In Front of My Husband Pt. 02


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I felt her pulling me backwards until I was laid on my back on the bed my legs over the edge. She was sat beside me pulling my arm around her so that the edge of my hand was against her hip. She looked down at me a look of such care and tenderness on her face and held my gaze as she took my breast in her hand again. She smiled as she saw the look of pleasure run across my face and she pinched the nipple, now a little harder knowing from her own experiences that was exactly what I wanted. Her fingers started flittering around my body. Running all around my breasts, under them and across them. Sliding slowly down to and around my waist. Touching my naval and squeezing gently on my hips. I felt as though I was in heaven.

Kelly was leaning over me, her breast hanging down towards my face. From that angle they looked fuller than I had thought they were. Her nipples were darker but not as round as mine and they were very bloated. Her hair falling onto her breasts and framing her face made her look much prettier than I had always reckoned her to be, but then my judgement may have been influenced by what she was doing to me. She had a slight smile on her lips and her eyes were half closed as her hand slid slowly further down my body. Ever moving, slowly and gently she traced her fingers across my tummy and let them slip just inside the elastic of my pale, pink panties. But they moved away again and ran over my chest before returning and going even further downwards. They ran outside my panties to where my pubic hairs would begin did I not shave them, at John's request I might add, as her other hand stroked my hair and my face.

I was now becoming very excited and extremely aroused for she had been doing this for what must have been a good twenty minutes. Her hands were so knowing, gentle and arousing that their movements totally consumed my thoughts and invigorated my body everywhere, or so it seemed. Where they were, where they'd been and where they were going was all I could focus upon. I forgot the girl-on-girl thing, I forgot John, I forgot my reservations and thoughts of taboos, morals, social conventions and doubts about my lesbian or bi tendencies and leanings. All that seemed important, no crucial, were those wondrous fingers, those marvellous touches, those stimulating caresses. I found that my hand which had been resting against her hip was now stroking her skin which was wonderfully soft, almost like silk.

Hers went further down and flittered up and down my thighs. The inner fleshy part, the most sensitive part, that area between my knickers and stockings. She knew, of course, exactly what to do, what I wanted and what would pleasure me and further arouse me. They would slide up my nylon covered legs until I was full of anticipation but to only move away just before they reached my panties. The panties that I knew were as good as see through. That would show her my pubic mound and the outline of my lips. The panties that were now soaked and very ready to be removed. My head was laying back so I couldn't see what she was doing or what she was about to do. So, when her fingers brushed across them softly touching me right where my lips join at the front, my entire body bucked like a horse. With no hesitation or fumbling like most men the tip of her finger had immediately found the protuberance of my clitoris. She didn't rub it or pinch it. She didn't press down on it. No, her knowing fingers brushed across the tip of it sending shivers of such pleasure through me that I felt my bottom rise off the bed. And then they were gone. But they came back and then went again.

She knew exactly what to do and when. What would excite and arouse me. Exactly what my body and mind needed to make me respond to her and to take me to levels of sublime erotic pleasure. And I was responding. Not dramatically, not very energetically and not, really, all that evidently but my hand had slid down just inside the back of her panties and I was stroking and gripping the swell of flesh on her hip just above her taut bottom.

She again ran the tips of those such pleasure giving fingers up and down my thighs this time though not stopping. No, this time they slid into my groin and along it. They slipped inside the elastic of my panties. This time they touched and slithered along the now engorged lips that were probably so evident through the sheer net. They returned to above my groin and ran across my tummy. Now uninhibited, now assured of their welcome and now encouraged by my reactions they pushed their way inside my thong searching downwards for my wetness. Several times they went so near that my body stiffened with the anticipation but each time they stopped. Would she ever touch me there? I thought. Is this just a tease? I wondered suddenly realising that the thing in the world that I most wanted at that moment was for those fingers not to stop. For them to keep going, to plunge in there, to go inside me, up me and yes, finger my cunt.

When at last they did I simply erupted with sensations. I heard several deep grunts come out of my mouth. My eyes closed tightly and I gritted my teeth as I felt her hand cup my mound her fingers snuggling tightly between my legs. Right on and slightly inside my lips. I came immediately. Strongly and so gushingly.

I was now out of control. I had no real awareness of what I was doing although I was vaguely aware of pushing my pussy against her hand and wrapping both arms around body and neck. We tried kissing but I could not hold my face still enough or keep my lips in place. I know that I made a noise. I knew that my body writhed and bucked and I knew that I cried out something but what it was I have no idea. It seemed to go on and on as though it would be endless. With her other arm she cuddled me to her chest as she comforted me through the final throes of this awesome orgasm. My face was pressed against her breast, one hand was now in her lap the other around her waist as those magical fingers just went on and on giving me new sensation after new sensation.

I lie in her arms for what seemed an age, the occasional sob escaping from my lips, as she stroked and consoled me telling me how much she had enjoyed it and asking whether I had. Now, though, aware that John was there I just smiled but said nothing. He chimed in.

"Well I bloody well did it was absolutely fucking amazing."

Kelly looked at him and said.

"Pleased you liked it, have a good wank did you?"

