Just Get Over It Bobby

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Will husband get over it her way or his way?
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This is a story of romance, tragedy, adultery, betrayal and revenge, not necessarily in that order. The main characters do not have college degrees and six figure incomes. They are working people trying have a good life. Sometimes life is not happy, fair, or what we want.

This is entirely fictional with no persons under the age of 18 having sex. I want to express my appreciation to NorthernHunter for advice and editing.

"Ah come on now Bobby. It's time to get over it. She's back with you and she'll never cheat again. You've been together for 15 years and have 2 great kids. You don't want to destroy all that. If you divorce her, she'll have your boys and both of you will live in poverty. Getting back together is the best for your whole family."

I don't know what was uglier, the fat slob bitch saying "Just get over it" or the message she was sending about forgiving her sister for fucking around. This wasn't just an instance of getting drunk on girl's night out and screwing an old boyfriend. This was nuclear in nature and punishment needed to delt out. My trouble was that if I was the one pushing the red button, the nuclear fallout would hurt me much more than anybody else. No one else had as much to lose as me. And this fat bitch lecturing me did not help my mood or ability to make the perfect plan.

That's where I was, me being Bobby Smith, sitting on a pontoon boat in a lake with the three of them; that bitch, her loud mouth asshole husband and my cheating wife. Being a native of Kansas, I was never going to swim the 300 yards to shore, that's an Olympian challenge for a flatlander.

In ten minutes, I was going to shut them up and give my slut wife an unforgettable reminder of her cheating.


Now a little background on me, the poor bastard that was the center of this shit storm. I grew up in Wichita, Kansas, self-proclaimed "Air Capital of the World". Boeing, Cessna, Spirit, Beechcraft and Embraer all have manufacturing plants in this industrial city.

My performance in school was average, not that my parents cared. Mom was an alcoholic, chain smoking, rough talking slut. Dad actually thought he had "Married Up" when they got together. My older brother and sister, presumably with the same father as me, could not handle the fights, abuse and 911 calls from concerned neighbors. They left the same day they graduated from high school. They wished me luck and never looked back; afraid they would end up as witnesses in a murder trial.

My teachers told me I was smart enough to get good grades but I felt I had little sunshine in my future. At least I waited until the morning after graduation to leave the house. My first and only stop was the US Army Recruiting Center. Since I had done well in my shop classes I signed a contract to be a wheeled vehicle mechanic. That was one of the first times in my life something positive seemed to be in my future.

To others, an Army privates pay is peanuts, to me I felt like a king. My platoon sergeant liked me because I did not make trouble, did my job well and got along with the other guys. We drank, partied and fucked around for two years.

At the end of my Army tour, I decided I wanted to go back to Wichita and work in one of the aircraft plants. I enrolled at the National Center for Aviation Training for the special training and education I needed get one of the better jobs. My major was Aerospace Manufacturing and Technology, just where I thought I would thrive. Cessna was my first choice for a job and was happy when they hired me.

Six months later I was helping a buddy build a shop onto his garage and had an accident that changed my life. I wasn't happy about it at the time and bitched out my buddy for letting his side of the metal roofing go. That mistake caused a big cut to my chest that bled like a stuck hog.

At first sight of the blood, I called "Medic" then laughed because I was no longer in the Army. My buddy shoved a shop rag onto my cut to stop the bleeding and we headed for medical assistance. There was a Doc-In-The-Box just a mile away so he drove his pickup in there. I was not bleeding to death but I was making a mess on the floor so they put me into a treatment room right away. Not for my safety but for the optics of a guy dripping blood all over the lobby.

What happened next changed my life forever. The most beautiful nurse ever to walk the Earth came into my room. She was tall, well built with shoulder length dark hair, and her smile lit up the room. Her name tag said "Nurse Ann".

Looking at my jeans, work boots and bloody t-shirt she turned her gorgeous blue eyes to me and said with a smile "I didn't know they were having tryouts for the tv version of "Jack Ass" today."

"I don't know about that as I was busy single handedly building a children's home while curing cancer. My wound is a result of a sheet of metal blowing off the roof caused by the cheers of the Mensa Society members celebrating my discoveries."

