Hammer Cock High Ch. 14


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"Oh, I will." Bahlus lied.

Calbunty knew it was a lie, but having her tender, vulnerable balls in Bahlus' hands was turning her on.

"So, why are you pregnant, too?" Bahlus asked.

"Well, you know... Hnnn..." Calbunty squirmed as Bahlus applied a little pressure, encouraging her to answer. "I-I want to have a baby, too..."

Bahlus froze for a moment, staring at Calbunty. She let go of her and sat back, cradling her cocoa.

"Ah, yes... Of course..." Bahlus averted her eyes.

Calbunty relaxed as Bahlus let go of her balls, slightly disappointed, then realized what she just said. An incredible amount of guilt welled up inside her. The two sat in silence as Bahlus sipped her cocoa, not even glancing at each other. Calbunty stared at the wall opposite of Bahlus, then finally brought herself to speak.

"I'm sorry, Penny."

"For what?" Bahlus answered without looking up.

"You know what."

The room was dead silent. Bahlus took another sip, contemplating the heavy turn the conversation had just taken. It was partially her own fault due to how she reacted, but it also seemed to be a chance to ask some long-held questions.

"Elly, I'm fine."

"I know, but I still feel guilty. I mean, I-"

"I would have done the same."

The two fell silent for a moment. Bahlus took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

"Look, I know my situation. I know what to expect. Even when we were together." Bahlus said.

"So... you expected me to break up with you?" Calbunty asked.

"More or less, yes."

"Oh... I see..."

The two sat in another awkward silence. Bahlus glanced over and was shocked to see Calbunty looking at the floor, absolutely devastated. Bahlus realized the way she worded her answer made it seem like she never cared.

"Of course, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy our time together. I had a lot of fun, all four years." Bahlus said. "In fact, I still quite like you. I consider you my best friend."

"I... I feel the same about you." Calbunty looked up at Bahlus, then back to the floor. "I... had a lot of fun too, and... I'm glad were still close. I just... I feel selfish."

"How do you think I would feel knowing I could never make you happy."

Calbunty's eyes went wide and she looked up at Bahlus. Bahlus reached over, touched Calbunty's cheek, and smiled. Bahlus could feel the heat coming off Calbunty, and she knew that even though she looked mostly normal, there was a lot of turmoil going on inside her.

"Our relationship didn't end badly, we were just incompatible. You had something you really wanted, something basically everyone wants, and I couldn't give that to you. I also didn't want to deny you that."

Their eyes met, then Calbunty looked away.

"Thank you, Penny. That means a lot to me."

Calbunty shook her head again and ruffled her hair. She really wished she had been more careful with her words. What she had said about also wanting a baby was verbatim the words she used when they broke up.

"This is why I was avoiding you all day." Calbunty sighed. Having been knocked up yesterday, her body was a hurricane of hormones, and she just could not get a feel of what was right to say. She had no idea where she was going or what she really wanted to say to Bahlus.

Calbunty glanced over to see Bahlus' gaze hand gone from soft to intense, like she was waiting for a student to tell her the truth about something.

"Wh... what?"

"So... why did it take so long?" Bahlus asked, making her move.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Calbunty's chest tightened. She knew where this was going.

"Well, it's the one thing that has kind of bothered me. We broke up because I can't impregnate you, which I understand, but then you just... dropped it. Even when you married Betty, you never said a thing about kids. I thought it was your dream to have a big family?"

Calbunty looked away. In her hormonal haze, she could not come up with a good excuse.

"I don't want to answer."

"So, was there another reason you broke up with me?"

"No! No, its..." Calbunty could not bring herself to lie. "It's a stupid reason. That's why."

"I don't care, I want to know."

Calbunty swallowed and twiddled her thumbs. Bahlus' gaze was getting heavier and heavier, and she was not in a stable enough condition to take it. Her heart was pounding, and she could not believe she was about to say it out loud.

"I just... thought that maybe... if you found someone... I would feel less guilty about it."

"Oh..." Bahlus mumbled. It was not a stupid answer at all. In fact, it made perfect sense.

"And then..." Calbunty continued. "Maybe if it worked out... we could have had kids at the same time... and raise them together... and it would be lots of fun..."

Calbunty was bright red with embarrassment. She covered her face with her hands and hunched over, wishing she could just disappear.

Bahlus stared in disbelief. She had no idea how to react. She knew they were still close, but she had no idea Calbunty still cared about her that much. She was incredibly touched.

