IA: Gabby Gets a Pet?


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"That's right," I cut him off, "Why are you so surprised? Aren't you accompanying not two but three human females who are free? Let's not jump to conclusions. Instead, we'll investigate and piece together their connection. It should be evident soon enough."

Gorsk acquiesced, his initial surprise giving way to curiosity. "Fair enough," he conceded, "let's go see what their story is." We moved forward cautiously, approaching the trio. I raised my voice, calling out to them, "Hello there! We mean no harm. Identify yourselves, please." Beside me, Gorsk joined in, his gaze fixed on the three figures as we sought to uncover the enigma that lay before us.

The leader among the group was a commanding figure, her long, straight, dark hair cascading like a river of midnight. In her early twenties, she stood with a commanding presence, her lithe form adorned in trousers of deep forest green.

Her flawless skin contrasted strikingly with the earthy hue of her attire. A frilly shirt, its sleeves full and billowing, adorned her upper body, its shade a subtle ivory that hinted at the world's simpler palette. Over this, she wore leather armor in rich chestnut brown, the curving lines and detailing suggesting both functionality and grace.

Despite the armor, her attire allowed the slightest suggestion of her proportionate breasts. She bore a staff in one hand, its polished wood a darker shade of mahogany, and in her other hand, a short sword glinted, its hilt adorned with delicate patterns of sapphire blue.

Beside her stood a companion, slightly shorter and a bit younger, with long, wavy, dark brown hair that tumbled in luxurious waves like chestnut silk. Her demeanor was relaxed yet imbued with readiness, a warrior of her own kind. She, too, was in her early twenties, her attire mirroring the leader's adventurous spirit.

She wore trousers, a shade of deep brown that harmonized with her hair, and a frilly shirt in a gentle hue of lavender. Leather armor in a dusky shade of amethyst protected her frame, subtly contouring her form without hiding her feminine grace.

As with her leader, the armor left a hint of her ample breasts exposed. In one hand, she gripped a staff with dark, burnished copper accents, while the other held a short sword with a hilt crafted in hues of soft emerald.

What truly caught my attention was their attire, a stark deviation from the norms of this planet I had noticed so far. Both females were clad in trousers, a garment typically reserved for males in this world.

The Goblin accompanying them shared a demeanor of serene wisdom, his features reflecting experiences beyond measure. Slightly taller than Gorsk, his attire was swathed in a robe of indigo, woven with intricate patterns of silver and gold. In his hand, he bore a staff of aged oak, its surface etched with runes of ancient wisdom, embodying the enigmatic allure of their group.

As the two women took in the sight of Shadow by my side, their reactions were clear. They looked astonished, their eyes wide with a mix of disbelief, fear, and a hint of fascination. Their expressions showed a range of emotions, leaving them momentarily speechless.

However, the Goblin accompanying them, probably seasoned by a lifetime of experiences, displayed a markedly different response. He regarded Shadow with a measured calmness, as though he had encountered such creatures' countless times before. There was a subtle, knowing gleam in his eyes, a glimmer of recognition that belied his composure. He did not flinch, nor did he exhibit the same visceral fear that had gripped his two companions.

"Easy, Shadow," I intoned, trying to keep my composure while my own heart pounded in my chest like drumbeats.

During this unfolding scene, my command to Shadow held his predatory instincts in check, and though the women's initial shock remained, the Goblin's composed reaction seemed to convey an unspoken message of reassurance, hinting at a deeper understanding of the creature by my side.

Sensing that no immediate threat loomed, Shadow, slinked into the thick underbrush nearby. Perhaps he sought some equivalent of a rabbit for a light supper, his presence offering a measure of reassurance amidst the tension that hung in the air like a heavy shroud.

"The taller one possesses nice, long legs," Gorsk remarked, his assessment trailing off with a peculiar tone, "She has the potential to be a fine pony girl once properly trained. As for the shorter one, her huge breasts and wide hips suggest she'd make an excellent milk cow, capable of nourishing many. Breeding her wouldn't pose much of a challenge."

His matter-of-fact evaluation of the women, while rooted in a certain logic, carried an unsettling crudeness. I was about to chastise Gorsk for his tactlessness when he added, "Their companion appears to be a trainer of sorts."

Before I could interject and inquire about his curious choice of words, the apparent leader of the newcomers stepped forward, her raised hand a universal sign of peace. She, too, was carefully sizing us up, her gaze analytical yet devoid of hostility. With a smile that held a glimmer of reassurance, she spoke, "I am Ava. We come in peace." As she uttered these words, she gracefully sheathed her sword.