She half way smiled, smirked and laughed at my comment. "It's only 10:30, how much beer have you had so far this morning?"

"None so far, but that depends on how long it takes for you to fix me up. After all, you can't drink all day unless you start in the morning." was my come back to her.

While looking at my chart she asked "I take it you are a cigarette smoker also?"


"You're showing a strong resemblance to my brother." She muttered.

"Do you love your brother, the smoker?"

She took a deep sigh and said "Yes, but there are days."

I asked "So there is hope for me to be able to take you out, since I am so like your beloved brother."

That was met with "Hah. Please take off your shirt. I have more important work to do than spend time with a jerk like you."

It was difficult to pull the shirt over my bloody shoulder. She cut the shirt off, but not before shaking the scissor out in front of me as a threatening gesture.

Not saying anything, she started wiping the blood and some dirt off my chest. I am 6 foot tall and 190 pounds of mostly muscle. I think that is what caused her to spend more time on my cleanup than I expected. She chuckled when I reacted to the painful disinfecting alcohol that was liberally splashed on my wound. I would have thought she would have caringly told me "This will sting a little."

She moved to the door, turned to me, pointed to the exam table I was sitting on and sternly said "STAY". For only a second, I could see her smile.

A few minutes later Nurse Ann and a doctor came back into the room. I read in her face the anxiousness that I would continue to be obnoxious and embarrass her. If I was to get anywhere with her, I needed to be a better patient. It was "Yes sir, no sir, yes doctor" when answering questions. I was being pleasant and compliant to whatever they said. While the doctor was taking a closer look at my wound, she was standing right behind him. I winked my eye; she smiled.

The doctor had Ann prepare a syringe to dull the pain while he gathered the needles to stitch me up. While he was fixing me up, I was staring at her watching the doctor. Occasionally she would look up at me, smile and look back to my chest.

After Ann applied a dressing, the doctor told me "No strenuous activity, keep the wound clean and make an appointment in a week to have Ann take out the stitches."

"Great, I was looking forward to having a date with her."

He laughed, she got red in the face but I was happy.

Grinning, he said to me "We need to have this room cleaned up in 3 minutes. Can I count on you two to conclude whatever you need to do within that time frame?"

"Yes sir" I said, Ann didn't say anything. She just smiled.

"What time can I pick you up for dinner tonight? I said with a smile.

She thought for so long I thought it was going nowhere. Then she said "7pm".

She had a funny look on her face as she questioned "Red Pickup?"


"Figures" as she walked out the room.

I went home to get me and my pickup cleaned up for the evening. My attire was clean jeans, fresh cotton shirt and nice leather shoes. Ann would have been shocked and disappointed if I would have worn anything better than that.

Her attire was identical to mine only she looked much better in her tight pair of jeans. More men looked at the fit of her cotton shirt than mine. She knew the foot work needed for a 5 foot 7 inch woman to get into a 3/4 ton pickup gracefully.

After an initial period of awkward silence, the conversations were continuous all evening. We both told our life stories up until now. She was from a little town in southwest Kansas that I had never heard of. Her parents and her brother had a farming and ranching operation there. I had rarely traveled west of the city limits so I could only guess what was out there.

It was dark by the time we left the Mexican restaurant. I asked if she had seen the "Keeper of the Plains" statue on the rivers. She had no idea of what I was talking about so I drove her to the confluence to the Big and Little Arkansas Rivers.

Where these two rivers meet in the center of Wichita, artist Black Bear Bosin created a 44 foot tall statue of his art work "Keeper of the Plains". Indian lore speaks to this spot being a gathering place for various tribes to Pow Wow. Trail drivers on the Chisholm Trail kept Longhorns in this area prior to the live cattle being loaded and shipped to Chicago for slaughter in the 1870's and 80's. I knew this from my visits to Wichita's Cow Town, which was a recreation of Wichita in the 1870's.

At night it was an imposing site with its spectacular lighting and a bridge over the rivers that symbolizes a bow and arrow. She had been in Wichita for a couple of years but never been here. We stood on the river bank and enjoyed the view and all the families that had come there for the nightly event. I kept an eye on my watch and when it was 9:44pm I moved to stand beside her and put my arm around her. A move she accepted with a grin and a wiggle.

