Happily Ever After Pt. 06


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There was no way I was going to do that. While I had made myself clean for him, I still wasn't going to do that without cleaning him first.

"Come on show me you are really a slut... ass to mouth bitch!"

He had his cock in one hand stroking it, I could see his balls drawn up tight against him, the other had moved behind my neck trying to pull my mouth to it.

"No Steve. Finish inside me, please." I begged.

"You know you want it in your mouth, all true sluts, do that and you are definitely a slut." He barked.

"Please, I don't want to, I want you back in my ass." I said although right now I didn't really want him anywhere in me.

"Too late." I heard, he had kept stroking himself and as I tried to pull back, his cum shot out striking me in the forehead, then as my eye lids slammed shut more landed on them, and it felt like it never stopped and my nose and cheek were covered.

"Oh, you're a fucking whore. Look at the cum on your face!"

He had released my head and I felt the bed shift as I tried to open one eye but could feel a little of his cum leak into it and it burned. I assumed he had sat down on the bed next to me.

"Please get me a towel." I asked.

"In a minute. I want to admire the facial I just gave you." He replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Get me a towel now!" I demanded.

I heard him laugh but I did feel the bed move. Then from a distance he asked if I wanted a wet towel or dry towel. I angrily replied both. I felt myself moving from anger to sadness and maybe even some fear. I kept trying to open an eye just a little and each time my eye would begin to burn a little.

"Do you want me to do it? And should use the dry one or the wet one first?" Steve asked.

"Give me the wet one." I responded and I felt it in my hand.

I ran it across my eyes first and then my forehead. It still felt like there was cum everywhere. I flipped it over and then wiped my face again. I quickly used the wet one and I was able to open my eyes now at least. I stood up realized that while my panties had caught most of my cum, some was running down my leg and lube was also leaking out my butt. I took a step towards the bathroom but kicked off my heels first.

When I got into the bathroom and looked in the mirror I immediately burst into tears. My makeup was destroyed, and I looked like a clown. Somehow there were still some small areas of cum on my face. My hair was no better. I looked at the lingerie I had worn specifically for Steve and felt like a whore. I don't know if Steve heard my crying or what but when he asked if I was okay, I reached over and locked the door and didn't answer.

Pulling my panties down I kicked them in the corner and then cleaned up the lube I best I could, then wet another towel and wiped my own cum off my stomach and penis. I then completely washed my face and removed the stockings and corset.

What I really needed was a shower but first I needed to get rid of Steve. A thought struck me, I removed my bra and forms and laid them on the kitchen counter. Drying my eyes up I unlocked the door and stepped back into the bedroom.

Steve was sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand, he pulled his briefs back on. He looked up at me and saw me standing there completely naked. No bra and fake breasts, no panties covering my dick and balls, no make up giving me the appearance of a women. The only feminine thing about me was the length of the hair on my head and the hairlessness of my body.

I saw the shock in his face before he asked. "Are you okay?"

"No. And I want you to leave." I said trying to sound forceful.

"What? I thought you would be into that. I thought you got off on being a slut." He responded laughing.

"Please leave." I repeated.

"No. Who the fuck do you think paid for all this?"

"Leave." I tried to sound sure of myself.

"Fuck you. You leave. If you don't want to be around me."

I took a second to think about that. "Okay. But get the fuck out of the bedroom while I finish cleaning up and get my stuff together."

"Fine, you stupid tranny cock sucking slut." He said as he grabbed his shirt from the floor and moved into the living room where his shorts were.

As soon as stepped into the other room I closed and locked the door. I took me almost an hour and half to shower, redo my makeup, and pack up my things. I left the lingerie including my cum filled panties in the bathroom. Let him figure out what to do with that.

I had set up a Minnie Van to take me and my luggage back to the Port Orleans resort and I had asked for bell services to come pick up my luggage. I had also texted Sarah, but she hadn't responded. I put the Magic Band on my wrist that she had left with me to get into the room tomorrow and sat and waited to hear the bellman knock on the door.

When he knocked, I immediately exited the bedroom and went to the door. Steve was sitting on the couch watching TV and was surprised to see me and hear the knock on the door. I opened the door and the bellman smiled when he saw me. I told him my luggage was laying on the bed in the bedroom.

I had dressed in the tightest shorts I had, and my ass looked good. I had also put on a lacy bra and it showed through my tight v neck t shirt, along with some blending of my makeup, tape and my forms I had managed some cleavage. My makeup was heavy for the middle of the afternoon, I knew my eyes looked great and the red of the lipstick on my lips would make men take a second look. My hair was in a simple high ponytail.

