Heading West Pt. 02


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"Mmmmm, you taste delicious." She murmured in his ear. Shivers ran down his spine as her breath tickled his neck. She slid back down and for the next few minutes milked and sucked his cock completely dry as he melted into the bed. Soon, she snuggled up next to him and he held her close.

"Damn it, Princess. However do you still come up with new ways to blow my mind even after all these years?"

"Because I'm a naughty little girl." She answered with a smile. "And Sweetheart? Thanks for choosing me tonight. I needed you terribly."

"Of course Princess. I needed you too." He hugged her close and together they fell into a deep, contented sleep.

Meanwhile outside, Ty was on his last leg. He had fucked two of his ladies into submission and Lauri was well on her way. Mary was straddling his face and whimpering as she searched for a final orgasm. Lauri was riding him in reverse cowgirl. Her head was thrown back and she braced herself with her hands behind her, balanced on his thick pecs. Julie was between his wide stretched legs, watching in fascination as his thick meat split Lauri nearly in half. Lauri flailed her hips madly and shrieked as she came all over his thrusting cock. Her juices ran from her soaked pussy, down his shaft and over his tight ball sack. She shuddered on him then abruptly pulled off and clasped her pussy. "Oh fuck! So sensitive! Ugh!"

"Dont stop now!" He cried in desperation, his voice muffled from under Mary's still dripping pussy. He was almost to nirvana when she'd abandoned him. Julie grabbed his jumping, dripping tool and buried him in her throat. A dozen times his cock spurted and she swallowed every drop. She took him deep until her nose was pressed into his hard abs. Her little tongue slid out and licked his balls, and his mind boggled. No woman had ever taken him so easily. Her throat was hot, wet and tight. He grunted with every spasm as he filled her belly with his seed. Lauri made a disbelieving sound as she watched Julie please her man. Mary finally collapsed forward, then turned to curl her tiny body around his neck and shoulders. Lauri fell backwards on his chest and he hugged her close, caressing her full tits and tightened nipples while she purred in delight. Julie finished by using two small hands to milk him dry of his sweet cum, then she cuddled up next to him and mewed like a contented kitten. Almost instantly he was asleep. His ladies giggled and whispered until the night breeze chilled them. Julie gathered blankets to cover them and together they slept like the dead.

Chapter X : The Journey Continues

The next morning the companions packed all their gear and readied to leave the village. All the people turned out to see them off. Several young maidens hugged and kissed Jack and Ty longingly, wishing they had been taken by them before they departed. Never had they seen such hunks of virile manhood in their lives. Lauri was watching the spectacle and noticed Lsa was missing. She walked through the village looking for her. She rounded a teepee to see the Chief's wife talking to Lsa. Lauri watched as she reached out and touched Lsa's belly. Rubbing it gently, she cracked a toothless smile and said something softly. To Lauri's alarm, Lsa staggered and almost collapsed. Her face paled several shades and the old lady stepped in to support her. She sat down swiftly on the ground and put her face in her hands. Lauri rushed to her side.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart? What did she say to you?" Lauri asked worriedly. Lsa was now crying softly, but managed to respond. "She says I'm pregnant. These old ladies always know these things, and they're never wrong. She says that I'll have twins. One from Jack's seed and one from Ty's seed! What am I going to do?"

Lauri felt her heart erupt with joy. "Oh, Lsa! That's wonderful! Two babies from our men! What fantastic news!" She hugged Lsa to her and petted her gently, kissing away her tears.

"Do you really think so?" Lsa asked, between sobs.

"Of course, Honey. Our guys will be so excited!"

"I'm worried they won't want me on the trail anymore!" Lsa bawled, as her tears soaked Lauri's shoulder.

"Yes, they will! They love you like no one else. They won't leave you. They'll probably just take it easy until the births, then raise the children out on the prairies. Just like you were!" Lauri consoled her.

The Chief's wife put a comforting hand on Lsa's shoulder and spoke again, then smiling, ducked inside her teepee.

Lsa was now smiling through her tears. "She said I'll have a boy and a girl. My men will live long lives and we'll all be happy together!" Lauri could see her sigh with relief as a look of complete peace settled over her beautiful face.

"Please don't tell anyone. I want to tell them in private." Lsa told her.

Lauri nodded and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Anything you say, Princess. I love you dearly and I'm so happy for you!" She pulled Lsa to her feet and dusted her little ass off. "We better get back or the boys will think something's up." Lauri whispered. Lsa gathered her in a sweet embrace and kissed her. Lauri tasted her salty tears and felt a few of her own trickle down her cheeks. For long moments they sampled each others soft lips. Lsa tenderly licked Lauri's tears away, then regretfully pulled back.