At 9:45pm, 7 firepots in the river exploded with a huge roar and 30 foot gas fueled flames shooting into the air. It made Ann jump into my arms. She shook with surprise and fear. That was until she felt I was holding her tight to my good shoulder.

She looked up at me and said "You knew that was coming, didn't you?"


"You don't have to scare me to hug you. Just ask and I'll gladly put my arms around you." She said with a grin.

With that we shared our first kiss. Not a kiss of passion, sparks and fire. A kiss of caring and wanting to become close enough to do this again. When the firepot display ended, we walked back to my pickup, arm in arm.

I walked her to her apartment door, made sure no one else was in the apartment then turned to leave.

"Don't you want to stay for a little while?" She shyly asked.

"I want to stay here for as many years as you let me. But I think it is best for me to go home after our first date and start reviewing my calendar. I need to schedule all the times we can be together for the next month."

Ann stepped toward me and threw her arms around me. Holding herself as close to me as she could and said "This was a special night for me. Be here tomorrow at 6:30 for dinner."

That next evening, I arrived at 6:30 pm carrying red roses for my new girlfriend. She opened the door to show off a beautiful yellow sun dress.

She had a funny look on her face as she said "Those flowers are nice but I was just leaving to go on a date with someone else. I don't want be late, would you please put them in some water. Oh Yeah, lock the door as you leave. Good Bye." Then she whisked out the front door.

I could see the flowers wilt in my hand. What had gone on here? I found a vase, put water and flowers in it and went to the door.

As I opened the door, there stood Ann, laughing at the look on my face. "You tricked me with the firepots on the river last night. I got you tonight. Are we even now?"

"I guess we are, until the next time." I said with embarrassment.

She grabbed my arm and said "Come on in, I hope you like what I have made for dinner tonight."

She gave me a choice of wine or beer before we started dinner. I chose beer. We laughed about last night and how much we enjoyed each other's company. We touched each other every chance we got. Not a grab but gentle touch of care and endearment. We both knew where we would end up later that evening. It was that room adjacent to the living room. There was already a soft lamp glowing on the night table. I doubt it was because the cat was afraid of the dark.

She was so nervous that she kept apologizing if I did not like the food. I finally grabbed her hands and said "Stop, I love the food and how you prepared it. Never apologize until I tell you I don't like it. But remember, if your hands touched it, I will love it. OK?"

That made her feel so much more confidant and happy to have me there. We had a wonderful dinner with lots of laughing and discussing the things in life that were important to us.

After dinner Ann commented "Why don't you have a seat on the couch while I clean up my kitchen?"

As requested, I went to the couch for about 10 minutes. Then I got up and walked behind Ann and put my hands on her hips. She did not jump or move away so I guess that was ok with her. I moved my face close to her to smell her hair and said "You really smell nice." She turned her face to me and said "Thanks"

From there I started nibbling on her neck and I saw the goose bumps. No noise from her but neither was there a shrinking away from me. She just kept washing plates and would occasionally shrug her shoulders. While neck nibbling, I stroked her bare arms with no complaints.

My arms were on both sides of her and were resting on the countertop, putting all of my body in contact with her.

She had a hard time turning around to face me without dragging her luscious tits across my arms. When fully turned she said "You're not going to let me finish the dishes are you?"


Whispering she said "So what activity is going to replace doing dishes?"

"Let me search for an idea." I put my hands just below her armpits and slid them along her sides all the way to her knees. Gently I rubbed and stroked the back of her knees and calves, then started to raise up my hands. My thumbs caught the hem of her dress as I lifted my hands. Even though I wanted to see what I was revealing I could not stop looking into those blue eyes.

When I reached her armpits, I could see she was not wearing a bra. She raised her arms straight up giving me the opportunity to pull the dress completely off of her. I carefully took the dress and laid it on a kitchen chair.

"My God, I had no idea your body was so beautiful. I was just impressed with your face and personality. This body is just perfect. You are the whole package Ann."

I stepped forward, put my arms around her and kissed her with all the emotions I could put into my lips. She responded in kind.

