Jennifer Pt. 01


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She closed the door behind her and stood quietly for a moment, closing her eyes, breathing deeply and trying to relax.

When she leaned back against the door her tail poked her in the ass. Damn! I have a tail, she thought. And that made her giggle. She wasn't sure if it was the absurdity of the situation or if she was just losing it.

After a couple of minutes, she opened her eyes and things got weird again. And she started to tear up.

She had to pee, and that didn't seem to present too much of a problem, but she also had to relieve her bowels and that would force her to deal with the task of removing and then reinserting the damned plug in her ass.

Oh God, she thought, will this craziness ever end?

She decided to relieve her bladder first, and then she ran into another unexpected issue. Her tail prevented her from sitting on the toilet seat! She wound up sitting cross-wise with her legs over one side of the toilette bowl, and her tail hanging over the other side. Damn, it was frustrating! Especially when she considered that Mark wanted her to be this way for a long time to come.

After peeing, she cleaned herself on the bidet, as much for the practice as anything. She had to use a bath towel to dry her fur after she had rinsed it. My fur! I'm actually covered in fur!

She also found herself battling with her paws. Nothing was easy without fingers and an opposable thumb! In some cases, she had to use both paws to do something as simple as turn on a faucet. She found that she could, buy separating her fingers laterally spread her digits enough to pick up some, small things. Her claws also helped with some tasks, like snagging a towel. But it was all such a trial.

Then, finished with that step, she began the awful process required to empty her bowels.

First, she tried to remove the plug with her paws, but she couldn't get a grip on the thing.

So, she got down on her hands and knees and began backing herself up against the obvious magnetic plate now mounted on the wall, next to the toilet. As she crawled backwards, looking back between her legs, her feet made contact with the wall. She then pushed her ass farther back, hoping it would contact the wall at the right spot. But her tail hit first. She could feel it through its mounting over her tail-bone. Damn! She thought. That thing is a pain in the ass! And that made her chuckle as she continued to push her ass back, over her heels. But she couldn't make it! Her butt was too far away, and too low to hit the magnet as it must. It took repeated attempts, but she was finally able to make the connection by lifting her knees up off the floor and then pushing back, in a kind of squat with only her paws and her feet on the ground. She could feel the magnet grab the plug and once it had, she pushed forward and it slid out as it was supposed to. She could feel it come out, and it felt, ah, interesting.

When she turned to look, the obscene dildo was sticking out from the wall, and it was gross! She'd have to clean it and re-lube it before she could reinsert the thing. And she had to wear it to cover her exposed ass hole.

She decided to address that task, after she emptied herself.

She again sat sideways on the toilette to take her dump, and then performed the washing procedure with the bidet.

With that job complete she took a moment to use a hand mirror and examine the rubber opening around her ass. It was a round ring, and she could just make out her puckered hole beneath.

She spent some time debating about reinserting the thing. She finally concluded that it if she left it out, she'd flash her butt-hole to anyone who looked. Better to use the plug to cover herself, back there.

So, she addressed the cleaning of her butt plug. She used a wad of tissues to pull the thing off of the wall and took it to the bidet. There she washed it with the help of some soap from the sink. Once it was clean, she found a large bottle of lubricant in a cabinet and used it to grease it up. She performed all of these steps laboriously using her two paws. It was terribly difficult.

With the process complete, she was able to slide the thing back in and get it properly seated using her paws. Again, she giggled, thinking how something like being able to stuff a plug up your exposed ass hole with your paws might be considered a happy event.

She left the bathroom dreading having to go through that process regularly, while locked in her suit. She hoped it wouldn't be long before Mark let her out of the thing. He had been talking like he expected her to wear it always, but she really didn't believe that. How could he possibly expect that?

She climbed into bed and could only lay on her side or belly, as her tail prevented laying on her back. Just one more thing.

Before long Mark, naked, joined her and gently pulled her over on top of him, on her belly, with her tail sticking up and tenting the sheets.

They both got a kick out of that, and it felt good to Jennifer to actually laugh.

They cuddled for an hour, with Mark petting and rubbing her fur, and holding her tightly. He also took the time to plug her collar into a charger with a long cable. Something else to get in the way as she slept!

The one thing that they couldn't do was kiss, as her mask's muzzle-covered lips were latex. They could touch tongues, but only just. It was totally unsatisfying, and she wondered if he had thought of that when he designed the suit. Probably not, she decided, as he seemed as frustrated as she was.

She thought about nastily reminding him that dogs can't kiss, but decided not to take a chance on upsetting him. She worried that he just might issue the 'all fours' command and she'd be screwed.

She didn't sleep well at all, that night. Too much on her mind. Despite her slowly increasing level of acceptance of her fate, she still wasn't sure that she would continue to go through with it. If she simply refused to play her role, what could he do? Would he really keep shocking her until she did his bidding, like some captured sex slave? From what she knew of him, he wouldn't. But then again, she hadn't seen this whole half woman, half dog thing coming.

As she watched, Mark fell asleep quickly and if he dreamed at all, they were apparently happy ones.