"I would have loved that, too." Bahlus said.

"You don't think it's weird?"

"No, I'm very happy. I kind of feel bad, actually. You were waiting for me and I wasn't even trying."

"No, it's not your fault, its... I mean, I didn't say anything and..." Calbunty paused, then sighed. "Damnit, I wish you had a cock."

"So do I." Bahlus said wistfully.

Calbunty turned away, trying to settle her thoughts and calm down.

"God, I'm all over the place. I knew getting pregnant messed with your hormones, but I feel like I want to jump with joy and cry at the same time. And sugar. I want sugar."

"That should only be for about the first week." Bahlus held her mug out in front of Calbunty. Calbunty reached up and took it. "Once your body is in pregnancy mode, you'll feel mostly normal again."

"Yeah." Calbunty took a sip and shivered. "Oh god, this tastes incredible. I'm starting to understand why people usually take a week off."

The two fell silent again, and Bahlus watched as Calbunty finished off her cocoa.

Calbunty was now in a pretty good mood. Not only had she been able to get a lot off her chest, Bahlus took it very well. Bahlus was always an extremely reasonable and logical person, which was what Calbunty loved about her. Always calm, always cool, it was no mystery why Calbunty fell for her.

Thinking about how calm and cool Bahlus was gave Calbunty an idea. She set her hand on Bahlus' thigh, and slowly slid it upwards. Bahlus glanced down for a moment, but ignored it. Calbunty could feel how hot she was. Her hand reached Bahlus' panties and she slipped her finger inside, plunging them into Bahlus moist pussy. Bahlus quietly inhaled from the stimulation.

"You want to hear what it was like?" Calbunty set the mug aside and scooted up against Bahlus, speaking quietly. She had guessed right, and Bahlus was even hornier than she expected.

"What what was like?"

"Oh, you know..." Calbunty leaned in and whispered into Bahlus' ear. "Ovulation sex."

Bahlus' heart skipped a beat, and she immediately gushed all over Calbunty's fingers. Her breathing quickened, her face became flushed, and her nipples became visibly erect. It was Bahlus' biggest weakness and turn on, the thought of getting pregnant.

"What do you mean?" Bahlus asked, trying not to show her arousal. "Didn't you blow after she starting pounding your balls?"

"Not right away, but damn close." Calbunty began to move, and Bahlus shuddered.

"Oh, really..." Bahlus trembled again, but her poker face stayed intact. She knew what Calbunty was doing, and her loins were on fire. She had been moist since the moment Calbunty told her she was pregnant, and she wanted to hear it all. Every last detail. "Then by-nn... all means. Do go on."

"I actually managed to keep it in at first. I fought it as hard as I could, and I think the panic helped me hold it in, but she just kept pounding away." Calbunty dug her fingers in deeper. "Between my breasts and gushing pussy, I was laying in a pool of fluids. I think I hit a point where I was cumming in every way except actually ejaculating."

"I wouldn't... expect any less from you." Bahlus started to squirm, her face becoming red.

"It kept going through my mind that if I let it out, that was it. She was pregnant. My whole life would change. She was screaming 'Give it to me!' while she wailed on my balls which were so swollen with cum that they hurt more from that than the actual punching."

"That-Nnnhaaa..." Bahlus moaned. She could practically feel Calbunty's throbbing cock inside her.

"It was incredible. Every fiber of my body was screaming to let it out. I don't know if I lasted for seconds or minutes, but it felt like forever. It just kept building and building, the intense heat overtaking my body. I could hear my pussy juices splattering the floor."

Bahlus was right there, too, beet red and breathing hard. Calbunty's expert fingers already had her on edge, but she held on. She wanted the big finish.

"And, ha... ha.. then?" Bahlus gasped. "HNN!"

Bahlus bit her lip as Calbunty began to pound her. Calbunty felt her sloppy wet pussy squeezing her fingers hard, and she knew just the thing to finish her. Calbunty leaned in close, almost whispering into Bahlus' ear.

"The urge to cum just kept building. It was merciless. The only thing that kept the incredibly thick, potent cum in my balls from flooding the vulnerable, fertile little egg in her womb was my will power, and it was crumbling so quickly."

Bahlus' breasts began to leak. She was so close, hanging onto every word Calbunty spoke. A beautiful pregnancy was so close, only a throbbing, veiny, red cock that was way past its limit was in the way.