Returning her smile, I approached her with a friendly smile and introduced myself, nodding toward Gorsk. "I'm Gabby. We're on our way to Gorsk's village," I explained in a casual tone, extending a hand in greeting.

"This is Genevieve, but we call her Jen," their leader introduced, extending her hand toward the woman in their group. "She's my assistant. And this is Girt'mer," she continued, gesturing with her staff toward the Goblin companion. She had a pleasant voice. "We've nicknamed him Gir, and he doesn't seem to mind," she added with a chuckle. I took a moment to introduce them to Isabella and Anj.

Isabella, clearly ill at ease and attempting to conceal her nudity, looked nervous and fidgety. I stepped closer to her, speaking in a hushed tone, "Would you like your dress back?"

"Yes, please!" she replied quickly, her embarrassment palpable. It was evident that she felt self-conscious in her current state of undress, and she did her best to shield her exposed skin. I could understand her reaction, she wasn't wearing any clothes and naturally felt uneasy being entirely naked in the presence of two fully dressed women. She hastily retrieved the garments from Anj's outstretched hands and began dressing herself.

Observing this small drama, Gir couldn't help but chuckle. "That one used to be a pony not too long ago, right?" he asked, pointing at Isabella. Before I could respond, I noticed that he had directed his question to Gorsk, ignoring me. Gorsk, hesitating for a moment, answered with a smirk, "Yeah... my little filly... my Duchess..." His sentence trailed off, and he glanced up at me, a hint of concern in his eyes, as if he expected me to reprimand him for his choice of words.

"Gir flashed a sage-like smile. 'I reckon, you see, that's why I always lean towards 'taming' rather than 'breaking' a girl. You opted to let her trot away, did you?'" Gorsk didn't jump straight into answering Gir's query, purposefully it seemed. Perhaps it bruised his pride as a slaver to admit he'd not only failed to acquire new captives but had also lost one of his own ponies. I allowed myself a quiet chuckle but refrained from pointing out the obvious.

Skirting the last question, Gorsk responded, "Well, my tribe sticks to the old ways, preferring 'breaking' over the gentler 'taming' approach." He scrutinized Gir with a touch of reverence in his tone. "You must be the renowned GirT'mer, the fellow who devised the 'taming' technique, am I right?"

I speculated silently that "GirT'mer" likely denoted "Girl Tamer" as an honorary title, and I made a mental note to inquire of Ava later. Gir adeptly sensed the shift in topic and, with a knowing nod, chose to steer the conversation. "Aye, guilty as charged! Bear in mind, none of my steeds would ever gallop away, even if I let them roam free. That's why I advocate 'taming.' Our god always meant for us to 'tame' human females, not 'break' them," he chuckled, his words carrying a hint of rustic charm.

The atmosphere grew tense among the women in the group as they overheard the Goblins discussing the unsettling topics of "breaking" and "taming" human females. The casual manner in which they conversed about this, as if it were perfectly normal to consider human females as potential Goblin ponies, left the girls deeply disturbed. They felt as if they were being reduced to mere possessions or animals, to be traded and molded at the Goblins' whim.

While Ava chose to ignore the conversation altogether, Jen and Anj wore expressions of profound unease and offense. The notion of being regarded as property and discussed as such did not sit well with them.

I too, couldn't help but feel a certain fear and excitement bubbling within me as I imagined what it would be like if I was captured and trained to be a pony, a chilling thought that sent shivers down my spine.

As the Goblins continued to bicker about the best techniques for their grim practices, I took a moment to provide Ava and Jen with a brief account of how we had managed to liberate Isabella. Both women seemed genuinely impressed. "You don't seem to be from around here. I can't recall seeing anyone like you in these parts," Ava inquired.

Jen nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes, you're notably shorter than most folks we've encountered here, and your complexion is paler. Are you from one of the northern tribes?"

Anj eagerly interjected, "Gabby is the chosen one!" Isabella nodded vigorously in support. Before I could intervene, they delved into stories of my supposed magical abilities and extraordinary strength.

Anj enthusiastically recounted, "Gabby just lifted Gorsk effortlessly with one hand, as if he weighed nothing," demonstrating with a gesture that mimicked my action. While Ava and Jen appeared somewhat skeptical, they maintained their politeness and refrained from offering any direct criticism or skepticism.

Anj persisted, "Have you noticed how the warg is so docile around Gabby? She tamed him and named him Shadow." I noticed a newfound respect dawning on their faces.

