If You Go, I Won't Wait for You


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"Okay, so what about it?"

"Well it's simple really. Kelly's flown out to France to get back with Fred and I've come here to get you to delete the video. I need for you to do this Stan. I don't want to come between my best friend and her happiness."

"And what's this got to do with you?" Stan asked.

"Well," Angela grimaced, as she paused for a moment to select her words carefully. "I sort of feel responsible for pushing Kelly towards you. I was playing a game that I thought was funny, but now realise only hurt my friend. It was incredibly stupid and insensitive of me. And that's certainly not how best friends should behave."

"Brilliant Angela, just brilliant. You do know that me and Kelly have been fucking a lot since the first time? And it's not like I've had to force her into it. In fact she seems quite happy and willing to have sex with me virtually every day."

Angela laughed. Kelly had told her it had only been a couple of times. She guessed that was far from the truth, as was Stan's 'virtually every day' boast. She suspected it was probably somewhere in between, which still wasn't good from Kelly's point of view, especially now she wanted to reconcile with Fred.

"Yeah I know. But I hate to burst your bubble Stan, but she described you as a human dildo. You're nothing more to her than a cock on which to satisfy her urges."

She paused to let her words sink it before she said, "And now she wants that to end. She's getting back with her husband and because I feel somewhat responsible for what happened, I want this to end here, today. I want to see you delete the video, including the copy you've got on your cloud account."

Stan saw that Angela's glass was empty. He stood up. "Another one?" he asked, holding out his hand.

"Why not," Angela replied, "that was quite nice."

On his return Stan once more sat down next to Angela. Whilst he'd been in the kitchen he'd thought about what he was going to do. He'd really thought he'd hit the mother-load with Kelly Burgess. She was undeniably a good fuck, and by the way she moaned and groaned, and the multiple orgasms he'd given her, he knew she enjoyed it more than she was letting on to her friend. Or maybe she was just a good actress.

But Angela was pretty hot too. He savoured the view before him as she took her glass from his outstretched hand. Sitting back into the sofa cushions, her legs were now stretched out in front of her. Because of this, her skirt had hitched higher up her thighs thereby exposing an almost obscene amount of her shapely flesh. He smiled inwardly. Yeah, Angela was definitely hot.

He watched as she brought the wine glass to her full, pouty lips and took a drink, his excitement growing as her tongue came out to slowly lick around them as she lowered the glass.

She noticed him staring. "What?" she asked, slightly nonplussed.

"Nothing," he replied with a smile, "just that you have incredibly sexy lips Angela."

"Oh you ..." she replied with a coy giggle, "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"Nah, just the sexy ones Angela," he said, staring into her eyes. "The sexy ones called Angela!" he added with a smirk.

Angela bit her lower lip. Suddenly she felt nervous, vulnerable and exposed. Maybe this definitely hadn't been the best idea she'd ever had.

Stan raised his glass. "A toast. To beautiful women everywhere," he said, moving his glass towards hers. "And especially you Angela."

They clinked glasses and Angela took a deep drink from her glass. She could feel her heart beating a little bit quicker. Was Stan trying to seduce her? It certainly sounded like he was. She took another drink, which to her surprise emptied her glass. Had she really knocked it back that quickly? Maybe she should consider leaving?

"I'll get you a refill," she heard Stan say as the glass was easily extracted from her grasp. It was back within seconds.

Stan took the seat next to her, his thigh pressing against hers as he settled into the sofa cushion. Her leg suddenly felt like it was on fire. She took another drink, hoping that would cool her down.

"So Angela, just to clarify; you want me to delete all the footage I have of Kelly having sex. Am I correct in that assumption?"

"Yes, that's what I want ... well ... what Kelly wants," Angela answered.

"Okay, I can do that," Stan replied, with a nonchalant shrug.

Angela looked at him suspiciously. "I want to see you do it Stan. All of it. Even the cloud."

"I haven't got it saved on cloud, Angela. I don't know how to do that."

Angela laughed. "Yeah, and bears don't shit in the woods either Stan! Everyone has a cloud account, including you. Give me your phone and I'll prove it to you!"

Stan chuckled. "No no, okay, you win. Yes I have a cloud account."

He paused before he glanced over at her. "And you can wipe that smirk off your face!"

