Head Games


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"Roxy gave it to me," Stacy said innocently. "She said it was the style women are wearing these days."

"What is it for?" I was well aware that wearing the jewelry on the left ankle, as Stacy was doing, was seen in some circles as an indication that the wearer was married, but in an open relationship. Whatever techniques Roxy was using, they were certainly doing their job on Stacy.

"Just decoration, like any other piece of jewelry," Stacy answered, turning to a mirror to check everything out before heading out the door. "I'll text you when we get wherever we're going and let you know I arrived safely."

"See you tomorrow," I joked, causing her to run with a look of puzzlement. "I just meant I didn't expect you home before midnight."

"Oh, okay then, see you later."

"Have fun."

As soon as her car's headlights had disappeared around the corner, I got the beer I had already purchased and headed for Bob's office. He had a whole top floor in one of the small four-story office buildings that dotted the outskirts of downtown. Whoever was funding his research must have forked over big money for him to afford such digs. There were a dozen cubicles, and long tables here and there covered with printouts and computers. Everyone else had departed for the weekend, and Bob waved me to a comfortable chair near one of the tables while he stored the extra beer in a fridge.

"Good timing, I was just about to check our communications," Bob told me as he seated himself and twisted a few knobs back and forth on a console in front of him. "Roxy, you picking me up okay?" he said into a mike that stood on the table.

"Loud and clear. I should be at our rendezvous in about five minutes."

"Okay, I'll keep conversation to a minimum, just wanted to make sure we had pick-up."

Bob turned to me and explained. "Roxy is wearing a device that just looks like regular jewelry, but it acts as a hearing device for her. I won't be saying anything to her unless she says she's clear to talk so that there is no chance of anyone overhearing anything, even though it's very quiet and in a bar there's virtually no chance of anyone eavesdropping. But we'll be able to hear anything within about a six- or seven-foot radius of where she is, even with the ambient noise of the bar."

"What's the plan for tonight?" I asked, curious as to what might happen.

"Nothing is set in stone," Bob informed me. "Roxy will play it by ear. The main thing is to get Stacy comfortable with the idea of interacting with men. We have two grad students planted at the bar. They know Roxy, of course, so when they see her with Stacy, they will give them about an hour or so to get relaxed, then both of them, one after the other, will ask Stacy to dance. When the first one gets accepted, and Roxy will make sure to egg Stacy into doing that if she doesn't do it on her own, the other one will pay the band to mix in a few slow songs with the faster ones, something where Stacy will have to let a stranger inside her personal space and touch her body with his. Roxy will monitor her body language to see how far to push."

"Too bad there isn't a camera, I'd like to watch this," I joked as I sipped my beer. "What are your contingency plans if she says no to both, which is what I expect her to do."

"You might be surprised," Bob told me. "Roxy is convinced she is very susceptible to suggestion, with a huge overlay of not wanting to be seen acting out of character. Remember what I told you at our first meeting, how many women don't want to acknowledge they have sexual drives that are strong and might be considered a bit...shall we say, wild? Roxy is convinced Stacy is one of those women. I'll bet you a hundred bucks right now that she was raised Catholic. Am I right? I thought so, it's a classic symptom. That system fills women with all this guilt over their natural urges that it makes them almost pathological about acknowledging what they feel. The good news for you is that once that tap is opened, it stays open and the flood of arousal can be quite overwhelming."

"That I'd like to see."

Bob got that faraway look again. After a few minutes of thought he went to one of the computers and began a rapid-fire attack on the keyboard. I watched the screen, but beyond the fact that the long strings of numbers and symbols showed me he was writing some sort of code, I had no idea what he was up to. Suddenly, the screen went blank for perhaps five seconds, the flashed back into life. We were looking at a half-filled club from the perspective of about ten feet off the floor, which gave a good view of the entire room, a place perhaps fifty feet wide and three times as deep. He hit another button and there were suddenly six screens up, two of the dance floor from different angles, one of a hallway, one of an alley, one of an office, and one of what appeared to be a storeroom.

Bob turned with a grin and put his hands in the air as if signaling a touchdown. "We're in," he announced. "I don't know why I didn't think of this myself, but you had a good idea. I just tapped into the security feed, so now we will have video and audio. Give me a second to tell Roxy."