"And then-NNNN!?" Bahlus' face contorted and her back arched. Her fingers dug into the couch and her toes curled. Against her will, she was starting to orgasm. Her arousal was out of control, and she could not stop herself. The waves were starting to wash over her, but she was not ready yet. She needed Calbunty to finish. "And then what! AND THEN WHAT!"

"And then... I... Came!" Calbunty yelled as she rolled over to get better leverage, reaming Bahlus' orgasming pussy with all her strength. "I hosed her womb like a god damn power washer! Her belly was bouncing around just from the stream I was cumming so hard! That egg didn't stand a chance! I drowned it in hot cum that was thick as jelly!"

"NYAAAAAAAA! Geh! Geh! HAAAAAH!" Bahlus howled and her eyes rolled back. She shook almost violently, her hips involuntarily thrusting as she lost control of her body to the massive orgasm. Her breasts gushed, soaking her blouse. Calbunty moved her head out of the way as Bahlus squirted, grinning gleefully at the sheer amount of pleasure she had managed to inflict on her.

Calbunty kept going, drawing out Bahlus' orgasm as long as she could. She kept drilling Bahlus until her arms were too tired to keep going. By the end, Bahlus was limp on the couch, twitching and trembling as she stared vacantly at the wall, drool running down the corner of her mouth. Gasping for breath, Calbunty rolled back over on the couch, beads of sweat running down her forehead.

"Good lord. I'll tell you, I have never cum that hard in my life. I blew her up like a balloon. I didn't even know I could cum that much, and it was so ripe and thick you could smell it from outside."

"Guh..." Bahlus was incoherent and cross eyed, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Calbunty wiped her brow and flipped her skirt up.

"Ooh. Ooh, ow." She groaned and gently fanned her dick. She had gotten so into it that, as spent as she was, she was getting hard. Her cock and balls were still so tender from yesterday that just being half erect kind of hurt, and she did not want to get any harder.

After a while, Bahlus, slumped over and drooling, finally snapped to. She wiped her mouth, her body trembling as she tried to clear away thoughts of babies and getting pregnant. She seized up for a moment as yet another small orgasm ran through her.

"Geh... Nnn... Haa... Haa..." Bahlus moaned quietly, feeling embarrassed. She was sitting there in her own fluids, panting like a bitch, worn out and exhausted from nothing more than Calbunty's fingers. On top of that, her body still felt hot. She could take the biggest, thickest, meanest cocks all day long, but as soon as she let her baby desire take over, she became a complete pushover, and it was becoming worse.

Bahlus laid her head back, resting it on the cushion and staring at the ceiling. She had suppressed it for the longest time, but the arousal and horniness stemming from her baby desire was becoming too much. She could not ignore it any longer.

"I think... it's time I actually start looking for a spouse." Bahlus said in a moment of clairvoyance. "I want babies, too..."

Calbunty's face lit up.

"That's wonderful! You know you have my support. I want to help however I can."

"I appreciate that, Elly. I do." Bahlus took a deep breath, slowly letting it out, then straightened herself up on the couch and fixed her glasses. "I've thought a lot about what my best chances at success in love are, and I know I'll have to make sacrifices. It's just getting myself to act on it."

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Calbunty asked, urging her on.

"I don't know, it-." Bahlus stopped. She was about to say that it seemed weird, but after grilling Calbunty over that, she decided not to. "The option that I find most appealing is if I could... perhaps I can find some young widow or someone who already has a kid and would be willing to knock me up."

"Mm." Calbunty nodded. "That's not a bad idea, honestly."

"I'm willing to support her and her child if she gives me one of my own."

Calbunty nodded again, feeling relieved that Bahlus had not just completely given up on love.

"Well, don't narrow your options down too much. I'm sure there are some single girls out there who are fine with you not having a dick."

"You told me you were when we were together." Bahlus said without even looking at her.

Calbunty flinched, then slowly looked away as she remembered the exact moment she even said it.

"R-right..." Calbunty muttered, wondering just how deep she was going to dig herself.

"People who say they are fine with it are either lying to me or lying to themselves." Bahlus said. "Also, I'm suspicious of someone who says they don't want to get pregnant. That's unnatural."

"Well, I mean... Uh... Yeah, I would too." Calbunty could not help but agree.

The two fell silent, and Bahlus got up to strip off her soaked clothes, leaving on only her skirt. She still preferred to keep her lack of a dick hidden outside of school. Calbunty watched her breasts jiggle as she used her blouse to wipe the sweat and milk off.

