If You Wanna Be Happy

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The song says it all?
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'If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life,

Never make a pretty woman your wife,

So from my personal point of view,

Get an ugly girl to marry you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small,

And very often causes his downfall.......' Jimmy Soul, 1963.

Todd Lofter III was born far too late to have absorbed he lessons of Jimmy Soul's classic song. He was an average guy in every way, except that he was from a medium sized Pennsylvania town, and his family was among the upper crust there. He was 5'9" tall, weighed 145 pounds, had brown hair, and brown eyes. He was a slightly above average student -- got mostly B's in high school. He was a slightly above average athlete, but never went out for any sport, beyond Little League. He did take judo courses at the YMCA. Despite his diffident attitude, he was good at those courses. He had taken them since he was six years old. It allowed him to carry himself with some physical confidence.

At college -- a small liberal arts school in the middle of the state, he excelled only at poker in his fraternity. He didn't need the money he won, but kept it anyway. He maintained a 3.0 grade average, slightly above average, but nothing special. He didn't have to work very hard to attain that status. In his entire life, he never really was put to the test. He always glided through.

At college, Todd took mostly liberal arts courses. But he had a science requirement that he put off for a while. He decided -- junior year -- that he would take a computer programming course. In high school he had mastered the basics of that, since his school had a computer on-site. But at college, he became quite interested in programming, and computers in general. It was 1975, and the field was fairly new. At computer class in college, Todd met Becky Dawson.

Back in high school Todd dated girls who were in the same social set as he and his family. They were sometimes pretty, sometimes not so much. Some were really hyper-sexual. Most were not. Todd was diffidently interested in women, just as in other things. When he was a senior, he lost his virginity to an older girl, back home from university. As a freshman in college, he had dates, and fumbling sex with two women. As a sophomore, his dating pattern was similar. He stayed with a woman -- Joanne Bagley -- for most of the year, but they broke it off in the spring. They had regular sex for some months, though. So, when Todd met Becky, he wasn't completely inexperienced.

Becky was beautiful. She was tall -- 5' 9" -- and had auburn hair and blue eyes. She had a slim figure, and was quite athletic. She was also very intelligent. She and Todd were about the only two students in the computer class who actually knew what was being taught. They realized this, and formed a type of bond. At the time, Todd was unattached, but Becky -- a woman of stunning beauty -- was living with a senior hot shot soccer player. Bradley Boston stood 6' tall, and was lithe and quick. He was the major player on the university team. At that time, soccer was not a major sport. But the U was one of the top teams in the country. So Bradley got some notice.

Becky invited Todd to her apartment to study their computer programming. Todd was happy to accept. He and Becky had coffee and hit the books. Todd was almost immediately in love with Becky. She was just so intelligent, funny and sexy, too. She really didn't try for sexy. She just was that way. She was aware, to a degree, of her effect upon guys. She took it for granted and adjusted. Many men were tongue-tied around her. Others, like Brad, pursued her overtly. Bradley caught her quickly. She was between men when they met the year before. He was handsome and witty. And she liked that he played soccer. The sex between them was the best that she had experienced. She did have fairly extensive experience. She agreed to move in with Bradley at the start of the year -- his senior year and her junior one.

By the time Todd was invited to the apartment, a month into the semester, Becky was having second thoughts about that move. Sex with Brad was still good, but he was often absent, at practice and at other functions. When Todd came over, for instance, Brad had been out the entire week on a recruiting trip with his coach. Brad was taking an athlete's course at college, and so had no real need to study.

Todd and Becky spent three hours that first visit, pouring over the books they had on programming. While just being around Becky was distracting to Todd, he was so interested in the material that he forgot that he was in love with her. They simply worked at the material, and helped each other with it.

Bradley rolled in at about eleven. Todd and Becky were just finishing up. Todd was walking toward the door when Brad opened it.

Becky said, "Brad, this is Todd from my computer class. We were just studying."

Todd said, "Hi." And reached out his hand to shake.

Brad refused the handshake. "Beck, you know you should not have guys here."

"No, I don't know that. He's here to study. He's the only other person in my class that knows what he's doing. That's it. That's all."