"We'd better go, Sweetness. Our men are waiting for their women." Lsa said quietly. Linking arms, they slowly walked to the wagons. The men were so busy they didn't notice the state of the two girls. All four women mounted up on their steeds and settled in. Mary and Julie were sneaking peeks at the other two. Intuition told them something was afoot. Seated on the two wagons, each man took the traces in hand, and cracking their whips, urged the mules forward while the crowd yipped, and yelled, and waved goodbye.

That evening they returned to the campsite where the men had dug the pool. Jack informed the girls that he and Ty would now do their penance for leaving their rifles behind while they bathed. The girls protested but he would have none of it.

"Ty and I will do all the cooking and cleaning for a week. Lauri will be our sex slave for the same period. You girls can wash up in the pool if you like, we'll get dinner going."

All the girls, except Lsa went to clean up. She wanted the men alone so she could break her news to them. She was nervous as a cat, almost afraid to tell them of her condition. She changed her clothes in the wagon and brushed her long black hair out straight. She came out wearing only her loincloth and moccasins. She'd dabbed a little paint on her body and wore the crown the Indian Chief had given her. Her hair shown like a ravens wing in the fading sunlight.

"Hey guys, can I talk to you, please? She asked plaintively. The men turned to acknowledge her and both gasped aloud at her beauty.

"Of course, Sweetheart." Jack said somewhat concernedly. He knew something was up from her tone of voice. Since her meltdown with him, he was on high alert to her moods. She hastened to pour them each a stiff whiskey and handed it to them.

"Maybe you should sit down." She said quietly. Both men looked at each other in consternation. This wasn't like her at all! They took chairs from the table and sat next to each other. She took a hand from each of them in hers and knelt before them.

A tear slid down her face and she said. "I want you both to know that I love you dearly and will do anything for you in my power to make you happy, regardless of what decision you make."

Jack started to speak but she squeezed his hand to stop him.

"I'm going to bear each of you a child. The Chief's wife predicted it this morning, and I'm positive she's right.

Both men's faces went white with shock. Ty tried to say something but he could only stutter awkwardly. She continued. "There will be a boy and a girl child. One fathered from each of you. I hope with all my heart that you'll keep me with you and we can continue our lives together!" By now tears were running freely down her face as she looked at her men who were speechless in surprise.

Ty broke his trance first. With a joyful whoop, he plucked her off the ground and swung her around in circles. He kissed her until she couldn't breathe and she was sputtering for air. He passed her off to Jack, and he hugged her tightly until she protested that he was crushing her.

"Of course you'll always be with us!" Jack cried out, echoed by Ty. "You're our Princess. Nothing will keep us apart! Nothing!" Lsa began sobbing with joy and drew the men into a long hug. Both men had tears running down their cheeks. She pulled them down and stood on her tiptoes to kiss them away.

"I'm so damn happy I can't stand it!" Ty exclaimed. He swept her up again and swung her around.

"Easy there, Brother." Jack said worriedly. "She's in a delicate condition now, we have to be careful with her."

"Oh shit!" Ty cursed. He carefully set her down and looked at her in concern. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you at all?" It was all she could do not to giggle at him, but she knew he was serious and managed a straight face.

"I'm fine, Honey. I'm a tough little thing." She kissed him sweetly. Jack got in line for his kiss as well.

"Do any of the others know?" He asked.

"Just Lauri. She was there when the Chief's wife told me the news."

"Do you want to tell the others?" Ty asked.

"Yes, this evening I think. The sooner the better. I'll go to the pool and tell them right now." Lsa said.

The men were almost delirious with joy and were bouncing all around the makeshift kitchen while they waited for the girls to return. Soon enough, they heard cries of joy coming from the creek. Mary and Julie raced into camp and into their arms. Both girls had cheeks wet with tears and they hugged their men close. Lauri and Lsa followed more slowly and smiled in satisfaction when they saw how happy everyone was. Lauri held Lsa tenderly and brushed her hair back, taking in the sight of Lsa's beauty.

"You are the most radiant mother I've ever seen." Lauri said softly. "I love you dearly." She kissed her softly on the lips and ran a brave hand over Lsa's tight little behind. Lsa responded happily. Her lips softened and she melted into Lauri's embrace.

