Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 22


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"So Katie caught you jilling once and bought you a vibrator. Is that the only time you got caught? I'm sure you played with yourself often." Lenore said.

"No. I think my Aunt Jill knew too. I saw a shadow pass my door a few times while I was doing myself living there. But she never said anything. Most of the time I kept quiet but a few times I'd get caught up in a fantasy and play games with myself. I started to turn into a real perv." When she paused, Lenore encouraged her to continue and asked if she got caught any other times.

"Well, my brother walked into my room while I was getting dressed. Actually it is his room because he took it over when I moved into the apartment. All the stuff in the room is his except for the clothes I brought with me. He wanted to get something and did not bother to knock. I was only wearing a bra and little bikini panties. I had my jeans in my hands. Well one hand, the other was in my panties and I was fingering my clit a little as I dressed. He only saw me from behind and had no idea what I was doing. I found out he was there when he said, "nice butt". I lost it. I started screaming he was a fucking little pervert and I ought to kick his ass. He took off like a shot. Of course everybody in the house heard me and came running."

"Well my brother got over being scared and was mad by this time. He said I cursed at him and threatened him. He said he knew a slave is not supposed to ever threaten anybody. How he knows all that stuff is beyond me. Then he said I should get my butt beat. How it was only right and fair. He went on and on, insisting I be punished. I tried apologizing, even getting on my knees, but he still insisted. I'd talked back once to Kate without thinking and got slapped but had not been spanked since I got home. I heard my Dad tell Kate my brother was right. And if he tells his friends I threatened him, there could be real trouble. Katie agreed to spank me but refused to let my brother watch. I'm sure he stood outside the door and listened. Katie let me keep my panties on and told me she was going to give me a little spanking but for me to act like I was hurting terribly. She actually hit me hard enough to make some pretty good sound and I hollered and cried and begged. When she got finished, my butt was pink and a little hot. I went out and apologized to my brother and asked him to forgive me and keep my bad behavior a family secret. He agreed."

"So what does that have to do with sex and getting caught masturbating?" Lenore asked. "I mean he did not know what you were doing."

"Well that evening, I was about to go to bed. I was wearing a nightgown. And my brother asked if my butt still hurt. I should have said yes, but I shook my head. He insisted with a proper spanking I should still be sore and maybe I ought to go ask Mom for more. I couldn't believe he would say that. Then he said slaves are supposed to do what they are told. Next thing I know I found myself being led to see my Mom who was doing something in the kitchen. I told my Mom what he said about a spanking should still be felt hours later. Of course he corrected me that he said I should be sore. I blushed and parroted that back and asked her to give me a few more swats. He stood grinning. Mom asked him to step out of the kitchen for a couple minutes while we had a private talk."

"She said 'Your brother has been learning in school how slaves are criminals being punished for committing a crime and he knows exactly what you did. He wanted you spanked earlier and I went along with him and your father because I need to keep the peace in this house. Now I don't know what your little game is playing along with him giving you orders but if it is a spanking you want, that is what you are going to get.' She was seriously angry at me and I have to tell you I about peed my pants a little. She called my brother back in and said she decided to spank me again but not on the bare butt or panties. But this time he could watch. I wasn't really expecting this, but she put me over her lap and she really swatted my butt. I had real tears and my butt was burning when she let me up and told me to go to bed. I did and later as I laid there feeling the warmth in my butt, I rubbed and squeezed my cheeks hard. My pussy got wet. I masturbated and came hard but it was not enough. I managed to go to sleep for a little while but woke up horny. It was late and the house was quiet so I got the idea to give myself an erotic punishment. There was some packing tape on a shelf in the room. I got it and stripped naked. I rubbed my panties in my pussy getting them all wet then stuck them in my mouth to muffle myself from making too much noise. Then I took the vibrator, turned it up full blast and stuffed it up my pussy. You could just hear a hum outside but inside my guts were quivering. I'd decided to make myself cum as many times as I could stand and then force myself to endure more. To make sure I could not pull the tape off and remove the vibrator easily, I pushed my hands through the bed railing and wrapped more tape around my wrists. The game was I could not begin to free my hands until I could not stand the sensations any more. Then the time it took to free myself would be kinda kinky self torture. It did not take but a few minutes before I started cumming."

"I laid there with my eyes closed imagining getting spanked and fucked. The more I gyrated around the more turned on I got. I even started thinking about next time, how I'd put something up my ass, too. I have no idea how many orgasms I had, but for some reason I opened my eyes and Kate was standing next to my bed watching me. I was caught and I'll be damned if that did not set me off on the strongest set of orgasms yet. My mouth was stuffed with those dirty panties. I'd put a piece of tape over them so I couldn't spit them out but I could still breathe easily. I squealed and started apologizing. The panties in my mouth just muffled the sound. I could not get my hands free."