He shot back. "No, but I would have liked to."

She replied. "Well, you should have we wouldn't have noticed would we Jayne?"

Looking at my husband, I saw a combination of lust and love on his face and I didn't know what to think. Debased and demeaned that he had forced me to do this or pleased that he had insisted.

"Fuck it," I heard him saying. "The champagne's finished I'll get some more."

"Well Jayne," Kelly said softly, "You did enjoy it didn't you?"

I looked at her and smiled and said, "Yes Kelly it was amazing."

She kissed me. Not passionately and not deeply. Just a brushing of our lips together but enough to make my pulse start racing again.

"Oh shit," I said.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

I smiled and said. "I think I may have enjoyed it a little too much."

John poured us champagne and we all sat on the bed drinking it as he went on about how fantastic it had been and how exciting he'd found it. The bulge in his boxers was very obvious and Kelly after looking at it murmured.

"Yes, we can see that John."

I knew then that he wanted to join in. That he wanted sex with one or both of us. I looked at Kelly and realised that she was thinking the same thing but neither of us said anything.

Kelly and I had moved to lying on the bed alongside each other our heads on the pillows. Still both in our panties our arms were touching and she was running her toe up and down my calf. We looked at each other and she bent forward and brushed her lips across mine again.

John said hoarsely. "Is there an encore on its way?"

For an answer Kelly kissed me fully on the lips and I didn't object. In fact, I kissed her back. She was a magnificent kisser but then why shouldn't she be? After all, she had been wonderful at everything else!

After licking all round my opened lips she moulded hers to mine and kissed me open mouthed for ages. Her tongue touched mine and licked my gums and teeth. She sucked strongly on first my bottom and then upper lip and then kissed me all over my face. My chin, my neck, my cheeks, my forehead and then, most magically, my eyelids. Always though returning to my mouth we kissed and kissed for so long it could have been an hour for all I knew. In many ways, strangely, this long bout of kissing and embracing was far more intimate, erotic even, than the more overtly sexual experience I had just gone through with her. Although her touching of my breasts and slowly bringing me to that shattering orgasm had demanded a physical commitment from me this lying in each other's arms our mouths glued together asked for something more than that and that was an emotional commitment as well. And that I found myself very willingly, almost avidly now giving.

Far more aware now of my surroundings I could see John and could watch him avidly taking in everything we did. And my feelings there changed as well. It was as if I was now, in a way, getting my own back. Illustrating to him that I did enjoy this. That Kelly could promote feelings in me and actions from me that he could no longer do. That I was appealing to her as a woman and that he was just a bit player. Neither of us paid any attention or spoke to him at all but we were both aware of his presence and I'm sure that she as well as I was, to an extent, "playing to that gallery" of one sad and half naked man in the chair.

As she kissed me so her hands touched and stroked, caressed and squeezed me all over, now without the worry of my reticence.

And I returned her kisses and caresses. Everything came so naturally or so it felt.

I ran my hands through her fine hair, I touched her face, her eyes, her cheeks. I stroked and cupped her breasts and ran my hands, lovingly up and down her back. I became less inhibited and more enquiring and adventurous. It occurred to me as I lie in her arms returning embrace with embrace and caress with caress that I was a quick learner. A little like riding a bike I thought, almost giggling, learn what to do once and you always remember it. I recall also thinking that I was taking to what we were doing just 'like a duck to water' and wondered if this was a latent requirement of my sexuality.

Kelly's hand had once more found my mound and she was caressing me there. Mine was around her, inside the waist band of her thong stroking the lovely roundness of the taut cheeks of her bottom. She removed her mouth from mine and looked me in the eye as her hand tugged at the elastic of my panties pulling them down my tummy a little. Smiling she murmured.

"I don't think we need these anymore do we Jayne?"

It really is a very significant moment in any lovemaking when a woman's knickers are removed. Irrespective of what has gone on before and how little of her they cover the physical exposing of her most womanly of place by their removal represents a quantum leap in the relationship and the emotional commitment to it. It makes her totally available, it opens her up and it signifies her acceptance that she is to be penetrated, in one way or another, by her lover. Thus, as Kelly said that to me, I momentarily panicked. I realised how far I had gone with her both physically and emotionally. I also realised that she was now asking me to go even further. Up to now, in my rather pathetic self-justification thinking, I had been doing this because John demanded it. I could justify it as it would help my marriage. The sexual excitement and gratification she had given me was not selfish but was for a 'greater good!' However, to me the removal of my panties for her was a willing sacrifice. That was for me and me alone. It was a sign that I was going beyond what he had set out for me to do.

I think, as I raised my bottom looking deeply into her eyes as she peeled the flimsy last barrier from me, so with them went my marriage. As I willingly became naked with this girl so I realised that I did not want John. That I was now not doing this because of him but because of me. It didn't really matter whether the person removing that final garment was a man or a woman for what I was doing was fully establishing I did not need him, physically or emotionally. I was now, in a way, flaunting this at him. Establishing myself as a sexual being apart from him. And that made me feel fantastic.

Kelly was kneeling beside me and I looked up and said, loud enough for him to hear.