"Come on then - get on with it," Angela said, eager to get this over and done with. She knew she should leave soon, she could sense the wine was having an effect on her body. She certainly was starting to feel a little bit light-headed.

"Not so fast Angela," Stan said abruptly. "I've enjoyed my time with Kelly, sad to see it end to be honest ... sooo ... if I'm going to delete this video then I want something in return ..."

Angela's head shot up as she turned to glare at Stan. "What! What the hell do you mean Stan?"

She looked at his smug face as he jiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Her eyes went wide, her mouth dropping open as the realisation of what he was suggesting dawned on her.

"Are you insane! You can fuck right off Stan. Never, ever going to happen. If you're expecting me to date you - you've got another think coming! You really are an arsehole!"

"Calm down Angela. Of course I'm not expecting you to date me. That would be stupid. For one thing, Lee would kill me if he found out. I know that. I'm not THAT stupid. No, I'm just looking for a little sweetener tonight. You know, a kiss and a cuddle. Or maybe even a little groping or petting. That sort of thing."

Angela couldn't believe what she was hearing. The nerve of the man. What a prick he was turning out to be. But then again, maybe she should have known what he would be like. She just never expected him to be this brazen.

She took a drink from her glass of wine, emptying it again. Fuck, what had she got herself into. But she owed it to Kelly to get that video deleted. And it was only going to be a kiss. A quick peck on the lips. She could do that - couldn't she?

She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Okay, I agree. You delete it and I'll give you a kiss."

"Nah, not happening Angela. I said a kiss and a grope and maybe some petting. And I'll delete it AFTER you've done all that."

"You must think I'm naive. I'll do all that and then you won't delete it."

"I'm hurt that you don't trust me Angela - of course I will. Look, how about I place the phone here on the coffee table so you can reach it when we finish. And then you can help me delete the video, including the cloud copy. How does that sound?"

Angela sighed. "Fine," she replied flatly, "I guess that's as good as I'm going to get from you."

"Okay, before we start, can I get you another glass of wine?"

"No, I'm fine. Let's just get this over and done with so I can go home."

"Fair enough," Stan said. "Right, I'll just put my phone here then, so you can see it." Angela watched disinterestedly as he propped the phone up against his wine glass. She was more concerned about how she was going to get through locking lips with Lee's mate. The thought was making her queasy. Or was that the wine?

"Okay with you?" he asked, dragging Angela back from her thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get on with it," she replied irritably.

"That's what I like to hear. A bit of enthusiasm," Stan chortled, earning himself a searing glare from Angela.

"Right, Angela, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Angela said, composing herself, and willing herself not to stand up and run screaming out of the room. She closed her eyes and offered her lips up to Stan.

Stan looked down at her face. Her lips were right there, in front of him, so full, so pouty, so succulent. He leaned in, his right hand moving up to gently hold one side of her face.

Their lips met, his just lightly brushing across hers, initially barely making contact, before he kissed her softly. Angela was surprised, then confused. Why hadn't he just kissed her like normal people do? She'd braced herself, expecting him just to slobber all over her and stick his tongue in her mouth. But he hadn't. And now, she could feel his thumb gently stroking her cheek. It felt strange - but a good kind of strange.

Still wondering about that, Stan then surprised her even more as he lowered his head and began to softly kiss her neck, nuzzling in just below her ear. She gasped, her head going back as he unknowingly hit one of her erogenous zones. And then her back arched as a tingling shock-wave of emotion surged down her spine. God, what was he doing? And why did her body seem to like it so much?

Stan's cock was already throbbing inside his sweatpants. It was always the same for him. Kissing a female always got him hard. He carried on, his kisses becoming slightly stronger as he moved back up to her face and across her cheek.

Their lips met. But this time it was with passion. The kisses became frantic, mouths mashing together before their lips parted and their tongues engaged. The slurping and slobbering was lewd and loud as the kissing intensified. But neither of them seemed to care.

Stan knew Angela was fully engaged when she moved her body closer. For her part, she had no idea that she was acting purely on the primeval instinct to mate. Her arms came up to coil around his neck, forcing her breasts up against his chest.