Brad eyed Todd. Todd could see that Brad was all bunched up, ready to spring. Todd crouched just a little, to prepare in case Brad came at him. Brad didn't seem to notice. But he eyed Todd and then seemed to relax.

Brad said, "Sorry. Maybe I overreacted." He pushed the exit door open for Todd, and Todd walked out. The door closed. It didn't slam. Todd waited a while on the stairs, to listen in case there was trouble. He heard some loud arguing, from both Brad and Becky. Then things seemed to settle. He walked out and back to his room.

The next computer class was two days off. Todd was there early, and so was Becky.

Todd said, "I hope things were okay with you after I left." She didn't have any obvious signs of physical conflict.

"Yes. We had an argument, but then it was fine. I saw you waited a while before you went outside. Thanks."

"I just...he seemed so angry at the start. Not to be nosy, but.....does he have a jealousy problem?"

"I have seen him get snippy with guys who try me out when he's around. Nothing extreme....I guess."

"Well, maybe we should just study at the Union. No risk of conflict. That is, if you still want to study."

"Oh, I do. I do. Brad's out on a trip tomorrow through till Sunday. So, we can do it at the apartment. Lots quieter."

"Okay, well, tomorrow after seven?"

"Yep. See you." They sat through class, and again were impressed with each other's participation. After class they walked to the Union snack bar for coffee. It was ten am.

Becky said, "Where are you from? How did you get so good with programming?"

"My high school in Mountain City had a computer. It took up two rooms. But we could program it, some of us. That's how I got to this advanced class. Skipped the two introductory courses."

"I took those. It got me interested. I think that being able to do computers will be a huge plus after school."

"For sure. What about you? Where are you from?"

"Jenkinstown." She named a small city in the eastern part of the state.

They spoke more about themselves. Todd described life at his house in Mountain City, complete with country club golf, and tennis. Becky loved tennis, and had played on her school team in high school. At college, though, she hadn't kept up enough to go out for the team. Todd and she made a date -- of sorts -- to play that afternoon.

They met at the courts just off campus, waited ten minutes for a court, and played for almost two hours. They were evenly matched, and had a great time. They didn't notice Brad watching until they stopped. Todd won the last set, and Brad bounded up to them.

"You guys played well together,' he smiled condescendingly at them. "An even match."

"Yes," Todd was enthusiastic, "I had a fun time. Becky's a good player."

"Not that great," she was a little shy.

"You seemed to be really enjoying it, though, Beck. That's one secret to success. That's really why I'm good at soccer. I just love it." Brad was quite sincere about this. And it started him pondering his current situation.

That night, he and Becky had a great session of sex. She liked it many ways, but when he pounded her, she seemed to respond the best. So he did that for her. When they finished round one, Becky moved slowly down his beautiful torso, until she reached her destination -- his sloppy cock. She took her time as she cleaned it up with her tongue and mouth. She looked directly at him as she did this, and he responded. When he was fully hard, he flipped her onto her knees and entered her from behind. Again, he pounded her. But he also reached around and rubbed her clit as he did that. She had another two powerful orgasms before he filled her up the second time. She was completely sated then. But Brad was not going to let her sleep. He started rubbing her breasts, her navel, her ass, like a massage. She moaned as he got to her thighs.

"Oh, God, Brad. Oh my God." Becky opened her legs for him, and he entered her again. Brad wanted Becky to remember this night for a long time. He took it slow to start, sped up after a while, and Becky started to have a series of orgasms. It was just rolling through her, now. She was totally out of control, almost in a frenzy and a trance at the same time. When Brad sped up and pounded her again, she came as hard as she ever had....for maybe the fifth time that night. He spurted off deep inside her and they both collapsed, slept.

In the morning, they woke late.

Becky said, "Brad, that was so spectacular last night. There's never going to be a better lover than you -- ever."

"Thanks, and you were great, too. But Becky.....we need...well, when are you back from class?

"Four. Why?"

"I want to be here then. You'll see."

"Okay." She left for class, a little puzzled. But the sex had put her in a fantastic mood. That kept up all day. When she was in computer class with Todd that morning, she started thinking about the night before, and got aroused. When the class was over, she and Todd went to the snack bar. Becky was distracted. She held Todd's arm as they walked.

