Golden Buns


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smile and pushed forward kissing him on the lips.

The sudden shock made Cole move his fingers which made Molly moan he remembered his finger was inside her, he couldn't believe this he knew they trusted him but he didn't think to this extent, Holly's tongue slipped into his mouth as he kissed her.

He realized he hadn't had any action in a long time and was losing himself to the lust, logic and thought soon left him as he used his right hand to grip Sally head her ears falling to the side and he started moving his finger pleasuring Molly.

Holly breaks the kiss and licks his lips and looked at Cole, "That was nice I want to kiss some more."

Cole stopped her, "What's the meaning of this, I don't get it why are you doing this? And what's with the licking?" he said logic returning to him wary of their sudden mood change.

"Something we didn't tell you but some mythical creatures get horny really easily and being in the presence of a big strong Master has sort of triggered us and again we trust you and want you to feel good we give our loyalty and service to our caretaker and the licking is a sign of affection for herd animals like us we can't help it," said Polly waking up from the moaning giving him a quick bunny lick.

"So please relax Master and enjoy we said we help our caretakers when they're in need," Ashley said waking up.

Cole was still confused but seen didn't care, he grabbed Holly and kissed her, he truly missed kissing a girl, Cole cock started twitch Sally moved faster while he moved his hand faster finger fucking Molly her moans getting louder.

He pulls away from Holly warning Sally but she just kept going.

She then deep throated him feeling her throat squeezing his cock he finally exploded, grunting as he released his seed down Sally's throat into her belly, she never gagged or pulled back and accepted it all.

He's been packed up for a while so he was letting it all out, at the same time Molly started orgasming feeling her pussy tighten around his fingers. Cole removed his finger from Molly, she calmed down and wrapped her arms around his licking then, falling asleep.

Sally pulled back cleaning his cock after his orgasm she smiled at his face full of pure joy, "I like Master's seed in my belly it's yummy," she said smiling licking the last of it off his cock. She moved up and laid on his chest falling asleep resting on her boobs like pillows.

Holly smiled and whispered in his ear, "the look you gave, I could tell you enjoyed that we belong to you Master just keep looking after us."

"I-I err," he said no knowing how to respond, but he did get one word out, "why?"

Holly smiled, "because we choose you, we don't just choose anyone it a group decision we made and don't worry if we are uncomfortable we will say we are not slaves I know that's what your afraid of," she snuggled under Cole's arm licking it a few times in affection, "you make us feel safe I understand in your culture sex is special and only with those you trust and love but what's the difference here? We do it by choice, and we will continue doing it by our choice this is for taking care of us giving us a place to belong."

"But I haven't agreed to take care of you I not fit to be your caretaker," Cole said.

Holly looked sadden but determined, "I know you are, we believe in you...I can tell something has hurt you which is why you don't trust us and you don't even believe in your self but remember we got to choose you our master this is big for us and we are happy."

Holly silently got under his arm snuggling against him, "Night, Master."

Holly quickly feels asleep Cole sighed quietly he knew they were trouble but from the kindness they gave him he knew they were worth it... Which was why they deserved someone better than him, Cole quickly feels asleep too.

Sunlight pierced its way into the room the light caught Cole's eyes, slowly opening them he found he was incredibly warm something holding on to him, as his mind woke up he remembers what happened yesterday looking down at the girls.

Five golden bunny girls came to him during last night's freak storm and suddenly he was their master/caretaker, he didn't understand, but he saw they needed shelter and let them in... Then later night getting a blowjob/tit-job from Sally and fingering Molly while french kissing Holly.

He suddenly thought how he knew each of their names off by heart he only met them yesterday, yet he knew which one was which, maybe it was their magic having an effect on him? He didn't care seeing the storm pass they can be on their way to where ever they were going.

Moving slowly out the bed he wanted to get up, getting some clothes on and heading down stair he found he was hungry and started making food he turned on the radio the weather report saying it's going to be sunny all day.

Small footsteps could be heard rushing down the stairs looking over he saw all the girl peeking into the kitchen.