Bob quickly explained to her that since we had video, she would not need to worry about status reports, simply let the mic pick up conversation. "Great, that will make things easier," I heard her say. "I'm going to try at some point in the evening to get Stacy to wear the pin. That way we can be sure to hear whatever her partners are saying to her."

About twenty minutes later she whispered that Stacy's car had pulled up and she would not be saying anything else unless there was some sort of emergency to report. "What kind of emergency could there be?" I asked, getting my third beer.

"Don't know, so we won't have anything much to do for the next four or five hours but listen and watch. I will be recording audio and video so you'll get a copy of everything that happens tonight. They will be inside in less than five minutes and the game will begin."

Bob picked up a remote and pushed a button. A large screen slowly dropped from the ceiling, and he pushed another button to project the computer's images onto the screen. We were watching the same six views, but now each one was in a square that was six feet square. As the two women entered the building, the sound suddenly synched up with the pictures. There was four or five dozen people inside already, mostly hanging out at table or the bar, but a few dancing on the large dance floor.

"Guy who owns that place must have money," Bob commented as he took a swig of beer.

"How do you figure?" I asked, my eyes glued to the screen. I had just caught sight of Roxy and Stacy as they slowly made their way across the edge of the dance floor to a table on the far side, though there were many available right where they came in.

"Just look at the definition on these cameras. Top-notch stuff."

"They are inside," I told him.

"I know," he said. "I saw them. Stacy already took a big step out of her comfort zone, though she probably doesn't know it."

"What do you mean?"

"Roxy made sure to display Stacy by walking her in front of everyone who's there. Didn't you notice the men checking her out?"

I had seen a few heads turn to watch, but it hadn't registered. Bob saw my expression. "Listen, if you are not comfortable with this, tell me and I'll abort the whole thing."

Strangely, I didn't mind. "Let's let it play out and see what happens," I heard myself saying.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, we'll let things unfold."

Roxy ordered four drinks, rum-based and tropical. She leaned closer to Stacy and we could hear her clearly on the pick-up. "It's easier to get two at a time for each of us. We'll be drinking more than that tonight anyway. You look fantastic, by the way."

"Thanks," Stacy said. "I'm still trying to get used to the outfit, it's a lot more daring than I usually wear."

"You should flaunt it if you've got it, and you definitely have it. I wish I had your body."

At that moment their drinks arrived and Roxy clinked glasses with my wife. "Here's to a night of fun and exploring," he said. Stacy took a long swallow and turned to look around the place, taking it all in.

"Those guys are checking you out," Roxy told her, and we saw Stacy look at two guys who were leaning up against the bar, boldly staring at her from less than ten feet way. "Your guys?" I asked Bob.

"No, our guys haven't even arrived from what I can see of the crowd. This should be interesting."

"What do you mean?"

"Roxy was all set to play off of our own people and now she'll have outsiders to try to use. Don't worry, she's really good at thinking on her feet."

"Do you think so?" we heard Stacy say through the speakers.

"Definitely," Roxy answered. "They're pretty hot, don't you think?"

The two guys in question looked to be about thirty, if that. One appeared to be Hispanic and the other was Black and their attitude was one of arrogant coolness as one said something and the other nodded, their eyes never leaving Stacy's table. I saw one make an indication with his glass towards the floor, and realized that they had spotted her ankle bracelet, obviously making the assumption she was a hot, married woman looking to hook up with someone.

"Yeah, I guess they're okay," Stacy said, with a bit of hesitation in her voice. Roxy picked up on it immediately and she cocked her head as she stared across the table at Stacy.

"Oh, God, you've never been with a black guy, have you? Is that it?"

Stacy took another long swallow before answering. "No, I haven't."

"You don't know what you are missing," Roxy said with a smile. "What they say is true, once you go black, you never go back."

"Go back? What do you mean?" Stacy asked.

"Go back to fucking non-blacks," Roxy told her bluntly, and we could see her lean in to get closer to Stacy, indicating that my wife should lean forward as well. That brought her closer to Roxy, but it also exposed more cleavage to the guys standing less than ten feet away and they nodded to each other as if it confirmed something for them.

