo hot" Hanna added. "I wish my morning went that well."

"Hanna, tell us about your phone call with Lana. Be as descriptive as you can."

"After I got up and did my morning workout, I was super horny. I don't know why it does that to me, but anyway... I was naked and about to get in the shower and get myself off before I got cleaned up... but I couldn't wait for the water, so I started jilling my clit while I leaned on the counter waiting. That's when the phone rang, and it was Lana. I probably should have stopped, but I answered the phone and kept right on playing with myself. It felt so exciting and dirty to be getting myself off while I was talking to your wife. There was something about her voice that really turned me on, too. She told me about her plan for us to seduce you and have our way with you. She wanted us to take turns sucking your cock and then for you to eat my pussy while she rode you, then to swap. She wanted to see if we could make you cum at least 4 times, once in each mouth and once in each pussy. About that time, I was just about to explode. I muted my phone and screamed out my orgasm, I'm not sure if I missed any of the conversation. But, as soon as I regained my composure, I unmuted and continued on. We talked about the outfits and how we'd convince you it was OK. After we hung up, I just had to rub another one out. Like Lana said, just talking about it has got me going again!"

"Good girls. I can't wait till we have more stories to share. Would you two like that?"

A chorus of "Oh, yeah!" and "That'd be so hot!" followed

"Great. I want you both to remember being turned on while you were at the beach, and I want you to remember all the details of each other's story. But it's all just a vivid dream. Every time you think about it when I'm not around, your pussies are going to get extremely wet. All you will want to do is find someplace safe and play with your clits and pussies. When you find a spot, text me a ๐Ÿ˜‰ and start jilling off. Keep on until you are about to cum, but you won't be able to, unless you get my permission. You must text me a question mark. I will reply with a ๐Ÿ˜‰ if you can cum or a โ˜น๏ธ if you are to stop. But you must keep on masturbating until you hear from me. Do you understand, Lana?"

"Yes. When I remember the beach dream, I'll get horny and find a place to play with myself. I'll need to text you ๐Ÿ˜‰ when I start and when I'm about to cum, a question mark for permission. I'll keep on playing with myself till you reply. If you reply with a ๐Ÿ˜‰, I will cum, but if you reply with โ˜น๏ธ, I have to stop. But you might make me wait for a while!" (Lana added that last part on her own.)

" Do you understand, Hanna?"

"I do. Like Lana said, whenever I remember the dream, I'll get super wet and horny. I'll need to masturbate as soon as possible. I'll find a place, text you a ๐Ÿ˜‰, then start. When I'm about to cum, I'll text you a question mark. I keep myself on the edge of cumming until I get your answer. If you answer ๐Ÿ˜‰, I get to cum, but โ˜น๏ธ means I have to stop. You could take your time answering, too. I'm getting wet just thinking about it! "

"Great. Now one last thing before we go back to the house. Neither of you will EVER be jealous of the other or of me, no matter what. You won't find it unusual for us to do lots of things together. You will look forward to all of us doing things together. But it makes you happy for us to do things on our own, too. When you get back from the beach, you will be your normal selves, you will feel refreshed and full of energy. You will be very horny and will be ready to carry out your plan to seduce and fuck me."

So, now I had to bring them back. There's so much more I wanted to do, but that would have to wait. My cock was about to burst thinking of these two beauties fucking my brains out. "Go home, Lana. Go home, Hanna." and snapped my fingers. They both looked around and grinned a tiny bit. "So, is anyone going to tell me what's up with the sexy get-ups you two are wearing."

Lana spoke up, "We really want to thank you for helping us get some great sleep, and we thought this might help you sleep... -... with us!" And she looked expectantly at me.

"I dunno, you need to spell this out for me, I think. I don't want to get in trouble. With either of you!"

"Hanna and I have talked it over and we both want to fuck you. We want to show you how much we appreciate what you've done, in the best way we can think of. We both promise that we won't do anything you don't want and we'll do pretty much anything you want. We both promise that there will be no fallout, no matter what."

"Hanna, is this true?"

"Yep. I'm really excited about doing this for you, too!" And she looked over at Lana with a sultry look. Hm. I'd have to see what that was about. Later.

"Well, if you two are OK with it, I'm DEFINITELY more than OK with it. Have your way with me."

~~~ End of Part 1 ~~~

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Master_DoctorMaster_Doctor7 months ago

great story and concept. Well written. Great showing rather then mere telling. 5 stars. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not sure where to start on this one. It starts as consensual sensuality play between two partners -- good. And from there ...

Hanna came over for help sleeping. And sure, the initial suggestions were for that. Lana was splash damage, and got some sleeping help, and that sensual play they had agreed to. So far, all good, all ethical, a new hypnotist learning ...

Then ...

> I don't know what came over me (OK, I do, but...) "Whenever you are horny, you will think about me and how good I made you feel. You will want that again. You will want it to feel even better. When that happens, you will just send me a smiley emoji text message. You won't know why you are doing it, you just will do it. Can you do that?"

... For Lana? She had certainly agreed.

... For Hanna? ... Well, ... and he didn't have any alarm or worries going off about his partner's friend?

> "Whenever you are horny, you will think about me and how good I made you feel. You will want that again. You will want it to feel even better

... I mean ... I can understand a horny young guy, brain distracted, making a mistake, not realizing what he did, and then being overwhelmed when he realizes it, and doing a bad job of damage control. Well, doing the best job of it he can without admitting he fucked up, as they are telling him they plan to fuck his brains out.

I mean, when you get down to the core, this looks like a real-world beginner mistake combined with two people with above average response to hypnosis and both horny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really great story, with plenty of detail and not rushed but a lot going on. I wish I had more stars to give.

4Leather4Leatherover 1 year ago

Great story loved it. Canโ€™t wait for the next chapter. Hope it wonโ€™t be tooo long. Thanks

MiddleAgedManMiddleAgedManover 1 year ago

I liked it, a lot. Good start to a hopefully lengthy series. Iโ€™d slow down the pace a tad, some sections were so fast-paced it felt a little forced, but thatโ€™s just my opinion.

Looking forward to what happens next.

dvmrdvmrover 1 year ago

Great story, please keep it going. Thank you!

ccs29745ccs29745over 1 year ago

Nicely done. Looking forward to the next part.

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