"Morning Master," the girls said.

"Morning the weather report said it going to be sunny all day so It looks like you can be on your way," Cole said getting straight to the point.

The brightness from their faces faded Cole knew this would make them sad but it was for the best, then Molly's ear perked up, heading towards the back door and looking out her ears lifted for the first time and they seem to rotate and change, adjusting.

"Snow," she said.

"What?" Cole said frowning.

"Snow is coming if we leave we will be caught in it," Molly said.

Cole sighed, "Listen I know your looking for an excuse to stay but it's not going to work."

"E-Excuse," Molly said shying away.

"Master Molly has always been able to sensitive to the weather this is not an excuse if she says snow then it's going to snow," Polly said.

Cole frowned it was October so maybe? But then the weatherman said it was sunny, "I don't know the weather report said it was sunny all day," he said getting annoyed.

The girl looks panicked then Ashley stepped up looking at him.

"Cole we will make a deal if it doesn't snow later, then we will immediately leave no words or anything we will be gone but if it does then we can stay until the snow is good enough to the travel deal?" Ashley said.

Cole was surprised they never called him anything but Master so for her to call him by his name means she was serious.

Cole sighed, "Fine, now I'm making breakfast go get comfy."

The girls sighed in relief while Molly moved past him to the group.

"You know my perdition is not a hundred percent what if I'm wrong?" Molly said quietly.

"I trust your judgment you were right about the thunderstorm, you will be right here," Ashley said.

Everyone got seated but Cole looking through the fridge again he realized he needed to grab some food and something in the back of Cole mind nagged at him to go get extra food in case they get snowed in but at least he had enough to feed them.

Preparing them a meal they ate happily thanking him again, Cole smiled a little collecting their plates some offered to help clean up and some when into the living room sitting on the sofa relaxing.

Once he finished cleaning up he headed to grab his coat the girl watched him nervous.

"Where are you going, Master?" Holly asked.

"To get some food and supplies, if what Molly said was true then it would be good to prepare I'll be back in an hour so don't break anything and if anyone knocks hide I don't normally get visitors I have keys to get inside...Understand?"

They all nod Cole grabs what he needs (not bothering to bring his coat) and leave locking the door the girls are all alone.

"So... What should we do now?" Sally asked.

The girl looked each other confused normally they would travel worrying on finding the next place to sleep but now they don't need to worry, well until Cole kicks them out or when he gets tired of them, the thought made them shiver with fear.

"Let's just explore the house we might find something fun to do," Ashley said.

That excited them, and they split of Polly and Sally were investigating the TV they remembered it was on last night, and they wanted to see if they could turn it on.

Ashley and Holly went into the kitchen finding a locked door next to the back door this piqued their interest and wanted to know what was inside.

"What do think is in here?" Holly asked.

"I don't know this could be one of Master's greatest secrets," Ashley said excitedly.

Sally and Polly lose interest and meet up with Ashley and Holly overhearing what they said.

"It could be some massive sex dungeon imagine it, him holding us down using our bodies for pleasure," Sally said excited, "It would be amazing I want to feel that cock inside me soon."

"You were always the perverted one, perhaps it could be why Master is so sad like a dead lover he couldn't save so he has objects of her down there to remember her by because he can't move on it's so, so romantic," Holly said with sparkling eyes.

"Or it could be the basement I did see a cellar door when we ran here," Polly said scratching her eyes.

"We won't know unless we find a key let's go, girls," Ashley said.

The girl scurries off looking around and in draws trying to find a key.


Molly went up still feeling tired and went into Cole's bedroom looking around her floppy ears returned back down behind her head now she spots a shirt place on the floor.

Staring at it she gently walked over to it her rabbit feet tapping on the wooden floor and picked it up she planned on finding a place to put it away but then a smell caught her cute little nose, it was the scent of her Master, choosing a master/caretaker is something very important it makes them immanently recognizing the scent and viewing it as something safe and calming, it's why you wouldn't normally separate a monster from their caretaker/master especially if their bonded as it could lead to stress or serious aggression, from stress many things could happen but not all monster react the same


Smelling the scent on the shirt Molly slowly makes her way over getting on the bed, a familiar tingling sensation in her loins caught her attention the memory of last night as her Master pleasured her.