"Mmmm, you taste so sweet." Lsa murmured. Lauri felt her nipples harden under her shirt and a shiver ran down her back. Lsa ran her hand up to cup a firm breast. Lauri jerked in surprise, then quickly relaxed.

"Sorry, I'm new at this." She whispered in Lsa's ear.

Suddenly, Mary flew into their arms and hugged them delightedly. Fearless, she grabbed each girl in turn and kissed them soundly. "I love my new family!" She exclaimed happily. Shy Julie showed up as well. Lsa and Lauri kissed and hugged her tightly.

Finally, breaking free, Laa said. "I need to clean up. Lauri, can you stand guard for me, please?"

Lauri followed her to the pool while the boys finished up making dinner. While Lsa was scrubbing up, Lauri had a heart to heart talk with herself. Lsa had been on her mind more and more lately. Her sweet kisses and love for Lauri were having a profound effect. Lauri remembered back when she had started this adventure. How she'd bravely committed to serving the men while on the trail. Like a bolt of lightning hitting her, she realized that Lsa was as much part of the deal as the boys were. The three were inseparable and she desired to be as fully immersed in the group as possible for the short time they'd be together the trail. In that moment, she knew that she'd willingly follow wherever Lsa and the men led her.

"Could you wash my back please?" Lsa asked.

"Of course, Honey. I'd love to."

Lsa waded to a small boulder and planted her little ass on it. Lauri came up behind her and lathered her up, gently scrubbing her while Lsa basked under her attention. Bravely, Lauri dropped the cloth and slid soapy hands under Lsa's firm breasts. Pretending they were her own, and doing what felt good to herself, she massaged them and gently tugged pink nipples until they were rock hard. Lsa moaned in pleasure.

"Oh, Lauri." She breathed. "You feel amazing." After enjoying Lauri for several minutes, Lsa waded out and rinsed off. She returned to Lauri and wrapped a towel around herself, then pulled her into a deep kiss, her tongue flickered out and tasted Lauri. Her mind reeled as the softest lips and tongue she'd ever felt explored her mouth. A shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps pebbled her arms. Lsa giggled and nipped her neck.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Oh, my. Oh, yes!" Lauri exclaimed. "I want more." She confessed.

"How about we share it with one or both of the guys?" Lsa asked.

"I'd love that. Maybe one at a time. I don't know if I could handle two. It's intense enough with just you here!" Lauri blushed.

"Sounds good, now kiss me again, then we'll head back to camp."

Chapter XI : Lauri Becomes Aware

The men cooked a wonderful dinner for them all. They broke out whiskey for them and wine for the women while they all celebrated the news of Lsa's pregnancy. Lsa snuck onto Ty's lap and nuzzled his neck.

"Would it bother you if I slept with Lauri and Jack tonight while you entertain our other girls?" She asked.

"It won't bother me a bit. I'm so happy now I could burst! I could take out some energy on Mary and Julie, no problem. But I'd love to have you tomorrow night if that's ok." He said with a sexy wink. She kissed him and gazed deep in his eyes.

"I'd love that. Thanks, Handsome. You know I love you always." She said gently. He smiled beautifully and caressed her face.

"Always, Sweetheart." He whispered.

She got up and went to Jack, who was cleaning up after dinner. She sat him down on a chair and bending over, hugged him from behind. She licked the shell of his ear and kissed his neck until he shivered.

"What do you desire, my Princess? He asked softly.

"Our Lauri has agreed to be with us. As she's your slave for a week, I bet that you can think up plenty of fun things for her to do with us tonight. What do ya say?" She sucked his neck until he squirmed in pleasure.

"You mean that she'll be with you, as in having sex?" He asked in a rough voice. His mind was already working up scenarios that he could lead her through.

"Yes, she's never been with a woman before but she wants to explore. I'd love to break her in with you, ya big stud." She slid a hand down his thigh to pet his awakening cock. He groaned in anticipation.

"I was hoping for this one day. Will Ty be there too?"

"No, Lauri wants one of you at a time with me. He's ok being with Mary and Julie tonight."

"Oh man, I can't wait! You are such a hellcat when you have a sexy woman to play with. I'm almost done with my chores, why don't you get her ready and I'll be there shortly."

Lsa discreetly let Mary and Julie know they'd be with Ty this evening, then she coaxed Lauri into their wagon. "Jack will be in shortly. He's raring to go this evening with us. Can you handle us both?" Lsa asked her with a sexy smile.