Feeling slightly embarrassed by the praise, I shrugged modestly, "Oh, there's nothing particularly special about me." Isabella joined in, saying, "Not only did she free me, but she is also going to help me reunite with my child."

I felt a touch uncomfortable under the weight of their adulation and expectations. In an attempt to change the subject, I inquired about Ava and Jen's reason for being in the jungle.

Ava informed me that she was an adventurer with Jen serving as her assistant, and Gir acted as their guide. They were on a specific mission: finding the missing Princess of Eldamar, with the promise of a substantial reward for her safe return.

Eldamar was an Elven kingdom ruled by an Elf Queen. The princess was known for her youthful recklessness. There were concerns that she might have fallen into the clutches of Goblin slavers, which prompted various groups of adventurers to search for her.

Besides the kingdom's special forces, others like Ava's party had taken on the task. There were even rumors that the new king of Sibar might have had a hand in the abduction.

As the women continued their discussion, I decided it was time to move on, as the darkness was gradually settling in.

Listening to Gorsk and Girt'mer engage in their debate was an eye-opening experience. Both held staunchly contrasting beliefs, yet there was an underlying sense of mutual respect that couldn't be ignored.

Girt'mer passionately advocated for the 'taming' approach, subtly asserting that "taming" human females would result in more obedient and dependable 'beasts of burden.' He shared his successes, explaining how 'tamed' humans proved to be more efficient and cooperative, less prone to rebellion or escape. His words were clinical and detached, a straightforward explanation of his favored method.

"Taming begets loyalty," Girt'mer argued, his gravelly voice resonating with conviction. "A tamed pony girl can prove useful in various ways, not merely for labor or transportation. They become more aware and adaptable, ultimately leading to increased productivity."

In contrast, Gorsk remained skeptical. He favored a simpler yet harsher approach of 'breaking' humans into submission. To him, the primary advantage was speed and efficiency. 'Broken' humans were easier to control, less likely to cause trouble or rebel, and even if loyalty was coerced, it was loyalty all the same.

"Breaking is swift and decisive," Gorsk countered firmly. "There's no room for rebellion once they've been broken. And the time it saves, Girt'mer, the time it saves."

Their debate felt surreal, serving as a stark reminder of just how profoundly different this world was from GC.

Gorsk, with a tone of authority, declared, "Allow me to illustrate." His voice gained volume as he commanded, "Duchess, kneel!" To my astonishment, the response was immediate. Isabella swiftly dropped to her knees as if acting on pure reflex.

Her face flushed with horror at her own instinctual compliance, and she quickly rose to her feet, stammering an explanation, "I'm so sorry, oh chosen one, my body moved on its own."

Eva's eyes narrowed as she fixated on the Goblins, a steely resolve hardening her features. A natural leader, resilient and self-assured, even she couldn't conceal a flicker of repulsion. Her fingers tightened around her sheathed weapon, knuckles turning white.

Jen wore a mask of sheer shock, blinking rapidly as if attempting to rouse herself from a horrifying nightmare. I noticed her seeking reassurance in Eva's unwavering strength.

Isabella remained silent, her complexion drained of color. She appeared utterly horrified, her body tense with fear as the grim implications sank in. When her gaze met mine, my heart ached for her. The chilling prospect of what she would have continued to endure without our intervention was inescapable.

On the other hand, Anj's reaction was raw and visceral. "Those... those monsters," she growled, her composed demeanor replaced by trembling fury. Rage blazed in her eyes, and a familiar protective streak surged to the surface. I had to restrain her as she lunged toward Gorsk in a fit of anger.

Inside, my anger burned just as fiercely, but I maintained an outward calm. I knew they were looking to me for reassurance. I locked eyes with Isabella, silently promising her, 'Not while I'm here.'

Gorsk continued to wear a smirk, seemingly unaware that he was teetering on the edge of a perilous confrontation. "See the response. Even though she is now free, the response is instantaneous," he insisted.

Gir shook his head in evident disagreement. "That is precisely my point, Gorsk. She is behaving like a well-trained pony, devoid of independent thought. If she had been 'tamed' instead, she would have retained her faculties..."

I interjected firmly, putting an end to their debate. "Enough!" I directed at Gorsk. The encroaching darkness compelled us to consider setting up camp, so I added, "Let's move on." To their credit, they ceased their insane debate.

We continued our trek in silence, seeking a suitable spot for our campsite. An unsettling feeling persisted within me, stemming from Gorsk's discussions of 'breaking' and 'taming,' leaving me increasingly uncomfortable and concerned. I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was more complexity to this situation than met the eye.