When Jennifer woke up, she was stiff, and a little dazed. She lay there thinking, is this for real? But it only took her a few seconds to conclude that it was indeed very real. She was a dog-girl, or something like that, now. Her body told her that.

She took a quick inventory. Her feet and legs hurt from the high heeled paws she was wearing, and her back hurt. When she reached up to rub her eyes, she almost poked out her left one with one of her claws. She stretched a little and moaned, feeling her muscles react. She wasn't used to sleeping on her side.

When she finally opened her eyes, she was looking directly into Mark's. He was laying, facing her, his head propped up on an elbow. And he had a big smile on his face.

"You look wonderful and you stretched like a cat."

"But I'm a dog."

"Yes, you are. My dog, my Jenny. And, I love you and I'm proud of you."

"Proud of me?" she asked, and then answered her own question. "I guess I am your creation, aren't I?"

"You are, but I'm most proud of you because you're getting used to the changes."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"I'm looking at you. You look wonderfully comfortable in your new body."

"Yah, right" she said, yawning.

As she finished her yawn, Mark began crawling on top of her. But when he tried pushing her onto her back, her tail got in the way. She moaned, "I can't, my tail is in the way. I can't lay on my back."

"Shit, I forgot." He sighed, frustrated. "Jenny, unlock the tail."

He then reached behind her and removed the thing, tossing it aside.

"Well, that was easy," she said chuckling.

"Don't get used to it. It's too beautiful to leave off. It goes right back on, afterwards."

"It may be beautiful, but it's a pain."

"You'll get used to it. Now, onto your back."

When he was finally laying fully on top of her she could feel his cock, fully hard, pressed onto her furry tummy.

"Oh, someone's horny." She giggled.

"Absolutely. I wanted to screw my new girl, last night, but you were too tired."

"And upset."

"That too." He mumbled. He was nuzzling her neck rubbing at her fur. "It tickles. But feels wonderful. I love you."

"I love you too," she said automatically. But despite her current condition, she knew that she meant it. And it surprised her. Perhaps during the night, her subconscious had accepted her new reality.

She shivered as her lover slid down to her breasts and began kissing and licking at her exposed nipples.

As he sucked, she reached down with her paws and lightly scratched his back with the claws.

He shivered like it tickled, and moaned.

It struck her that the only part of her whole body that wasn't covered in fur, or latex, was her nipples. They were the only place where she could fully feel the pleasure of contact with her lover. That thought was depressing. But then she realized that she could also feel him with her tongue and inside her pussy. And inside her ass, too. She decided that she wanted to use her tongue on him first. Before she took him into her pussy. In part because she was curious about how it would work, with her doggy mouth, but also because she felt the need to take some control of events.

When he began shifting further down her body, he spoke up, "Jenny unlock the front plug."

His words sent a chill down her spine. It reminded her. Dear God, my pussy is locked away and only he can unlock it. She thought, and it was a discouraging realization.

When she actually felt the thing unlock, she was even more disturbed.

And she then felt it as he slid the thing out of her sex.

As he shifted to set the dildo on the night-stand, she made her move, and slid out from under him.

"What? Where are you going?"

"Just lay down and you'll see." She tried to lick her lips, seductively, to give him a hint, but her tongue couldn't reach far enough out of her mask to pull it off. Damn!

As she sat up, she felt a pull at the back of her collar. "What the hell?" she mumbled.

"Wait, you're still plugged in," he said. And he reached over and unplugged the charging cable. "You'll have to get used to that thing. Remember, it's important and you don't want to get punished for low power."

"Yah, sure," she sighed, the damn thing would always be a pain. Whatever.

"Now, where was I?" she said, getting back her focus, "Oh yes, puppy mouth and cock."

Mark, laughed, "Oh, goodie."

He laid on the bed on his back and watched as his beautiful, golden furred wife crawled on top of him. She was straddling his legs and sitting on his shins, so she could lean down and take him into her doggy mouth. As his cock slid in, he felt her tongue go to work on its head; it felt wonderful. And he watched as her floppy ears swung and swayed as she worked his cock in her mouth. It was fascinating, erotic and his cock really loved it.

When she decided that he was very close, she pulled her mouth off and slid up on his body until her rubber crotch was over his manhood. She had to use both paws to hold him and impale the hole to her pussy on his ready to burst cock.

At first, she couldn't feel much. The latex covered her clit and the lips of her cunt, and prevented a lot of her fun. Only when he was fully inside her did she really feel him.

In only took a couple of minutes for him to explode inside her. Moaning and groaning as he did.

She had a more difficult time, as the contact on her clit and G-spot was so limited, but she did eventually have a small orgasm. It was disappointing, and she immediately started hoping that they'd get better with practice.

She waited to get off of him, as she used to do, but again the latex that encased her crotch prevented her from feeling him as he shrunk out of her.

Finally, she just moved over and off and laid down on her side, facing him. When she looked, she could see that she had been right, he had shrunken down, fully spent.

"Well, that was fun," she sighed. "I could tell that you enjoyed it. "

Still on his back, he turned his head to face her, and smiled. "You know I can't really see you smiling, with your cute little snout covering your lips. Something else I didn't think of."

"Yes, I do wish we could kiss. You missed that too."