I was chuckling, imagining the scene. Lenore had a big grin on her face. "What did Kate do?" Lenore asked.

"She said I guess you do get off being the naked slave girl. I assume you had a plan for how get your hands free on your own. If not, I'll cut you loose in the morning. You can talk so breathing around that gag is no problem. I can hear that vibrator humming from where I am. You must have put fresh batteries in it. I've heard it buzzing almost every night.' I was so embarrassed she knew I was playing with myself all the time. Then she leaned back over me and looked me right in the face. I knew she had to smell the pussy juice on my panty gag. I could still taste it. "I'm not going to play your game. If you engineered that fight with your brother to get a spanking that is the last time. I told her I didn't do it on purpose. Then she said, 'And if you do something to get another spanking, I'll lock you in this room until your uncle gets home and I'll take away that little toy you love stuffed up your snatch." Then she pinched both nipples at the same time and twisted. 'Do you understand me you little slut?' I tried to nod my head and beg her to stop all at the same time. She turned me loose and walked out, closing the door. My nipples burned and I couldn't help it, but I started to orgasm again. I was ashamed, aroused and scared."

"Did you get free on your own or did Kate have to help you in the morning?" Lenore asked.

"That's where I messed up. I'd played with the tape before. Not exactly the same way but close. I'd taped the vibrator up inside me. I learned that tape on the wrong parts down there hurts so this time I used a piece of toilet paper to cover my inner lips. It did not peel off easily I'll tell ya! I almost pulled out my pubes, what little I had. It was an ordeal to take the tape off, but that was part of game. And I don't even have peach fuzz on my wrists. I'd practiced with the tape on my wrists early on and knew it was too strong to just snap but I could rub an edge on the bed rail and it would split. More layers would just take a little longer." Angie said. "I thought I could get free with a little work."

"There were two rolls of tape, and both said packing tape. I didn't want a light on in the room that might be noticed from outside. There was just enough glow from a night light to see what I was doing. I know....excuses. Mainly I just did not pay attention. I was horny and wanted to get started. I used the roll I'd used before for my pussy but it was running out so I just used the fresh second roll for my wrists."

"I could not break it. No matter how much I rubbed it on the frame to wear a hole on the edge, it would just fray but not break. I pulled myself up enough and twisted around to pull the tape off my face. I mean I had to crawl up on the bed push my arms all the way through so I could bend them back to pull the tape off and the take the gag out. I was half off the bed. I even tried to chew the tape on my wrists. Nothing worked. I had bruises on my arms the next day from beating them up on the bed railing. All this time that damn vibrator was buzzing away. And no matter how much I tried, I orgasmed every little while." Lenore was openly laughing. I was amused myself at Angie's sheepish expression. I could see her eyes dilated and knew she was very aroused telling the story.

"I hoped Katie would come back and check on me but she never did. I sure did not want to yell for help. If my Dad and brothers saw me like that, I'd never live it down. It was bad enough Kate knew. I stayed really aroused for a while, then finally I pretty much went numb. I mean I was wore out. I was sweaty, crying, totally miserable. I don;t think I got any sleep, I had to pee so bad.That's how Kate found me in the morning. She came in fully dressed. She got scissors and cut me free. The only thing she said was. 'That should teach you a lesson. Be careful when you play. At least you did not piss the bed or I'd have used a belt on your ass.' "

"My Dad had already left when Kate came to my room. Just walked in. Guess after what she'd seen the night before it did not matter. The vibrator was still buzzing but the batteries were a lot weaker. She had to go to work but said she would come home early and we'd have a talk. She told me to take care of everything in there and she wanted the house cleaned top to bottom. She didn't care if I was tired."

"Let me guess." Lenore offered. "The rolls of tape were different." Kate nodded and said the second roll had strings in the tape, nylon filaments. I realized what she meant was nylon reinforced tape. It was too strong to break. It had to be cut.

"So you like to play with yourself and fantasize." Lenore said, seriously. "Slavery is serious. It is not a game you start and stop when you want. You saw how I punished those women tonight. I don't mess around."

"I wondered if you had diddled yourself thinking about your time being used hard." Lenore said. "That's not uncommon. Your little breakdown this morning from Sherrie just looking at you concerned me."

"It just made me think of those people who raped me." Angie began. Lenore stopped her.

"You were NOT raped. You were used. I told you that earlier." Lenore explained, tersely. I heard the edge in her voice but doubted Angie caught it.. "Yes, it was rough and it was painful. But you are a slave and your owner used you how he saw fit. He did nothing illegal, nothing immoral, not by today's standards. Get into that mind set and you will survive. I don't want to hear you describe your ordeal as rape again." Angie winced at the rebuke and said 'Yes, ma'am.'

