Katja Pt. 19


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She had also gotten a little better at speaking Lyonness, but it was figured that she'd never be very fluent in just like Geoff. Their vocal cords were just not the same as the Brigitte's and the others like her.

She was also very curious like many of the Lyonness, or maybe a little more so. Erik had laughed when he explained it, "Most of the time when she talks, the first words are why and how." This really didn't bother anyone though; she would ask Geoff or her mother and father most of the time. Unless it was something female related, then she'd ask Brigitte, her aunt Ariel, or Lucy.

Erik had watched her and Brigitte playing together one day, and every so often he watched as they put their heads together and soon, they'd both be laughing or giggling about what ever they were talking about.

Erik was sitting in his office going over some things Bill Sharpe had sent him when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up and smiled, it was uncle Geoff and a very pregnant Victoria. He stood up, "Hi, what's up? I didn't think you'd be in Victoria."

She smiled, "I get bored sitting at home. So, I come for a couple hours. We've got good news, both Kendra and Evie had their children."

Erik smiled, "That's wonderful, we'll have to get something to send them. What did they name them?"

Geoff grinned, "Well, Bob and Kendra name their daughter Nala and their son Rory. And Jim and Evie named their daughter Natalia and their son Dylan."

Victoria smiled, "And the girls look like their mothers and the boys are like Bob and Jim. Much like Geoff and Brigitte.

Erik smiled, "Well that really great, I'm happy for them. That seems to be the way of it."

Then he asked, "So, is that it or do you have something else?"

Victoria smiled once more and nodded, "Actually, yes. I finished the article you asked me about, do you want to see it before I put it out?"

Erik shook his head no, "I don't see a reason to Vicky, you know more about those things than I do." He smiled, "I'll read it once it comes out. Your stuff is just about all I read anyhow."

She grinned, "Still don't like reporters huh?"

Erik grinned back, "Not really, just you. Your family."

She laughed, "Okay then. I also found out who to go to about the show, I've emailed them and we'll be meeting with them, but I don't know who yet. They asked to come here to talk to us, that, I'd like you to be at."

Erik nodded, "Okay, that's fine by me. Just let me know when. So, any other good news?"

Uncle Geoff grinned back, "No, that's about it, we don't want to spoil you with any more. You might get used to it."

Erik laughed, "Well then, since that's the case, I guess I'll get back to work. Vicky, I'll put some stuff together for the meeting, if there's anything in particular you think I should have, just let me know." Vicky and Geoff nodded and they headed out to get lunch.

Erik shook his head grinning, "I love them so much." Then he turned back to his computer to finish up before he went to get some lunch. Then, since Katja was home with Aileen, he'd pick up Geoff and Brigitte in a few hours from the learning center.

He decided to go to a place here in town for lunch. Besides the restaurant here in town that was owned and run by the food-tech from the ship and the chef he became friends with, they had also opened a diner and coffee/ tea shop in New Lyonn. They got a lot of business from everyone that lived and worked there and from the other towns. Erik liked stopping at the diner for lunch as it was also a really good deli. It was close, so he walked over and greeted the girl that was the cashier. "Hi Sasha, how you doing?"

She smiled, "Erik, it's good to see you, I'm doing good." She grinned, "How's the family? I haven't seen you in a while."

Erik smiled back, she was a young Lyonness female, maybe eighteen or so. "Family's good, Katja's home with Aileen and the others are in school."

She nodded, "That's great, well tell her I said hi."

Erik nodded, "I will." Then he walked over to the counter and sat down as he picked up the menu to see what he wanted.

As he ate, he greeted others that came in and they all asked the same, "How was the family?"

Once he finished, he went back to his office and worked a bit more trying to decide what they wanted to give to the people who would hopefully do the show. He looked up at the clock and decided it was time to pack it in for the day and pick up the kids.

He walked over and greeted the ones waiting for the school to be dismissed. Then he smiled as he felt a pair of arms go around him. "Hey sailor, looking for some fun?"

He turned and laughed as Ariel grinned at him, "No, I don't think so. I don't even want to think what would happen if I did."

Ariel laughed and hugged him once again. "How are you brother mine?"

Erik smiled, "I'm good. But I'm ready to go home and see my mate. I'm getting a little bored going through and reading files all day."