Removing her golden dress she slowly brought her hand down to her moist pussy in the other his shirt close to her face breathing in his smell she started masturbating and soon started fantasized.

Her master on the bed with her she looked up seeing him above her she felt so small but felt safe he smiled gently to her as his hand came to her thigh she could see his massive cock erect and ready for her.

She lay back immediately spearing her legs for him looking nervously at him.

"Don't be afraid my dear," his hand came to her cheek as she still held onto the shirt, "It will feel good."

She nods, "Yes Master I want it... Please."

He smiles as she watches him move to aim his cock at her entrance rubbing it against her clit teasing her.

"Hey Molly you in here?" says a voice.

Molly snaps her eyes open leaving her fantasy to see Holly in the doorway.

"Y-Yeah I am is everything ok?"

"Yeah just looking for a key for a locked room downstairs I think it's in here," Holly says unfazed with Molly masturbating naked on the bed.

"Oh ok do you need help?"

"No just need to check the draws," Holly says while moving towards them checking the draws for any sort of key.

Molly stayed laying on the bed holding Cole's shirt a voice is then heard from downstairs shouting.

"Found it!"

Holly reacts excited moving out the room, "Sorry for disturbing your fantasy enjoy," she says smiling closing the door.

Molly gets comfortable on the massive bed, closing her eye bring her hand down slowly immersive herself, opening them she saw Cole over her his cock, teasing her clit rubbing against her.

"Please Master give it to me," she says quietly but desperately.

He only smiles as he slowly pushes forward his cock inching inside her filling her, she squeals in pure delight as his cock fills her.

Her walls instinctively squeeze against him as he starts moving slow pushing into her deepest parts and slowly pulling out pleasuring her, she was also a pervert girl but was very shy about it and now having a master her true erotic side has come out full force as evident to last night using his hand.

Her Master moved faster pumper her, again and again, she moaned louder as he continued, he got closer wrapper his arms around her holding him close his smell consuming her filling her with lust, instinctual her hip move to his.

His cock twitched inside her he moved faster Molly cute moans got louder, she was getting closer.

"Fill me, Master, please!"

Pulling back and thrusting one last time Molly started screaming into the shirt, orgasming hard her whole body shake like a leaf in a storm, opening her eye breathing heavily her fantasy ended see looked towards her fingers seeing them wet and sticky.

She turned on the bed laying in the bed in a fetal position she was wanted to sleep now recover from her session.

"Cole," She said gently holding the shirt close soon falling into a peaceful slumber.


Cole sneezed quietly holding his nose grumbling to himself, he made his way through the idols grabbing vegetables and fruits including some meats now he was going down the sweet idol, maybe I should get some for the girls...Wait, have they ever had sweets?

He continued on walking down an idol he felt someone tap his shoulder, turning around annoyed he finds a beautiful young blonde woman in an employ outfit with some leaflets in her hand.

"Hello, sir would you like to partake in our scratch raffle?"

"You're what?"

"Our scratch raffle for $5 you get a scratch raffle you could get anything a discount on a TV some free sweet delights or nothing, 90% of the money go to charity would you like to partake?"

Looking at the woman annoyed he was going to turn her down but realized why not, it could be his good deed of the day.


He gets out his wallet giving her the money she has the biggest smile on her face, "Thank you, sir, you the first one to donate so far," she says happily giving him a certain raffle under the rest.

"Here you go, sir, let see what you get," she says excitedly.

He raises an eyebrow, she gives him a coin he takes it and scratches it revealing wither he wins or not, after a few seconds his eyes widen as do hers.

"Wow you got lucky let's go and grab you, prize sir," she said with a big smile.

Cole couldn't help but grin a little as he walked with the lady going into an employee-only area Cole continued to grin the whole way there.

Somewhere else.

