Jordan - His Story


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I hung up on my mother when she started to shout and lecture me. I'll call her in a few days after she has a chance to calm down. I know that she'll understand why I had to make a change. I know that she knows that I love my husband and children but need a break from them. When the time is right, I'll go home. It will all be fine.


Three months later


I had another lunch with my little brother. He needed to talk about his wife, and what she was doing. I'm sympathetic to his feelings since my first wife had done something very similar. Victoria pretty much abandoned me and the kids so that she could go live with her boyfriend. Our life had become too boring and predictable for her and the idea of being married to me and having a sex life with me was something that no longer interested her.

Victoria essentially moved out under the guise of 'finding herself,' well she did that and more. She had been having an affair with a guy at her work and when that ended, she hooked up with a guy she met online. They lived together for a few months and then he left. He left not long after I had Victoria served with the divorce papers.

Lots of my friends and family thought that I was too generous waiting for Victoria to change her mind and come home, and they might be right, but I did that because of the kids. I didn't want to just throw their mother away. We had, for the most part, a good life with lots of good times. I couldn't just forget all that and treat her like the enemy. But there are limits; and I had reached mine. For me it turned out great. I have a new wonderful wife and now we have seven children: my three, her two, and two new ones that we made together.

Why is it that you work hard to provide a good life for your family and then you get screwed in the deal when your wife decides that she wants some other dick in her pussy? It was like I got thrown out with the trash. I didn't matter.

Jordan was in a similar quandary. The big difference is that Emily made an active decision to leave her family and didn't try to hide it behind some other motive. She bought a condo and moved in. She no longer tried to give Jordan the impression that she was coming home at some point and everything would go back to the way it was. No.

I do think that Emily has some serious mental health issues going on, though. Jordan says that she's been seeing a counsellor but I'm not sure it's doing any good. I think what it has done is reinforce for Emily that leaving her family is the right thing for her to do. I know that sounds crazy, and it's not the outcome that you might think would happen, but for Emily it's the logic that appeals to her mind. I know she's very independent and head strong. I see her at the Law Society meetings; she's very opinionated and frequently tells others that they are wrong about whatever it is that is being discussed. She's a good lawyer and is a fierce negotiator when it comes to protecting her client's interests. I know that she takes the same approach to her personal life.

I told Jordan that he can call me anytime to talk. He knows that. And Charlotte and the kids love to have Becca, Alex and Andrew at our house anytime; 'the more-the merrier' is our motto.


Okay, we're at the end of the six months of the separation agreement. I've repeatedly called Emily at her office and apartment and left messages; she hasn't returned them. I e-mailed her several times to let her know that time was up; no answers to anything. I went to her office; her secretary said that she didn't want to see me. I went to her condo; no answer when I rang the doorbell. She hasn't seen the kids in months. The kids would sometimes cry at night because they missed their mother and didn't understand why she had rejected them. Some nights they would come and crawl into bed with me. I never went out at night if I didn't have to.

So, the only recourse I had was to move on to a divorce. Maybe that will get her attention. Maybe she will finally call or come to see us and talk to us. Maybe.

I called Margaret and set up a time to see her. I wanted it to be late in the day just in case Emily were to pick up the phone and call. But she didn't, so I went to see my lawyer.

When I got there, I went straight into her office and she poured us both a drink.

"Thanks, Margaret. Well, I'm saddened to say that I think I need to move on to a divorce from Emily. Jesus, I can't believe that I'm actually saying that, but I have to."

Margaret held up an envelope from her desk. "The documents are ready to be served. I'm going to have them delivered to her on Thursday in the early afternoon. She can think about it while she's spending the afternoon with Robert."

I was holding my breath and let it out as a huge sigh. "Okay, make it happen. Let me know when she gets her paperwork and if your server gets any message back from her."

She added, "I doubt if the server will get any message, they get in, serve the papers and get out fast. She'll have her representative call me to set up any negotiations that they want to start. I'll call you as soon as I have something. Until then there is nothing for you to do."

I left Margaret's office to go home thinking that I might get a call from Emily Thursday night. Well Thursday night came and went, and no visit, call or message from Emily. The weekend was coming up and I knew that the kids were still hopeful that their mother would come to see them. That would be another disappointment.


Three months later


Well, I did it. I left the safety and security of the company that I had worked for since becoming an architect. They had treated me well in that time and for that I am very grateful. My boss was actually very supportive when I told him that I was thinking of setting up my own design company. He even went so far as to suggest that it might be possible for me to act as a sub-contractor on some of the projects that they would have difficulty with. So, with that in mind I went ahead and set up my own company.

I needed to share the news with Jacq, so when she and the girls were over to the house next, I broke the news to her. Her initial reaction was one of surprise and I could see that there was a measure of apprehension. I went into great detail about my business plan and the contracts that I had already signed.

I told Jacq that I wanted her to be part of the new company. I also told her that I loved her and that I wanted her.

I had told my kids that Sarah and Steph would likely be staying overnight so they were excited to have them and they planned a movie-fest with snacks and refreshments.

I told Jacq to bring PJs for the girls since I wanted them all to stay overnight. I told her that she wouldn't need PJs since we were going to be naked in the bed. It was a taste of being a family again.