As we broke the kiss, she took my hand and took me to her bedroom to take off my clothes. She laid on the bed and called me to join her by waving her finger.

I laid beside her and said "You had the opportunity of admiring my chest with your eyes and hands. Can I have the same privilege with your chest?"

I could tell she was proud of her "girls" and welcomed the attention. There was not a square inch of her chest that I did not worship with my hands and mouth. Her nipples were hard as pebbles and the look on her face showed that she was ready to move onward with our lovemaking. Without asking, she raised her hips so I could remover her panties. I held them to my nose and the fragrance was delightful. The moisture and heat coming from this piece of lace was remarkable.

She grabbed my sturdy dick, pulled it toward her crotch and said "Please make love to me."

How could I refuse? It was a good thing her pussy was creating so much moisture as it was tight enough to require some gentle rocking back and forth before I was fully into her. Her moans told me that my equipment was making the correct contact with hers. We established a rhythm that was glorious to both of us. She was experiencing small rapid orgasms every few minutes and I was keeping up a pace that kept me from erupting with a volcano of semen into her. The pulling on my stiches helped me to focus on a slow and easy rhythm.

The timeless event continued until the signs of a gigantic orgasm for her appeared on her face and neck. Her neck muscles were contracting and flexing, her eyes were losing focus and the moaning sounds were increasing in intensity and volume from her gapping mouth. Frankly, I could not have held out much longer either. I was so into this woman I had to explode. The moment had come as our duet of cumming sounds filled the bedroom.

We were both out of breath and covered in sweat. As we leveled our breathing I started to roll off and she said "No, please stay in me and on me."

I took my weight off of her by being on my elbows but still on her. Her eyes could now focus and we enjoyed just looking at each other.

Dreamily, she said "Bobby, you're not my first but you were definitely my best."

"More importantly, I want to be your last."

Smiling wickedly, she said "I like the way you think. So, when will be my next "last one", later tonight or tomorrow morning?"

I thumped my chest and said "Both"

For the next 3 months we were together every evening and all weekends.

It was time for me to meet her parents and I felt a little embarrassed as I really had no family in my life. I almost felt like I came from an orphanage so it may be an interesting weekend with her family that went back several generations on the same ranch.

The plan was to leave right after work on Friday afternoon and come back to Wichita Sunday night. After starting my pickup, I asked Ann for the directions to her family's ranch.

She said "Drive west from Wichita for two and a half hours to get to Wyatt Earp Boulevard in Dodge City. Drive west on Wyatt Earp until you get to El Capitan. That's the bronze Longhorn Steer in the middle of the street. At El Capitan turn south, left for city boys. If you go by Boot Hill then you have gone too far. Once you are headed south, keep going until you cross the Santa Fe Trail. From there turn west off the paved road and wake me up."

"You're fucking with me again. What kind of directions are these? Where is the address I can plug my GPS into? Why aren't you staying awake to guide me?"

She said "Bobby, those are the directions and the landmarks of getting to the ranch. You'll do just fine. You wore me out last night thinking we won't be able to have sex in my parent's house tonight. My pussy and I need a rest. Wake me up when we are south of Dodge City." With that she pulled up a pillow and laid her head down, of course there was a smile on her face.

There were very few stoplights during the next two and a half hours. I used each one to stretch and move around to keep my legs from going to sleep.

Two and a half hours later I could see city lights of Dodge City. I drove by two huge cattle slaughter plants and several large concrete grain elevators until I saw street sign that said "Wyatt Earp Blvd". Damn, her directions were correct so far. Several blocks later there was a statue in the middle of the street of a Longhorn steer. This is crazy, now I have to find the Santa Fe Trail sign.

She appeared to still be asleep but I did not believe it. She is too much of a perfectionist to let me wonder in the prairie trying to find a century old cattle trail. I gently gave her butt a rub and she answered "Mmmmm, not again dear, could you wait an hour please."

"Come on now, wake up before I end up in Oklahoma."

"Ok, Bobby, where are we?" she said like she really was asleep. But I doubt it. "Oh good, there's the Miller place. Just 3 miles to go."