While the luggage was loaded, I made sure to stand so that my ass was easily visible to Steve. When the bellmen rolled the cart out, I moved out of the way. Steve had stood up and moved a little closer to me. I turned and looked at him, using my eyes to say stay where you, are as I followed the bellman out and we walked to the lobby. He was smart enough to know that something was going on and didn't try and make small talk.

The Minnie Van was waiting for us when we got the front, the driver and bellman loaded my luggage. I gave him a tip and climbed into the car. The conversation with the Minnie Van driver was pleasant as I asked about her history of working with Disney while checking to see if Sarah had responded to my texts. I realized that I hadn't asked them what they were going to do this afternoon, our original plan, before the surprise of the proposal and the wedding, was to go back to Animal Kingdom today.

I was dropped off at the resort and I checked the garment bags in with the bellman. Sarah has said we were going to ship some things home and I figured those would be some of it. I wheeled the carry-on luggage bag with me through the lobby and towards our room. As I passed by the pool I glanced over to see if I saw any one from our group there but didn't.

When I got to our room, I touched Sarah's Magic Band to the sensor, heard the click and pushed the door open. I immediately heard the shower running and thought that is why Sarah hadn't responded to my texts, she was taking a long shower and bath, something she really enjoyed. Then I noticed that one of the beds was a mess followed by seeing a pair of large flip flops and men's shorts on the floor.

I was processing all of this when I heard the shower shut off. The curtain to the dressing area hadn't been pulled closed, probably because there had been no need for privacy from someone you were going to be in a shower with. The next sound I heard was the metal shower curtain rings sliding along the bar.

Sarah same out of the bath room first, she was backing out of it and she had a towel draped around her shoulders. The first thing I noticed was the red marks on her ass, you could actually make out a hand print. Eric followed her out and he too had a towel on his shoulders. Eric saw me first, I don't know if it was his expression, or if Sarah saw me in the mirror, but she immediately turned toward me.

"Brad! What the fuck?" She yelled while quickly trying to wrap the towel around her.

"I think the fuck has already happened hasn't it?" I replied.

I wasn't shocked at what I walked in on. They had pretty much telegraphed it and if my mind hadn't been so screwed up by what had happened with Steve, I would have probably had the common sense to have not come in here without checking with Sarah first. The problem was I couldn't take any of this back and start over.

"Why aren't you with Steve?" She asked while giving Eric a look that said step back in the bathroom please.

"Maybe someday I will tell you that story but not today." I said evenly to her. "I am sorry for busting in on you."

"You aren't mad?" Sarah eyebrow went up and her face showed genuine confusion.

"Of course, I am mad but what good does that do? Plus, it looks like you have already been spanked pretty good so that wouldn't be a good punishment." I pretty much regretted saying that right after it came out of my mouth.

"Funny man. Oh wait, funny girl, did Steve decide you weren't woman enough for him and that is why you are here, now?" Her demeanor had changed instantly, and her eyes were locked on mine.

"Yea, something like that." I replied in neutral tone.

Sarah didn't say anything, so I went on. "How about this. I will step outside for a few minutes and you two can put some clothes on. You step out for about 10 or 15 minutes and let me pack some stuff and then you can get back to getting spanked, gagged, or whatever 50 Shades stuff you two are into."

At that comment Eric stepped out or the bathroom. "Listen you sissy cocksucker, you gave up your right to judge her or be angry when you started with your dress up games. Look at you right now, is it any wonder she would be with another man."

Outside of how he started his statement there was some merit in what he said so I replied. "The sissy cocksucker needs to get some clean panties and few other things, and I will get out of your way. Just give me ten minutes or so please."

I turned and stepped out of the room and went around the corner to the vending machine to get a water. I was suddenly thirsty. Plus, I need a minute to figure out what to do, it was just after five o'clock now. I could see if there was a flight home tonight, but the flight changes would be expensive. I could see if there was another room here, but I wanted to put some space between Sarah and me right now.

I could move to Port Orleans Riverside if they had a room. It was right next door but far enough away I wouldn't accidentally run into Sarah and Eric. I had just decided that was what I would do when I heard a loud door knocking followed by Lisa loudly talking, it sounded like maybe she had been drinking. She was admonishing Sarah and Eric for not responding to her and Pat's text and how long does an afternoon quickie take? Pat quickly interjected that she had several orgasms and was hungry, then I heard Pat say what did you just say?

I took that as my cue and stepped around the corner. "She is probably trying to tell you that I am here, and this is a family resort, so you might want to keep it down about the sex."

Pat and Lisa's eyes got really big as I moved to entrance to the room. I looked at Sarah and said just give me ten minutes and stepped inside. Fortunately, Eric stepped out immediately and I guess Sarah saw the look on my face and instead of arguing she stepped out also. I turned and closed the door.

