Katy's Body Pt. 18


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I was returned naked to the room for the defendants and my cuffs were removed. It would appear that we had some time before we would be taken for the sentences to be carried out. I hadn't been told but the other girls told me that we were to be taken elsewhere for the punishment. One of the jurors lived nearby and had his own BDSM playroom which would be used for the purpose.

We helped ourselves to drinks and resumed conversation. All three of us seemed to like each other. The blonde girl had managed to retrieve her phone from her Master and typed in our numbers. We agreed to meet for a drink or a coffee in more vanilla circumstances.

We also compared notes on our sentences. It seemed that the blonde girl (Claire) had come quite out of her trial quite lightly with an over the knee hand spanking and a forced orgasm. The dark-haired girl (Zara), like me faced much stiffer punishment. Overall the consensus seemed to be that my body would face the most cruel treatment but not by much in comparison to her. We all agreed that the trial had been, so far, a very sexy experience, one that we would hope to repeat some time.

Most of my female friends were wholly vanilla so it really was a pleasure to talk with like-minded submissives. It can be very difficult to explain, even to a close vanilla friend, how you can take pleasure from the humiliation, exposure and pain of your body. I have repeatedly suggested that friends take a look at the psychological research on BDSM which shows that consensual participation has benefits. It is hard to overcome prejudices. At best there may be a limited understanding that submission can be an effective way to overcome the excessive inhibitions that a strict upbringing like mine can bring. If you are attractive with a sexy body then there will always be men seeking sexual favours. For me it means that either you find a way to overcome the inhibitions or find ways to make yourself unattractive. Eating plenty of cake and chocolate should do the job but I feel that it would hardly help in achieving the goal of making sex more exciting. My instincts always tell me to show off my sexy body but my inhibitions tell met not to. In my internal struggles my instincts win every time but they need help to do so. An ultimately false sense of coercion does the job for me.

I had no need to explain any of this to both of my fellow "criminals". They understood exactly the psychology of submission. They had no need to rationalise their choices in the matter. I was keen to spend more time with them. We even agreed to think of ways in which we might contrive to find other situations where we could join with our Masters in some activity. Perhaps a slave swapping night might work?

It took a long time to for the courtroom to be tidied. Only then did our Masters return with some clothing to cover our naked bodies. All three of us fitted into my husband's car and we were driven off to the house. It only took about 15 minutes. When we arrived the house was not overlooked so the garments were removed and we were all ushered naked into the living room to await our fate. Yet again drinks and, this time, snacks were provided in the living room.

Since we were all naked we started to compare each other's bodies. Claire (the short blonde) said how much she liked the well-toned nature of my body and that she liked the full breasts and round bottom of Zara (the dark-haired one). She made no attempt to hide that she was bisexual. Neither Zara nor I had ever sexually experimented with another woman. Now clearly wasn't the time to do so.

Claire, apparently, was also a switch. That is, she liked to be submissive with men but dominant with other women. I find myself wondering what it might to be submissive to a woman. Certainly it wasn't a possibility that I would rule out.

Claire wondered if she might be allowed to watch either Zara or myself being punished. Both of us had no problem if she could get her Master to fix it. Claire herself would be the second one to be punished. It was thought more practical for her to watch my punishment as I would be last.

"Oh good! I think you have a lovely pussy and would love to watch it being punished," Claire said, as if she would like to be the one doing the punishing.

Well, the more people that could get some sexual satisfaction from the suffering of my body the better, I thought to myself. Although I knew that punishment was coming, my level of sexual arousal was dropping off. Sitting around drinking gin and tonics and chatting with other girls was simply not very erotic.

At last one of the jurors came to collect Zara. He fitted her body with a slave collar and a leash and a pair of wrist cuffs and she was taken to face her punishment. The knowledge that it would be my turn soon reawakened my sexual arousal. I found the feeling that the fate of my body was sealed to be very sexy. We were well past the point of no return. They would come and take my body to be cruelly punished by men that I didn't know. It felt so good, so very sexy to think that all I could do was to take my body's pain. I started to run my hands over my own naked flesh thinking of the red marks that would soon be there. Claire noticed me doing that and offered to help. I declined.

