All Comments on 'It's All About Timing'

by fantasygirl30

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

sweet and sexy, nice work! I have a hot male friend I'm in love with who's married to a bitch too, this story really made me feel like I was in it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
At least...

...the two of them have the decency to have their fling out of town. Hopefully for the sake of their spouses they will either cool it or come clean. While cheating is cheating, if your spouse does not find out about it, there is less hurt. Now that I have had my diatribe, the story is well written and moves at a tantalizing pace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Life's too short for regrets

At 2am, too many of us look back with regret and it's too late!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
My autobiography?

I'm really envious (at least for now) of my namesake! You've got to write a sequel, so we can see what happens to this starstruck couple. Obviously, somebody's going to be hurt. Let's see how you handle it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
incredibly delicious

-Best I have read in a while. I'm so turned on. Their chemistry finally physically satisfied. Hope you continue with this story.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
A good start

This story reminds me of my own situation. She has a steady boyfriend who treats her like shit. I have a wife who also treats me like shit. We lost each other for over 20 years and have just found each other, and are trying to set ourselves up to do this like this couple has done. Please, give us a continuation on this story?

BelegonBelegonover 18 years ago
The setup is well done...

...and I can feel the situation, perhaps partially because I have felt that kind of longing (although for months, not years) but also because you wrote it well. My favorite visual is the idea of Richard standing outside the shower, shocked at himself for actually walking in, but thrilled at the sight of her before him. The ending seems too abrupt,a little rushed, but the place for it is correct in my opinion. The focus here is the desire. Once that's fulfilled, the story ends in the right place.

dreampilot79dreampilot79over 18 years ago
Nice work

Good job... nice set up... well written. Good luck in the contest.

sacksackover 18 years ago
very good sex scene....

and the entire story flowed very well....good luck to you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

that was awesome! i cummed in 2 secs. keep itup !

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Cheating spouses

This does not belong in the romance category. Both of them are married and regardless of their "feelings" for each other, they are both cheating scum and this is not romantic if the reader is disgusted with the characters.

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