Wasting no time, he took one in his hand. It wasn't quite as big as Kelly's but big enough that it didn't matter too much. He squeezed and groped and man-handled it firmly enough that he made Angela gasp. He smiled inwardly when he felt her nipple swell and harden.

His hand dropped lower. Through her alcohol induced haze Angela felt it leave her breast and land on her thigh. Instinct took over as the hand slid onto her inner thigh and then under her skirt. Like the parting of the Red Sea, so her legs opened wider. The hand welcomed the move by reaching the hot, wet sloppy mess that were her white, lace panties.

She jolted from the first touch of her pussy, reacting to the feeling by unwittingly kissing Stan even harder. She breathed heavily and raggedly into his mouth as her arousal surged, unfettered either by morality or faithfulness.

Stan ran his fingertips over her panties, hoping to find her pussy lips were engorged, and was excited when he found them to be already swollen. He slid a finger under her panties and pushed it inside her slit. She moaned, which pleased him, making him groan with delight. She was so wet and so tight.

As he began to masturbate her with his finger, so his other hand liberated her breasts from the top of her dress. There was no bra to hinder his actions. He pulled at her erect nipples, delighting in her groans of pleasure as he pulled and twisted her hard, swollen nubs.

Desperate to free his cock, which was now causing him significant discomfort, he decided to sacrifice the pleasures of her pussy. He looked down at Angela to find her eyes flickering, and a frown creasing her forehead as her body responded to the manipulation of her breasts. She clearly liked her tits being played with, a thought that made Stan smile.

It was a struggle but only a few seconds later and Stan had managed to remove his sweatpants and briefs. His large cock swayed in front of him, erect and hard, as he grabbed hold of Angela's ankles, spun her around, and lowered her down onto the sofa cushions.

"What ... what are you doing?" she asked, her eyes flickering open. Stan ignored her question. He was more interested in sliding her sopping wet lace panties off down her legs.

"Stan ... NO!" Angela cried out, her eyes now wide in horror as the stark realisation of what was about to happen finally dawned on her.

Stan tossed her sodden panties onto the floor and once more taking hold of her ankles, spread her legs wide and shuffled forward until his cock was resting on her slimy gash. He began to rock to and fro, rubbing his shaft over her pussy lips.

Angela gasped in shock. This couldn't be happening. Yet it appeared it was.

"No Stan ... please ... stop ... if Lee finds out ... he'll kill me ... and then ... you ... pleeease don't do this."

Stan pushed forward, the bulbous head of his thick cock breaching her first line of defence.

"Noooooo ..." Angela moaned, pushing at his chest, trying desperately to get Stan to stop but failing miserably.

Stan pushed again, driving his cock halfway inside her molten honeypot.

"Ohhhhhh ... gaaaaawwwwwddddd," she moaned as she grabbed hold of his arms. But this time she wasn't trying to push him away. She clung to him as he pushed again.

"Ohhhhhhhhh ... fuuuucccckkkkkkk ..." she groaned as she felt his cock nudge up against her cervix. She'd never felt so full, never had a cock so deep inside her. Was this what Kelly had enjoyed? Or had she suffered through it, because to her it was almost painful. Stan was certainly a lot bigger than Lee.

Stan was beside himself. This was certainly the dumbest thing he'd ever done. Lee would definitely kill him if he ever found out. He just hoped Angela didn't cry rape at the end of what he expected to be a memorable fuck. Like Kelly she had a great body for a MILF and he was going to savour the experience.

He began to pick up the pace, sliding in and out, giving her his full length, trying not to bottom out and make her uncomfortable by hitting her cervix. He knew from experience that most women had trouble taking his size. He wasn't a selfish lover, he did want his conquests to enjoy being fucked so that they would come back for more. Which they usually did.

He already knew that fucking Angela was going to be great. She'd always been a tease and she was so goddamn sexy, he couldn't help but lust after her. But his friendship with Lee had always precluded him from trying anything on with his wife. But now, all bets were off. He knew it was one hell of a risk, Lee would go ballistic if he ever found out, but despite that, he was going to continue banging Angela as often as he could.

He took a quick look at his mobile phone propped up on the table. He just hoped it was still recording. Only time would tell.

Angela was grunting now as he carried on slamming into her. She'd ridden her way through two orgasms already and was heading for number three. She couldn't believe how easy it had been for Stan to seduce her.