Three months later


The divorce between Emily and I is final. The order was signed by the judge and I have a copy of the decree tucked in my files at home with me, and my lawyer has a copy in her files. I can't believe that Emily did not even want to talk about custody of the children. I have full custody. She didn't even ask for visitation. My god, how cold is the woman? Is she mentally stable?

I told her lawyer that she was welcome to visit her children any time that she wanted. All she had to do was call me or text me or even just come to the house. I wasn't going to turn her away. But, nothing. I don't know what's going on in her head. I divorced her and she divorced her children. It's like we never existed to her. I don't know how to deal with that.

So, I'm getting on with life.


Jordan asked me, and Sarah and Steph, to come to his house for a barbeque on Saturday. Of course, I said yes. He also talked to Sarah about something else that I didn't know about but when they were finished, she was smiling from ear-to-ear. She was giggling and laughing and ran to tell Becca and Alex what their father had said. It was all a big secret according to the three of them. Steph and Andrew were watching closely, but unaware of the big secret.

Saturday evening we had the barbeque in the backyard and then after the main meal was finished Jordan asked the girls if they would help him. They jumped up, ran to get something from the house and were back in a flash. Sarah had whatever it was behind her back. The giggling was impossible to contain as the five of them were very excited.

Jordan poured me a glass of wine and after he put it on the table, said. "Okay girls and boy, here we go."

The girls dimmed the patio lights a bit and started playing the Ed Sheehan song Thinking out Loud, on the stereo. The music was nice, and Jordan asked me to dance with him. We held each other close and moved slowly to the music. When the song ended, he led me to a chair that the girls had moved into the center of the patio, and he got down on one knee.

Oh my god!

Sarah, Becca and Alex came toward Jordan and handed him a small box. I knew, right away, what was coming.

Jordan looked at me, he opened the box and took out the small content in it. He looked me in the eyes, "Jacqueline Ryan, will you marry me?"

My eyes got big, my mouth was open, and I couldn't breathe. I had wanted this day for five years and now it was here.


The kids all erupted in cheers. Jordan pulled me up and we kissed and hugged.

"You've made me a very happy man." As he nodded his head sideways, he said, "And I think they like the idea too."


Two years later


Well, lots of big things have happened, and lots of little things have happened.

First, the business has grown, a lot. We have more work than we can handle. We had to expand to a bigger working space and hire additional people. Our annual income after expenses and taxes has exceeded well over two million. I'm looking at the next phase of expansion and adding engineering services as part of the business.

Second and on a much more important personal note, my family is growing as well. Jacq and I welcomed a new baby last year. She was pregnant before we were able to get married. We have another son. We named him Cameron. And three weeks ago at our regular date night, Jacq pulled out the little white plastic thingy with two blue lines and handed it across the table to me. Here we go again. I love her pregnant belly in my hands as she snuggles into me in bed. No wonder we have so many kids.

Jacq and I have had very frank discussions about fidelity and loyalty and monogamy and extra-marital sex. She was very pointed in her comment that if I ever had sex with another woman, she would be very happy to choke the shit out of me with her bare hands. I said right back, "and I'll be happy to do the same for you, dear." We laughed but both of us got the message and we both agree about that part of our marriage. I plan to grow very old with Jacq so we can enjoy our children and grandchildren.

We sold the house that I had bought with Emily. We built a bigger one that can house our family. The girls are all sharing two rooms, but we have lots of bathrooms since I know that women need bathroom time. The boys are going to share a room after Cameron gets a bit older. We'll see how that goes.

We broke ground on a cottage next door to my brother's cottage. Jacq designed it, and I must say that the use of glass to take advantage of the views, is fantastic. My brother, Will, and his wife Charlotte, want Jacq to design a renovation to their cottage to give them the same thing. Also, Charlotte is pregnant again and they need more space. Go figure.



I have not spoken to Emily since well before our divorce. She has still not contacted me about visiting her children nor has she made any effort to attempt to seek custody of Andrew. I thought she might try to at least keep him with her, but no, not even that.

I heard that she is a full partner at her law firm now and has her name on the door and letterhead. Good for her. I have no idea what her personal life is like; I hope that she has, or will eventually, find happiness with someone.

I know that I have the woman that I want and the family that I love, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Who would have thought: seven children!

Okay, gotta get back to work so I can afford to feed this bunch.


Did I do the right thing? Was leaving my husband and children the right decision to make? I don't expect you to understand me or my way of thinking. I did what I thought was the thing that would ultimately bring me the most amount of happiness. I couldn't see myself tied down being the doting grandmother in thirty years. I enjoy the power and prestige that my life brings with it. I travel a lot and enjoy the company of whatever man I want. I know that my looks and my position and my money will get me whomever I want to share my bed with. I travel in elite circles and enjoy the perks of what I do. I'm about to move to Washington D.C. to open the new offices there. That's where the real power in America, and indeed, the world, resides. We'll be doing a lot of government lobbying for our clients. I've already bought a penthouse suite near Pennsylvania Avenue.

