I Lied Pt. 02


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"I'm home," my father called out, as he had done for as long as I could remember--something I even did just out of habit.

As I headed out of my room and down the hall toward the living room, we met face to face just at the bathroom door.

Hey, son. How's it going?" He asked in a good mood.

"Good," I replied, taken back. I couldn't tell if Mom had told him, and he was excited Beth and I were finally leaving the house, or he just had a good day, and things were getting ready to take a turn for the worse as he walked into the bathroom.

It wasn't my place to say anything, so I took my place on the couch and waited for my sister to get home. She would usually beat Mom home only by minutes. I began to get nervous and pick at my nails. My father walked back into the living room and noticed almost instantly and asked, "What's up with you?"

Luckily, I wouldn't have to respond as Beth walked in the door and blurted out, "Dad, I'm moving out in two weeks. I don't know if Mom told you or not, but I already accepted the job, and I'm not going back on my word."

"What? When did this happen?" He asked.

"Last week, I was going to tell you guys on Monday, but Owen was on the radio, and I didn't want to bring the mood down," Beth replied. "Also, Mom caught me and Owen asleep together this morning," she said just as our mother walked through the door. "We were fully clothed, I might add. I went to talk to him after Brad called, waking you up. Sorry about that, but the next thing I knew, Mom was freaking out, accusing me of wanting to fuck Owen...,"

"Beth, I did not say that," our mother gasped.

"The fuck you didn't. You also said I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, and you said I had that look in my eyes again," Beth shot back.

"What the hell are you talking about, Beth? What look?" Our father asked.

"I don't know; maybe you should ask your wife," Beth growled and turned to look at our mother just as we all did.

I was not expecting it to go down like this. I figured it would be gradually brought up over dinner, and then the shit would hit the fan. Mom had been thrown into the deep end of the pool and was not prepared when she walked into the house. It was only getting worse as we stared at her. After seeing the look of disgust on our father's face, she went into defensive mode.

"Well, so that you know, Owen is moving in with her and leaving his music behind," She said, looking right at Dad.

"Fuck no, I'm not," I said, standing up. "I never said that. I said that I wanted to move in with her to get more exposure in a larger city. I'm going to finish all my shows through the end of the year and then move," I said, defending myself from the unexpected attack.

You could cut the tension with a knife. Our father just stood there not knowing what to say as we had all now turned our attention to him and were waiting on his response.

"I need a drink," he said and headed toward the fridge, which had us all concerned as he was not a drinker.

"So, let me get this straight," he said, twisting off the top of a cold one. "Beth is moving in two weeks to her new job. She also wants to have sex with my son. My son is moving out with her, and I'm just now finding this out?" He asked, taking a long pull off the dark brown glass bottle.

"To be fair, Dad, I just found out this morning, and so did Mom. I brought up moving in with Beth as a spur of the moment thing, but the more I've thought about it, it just makes sense for me and my music career. Tilley's is the top for me here. I need to do this if I want to have a chance in Nashville one day. I'm just a country kid, and I would get eaten alive in Nashville right now." I lied, trying to relax the situation.

"You're right, Son. It's a great stepping stone for you," he replied. I'm also happy for you, Beth, and I think it's terrific you're getting out of this one-horse town."

"Thanks, Dad. I forgot to mention that they are starting me out at seventy-five thousand a year," Beth exclaimed.

"Wow, that's excellent," he shot back. "But what bothers me the most is this talk of you two having sex. What the hell is going on, and please tell me you two are not moving away to be together?"

"No, Dad," I lied again. "It's an opportunity, Beth, nor I could pass up. I really don't know what's going on with that. Mom did come into my room, and Beth and I were indeed sleeping together, but nothing else was going on. We're just trying to better ourselves, as you said."

"Can you guys give your mother and me a few minutes to talk," he asked, and Beth and I stood up to leave.

"No, I want them here for this talk," our mother replied with her hands firmly on her hips.

"Alight, Karen, let's hear it," our father said. Now we were all standing in a large circle as if we were all getting ready to go to battle.