"I sure hope so. I'm pretty nervous." Lauri replied.

"Let's get ready for him. Let's put the boy's shirts on for now as a little teaser for Jack." Lsa giggled. They dug them out and put them on. Lsa made sure they stayed unbuttoned completely. She sat next to Lauri on the bedside and began kissing her and making out. Lauri was trembling in nervousness, but also giddy in anticipation of what was to come. Lsa swept Lauri's shirt open and caressed her breasts tenderly. Lauri squeaked when her nipples were pulled taut and released by Lsa's clever fingers. She moaned into Lsa's open mouth as she was lost in sensation.

She felt the wagon tilt slightly and heard Jack slide over the tailgate. She went to turn her head to him but Lsa caught her chin and held her in a deep kiss. She heard him gasp in surprise as he took in the erotic sight of his two women embracing. He was standing so close that Lauri could feel his body heat. Suddenly, she felt his cock press at the joining of the girl's wet lips and he pushed in between them. They each licked and sucked his thick cock head and he groaned in pleasure. As he pulled back, they resumed with their kissing. For long minutes he continued thrusting between them until he grew slick and wet, dripping pre-cum on their shining lips. He watched from above as their hands wandered over each others bodies, teasing and caressing.

The sight of them kissing and the stimulation of their greedy mouths on his cock was too much for him. "I've got to cum so bad!" He groaned, as his knees almost buckled. "You girls are killing me!" Lsa giggled and dragged Lauri to her knees on the wagon floor.

"Let's make him cum for us, then we can take our time with him." Lsa whispered, and winked up at Jack.

Lauri took him in her mouth and slowly swallowed as much of him as she could, then pulled back until he popped out of her tight lips. Lsa then took her place and did the same. They alternated sucking him until he was as hard as steel and pre-cum was literally pouring out of his cock.

"Lauri." He gritted out.


"Are you our slave girl tonight?"

A momentary silence. Lauri looked at Lsa quickly. Lsa stroked her hair and whispered. "It's your decision if you want us both. We'd love to share you."

Jack cupped her face and looked down at her, waiting for her response as he looked deep in her eyes. She knew if she agreed there was no turning back. The glint in his eyes was positively dangerous. Her pussy clenched tight and the back of her neck prickled delightfully.

"Yes. I'm your's. Anything you want from me I'll do. Both of you!" She said in a throaty voice. Jack smiled in a way that sent pussy juice coursing down her thigh. Lsa caught his cock and offered it to Lauri. Both girls resumed sucking him until he was gasping for air. He felt his orgasm begin to flow over him and he knew knew it was going to be a big one. He grabbed Lauri's head between his huge hands and let her bring him over the edge. With a mighty shout, he pulled back and fisted his cock. Lsa put her head next to Lauri's and opened her mouth, sticking out her little pink tongue. Lauri emulated her quickly.

They got positioned just as Jack's cock erupted ropes of thick cum on their faces. He cried out in pleasure as he watched the women catch his cum in their mouths and as it spattered across their tongues. "Ugh, ugh, ugh!" He grunted as each spasm painted the girls with his seed. As his spurts lessened in volume and frequency, Lsa pulled Lauri into a deep french kiss, sharing his hot cum with her. Lauri was so turned on she almost orgasmed right there. She whined in Lsa's mouth and greedily sucked her tongue into her's. Jack's last few shots landed on their cheeks and lips as they kissed. He moaned in appreciation of the sight. He milked his cock until cum poured out the tip and trickled down on the girl's firm tits. Lauri was now writhing in Lsa's embrace and rubbing her thighs together, needing friction on her now swollen clit.

Lsa pulled her up and laid her back on the bed. She straddled Lauri's body and lowered her head to lick and suck Jack's cum from her tits. Lauri closed her eyes and moaned as Lsa nipped and sucked her hard nipples. Jack joined Lsa and together they shared Lauri's body between them.

"You two are amazing!" Lauri managed to say between happy sighs. Jack was kissing her while Lsa made her way down Lauri's torso. She stiffened as Lsa brushed a small hand down her thigh.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "It's just so different!"

"Let me help." Jack said. He laid down and pulled Lauri over him so her back was on his chest and her head rested beside his. He cupped a breast and rolled it in a big hand while the other explored and stroked her pussy, tormenting her until she was grinding her ass on his tight belly. His cock was wedged between her thighs and Lsa fisted him, sucking his cock back to life while he caressed and petted Lauri. She whined in frustration when he avoided her clit with his fingers.