"And I don't think we need these either do we Kelly?" as I took her panties in my hands and rolled them down her wonderfully flat tummy.

Both now revelling in our nudity, apart from my stockings, we enjoyed that by rolling around the bed in each other's arms. We luxuriated in the freedom of it and the sensations of the other's body on our own from lips to toes. We enthusiastically stroked and caressed the other with no inhibitions whatsoever. Her fingers were in me and mine were around her lips. Her mouth encircled each of my nipples sucking them to new levels of swollen erectness and what felt like unprecedented degrees of aching, wanting desire. My mouth kissed and licked at hers as she held first one and then the other of her breasts out to me as an invitation for me to suckle them like a baby. I kissed every inch of the wonderfully soft and such appealingly arousing flesh of her tits concentrating on those, what were now, deliciously ripe, rock-hard, pink buds in the centres.

I knew that this time we would not rely on our hands. I recognised that this was now grown-up women's lovemaking. That I had entered into something that went well beyond the bounds of adolescent girls exploring the limits of their sexuality. As we touched and entered the other with our fingers, I accepted that I would need to go further with girl-on-girl lovemaking than I had been before. And my heart pounded at the thought of what was to come, what she would do to me and what I would do to her. I wanted to do it to her and I wanted her to do it to me. And most of all I wanted John to be watching as we did it. To see me pleasure myself by giving so much to this woman. To watch as I received stimulation, excitement and satisfaction of a level that he could not provide. Maybe, to an extent playing into his hands but, nevertheless convinced that I was doing it for myself and, without sounding too grandiose, for my liberation I wanted to put on a show for him and to maybe rid myself of my emotional dependence on him.

Thus, when Kelly starting slithering her head down my body, I was not afraid. When her pleasure-seeking mouth planted delightful little kisses, licks and sucks, on my lower chest, waist and tummy I was resolved and ready. When her long brunette hair tumbled onto my thighs and stomach hiding her face from my view, I was receptive. But not just receptive for I found myself reaching for her. She wriggled her body so that we were lying side by side, so that all of my body was available to her.

My first feel of her on my mouth was amazing. Not just the taste and feel and smell but also because of the response I received. The sheer gratification that her writhing body, deep moans and 'yes, yes Jayne' signified that I was giving her lesbian pleasure excited me so much.

There were no limits or boundaries now. I was no longer merely the initiate, the junior partner or the follower. No, now I was fully involved. An equal player a total soul mate to this wonderful teacher.

Slurping, licking, sucking and running my tongue all around that familiar but so strange of places I knew instinctively what to do. What I wanted to do and what I wanted her to do. Of course, she needed no instruction or cajoling for her bisexually educated tongue had already found and coaxed my clitoris into explosive action. Her experienced fingers had found and run around my lips opening the folds of that covering shroud to more fully expose that stalk of such pleasure to her eager tongue. And of course, her tongue and mouth had already inflamed me to such wondrous levels.

Kelly's legs were open her thighs wrapped around my face as my tongue rotated and pressed, plunged and probed and as my fingers stroked and caressed, rubbed and penetrated her. Hers were doing similar things to me and I could feel my orgasm starting. The slight stiffening of her body, the shudders and the increased urgency with which she was orally loving me told me that I was inducing her climax as well and that was a wonderful feeling.

But then nearly everything went blank. My body simply convulsed with such an amazingly powerful array of sensations that I may well have fainted. At the same time Kelly was writhing so wildly that continued contact between her and my mouth was no longer possible. We may well have both been screaming, we could have been shouting out, we might probably have been moaning, grunting and sighing. So consumed was I by the magnificence and power of what was happening to both of us simultaneously, I just didn't know!

We clung to each other's now perspiration drenched body as we cajoled and persuaded every last surge of excitement of the orgasm that we had created for our lover. The sensations were so acute that it was as if we became one. As if there were no divisions. I had no consciousness of where I ended and she began. We were one writhing, convulsing, bucking and climaxing pile of female flesh glorying in the sisterhood of that wondrous mutual orgasm

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goodwabgoodwab3 months ago

That was fantastic. Her transformation from John's manipulated puppet to self-actualized woman was moving and brilliant. Unforgettable!

Atys70Atys70almost 2 years ago

Your writing is impeccable! Two chapters that demand a third! Bravo!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Would love to see John get phased out as Kelly and Jayne develop their relationship.

Wiz1002Wiz1002almost 2 years ago

Lovely well written lesbian love making between Jayne and Kelly. Is this the end of her marriage or will John manipulate her into yet more of his sexual desires, or will he join in with the two girls??

maribel_fmaribel_falmost 2 years ago

You describe sex with a woman as beautifully and as arousingly as you describe sex with a man!

AndyAndrewsAndyAndrewsalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful to get another story from Jayne. But Jayne, if it's not too late, can you please reread any future chapters for typos. I got confused at first here by "Kevin". And in the previous chapter, the switches from first person to third person and back got a little messy. Thanks again for the excellent story.

kaleonanikaleonanialmost 2 years ago

All I can say is that I love all the lesbian lovemaking only between Kelly and Jayne.

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