When they got to the table, with their coffee, Todd said, "You seem distracted this morning. What's up?"

Becky blushed and looked down. "I had a good time last night. Sorry, probably too much information. Just to explain."

Now Todd blushed. "I....well...you can always talk to me, you know. No such thing as TMI here." He smiled a shy smile that morphed into a small leer. Becky saw all these changes in his face and started to laugh. She laughed for a while, and her sexy face turned red.

"I think you may be a pervert, Todd. Excited by....."

"I'm excited by you, Becky. That's all." He was really reddening now. But he was looking directly at her.

"Todd....I really like you. You know that. But I'm with Brad. He's not perfect. He's not even my friend like you are. But.....he's just....good.... Oh, here's the thing. He's a great lover. You saw me this morning. So...."

"Oh, yes. I did see you. And I'm so happy that we're friends. But I'm human and you're so crazy sexy. You don't even know....you must know that -- somewhat."

"I am what I am. And sexy isn't all bad." She gave him a wicked smile. She pursed her lips. She got up from her chair, loomed over Todd, and gave him a hug and kissed him, right on the lips. A pretty long kiss. Then she let him go and turned and walked away.

Todd was stunned and as hard as can be. He sat there, looking at her sexy ass walking away.

After a short time, Todd went directly back to his dorm room, where he had some privacy. You know what he did.

Becky had another class. She sat through it, but she was thinking about Bradley and about Todd. She didn't quite understand why she had messed with Todd. When she was walking away from him, she was really revved up. If they had been alone, she would have ravished him. She hadn't had such thoughts about him before today. He wasn't bad looking. He wasn't anywhere near Brad's league. But he definitely had potential. But Brad could always turn her to jelly. She was confused, really for the first time in her sex life. It was a problem.

Brad solved her problem that evening. He had decided to break it off with Becky. It wasn't an easy decision. That was especially true because of the fantastic sex of the night before. He well knew that he had outdone himself. He also knew that it was because he had decided that it would be the last time with Becky, and he wanted it to be really memorable. And, boy, was it memorable.

But Bradley was determined. He had seen the interaction between Todd and Becky. They had something that he had never had himself, with any woman. They were really compatible, good buddies. He wanted that, and he didn't have it with Becky. He liked her, she was nice, and so, so sexy. But he decided that he needed to look in another direction for true love. At heart he was a romantic.

So, he sat down with Becky that evening.

"You're in love with Todd." He looked at her steadily. "I'm not angry. I saw it happening, and I know you didn't bargain for it. But there it is. You need to take him to bed and rock his world."

"But....Brad....last night. I'll....Jeez. You knew you were opting out. Damn. Can we break up maybe each month?"

Brad smiled. "You don't seem to be taking this hard. I'm hurt, devastated."

Becky was tearing up. "I'm sorry, Brad. I can't say I love you. But you're so....satisfying. And you're a nice guy to boot. You're giving me away. Me!"

"It's for your own good. That's what my dad would say to me when he got the belt out. Usually he was right."

"You know, Todd came on to me this afternoon. I was so into a sex induced trance, that he was emboldened. I was already aroused all morning, thinking of you -- you rat."

"So what happened?"

"I gave him a smoking kiss in the snack bar. Then I walked away -- swaying."

"He probably ran right back to his dorm to beat off. You know, you can teach him a lot about what you want. He'll listen. In fact, you need to be careful not to overpower him."

"Maybe....Maybe I would like that. I'm not going to be able to forget you anytime soon. A new dynamic might be needed."

"Just let him have his manhood. Otherwise, the relationship is toast. Look at me. I'm becoming Ann Landers." He started laughing, but then it turned to tears. They cried for a while.

"Where will I go? I need a place to sleep." Becky was still gasping.

"I thought of that. I rented a room over the Mason Restaurant. You can stay here. Of course, Todd can help. He's well off. My stuff is already mostly out of here."

"Bradley, can we....you know...can you stay one more night?"

"Not the whole night. That was last night. But....." He stood up, pulled her up, kissed her tenderly. He spent an hour. It was tender sex. Then he left her to herself.