He sighed, "yes."

"Well you could always take my hood and mask off."

"Nope, they're too important a part of your new persona. Now roll over onto your belly. I need to put your tail back on."

She sighed, disappointed, but did as he asked.

He crawled over until he was sitting on the backs of her thighs, and gave her ass a hard slap.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"For trying to talk me out of your hood and tail. Bad girl!"

"I didn't say anything about my tail," she protested. "But I thought about it," she said with a giggle.

He laughed. "You minx."

"No, I'm a puppy. A cuddly puppy."

"That you are," he said as he locked her tail back into place, ordering "Penny, lock the tail."

Next her grabbed the front plug, and moved to her side. "Lift your leg please."

She grumbled as she did, and he quickly slid the plug back into place. "Jenny, lock the front plug."

Jennifer just hated hearing that command. It just seemed so wrong.

That done, Mark crawled off of her and again laid down beside her, smiling.

She noticed, but still tired from last night, and this morning, she was already dozing off.

When Jennifer woke up, a couple of hours later, he was already gone. She thought she heard him in the kitchen.

She crawled out of bed and headed into the bathroom. She only had to pee, so the process, this time wasn't too troublesome, although she still had a difficult time, sitting sideways on the toilet and drying herself off after she used the bidet.

As she walked out into the bedroom she paused in front of the big mirror, to take another look at herself.

In the daylight it all seemed a little better and as she inspected herself, trying to be objective, she decided that she did look good. Very kinky and highly erotic, if you're into puppy girls, that is. She'd never even considered that fantasy. But now, here she was, living it.

She looked closely at her face, or rather the mask portion of the hood. The artist had done a fine job. Most of the latex was paper thin, and did little to hide her human features. Only around the nose and the cheeks and jowls was there some padding to add shape to her canine look. And, thank heaven that was lightly and delicately handled. She realized that her eyelids were her own. Something other than her nipples was human skin!

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

If you do comment, check back in a few days, as I do try and post replies.

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cmj711cmj7117 months ago

So very clever & strangely erotic.

cat833942cat833942over 1 year ago

Really fascinating idea, very well described and set up. You can see the history here, and how the characters reached this point. The suit doesn't just appear by magic, so the core logical building blocks are all there, to put this together.

I really like the completely different reactions and views of the two of them. No wonder he is all for this, this is everything he has worked on and dreamt about for many months now, but for her, talk about a complete and total shock to the system! No wonder she has no idea what to think or say, but her love is getting her to at least consider the idea briefly. Very interesting, and looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really good. TFTC

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wonderful story

Wonderful story, especially the human to dog transformation part. Very detailed description of the transformation process. It's rare to find story like this nowadays. Very lookforward to have more puppygirl story like this. So great !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Much more please...

just the idea about placing a bitchsuit in spacesupplying company manufacture is worth to be read and with the details about the electronic components used to run the functions together with the realistic runtime of the batteries in that dimension - WOW.

Hope You do not take the negative comments to serious and continue with the story.

At least it is fiction, not SiFy directly, course all of the described technics is already on the market.

Hope to read a lot more chapters from You - JtL

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Lol, I’m definitely in the *Absofuckinglutely NO* category.

It’s very clever and very well written but it’s definitely not for me. It’s an incredibly extreme kink/ fetish and frankly that’s ok, just not my thing.

She was right when she referred to it as a fetish. WTAF was he thinking when he came up with this?! Why wouldn’t he just talk to her first? When it’s not something that both parties want it becomes a type of spousal abuse. Lol, when he was explaining the properties of the suit and said it could easily be worn for months or years, my warning bells were going ape shit. When he shaved her hair I quit reading.

Obviously with a fantasy story she could love this and be all for it but because it’s a fantasy we’re left to wonder what a real person would do. Would you humour yourself spouse because they’ve put so much effort into it, would you feel guilty if you didn’t? Then follows the conditioning how long before your spouse gets their goal and you’re completely dehumanised? Sorry to me this has more potential to turn into a horror story than a sexy story.

Thanks for sharing your ideas, best of luck with your writing.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There is the "in sickness and in health" clause, but I don't see anything good coming from purposefully enslaving someone who never intended to get enslaved. Money may bring you some things but idleness brings demons of all varieties. He is SICK to hurt the one he loves. Trying to bring back your dead pet is nothing but insanity. Remember the richest among us all went insane from their unlimited abilities. It is the natural way.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 3 years agoAuthor
From the Author

Wow, I've never received such mixed reactions! I apologize to those who disapprove of this story's somewhat dark theme (by some standard). Keep in mind, it's fiction, and 'fetish' fare, as described in the introduction.

I am enjoying writing it, so it will continue. I expect four more chapters.

llienollienoover 3 years ago
Hugely enjoyable

Thoroughly enjoyed this and its highly unusual subject matter - would love more about how they get on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The suit needs a more automatic plumbing add-on fitted with a catheter for more control in future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More please

I loved it . :) Definitely needs more chapters



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
First ever comment

I have read a great many stories on this site and felt the need to comment. This was horrible and I hate every bit of it. No more please,

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

There's your comment. I hated it.

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