Ashley, Holly, Sally, and Polly were standing outside the locked door there mind wondering to what the mystery behind it could be the locked door of their Master's home.

"Ready?" Ashley said.

The group nodded, Ashley put slowly put the key in the lock turning it the old creaky door unlocked they open it peeking inside they found it was completely dark, Holly saw a switch and flicked it the light flicked on and off it looks scary.

"I-I don't think this is a good i-idea," Sally said.

"Why we might find what's wrong with Master down here," said Polly.

Wondering what horrors could have happened to their beloved Master who treated them with kindness letting them into his home they become determined. Taking one step at a time they slowly descended into the flicking darkness.

Movement and shadows caught their attention, their eye was suited to the dark better than humans but not as good as a predator, littering the floor were boxes, some full, some closed, some open but mostly empty.

The only illumination in the room was the flicking bulbs and the shades of light coming from the cellar door, they stayed close but peeked into the boxes finding strange objects they didn't recognize.

Polly looked around but could not see much, but she did come across something strange, some small rectangle object together with something clear in the middle she was fascinated with it and held on to it.

Sally found a something full of strange looking paper they looked like books, but they weren't they were much thinner, taking one she smiled as a half-naked woman was posing in an erotic manner, looking at the rest finding they were all similar she carefully placed it back in to read for later.

"Hey look at this," spoke Holly, holding something in her hand.

The group gathers around Holly finding a broken old photo frame inside was a picture an older man with a stern smile and woman with a kind smile and a young boy smiling happily in the embrace of the woman.

"Who are those people?" Sally asked.

"It could be Master's parents," Polly said.

"Cool, Master looks so happy," Holly said.

Ashley moved away from them, something shiny caught her attention deep behind some boxes making it dark to see, slowly walking towards it she was investigating it until she saw two red eyes.

"G-Girls I don't think we should be down here," Ashley said.

The other girl looked over confused then they saw the red eye watching them they huddled together in fear watching it just stares at them.

"W-What is that," Sally spoke quietly.

"I don't know should we say hi?" Holly replied.

They took a step closer, "H-Hello there."

"I WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL!" screeched the thing.

They all screamed loudly.

Cole finally got back home it was getting chilly and it was midday he had a grin on his face as he carried a few large bags, holding the bag and using his key to unlock the door he entered.

He was about to announce his arrival until he heard some high pitch screams, concerned for the girls he took a step but then he saw four golden panicking bunny girls running from the kitchen immediately seeing him they all ran and using their animal legs quickly leaped at him.

They all gripped onto his body all shaking in fear, Cole froze for a moment trying to hold the bags and the girls.

"Master! There's an m-monster downstairs it wants to take our souls!" Ashley said fearfully.

"What?" Cole said moving to the kitchen carrying the bags and the girl he discovers the basement door wide open.

"How did you get into the basement? it's been locked since I got here."

"We find a key and...Our curiosity got the better of us," Holly said looking away as a child in trouble.

Cole placed down the bag and motioned for the girls to get off they slowly got off.

"Ok, where is this monster you spoke off."

The girl shook with fear, "You're not going to fight it are you?" Sally said scared.

"Maybe if it pisses me off I don't like that you snooped around my basement but I'm curious as to what you girl saw so...Show me."

The girl clings to his shirt and chest as they pointed towards the basement. The group made their way down the girl shivering frightened while Cole was just annoyed he noticed the lights were flicking, just another thing to fix in this damn place.

They stopped in the middle of the room the group pointing towards the thing Cole moved in that direction, red-eye appeared the girl squeaked in fear as they saw it weary for their master as he closed in.


Cole thrust his arm forwards grabbing it before it could continue, dragging it out from it's hiding spot he put it in the light as they all looked at it.

It was a skull with a hood looking like the grim reaper, Cole sighed as he showed the girl they backed off scared.

"It nothing to be scared about just an old Halloween decoration, I always wondered where it went all these years later," Cole said.

They came a little closer, but they were still a little frightened they saw it was old and made of plastic its eye lit up and said it phase again making the girl step back frightened, Cole sighed soon they will be scared of their own shadow.