Bahlus suddenly stopped. She felt something was missing, but did not known what. A moment later, it hit her.

"Wait... How did you get pregnant?" Bahlus asked, turning towards Calbunty.

Calbunty looked away, scratching the back of her neck.

"Well?" Bahlus turned and planted her heel on the couch right in between Calbunty's legs, her foot hovering over Calbunty's cock and balls.

"Okay, okay!" Calbunty gasped and grabbed Bahlus' leg, trying to protect her tender jewels. She let out a sigh as Bahlus moved her foot. "Hooo... Okay. Alright, so while I was laying there, I decided that, since it was happening, I was going to get pregnant, too. I focused and I... don't really remember how, but I got myself to ovulate. It's hard to explain. If anyone ever told you that it kind of just happened when you truly want it to, it was like that."

"Interesting." Bahlus said, feigning ignorance. She actually knew what it was like, because she had done it before.

The first time a girl ovulated, it was involuntary. It was the sign that she was now mature, and afterwards she would only ovulate if she made herself. Ovulation lasted a week, and she would be hypersensitive the entire time, to the point she could cum just from someone shaking her hand. Being inseminated stopped the hypersensitivity.

While normal people usually did not ovulate again until they were married and about to have kids, Bahlus had. After watching too many romantic movies during a lonely weekend a few summers ago, she was overcome by her baby desire. Not thinking straight, she locked the doors, closed all the blinds, got out all her toys, and ovulated.

The result was a weeklong, almost nonstop, extreme masturbation session that she barely remembered. When she finally came out of it, she was dirty, smelly, exhausted, had broken half of her dildos, lost ten pounds, and her house was a mess. Her pussy hurt so much she could not walk properly for days. Never in her life would she ever admit to anyone that she had done that. She would quite literally rather die.

"So, how did you know you actually ovulated?" Bahlus asked convincingly, full well knowing the answer.

"Oh, trust me. You know. I thought the air was going to make me cum." Calbunty gently caressed her breasts and shivered, remembering how it felt.

"Wow." Bahlus said. "And then?"

"And then I climbed on top of her, put her dick in me, and passed out."

Bahlus raised a brow.


"I... passed out from penetration."

"Oh." Bahlus was a bit shocked. Everyone knew that getting fucked and came inside while ovulating was the most amazing thing anyone could ever experience. It was the absolute peak of human pleasure, and Calbunty had missed out on it all. "You didn't get to experience it?"

"Considering how much I made Betty wait, I don't feel like I earned it." Calbunty sighed. She looked down, then gently patted her tummy and smiled. "But, this one won't be the last, and I will enjoy it next time."

"Hm." Bahlus nodded.

There was a silence, and Bahlus vacantly stared off at nothing. The subject seemed to have taken its toll on Bahlus, and Calbunty decided it was a good time to talk about something else.

"So how are your students?" Calbunty asked, changing the subject. "Any issues?"

Bahlus instantly changed. Her eyes sharpened and her body language became stiffer and more professional as she snapped back into her usual self. She cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses.

"Nothing major. They're excited about the interclass fuck competition."

"Oh, I am too." Calbunty chuckled.

"All the girls have formed their little friend groups." Bahlus continued. "The only one I'm a bit concerned about is Tabitha."


"Rednocker. She's the one who always wears a beanie."

"Oh, that's right." Calbunty replied, her hand on her chin. "Her parents talked to me about her. She's very self-conscious about her traits."

"I've yet to see her talk to anyone in the class, and she always leaves immediately for lunch or break."

"Yes, her cousin is in a different class. I think that's the only person she really talks to."

"Well, she'll have to make friends soon. I have my yearly group project coming up."

"Ooh, I like that one..."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really appreciate how you weave exposition into the story, instead of having those awkward "Here's two thousand words where I just explain my setting directly and artlessly to the reader" sections. It really does improve the experience for the reader, and it's obviously a lot of effort to do it as well as you do.

I also love your consistency in maintaining each character's "voice" and personality.

Hope you can continue this series!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is a really good series. Looking forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Will we ever read more?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Can't wait to read more, amazing series <3

FutaLover_79FutaLover_79about 4 years ago
The Best

This is my favorite Futanari-themed series on lit! The pain of having to wait so long between chapters is worth it when we get top quality though!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Awww, i was waiting for the next chapter! Great work ;) thank you for writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

One of my favorite stories, glad its picking back up

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