"I want you to promise me that if they want to dance, you'll do it," Stacy said.

"I don't know..." Stacy murmured.

"We're here to have fun, and I want you to let yourself go. What's the problem? It's just a dance, where's the harm?"

"I feel weird dancing with someone other than Thomas."

"Well. You won't feel that way for long," Roxy told her. "Just listen to me and you'll have the time of your life. If they come over, you'll do it, right?" There was an edge to her voice that had not been there before, and I couldn't miss the fact that she was practically ordering her to submit to these strangers.

"Hear that?" Bob asked. "Hear how she phrased it? This is the key moment of the entire evening. If Stacy agrees, it will be the last wall and she'll do almost anything for Roxy afterwards."

"I guess so," Stacy said, finishing her first drink and starting to sip on her second.

"I want to hear it from you," Roxy said. "I guess so doesn't cut it, you have to be bold and cocky. Be cocky to get some cocky, right?"

To my surprise, Stacy actually giggled at the joke. "Okay, okay, I'll do it if the opportunity comes up."

"I've got something that will help you get in the mood," Stacy said, looking left and right as if checking to see if anyone was watching.


Roxy put her purse on the table and opened it so that Stacy could peer inside. It was hard to tell what was happening. "What is she doing?" I asked.

Bob started laughing a little. "Roxy said she thought she could pull this off, but I thought she was kidding about it. Just watch."

I could see that Roxy had pulled out the corner of what looked like a cellophane bag full of a dark brown powder. Stacy had a puzzled look on her face as Roxy quickly stashed it back down into her purse.

"What was that?" Stacy asked.

"It's an African herb called Yohimbe," Roxy told her. "Mix a little in your drink and you will be hotter than a fire-cracker and just as explosive."

"I don't want to get high," Stacy told her. "I don't want to take drugs I've never heard of."

"This isn't a drug, it's an herb," Roxy insisted. "And it won't make you high, not in the way you are thinking. You will be in complete control of yourself, but your libido will kick into high gear and that will be a feeling like you've never had before. You won't want to stop it, and you will think about nothing but having a mind-blowing orgasm."

I had heard of Yohimbe, but from what I had read the idea that it was an actual aphrodisiac was an urban myth. I said as much to Bob, and he nodded.

"Yeah, there's nothing to all that hype," he confirmed.

"So why is Roxy pushing it on Stacy?"

"The most powerful sex organ, especially for a woman, is her mind. If Roxy can get Stacy to agree to try this, it means she is fully onboard with opening up sexually."

"But side effects? I don't want her using drugs."

Bob smiled again. "It isn't drugs. It's cinnamon."

"You're kidding? How is that supposed to do anything?"

"Placebo effect. Just watch and listen. Roxy is obviously picking up on something or she wouldn't have pulled out this already. She must be seeing something in the way Stacy reacted to the two guys staring at her."

"Here's the cool thing," Roxy was saying. "Not only will the sex be like nothing you've ever experienced before, but after you use it two or three times you can cut the dose way back. After a few times, just a taste of it on your tongue is enough to set things moving, if you know what I mean. It's awesome."

"I'm not interested in having sex with anyone other than Thomas," Stacy insisted.

"Great, but this night can get you revved up for that. Sprinkle a little of this in your drink, get out on the dance floor with a couple of these studs, get the juices flowing, and fuck Thomas's brains out when you get home. Or give him seconds, if you want." This last statement was said with a joking tone and Stacy playfully shimmied her body.

"Right, like men will be lining up for me."

"Are you kidding?" Roxy said. "They will absolutely be lining up if they think they have a chance, and once you take a little of this you will be giving those signals loud and clear. And you won't want to stop it, believe me. Let yourself go a little, have some fun. Come on, try just a little and see how it makes you feel. Just one swallow..."

Stacy looked uncertain, and Roxy took advantage of the hesitation to take the bag out and quickly shake a little powder on top of the drink. "Taste it and tell me what you taste," she commanded.

Stacy took a deep breath, then another, then actually tipped the drink into her mouth. She licked the thick remainder off her lips. "It just tasted like cinnamon."