Ariel nodded back, "Yeah, I used to hate that myself when I took the garage over from Kat. At least when I was working, I got to do something to keep me occupied."

Erik nodded his understanding, then asked, "You guys coming over this weekend?"

She nodded yes, "Of course."

Erik smiled, "Good, Aileen keeps asking when uncle Tony is coming over again." He laughed, "I swear she likes him better than me sometimes."

Then they both grinned as they heard, "I still love you most daddy, but uncle Tony is fun, he makes me laugh. You going to be home soon with Geoff and Brigitte?"

Erik shook his head, "I love you also kitten; I was just playing with your aunt. I'm just waiting for Miss Allie to dismiss them, then we'll be home in a little bit."

Ariel grinned at him as she shook her head, "It's hard to believe she can do that this far away."

Erik nodded and then they heard "mommy, daddy." They both smiled as they saw their children running up to them. They both got hugs and kisses from both sets of kids, then Erik got some more from Gesa.

Allie and Cassie grinned as they walked up and Cassie said, "Erik, it's good to see you. Katja at home?"

Erik nodded as he gave both Allie and Cassie a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Yes mom, she had a bunch of things she wanted to take care of." He smiled, "She's also bonding a bit with Aileen."

Then he grinned as he pulled Geoff and Brigitte closer to him, "Which lets me spend time with these two." Geoff and Brigitte laughed as they each hugged a leg.

They talked for a bit more, then headed home. As usual, Erik talked to Geoff and Brigitte asking what they did and learned in school today. They both told him all the things they did and learned and Erik smiled as he listened. They were always so excited as they told him, he was glad they were both enjoying school. All of the children liked the school, Allie had done a wonderful job setting it and teaching it along with the others that helped teach.

They pulled into the driveway and drove up to the garage and parked. He helped them out and grabbed his backpack, then they all walked into the house to be met as usual by Katja, holding their youngest and the cats.

The kids hugged the cats then went to their bedrooms to clean up and get changed. Erik grinned and kissed his mate and daughter. "Hi love, I missed you." Then he laughed as both Katja and Aileen said at the same time. "I missed you too."

They grinned and Erik stroked his daughters face. Katja grinned as she watched her mate, then Erik said as they walked into the living room, "I got some good news today, Kendra and Evie had their kids last night."

Katja smiled, "That's wonderful, did you hear what they named them?"

Erik nodded as he put his backpack by the desk, "Bob and Kendra name their daughter Nala and their son Rory. And Jim and Evie named their daughter Natalia and their son Dylan."

She smiled at him, "Those are nice names. I'm not sure about Kendra, but I think I remember Evie saying Natalia was her grandmothers name."

Erik shrugged, "Could be, Victoria didn't say." He kissed her once more, "I found out something else, but just let me go and change and I'll be right out to tell you."

Katja nodded, unfortunately with her daughter up, she couldn't join him like normal. She grinned, but that was alright, they'd have time later to properly greet one another.

Erik walked down the hallway and went into the bedroom. He grinned saying to himself, "I guess I have to do this alone today." They were so used to helping each other clean up and change, it felt a little strange to be doing it alone. Now that Aileen was getting older, even though it was only about three weeks or so, she was up when he got home as she sensed him and her siblings as they drove up.

He got changed and walked back out and smiled. Katja had poured him a glass of ice tea and was waiting for him on the couch. He thanked her and gave her another kiss before he joined her. "When Vicky and uncle Geoff told me about Kendra and Evie, Vicky also said the article she was writing was done and she also lined up an interview for the TV show. We're going to meet with them after she tells them when."

Katja smiled, "That's wonderful love, hopefully it will help."

Erik nodded as he took a drink, "I hope so too, we don't know when or were yet, but she was thinking about having them come to town. Probably be easier that way, but we don't know who we're meeting or when yet." He grinned, "Maybe it'll be the one you like with the "funny hair."

Katja laughed, "If it is, maybe I can come to, I wouldn't mind meeting him. He was right most of the time."

He grinned at her, "So, that's my news. Oh, I almost forgot." He leaned in and kissed her twice, then his daughter, "That's from mom and Ariel."