I occasionally see Jordan and Jacq with the kids when I'm out. I even went by the house one night and was surprised to see that they had moved. I quietly had our investigator tell me where they were living but decided not to go there; I'm not sure that I can see my kids. I'm sure that they've grown and maybe they might have forgotten about me. I wouldn't blame them if they did.

I see that Jordan's company is doing well and his wife is pregnant again. This will be number seven for them. He did his best to try to keep me as his wife. Why didn't I want to stay as his wife? I have to stop thinking about this; I have lots to do to get ready for Washington.


It took a while for the dust to settle for Jordan when Emily left him and the kids. I can't begin to understand what was going on in her brain to abandon the life that she had with him. Was he not enough for her? I know that he is the one that I want. And I thank my lucky stars every day that I have him. He's a wonderful husband and father. I fuss over him every day and make sure that at night when we go to bed, I tell him that I love him. He and I always sleep naked and we end up making love almost every night. I can't get enough of the feel of the man next to me. The few nights that we're apart I have a hard time getting to sleep.

I gotta go pee, again. This baby is pushing on my bladder. "Jordan!"

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mattenwmattenwabout 1 month ago

You can spin it however you want, it took you 11 pages to write a cheap cuckold story. He lets her foist a child on him that is from her lover without tearing her apart in court!

Yes, Texas is a 50/50 state, but equally in Texas you can sue the law firm for failing to comply with the morality clause. Likewise, you can sue for “Infliction of Emotional Distress” in Texas!

So he could have easily sued for millions of dollars and set up his own business long ago if you hadn't let an unsuspecting lawyer spread her feminist untruths in your story!

Why you as an author believe that cheating with an employee could somehow save his marriage remains a mystery to me. Or why do you think there is the saying: that two wrongs don't make a right? I have to say that I am very disappointed with your story. I would have expected better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Are all this authors stories just iterations on a theme churned out by an AI?

Sure seem like it., perhaps work a little on consistency and character arcs. If you're going to have someone turn into a bitch, it's either got to be a process or a mental brrakdown/illness. Failure to do this while using her POV sections to give the opposite impression just doesn't make sense. She can't live him then just ditch the whole family because why not!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What utter rubbish. So the MC's great plan was to have an affair and create a bigger gulf between himself and his wife. To facilitate her cheating life and take Idiotic legal advice from an incompetent clown that should be disbarred.

The MC was so weak they couldn't even challenge and fight for his wife's love, just let her circle the drain thinking she was getting away with it, until she finally had some mental breakdown or a personality transplant.

Practically every man would have rejected taking the affair baby and that alone would have been an anchor around the neck of the wife. Utterly stupid that the MC allowed both her and her AP to escape completely free of all consequences and financial burdens. The cluelessness of the MC was immense.

This author has been writing the same story over and over and yet he still hasn't managed to discover how to make a realistic wife or an MC that is remotely human.


If the wife is going to prefess her love during her pov sections, just switching it up to, "nah, I can't be bothered with him or my kids anymore*just isn't going to cut it.

She's not a moron or an inefectual fool, either she's a cunt all along, or she needs to gradually come to that conclusion. Heck, even a real falling in love with her boss and a gradual freezing out of her home life, but honestly the speed at which she changed into a heartless bitch that would abandon her kids was just silly, and one might think potentially damaging. both socially and professionally.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

These fucked up people remind me of Peyton Place. They all should be under a shrink's care. Sad lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The MC is a pussy. Accepting another man's child as his own from adultery? Really?

RaynmanXRaynmanXabout 2 months ago

I'd bring down fire and brimstone on her and her company. When she moved out I'd have made sure that her lover's baby was moving with her! Make that SOB pay for stealing my wife and knocking her up! Make him pay for the pain and anguish for me and the kids. Lets not forget the child support too! Tell his company and his wife. Burn baby burn!

LechemanLecheman2 months ago

Hmm I was disappointed the MC did not pursue the company CEO - seriously, the guy impregnated his wife! The damages alone notwithstanding the damage to his company's reputation and standing would have been worth every penny.

Calico75Calico753 months ago

I've been reading Lover's stories and they are beginning to be almost identical. Good man married to crazy woman. Good man does all he can to keep marriage together. She has lovers first and then he gets one, too. Wife buys a condo and leaves husband and children. Divorce. Man marries lover and has more kids. Crazy woman just gets crazier.

OlefishermanOlefisherman3 months ago

He needed to advise David wife of his activity and his son of his bio father.(Medical reasons). Then sue the bastards for back support. Of course this is just a story. The author can do as it wishes.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

Another far too long and familiar story.Typical of this story is that he has a brother who is a lawyer but instead hires some one else.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0353 months ago

Long winded and ridiculous storyline.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story but how come there was no comeback for Robert or his company as most blokes would look to get most damage and recompence as possible against the firm! Something like this would hurt there name and standing did they not have rules about affairs within the company between employees?

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story and I gave it 5 stars. Very entertaining story with many twists and turns. I like the concept of mental illness being brought up with regard to why Emily would abandon her husband and her children in order to freely have sex with other men. I also like the concept of sexual addiction being brought up to try to help explain her choices in life. This was a very thought-provoking story. Great job!!!!!

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