But who was she kidding. Despite telling Stan she was only there to get Kelly off the hook, deep down she'd been curious to know if Kelly had been truthful about the size of Stan's cock and his supposed sexual prowess. She'd known going there was a big risk but in her mind it was a risk worth taking.

And her she was, getting a thorough reaming by Stan, who was every bit as good as Kelly had alluded to. If truth be known, he was still a twat, but boy, could he fuck!

"OHHHHMMMMYYYYGGGGOOOODDDD ... FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK ..." she screamed as orgasm number three arrived.

"Please Stan ... no more ... I can't ... take anymore ... please ..." she begged as Stan carried on pounding away.

He lowered his body over her, flexing his hips, driving his thick cock inside her over and over, before he leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Angela kissed him back, her arms coiling around his neck as he continued to fuck her. And then with a grunt he came. Angela could feel it filling her, jet after jet spurting from his cock, a seemingly never ending torrent of white spunk that soon filled her to the brim and began to ooze out to coat her inner thighs.

Spent, he collapsed on top of her. Angela hugged him tightly, milking the last remnants of her fourth climax, which had come courtesy of the force of Stan's ejaculation. He then surprised her by kissing her softly, a kiss that soon got harder and more passionate, almost loving.

Angela knew she had to finish this before it went any further. Kelly was definitely right about Stan. Sexually, the man was a god. And the problem was, she knew she already wanted him again. But not today though. She was too exhausted to go again, even though she had felt Stan's cock hardening inside of her whilst they were kissing.

Finally Stan got of her, his cock sliding out of her devastated and swollen pussy to be followed by a stream of white spunk.

"Pass me my bag Stan, I've got some tissues in there to mop up your mess. Don't want your sofa cushions to stain ... now do we?" she said with a guilty grin.

Stan passed her bag to her, before he grabbed hold of his phone and shut down his video recording.

"So, watch while I delete the video of Kelly then," he said, fiddling about with his mobile. Angela watched as he brought up the files and deleted them.

"There you go ... done!" he said with a flourish. "You can tell Kelly that I am no longer a threat to her and Fred."

"Thank you Stan," Angela said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before she stood up and adjusted her dress. She then picked up and stepped into her soaking wet panties. She didn't really want to wear them, but she also didn't want Stan's cum leaking all over the seat of the taxi on her way home.

She called for a taxi, relieved when they told her that instead of the usual thirty minute wait, it would be with her within five minutes due to a late cancellation. She was overjoyed. She didn't want to spend a moment longer in Stan's house.

"Goodbye Stan," she said as she walked out of the front door. "See you around, no doubt," she added, as she climbed inside the taxi.

"Sooner than you think," muttered Stan, smiling broadly, as he waved her off.

> > >

Stan left it a couple of weeks before he called around to see Angela. He knew Lee was away for the weekend with his Fishing Club. The club members did actually do some fishing now and again, but mainly it was just an excuse for a piss up.

He was expecting a massive blowup with Angela when he showed her the video he'd taken of them fucking on the sofa in his house, but surprisingly she seemed unfazed by it all.

Twenty minute later; after he'd persuaded her to give him a blowjob; which was as memorable as he'd hoped for but was a struggle for Angela due to his size; he had her bent over the kitchen table giving her a good fucking from behind as she screamed obscenities at him.

He just hoped the neighbours didn't come around and complain when Lee got home. That could be awkward.

To ingratiate himself back into her good books, he then took her out and wined and dined her. The night drew to a close when he took her back to his house, where they spent the entire night and most of the next day enjoying each others bodies.

Angela was pleased when Stan dropped her off at her home, as her pussy was red raw and sore. But as she showered for a second time that day; her first having degenerated into yet another fuck fest; she was already looking forward to Lee's next fishing trip away.




Fred and Kelly did reconcile and are now living happily together in France. Fred never learned of his wife's infidelity with Stan. But neither did she find out about his short-lived dalliance with the eighteen year old French girl he'd met. He ended that brief affair when he found out she wasn't twenty six years old as she had initially told him. How was he supposed to know? She certainly looked and acted much older! But he was delighted to find out that his equipment worked just fine. The change of scenery and more relaxed lifestyle had done him the world of good.