Katja grinned as Aileen giggled. "Saw them when you picked up the children did you?"

Erik grinned back, "Of course, they wanted to know where you were. Did you get everything done you wanted too?"

Katja nodded, "Just about, a couple things had to wait since you had the car." She cocked her head, "I was thinking, maybe we should get another car for me. It wasn't too bad when I was working there, but now it might be better if I had my own."

Erik nodded agreeing, "Sure, why not, I should have thought of it myself. But you've only been home for a few weeks. Have you looked for any yet?"

Katja nodded, "Yes I did. I went online while Aileen was taking a nap. I saw a small... uh, SUV, I think it's called. Grab my computer and I'll show you."

Erik went over to the desk they shared and picked it up, turning it on as he walked back. Katja smiled, "I put the link to it on the desktop."

Erik nodded and saw the link, and clicked the icon. Once it opened, he saw the picture and the ad for a smaller SUV she had bookmarked. He nodded asking, "That the color you want? Or do you want to wait until we see it in person? We can go this weekend to buy it if you want."

Katja smiled, "That color is fine, but we can look at other ones to make sure. What do you think about it? Do you like it?"

Erik grinned, "I think it's fine love, the make and model are reliable and the price is reasonable. But, it's your car, so you're the one that needs to be happy kitten. It should fit us all and have space to put things in the back. Like I said, we'll go look on Saturday, we've got nothing going on that I know of."

Katja hugged him one armed as she held Aileen with her other and kissed him. "Thank you so much Erik, I love you. I'm glad you like it; it will make things easier."

Erik nodded grinning, "Of course it will, most married couples have two cars here, if they can afford them. As I said, I should have thought of it myself. So, anything else interesting happen today?"

She grinned, "Well, one other thing. But it would be easier to show you."

Erik grinned back, "Well? What happened?"

Katja shifted forward on the couch a bit, then shifted Aileen to hold her with both hands and sat her on the floor. "Show daddy kitten."

Aileen grinned up at her father, "Look at what I learned daddy." She reached up and took her mothers hands and stood up on shaky legs and smiled at him as her mother let go and she walked the three small steps over in front of him. Then grinned ear to ear, "See daddy, I can stand and walk now."

Erik's grin matched his daughters as he reached down and picked her up to hug her. "I'm so proud of you kitten. That's wonderful."

She grinned and hugged her father back and kissed his cheek. "Thank you daddy, my other mommy is proud too. She told me."

Then Erik smiled as he felt himself hugged by his other mate. Aileen grinned as she sensed it and heard Her say, "Isn't our daughter smart love?"

Katja also smiled as both sensed and heard it and she hugged their mate also.

Erik got tears in his eyes, "Yes, she most certainly is. How could she not be, with you two for mothers? I have the most wonderful family in the universe."

Erik grinned as he was kissed by the three of them, then suddenly, they were joined by his other children and a group hug ensued.

On Saturday, Erik and Katja went car shopping. Katja had called up Lucy and asked her if she and Jonny could look after the children for them. Lucy agreed wholeheartedly and once Jonny drove them over to the house, Erik and Katja went to the car dealer.

They got to the dealer and walked around a bit before a salesman joined them. "Good morning folks, what can we help you with?"

Erik smiled, "My wife here needs a car and she saw the ad you guys had." He handed him the printout of the one she had picked out.

The salesman smiled, "Certainly, we have a nice selection of that one, its quite popular." He walked them over to a row of the SUV's Katja had picked out. "Was that the color you wanted? Or we're you looking for another?"

Katja smiled at him and she took his breath away as she normally did when she smiled. "I think that one, but I wanted to see what it really looked like first.

The salesman smiled, "Good. Well, these here are the colors we have, and they're all about the same as to what they're equipped with. Why don't you take a look, and then we can take it out for a test drive?"

Erik and Katja nodded, and Erik took her hand and led her around telling her about some of the things they had as options. Katja was so excited to be doing this, she had never had a vehicle on home world of her own. She was young at the time and since she was making the trip, she so no reason to spend her funds on something she had to leave behind.

She finally decided on a very nice looking blue one. The one she had seen on the computer had been a grey color, but when she saw the blue one, she fell in love with it. Erik told her it was exactly the same as the one she found, just a different color.