Claire and I stood with an ear to the door, trying to hear sounds of Zara's punishment but we could hear none. We discussed her fate. From what she had said I thought her to be similar to me - someone who could take and even enjoy both pain and humiliation. Claire agreed with my opinion and thought. She also expected my body to take it well and hoped that she would get to see it suffer.

Eventually another juror came to collect Claire. As before he fitted a slave collar, leash, and cuffed her hands behind her back. With no-one to talk to I thought I would have one or two more gin and tonics. A little more pain killer that also made me more brazen couldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps because of the alcohol I lost track of time. It seemed only a few minutes when the door opened and a different juror came in.

"Come here!" he ordered.

I stood up and started to walk to him. Inside I again had a very sexy sense of being powerless. This man was going to take my body to be punished in front of a group of sadists that I had never before met. The sense that matters were out of my hands and that my deserving body would take the consequences was so very sexy.

"Stop there!"

I stopped in mid step.

"The other two girls were sexy but your body is just incredible. I just want to look at it before it is covered with red marks. Come here now."

He cuffed my hands behind my back and fitted a slave collar.

"You should know that I had to fight hard to be one of those assigned to administer punishment to your body. All the others wanted a chance too. I will be dealing with the front of your body. Someone else will be caning your ass."

"Before I take you in, I would love to touch that sexy body. I want to feel it before I beat it!"

Thanks to the alcohol I was unnecessarily brazen.

"Of course, you may enjoy my body. Do what you like".

There was something a little creepy about the way he ran his hands over my body. I could tell he was thinking about the best way to beat my naked flesh. It was both off-putting and sexy at the same time. It turned me on that he would be publicly humiliating my body, perhaps more so that if he had been attractive and charming. It was never part of the plan that he would be allowed to fuck my body but the mere thought made me cringe inside.

"Can I ask a question?" I enquired.


"Will you be masturbating later over the thought of my humiliated and beaten body?"

"Oh yes, and not just tonight. In fact, we were discussing your body and I am sure I am not the only one will use the memory to fuel a very satisfying wank for some time."

On that note he attached the leash and hauled me out of the room. I wasn't paying too much attention until he opened the door to a room. For a BDSM playroom it was surprisingly large room, sufficient to have plenty of chairs, every single one occupied. From the expectant murmur it sounded if my body was to provide the main entertainment. As I passed my husband he made his usual remark:

"So proud of you."

I also noticed Claire in the audience. She was covered so I was unable to check her red marks.

"Over here please," said the juror.

Then, in a tone of voice that reminded me of my dentist:

"I am just going to fasten your arms up here so that they are out of the way."

From the nearby table he picked up a nipple chain. He held it up for all to see. At each end was a wire loop. He slipped a loop over each nipple. He watched my face carefully as he tightened the first loop. As soon as I was visibly wincing from the pain he pulled it tighter still. He then did the same to the other.

The sadist had made sure that my nipples would be in pain for the duration. I was sure from the looks on faces that the sight was widely enjoyed. So far, so good as far as I was concerned. The alcohol and the endorphins meant that my body felt the pain but with less intensity.

I knew that the real action was about to begin. He picked up a wide, heavy belt in black leather. He held up the belt for all to see and then waited.

"Are you ready to receive your punishment?"

I could think of many things to have said but decided to just nod meekly. The first blow struck. A hard thwack to my thighs, a pause and then the second. Both blows stung and I could see that he was using some force. The pain was enough for my body to produce an involuntary squirm each time but I was, perhaps, too much under the influence of alcohol to feel it much. This was fine by me; I could enjoy the sights and sounds of my body's beating without having to struggle to get my body to take the pain. There were a few more blows to my thighs and then he moved on to the area across my hips. He seemed to particularly like beating that area.

By now I was starting to play to the audience in my usual way, by exaggerating the squirm with a sexy wiggle. I wanted them all to think that it was hurting me more than it did. In short, I wanted them to find the cruelty applied to my body to be as sexy as possible. At the back of my mind was being the inspiration for a local outbreak of masturbation. My arousal increased still further at the thought.

He moved up to the rest of my abdomen with much the same consequences. My mind was a little fuddled and I had lost count of the number of strokes. I was clear that he would finish by beating my breasts and I wondered how many I had left to take. In the end I think he had been carried away with attacking my abdomen, which he seemed to have a fixation for, and there were only three strokes left for my breasts. Each of those had an initial effect that was intense. There was no need for me to exaggerate the squirming of my body and with each I involuntarily produced a loud sucking-in of air.