"You guys are not turning this around on me," Mom hissed. "I'm not stupid. You can't play dumb with me. I know better. I know what two people in love look like, and if there were a picture in the dictionary next to love, your picture would be right next to it. Now tell me I'm wrong," she said in haste.

I never even looked at Beth to see her reaction. I just spoke for both of us instantly. "Mom, we are not in love with each other. We were kids back then and didn't know any better. I mean fuck," I lied again. "Why am I getting so good at this?" I thought.

Amazingly, Beth kept her composure and just shook her head up and down. I was worried she would lose it but also felt confident since she knew I was moving with her.

"Let's hear it, Beth. Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not in love with him." 'Oh shit,' I thought after Mom finished her question.

"Don't answer that, Beth. You don't have to. Karen, what the hell is wrong with you?" Dad asked.

Looking into Beth's eyes, I could see the raging storm behind them. I knew she wouldn't make it much longer. I shot her a look with conviction which seemed to help, but how long that would last was anybody's guess.

"NO, I DON'T LOVE HIM LIKE THAT," Beth screamed, and the dam broke loose, which would most certainly be overlooked, having been accused of incest.

"God damn it! Are you happy now, Karen?" My father asked, seeing his little girl in tears and heartbroken from the torment of our mother.

"It's fine, Dad. I'll pack up my things and leave tomorrow. They told me I could start anytime I wanted to," Beth said, sobbing.

With the push of a button, we all froze for a brief second until the doorbell stopped ringing. Being right by the door, our mother spun around a flung the door ajar, only to see Brad standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"What the fuck do you want?" Beth hollered at him through the screen door.

"I just wanted to come by and say I was sorry. You know, apologize for calling you late last night. I had too much to drink, and I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you so much, and I want to be a part of your life." Brad said, pouring his heart out and hoping for the best.

"Nobody gives a fuck, so take your shitty flowers and your stupid ass the fuck out of here. You're a fucking drunk, and I don't need you or that in my life." Beth replied, full of rage. "Now, Mom, close the god-damn door, and let's get back to our family meeting."

Beth was ready for any question thrown her way as Mom closed the door in Brad's face and turned to face the family.

"Let's go, Mom. I want this shit to be over with. Ask away?" Beth said, determined to move on past the accusations, even if they were true.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I should have never said that to you or Owen. I don't know what answer I was looking for or, to be honest, hoping to hear," our mother was either extremely smart or speaking from the heart.

"Not only that, but I just always thought you two would end up together. The thoughts of my children being together makes my stomach churn, but also makes me very happy. When I saw you two curled up together, sleeping, relief washed over me, but then I was angry almost a second later. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. Please accept my apology and let's try to move on from this," she barely got the words out before she broke down in tears.

As I looked at Beth, her face is scarlet, and her tears start to fall as she walks toward our mother. My father and I wear the same expression as we watch everything unfold in front of us. I didn't know what to do or say. I prayed she could keep it together, but I just wanted to run for the front door from the looks of it.

'It's ok, Mom," she whispered, kneeling next to her.

The things she said to our mother were quiet, so only she could hear. I pleaded with Beth in my mind not to do or say anything stupid, but I was too stunned and unable to form a sentence or even move. I watched our mother's face intently as Beth continued to whisper in her ear. Her expression was still, with almost no emotion. I was dying to know what was being said, then she stood with a smile and hugged Beth tightly.

"I love you, Beth, and thank you," she said after their intense hug and gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

"Owen..." Mom paused, looking into my eyes.

It was now or never. I told myself to make a run for it but decided against it and stood my ground.

"I'm sorry. Will you please forgive me?" Her mascara was now running down her cheeks again as she asked me the question.

"Of course, Mom. I love you," I replied and made my way to give her a big hug.

With my chin lowered to my mother's shoulder, I looked at Beth with pleading eyes, saying, 'Please tell me you didn't tell her?' She wasn't giving me any reassurance as Mom continued to squeeze me as tight as she could.

"Karen, I don't even want to know what the hell you're thinking about our kids, so please don't tell me. Can we all just move on past this, and everybody stop with the incest shit?" Our father asked, still in his own whirlwind of emotions from hearing Mom's testimony.

We all just nodded. We wanted this to be over.