She cried some more. In the end, though, she knew that what he said made sense. She had to decide how to break it to Todd -- that he belonged to her, now. She giggled. She believed that he wouldn't be too resistant. She started planning.....

The next morning at computer class, Becky was especially friendly to Todd. Todd was still puzzled and excited by yesterday's kiss. He noticed that Becky was smiling at him a lot, and touching his arm. This continued as they drank their snack bar coffee, and discussed the class. When Todd had to leave for his next class, Becky said, "Tonight at my place, for a study session. Maybe seven?"

"Okay. See you."

"You sure will..." Becky thought this, but didn't say it. She gave him a smile that made him quiver.

Todd wondered what was happening. Because, it seemed to him that Becky was coming on to him. There was the kiss, and then today. He was distracted the entire day. But he didn't go to his room for privacy. He had his hopes.

Lucky him. When he showed up at the apartment, Becky answered the door barefoot, wearing a sleeveless dress. She brushed against him as he entered the door. He was on alert for such things, and he noticed -- right away -- that Becky wore no bra. She looked spectacular as she walked over to him. He was overcome with lust for her. When she got closer, he took her hand and pulled her to himself. She put her arms around him, and kissed him hard on the lips, swirling her tongue into his mouth. She could feel how hard he was. The summer dress was the sole piece of clothing she wore.

She broke the kiss and hug. She stepped back from him and said, breathlessly, "I want you, now!" She shrugged the dress off her and stood naked before him. He moaned. She saw his arousal, and his uncertainty as well. She had a fleeting thought that he found the situation unbelievable. Well, she'd show him!!!             

Todd was wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts, with boxer underwear beneath them. When Becky dropped to her knees in front of him, it took her less than two seconds to free his raging cock. He couldn't even step free of the shorts. She had him trapped against the table, and hobbled by his own shorts. She sucked his dick into her mouth hungrily. She was happy to see that while it was not quite as big as Brad's, it was big enough. She could never quite deep throat Brad, but she swallowed Todd all the way -- right away. She felt his hands on the back of her head, and she felt him begin to pump his jism right down her throat. He was groaning as he did it.

Todd tried mightily to hold back from coming so soon. But, as most men discover, when you try to hold back, it only makes the orgasm more intense. Todd was never going to succeed in controlling his orgasm under these circumstances. But his mighty effort brought him to a point of intensity that he'd never experienced before. Spurt after spurt came from him, to her. She swallowed every drop. She really had little choice. But she would have done it anyway. When he stopped, she slid away from him and looked him directly in the eyes as she licked her lips. There was a residue of cum on the head of his cock. She licked it off. It tasted good to her.

"Ummmm, good!" She smiled up at him. "How long before you get hard again so you can fuck me?"

He could only groan. He had almost passed out from the pleasure of the blow job. He was beyond the point of rational thought, into the realm of animal instinct. He got hard right away, looking down at beautiful Becky.

Becky was enthralled by her power to rev him up so quickly. She stood up, grabbed him by the cock and dragged him into the bedroom. She shoved him down onto the bed, on his back. She straddled him and impaled herself on his hard dick. There was no hesitation on her part. She was just as much in lust as Todd, now. She fucked him hard, up and down. He thrust back hard as well. She leaned over and kissed him, with tongue. He sucked her tongue, and she had a big orgasm, pulsing around him. Todd had never felt that before. But he was in animal mode and just kept thrusting. He held her hips and penetrated her over and over. He could feel her cervix on his deep thrusts. After she came, Becky recovered a little, only to be overcome again because of Todd's bucking stabs into her. She looked down at him. His eyes were closed, and his face was red and scrunched in concentration. She thought to herself that his entire consciousness was now in his cock. Just like hers had been in her sex, when she came. But it was a fleeting thought, because she started to feel another climax approach. She wanted to wait until Todd started coming. That didn't take long. She felt him speed up, and begin to shoot into her, and she came hard again as he did it.

Slowly the animal sex abated. She kissed him, quite tenderly, and lay on top of him with her head next to his.

"You were so good, Todd." She whispered this. "You're my Hot Toddie." She was being honest, not trying to boost his ego.