Overall I actually enjoyed much of it. As you probably know I love performing for an audience. I find it very sexy to think that my body is turning on a group of people. The humiliation and the pain inflicted were at the core of my own desires too. But it was far from over. I was fairly certain that this individual would not go easy with the whipping of my pussy and following that my ass would face one of the "toys" that I most feared - the cane. I was grateful for the large intake of gin.

"Open your legs wider," was the instruction.

I did as ordered and steeled myself for the coming assault.

The first strike of the belt to my pussy was a little mis-placed and, in consequence, made a weak contact with my body. I thought it best to act up the pain with a n unnecessary squirm and a sucking-in of air, also unnecessary. The next was right on target and, on such a sensitive area, sent an initial shock of pain. My body convulsed involuntarily and produce a much large sucking in of breath. As expected the intense pain was short-lived. Taking the other strokes was nowhere near as bad as I had feared. With each stroke there was an involuntary response by my body but I did need to exaggerate to achieve a sexy effect. Sadists like to watch a sexy body squirming. I usually find a pussy beating difficult but within my ability to tolerate. This time it was easier. Perhaps the combination of alcohol and endorphins did the job. It was obvious from a quick look at faces that the assembled sadists had hugely enjoyed the show. It is very sexy to be able to turn on a whole room .

I was removed from the wrist cuffs, walked proudly naked past the seated observers to allow them all a view. The leash was removed and I was told to stand facing the wall. I was left for some time, I presume to build up the tension for me and for the observers to anticipate the coming punishment to my ass.

I had expected someone to bring a bench or a chair for me to bend over but none was forthcoming. I was instructed to bend over. I did so, placing my hands on my knees to support the position. I could hear the swish of the first blow and the thwack of the cane on my nude flesh. Within a split second came the stinging pain. My wholly instinctive reaction was to stand, wiggle my ass by shifting my weight from one foot to another, whilst rubbing it with my hand. I now understood the reason for a "freestyle" caning - the observers were rewarded with a much better performance in terms of the involuntary movement of my body.

I resumed my position for the next stroke. Again, essentially the same performance. Although I found the cane harder to take that many forms of punishment it was still true that the initial sting would pass. Fortunately, the instinctive show of pain - standing up, wriggling and rubbing my ass - not only provided entertainment but gave me time to let the initial sting pass.

By the time we had reached stroke 12 it was becoming harder for me to force my body to take more. The reaction was becoming longer as the accumulated soreness increased. I was wriggling and rubbing for longer. No-one else seemed to mind. As my husband told me later they were finding the performance very erotic. Finally it was over. I took a little time to regain composure and removed the nipple chain myself. There was a mirror nearby so I quickly checked on the impressive set of marks on my rear

I saw my husband approaching but before he reached me Claire appeared,

"That was so, so sexy. I really enjoyed seeing you body punished, May I feel your red marks?"

"Of course."

I stood there allowing Claire to run her hands over my beaten flesh. I was surprised to find it slightly arousing. Perhaps I did have some bi-sexual instincts. Maybe a session with Claire as my Mistress might be a possibility.

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ThomasLordThomasLordover 1 year ago

Another great story in the series. I hadn’t heard of the “kangaroo court” fantasy so this was enlightening. It generated a fantasy of real punishment for real infractions. With a masochist, pain isn’t much of a punishment since the pain is pleasure. For a slave like Katy, I would think being locked in a chastity belt for a few days would be real punishment.

Great story regardless. 5 *’s

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Liked the story, and I love to see a sexy model illustrating the text. If you would like a little constructive criticism, I suggest both your posing of the model and your writing would benefit from an editor with a different approach. It’s probably not even the same editor for text and photos. This sounds mean, but both are a little pedestrian; they lack excitement and dynamism. Your model is stunning, but the poses are almost sterile, and you need a photographer to help you get more movement and less fixed posing. The writing suffers similarly: it reads too much like a narration, and erotica needs excitement, particularly when there’s a BDSM theme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First class.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

C'mon man, wake up and put some effort into it.

dommasterjimdommasterjimover 1 year ago

Excellent review,,5*

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