It actually took me twenty minutes to get everything packed. I had decided instead of just grabbing a few things I would pack all of my stuff. My phone had vibrated several times while I was packing. There were texts from both Pat and Lisa asking what happened, if I was okay, did I need anything? I ignored them and stepped out to see all of them standing outside the room.

"Thanks for letting me get my stuff. Hope you get something good to eat this evening." I rolled my suitcase past them and headed to the lobby. Behind me I heard a plea from Pat, I assumed to Sarah, to do something. Then I heard Lisa say maybe Jordie or Melissa could help their voices were trailing off as I walked away, I heard flip flops behind me and Sarah yelling wait.

I stopped and turned, Sarah was standing there, when I asked. "What are you going to say that is going to change anything? I will be fine. Enjoy your evening."

"Where are you going? We have to talk about this. All of this." She actually looked a little frightened as she spoke.

"We don't actually. I think we missed our opportunity to really talk. I am serious, enjoy your evening. Obviously, you are getting the thing, or things, I couldn't give you since I am the sissy cock sucker, right?" I turned away and kept walking. I didn't want Sarah to see the tears that were in my eyes.

I went to the front desk and they confirmed that there was a room available at Port Orleans Riverside for the next two nights. I asked them to book it, which they did, and then I went out front and took the shuttle bus that the resorts shared over to the other resort. Of the two Port Orleans resorts, Riverside is way bigger. I was lucky though to get a room in the Alligator Bayou section which was close to the main lobby and food court.

My room was already ready, and I was surprised that my Magic Band had already been transferred to this room. I went in and set my suitcase on one of the two queen beds before going to quickly pee. My phone was full of texts when I came out. I again ignored the ones from Pat and Lisa, and there was even one from Sarah.

I did open the one from Jordie- I heard some of what happened. I am sorry for whatever happened with Steve. Do you need to talk, can I meet you somewhere?

I responded- Thank you. I am actually okay. I think I need to be by myself right now. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow. Thank you for being my friend and please don't worry about me and enjoy Disney!

I saw the dots of her typing immediately and she quickly responded- Okay. Just know I am here for you if you need me, I will try, but Disney is best when you are a part of it.

I sent back a smiling emoji that was difficult to find through the tears. Then I opened the one from Melissa- I am not surprised my future father-in-law was an ass, sorry. I am here for whatever you need girlfriend.

I quickly sent back a thanks. Her comment about Steve had made me laugh and I was surprised that laughing at her text made me stop crying about Jordie's. I realized it was now just past six o'clock. I decided I was hungry, and I didn't want to spend the evening in the room by myself. I went to see what damage had been done to my makeup by the crying and, after touching it up, headed to the food court. I ordered a Po' Boy sandwich which I quickly ate and I found myself at the bus stop, boarding a bus to the Magic Kingdom.

I took in all the sights of the families and couples on the bus as we made our way to the Magic Kingdom. Seeing a father with two young kids made me think of Matt. Thinking about him made me realize that while the proposal had been wonderful, and wearing the wedding dress had been the fulfillment of a dream, the best parts of this trip had been Matt and his kids and Jordie and Melissa.

As we arrived at the Magic Kingdom bus stop, I pulled out my phone and wrote Matt a text- I figured out today that living your dreams isn't always magical. The magic in this trip to my favorite place was you, your kids, and my new found friends. Hope you have had a good day.

I was walking down Main Street after picking up a water bottle at the front entrance when I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down to see that Matt had responded. I found a good spot on the curb that would let me watch the show when it started in an hour.

Matt had texted back- Are you okay? Kind of scared to ask this but aren't you supposed to be enjoying a honeymoon or something right now? Not that I didn't smile when I read your text.

I responded immediately- Thanks for the quick response and I am okay. I am on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom; how couldn't I be. I won't go into details, but the honeymoon was anything but. That is what happens when you try to make your dreams come true with the wrong person.

Main Street is a pretty magical place. I ran into Tinkerbell there a few days ago. It was one of my greatest Disney experiences ever. Matt added a smiling emoji and winking emoji.

It was hard to believe that it was just three days ago that I had run into Matt and his kids as we were leaving Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween party. I was wearing my Tinkerbell costume that Sarah had surprised me with. It was the day that he and I had started to flirt with each other, and the memory made me feel warm all over.

For the next forty minutes or so we exchanged random texts, some were flirty, some were about mundane things. When the ten-minute announcement for the show came on, I had a thought.

I wish you, Emma, and Austin were here now. Are they still up? I asked.

He quickly responded- Yes. They just changed into their PJs and are getting ready for bed.