"That's what my guy adds to it to mask the bitterness of the Yohimbe," Roxy said smoothly. "It makes it easier to get into your system. Do you feel anything?"

"Just the buzz of two drinks in a half hour," Stacy laughed.

"Just wait. In about five minutes, you'll start to feel it in your hands and feet, like they are getting hotter and hotter. About five minutes after that, the sensation will center somewhere else, right in your sensitive areas, shall we say. You'll feel hotter down there first, then right after that you will feel yourself getting wet as arousal starts to take center stage. If you are with a guy when that happens, all you will think about is how good it would feel to have his cock inside you."

To my surprise Stacy did not seem offended by the language. We could see her close her eyes for a few seconds at a time, as if taking internal inventory of her feelings. Roxy took advantage of one of these pauses to walk to the bar and order more drinks. I saw her whisper something to one of the guys standing there before returning to the table with her order. She put one drink in front of Stacy, sprinkling a little more cinnamon in it with a smile.

"That should get you going for sure. Drink it all off the top right away, on top of the first dose and you will feel hornier than you've ever felt before."

"I think I feel my fingers tingling already," Stacy said as she held her hands up in front of her face. She took a long swallow of her drink, closing her eyes as she put the glass down. "Oh, wow," she said, her expression showing excitement.

"Right?" Stacy said. "You feel it, don't you? Tell me what you are feeling."

"I don't know exactly how to describe it," Stacy said. "Like my pussy is on fire."

Jesus! She never uses that word, never! I thought.

"Damn,, Roxy is a champ," Bob said. "She told me that Stacy would get right into the suggestion, but I thought she was exaggerating. Did you ever see her act like this?"

"Shit, no, she never even uses that word and gets offended when I do," I told him.

"But see, in her mind this isn't her doing it, she's being pushed to it by the miracle drug, even though there is no miracle drug."

"Great," we heard Roxy say encouragingly. "What do you want to do about it?"

"Do? I can't do anything, but I feel like rubbing myself," Stacy giggled.

"You might not have to," Roxy laughed, looking over her shoulder. The two guys from the bar were standing right behind the pair and Stacy looked up at them nervously.

"I'm Stephon," the black guy said. "And this is Carlos. We couldn't take our eyes off you since you walked in. Come on and dance."

"I don't think I..." Stacy said.

"Go dance with them," Roxy ordered with a laugh. "Moving around will make it a better evening trust me."

Stephon took that as a yes and pulled Stacy's chair back, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. Both he and Carlos went with her onto the dance floor and the three began to move in rhythm with the music. I was flabbergasted to see Stacy lift her arms over her head and slide up against both of them as she danced. Stephon was in front, his hands on her hips, while Carlos pinned her from behind, his hands on her shoulders as he leaned back and pushed his hips forward. His crotch was in contact with Stacy's ass, but rather than pull away she appeared to not only accept the contact, but to push back against him to increase it.

"You still okay with this?" Bob asked. "Because to tell you the truth, this is way beyond where I thought they might be tonight. Our guys weren't going to do anything like this at all."

"What can I do about it now?" I asked.

"I don't think you can do anything but watch. But this just proves what I said to start with, women just need an excuse to let their inner slut out. But Roxy could probably get her out of there if you really want her to. Or..."

"Or what?" I thought I knew where he was going with his conversation.

"Or she could probably keep nudging Stacy in the direction she seems to be headed and we can see where it goes. Your call."

Though it seemed like I should be pissed off, the scene in front of me was actually hot and I didn't want to stop it, I wanted to see how far it might go. "Let's push the envelope," I said.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm going to see where this goes before I score it. If it goes wimpy or cucky I can give it a 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Of course, the predators at the bar are black guys.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Interesting beginning!


patilliepatillieover 1 year ago

Good start, interesting to see where this will go.

ld238ld238over 1 year ago

An interesting application but Dr Skinner would be so proud.

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago

Finish reading this setting him up to be willing cuckold and bbc size queen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice job building tension.

ecboyecboyover 1 year ago

Excellent story, really looking forwards to the next part (please tell me there is going to be one!!!)

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