I turned my gaze toward Ari, who sat cross-legged on the bed, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on her features. The quaint inn room, adorned with tapestries depicting Humans, Elves, Goblins, Orcs and dimly lit by the sputtering candles, provided an otherworldly backdrop to my narrative.

Ari's eyes, usually filled with confidence, now revealed a hint of vulnerability as the discussion elved into the unsettling notions of "taming" and "breaking."

I took a moment to observe her, my beautiful friend, bathed in the warm, flickering light. Her expression carried a mix of concern, empathy, and a tinge arousal. The room, though simple and weathered, provided a cocoon of privacy for our conversation.

I noticed, Ari's fingers absentmindedly reaching under her skirt, a subtle manifestation of how my tale was impacting her.

Lost in contemplation, Ari met my gaze and with her face flushing red, she hastily pulled her hands out. I couldn't help but wonder how she envisioned herself in the role of a Goblin pony girl. The weight of the atmosphere in the room hung between the gravity of the tale I'd just shared and the unspoken questions lingering in Ari's eyes.


To be continued...


Dear Readers,

I'm eager to hear your perspectives on "breaking" versus "taming." Which approach resonates with you more, and why? Your opinion will play a role in shaping the narrative of the upcoming chapters. Share your perspective in the comments.

Your feedback is not only valued but also influential in crafting the unfolding story. The more, the merrier!

Looking forward to reading your insights!

Thank you! Rose ==============================================

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

Breaking vs taming …. Depends on the dom character first and the outcome this character has in mind …. A pony or better a male pony needs to broken by force, yes, like for example a sissy faggot too, to really break the male EGO completely and importantly if this faggot is designed to be property and being signed with owner insignia …. A pony girl is , speaking for most of them and including the peaceful female nature, more attractive and productive then tamed …. Working with horses i think is a great way to discover similarities, a stallion is just hard work and needs power play all time while a mare is willing to follow along just offering some treats …. So the goblins would have to decide what character is to be turned into a pony what work this pony is designed to and then taming or breaking …. But 90 or more like 95 % i would tendentious say taming …. May your goblins should start with male ponys and breaking them for Hard Labour


rose362436rose3624364 months agoAuthor

@EddieTheBastard that's interesting. Your opinion comes from real experience. I value that. My is pure fantasy. So you can help me if I get something wrong.

I hope you are enjoying the story.

EddieTheBastardEddieTheBastard4 months ago

As a Dominant I delight in both hard and soft Ds, a wise Dominant of either sex learns both sets of techniques, most submissives respond best to a blend tilted one way or the other, some will only respond to one or the other.

In their choice of reading most us us read and fantasise "harder" than we play.

Have to agree with others that at least some elements of taming make for more interesting and flexible characters.

rose362436rose3624365 months agoAuthor

Tanuki - I feel so privileged that you liked the story. It means a lot, coming from you.

For all those who have expressed their opinions about taming vs breaking - I want to thank you. I am going to explore both in the story and attempt to contrast them

TanukiTanuki5 months ago

I’m enjoying the story, it’s quite original and unique, thank you! I think story-wise breaking is more interesting but like others said a broken character isn’t very interesting. And I agree with the taming goblin, a broken human is probably less productive and useful. A goblin would want his steed to be quick thinking and alert.

rose362436rose3624365 months agoAuthor

Thanks Avicia - I love your stories. You are really talented

AviciaAvicia5 months ago

I like the Princess Bride style interludes of conversation between Ari and Gabby in between the narrative. Taming is the way to go as someone below said, broken women don't make good stories.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Love this story! Think you should include the goblin tag. As for taming and breaking, i agree with Gir as taming is best for long term loyalty. However, i think it depends on the filly as more willing ponies (those turned on by the idea) should be tamed, but the aggressive ones should be broken in quick. But i guess those who want it wouldn't mind being broken in? When that happens the goblin should ask the pony what techniques they should use, imagine how humiliating it would be to know you're getting turned into livestock with whichever method you chose for yourself.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I like this story because both Gabby and Ari are on a mission and Gabby is role-playing a ponygirl to fulfill the mission. Both are strong independent women and are not brainless bimbos!

Keep on writing :-)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is so good! I want Ari to get broken and it seems like she wants it too

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Taming is the way to go. Broken women stories are not very interesting.

Eagerly waiting for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a great read. FWIW...I think breaking is the way to go with these pony girls just like any thoroughbred, plough, or war horse. Can't wait to see Gabby deal with the breaking...or taming...keep up the good work.

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