"Is everybody good now?" Dad asked again, feeling the tension ease but still strangely awkward.

"Yes, everything is wonderful. I need to get dinner started before it gets too late," Mom replied, releasing the death grip she had on me.

"Well, I'm going to go and change for dinner, be back in just a few minutes," I said, making my way to the hallway.

"Good call, Owen," Dad said, heading toward his room to do the same thing.

Dinner was pleasant, and we all enjoyed the conversation. Most questions were directed toward Beth and about her new employer. I was just as interested as they were. We hadn't talked about it much.

She stood next to me at the sink as we washed, rinsed, and placed dishes in the rack to the right of the sink, Beth mouthed, "I love you so much, baby," where only I could see what she was saying. I couldn't help but look over my shoulder to see if Mom and Dad were watching at us in a particular way. Having noted that they were focused on their own conversation, I replied in the same manner, "I love you too."

I waited very impatiently for Beth to come to my room. I was worse than a seven-year-old on Christmas night. I paced around my room until I got tired and took a break before getting up and pacing some more.

"Hey baby," Beth whispered at my back, causing me to jump.

"What the hell took you so long?" I asked. She startled me.

"I was waiting for them to go to sleep," she replied.

"Whatever. What did you say to Mom and don't hand me that shit, 'It's between us,' I stated.

"Don't get mad, Owen, and please sit down," she patted the bed next to her.

"Oh fuck, here we go," I said grudgingly, sitting next to her.

"It's not bad, but just let me finish before you jump to conclusions. Ok?"

"Yes, now spill it," I shot back.

"Fine. I told her that I was very much in love with you and...."

"Fuck, Beth, why would you do that?" I asked, cutting her off and rocking back and forth on the edge of the bed.

"Damn it, Owen, let me finish," she asked, now kneeling in front of me. "I told her I was very much in love with you, but I would take it to my grave, and I would never act on it. I asked her to keep it to herself and not tell Dad because if he knew, he would probably have a heart attack from the stress of knowing his little girl is madly in love with his only son. Lastly, I begged her not to tell you because of how happy you were to move in with me and pursue the next level of your music career."

"You didn't have to say that," I said.

"Owen, we both know better than that. She knew I was in love with you. Luckily, she doesn't think you love me that way and is understanding of my situation."

"I guess, but fuck man, I don't need this stress."

"It's a good thing I know just how to make all your stress go away," she replied, pushing me back on my back and pulling my cock from my shorts.

I was too tired to fight her and figured she couldn't make me hard anyway from all the added anxiety I felt. The second her soft wet lips touched the head of my shaft. I let out a low groan as my cock filled with the required amount of blood to jackhammer a concrete wall down.

"I love feeling your cock pulse in my hand," she whispered and continued stroking my entire length.

Without a reply, I slid my fingers just under the bun she had onto the top of her head and pulled her mouth over my cock. She began bobbing her head up and down my dick, gagging loudly at each of her failed attempts to get my cock deep into her throat. It wasn't for the lack of effort, as she was now aggressively using my hand to push down on her head in a bid to make it happen tonight.

Only able to get only a couple of inches into her throat, Beth pulled her sleep shorts to the side, quickly crawled up my legs to my lap, and positioned her pussy over the swollen head of my shaft.

"Be quiet," I whispered.

"I'll try," she sighed and impaled herself on my cock.

The walls of her sex strained at the sudden insertion of my thick cock. Her eyes began to dance to only a song she could hear each time she raised and lowered her tight pussy onto my stiff shaft. I would have to pay close attention to her lovely moans, with our parents home, as they escaped her lips. Just as she did with her throat, she began to slam her shallow sex down hard on my cock, forcing it deeper each time she bottomed out.

"Fuck, you feel so good in me," she breathed.

Trapping both nipples between my fingers, I pulled hard to silence her large breast as they smacked loudly against her chest. Her eyelids crashed into one another as her orgasm sent pleasure signals throughout her body. I quickly silenced her growing moans by pulling her face to mine and kissing her deeply. Our tongues wrestled each other in a duel for supremacy until she surrendered and slumped on top of me. Thrusting my left hip upward into her limp body allowed me to roll on top of her and assert my dominance easily.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," she began to chant each time I drove my thick cock into her snug sex.