""Now I am going to give you an order." Lenore said."I want you to stand up and pull your pants down, panties too." Angie paused and said,"here?" as she glanced at me. Lenore sighed, "Okay you are new to this and I will cut you some slack ONCE. I even told you I was going to give you an order. You saw me tell those girls tonight to strip. They did not say a word. The only possible acceptable question to my order would have been how far down I wanted your pants as you were dropping them. Understand?"

Angie said, "Yes Ma'am!" as she fumbled with the button and zipper. She pushed her pants and panties down together. Lenore took a quick look and asked me to call Rene and Carol into the room. I smiled at the half order as I complied. Lenore was in her 'tough girl' mode and I did not want to break her mojo.

Rene and Carol followed me back to the room, Lenore said, "I understand you three played around a little Saturday night." The girls nodded. "Well, I'm sure as you licked and fingered each other you could not fail to notice Angie's little bush. It looks like she just trimmed it around the edges. I'll bet she has not shaved or waxed since she moved to her uncle's house. I thought you would have told her some of our rules." The girls nodded again. "I find it hard to believe you did not tell her slaves do not have pubes. Well?"

"We told her." Rene said. "We explained we were so smooth because only free women have body hair. Especially in this household. She knew we were waxed and had that hair growth stuff applied from the neck down." Rene looked at Angie and mouthed 'sorry' and shrugged.

"And neither one of you thought to ask her about it when she showed up today, I suppose." Lenore stated. Both girls shuffled their feet nervously and shook their heads. "Well, I want it gone. Everything. You know the drill. From the neck down, no hair. Angie, I will inspect you tomorrow. You do NOT want to fail that inspection. You can do it yourself or ask these girls to help you. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Ma'am." Angie croaked hoarsely, her body trembling slightly. I could not tell if her voice broke from fear, arousal or the combination.

"I'm not going to hold you two responsible for her not realizing she might want to get cleaned up before coming." Angie began to protest she had no idea she was going to live somewhere else. Katie only told her at the last minute. Lenore held up her hand to stop her. "Do not interrupt me when I am talking. " Then shot Angie another look when Angie said she was sorry. "I'd think you might want to help and look out for each other a bit better. Get her the waxing kit and help her if she wants, but definitely inform our newest slave what happens when I use the paddle." Lenore offered. Rene and Carol both nodded without making a sound. After a pause, relieved they were not in trouble, they said 'yes Ma'am' in unison. Angie answered a half second later. The three girls beat a hasty retreat when Lenore dismissed them.

"That was fun!" Lenore said, grinning. " Those girls know I mean business, but can cut a little slack sometimes. My pussy is a swamp. How about you take me to bed and fuck me hard?" I was happy to comply with another 'half' order.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

GamblnLuck back to what he does best. Revenge stories.

Also, a smart move to have them vote against each other. It's the first step towards breaking up the coalition.

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 1 year ago

Amazing story!!!! I'm glad Lenore came out on top. I like the new girl. Bondage games in the future with her?

PatientDomPatientDomalmost 2 years ago

Pay back can be such a pain in the ass.. Although I'm a little surprised Sherrie was not made to paddle the asses of the other members of the now bald headed bitch team? That would should has sent a bigger message that Lenoreis the bith in charge and only answers to Bas.

I agree with one of the other comments... May be time to take 1 or 2 of those troublesome slaves to a Saturday market, even to push home the message that it's fit in and behave or be sold off to who knows where or who knows what?

Great installment in the developing storyline, looking forward to the next.

Siska100Siska100almost 2 years ago

Will Joanne realize Beth and her two daugthers will always protect their owm and leave her out to dry?

Will the Bitch Squad, or maybe the BALD HEADS, try to destroy Lenore again, or join the family?

Will Bas have to get rid of any or all of them?

Another great chapter!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 2 years ago

For some reason i like this story. Can't wait for more.

Qwer12Qwer12almost 2 years ago
Stone Cold Bitch and 5 Stars

I love the comment that I can be a Stone Cold Bitch and Bas saying in short do not fuck with me. Payback can be a kick in the stomach when you try a take over and it fails. You go for gold and get the shit storm instead. Loved it. A great chapter that had it all. Tender moments to head shaving fun and slap downs and back to tender. One of the best stories going on in the slave categories of plots. Top shelf writing with sexual adventures and drama and caring all in one. Thanks for your valuable to write on of the best stories by one of the best writers. Keep rocking it on. Cheers

Vintage_DMVintage_DMalmost 2 years ago

And the world turns. NICE, so like when will the chapter arrive?

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