Erik grinned at the salesman, "She wants this one."

The salesman smiled, "Certainly, I like that color myself. Most people tend to buy the silver, grey or white one, but I've always liked something that wasn't the same as everyone else's." He walked over and look at the paperwork on the side window and jotted down the number. "I'll be right back, just let me get the keys and a plate, then we can take it out."

It only took him a few minutes and attached the license plate to the rear of the vehicle and handed the key-fob to a smiling Katja. He almost groaned as he felt her hand as she took them. Her hand was so soft and warm, she had to be the most beautiful creature in the world. He explained to her all she had to do was have the key-fob on her, and she could operate it.

She opened the door and got in, then Erik joined her in the front as the salesman got into the back seat. Katja grinned as she pushed the button on the dashboard the salesman pointed out and the car started. The salesman explained a few more things to her, then told her to exit the lot and head up to right.

She put it in gear, and pulled out. As she drove, he told her a little more about it, explaining a few other things. She finally pulled back into the lot and he told her just to pull up in front of the showroom.

She parked and they all got out. Erik grinned and asked, "Well kitten? Do you want it?"

She grinned and hugged him, "Yes Erik, I love it. Thank you so much."

Erik grinned back and said to the salesman, "I guess we're buying it."

The salesman smiled, "Fantastic, let's go inside and take care of the paperwork."

Once at his desk, he offered them something to drink, then sat down and smiled. "Well then, now to the bad part of it." He told them the price, then mentioned they had some rebates and specials on that model, along with some decent deals on financing.

Erik smiled back, "I'm going to make this easy for you." He pulled out a blank bank check he had his friend send him. "We'll be paying in full, all I need to do is fill out the amount. Now, what's the best price you can do on it?"

The salesman smiled at that, things had been getting better since New Lyonn had opened, but it was still rare that someone offered to pay, what amounted to, cash for a car. "Let me talk to the manager and see what I can do for you."

Erik nodded, "Fine, take your time."

Once he left, Katja asked, "We don't have to pay the amount they were asking Erik?"

Erik shook his head no and grinned, "Most people have to finance a car, they're expensive. But like when we brought the house, you can sometimes get a cheaper price buying it like we are."

Katja nodded her understanding, "Buying some things here are different than on home-world. When can we get the car?"

Erik took her hand, "Today, well as soon as they do all the paperwork on it. Maybe take another hour or two."

She smiled at him, "That's wonderful, I thought we'd have to wait."

They talked a bit longer, then the salesman came back smiling and handed Erik a printout. Erik read it and nodded smiling; they had knocked of a good bit off the price. "Great, sold."

The salesman smiled. "Wonderful, just let me get some info and we can start the paperwork."

Erik nodded and handed him a printout with all their info on it. "When everything's done, if you could email me the info that would be great. I need to send it to my contact at our bank so he knows how much to take out of my account and who its going too. And I can send it to our insurance company also."

The salesman nodded, "Certainly Mr. and Mrs. Woodes, it would be a pleasure. Just let me tell our service department to give it the once over and quick wash. That way it's ready when we're done."

He called them up and told them, then filled out all the paperwork asking a couple questions as he did that wasn't on the list Erik gave him. An hour or so later, he smiled and handed the keys to Katja and the paperwork to Erik. "Well then, I guess we're all done."

They all stood and he shook their hands thanking them. Katja had a grin a mile wide as she held the keys to her first vehicle.

Erik took her free hand in his and they followed the salesman out to the car. He thanked them again and watched as they got in. Then he smiled as he saw her lean out the window and kiss her husband a long time before she started the car. She thanked the salesman one more time and waved as they pulled out with Erik following her.

They had decided to stop and have lunch before they went home and she talked about the car nonstop. Erik grinned to himself, he remembered the first time he brought a car, it sure wasn't new or as nice as this one was, but he had been just as excited,

They finally got home, and pulled into the driveway parking next to each other.

Erik walked over and opened the door for her. He smiled as she was looking over everything, "Looking for everything you missed kitten?"

Kata turned and smiled and got out throwing her arms around his neck, "I love you so much, thank you. I love it." Then she grinned, "Now I just need to figure out how everything works."