Placing the palm of my hand firmly over her mouth, after sliding my arms under her legs and pinning her to the mattress, I pummeled her pussy. Her sharp blue eyes grew wide with intensity and hunger after each powerful thrust. Her muffled screams were in vain as my own orgasm seemed to get lost, and I continued to batter her sex for several minutes. Finally, feeling my balls stir from the relentless pace, I slowed to long forceful thrusts, sweat misting her face as it broke free from my body each time I slammed into her.

Feeling my shaft swell, she covered my mouth with both of her hands, one on top of the other, just as I sent the first long, thick rope of cum deep into her. Deep moans and grunts followed each volley of cum that bathed her insides until I collapsed, and our foreheads crashed into one another's.

"I love you," she barely got the words out through my heavy panting into her open mouth.

"I...love...you too," I said between long gaps of air.

"Baby, can you please let my legs go? I can't breathe," she smiled.

"Sorry, baby," I replied, letting go of her and falling next to her, still trying to gain control of my breathing.

"I feel like I've been fucked by a train," she giggled.

"I'm glad I can see my legs because I certainly can't feel them," she said, propping herself up on her elbows.

Unable to find the words, I just replied, "I'm sorry."

"That was so intense. You were like a caged animal who just broke free. I thought you were going to break me in half," she chuckled.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked.

"I'll have to tell you later after I come down from this high," she cackled.

After a few minutes, it became tranquil. I could still hear my heart thumping in my chest.

"Don't fall asleep. Getting caught like this would most certainly spell doom," I said.

"You're right. Will you please help me up?" Beth asked.

I helped her up and to get dressed, and I found myself some sleep shorts before making my way to the bathroom. I retrieved a wet washcloth to clean up the vast amount of cum that leaked from her sex.

"It's three in the morning, and I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day," Beth said after giving me a kiss goodnight.

After exchanging a few more kisses and I love you's, I crawled into bed and fell asleep as my head hit the soft pillow.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Getting good 😊

MiddlesonMiddlesonalmost 3 years ago

I am enjoying the story and really hope you don't end up ruining the story by keeping the siblings apart.

I second the previous comment that hopes thebweddingbatbthe beginning of the story is a dream and a nightmare owen doesnt want to come true.

The siblings should have a happy ending and life together.

This brad needs to exit. And after making him out to be a pos in the story if he end up with beth to me this story will be a failure.

On the writing side you doing a good job with characters and story so keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a great story I love the lust and romance between them and cant wait for the move to the city and the sex you will describe in it. They will have to be careful or they can be seen or caught in the act by people they know. May even end up pregnant if he keeps cumming in her. Cant wait

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

Building nicely

Well worth 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is getting so good. Why is it I get so attached to your characters? I still think think about Katie and Connor from What I Didn't Hear. You have a gift sir and I can't wait until the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I would of hoped you learned from your last story that most of your readers want the siblings together & not to bring others into the relationship. You had to change the ending because they weren't happy with the way you wrote it. My hope is you will have Beth & Owen together & maybe the wedding in chapter 1 was just a dream. One can only wish!

bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago

After thinking more about the story and reading the comments I wanted to add this.

It seems that Brad is getting the best deal. He does not deserve Beth. He is marrying her if I understand the start of the story. Some fucking must happen and that is a high price to pay for Beth.

Your story telling has been excellent. I love the love and devotion feeling. Owen is only 18. Some of the things are a lot for an 18 year old. I vote for a happy ending for Owen and Beth and will feel cheated if they do not end up together.

bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago

Story was great, but I am exhausted!

In a perfect world Owen and Beth end up together. I want that. but we need a cliff hanger.

I gave you the 5 stars and look forward to a Happy Ending.

Mont35Mont35almost 3 years ago

Great Story! Unfortunately, we know from the beginning of chapter 1 she makes it to the altar with Brad. I just hope in the end she runs out of the church with Owen leaving Brad at the altar alone!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Worried about how the story started. Doesn't look good for them in the end. Hope you get it worked out as you go.

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