Do you all want to watch Happily Ever After with Me? I can Facetime it. - I asked.

He responded back immediately- they said they would love to- adding a smiling emoji.

I hit the facetime call and they answered. Everyone was smiling and then the lights went down, and we all heard the narrator begin- "And they all lived happily ever after. Each of us has a dream, a heart's desire. It calls to us. And when we are brave enough to listen, and bold enough to pursue, that dream will lead us on a journey to discover who we are meant to be. All we have to do is look inside our hearts and unlock the magic within." Immediately after he finished the music for the song "Happily Ever After" began and the lights and lasers on and around the castle came on.

As I heard the first notes of the music and singing my heart warmed. To me this was some of the best things about Disney. It elevated your mood through sights and sounds that were unique to it. The happiness that was building in me grew as I saw the faces of Matt, Emma and Austin smiling in the corner of my screen. I also realized it was the first time I had really listened to the narrator's words at the start of the show. Tonight, they seemed to have real meaning to me personally- was I brave and bold enough to discover who I was meant to be?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Part 7 sometime soon?

Sohioslim78Sohioslim78over 2 years ago

Please write more of this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really have enjoyed this story and am patiently waiting for chapter 7. I felt neglected by my wife and it led to another affair with a pre-op tg. I was able to CD with her and now we are FWB. I look forward to any and all of your future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

well Sarah is trash, looking forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why tf is Sarah such a selfish piece of human garbage?

LanaReneeLanaReneeover 2 years ago

i have read over 2,000 stories on Literotica and I must say, this story and Finally a Princess are the best two stories I have ever read here. s a transgenderwoman who transitioned at 62, these stories mimic my own experiences in life and Disney World. The pain, anguish, love and compassion of your stories dredged up so many wonderful and painful memories. Only an excellent writer can provoke thosekindsof responses.

I hope you will write more stories in this series. Thnk you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love this series because the characters just seem so real. It is a wonderful, beautiful, complicated, at times scary mess...just like real life. I feel so very invested in Brandi's story. She seems so real to me. I hoped she would walk down the aisle to find Matt waiting on her. Though the story turned darker than I hoped, I can see it all coming together to help Brandi live as her genuine self. I absolutely love this!

curricdcurricdalmost 3 years ago

I really like the story. I posted comments under anonymous (because I couldn't remember my password). As a married crossdresser myself I know that I want to be accepted and loved. I imagine Brad wants the same thing. When a person doesn't feel loved emotionally or physically they will fill the void. Brad filled this void with crossdressing and becoming Brandi.

Sarah and Brad/Brandi should have talked about this to "save" their relationship. Now things have gotten out of hand and this story has the potential to develop in a variety of ways. That is up to the author.

Sarah has communicated through her actions and few words. Brad/Brandi has gone along for the ride and is finally realizing not all fantasies come true. Feeling "love" both emotional and physical is important to all of us. People will search for it. Brad/ Brandi found emotional support/love which then led to physical love. Brad/Brandi was willing to have sex with men in order to feel both emotional and then physical love. Brad was not getting this from his wife Sarah. I

I look forward to the next part and how the author continues the story.

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 3 years ago

Wow, didn't anticipate the dark turn. It is obvious that Brad is heading to being Brandi and quite honestly that her and Sarah's relationship is on the rocks. Steve basically is an asshole who tried to rape Brandi, and showed what he was.

What I will say is that Sarah is a piece of shit. Not for having sex with Eric, whatever they were doing, given that Brandi is stepping out and she and Brandi don't have sex. She is a piece of shit for standing there and letting Brandi get humiliated by Eric, that shows that Sarah is not a good person. Whatever she thinks about Brad becoming Brandi, that was cruel, if she had love for Brandi as a person she would have slapped Eric or told them him off, and the other women weren't much better.

Hopefully this will make Brandi realize what she is, and also to break quite honestly her bond with Sarah who has shown herself to be a passive/aggressive bitch. Brandi deserves to discover who she is with Matt who seems like the genuine thing.

I look forward to this story as it goes on, to see what happens with Brandi. I hope she finds herself and that she gets strong and is able to tell Sarah and some of the 'friends' where to go with themselves; again, no one observes what Eric did and doesn't rip him a new one who is a friend.

To the author, very well written, the emotions this hit in me were strong, which is the sign of good writing, keep it up!

AeneaTAeneaTalmost 3 years ago

I’ve adored following Brandi’s journey across all your stories. While I’m glad she is finally beginning to face her trans decision in this chapter, the sudden shift in Steve and Eric to condescension was very jarring and seemed out of place for what has been a story so full of love. I look forward to seeing how it resolves!

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